A proposal to Back to Basics. - Hero CDMA General

I Propose that we go back to basics on the Newest 2.1 rom. They have the source, the offical rom, and now i feel we need to start from the begining to make a better end. The Evo is coming closer to our grasps, but those of us who can't afford it will stay with the Hero until we can get it for as long as a year or more. I know after watching the forums for quite some time that one problem has plaugued the functionality of the HTC Hero and the MT3G (Since Mt3g was my first android phone).
The Navigation of the Hero is something to be less desired of. There are three reasons why I feel, if this problem were fixed, could help us enjoy our devices a little better.
First, Overall navigation. The navigation seems to lag even when the phone is overclocked it feels like when you touch the screen it is not communicating with drivers or hardware directly and feels like it has to go through unneccessary checks and balances before telling hardware where your finger is at.
Second, Call Navigation. How many times have you ended a call only to dial another person when you put it in your pocket after locking the screen? Sure there are some who will say "I don't have this problem" Thats like saying "I am not human" I have watched my phone lag when navigating call menu's and im sure you all have as well.
Third, Music Navigation. The music application on the Hero is apauling at best. It lags and sometimes skips over several songs when forwarding to the next track. Even overclocked to 700 mhz the music app is not as responsive as it should be compared to other mp3 capable phones.
What it boils down to? No, this is not a rant. This is a proposal of back to basics and I feel regardless of how fast we can make the phones or how much we can strip the roms we will never be happy unless we solve the navigational issues driving this amazing piece of hardware down. If I had the capable means I would. I do not. I can only make proposals and suggestions hoping that the devs will see the same light I see in the same tunnel.
What do you think? Please be adult about this and creative answers only.

Theres an app for the dialer problem called Not Call Log found in the market. It seemes to be quicker when using a 1.5 ROM, but still does the trick.

I agree. Now that 2.1 has be released I think focus should be on it. However I'm sure there are devs that are doing so behind the scenes. I know Fresh has got a pretty sweet Rom out.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

I'd love to see a fully working AOSP 2.1 that has MMS working. (Darch is doing great but we still lack MMS heh)



