Anyone else getting an issue where the Market is running insanely slow? This is happening to me repeatedly and I have no idea why. Used Paul's image to upgrade after a factory wipe and cache wipe.
That was the way it was for me immediately after upgrading last evening. This morning it's extremely responsive, faster than I remember. Give it 12-24 hours and see if it improves.
Actually it's working fine now. That's freaking bizarre.
Anyone else experiencing random reboots since gingerbread. Before i had none! Any suggestions to overcomme this. I updated via zip and did a factory reset.
Battery life is awesome however!
On the contrary, I haven't seen a random reboot since gingerbread - used to occasionally get them before the update.
Agree, battery life is better though!
You might have got a corrupt download during update process. Im good on the update. Its been great.
Sent from my Moto Pro using XDA App
I had reboot issues before GB (bGB). However I haven't had a single random reboot after GB (aGB). In fact phone responsiveness and battery life aGB have been what I had been expecting from this phone since I've gotten it. Other than a few root applications, which i will wait for GB root process, there is no reason I can see to regress to a bGB state.
First, a bit of background. My wife won't let me root her Epic, mostly because she's had to return it 3 times for hardware failures and it's annoying to have to wipe the phone each time.
I told her to hold off on downloading the OTA update to Gingerbread, to make sure there aren't any crippling bugs that show themselves after the masses get a hold of it.
Is there any reason that she should stay away from the OTA update?
None go ahead and update
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
I'm not rooted, updated to GB, but I'm getting random reboots and freeze ups (had to pull battery each time). Other than that it's good to go. Battery lasts longer, but WI-FI range decreased.
If she won't let you root it and put on a GOOD ROM then the next best thing is the OTA so go ahead. It is easier to root on froyo and then flash a GB ROM though. I know a few "stockies" and they love it. No issues with their phones at all.
Before I rooted, EI22 was fast and stable. But I was getting problems keeping the GPS connected and WIFI was not as stable as in froyo. The only other problem I noticed is not being able to change the volume while the phone is next to my ear. Rooting and installing ACS ICS solved most of these
Don't wipe you're phone after the
Update, it will break wifi.
Sent from my Epic 4G using Tapatalk
Ha-ha. My wife is the same with her epic.
Upgrade to gingerbread. It's much better even in stock form.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I'm on stock GB, lets see ..
1. weak GPS (i've never had gps issues before)
2. keyboard lag on physical keyboard
3. screen likes to come on during calls and then my cheek hangs up on people (lots of fun)
4. screen loses responsiveness randomly
at this point i'm ready to drop kick the phone out a 5 story window. so my personal recommendation is if you aren't going to use a rom, stick with froyo. also word just came out that there is a already a new 2.3.6 version of GB coming for the epic. Hopefully this update will fix some of these issues.
wife did OTA upgrade to gingerbread without my approval.
My wife has the original Epic and did the OTA upgrade herself, but has been complaining that battery life is far worst. It's been about 2 weeks maybe.
So I did a factory reset and so far so good. However, it's only been a few hours since I wiped it so only time will tell. I'm told wifi is buggy now from reading other posts, and will report back on that aspect.
If the battery life still suck, I'm going to be forced to root this damn thing and flash it with a battery saving rom.
Any suggestions? I'm new to the OG Epic when it comes to modding.... I'm on a rooted EpicTouch via Starburst.
going to start looking for a stable rom.....
Thanks everyone. I kinda figured that there would be some common issues with gingerbread that they'll need to release a maintenance update for in a couple weeks.
I've been running CleanGB on mine and it's been awesome.
oh yeah i forgot to mention weak wifi. i can be 10 feet from the router and get 1 bar on wifi.
I used the flash update for GB that was posted here a while back and I can't say I've noticed any considerable improvements or diminution in quality apart from the GPS which appears worse than before. Battery life may be a bit better than it was under Froyo but there's no real incentive to upgrade from Froyo as far as I can tell.
A friend who installed via the OTA has been dealing with very poor battery life ever since - he says that Android System usage is up over 64% and is awake time is considerably longer than the time is screen is on for whatever reason. He told me he normally leaves GPS on all the time but the usage shows very minimal resources going to GPS. also, he never turns on WiFi and he's in a very strong signal area.
Wifi is fine here. Solid connection from a story away. If. I'm in the same room I get full bars and 65mbps link.
Also zero reboots on two household epics since the update.
But dude, you've got to put on a kernel to fix the keyboard. My wife thought I was a god when I did that for her on froyo, there was no question it had to be done again in gb. She sends hundreds of texts a week (over 2k texts in a month not uncommon) and the keyfix saves what must add up to hours a month in retyping.
Running swupdate or odin takes 5 minutes, tops 10...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I just got the message that I could install Gingerbread, but then it failed. Not sure why but Clockwork broke it.
So my question is, does GB fix the bluetooth problem involving wiimotes?
If she won't let you root it, then go ahead an OTA, if she has issues *let's hope so* then you'll be able to root and fix her issues.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have the same issue. My wife has an Epic and she doesn't want me to change from stock. We just did the OTA GB update about a month ago and it broke a WHOLE bunch of stuff.
1) Random mic feedback/squealing.
2) 3G turns off unexpectedly, so when 4G isn't available we get no data service.
3) Gmail contact sync broke, getting google.apps. error message.
About to throw this thing off the roof. Maybe I'll convince her to let me go to Cyanogen 7.
