where is the FM radio - Nexus One General

i remember lookin through alot of web sites and reading that froyo was going to have FM Radio...now that google posted the features i dont see it... where is it!!?? did google forget lol?

It was one rumor, on one French site. From a guy who said an HTC rep told him what google was building. It wasn't very reliable, and anyone who phoned Google and HTC couldn't get the same info. Very sketchy and unreliable, but everyone ignored that because they wanted it so bad. The rumors spread all from that one post onto thousands of boss, so it only looked credible.

gamefan231 said:
i remember lookin through alot of web sites and reading that froyo was going to have FM Radio...now that google posted the features i dont see it... where is it!!?? did google forget lol?
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An FM Radio is physical internal hardware.
A new OS update can't "magically" add an FM radio to all Android phones, especially ones that don't have it inside.
As for the N1, Paul from Modaco.com is working on it and hopefully will get it fully operational soon!

Paul22000 said:
As for the N1, Paul from Modaco.com is working on it and hopefully will get it fully operational soon!
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Well, the FM radio feature in this case is very device specific. They are not going to announce that as a feature, because it is not something that affects Android as a whole.
There is still a chance that the N1 build of 2.2 will enable the functionality.

Fm radio is a waste. I've had it on 5 phones and barely used it. Now with Pandora, especially so.

Paul22000 said:
An FM Radio is physical internal hardware.
A new OS update can't "magically" add an FM radio to all Android phones, especially ones that don't have it inside.
As for the N1, Paul from Modaco.com is working on it and hopefully will get it fully operational soon!
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That means N1 DOES have FM radio internal hardware! Even if I rarely use FM radio but knowing that my dear N1 can catch some FM wave is more satisfied!

mrbkkt1 said:
Fm radio is a waste. I've had it on 5 phones and barely used it. Now with Pandora, especially so.
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Pandora doesn't work at all if you don't have cell service, whereas FM radio will often work just fine.
I don't see how having the option could hurt, especially since the N1 has the hardware already. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right?

The details for the N1 specific froyo update have not been shown yet, so we don't know.
What you have seen so far is just the updates to the basecode of android, not the update Google will push out for the N1. Likewise, the update for other devices will have different featuresets.
For example, expect the tethering options to be removed from basically any phone being sold through a carrier that offers tethering for a fee.
AOSP Code => Device Specific Code
At the conference => Not seen yet and will include stuff like trackball options (for N1 only)

JCopernicus said:
The details for the N1 specific froyo update have not been shown yet, so we don't know.
What you have seen so far is just the updates to the basecode of android, not the update Google will push out for the N1. Likewise, the update for other devices will have different featuresets.
For example, expect the tethering options to be removed from basically any phone being sold through a carrier that offers tethering for a fee.
AOSP Code => Device Specific Code
At the conference => Not seen yet and will include stuff like trackball options (for N1 only)
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Dead on and I was going to state that. The info on Froyo is just that Froyo, it is not the N1 that will run Froyo. So we have to wait to see if there is specific items setup for the N1 in Froyo that will not be released to any other phone.

like wireless n... which has been stated to come out on the N1, but wasn't mentioned yesterday in the keynote.

akirajds said:
like wireless n... which has been stated to come out on the N1, but wasn't mentioned yesterday in the keynote.
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Again yesterday they demoed "Froyo" Android 2.2 not the Nexus One. Froyo just happened to be on the N1 cause that is Googles primary phone. They only demoed stuff that would effect all phones in the industry regardless of hardware. So yea, NO specific details would be given about the Nexus One cause it wasn't about the Nexus One. So Wireless-N, FM, screen fixes, memory increases, louder speaker phone, track ball light, and so on would NOT be shown cause those are N1 ONLY not FROYO. Same reason why they demoed a 2D game instead of a 3D game, cause some phones handle 3D better then others, but 2D is just about the same across the board.
Does everyone get this now?!?!?! I hate being so direct, but....
We will know about N1 related fixes/extras in the coming weeks when they finalize the N1 Froyo ROM.

