Pocket Outlook: customizing the download last "x days" option - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi everyone,
I've been lookin over the internet and in this forum for this trick, hope someone can answer.
I'm this kind of guy who has more than 3000 emails in my Yahoo inbox (always been lasy to create folders and sort...) and I'm using Pocket Outlook to refresh some of them.
Actually, I would like to get on my phone not all messages (3000...will take to much space) but at least the last 3 months ones.
Unfortunately, when setting up the email, the only options I can get are:
"download messages...
- today
- from the past x days" where x = 3, 5, 7 or 30
- all messages"
I don't want to download all, but downloading the last 30 days is not enough.
I've try to check anything into the registry without success.
Is it a way to customize the number of days?
Thanks !

regarding to (see section EmailAgeFilter) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa455976.aspx this are all Options you have.
I don't think it's configureable to some custom values.
best regards

Thanks for this piece of answer.
Strange that this kind of this is completely fixed and cannot be changed at all, even in registry.
Anyway, I will try to sort my emails...........


Send Contacts using SMS's

Dear All,
i have tired from searching for an application to enable me send a contact details using SMS. after a long search i found a similar application called RJV SendContact (http://www.airfagev.com/forum_view.asp?msg_id=52421) , but it is for smart phones. do anyone know a similar application that can work with our PPC Wizard devices.
Can't help, but i would like one too.
Yet another big shortfall with WM5. I mean, FFS, Vcard's have been a standard feature in mobiles for years.
Hi there.
Try looking/searching for Sunnysoft Vcard. Google it and you will know that it is what you guys are looking for.
i got the program from sunnysoft.com, but it is a trial for 14 days, do anybody knows a free program to do this....
Re: Tahnks
gwassef said:
i got the program from sunnysoft.com, but it is a trial for 14 days, do anybody knows a free program to do this....
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Try Vazu.
I used it back about two years ago when they first offered it as a free beta. I used it for a year and then they tried to start charging for it. But I see now that they are once again offering the service free of charge, except for international SMS messages.
BTW, I have no connection of any kind with them, except that I used it for a while.
Good luck.
this is for sending sms for the us, but not Vcards from your device.
I don't know if it's just US or not, but you can upload your contacts (read: vCards) to their site and they will then be sent to your phone via SMS.
That info may be beyond the main page - read through the site and you'll see what I'm talking about. I used it about two years ago when they first established the site to send about 200 Outlook contacts from my PC to a Motorola T720 (Ugh 0 what a dog that phone was!)
OK - I copied the link directly to the page that explains how to import contacts from Outlook, Outlook Express, Apple Mail, or Ximian Evolution (Whatever that is) for transmission directly to your cell phone:
Many Thanks
Many Thanks for your effort, it can be a replacement
I use this small program. it adds "Sens as Vcard"to the contactsmenu, when you hold your stylus on a contact.
And it recognises Vcards when you recieve them.
I don't know where I found this so I attach it to this post, I hope this is not Illegal. Otherwise Google for vCardforminiS.cab
good luck
Great App, but i google for it i did not find anything concerning this app, anyway , thanks alot
I could not find it with google eather, sorry for the wrong tip
o2 sms has this feature
The O2 SMSprogram has this feature. Someone on this forum posted the version that can be installed on the Wizard. I tried it once but found it a bit slow. Then again I was running the original Cingular Rom which sucked big time. Search for the thread and try it out. The only drawback is that the application does not eliminate the messages from also showing up in the default WM5 messaging application.
I tried installing it in my phone. It says Installation unsuccessful. Am I doing anything wrong ?

Password saver + sms notify + sms delivery notify

hi everybody. i've a few questions about my tytn (in perfect working order since i bought it 20 days ago):
1. where are saved the password filled in internet explorer?
2. i don't know why when i receive an sms, the device doesn't show it on the bottom of the diplay anymore. as default, it shown the sms preview, now it doesn't work...
3. tonight the sms delivery request has turned on by itself, without touch anything... why?
thanks for any answers
any answer, please?
1. In registry at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passwords
Note that it keeps them per "realm", meaning, if you have different servers with different login/passwords pairs, but the servers have the name area names, it will try to use one and the same password. Sometimes good, but in general I'd call it a bug.
do you know also where the pre-formed phrases found in the "object" field creating a new calendar appointment are stored? I'd like to add the very useful personal appointments, like my martial arts lessons or other stuff

