Update Problems Since OTA ICS Update - Acer Iconia A500

I have been having nothing but issues since update. Battery is super bad. I used to completely charge about 2times a week. Now I have too almost every night. I also used to leave tablet on overnight, now if it is left in the sleep state for over 2hours it turns completely off automatically. I can't type fast, its not as swift as it once was. This I all I've noticed so far. Let me know what everyone else is experiencing.
Running stock ICS
Sent from my A500 using xda premium

Maybe wipe cache or redownload the update file. Think most will say reset and see if it


Random Reboot in 2.3.3, not in a call.

I have a non-rooted stock NS on 2.3.3 and the phone was just sitting on my desk doing nothing when I felt it vibrate. I picked it up to check for a text or email, but the phone was instead rebooting.
Has this happened to anyone else on this build? I have had the phone reboot while in call before, but never just sitting there in standby.
This happens to me in 2.3.2. I will have the phone just sitting there and it will randomly just be rebooting. Its not frequently enough to bother me yet but it happens on and off.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
same here on 2.3.2.... thats why I wanted 2.3.3. Ill wait patiently for the nightlies to include it.
happened to me many many times on 2.3.2, but not 2.3.3. knock on wood
Happened to me...2 times already...never on 2.3.2...im rooted though
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
This happened to me like 2x a day with 2.3.2.
Hasnt happened once yet with 2.3.3.
I never got reboots in-call, though I did get them a couple times when I overloaded the phone's RAM.
Mine just rebooted in 2.3.3. I'm also getting "Can't connect to camera" anytime I use the Amazon barcode app which worked perfectly in 2.3.2.
Haven't tried the new update yet
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I never had the in call rebooting, just overloading reboots on my nexus s. I have yet to have one since the update, but it has only been a little over 24 hours. Then again this has been happening to me since updating my nexus one be it stock, rooted, or CM6 FRF91 and FRG83D or any form of gingerbread I've used on it. The only thing I can say it it started in froyo for me.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
on the new update havent had any issues.
I had the random reboot in 2.3. 2 and thought the update had fixed it.
Unfortunately it did not - i noticed the phone rebooting yesterday.
The camera has crashed twice so far, requiring a battery pull.
I am stock, non-rooted.
I also get random failed downloads and failed market updates.
Starting to get frustrating.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
MacGuy2006 said:
I had the random reboot in 2.3. 2 and thought the update had fixed it.
Unfortunately it did not - i noticed the phone rebooting yesterday.
The camera has crashed twice so far, requiring a battery pull.
I am stock, non-rooted.
I also get random failed downloads and failed market updates.
Starting to get frustrating.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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With all the problems you stated, it is obvious that ur rom is corrupt. I suggest you to back up all your settings, wipe everything and then reinstall a rom .
He's not rooted dude. Btw I get a reboot on every call. On cm nightly, no matter what I try/flash
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
I just had reboot one time with 2.3.3 but I was running all processes 72 hours, without stopping and it suffered a lot !!!
deeren said:
With all the problems you stated, it is obvious that ur rom is corrupt. I suggest you to back up all your settings, wipe everything and then reinstall a rom .
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It happens to 2 Nexus S, both stock, not even rooted. One barely has additional apps, too.
I think a lot of people don't notice the reboot, because it is silent, so if you are not looking at your phone exactly at the particular time it reboots, you wouldn't know it.
The inability to dial at times is much more annoying, IMO: you punch in a number, the phone tries to dial, then hangs up. At the same time, there are 3-4 signal bars. When it happens, it normally takes several tries to get it to work.
The crashing camera also doesn't happen every time, but it is definitely a new bug in 2.3.3.
Just had my first random reboot on 2.3.3 while phone was sat on my keyboard while at my PC.
Rooted detoxed Rom stock
My 2.3.3 phone went into the weird "Dim Screen Reboot Screen" reboot at some point during the night last night. I was late for work because the alarm clock didn't go off (I know, I know...don't depend on a cell phone alarm clock)
I'm about done with this phone. And Android. Anyone wanna buy my NS? Dead serious.
fchipm said:
My 2.3.3 phone went into the weird "Dim Screen Reboot Screen" reboot at some point during the night last night. I was late for work because the alarm clock didn't go off (I know, I know...don't depend on a cell phone alarm clock)
I'm about done with this phone. And Android. Anyone wanna buy my NS? Dead serious.