This is obvious though......
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

akirajds said:
like wireless n... which has been stated to come out on the N1, but wasn't mentioned yesterday in the keynote.
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I am waiting more on the Wireless N (since my house is all N now) more than the FM Radio.
That being said, FM Radio would not be bad either.

Talderon said:
I am waiting more on the Wireless N (since my house is all N now) more than the FM Radio.
That being said, FM Radio would not be bad either.
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According to posts on Cynogen's forum, his 5.0.6 mod already had 802.11n enabled. It's not going to say it right there on the phone mind you, but you should be able to tell by your home wifi connect.
I did note that you're unlocked but not rooted yet, so you wouldn't see it yet.


Donut/1.6 on HTC Hero

Hey Guys,
I was wondering that since Google is already sharing the Donut Love with G1's and Magic's when are we gonna see some Donut love for our lovely piece of Hardware we all know as HERO ...
I am guessing Htc is working on the 1.6 SDK provided by Google to integrate it with ROSIE, but i am thinking the Developers here are alot faster than the guys and HTC.
So can we get a Rosie with 1.6 which is rooted ofcourse but nothing else... no other modifications i mean.
Respect to all.
nadeemhasnaat said:
Hey Guys,
I was wondering that since Google is already sharing the Donut Love with G1's and Magic's when are we gonna see some Donut love for our lovely piece of Hardware we all know as HERO ...
I am guessing Htc is working on the 1.6 SDK provided by Google to integrate it with ROSIE, but i am thinking the Developers here are alot faster than the guys and HTC.
So can we get a Rosie with 1.6 which is rooted ofcourse but nothing else... no other modifications i mean.
Respect to all.
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Good question, I would love to see that as well... BUT I suppose it is not possible without the kernel sourse, unless Sprint's Hero comes out with 1.6 and then its ROM is ported to our European Heros. That's up to the devs!
Well the Sprint Hero HAS to come with Donut... It's CDMA, and that's only supported in Donut, so I'm almost 100% positive it will ship with Donut.
chaoscentral said:
Well the Sprint Hero HAS to come with Donut... It's CDMA, and that's only supported in Donut, so I'm almost 100% positive it will ship with Donut.
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That was what I thought. But Joshua @ Engadget told me that their Sprint Hero review unit only has Android 1.5 on it. Well, Android 1.6 added support for CDMA does not necessarily mean that one cannot write a driver for Android 1.5 to support CDMA.
But anyway, I do think that it is almost likely that HTC will release a 1.6 update for the Hero in a not too distance future.
The Google experience G1s and Magics are purely that - stock Cupcake ROMs. The Hero presents a slight challenge as HTC put a lot of love into the ROM, with the addition of SenseUI. Hopefully, it won't take that long to cook a Donut ROM with SenseUI, but just making the transition of the great innovations from HTC for the Hero will be the stumbling block for a Donut-based ROM.
HTC Response to my Donut question.
I asked when they'd release a ROM using Dognut ( 1.6 ) for the Hero.
Their reply:
Good Morning, HTC do not release the ROM updates. Google do. If you have any questions relating thier operating system, the updates, its benefits and release dates please visit www.android.com for further support. Here at HTC, we manufacture the hardware on the device and release hotfixes for when reported bugs needs resolution. If you have a technical support related query regarding the device, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards, HTC Europe