So what is creating the lag on the magic?is it a hardware limitation or is the android os to blame,and why it will run ok for few days and then start to slow down?i am out on the road for work alot and i do realy use my magic alot for surfing the net ,watching movies,and so on and it get frustating when the softkeyboard start to slow down like now wile im writing in this post.
If is software related i hope google will resolve the problems soon at the next update,i realy hate when the browser does not scroll up or down the page smootly to.
You have to reboot the phone once a day. Its like this for almost all smart phones. I had too do it to my Iphone twice a day sometimes. There is also a program in the market called taskiller, I suggest getting it. The program can free up 20m in 2 sec.
What im asking is the reason why the lag appear.bad coding of android os?apps r not build properly?
Hard to tell, I noticed that some apps are bad, when I cleaned up some of my market apps and removed them, I stopped getting the slow down near as often. I take it some of those apps had memory leaks. I actually sped up when I removed task killer, I'm not making accusations, but the version I was running might have had problems of it's own.
I will take exception to the idea that phones have to be rebooted all the time, they shouldn't. WinMo I had to reboot twice a day at times, but the Iphone...I rarely rebooted, and I would go six months or more without a blackberry reboot (usually only to flash to a new rom).
Hard to say without some really good diagnostic time whether the memory is leaking from apps or core OS processes. If it was obvious, the android developers would have already fixed them (and some probably are in upcoming revisions). That being said, Android will get there with a little time. I wouldn't go back to the iphone unless there is a major change in the way it operates, and I would only switch to blackberry if they drastically improved their Storm. The openness of Android and above all the notifications system on Android trump its rough edges. Now if only copy and paste.........
Ho well i hope google is going to sort it out soon.
My friend just upgrade to the new iphone and i must say that is very quick,speedyyyyyyy.
Is android os full accesible by the devs or there are part of it that only google have right to?
guinnes.s said:
Ho well i hope google is going to sort it out soon.
My friend just upgrade to the new iphone and i must say that is very quick,speedyyyyyyy.
Is android os full accesible by the devs or there are part of it that only google have right to?
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Don't worry the new iphone has the same issue, has to reboot every day or so once it's all loaded up with apps and cache. My brother has the new one and it's on par with the Magic for speed but you have to remember it's only a "one show pony".
Its on par?? By the look of it is not near up to the speed of the iphone.
So are parts of the os that devs on this forum cannot acces?
guinnes.s said:
Its on par?? By the look of it is not near up to the speed of the iphone.
So are parts of the os that devs on this forum cannot acces?
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Which magic are you using? My Rogers 32A magic is at least as fast if not faster in some things than the 3GS. I had both here testing and they are equal in alot of things. But the Magic can multitask where the iphone can run one app.
I see a lot of phones through the course of a day and i can tell you ALL smartphones eventualy end up with lag. The more they can do, the more likely they will slow down. Even your laptop, desktop, car, and body will slow down with time and use. We demand more features, power, battery life, colors, channels, options, etc..... We had none of this twenty years ago. Does anyone remember their Commadore 64? Keep your perspective. 99% of the tech we use today came about in the last 35 to 45 years. We get angry because we have to wait 3 seconds to find out our latitude and longitude because were looking for a starbucks. If you want it to run better, turn it off and do without it for a day. You'll not complain about minimal lag for a few days after that.
Sorry for the rant folks....
donepate said:
I see a lot of phones through the course of a day and i can tell you ALL smartphones eventualy end up with lag. The more they can do, the more likely they will slow down. Even your laptop, desktop, car, and body will slow down with time and use. We demand more features, power, battery life, colors, channels, options, etc..... We had none of this twenty years ago. Does anyone remember their Commadore 64? Keep your perspective. 99% of the tech we use today came about in the last 35 to 45 years. We get angry because we have to wait 3 seconds to find out our latitude and longitude because were looking for a starbucks. If you want it to run better, turn it off and do without it for a day. You'll not complain about minimal lag for a few days after that.
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You're so right Serious!
Yes i do agree to.
I wanted only to know what would cause the lag,thats all.
Understandable. We would not have gotten this far if we had never tried to work out the details and make them better. I suppose it's a double edged sword. By the time we perfect one device we are off to another. Until we do though, the daily reboot is our best freind. Hope I did not sound like I was comming down on you.
guinnes.s said:
Yes i do agree to.
I wanted only to know what would cause the lag,thats all.
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I think this is a valid and important question. I just bought the tmobile mt3g and the keyboard lag, when web browsing, is the single most annoying issue. Is this a hardware limitation, or something that we can expect to improve as the software is refined?
I've been googling around trying to find an answer to this but it seems like most threads are concerned with "features lists" rather than "user experience". It makes sense. It's a lot harder to quantify the latter, but we still should try, especially since this is the axis where the open platform model might be inferior to the proprietary one (apple/palm). I mean, I'm pretty sure android is going to have a better feature list within the year (if not already). The real unknown is whether it will be a fast, integrated, polished user experience.
Maybe one of the gurus on this list can given an enlightened opinion. My guess is that it's mostly a software issue. The keyboard works a lot faster in SMS or gmail than in the browser. There really isn't an excuse for this other than lazy software. All the javascript is taking up cycles that the keyboard needs to be snappy perhaps?
can someone answer my question please:
Is android os full accesible by the devs or there are part of it that only google have right to?
If I am not mistaken, the max CPU frequncy is set to 385 MHz instead of the 528 it is capable of on a stock rom. Underclocking can save battery life, and that is one on the major complaints I see about the newer phones. More speed means less battery life. If you want to get the most out of the MyTouch your best bet is to root the phone and set your max speed to the 528 level using SetCPU or a similar program. The phone is very capable of doing more than what you see out of the box. You just need to work on it. We are here because we are not the general public that likes to just "leave it as it is". Root it, get one of Cyanogen's (my favorite) or some one elses roms, and SetCPU. you will be impressed.
I got root and runing cyan roms.
It seems that many people dont get the question that im asking. Maybe my english is not great and seems that anyone is trying to jump in the same vagon defending android without realise i m not trashing it .
Some of the answers i do think are unrelated to my question ,so maybe is me that is not clear.?
So you have lag on Cyanogen's rom? Which rom is it? Do you have a lot of apps installed? Have you tried SetCPU? I have a two MyTouch running Cyan's 4.0.1, SetCPU has me running at 528 max, 328 min. i do not have any lag on my keyboard or any of my apps. I reboot once a day but have never realy needed to. Post what you have going and I will do my best to help you out.
Sorry. You are right. I did forget about the original question. "why does lag apear in the first place". I don't have a lot of specifics for you, but I can tell you that phones are manufactured for the "general" public. Build it, get it out, and don't support it properly is what I see. I work for a U.S. service provider and I spend my day trying to get people to speak up. I do what I can to help everyone but I aint no jeanus if you get my meaning. If we demand more we will get more. And yet people keep on buying devices mearly because they are the "in" thing. Remember the rule of "supply and demand"? If we buy it and dont ask questions, they will take the money and run. Damn I am being a radical. It is true though. If we don't give them hell, they will just keep doing the same thing.
donepate said:
So you have lag on Cyanogen's rom? Which rom is it? Do you have a lot of apps installed? Have you tried SetCPU? I have a two MyTouch running Cyan's 4.0.1, SetCPU has me running at 528 max, 328 min. i do not have any lag on my keyboard or any of my apps. I reboot once a day but have never realy needed to. Post what you have going and I will do my best to help you out.
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Im on cyan 4.1
HBOOT 1.33.0004 SAPP10000
APR 9 2009
Formated card using recovery to 3 partitions,fat32-ext3-swap
Running 4x rss withgets plus Weather widget,about 10 apps installed.
Same lag with previus cyan wersion exspecialy when closing browser wile goung back to home screen.