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This dim reboot screen thing used to happen quite a bit on my g2 in its early days, got it launch day. OTA fixed it.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
fchipm said:
My 2.3.3 phone went into the weird "Dim Screen Reboot Screen" reboot at some point during the night last night. I was late for work because the alarm clock didn't go off (I know, I know...don't depend on a cell phone alarm clock)
I'm about done with this phone. And Android. Anyone wanna buy my NS? Dead serious.
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I am still hopeful, but I am losing some patience with Android.
The platform seems to be all about selling the newest hardware, but the user experience is definitely below that of the iPhone. I keep hoping that the next Android OS upgrade will close the gap, but....
The iPhone 5 will have 4" screen, with Apple's better screen aspect ratio. If it only did Flash....
Anyway, the Nexus S is really the best user experience Android has to offer, and it's overall fine. Except when it acts like WM6.

[Request] Fix for deep sleep problem

I have started having a problem with my Thrive not waking up. I have the 16gb version uprooted. Here lately it will not wake up after it has slept for even a few minutes. I have to restart it before I am able to use it again.
Sent from my AT100 using XDA Premium App
A very well documented issue..
I actually just found this so hopefully this will take care of the problem.
When you say 'uprooted' do you mean non rooted? I didn't have the systm update and after I rooted mine, never really had it. You can try to hve a background application running, like the music player, but paused. Though there is supposed to be an update to fix it soon.
firemedic624 said:
I actually just found this so hopefully this will take care of the problem.
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Lets hope so!
Be patient. Toshiba has done a lot in working to resolve this issue. They asked owners, including myself, to exchange their Thrive directly with the engineering department so Toshiba could look at examples with the issue.
Based on my conversations with the Toshiba engineer, I fully expect the fix to be released within 2 weeks if not sooner.
That's great. It is an exquisite tablet. I am glad they are working so hard to fix this problem.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Me? Patient?? Lol.
I have no choice but to wait, but I assure you, it won't be cause I'm patient.
Sent from my Bad Azz Toshiba Thrive!
Yeah I have this deep sleep problem, but also my thrive will read sixty percent battery life, and then immediately go down to five percent, then turn off in a few minutes. Huge glitch that I don't know if it's a hardware malfunction or software.
Just downloaded the new update, we will see if it fixes the sleep problem.
Sent from my AT100 using XDA Premium App
So far so good. I normally would have had 2 or more deep sleep problems by now. Since the update my Thrive has waking up perfectly. Great job Toshiba!!!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I had no SOD before Update and I have no one after the update.
Thrive works perfect! Go on Toshiba!!!!
Still SOD
I just downloaded the latest update today and I still have the SOD issue . I am generally a patient person when it comes to fixes on brand new devices, but after two updates I had really hoped that the problem would be solved. I am still looking around to see if there is some sort of temporary fix while they develop a more permanent solution.
I also still have the issue. In addition, I now have more random reboots (had them rarely before), laggy keyboard (was fine before), very long boot-up process, and terrible battery life.
I did a factory reset after the update, because the update put my Thrive in virtually unusable condition. I lost 4% on my battery just typing a 3 sentence reply in a forum!! I actually hoped a factory reset would roll back the update, but no such luck. It did improve battery life, although it's definitely worse than it was pre-update. And it seems to have improved the keyboard lag, as well. The boot-up is still much, much longer than it was before and the SOD and random reboots continue.
Mine is working awesome no sod no random resets seems to be fine.
From a thrive unrooted
I'm still having the SoD. Bummer.

Solution to all ICS issues

When I upgrade to ICS, my tablet exhibited all issues everyone was complaining about.
1) Battery drain. - the culprit of this issue is GPS. The GPS was preventing tablet from going into deep sleep. I have disabled GPS but kept Google location service enabled and that fixed the deep sleep issue. Also there were some incomparable software which prevented deep sleep. XDA app was one of them.
2) Random reboots, shutdowns, and lag. - the culprit of these issues is software incompatible. All you have to do is perform full wipe and cold boot using recovery by pressing and holding power and volume down buttons. After reset, all issues are gone.
To troubleshoot use next tools.
1) CPUSpy - it will show of tablet goes into deep sleep.