This has constantly been my experience with HTC - ask them a question and they say contact Google.
J-Zeus said:
I asked when they'd release a ROM using Dognut ( 1.6 ) for the Hero.
Their reply:
Good Morning, HTC do not release the ROM updates. Google do. If you have any questions relating thier operating system, the updates, its benefits and release dates please visit www.android.com for further support. Here at HTC, we manufacture the hardware on the device and release hotfixes for when reported bugs needs resolution. If you have a technical support related query regarding the device, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards, HTC Europe
This has constantly been my experience with HTC - ask them a question and they say contact Google.
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Man thats so frustrating innit. I am sure if we ask google, they wont comment either coz our hero is not with "GOOGLE EXPERIENCE" ..... what a load of cr*p
well i actually snooped around and heard a couple of ppl say that it should not be a difficult task for HTC to induce Rosie into 1.6, infact one of them even said " should be a peice of cake" so i am a hopless optimist and hopefully it'll be sent as an OTA upgrade or " HOTFIX " by HTC soon...
I'll call HTC too and see if i can get any more info out
Just got off the phone with a customer support officer from HTC UK. And she said that while they dont have the exact date on when HTC will issue and update bundled with Donut, It is under works and will be sooner rather than later..... now the waiting games begin
correct me if I'm wrong, but 1.6 doesn't bring that much for us Hero owners right? When the first announcements came I looked through the "Whats new" list and I didn't start shouting from excitement
dipje said:
correct me if I'm wrong, but 1.6 doesn't bring that much for us Hero owners right? When the first announcements came I looked through the "Whats new" list and I didn't start shouting from excitement
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well the only notable improvement might be of the speed and performance, although google didn't shout about it so i m thinking it'll be minimalistic ... however detailed battery usage, universal search and test to speech are a few things i wouldn't mind having....
But actually for me its just about getting the latest updates on the Android flagship device...
dipje said:
correct me if I'm wrong, but 1.6 doesn't bring that much for us Hero owners right? When the first announcements came I looked through the "Whats new" list and I didn't start shouting from excitement
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One benefit will be being able to run any future apps that require 1.6 (use 1.6-specific API features). We already have apps that run only on 1.5 or higher...
system-wide search feature would be nice...
I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but I signed up to point it out:
The Tattoo will be shipping with Android 1.6, and it uses the Sense UI. That should mean that it isn't too far off for the Hero.
Looks promising! and the Tatoo is Due to launch orange UK this month
VPN and Global search are the two main features I am most excited about in the Donut
It's supposed to be faster also.
Does 1.6 not also include the improved App Store for Android?
mjames_84 said:
Does 1.6 not also include the improved App Store for Android?
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yes it does
http://drop.io/g1i9pj0 hero is getting donut....you might also be getting a snapdragon hero.
I installed donut on my girlfriends g1 yesterday and it seemed much faster than cupcake.