Thinking of switching from a G1 to HD2, worth it?

Hey all,
I am thinking of switching from a G1 to the HD2 but still deciding. I like the fact that I can easily load things in to it from my pc (apps, updated ROMS for the OS and all). Does the HD2 have things like that? I liked that my G1 can play nes and snes games and such.
Only thing I do not like on my G1 is the battery life, but then again any phone with a nice big screen is going to have ****ty battery life. Anyone have experience with the battery life?
Just want to see what kind of apps, hacks, and what not there are for it before I get one. I see it has a 1ghz processor, so wondering what it actually is capable of : )
Thanks guys,
(P.S. I dropped my G1 in water 3 weeks after I got it, so for the last year I am glad its even working at all lol)
I'm sure all those things are capable on an HD2, i currently don't have any games like that..........yet. But depends on how much the battery means to you, just browse the forums, you'll find lots of posts about "****ty" battery life. For me, my battery is fine. Depends on usage. As for "hacks" farthest I've gone so far is Radio and ROM flashing, which i think I'm becoming addicted to it... any more in depth hacks or warez, have to look somewhere else.
it really just depends on what you wanna do with a phone and if ur willing to use task manager on the phone a lot. I found that closing apps via task manager will help you avoid lock up problems other people are having.
i also came from the g1.
but if u like android so much, i say just wait for another android device.
Android does not equate to WinMo.
Both OSs have problems and advantages over the other.
If ur not sure, i suggest you play with a friend's HD2 or something.
I also suggeest you use the task manager when trying it out because you will probably just complain that its laggy, unresponsive and buggy if you don't use the task manager wisely.
Using task manager goes with out saying, it is a windows phone after all : P
I purchased "advanced task manager" for my G1 and use it all the time, so I am used to that anyways.
Android is neat and all, but I am really liking the youtube review and such I have seen, and what this phone can do. Especially since my G1's camera is so ****ty, and it has no headphone jack, which was a huge mistake on their part. : \
I came from the G1 too. I felt the G1 was a bit slow. Also, my G1 battery life seemed horrible. Probably around 12-14hrs before 10%-0% without too much use. Maybe the battery was old. The HD2 is currently giving me much better battery life and I use it more. I barely used the HD2 today, but it was unplugged at 9am and now it's almost 7pm with 82% battery left.
I miss the notification pulldown and the better app integration with it. With gtalk on WM, you have make about 3 taps after you see the notification to get into gtalk.
I miss the power and news/weather widgets from Android. I don't think there is a gvoice app for WM. I would have liked to be able to use gvoice since I finally got an account a couple of months ago.
I also miss the physical keyboard (a little) and the Android onscreen keyboard implementation a little. The WM onscreen keyboard is a little tricky for me since there are a couple of areas that if tapped on hide the keyboard or change it. I think it should be a long tap (instead of quick tap) to activate those annoying functions.
I never use the app store too much on Android, so I don't miss it.
My reasons for the HD2 was the faster processor and huge screen. Also the ability to play any video format.
xtenpeben said:
it really just depends on what you wanna do with a phone and if ur willing to use task manager on the phone a lot. I found that closing apps via task manager will help you avoid lock up problems other people are having.
i also came from the g1.
but if u like android so much, i say just wait for another android device.
Android does not equate to WinMo.
Both OSs have problems and advantages over the other.
If ur not sure, i suggest you play with a friend's HD2 or something.
I also suggeest you use the task manager when trying it out because you will probably just complain that its laggy, unresponsive and buggy if you don't use the task manager wisely.
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x2. you can pretty much do anything on the hd2 as you can do on the g1 but differently due to the differences in OS. i find it harder to customize the original rom on the phone vs. the stock g1 where more apps and tweaks are readily available whereas on the hd2, you gotta dig deeper (look no further then xda) for certain .cab files that are not in the marketplace or the open market to proceed with certain theme customizations.
yo, peben! this is ryan lol, good to see you posting here too.
It is worth it just for the camera, which is leaps and bounds over the G1, I had a G1.
The screen size makes it better. Bigger is better says my wife.
Massive stability issues.
davewaave said:
Massive stability issues.
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I dropped my G1 in water 3 weeks after getting it a year or so ago. Instability is one thing I am used to. I have to pop my battery out at least twice a day. My camera doesnt turn off when I close it and just sucks battery even more horribly then the phone does normally.
