Alrite guys, just got the 2.2 update zip file, and put it on my N1's SD card, just wondering if I could use this update zip with RA Recovery 1.7.0 by choosing 'flash from zip' to update it?
no you need to restore your phone to default (including recovery) then update zip from there
vzwtech86 said:
no you need to restore your phone to default (including recovery) then update zip from there
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thx mate, well, I've got the nexus one from Vodafone UK, came with 2.1-1 update already, then I gained root, flash the recovery to RA 1.7.0; flashed with Modoca r22 desire ROM with sense UI and A2DP, well, just saw the 2.2 last night rolled out, so used nandroid back to the status to the ROM just rooted without flashed to Desire one, so, do I need to just flash my recovery or I have to do it all?
Ok ... was rooted... did the downgrade... wiped.... copied the new radio update file to SD card as revolted into recovery and selected the .. tries to apply the update but fails... operation aborted... please help me !!!
techrock111 said:
Ok ... was rooted... did the downgrade... wiped.... copied the new radio update file to SD card as revolted into recovery and selected the .. tries to apply the update but fails... operation aborted... please help me !!!
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Clockwork does not currently support flashing radio. You will need to use to perform a full RUU to the leaked OTA 2.1 firmware. Afterwards, run unrevoked3, then apply the leaked 2.2 rom.
deficitism said:
Clockwork does not currently support flashing radio. You will need to use to perform a full RUU to the leaked OTA 2.1 firmware. Afterwards, run unrevoked3, then apply the leaked 2.2 rom.
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Ok already did the pb31img. The instructions posted here said to update the radio ota before loading the 2.2 Rom... should the radio update be omitted ? I thought I read earlier that if the new 2.2 leak was applied before updating radio there would be problems with cam. Ect. Not working ...
techrock111 said:
Ok already did the pb31img. The instructions posted here said to update the radio ota before loading the 2.2 Rom... should the radio update be omitted ? I thought I read earlier that if the new 2.2 leak was applied before updating radio there would be problems with cam. Ect. Not working ...
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Okay, just to clarify, you are running BONE STOCK, with stock recovery.
Does your error look like this?
If so, go ahead and boot up your device with bone stock 2.1, and make sure the exchange update is applied. If not, you should get prompted for an OTA. Install that OTA, then retry the radio update.
I haven't applied any updates yet... never got prompted for an ota update yet... bone stock 2.1 with stock recovery. I did the P311.img which unroots if I'm not mistaken. Did wipe after the p311.img . Is there some way to force the ota ? Btw how do I apply exchange update?
Thanks for the suggestions... I figured it out.. I renamed the file as update instead of .retired and it worked perfectly... loaded 2.2 through clockwork... froyo happiness ! thanks again
Hi All,
im running an nexus one (unlocked bootloader) with a custom recovery (amon ra). Recently i got the message that there is an OTA update available.
Even though i knew that custom recoveries don't support OTA i accepted to try out what happens.
The nexus one rebooted but there was no update installed (N1 stayed at FRG83).
After that, i downloaded the update manually and put it on my sd card as
When i went to recovery i was surprised that the amon ra recovery was gone, i could only get into the stock recovery. via stock recovery i installed the FRG83D update which worked fine.
So did my first try to install the OTA wipe the custom recovery and revert it back to stock? Does this mean that i can directly install future OTA updates since i have stock recovery now?
Yes and yes.
There is no problem flashing OTAs through custom recovery if you turn off signature verification.
Jack_R1 said:
Yes and yes.
There is no problem flashing OTAs through custom recovery if you turn off signature verification.
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oh ok i didn't know that.
i don't really need a custom recovery, just wanted to get rid of the vodafone firmware. so if i got you right, i now should have stock recovery and FRG83D (US), then i'm perfectly happy.
khaytsus said:
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thanks. the thread cleared up everything for me.
Hello mates,
I have a rooted wildfire with Wildpuzzle ROM v2.2. My recovery image is the Clockwork Recovery.
I want to load the Stock Froyo, now that app2SD is possible without root.
(App2sd is the only reason rooted).
I tried flashing the RUUxxxxx.exe file ,but got the error cannot upgrade your phone.
I found that signing key of the custom recovery is the causing the problem and that I have to get the Stock Recovery. And only then I will be able to run the RUUxxxx.exe file for Stock Froyo 2.2.
Can anyone tell me how I can do it ?
It will be of great help if any one can share an original "recovery.img" .
Also I am having trouble with fastboot becuase I have S-ON in bootloader.
Make a gold card. Flash stock RUU. Flash 2.2 RUU. Done! Look up a guide of making goldcard on xda or modaco.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
bynge said:
Hello mates,
I have a rooted wildfire with Wildpuzzle ROM v2.2. My recovery image is the Clockwork Recovery.
I want to load the Stock Froyo, now that app2SD is possible without root.
(App2sd is the only reason rooted).
I tried flashing the RUUxxxxx.exe file ,but got the error cannot upgrade your phone.
I found that signing key of the custom recovery is the causing the problem and that I have to get the Stock Recovery. And only then I will be able to run the RUUxxxx.exe file for Stock Froyo 2.2.
Can anyone tell me how I can do it ?
It will be of great help if any one can share an original "recovery.img" .
Also I am having trouble with fastboot becuase I have S-ON in bootloader.
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So you dont need the root anymore?
Then you should download from a WWE that is eclair run the .exe on ur pc and when its done go to (in ur phone) to the updates section and OTA upgrade to non-rooted official froyo!
