hmm.. gettin worried.. my g1 is stuck on the android blinking screen. what happened was i had glosssuite installed and then openhome started to force close.. restarted the phone and now its just stuck looping the and android screen.. please help..
oh and open home was my default home
(edit) would there be any way i can uninstall openhome or fully format everything thourgh the console?
OMG!! im really sorry for flooding with my question and then answered by myself post.. i found out how to fix it.. i just installed rc33 agian, sorry for the double post too..
Just wipe and reflash rc33, or restore a nandroid backup (if you had one).
No worries mate; you should be fine.
Yea that's what I did it took me 3hours to finally figure it out last nite
1. wiped(alt+W) did not work
2. searched through busybox site to find a command to fully format, but thats a no go
3. i finally installed a fresh copy of JF RC33(i thought i did before i made this thread, but didn't too high)
yea anyone having the same problem just do what i did.. step #3
OK so here is were I sound stupid (I think).
I had eclair and the lag fix and wanted to upgrade to froyo.
I undid the lag fix and upgraded. WOW how bad was Froyo!!!
So I installed the OCLF, big difference, but still getting loads of issues with FC and the like.
So decided to do a factory reset. BUT I believe I forgot to remove the OCLF. Boo Hiss.
So reset fine. Phone running great. Start to load it up with apps and heay presto starts to lag again.
Fine install the lag fix.
Cannot as playlogos1 is there and it means that a lag fix is still running.
So google is my friend and found you could just remove it.
Routed around allot and what I found was
mount -o rw,\system \system
chmod 755 \system\bin\playlogo*
then change the files name. To something not playlogos1 (i.e. playlogos1bk)
Heay presto it worked. installed the ext2 stuff then the OCLF. Then reboot
get the picture......
Lucky I have one of the phones that the 3 button combo did not work on, which I found the wonderful fix for just before this happened. So I could get the console and select factory reset again.
So I looked some more and found the following
Google pointed me to the fact that the file oover 5kb = the animation file the other two are OCLF files (ish). So I changed the following
Playlogo = Playlogobk
Playlogos1 = Playlogos1bk
Playlogosnow = Playlogo
Tried again same problem. Now I think, think is all that the animation file is there some where and I am moving the playlogos files around which is the problem. I think that one of these files is holding the info from the OCLF I forgot to uninstall and that when I hit reboot after actioning the OCLF again it is getting rerouted and the phone is having a fit hence why it keeps crashing when I apply it.
My question is this. HHHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP. I have lost my animation screen and don't know where it has gone and I would love to apply the lag fix again. BUT how???
Skip that one click lag fix and install a rom that has either the voodoo or ulf lagfix built in.
Sounds great but all of the rims I've seen say make sure you have removed any other lag fixes. If I flash a new rom with remnants of the OCLF won't this ruin my phone competently?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Flash back to a stock rom using odin with repartition, this should sort out any problems, then install a new rom. I always go for jp7 with 512 pit and repartition, no matter what errors or problems I have had in the past this always brings my phone back to life. It can sometimes get stuck on the first boot, when it does this I just reflash jp7 without pit or repartition and it works. I must have flashed my sgs in excess of 50 times since I've had it and this method never lets me down. I try to always make sure that I disable lagfix before hand, but sometimes I have got over excited and forgotten and never had any problems
If I had to recommend I would suggest that after flashing it back to stock you go straight for one of the jpu roms and give it a go without the lagfix, mine has about 80 apps installed, has been running 3 days without a shut down and is still running nice
I know a simple search is what's needed, but could you post a link to a recommended one? There are just a few results for flashing a new rom.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
look for jp7 here (hint October)
there you have most stock ROMs it seems
There are some good guides on here:
You don't have to flash darkys rom afterwards, once the phone is back to stock flash what you like
scottietohottie said:
OK so here is were I sound stupid (I think).
I had eclair and the lag fix and wanted to upgrade to froyo.
I undid the lag fix and upgraded. WOW how bad was Froyo!!!
So I installed the OCLF, big difference, but still getting loads of issues with FC and the like.
So decided to do a factory reset. BUT I believe I forgot to remove the OCLF. Boo Hiss.
So reset fine. Phone running great. Start to load it up with apps and heay presto starts to lag again.
Fine install the lag fix.
Cannot as playlogos1 is there and it means that a lag fix is still running.
So google is my friend and found you could just remove it.