Ear speaker works when it wants to, same with loud speaker.
If it is anything better then that, I will be happy.
** EDIT ** Also, is it possible to transfer contacts and what not from my G1 to this easily? I have a good few.
I came from a G1 as well and it has been well worth it for me. Yes the operating systems are different but I can do just about everything now that I can do on my G1 and its, in my opinion, more customizable. Even though I loved it I don't really miss anything about android, in fact I was getting a little bored with it. Battery life for me is much better, multimedia options are better. The speediness, ram, rom and speediness are also huge pluses. Various people have had various experiences but I never had any freezes or other issues with my using stock or custom roms.
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After that..you'll LOVE this phone.
ministersin said:
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After that..you'll LOVE this phone.
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I do miss those apps!! Coming form Nexus one.
I have navigation in my car, so the only thing I really do with my G1 these days is text, weather, and occasional youtube because it does not do much because of the water damage. I take pics with it sometimes and upload to picasa, but they look ****ty.
ministersin said:
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After that..you'll LOVE this phone.
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I've have the g1 and also a hd2. the only thing I really miss is the apps for Android and ease of finding them. I never used the marketplace (it sucks!) except for like a browser or to DL or a Facebook app or something . to bump up to the hd2 is definitely worth it. specially comin from a g1. when I got it I was amazed at how quick and responsive it is. but I missed Android too much and ended up getting the nexus one so now I switch back and forth lol. if u don't think ull miss the OS all that much its deff worth getting. battery life for me I could make it bout a eight hour shift before it'd go into the red but again I was surfing the net on that thing all day at work ...days when I wouldn't power use it the battery wasn't too bad . also with the HTC sense it really covers up the Windows pretty good. and there is a emulator app for it ..nes snes genesis ...with multitouch !
one more thing. u can sync ur Google contacts with the hd2. life saver :]
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Also coming from G1. I really loved Android and my G1 but when I saw the HD2 I knew it was over. Android is a great OS with a ton of apps, but the phone was just too slow to really take advantage of Android's capabilities.
I was planning on getting a Nexus One eventually, but I always like to try the phone out in the store a few times to see if I really like it at far as speed and ergonomics. Not having Nexus Ones in stores really hurt Google here IMHO as I probably would have gotten one.
I can say for sure that the HD2 is ultra fast with NO LAG for me. I can listen to podcasts, use navigation, switch between apps all with no freezing like I had with my G1. Plus I see way more "oohs" and "aaahs" when I use the big-ass screen in public.
Battman23 said:
Also coming from G1. I really loved Android and my G1 but when I saw the HD2 I knew it was over. Android is a great OS with a ton of apps, but the phone was just too slow to really take advantage of Android's capabilities.
I was planning on getting a Nexus One eventually, but I always like to try the phone out in the store a few times to see if I really like it at far as speed and ergonomics. Not having Nexus Ones in stores really hurt Google here IMHO as I probably would have gotten one.
I can say for sure that the HD2 is ultra fast with NO LAG for me. I can listen to podcasts, use navigation, switch between apps all with no freezing like I had with my G1. Plus I see way more "oohs" and "aaahs" when I use the big-ass screen in public.
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yeah it gets you major *****... haha jk
I came from G1, trust me well worth the switch. Processor speed and screen size combined with swype make it great. I was not in love with the idea of no keyboard, but have adjusted
robstillholdin said:
I came from G1, trust me well worth the switch. Processor speed and screen size combined with swype make it great. I was not in love with the idea of no keyboard, but have adjusted
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Well, I installed swype on my G1 just to test it out and I really like it, but now I already have it on my G1 so its not the biggest selling point lol. But so far everything in this thread is telling me its the right phone to switch to
Another G1 to HD2 person. I do miss android and hopefully soon we will have a port for the HD2.
But, the hardware is super. I love this phone. Great camera, great call quality, large beautiful screen, fast, plenty of customizations, many rom's to switch to if you want.
The more I think about this phone I would like to have android, but only as an option for the apps I like. Otherwise, winmo will do.