(Htc Buzz:wildfire WWE is under the windows mobile section for some reason xD)
Guys i need your help
1. bought the phone with froyo (phone is atrix 4g att)
2. updated over-the-air to gingerbread
3. rooted
4. installed clockworkmod
5. unlocked bootloader
6. backed up stock rom
6. installed cyanogenmod 7 beta with android recovery (
Now I want to get back to gingerbread 2.3.4, so can i just restore it via clockworkmod restore or there is some other way?
And if i just restore my backup, is it safe for future OTA updates?
PS: i did spend my time searching and reading xda forums but i am not sure what to do because english is my 2nd language and i don't understand everything, i love my atrix and don't wan't to brick it
Just flash one of the fruitcake roms. They're simple's and completely stock
grave101 said:
Just flash one of the fruitcake roms. They're simple's and completely stock
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System and boot version only? What happened with webtop after flashing to cm7, is it still in phone?
What about some other rom, alien or aura, is the same procedure as for cm7 via android recovery?
You backed up your previous rom.....restore it.
carlharsch said:
You backed up your previous rom.....restore it.
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And if i want to try some other roms, i can do it safely via android recovery?
elvirr said:
And if i want to try some other roms, i can do it safely via android recovery?
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flash either CWM packages or fastboot flash of system / boot partitions.
those are safe.
xploited said:
flash either CWM packages or fastboot flash of system / boot partitions.
those are safe.
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OK, works great, thank you
now to figure out how to get this to update on my rooted LTE Tablet.....
I'm rooted and just got the update. But haven't completed the update yet as I'm too lazy to reroot.
I tried using the nvidia updater, which failed since it rebooted and CWM had no idea what to do. I made a CWM backup so I am going to see how well it flashes in CWM manually.
I managed to find the OTA download location and have superSU at the ready in my downloads folder in case I have to reflash. the OTA saved as:
Someone please report the steps on how to do this for Rooted 2.1.
CWM install zip failed. build fingerprint mismatched, its probably CWM. Will try sideloading stock recovery then installing the zip afterward, I think I remember seeing somewhere here that's how people upgraded rooted devices from 2.0 to 2.1
Omg things seem to be more snappy! The dreaded lag may be gone! I'm not rooted so I did the ota install
I'm really interested in your findings, i need to find a tutorial on how to flash back stock recovery then i can do the update and hopefully reroot.
Iorkca said:
I'm really interested in your findings, i need to find a tutorial on how to flash back stock recovery then i can do the update and hopefully reroot.
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currently working on it right now, need about a few to upload all files and then get everything setup....
From a post on Geforce forum
For rooted users you'll want to use theses.
US LTE Full:*
US Wifi Full:*
I successfully updated rooted wifi using link
Awsome sounds good. Quick question to get stock recovery back all id have to do is extract the recovery.img file from the ota 2.1 file i downloaded off nvidia's site and load it like i did the CWM recovery from the root thread right?
Or (if you've got root) wait until the full 2.2 .zip is available, then download it and flash it through your custom recovery, followed by the latest SuperSU. (just like the last Lollipop update).
Interestingly, the OTA update tool has an option for "Check full update" (under the top right menu), but it doesn't seem to return anything...yet...
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
Pretty much you are going
Flash Stock recovery by any preferred method
Flash Update
adb Reflash CWM recovery
Thru recovery flash SuperSU
Working on getting all the files in one package as of right now. Damn internet hogs in my house.
Cant we use Flashify to flash stock recovery and then updating the OTA and then reflash our recoverys and
NaminatoR1254jaime.sier said:
Cant we use Flashify to flash stock recovery and then updating the OTA and then reflash our recoverys and
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Yeah, if you have the stock recovery file....
mcord11758 said:
From a post on Geforce forum
For rooted users you'll want to use theses.
US LTE Full:*
US Wifi Full:*
I successfully updated rooted wifi using link
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Did you clean install, or did you dirty flash?
Just curious if this can be applied as an update our not.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
masterchiefb117 said:
Yeah, if you have the stock recovery file....
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I dont
But Im downloading the 2.1 update stock images. Funny how I deleted the 2 gb zip yesterday and now I need it.
masterchiefb117 said:
Pretty much you are going
Flash Stock recovery by any preferred method
Flash Update
adb Reflash CWM recovery
Thru recovery flash SuperSU
Working on getting all the files in one package as of right now. Damn internet hogs in my house.
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You won't be able to successfully flash the UPDATE .zip file (~94MB) on a rooted (read: modified) Lollipop version.
Recovery version is irrelevant.
You need the FULL 2.2 rom (already found above , ~731MB), flash it in your current custom recovery and re-root by flashing SuperSU again.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
ok, here's what I dug up. If you are rooted and want it NOW, get to it, otherwise wait for someone to clean up the process:
get the OTA from here:
get your latest SuperSU flashable zip:
get your recovery ready for reflashing, the OTA will install the stock recovery again. I went with:
boot into recovery and install zip from sideload. then choose either: adb sideload or adb sideload
reboot and let the upgrade happen, you've lost root and recovery, but you still are unlocked so you just have to reflash them. get into fastboot with power and volume down, then flash recovery: fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
load up recovery and flash the superSU zip and you're back in business.
ShrekOpher said:
Did you clean install, or did you dirty flash?
Just curious if this can be applied as an update our not.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
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Wiped cache and davlik then just in case flashed supersu after rom
An Droid said:
You won't be able to successfully flash the UPDATE .zip file (~94MB) on a rooted (read: modified) Lollipop version.
Recovery version is irrelevant.
You need the FULL 2.2 rom (already found above , ~731MB), flash it in your current custom recovery and re-root by flashing SuperSU again.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
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That means a rooted lollipop user with custom recovery, can download the full ota, and dirty flash it, right?