Routed around allot and what I found was
mount -o rw,\system \system
chmod 755 \system\bin\playlogo*
then change the files name. To something not playlogos1 (i.e. playlogos1bk)
Heay presto it worked. installed the ext2 stuff then the OCLF. Then reboot
get the picture......
Lucky I have one of the phones that the 3 button combo did not work on, which I found the wonderful fix for just before this happened. So I could get the console and select factory reset again.
So I looked some more and found the following
Google pointed me to the fact that the file oover 5kb = the animation file the other two are OCLF files (ish). So I changed the following
Playlogo = Playlogobk
Playlogos1 = Playlogos1bk
Playlogosnow = Playlogo
Tried again same problem. Now I think, think is all that the animation file is there some where and I am moving the playlogos files around which is the problem. I think that one of these files is holding the info from the OCLF I forgot to uninstall and that when I hit reboot after actioning the OCLF again it is getting rerouted and the phone is having a fit hence why it keeps crashing when I apply it.
My question is this. HHHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP. I have lost my animation screen and don't know where it has gone and I would love to apply the lag fix again. BUT how???
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Mate, just send Ryan an email - he's always very helpful. With snags like that, I wouldn't go aimlessly trying other peoples fixes .
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
woolf clubs said:
Mate, just send Ryan an email - he's always very helpful. With snags like that, I wouldn't go aimlessly trying other peoples fixes .
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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I have similar issues. Have been exchanging nemerous mails with Ryan but he has been silent for last two days after I sent all screen shots. Please let me know if you hear from you.
Thanks in advance
Opps .. please let me know if you hear from Ryan
woolf clubs said:
Mate, just send Ryan an email - he's always very helpful. With snags like that, I wouldn't go aimlessly trying other peoples fixes .
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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and how would I find his email address? Also if I did do a stock re-flash, am I right in saying it would put the phone back to fresh install. I mean does it wipe all data and install new or will there still be traces.
AsgardCurse said:
look for jp7 here (hint October)
there you have most stock ROMs it seems
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so I have gone to flash my phone and looked at all the how tos, read so much feel like a book on the subject. So I hit up the link above and there is no phone file????? Any ideas where to get it. searched and searched. My phone says
Phone : I9000XXJPP
Build Info : 2010.10
So on the link above I found the PDA and the CSC, no Phone. Where do I get it?
Not sure if this is too late to be useful but I had a similar problem. Did a factory reset without removing the OCLF and I couldn't get rid of the remnants of it. All I had to do was use the restore boot animation option provided in the OCLF app and everything was fine. Think the boot animation thingo was all that was left behind after the factory reset.
scottietohottie said:
so I have gone to flash my phone and looked at all the how tos, read so much feel like a book on the subject. So I hit up the link above and there is no phone file????? Any ideas where to get it. searched and searched. My phone says
Phone : I9000XXJPP
Build Info : 2010.10
So on the link above I found the PDA and the CSC, no Phone. Where do I get it?
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Try Darky's v6.0 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPX ★ // - Remastered by Darky from:
It is awesome. My phone is like a brand new phone that is blazing fast & no FCs
eecan said:
Not sure if this is too late to be useful but I had a similar problem. Did a factory reset without removing the OCLF and I couldn't get rid of the remnants of it. All I had to do was use the restore boot animation option provided in the OCLF app and everything was fine. Think the boot animation thingo was all that was left behind after the factory reset.
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It is not clear if you were able to run lagfix after restoring Boot Animation. I tried & got errors. Eventually went ahead & flashed my ROM with Darky's v6.0 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPX ★ // - Remastered by Darky from:
It is awesome. My phone is like a brand new phone that is blazing fast & no FCs
So, as you can gather I love to tinker but don't like to muck it up. I read loads. Tried the restore boot animation and everything.
My problem is/was I know some code. Not a lot but enough to be dangerous. So I installed terminal emulator and tinkered. And then buggered. As the first post suggests.
After looking and looking decided to give the kies reg hack a go. That way I could then feign ignorance under warranty. Worked a charm. My phone is 300 better on a benchmark and no fc's yet.
For my two cents. Read read read read, then, do you know what read again. If you don't know, ask, if you think you know, ask. Pride will not replace a £500 phone. Or the time it takes to fix it. I thought it was straight forward look what happened there!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Sorry if this is in a bad spot, I just see this question ALL the time and I'm gonna make a good How-To in order to just link to it for all the questions that come up! (I'm going to cross-post in G2/DZ Q&A too).
When I started using CM7 nightlies, I loved the ROM, and I understand Cyanogen's reasoning for using an open source, versatile launcher like ADW, but I and many others prefer the look/feel/performance of the stock 2.3 launcher.