2)Battery settings in the rom's system setting is helpful to see if the phone sleeps but will not show if it deep sleep.
3) BetterBatteryStates is very useful to see which process keeps tablet awake.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
If it were that easy Asus wouldn't be working on a fix to push out to us. They have already confirmed there are issues.
My tablet didn't exhibit any of the reboot issues up until a few days ago. Which means even though your "solution " has seemed to help so far it could end up happening again later on
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I have been running for 1d and 20 hours using tablet and still have 60% left. No reboots no lag runs smooth. Also there is an issue with GPS which keeps tablet from going into deep sleep and that is what Asus is working on. If you disable GPS and remove xda app that will solve your battery issue. Also xda might have fixed their app since then. Full wipe will fix other issues.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
I understand and believe you. I'm saying that the amount of time you have without any issues is not long enough to be 100% certain all issues are gone.
That is why I stated that's I had NONE of the issues for a couple weeks then out of nowhere they started.
Tho I hope your solution works in the long run and helps others as well
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I am just sharing my findings. I think GPS is the biggest contributed. Just disable it and see how the tablet runs.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
If a full wipe was the solution, then you will not find so many threads about the reboot or other issues.
it is just pure luck, some did all the steps of full wipe, full reset, go to stock HC then stock ICS, in all ways some keep getting issues and some do not have any.....
and as it has been already mentioned above, the issues have been confirmed by asus and they are already working on a solution.
mveksler said:
When I upgrade to ICS, my tablet exhibited all issues everyone was complaining about.
1) Battery drain. - the culprit of this issue is GPS. The GPS was preventing tablet from going into deep sleep. I have disabled GPS but kept Google location service enabled and that fixed the deep sleep issue. Also there were some incomparable software which prevented deep sleep. XDA app was one of them.
2) Random reboots, shutdowns, and lag. - the culprit of these issues is software incompatible. All you have to do is perform full wipe and cold boot using recovery by pressing and holding power and volume down buttons. After reset, all issues are gone.
To troubleshoot use next tools.
1) CPUSpy - it will show of tablet goes into deep sleep.
2)Battery settings in the rom's system setting is helpful to see if the phone sleeps but will not show if it deep sleep.
3) BetterBatteryStates is very useful to see which process keeps tablet awake.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
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My experience: I've done a full wipe, installed few apps from scratch (no restore), disabled GPS and installed autoairplane app. Everything seemed ok, two days and one night in deep sleep with 8% of battery drain per day. The following morning the tablet was switched off with 0% of battery
Great that you have resolved the issues for your TF101 and thanks for sharing the steps you took you to get that far.
It's only a limited set of devices though (1) and a limited amount of time.
I still believe most TF101 ICS issues are related to drivers. Just like it was initially with the first Asus HC release. Updates will improve stability.
the culprit of these issues is software incompatible.
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I agree, this is just a poor choice of words..and with the title of the thread, you are really just ginning up controversy here now as a thread of this nature has already been closed because of someone insisting that a full wipe solves reboot issues..I would have phrased it more scientifically correct by saying 'the culprit seemed to be software incompatibility', you could even throw in the obligatory 'to me' lol. When you state things with such certainty in a development and electronics forum where terminology and phrasing is very important you are misleading people (noobs and lurkers) who are then going to complain and whine about being misled (and possibly mess up their device in some cases). Safer to state your 'findings' in less certain terms IMO.
And as I already pointed out in another thread, in order to say anything equivocally about a solution to a common problem like random reboots you need to have tested and confirmed the proposed solution on tens and hundreds of units, which very few of us have access to to test with any clarity of results. So anyone *should* take users' proposed solutions with a grain of salt barring they are employed with Asus or Best Buy and could have done such testing. Other users have proposed build.prop fixes for example, only to realize they had reboots and didn't even notice. 1 day is not long n this timeframe- I have one once a week tops..but I still have them..lol
The only problem i had was the apps disappearing from the launcher whenever i exited an app. I thought i solved this by installing a new launcher. But it returned after a few days. I did a full wipe and installed apps from scratch. since then my tablet has been running smooth and fast. no issues. May be it's the apps we install that are causing the problems.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I think it is the graphics acceleration driver. Many games are not working to me, they just exist to launcher and in logcat i can see SIGSERVs because of openGL ( this is from memory, I don't have my tablet here right now).