change Birthday reminder time

i have all Birthdays from my contacts entered about Outlook in my device. The standart reminder is adjusted to 1 week. Now the alarm starts always at midnight and i want change that to another time.
Can someone help me? I think it is a registry key or so.
Thx a lot, i have searched with google on german sites and always here in the forum but i find no answer.
It's annoying - I would like that changed too.
i have searched in the registry but without an positiv hit. With Memmaid i can see all entries for birthdays, but where find i the database for this entries?
I'm wondering if there is no way to change the reminder time or just a work around.
Any help would be great!
If somone knows how to change, I'm happy to.
i dont remember how, but i turned it off completely. i would like it back on, and to change the time. it used to make me angry when it would go off at midnight.
You could set the reminder time to 7.5 days so that it goes off at 12 noon rather than midnight...

SMS/Emails (Where are the icon indications)

Hi all, did a quick search to find nothing related to the below:
I am having hard time knowing which SMS I have replied, or which email I have forwarded.
The icon in the inbox never changes, only an unread messages becomes read but no indication if it has been replied or forwarded.
If anyone could advice or point me to the right direction please, many thanks.
Did you try HD Tweak?
I think you can set what you want using this app.
SMS / Email Icon.
Hi GoldCoin, I have checked HD Tweak and found that you can get sent notifications although this is not necessary.
What I meant was, when you reply to a SMS the icon in the inbox should change. An example, you can go to your hotmail account and reply to an e-mail or forward and you will notice the envelope gets marked that it has been replied/forwarded too.
I have attached an example of the icons.
I hear you...
I'm looking for the same feature.
I recently changed from 6.1 to 6.5 on my diamond, don't remember the name of that rom. But i actually had the feature.
However i've now changed to a different 6.5 (lower mem. usage), and it doesn't have the feature, i'd be very happy to hear from anyone who knows the solution. Will keep investigating myself though
Ironic, it's a business phone and they forgot the icons. Work around, I have added 2 additional folder in my email inbox: Replied and Review. Once I have replied an e-mail I move the message to Replied folder, that way I can track which ones I have left to reply. Other e-mails that need reviewing goes into the Review folder which I usually access through the PC due to it either being a large excel/presentation or just a forwarded email.
Hmm, you're right.
I could have sworn that my original stock ROM had those little icons. I think it was the same envelope icon with a little green arrow on it.
I'm now using Dutty's 3.7 XT ROM and all the icons (in the windows sms application) are the same.
Does anyone else also remember that icon I described, or am I just imagening things?
One thing I do notice is in the SMS/MMS inbox.
If you have it set up to "threaded view", then in the list of messages in the inbox, it will show a short preview of the last message in the thread. If you wrote the last message, then the preview starts with "Me:". That's a quick way to know if you responded to a given text message.
However, the problem still remains when using emails.
I hope someone can figure this one out.
I had the feature in a ROM cooked by someone from xda-dev, don't remember which one though, I still have the ROM somewhere on my computer, and I'm trying to locate it and figure out who to ask about it.
mirager said:
I had the feature in a ROM cooked by someone from xda-dev, don't remember which one though, I still have the ROM somewhere on my computer, and I'm trying to locate it and figure out who to ask about it.
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I posted a question about it in Dutty's 3.7 ROM thread, but I haven't had any responses.
Well, i found out that the rom I was using, was one of Lobsterdave's...
However i also found out, that on my current rom (6.5) if I: open the inbox, press a message to open it, and use the reply soft-key, it will actually work.
A bit teedious, but the only way for now.
I asked in the thread of the rom, and wasn't really supplied with anything useable. Just a suggestion to cook my own rom...
I'm actually going to give a try. Until then I gotta admit... I'm starting to loose hope.
I think maybe the rhodium manilla, is able to flag messages, without opening inbox and so on. But that's not an option for me, as I'm running the old TF3D.

Search appointments issue

Hi everybody. I have a strange issue with the search function and exactly with searching appointments through calendar. When I start a search and I type the description of the appointment, the result arrives only 2 month ahead. For example : if now I look for a repeating appointment , the result of it arrives only until 6 th of march but I'd like that it shows me April and so on too. If I go into calendar and take a look month by month and I redo the search, It shows me the appointment I was looking for. Why????? Every time I need an appoitment more than 2 month ahead I need to scroll all the calendar and then It gives me the desired result. I tried to explain the best way I can in english. i hope someone can help me
Thanks a lot

