Froyo Release Branch appears on Github! - Nexus One General
Froyo release branch appears on github. Suggesting a release tomorrow? maybe for developers?

Sweet. Not sure what the release branch is exactly but it sounds like one step closer to Froyo.
Do we know for sure that Froyo will be 2.2, or is that all just speculation?

IIRC, the release branch is to allow developers to update their apps for compatibility. Generally a great sign that the update is coming SOON.

If we determined the amount of time between the developers release and the general ota for previous updates couldn't we get an idea of how long to expect to wait for Froyo? Or has the amount off time varied throughout the updates?

Yeah..I don't think that would be a great predictor. Patience is a virtue.
Sent from my Nexus One

cyanogen has just tweeted that froyo is creeping out into aosp.....

krabman said:
cyanogen has just tweeted that froyo is creeping out into aosp.....
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Just? That was like 2 hours ago. Where ya been? lol


Open Source (Kernel and System) Release Date?

Haven't posted much here and read through the threads under the Evo board. Im not familiar with how HTC handles Android releases. My only Android and open source experience has been with Samsung and the moment.
Any rough ideas how long HTC has historically taken to release the open source for an android phone after its public launch? 2-3 weeks? 2-3 months?
Does anybody know if they will release kernel source (2.6.29) and Android 2.1 source or just their modified kernel source?
Hope these questions aren't too far off...
I think you may have to wait a while for that.
david279 said:
I think you may have to wait a while for that.
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i'm curious if anybody has any information which i wasn't able to find regarding this. the answer would either be based on previous information, inside information, or speculation. as i inquired previously and to combine your answer, is "a while" 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months? if nobody has any idea, that wouldnt surprise me either...
joeykrim said:
i'm curious if anybody has any information which i wasn't able to find regarding this. the answer would either be based on previous information, inside information, or speculation. as i inquired previously and to combine your answer, is "a while" 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months? if nobody has any idea, that wouldnt surprise me either...
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Well it took what, 5-6 months for the release of the kernel for the hero, so a while could be a long time.
the htc increadable source is already out, I don't think it will take that long at all
The problem with the Hero was due to GSM and CDMA variants.
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kyleblakepeters said:
The problem with the Hero was due to GSM and CDMA variants.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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Not really. HTC had the Kernel source, they just sat on it. Most of the Android devices HTC has released has taken about 6 months to get the kernel source. I would expect no different with this device. However, considering the Incredible source is indeed already released maybe they are changing that. Regardless, is the kernel version actually still 2.6.29 or do the newer devices have a newer kernel? I thought the N1 used 2.6.31.
chuckhriczko said:
Not really. HTC had the Kernel source, they just sat on it. Most of the Android devices HTC has released has taken about 6 months to get the kernel source. I would expect no different with this device. However, considering the Incredible source is indeed already released maybe they are changing that. Regardless, is the kernel version actually still 2.6.29 or do the newer devices have a newer kernel? I thought the N1 used 2.6.31.
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android 2.1 released for the samsung moment is on 2.6.29. idk how accurate of a gauge this is for the EVO.
thats unfortunate it took them so long to release the source code. i thought there was a time constraint on the GNU open license giving them a short time period between public release and deadline to release the open source. i could be wrong though...
HTC just released the Incredible's and Eris's source codes 5 minutes, ago via Twitter, so I don't think we will wait long.
Because we know how much you developers love source code...Legend, Incredible, Desire, and Eris(2.1) kernels are online.
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TheBiles said:
HTC just released the Incredible's and Eris's source codes 5 minutes, ago via Twitter, so I don't think we will wait long.
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It's been up on their developer site for a couple weeks at least
chuckhriczko said:
It's been up on their developer site for a couple weeks at least
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Eh, well it was news to me.

Froyo ETA for EVO?