i9000 to get Froyo ~ No specific date as yet!

As posted on asia cnet.com web site.
The i9000 will eventually at some stage get Android 2.2 Froyo.
Read here for details.
yay that will make things even better
I don't mind waiting. 2.1 is still pretty cool, and I rather seem them test Froyo properly rather than rush out an update.
re's another outside source posting details. This time it's from GSMArena.
Read it here.
it woudl be awesome with froyo on it
according to SamsungFirmwares on Twitter:
SamsungFirmwares said:
So Samsung is testing 2.2 (No info about phones) And updates for 2.1 in more countries soon.
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If I understand this Manager right Samsung has already working phones with 2.2 and they will launch it soon after the phone will launch.
Actually he didn't say that. This interview was answered with the usual catalogue of noncommittal standard responses. He only said they are working on it.
hermanherz said:
If I understand this Manager right Samsung has already working phones with 2.2 and they will launch it soon after the phone will launch.
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at that event in UAE Samsung have stated that the Galaxy S will have the update in around two months
As Eldar Murtazin state,
It was in March that I shared my impressions of Galaxy S, those who do not remember, can read it here.
Quite frequently I am asked to tell about this device in detail, more over some say that there are some so-called reviews in the Internet. To my mind the problem is that for the time being there is no official software for the device. There will be a couple of different versions before it is officially released as well as the default set of programs can be changed. Those prototypes that people have today do not have final design, they are different from commercial devices (there is no curve in the lower body part in the final samples).
In Russia as in the majority of states it will be released in mid-July. Some countries will see the device one month earlier. But the update to Android 2.2 for this phone will be available only in mid-Summer. So is there a point in writing about it if something may change radically? I suggest that there are no problems in the device as such and it is possible to write about it. You can get general impression even today. In this dilemma I ask for your advice, what should I do best? It will be logical to add a part about the camera and description of some applications to the first article and call it the preliminary review. Should such material be published and announced on the main page – remains a question for me as well. Give your advice and recommendations, your opinion is important as always.
As a small bonus I want to mention that Galaxy S is important for the Android market in another way. It is known that most people consider Marketplace to be the only place where you can get applications and assume that Google will protect its right for it at all costs. In other words it will not tolerate other similar applications by other companies. It suddenly appears that Samsung can install such applications; particularly the device has Samsung application and book stores. What is more amazing is that while discussing this issue one of company’s top manager said that on the device you can use any search from any company. Google does not insist on the use of its search by default. The fact that everyone uses it today does not mean that there are any restrictions by Google. This remarkable discovery makes Android not only very open system but the system whose main advantage is the possibility to use any solutions available. This is namely what Samsung is doing. In this aspect both companies are following an understandable path, by not restricting users in choice of services. Admit that you did not know that Google is so flexible about Android? Or the reason is in antitrust legislation? I do not know but the fact remains, Google does not impose any one-sided terms on the hardware manufacturers.
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This would be amazing on 2.2 as its faster than an n1 on 2.1 so when this gets 2.2 it will be the fastest android phon !
MacaronyMax said:
This would be amazing on 2.2 as its faster than an n1 on 2.1 so when this gets 2.2 it will be the fastest android phon !
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Totally agree, games from GAmeloft like (Sandstorm) is so freaken smooth like constant 60fps
The OS seems very snappy already and 2.2 is just gonna blow my mind away when its ready for our S!!!
as froyo is just officially released today as open source samsung could and would not try to port it until now ... so depending how smooth the transition goes samsung might actually get it done in 2 or 3 month
v1rtu4l said:
as froyo is just officially released today as open source samsung could and would not try to port it until now ... so depending how smooth the transition goes samsung might actually get it done in 2 or 3 month
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lol nice to see you here v1rtu4l. samsung will probably take their sweet time to get this update out, you and i both know how they work.. hopefully well be able to add Froyo to the Galaxy S ourselves as it was rooted today.
Am tempted to pick up this phone for the screen and AV format support. Watching videos should be great, if i can go by my experience with HD2 running Coreplayer. And no conversion required.
Also have a N1 running Froyo. Question is, once you root and update the i9000 to Froyo, what happens to its divx/mkv support? Do you lose it? Can its AV player be extracted as a .apk file and reinstalled? If so, can the same app be installed on the N1?
krumbs said:
Am tempted to pick up this phone for the screen and AV format support. Watching videos should be great, if i can go by my experience with HD2 running Coreplayer. And no conversion required.
Also have a N1 running Froyo. Question is, once you root and update the i9000 to Froyo, what happens to its divx/mkv support? Do you lose it? Can its AV player be extracted as a .apk file and reinstalled? If so, can the same app be installed on the N1?
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interesting point, is the codec support built into touchwiz or a feature on the media player?.... one of my big reasons for buying this phone is root and the codec support....
"No specific date as yet" is what kills it. Is it in a month or 2, or in the end of December ? I doubt its hard for Samsung to update to 2.2, although, it does take forever for HTC to port
kolyan said:
"No specific date as yet" is what kills it. Is it in a month or 2, or in the end of December ? I doubt its hard for Samsung to update to 2.2, although, it does take forever for HTC to port
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at least you hear HTC and Moto talk about it....I havent heard much from Samsung lately....
I'm eagerly awaiting some guru Rom maker to deliver Froyo to the GS. The first one to do so will definitely be getting a donation from me.
The phone is rooted... how far are we to get froyo on this.. ...
Waiting from samsung is a pain.