Installing the stock 2.3 Gingerbread launcher on CM7!
First off, props to frank707 from the Nexus S forums for this mod link. I suggest you go to the original thread and hit the Thanks button for his work.
You can find the mod here in the Nexus S forum: THREAD.
Download the first file in the thread and place on the root of your SD Card (not in any folder). This file is called "" (I've attached to this post for easy access as well).
Disclaimer: You'll lose all your homescreen placements and widgets you have set up with ADW launcher the first time you install this stock launcher.
1) Enter recovery. Hold down the power button in CM7 > Reboot > Recovery > Ok
2) In recovery, select "install zip from sdcard" > "choose zip from sdcard" > select > scroll down with track-pad and hit YES.
3) You will see a progress bar and "ADW Launcher is now being uninstalled and replaced with the stock launcher"
4) When its complete select "reboot system now" in recovery, and get back to setting up your homescreens with the stock launcher.
And you're done! Enjoy your stock launcher and 3D app drawer!
Additional info for people updating CM7 Nightlies:
If you want to flash this over nightlies every day, you need to follow a specific order to not lose your placements again.
1) Flash CM7 nightly via recovery (not ROM manager)
2) After install, stay in recovery (don't boot up into the ROM!), go to Advanced > Reboot recovery
3) After recovery reboots, flash the launcher mod (follow above steps).
4) Reboot system, and you'll be greeted by your original homescreen placements that you had before the CM7 update.
Just in case you're lazy, I've attached the launcher file also.
I use ADW Ex, but this is nice to have vs ADW and EX.
Wow I was just thinking about why CM7 doesn't have stock launcher and here I go finding your post. Thanks a lot man, and I'll give props due to the guy that ported it from the nexus s. Thanks a lot, I've been running stock android on my G2 simply because I love everything stock. Now i can jump back on CM7, sweet!
llontop.m said:
Wow I was just thinking about why CM7 doesn't have stock launcher and here I go finding your post. Thanks a lot man, and I'll give props due to the guy that ported it from the nexus s. Thanks a lot, I've been running stock android on my G2 simply because I love everything stock. Now i can jump back on CM7, sweet!
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Glad I could help.
What are the benefits of stock over ADW, if you will excuse the noob question.
Nonentity018 said:
What are the benefits of stock over ADW, if you will excuse the noob question.
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Stock generally runs smoother and consumes less power/RAM to run (not a ton, but a little bit). You also get the stock 3D app drawer.
And some people just like the stock look and feel, and don't use the ADW features anyways.
You sir are fantastic!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Nospin said:
You sir are fantastic!
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Aw, shucks. Glad to help.
Sent from my CM7-powered T-Mobile G2
Hi martonikaj,
Thanks for your post, I was just looking for a way to get the stock 3D app drawer on my Desire runningCM7 RC02 (I don't have the Desire Z, but the older one), but I have a problem and I don't know how to resolve it, so I would really appreciate if you could help.
I used Clockwork Recovery to install the zip from sdcard. And everything looked fine has it told me ADW was replaced by the stock launcher. But after my Desire rebooted ADW was still there :'(
So I looked at the logCat and here is what I saw :
E/PackageParser( 158): Package has no certificates at entry classes.dex; ignoring!
I retried but the exact same thing happened...
I googled this error but didn't find the solution.
I also looked at my "system/app" folder, ADWLauncher.apk disapeared and now I can find Launcher2.apk, but if I click on it, I just get : "app not installed" (not shure for the message as my phone is in french).
So do you have any idea?
You or anybody else of course
cdue said:
Hi martonikaj,
Thanks for your post, I was just looking for a way to get the stock 3D app drawer on my Desire runningCM7 RC02 (I don't have the Desire Z, but the older one), but I have a problem and I don't know how to resolve it, so I would really appreciate if you could help.
I used Clockwork Recovery to install the zip from sdcard. And everything looked fine has it told me ADW was replaced by the stock launcher. But after my Desire rebooted ADW was still there :'(
So I looked at the logCat and here is what I saw :
E/PackageParser( 158): Package has no certificates at entry classes.dex; ignoring!
I retried but the exact same thing happened...
I googled this error but didn't find the solution.
I also looked at my "system/app" folder, ADWLauncher.apk disapeared and now I can find Launcher2.apk, but if I click on it, I just get : "app not installed" (not shure for the message as my phone is in french).
So do you have any idea?