I think most had all these issues because ota updates imo are a horrible and unreliable way to update. Especially updating over existing data from a previous build of android. Yea it sucks starting over, but... when you do it wipes everything clean and I rarely hear of people have those issues when it's done that way. I had issues myself at one point. Did a fresh odin install, formatted data, updated, formatted data again, then reinstalled everything fresh and haven't had any issues since. Like no issues at all.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I updated from Stock EC05 (Froyo) to stock EI22 (GB) as soon as the google download was available. That should be the same as OTA. I was in a rush b/c I tought the stability of GPS and bluetooth was bad on Froyo. I was wrong. The GPS was completely unusable after the update--GPS apps usually froze within 5min (GPS Status & CardioTrainer) and required multiple reboots to fix. Just a mess.
I was planning to do a factory reset and a clean install, but then I stumbled across GPS_fix for EI22. So I flashed the GPS_fix and it was stable after that.
After investing the time with time making sure I understood the process and how to back up and restore everything that was important to me. It is pretty painless.
Initially I did not consider rooting b/c that would preclude software support by Sprint. Well the couple times I went to the store for that, I was not impressed. If I know zero, I they know less than zero. So that is worthless. So why suffer for $100/mo when I don't need to. And Sprint still gets $100/mo, a Win-Win.
CWM5/CleanGB 1.0
Root it and throw CleanGB 1.0 on it in the middle of the night after backing up everything so she doesn't know you did anything to it. After she says how nice the new "Update from Sprint" is, then tell her you rooted it.
Problem solved!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I have been having nothing but issues since update. Battery is super bad. I used to completely charge about 2times a week. Now I have too almost every night. I also used to leave tablet on overnight, now if it is left in the sleep state for over 2hours it turns completely off automatically. I can't type fast, its not as swift as it once was. This I all I've noticed so far. Let me know what everyone else is experiencing.
Running stock ICS
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Maybe wipe cache or redownload the update file. Think most will say reset and see if it
My phone is experiencing major overbearing to the point where it's almost untouchable. Up to 75° celsius in the cpu-z. As you can see in the battery screenshot, the battery drain is huge as well. The device has an unlocked bootloader but I haven't rooted it, changed roms, kernels or anything like that since lollipop came out. The device is shy of two years old and it's always worked fine.
It used to get hot on heavy usage just like other phones but now it's getting a little out of hand.
I've checked app usage but it's nothing special and I didn't find any broken apps.
Is anybody else experiencing those temperatures and is there a way to check processor usage in more detail? Maybe with a ADB or an app.
Just got up to 94°
Happening to me, too, on Nexus 5 5.1.1 all stock, no root.
Maybe a factory reset or reflashing factory images will help? I have no idea if it will, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Recently started overheating
My Nexus 4 started over heating on Friday for no apparent reason and is drained in a few hours, been fine for 2 years and can usually get 18-20hrs after a continuous overnight charge.
Something is using the CPU but nothing untoward when reviewing Battery usage or Apps usage.
How do you log a problem with Google as I suspect it's a problem post 5.1.1
I've had to do a factory reset but is all good now. Not happy I had to factory reset but at least it's working now.
I have the same issue. 5.1.1 stock, no root. Did the FR twice and still the same. Very few apps installed. Does anybody use the tewaked MiFit App? It's the only non Play Store App, I use.... ?
Most probably a hardware defect. Google exchanged my device and now everything is fine again..
After updating to 7.0 August 1st Security Patch, my Moto G5+ (4GB/64GB, USA, Unlocked on Verizon), has experienced heat and extreme battery drain issues. Before the update, my phone usually lasted the entire day, and had only died a couple of times on me. Every day since updating my phone has died after only a few hours of normal usage (light web browsing and Snapchat, no games, streaming, etc). After going from full charge to 0%, I only got 82 minutes of SOT compared to the usual ~180 minutes of SOT.
Has anyone else experienced this issue/have a fix for it?
Yep. Same here and searching around the web we're not alone. Motorola broke something but so far I haven't found a solution. Some folks have had temporary luck draining the battery, charging to 100% using the OEM fast charger and then leaving it on the charger for another hour or two. But this seems to only be temporary - a reboot, or in some cases just charging again, brings the fast drain back again. So far no one has gotten an acceptable answer from Motorola (Surprise!). A couple of folks still under warranty were told to send it in for a refurb replacement. Moto definitely made a mess this time and so far they're not acknowledging it.
nvrpayretail said:
Yep. Same here and searching around the web we're not alone. Motorola broke something but so far I haven't found a solution. Some folks have had temporary luck draining the battery, charging to 100% using the OEM fast charger and then leaving it on the charger for another hour or two. But this seems to only be temporary - a reboot, or in some cases just charging again, brings the fast drain back again. So far no one has gotten an acceptable answer from Motorola (Surprise!). A couple of folks still under warranty were told to send it in for a refurb replacement. Moto definitely made a mess this time and so far they're not acknowledging it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for the response.
Wipe your cache partition...
acejavelin said:
Wipe your cache partition...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wiping cache partition didn't fix it for me. I am still having the same issues since updating to August 2008 update.
netpoi said:
Wiping cache partition didn't fix it for me. I am still having the same issues since updating to August 2008 update.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Then factory reset or wait for Oreo...
Yes I am having the same issues. It seems that the problem is all the services/apps are getting restarted continuously. I haven't tried clearing cache yet, but will try now. To see if that helps.
UPDATE: I tried clearing cache, but the same issues remain.
I had the same issue. A factory reset worked for me.
So strangely, about 10 hours after I did a cache clear, and left phone running everything is back to normal now.
The phone did use a lot of battery and was a bit warm after the update but it might have been because it downloaded the backup from Google. I did a cache clear per acejavelin suggestion anyway. I don't seem to have the problem.