Magic with froyo 2.2?

There were some rumors that some of the Android devices of HTC will not receive the newest update to Android Froyo 2.2. While this is partially true, we’re happy to say that HTC Magic is not included in that “black list”.
As announced by the second largest French mobile operator SFR, the device will receive the desired Froyo soon. Some believe that this will take place even in this month. T-Mobile has also plans to update myTouch 3 G which is basically the same device to Froyo by the end of this year.
Let’s say that the device looks to handle the novelties quite well, considering the fact “of not being that new”. Good job!
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so correct me if im wrong... but if the htc magic gets official android 2.2 does that mean the amazing developers here are going to have a field day with it and make it even better and more customizable than the actual creators of it?
I sure hope so would love to have a nice custom rom with 2.2 that works and with tons of bonus stuff pre installed.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the amazing developers here are having a field day since the froyo source was dropped in to AOSP a few days ago. CM6 should be just around the corner.
i know they are already playing with it, but with a copy from the actually phone i imagine it would be easier to mod and play with since they dont have to port and do all kinds of ridicules things to get it to work on another phone.
sike89 said:
i know they are already playing with it, but with a copy from the actually phone i imagine it would be easier to mod and play with since they dont have to port and do all kinds of ridicules things to get it to work on another phone.
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Remember that the 32B Magic is the ION/ADP2, everything you need to get a fully working ROM is supplied in the AOSP. What you're suggesting is probably more relevant to devices like the Hero. At any rate, we'll probably see CM6 or some other froyo ROM before a shipped one.
ok well you seem to know more than i do so i hope a 2.2 near perfect rom comes out soom. im so excited lol
Yeah me too, Cyan's feed is the only reason I'm checking twitter atm, really looking forward to speed increases