You or anybody else of course
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Could be a bad download. Re-download and try again.
Thanks for the zip to install!
Although... not to nitpick, but didn't the stock launcher that came with the G2 have pinch to zoom out? (similar to Launcher Pro) or am I mistaken?
supermario12312 said:
Could be a bad download. Re-download and try again.
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Lol did you see the date of when he asked? A month a half ago?
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! Although I like ADW, My friend does not. NOW she is enjoying the customization factor that rooting allows her but still having that familiar feel to her phone. Can't say thanks enough!
martonikaj said:
Sorry if this is in a bad spot, I just see this question ALL the time and I'm gonna make a good How-To in order to just link to it for all the questions that come up! (I'm going to cross-post in G2/DZ Q&A too).
When I started using CM7 nightlies, I loved the ROM, and I understand Cyanogen's reasoning for using an open source, versatile launcher like ADW, but I and many others prefer the look/feel/performance of the stock 2.3 launcher.
Installing the stock 2.3 Gingerbread launcher on CM7!
First off, props to frank707 from the Nexus S forums for this mod link. I suggest you go to the original thread and hit the Thanks button for his work.
You can find the mod here in the Nexus S forum: THREAD.
Download the first file in the thread and place on the root of your SD Card (not in any folder). This file is called "" (I've attached to this post for easy access as well).
Disclaimer: You'll lose all your homescreen placements and widgets you have set up with ADW launcher the first time you install this stock launcher.
1) Enter recovery. Hold down the power button in CM7 > Reboot > Recovery > Ok
2) In recovery, select "install zip from sdcard" > "choose zip from sdcard" > select > scroll down with track-pad and hit YES.
3) You will see a progress bar and "ADW Launcher is now being uninstalled and replaced with the stock launcher"
4) When its complete select "reboot system now" in recovery, and get back to setting up your homescreens with the stock launcher.
And you're done! Enjoy your stock launcher and 3D app drawer!
Additional info for people updating CM7 Nightlies:
If you want to flash this over nightlies every day, you need to follow a specific order to not lose your placements again.
1) Flash CM7 nightly via recovery (not ROM manager)
2) After install, stay in recovery (don't boot up into the ROM!), go to Advanced > Reboot recovery
3) After recovery reboots, flash the launcher mod (follow above steps).
4) Reboot system, and you'll be greeted by your original homescreen placements that you had before the CM7 update.
Just in case you're lazy, I've attached the launcher file also.
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Not to bump this thread.
But as a question about this, does this launcher allow 7 screens or just 5?
The Unnamed Time Lord said:
Not to bump this thread.
But as a question about this, does this launcher allow 7 screens or just 5?
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Not sure about this one but i know the true stock 2.3 launcher only allows 5.
And an easier way to do all this would be to google in market stock 2.3 launcher, install it, hit home button and select 2.3 launcher as default. Boom done.
Pretty sure if you use this method with nightlies your gonna have to do it again every single time you install a new one, whereas with my method it will stay through every install.
xsteven77x said:
Not sure about this one but i know the true stock 2.3 launcher only allows 5.
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Why is that? 2.2 had 7 max why would 2.3 cut it down to 5 max?
Thats odd..
*EDIT* I think I found a modded version of the original GB launcher that supports 7 screens over at the epic 4g area.
I've suddenly developed a problem with my rooted Nook Color 1.2.
I soft rooted it back in April using ClockWork and
Everything worked as expected.
For the past few weeks I haven't needed any of the andriod apps. I have just been using the Nook as a reader and I have not made any changes to it other than loading and removing books.
Today I realized that it was booting to the stock user interface and pressing the N key did not bring up the menu list of alternate managers that I installed.
I have tried re flashing the NC with apk-enabler zip file. When that didn't give me back access to the andriod apps, I tried flashing with the newer MiniRooter from NookDevs. Now I have a new flyout menu on the right side of the screen, but there really isn't any response to pressing the icons.
I'm sure that I'm leaving out an obvious step or doing something else dumb and I really appreciate it if someone could point it out to me.
katrina.adams said:
I've suddenly developed a problem with my rooted Nook Color 1.2.
I soft rooted it back in April using ClockWork and
Everything worked as expected.
For the past few weeks I haven't needed any of the andriod apps. I have just been using the Nook as a reader and I have not made any changes to it other than loading and removing books.
Today I realized that it was booting to the stock user interface and pressing the N key did not bring up the menu list of alternate managers that I installed.