We must wait until ASUS releases a fix.
I'll come in with another just wait and see like other folks have said. I did my ICS update with a full wipe and then only installed apps I felt comfortable with instead of just doing a full reinstall of everything. For days life seemed grand with everything working just right. Then I got a few reboots and now the constant media converter dying message. So be happy things are working well for you but be prepared for the errors to creep in.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P512 using Xparent Purple Tapatalk
I suffered from random reboots. Whenever my device went to deep sleep it could not come out of it. What I did to remedy this is to root and install set cpu. After installation, i changed my minimum freq to 312mhz and my max at 1ghz. So far, for about a week, i have not suffered any random reboots/freezes. Also, using cpu spy, it does go to deep sleep. I hope this helps.
mveksler said:
1) Battery drain. - the culprit of this issue is GPS. The GPS was preventing tablet from going into deep sleep. I have disabled GPS but kept Google location service enabled and that fixed the deep sleep issue. Also there were some incomparable software which prevented deep sleep. XDA app was one of them.
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No idea if you're right, but I can't be bothered to try, because...
mveksler said:
2) Random reboots, shutdowns, and lag. - the culprit of these issues is software incompatible. All you have to do is perform full wipe and cold boot using recovery by pressing and holding power and volume down buttons. After reset, all issues are gone.
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You are *definitely* wrong on this one. There are numerous documented accounts of people having this problem even on stock, unrooted TF101 tablets that have been wiped both before and after the ICS update was applied, and have nothing or next-to-nothing reinstalled. I'm one such person.
A full wipe most definitely does NOT fix or prevent these problems.
knoxploration said:
A full wipe most definitely does NOT fix or prevent these problems.
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It did for the OP and a vast number of other users. Doesn't work for everyone but it is a viable solution.
I originally suffered from horrible battery life after updating to ICS, but I took a page from the book of the Gnex when it comes to sudden horrible battery life. One of the biggest problems on the GNex with sudden battery drain a lot of the times had to do with Google Maps. I used CPU Spy and Better Battery Stats and sure enough, Google Maps was constantly running in the background, putting the tablet into a wakelock and most likely running the GPS. The tablet wouldn't even last half the day WITH the dock. Went to apps, uninstalled updates and reinstalled the most recent version and since then the battery life has been PHENOMENAL! I've got the tablet with dock and it'll go most of the week, if not all week before the dock starts running low.
Hope this helps others. Can't guarantee it'll fix your problems but it fixed mine.
Speaker Issues after ICS update
Has anyone else had any speaker issues after the ICS update?
Jai1985 said:
Has anyone else had any speaker issues after the ICS update?
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My volume is low, also been experienced by others. And it seems like left speaker is lower in volume, which I also read issues with. So yea. I have a couple little quirks. Good thing is I don't really use it for music or movies so not huge deal to me
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
ghost0001 said:
I suffered from random reboots. Whenever my device went to deep sleep it could not come out of it. What I did to remedy this is to root and install set cpu. After installation, i changed my minimum freq to 312mhz and my max at 1ghz. So far, for about a week, i have not suffered any random reboots/freezes. Also, using cpu spy, it does go to deep sleep. I hope this helps.
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This has been my fix from the start and have only had one self-inflicted random reboot and (Horndroid here is a nod for you) another reboot after I updated Google+. I reverted back to previous G+ build and all is back that way it was before.
If you'd like to read more about the kernel issue and how I solved it for myself, see here.

This is getting ridiculous...

Ok, random reboots are gone...now it's just sleep of death.
Every. Damn. Morning.
No kidding...every single day, the thing has shut itself off and drained it's battery completely..TABLET AND DOCK mind you, for about a week now. I can't set it down and close the lid..I feel like I'm using paul burton's Spark ROM. I am actually about to RMA this thing myself because of this......
It's getting very hot on recharge from completely dead, and it's done it so many times now I fear it's very likely to have damaged the life of my battery as an end-user..
Add to this..dust INSIDE my camera lens, dead pixels, and half-working microSD slot (the card has to be inserted JUST SO..in order to be recognized).
I want a new device..I'm done playing around with this defective toy, I want a real workhorse that I can depend on, I need it for my projects. Sadly, I have a SBK1 too...
Had only a few reboots a week on all ICS stock, Revolver, Revolution and CM9 roms. No battery drain. I do not have a dock.