Froyo ETA prediction? How stable do you think it will be ?
i say 3-4 months until HTC and Sprint release the update.
just my personal assumption.
clubtech said:
i say 3-4 months until HTC and Sprint release the update.
just my personal assumption.
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That long for the official, what about the unofficial & its stability?
It is supposed to be July...
Unfortunately, I haven't posted enough to post outside links. If you Google android 2.2 evo July; you should find all the articles.
For an unstable FroYo, we already have it. Maejrep is running it on his Evo now but until him and Toast release their root method we won't have it. But it's unstable and things don't fully work yet such as the camera. Now this is just an N1 port. That said, in June later in the month, the full FroYo source will be released. This will allow for us to compile our own AOSP build. There may be issues like we had with the Hero but we should be able to get most of it if not all of it working. So for a fully working AOSP FroYo we should be able to get it by mid to late June.
June 4th, thanks to some awesome devs in the community. my best guess/hope.

how soon till you think 2.3 is leaked

we all know its going to happen but how soon till we see the leaks
Leaks? It's already officially out. Nexus One's are receiving the update as we speak. As for an EVO specific leak from HTC/Sprint, who knows..I'm sure the devs will have something out soon if there aren't any major hardware changes / requirements.
SDK is out NOT a working rom its no "leaked" pushed yet to the nexus 1
This update sucks for me if it doesn't fix the CPU problem of almost maxing out when scrolling which causes scrolling to be laggy. If they don't fix this by the time my next upgrade comes up I'm switching to a Windows phone. I want a smooth interface.
CheesyNutz said:
SDK is out NOT a working rom its no "leaked" pushed yet to the nexus 1
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I guess I'm not following.
According to Engadget, Gingerbread, 2.3, is running on Nexus One's. They've received the OTA update.
Although, they may have been wrong and pulled the article and didn't say anything, since
no longer appears to be a valid link, but it was just a half hour ago.
I think this is what it said:
Nexus One owners feeling a little Nexus S envy can breathe a little easier -- we're hearing that Android 2,3 Gingerbread is being pushed out to the N1 as we speak. We'd imagine that all the slick new features that don't require new hardware (like NFC support) will be there, and we're definitely interested in playing with this built-in WiFi calling stack.
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the latest ota pushed to the nexus was just a minor update i don't think it was 2.3
Sirchuk said:
I guess I'm not following.
According to Engadget, Gingerbread, 2.3, is running on Nexus One's. They've received the OTA update.
Although, they may have been wrong and pulled the article and didn't say anything, since
no longer appears to be a valid link, but it was just a half hour ago.
I think this is what it said:
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That might have been an old link where the nexus one got a security update and people jumped the gun on calling gingerbread
Looks like Engadget was wrong and pulled the story. Nobody can confirm that 2.3 is out it seems, though some have tried to get their N1's to update.
Way to go Engadget, wrong information with no clarification. At least post a "Oops, we were wrong" update or something.
The N1 forums are saying it will be out on/around the 16th.
Think they heard me:
Update: Looks like our flood of tips came from people who were seeing their N1s get a different, less-interesting update -- we'll let you know when the actual 2.3 update roll out. Ah, the heady optimism of hope.
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One of the main guys on the Android team tweeted that no ota was released for the nexus one and that the source would be released in the "coming weeks". My bet is that the first rom with working Gingerbread on it will be Cyanogen and within a few weeks of the source being released.
donatom3 said:
One of the main guys on the Android team tweeted that no ota was released for the nexus one and that the source would be released in the "coming weeks". My bet is that the first rom with working Gingerbread on it will be Cyanogen and within a few weeks of the source being released.
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Yup, for our EVOs CM is the best bet and that will be AFTER the source (not to be confused with the Nexus One OTA) is released.
Award Tour said:
Yup, for our EVOs CM is the best bet and that will be AFTER the source (not to be confused with the Nexus One OTA) is released.
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Any sense rom will have to wait till a 2.3 gingerbread source is released by HTC which could be a while, if ever. Cyanogen is already on 2.35.9 kernel which hopefully means that porting their work to 2.3 shouldn't be that hard to do.
drmacinyasha said:
I'm going to say this once to head off the countless sheep who will ask...
Do not ask when Gingerbread will make it to the EVO.
Seriously, how the hell would any of us know? We're not psychics, we're not secret HTC/Sprint/Google/CIA/Mafia/Former KGB/NSA employees, we can't predict the future, so why on God's green Earth would you ask us?
Shut up, sit down, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for a press release from Sprint, HTC, Google, etc. announcing that Gingerbread will or will not be ported to the EVO. If you really want Gingerbread, go help Team Douche port it to be CyanogenMod 7. That's the most guaranteed way to get it to our phones.
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10 characters.
donatom3 said:
Any sense rom will have to wait till a 2.3 gingerbread source is released by HTC which could be a while, if ever. Cyanogen is already on 2.35.9 kernel which hopefully means that porting their work to 2.3 shouldn't be that hard to do.
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Not sure if there's any confusion with what I think I read from your post but.. I'm talking about the AOSP source not the HTC source. That'll probably take a month or so after the Nexus One OTA to be released and then another month or so before CM releases a RC of CM7/2.3.
apollooff320 said:
This update sucks for me if it doesn't fix the CPU problem of almost maxing out when scrolling which causes scrolling to be laggy. If they don't fix this by the time my next upgrade comes up I'm switching to a Windows phone. I want a smooth interface.
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windows phone? are you on crack?
I'm guessing you won't see a Sprint/HTC Gingerbread ROM until sometime next year. Rumor has the source code being released when the Nexus S ships which is allegedly on Dec 16. Expect AOSP based Gingerbread ROMs to start rolling out around then and an Official Sprint ROM after sometime well after that, after its been thoroughly QA'd.