I have tried re flashing the NC with apk-enabler zip file. When that didn't give me back access to the andriod apps, I tried flashing with the newer MiniRooter from NookDevs. Now I have a new flyout menu on the right side of the screen, but there really isn't any response to pressing the icons.
I'm sure that I'm leaving out an obvious step or doing something else dumb and I really appreciate it if someone could point it out to me.
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Do a clean wipe and install NC 1.2 followed by ManualNooter
and reply with results.
Dont forget to hit thanks if it helps
katrina.adams said:
I've suddenly developed a problem with my rooted Nook Color 1.2.
I soft rooted it back in April using ClockWork and
Everything worked as expected.
For the past few weeks I haven't needed any of the andriod apps. I have just been using the Nook as a reader and I have not made any changes to it other than loading and removing books.
Today I realized that it was booting to the stock user interface and pressing the N key did not bring up the menu list of alternate managers that I installed.
I have tried re flashing the NC with apk-enabler zip file. When that didn't give me back access to the andriod apps, I tried flashing with the newer MiniRooter from NookDevs. Now I have a new flyout menu on the right side of the screen, but there really isn't any response to pressing the icons.
I'm sure that I'm leaving out an obvious step or doing something else dumb and I really appreciate it if someone could point it out to me.
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You can download the attached file and flash it from CWM. It will install Launcher Pro, and upon start-up, you will get the option to choose your launcher again. You can then just delete Launcher Pro once you are done.
The reason for installing Launcher Pro, is that anytime a new launcher is installed or deleted, you will get the launcher selection menu to popup again. The packages that you were installing all had the same version of zeam launcher in them, so that is why you get not get the option to popup.
Thanks to both of you!
Last night I found and installed a newer version of Zeam launcher and got access to the apps back. Not because I realized that Zeam was the problem, I was just going through and trying to update the apps I had installed to manage the device.
I'm going to clip and save the thread - just in case!
Thanks guys! Ill give it a try once I get the Nook away from the wife I gave it too her for her Bday and I use it more then her! She LOVES the thing, but I havent found a tablet with the same capabilities without doubling the price and having half the battery life! I love reading Manga on this thing!
I upgraded WW_epad-user- then rooted and flashed Custom rom (ROM Android_Revolution_HD-EeePad_3.1.0 & ROM Revolver IC400 Beta 1.3.1).
Everytime i use Default Browser or DophineHD or Opera or Youtube. They kick me out homescreen after a few touch even i didn't touch anything in any browser.
Then i use Nvflash back to stock and try use default browser. But i still was kicked out homescreen again
I looked at the ASUS task manager, it showed "browser" memory 12%.
i tried 3 times but it happened the same
Help me...
Did you run the superwipe script before you installed the custom rom 3.1.0? Did you do a factory reset afterwards - sorry I am no expert but these are things I see people recommending.
I have been running the 3.1.0 rom since Friday and it has only been giving me a couple of problems
File manager has frozen 2 times
The time this morning was 2 hours ahead and my microsd wasnt showing (did a reboot and time and sdcard were ok again)
once I had a total freeze up.
Otherwise I am pretty happy with this rom, in comparison to the problems that I see other people having with the different roms then I am not doing too bad.
From what I can see it is a hit and miss as to what problems you will have after installing a rom.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA
Thanks for reply
I did use Superwipe script b4 flash the rom Android_Revolution_HD-EeePad_3.1.0. Then i had that problem I did not do a factory reset afterwards. I will try tomorrow then let u know.
Any one else knows these problem? plz help me
schotte said:
Did you run the superwipe script before you installed the custom rom 3.1.0? Did you do a factory reset afterwards - sorry I am no expert but these are things I see people recommending.
I have been running the 3.1.0 rom since Friday and it has only been giving me a couple of problems
File manager has frozen 2 times
The time this morning was 2 hours ahead and my microsd wasnt showing (did a reboot and time and sdcard were ok again)
once I had a total freeze up.
Otherwise I am pretty happy with this rom, in comparison to the problems that I see other people having with the different roms then I am not doing too bad.
From what I can see it is a hit and miss as to what problems you will have after installing a rom.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA
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rebooted, kick out homescreen
I did Nvflash to ICS stock yesterday. but same problem..
then i use VIPER to root and factory reset , install 3.1.0 rom.
every time get in any browser, it kicked me out home screen.. even i get in setting. it kicked me out.
Should i send tablet back to ASUS center
I search in this forum. many users have reboot problem...
I got both: reboot and kick out to home screen.
Any help