Since I flashed CM9 Megatron a few weeks ago, I experienced no reboots at all, except a few lockups on Home Screen. Since Megatron 1.0.3 based on ICS 4.0.4 and the latest guevor kernel test13, it's running smooth as butter with great battery life and overclocked to 1.4GHz.
Does the battery drain like that when it is not docked?
With all those issues, you should RMA. Although when you get the device back it will probably still have sleep of death (and maybe random reboots).
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
In another thread, it was mentioned that the ICS update defaults the TF101 to have the setting "stay awake - screen will never sleep while charging" enabled, no matter whether it looks like there's a checkmark on that setting or not. When the tablet is docked, it is considered as "charging" and therefore it will stay awake and drain the tablet battery and the dock battery. The fix is to manually toggle the checkmark on and off on that setting, whether there looks like there is a checkmark there or not. That's why I asked whether or not the battery drains when undocked.
Strangely I didn't get a second update yet
ssl123 said:
In another thread, it was mentioned that the ICS update defaults the TF101 to have the setting "stay awake - screen will never sleep while charging" enabled, no matter whether it looks like there's a checkmark on that setting or not. When the tablet is docked, it is considered as "charging" and therefore it will stay awake and drain the tablet battery and the dock battery. The fix is to manually toggle the checkmark on and off on that setting, whether there looks like there is a checkmark there or not. That's why I asked whether or not the battery drains when undocked.
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The 'fix' was reported to be simply unchecking and checking the box (it's toggle is set to on, but the actual feature is disabled until you do this). I had previously done this, and forgotten about it..but I will go check again, though I am pretty sure that my CWM backup was made well after my settings were adjusted like this, and the backup I restored and am using now did not previously crash like this.
EDIT: Also, once the dock is drained to 3% it is supposed to stop 'charging' so it *should* not result in draining the tablet's battery completely (from full charge on both units however, with screen off, awake or asleep, I would think I could get more than 8-10 hours battery life without draining both batteries to 0%..yes, 0%. This is what scares me that the batteries have been damaged..after 5-8 times that it has overdischarged now..)
Experiencing the exact same issues here
SODs and complete battery drain when supposedly off. My tab is also permanently connected to keyboard.
Getting very frustrated now.
I've using Revolver ROMs for a long time now and these issues only occured after flashing the ICS betas. It had gotten so bad that I went back to Honeycomb but the SODs and battery drain persisted even then.
Tonight I flashed the newly released Revolver RC1 rom in hope that the issues would be fixed but unfortunately I've had a random reboot already
Not sure where to go now as the stock Asus rom has these issues as well I believe. iPad anyone?
Rant over and many thanks to all the devs for their unselfish work.
Well, my screen keeps coming on. That seems to be the problem. At random while docked, it just comes on. I look at the dock when it's closed and see it's on..so I open it and manually turn it off (the screen not the device) and leave it open..a few minutes later, there it is again, on..for no reason.
This is my likely culprit, and it's really pissing me off. I am on a stock ROM, so unless this is guevor's kernel's fault, it's Asus', I'm leaning towards Asus.
However judging from some of the responses, it would seem users are having this without using guevor's kernel..so there goes that option.
Can anyone confirm they are getting this issue with the stock kernel?
You are part of this group then: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1559544
Not just you all....
Came here to consider rooting my tablet to fix similar issues, and you all are having the same issues. I am NOT rooted, tablet keeps going into some sort of "deep sleep" (that's what a developer friend called it). Sometimes the battery is draining to nothing, sometimes not. Although, once it goes into this sleep mode, it's near impossible to get back out and always requires a reboot.
PLUS the constant rebooting for no reason, right in the middle of work. This thing's been super buggy since the ICS update, ASUS is absolutely no help (worst service I've experienced in years)...wish I had never installed it. NOTHING about the update is worth all this headache...
According to my research, it's a known issue...meaning ASUS knows it's a problem and are supposedly working on it. I kept reading about another OTA update that was supposed to fix some of these issues last week, but haven't seen anything yet.