Redevelopment of apps now that gingerbread is on the horizon

I am NOT a dev, but I would like to know what kind of work work is going to be required now that gingerbread is on the forefront?
For example, VPlayer, doesn't work... it FC... How much work is it going to take to get the program back up and running???
Im just asking because, as much as I hate to admit it, fragmentation (as everyone calls it) is going to start causing issues. I get that google wants to offer the best and the latest and greatest, but if everytime a new API get sent out, and devs' have to rewrite their work, how much time is it going to take to get the proggy back up and running??
theomajigga said:
I am NOT a dev,
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You should've stop right there.
You realize that at this point only 1(!) phone is running official 2.3 Gingerbread and it's Samsung Nexus S. It's a drop in a bucket comparing to all of the phones that are running official 2.x firmware.
Furthermore, if an app is properly developed against 1.x or 2.x SDK then it will work with gingerbreadas as all APIs are future-compliant. The only problem would be is if an app is developed using 2.3 APIs and you would try to use it on earlier roms or if it used undocumented/unofficial APIs that were not supposed to be used and were discontinued in future releases.
We don't know what 's causing vPlayer not to work, could be many things (kernel, unfinished rom development, missing libs) or it could be things in vPlayer that were improperly implemented.
Send a log to developer and see if he/she can help you. Given that you're not running official (or at least stable!) release, you may not get far though.
But please, don't jump on that "fragmentation" train, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
borodin1 said:
You should've stop right there.
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First off, I didn't ask for you to be a ****, if I would have posted this in the dev forum that would have prompted you to respond as such.
borodin1 said:
You realize that at this point only 1(!) phone is running official 2.3 Gingerbread and it's Samsung Nexus S. It's a drop in a bucket comparing to all of the phones that are running official 2.x firmware.
Furthermore, if an app is properly developed against 1.x or 2.x SDK then it will work with gingerbreadas as all APIs are future-compliant. The only problem would be is if an app is developed using 2.3 APIs and you would try to use it on earlier roms or if it used undocumented/unofficial APIs that were not supposed to be used and were discontinued in future releases.
We don't know what 's causing vPlayer not to work, could be many things (kernel, unfinished rom development, missing libs) or it could be things in vPlayer that were improperly implemented.
Send a log to developer and see if he/she can help you. Given that you're not running official (or at least stable!) release, you may not get far though.
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Thanks for the answer, i guess.
borodin1 said:
But please, don't jump on that "fragmentation" train, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
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Now that that is out of the way, can I ask you HOW you can honestly say that Android isn't fragmented. Seriously ask your self... I LOVE android, I really do, G1-cliq-MT3G-Nexus One-HD2(androided)-MT4G, but I can't even lie about that. There is 9 API levels!! 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0.1, 2.0, 1.6, 1.5, 1.1, 1.0.
Ok, so now most apps are going to be working on that 84% of phones running level 7+.
But this ALSO doesn't account for the manufacture API's that are implemented buy some of them, which I KNOW causes some problems. (skype on the Samsung Galaxy Series) just to name one very big one. Skype works on other devices with 2.1, but it doesn't on the Samsung 2.1? as a consumer, I'd ask wtf, even with their limited knowledge of android.
Fragmentation is defined as is the inability to "write once and run anywhere". Rovio complained about this. Albeit not directly, but they said that they were having issues with people on some phones, with some versions of software, and that it wasn't going to work across the board.
I hate to admit it but there are certain things that need to be done to insure that Android will not only be the "Mobile OS" but it will also be the demanded one (IMHO):
1. Cut the bull**** manufacture stuff out, make only ONE set of API's, with 0 proprietary API's. Make it stuff that you can get if you want through the Android Market (custom UI's and such).
2. Control the god-damn market, find spammers, find shady devs re-uploading their apps multiple times to get ad dollars.
3. Get everybody on board to updates, require that all devices with X specifications be updated Y months after a source is released. That will get again get everyone on the same API level, and will make all apps compatible (maybe slow).
4. For the love of all holy, USE THE BEST COMPONENTS YOU CAN FIND! AND MAKE IT A STANDARD At least for the primary functions of the phone. For example, the Nexus One (my fave so far) did NOT have a competent touch screen, 2 point, and a BAD 2 point at that, and that is considered to be the new dev phone. Well who the HELL would want to dev for a platform that can only recognize two points (barely) that doesn't always even get them right? I sure as hell wouldn't. Finally I get the MT4G, the FIRST thing i did was test the touch screen, and guess what... It still is sub-par. 4 points, where my friends Galaxy S can do 6 or something. Now you are going to ask me, who uses 6 points idiot? Some games, do, and to top **** off, if you can't recognize 2 points properly, close together, how can some of the basic multi-touch functions work? (google maps on the N1)
I'm sorry for the rant, but I'm realistic. A mobile platform can't win like this.

I've paid money to Samsung. Not to Cyanogen guy.