Here comes ICS to EVO?
Very excited for this!
You beat me by a few seconds. Lol I just read this on Phandroid.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I hope to be eating an ICS for Thanksgiving!
Can't wait for the roms to start popping up...
cyanogen will get it first. Unless some people and I mean (the awesome team of developers on here) team up and shoot it out like there isn't a tomorrow.
Excited about my EVO again!!!
Can't wait! Having this on the EVO will make me resist upgrading for a while longer!
Waitin' for the EVO version
cohassetsteve said:
Waitin' for the EVO version
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I hope u mean the
Don't hold your breath...
I read elsewhere that even with 250gb+ of HD space and 16gb RAM were looking at 5+ hours to compile.
Not to mention all the tweaking that has to happen for the vanilla to work on specific devices.
Aaaahhhh can't wait. Too excited.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I could see the first CM9 build around the end of December or Mid January. Patience is the key.
Can't wait
ICS Release
According to: source(dot) (Upper right side of page)
ICS source has already been released.
nightauthor said:
According to: source(dot) (Upper right side of page)
ICS source has already been released.
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Pretty sure that's what "Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Source Code Available Now!" in the title of the article means
First post for you yay!
Everyone sounds confident that we'll be getting ICS on the Evo. Has there been any confirmation (by the Cyanogen team or otherwise) that this device was going to make the cut? It's getting a bit long in the tooth, phone-wise. I'd love to eek out a few more months of use out of it though. Best phone I've had so far.
Headcase_Fargone said:
Everyone sounds confident that we'll be getting ICS on the Evo. Has there been any confirmation (by the Cyanogen team or otherwise) that this device was going to make the cut? It's getting a bit long in the tooth, phone-wise. I'd love to eek out a few more months of use out of it though. Best phone I've had so far.
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Cyanogenmod already said they'd work to develop an ICS build [CM 9] but refused to do so until official source was released, which it has been.
Right, but was the Evo 4G specifically mentioned as being supported? CM9 might not (probably won't) be available on all devices that CM7 supports.
It probably won't be supported on something like the Hero or older legacy devices which barely made the cut for CM7. I have a good feeling that the EVO will still get ICS because it hasn't had the life bled out of it yet like the G1 or other highly supported phones.
ive been waiting for this since honeycomb i am so excited and evo should make the cut its not to old of a device probably wont be an official release but still it works

What the LTE EVO means for the OG EVO (development wise)

So once the LTE Evo/One S/OneX makes it into the hands of developers, Will devs be able to glean anything from the new HTC handsets that will help in the development of ICS for our OG EVO?
cobmojo said:
So once the LTE Evo/One S/OneX makes it into the hands of developers, Will devs be able to glean anything from the new HTC handsets that will help in the development of ICS for our OG EVO?
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Its the kernel thats really stopping it we have a aosp but sense needs to release the source code for the kernel for dev to get to working. its where the good stuff drivers are in. Its easy to port will need the kernel so......
And HTC is obligated to release kernel info within 30 days. If I remember correctly.
sent from my ICS machinevo
Going by Ca1ne's post HTC will release 90-120 days after it's been out.
NaterTots said:
Going by Ca1ne's post HTC will release 90-120 days after it's been out.
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I believe that's only relating to an OTA update. It would only make sense that a newly released device would have a shorter time frame.