Yet another notch in the "dump android" column
(Wish I could be more help, thought you'd want to know it's a product-wide issue)
hi therr
please install the wakelock app until asus fix the problem
works for me, but i dont have a dock
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
Since going to aokp nightlies and guevor kernel test 13. I have had zero reboots batt drain etc... works like it's supposed to, oc to 1400 as well been three days now on two different tf's i have one at home and one at work.I am officially a happy camper again.
glange65 said:
Came here to consider rooting my tablet to fix similar issues, and you all are having the same issues. I am NOT rooted, tablet keeps going into some sort of "deep sleep" (that's what a developer friend called it). Sometimes the battery is draining to nothing, sometimes not. Although, once it goes into this sleep mode, it's near impossible to get back out and always requires a reboot.
PLUS the constant rebooting for no reason, right in the middle of work. This thing's been super buggy since the ICS update, ASUS is absolutely no help (worst service I've experienced in years)...wish I had never installed it. NOTHING about the update is worth all this headache...
According to my research, it's a known issue...meaning ASUS knows it's a problem and are supposedly working on it. I kept reading about another OTA update that was supposed to fix some of these issues last week, but haven't seen anything yet.
Yet another notch in the "dump android" column
(Wish I could be more help, thought you'd want to know it's a product-wide issue)
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Not exactly a product-wide issue. For whatever reason, some Transformers, like mine, do not have the same problems or not nearly to the same extent. I have had 300+ hour uptimes (2 weeks) with this iteration of ICS, though, when it does go down, I suspect it might be when I choose to use Flash in a browser. I haven't really looked into it. You are also mixing up issues. This particular issue is with dock owners. Toggling the "stay awake" setting may or may not help in this case. I don't have a dock, so I don't know. Some say it did help.
The issue you are describing is separate and has a workaround and a possible fix posted.
Workaround: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1567795
Possible fix: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1518552
ASUS might have already resolved the problem in their TF101G firmware, but I don't know why they haven't released a patch yet for TF101.
As many have pointed out in other threads, it's not possible to extrapolate how many are affected by your issue because this is a support forum that pops up high in the Google rankings. Many people end up here when looking for support for problems. Therefore the population here is naturally going to be disproportionately high in people having problems. I myself ended up on XDA because of an issue with the Lenovo K1 tablet.
I am at the point where I want to throw my Transformer out the window it happens so much.
spotdog14 said:
I am at the point where I want to throw my Transformer out the window it happens so much.
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I sometimes feel the same way but it sucks bc when the tablet works fine its awesome. Did the update they release for the TF101G work without problems? Damn, I wish it get fixed soon.
spotdog14 said:
I am at the point where I want to throw my Transformer out the window it happens so much.
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So why not just install the wake lock app and stop the aggravation? It is a 100% rock solid fix, or workaround for now. Battery life hardly suffers also.
fldude99 said:
So why not just install the wake lock app and stop the aggravation? It is a 100% rock solid fix, or workaround for now. Battery life hardly suffers also.
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In my tests I lose 0.3%/hour without wakelock and 1.5%/hour with wakelock. So over a few hours not much impact. But over 12+ hours it starts to add up.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
I started getting a random reboot here and there after the last update, but only when low on battery and when its plugged in. It will have less then 20% batt, plug in and then it'll reboot instantly after a few minutes.
Its a pos and i am getting rid of mine. I shouldn't have to root or install an app for this **** to work. Complete and utter fail.

Looking for advice regarding my battery life after 4.2.2.

Hey I've searched for help on the subject all over and. I'm not seeing anyone with this problem, on the contrary everyone seems to be doing better.
Anyway I got the OTA update to 4.2.2 from the. General forum a few days ago and flashed it without much consequence and everything seemed fine. I reaquired my root but I have noticed my battery is losing charge way too fast doing light browsing and use.
Checking battery use I got 2 hours of screen time with 30% of the battery and again this has been simply browsing sites with pure text. As I'm writing this it went from 70% to 68%
To list a few key things that have happened that might be important and I'm hoping anybody can help or give advice.
1) I stupidly forgot to wipe cache and dalvik before and after flashing the update, when I remembered I went to recovery and did this
2) I rerooted
3) On Friday I fell asleep using it and when I woke up it was completely drained, honestly I don't even remembered what I was doing cause I had a bit too much wine but I think I was playing an emulator and when I woke up it wouldn't even turn on so I charged it back to 100%
As I write this now I think back and problem seems to have started then.
I tried re flashing a backup, which didn't help and I flashed franco kernel reading it gave good battery.