OK. We all have buggy gingerbread stock roms from samsung. That's impossible to play dungeon defenders on gingerbread for an example.
Froyo has two times better FPS on stock. Some 3D games lagging and dungeon defenders is unplayable with new gingerbread. Amazing smooth with cm7.
-Phone FC by years and years.
-Still there is a small lag with rfs and also with ext4.
-GPS is still horrible.
-RAM issues with touchwiz parts.
-Can't record video with front cam.
-Can't download most of file formats with stock browser.
-Stock browser is so smooth but touch trigger is sooooo wrong. I click to A and It opens B.
-Changing volume during playing music when backlight off is interesting. Totally muting?
-Software update takes 7 mb of ram. (wssyncmlnps) We have offical kies updates 1 or 2 month periods. And that eats my 7 mb of very limited ram every second?
-OMG I have free 10.000 free sms not MMS. And that stupid converting it to mms after 3 sms. I have brain to do this.
-I have ugly yellow tint on my samoled. Why I need voodoo to fix it? OK I've paid to supercurio. or samsung? Samsung?
-Press reader app NEVER WORKS.
When I go for CyanogenMod I feel what I have on my hands.
We all paid money to samsung. And look how this guys imporive a amazing rom daily. http://cm-nightlies.appspot.com/?device=galaxysmtd FOR FREE?.
Now we can get ICS or not. It's a chance. WHY? I can't understand really.
But If we get it. We have wait 7 months. Why? It will be buggy after 7 months or 17 months.
What do you think about this?
Cyanogen works for Samsung.
upichie said:
Cyanogen works for Samsung.
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Maybe but still not enough for offical samsung. Is it?
burakgon said:
Maybe but still not enough for offical samsung. Is it?
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I'm not entirely sure I understand your thread.
There will probably be a new CyanogenMod that is based off of ICS source code once available. Or are you trying to show distaste for Samsung's update policy? If that's the case, then check this thread out. You'll find some sympathetic souls there.
What he means is that we should demand quality from Samsung, they sold us the phone they should be responsible for giving us quality software.
Everyone get's happy with custom roms, i'm not, i want Samsung to fix the problems, i want to use kies, i want quality from standard channels.
So far this is the most disappointing phone i ever bought.
calbertoferreira said:
What he means is that we should demand quality from Samsung, they sold us the phone they should be responsible for giving us quality software.
Everyone get's happy with custom roms, i'm not, i want Samsung to fix the problems, i want to use kies, i want quality from standard channels.
So far this is the most disappointing phone i ever bought.
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Well that seems a little harsh to me. It's not as if they didn't update it at all. Oh well. I'm a fan of the custom ROMs, so I probably don't entirely understand your concern.
I imagined this phone as a perfect phone, but it's far from it:
- Slow downs do to RFS
- GPS is ... i can't describe it, it got better after 3rd time in warranty but still bad
- Radio is mono
- Crashes (the phone completely frose when it changed daylight savings time)
- In Gingerbread the phone can't handle some 3d games
In some seconds this is what i remember.
We've got and Android phone that is at the same level with iphone, compare your experience with both of them..
I know i'm being harsh, if it was an 100€ phone i wouldn't complain to much, but this phone was expensive when i bought it.
Cyanogen seems to be doing for this phone what samsung could never get done.
Samsung software sucks, always has, they don't seem to bother to produce good coding.
Bugs exist and they'll always will, what's wrong here is they need to be addressed by proper official channels, not 3rd party developers. They don't, even when new versions are released (ex: the 100% charged, power cord plugged in, draining battery comes to mind, etc)
Actually, don't think they ever do much from update to update. I keep seeing people complaining at forums from the same bugs they had before, so no real bugfixing is getting done.
And if they don't even fix bugs, i don't think optimization is happening either.
While we're at it, i'd like to see a proper website maintained by samsung with the official releases, updates and proper changelogs telling what they done.
I may be wrong but everytime there is a new official rom, came from someone who plugged kies and found it out or a leak/post on some obscure place, never from an official announcement.
I've stopped believing in samsung's software. Sadly, nothing much can be done except stop buying their stuff. But their hardware is still good and my options aren't that great: the iphone makes me feel like a retard that needs to be handfed, HTC's a next best, but don't really fancy HTC's sense (or hardware, they use physical buttons too much), LG is a plain "no way" (my SGS feels soother than any LG dualcore i've tried), motorola isn't even available here and nexus don't have an SD card slot for some odd reason (it's really convenient and was a dealbreaker for me with nexus S).
So i'll suck it up. My most sincere thank you to Cyanogen team (and every rom developers out there) for providing me with everything samsung never could. They're free, but to be honest, I'd gladly pay for a job well done.
I too have enormous respect for these cyanogen guys. I couldn't keep a GB rom on my phone for more than a day without FCs, reboots etc. when the phone rang I wanted to be able to talk to someone, not hear a deafening nothingness ... Or the ultimate wtf ... a phone that rebooted every second time I answered it.
CM7 is the biz. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
calbertoferreira said:
So far this is the most disappointing phone i ever bought.
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And how many "smartphone" did you had before?
I had 2 WinMobile (6.5) before, both HTC, and the quality of either the OS and the phone doesn't even come close to the SGS...
also cm is not 100% working for i9000 - still some functions missing stil some errors
do not worry we will get the ics - most probably official kies releaase will be Q2/Q3 2012
so lets hope that it will leak fster like gb this year ;]
calbertoferreira said:
- Slow downs do to RFS
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there are none - sorry maybe perform test when the media scanner stopst all of its scanning not during that or rigth after boot, or during
'tweaked rfs' presented with 2.3.5 performs basicly the same as ext4 on nexuss
calbertoferreira said:
- GPS is ... i can't describe it, it got better after 3rd time in warranty but still bad
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gps was a problem from the launch day - nothing changed that was well know issue - still gps is enought for car navigation at least and depends on firmware version for sport tracking
calbertoferreira said:
- Radio is mono
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radio is stereo, mono is an apple rumour i guess
was mono in early froyo releases
calbertoferreira said:
- Crashes (the phone completely frose when it changed daylight savings time)
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never happened to me on stock odex or on odex with cfroot, jvt also fixed infamous Black Screen ff Death
fc/freeze is caused by custom kernels and crappy rom/theme
only well known FC is phone one - and it seems to be fixed by samsung in latest carier firmwares
calbertoferreira said:
In Gingerbread the phone can't handle some 3d games
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this is not gamming console
Samsung should also allow and work with other developers to make roms for there phones because in the end all they want is to sell there hardware
dadyal said:
Samsung should also allow and work with other developers to make roms for there phones because in the end all they want is to sell there hardware
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They hired Cyanogen, did they not?
upichie said:
They hired Cyanogen, did they not?
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OK but that affects what? Where is samsunogen mod?
burakgon said:
OK but that affects what? Where is samsunogen mod?
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The other guy suggested that Samsung should start working with developers. Well, they are. They're working with probably one of the most famous devs around here (at least last I heard).
Samsung has really messed up rom development.
Without xda this phone would be useless..
Also they are forgetting sgs 1 owners and can´t produce one working rom..
My next phone isn´t going to be Samsung or Htc.
I had 3Gs and i was pretty happy with it when it was on jb.
Let´s hope that Samsung do something about this problem and fast.
Two years is pretty long time to wait one working rom without bugs..
$omator said:
this is not gamming console
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This is not but this must run android games. Not console games. If possible with cm7 why not with stock?
Well, I don't know if you guys are like me, but I DID paid cyanogenmod team...
Once they released 7.1 stable, I paid immediately.
$omator said:
also cm is not 100% working for i9000 - still some functions missing stil some errors
do not worry we will get the ics - most probably official kies releaase will be Q2/Q3 2012
so lets hope that it will leak fster like gb this year ;]
there are none - sorry maybe perform test when the media scanner stopst all of its scanning not during that or rigth after boot, or during
'tweaked rfs' presented with 2.3.5 performs basicly the same as ext4 on nexuss
gps was a problem from the launch day - nothing changed that was well know issue - still gps is enought for car navigation at least and depends on firmware version for sport tracking
radio is stereo, mono is an apple rumour i guess
was mono in early froyo releases
never happened to me on stock odex or on odex with cfroot, jvt also fixed infamous Black Screen ff Death
fc/freeze is caused by custom kernels and crappy rom/theme
only well known FC is phone one - and it seems to be fixed by samsung in latest carier firmwares
this is not gamming console
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Dear friend $omator i'm using Stock JVA, and all the issues i told you are true I've tried to liston some FM music with my Seinheiser phones and it sounds mono, or the bass is almost non existent , gps can barely be used for car navigation, this is not a gamming console but it has a 3d chip, what is it doing on my phone ?
They hired Cyanogen, but he is still in the cyanogenmod team. We will still get cyanogenmod for free.
By the way those problems doesn't bother, since I don't use firmwares from manufacturers anyway.