My last idea is simply reverting back to stock and see if it helps but before that I wanted to check some opinions or advice here.
PS I have already used BBS and its finding nothing wrong in wakelocks or use (except something called AudioOut2)
As I finish this im down to 66%, definitely not normal.
Any help is appreciated.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Having the same problem.
Didn't even make it to work and was below 50%. Weird.
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Did you at some point let it drain completely to 0% after updating to 4.2.2?
If nobody has any idea ill just go back to stock and report results.
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Well if anybody has a similar issue or cares, going back to stock seems to have fixed the issue. Regardless I did some light testing on the battery. It shows marginal better perfomance on 4.2.2
By switching Kernel there was no change it seems but then again the test only covered two activities perhaps with further comparissons better results would be gotten.
But long story short if anybody has this problem apparently going back to stock is the way to go.
I'll keep a careful eye on the battery and gauge on regular use and if it happens again have a better idea of what caused it.
Its a program that's running or not completely shutting down.
Torrent was my issue. Uninstalled rebooted and then reinstalled.
My battery life is good now.all day and still over 80%.
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twyztyd said:
Its a program that's running or not completely shutting down.
Torrent was my issue. Uninstalled rebooted and then reinstalled.
My battery life is good now.all day and still over 80%.
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Well I have encountered a completely new problem lately.
In the last week this has happened 3-4 times. I leave it charging or simply on deep sleep for a while and when I try to turn it on it won't, I'm not sure if its shutting down since when I plugged it in (thinking battery had drained) not battery charging animation came up, instead I left the power button pressed and it came up with whatever charge it had.
Not sure if its a side effect of the original problem of the battery discharge or something to do with torrent clients as 3 of the total times it has happened I was downloading something and left it running.
Not sure what to do at this point since I find no info on this or it happening to anybody else. What I find are things like it not charging etc which really arent my issues.
I will avoid using torrents on it for a few days and see if it happens again, if it does I will seriously have to consider contacting Google or Asus since this device doesn't even have 90 days in my possession yet.
If anyone is following this (really just posting here to help anybody who finds the same problem and as a sort of journal) I found this post on the kernel im running thread
Somebody replied to that post stating its a 4.2.x problem
It could also be a kernel problem with torrents as further down the posts another person complains about the same happening when using a bittorrent client
I'll post with whatever I find out.
I've been having the same problem glad to see it isn't just me.
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Hi Chaps, Since my upgrade to 4.2.2 I thought the battery life was great. It stayed at 100% for ages and when I was streaming music for a few of hours and the battery only went to 96%. Superb I thought..
But, yes there is a but. My N7 now shuts down when the battery is at 32% and I need to charge it to get it to reboot as it is well drained. Is it possible to zero the battery indicator or recalibrate it for an accurate reading? TATA R.
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robertsmith1873 said:
Hi Chaps, Since my upgrade to 4.2.2 I thought the battery life was great. It stayed at 100% for ages and when I was streaming music for a few of hours and the battery only went to 96%. Superb I thought..
But, yes there is a but. My N7 now shuts down when the battery is at 32% and I need to charge it to get it to reboot as it is well drained. Is it possible to zero the battery indicator or recalibrate it for an accurate reading? TATA R.
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Battery calibration, which should be done rarely, is merely a matter of putting your device through one complete charge/discharge cycle. Don't waste your time with battery calibration apps, as they are 100% snake oil. Likewise, you can disregard any misinformation about wiping battery stats, as that has absolutely no bearing on battery charge indication.
Try unplugging your battery for a few minutes, and then plug it back in, ensuring that the connector is firmly seated.
Getting pissed off here. N7 shuts down at 42% now. WTF. Is this a 4.2.2 problem? If so how do I revert back to an earlier version?
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Mine is ****ing **** since 4.2.2 and its official, writing this it went from 40 to 37 the ****
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I am seeing reduced battery life on 4.2.2...
I used to be able to go all day on a charge. Now I can't make it through the evening ...
I know that is subjective as I didn't indicate my prior usage compared to my current usage pattern.
But my perception is that battery life has degraded ...
As an aside, I noticed that an el-cheapo IKEA power strip didn't provide enough juice to keep the battery from draining further while using it when plugged in...
It plugged in at 20% and kept using the N7... awhile later I was in the mid-teens.
I don't use that power strip any longer....
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