So many Xperia X10 issues...

Alright I have thought about making this post and after making an intense review of the latest issues users are reporting I believe now its the time.
So after 13 days of using the Xperia i have suffered from:
Extreme battery flush even in standby.(I use Task Panel lite to auto-kill apps not needed and still get surprises...)
1.6 Android compatibility issues with latest 2.1 programs.
Snapdragon processor that cant stand lagging on Timescape and Mediascape
Phone calls not heard correctly on the other side of the line.
No fre GPS support like TOMTOM or similar even do the chip is there.
Multitouch debates.
No root as of today...(yes i know no one promised...)
...and many other issues users are experimenting on their devices that really aint freaking cool.
So the dilemma is... Is it really worth all the headaches?
I mean very few have gone clean without any issues but many others have problems from the moment the Xperia pops its head out of the box.
I am starting to feel like it was a major mistake to trade in my HD2 for this so new stylish and hot piece of s*** that is begging for major concerning updates on behalf of SE. Maybe something spectacular might happen on its own that will make my 489€ phone work like it should, but as the days go by I see that if it aint one thing is another involved in the issues evolving the super dupper Xperia X10 that had promised to be the next best thing since sliced bread, but turns out its looking more like an overtoasted slice to me...
How do you people feel about this ?
Diamond777 said:
How do you people feel about this ?
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Simply put, I feel it's a spectacular phone Timescape and Mediascape need some work, but otherwise I have zero issues and I'm enjoying this phone ALOT.
Many of those are not major issues and are really the result of someone complaining. I mean 2.1 applications dont work properly with 1.6? Really? I find the phone fast and the battery great. I and many of my friend who have iphones were immediately impressed with the speed of this phone. Do you have a ton of applications constantly updating? My phone easily lasts all day long on one charge with heavy use and thats all you can ask from a smartphone. An Iphone barely lasts 10 hours for me. Couldnt tell you it didnt have multitouch because I do not miss it, or even care about it.
I am actually ecstatic with this phone. It has exceeded my expectations.
Headaches, really? I don't know what the complains are. SE told everyone that it is being shipped with 1.6. I have been using 1.6 with the HTC Magic and I knew exactly what to expect.
Battery? Read about others phones. It is the same complain all over. I remember when I had the Nokia N95 and that was the first complain out of the box. Just be patient and wait a couple of weeks to see if there is a trend.
Root? No one promised you that the phone will be rooted. Root is at the mercy of whoever is interested in tinkering with the phone.
Multitouch? Over-rated. Never liked it eventhough my HTC Magic has it with the Amon_Ra rom. I prefer using the +/-.
In the end, it is a matter of expectations. There is nothing really wrong with the phone, as promised by SE.
With complete honesty I can say that after two weeks of using the X10 I am finding little to complain about.
Battery life has improved and I can use it heavily for a full days work without problem.
Lots of reviews before release complained of lag, but I really have seen no lag on this phone, I am not currently using a task killer as I believe it does more harm than good.
My only 'customizations' have been to load the HTC keyboard and use K9 for email (I needed push!). Other than that I really think it is the best phone I have had.
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Yes, even with all the quirks, battery problem, unironed Mediascape (managing Playlist), X10 is my best phone yet. Can't wait for all of those stuff to be ironed out.
I had a HTC HD2 previously, was one of the first to own one. Now THAT was a phone with serious issues, pink camera pictures, sms messages stuck in outbox were the two biggest.
This Xperia X10 is a fantastic phone in comparison, I can't put my finger on what it is, maybe its the android OS, I don't know but I love it.
Issues for me inlude
Battery drainage, which I'm starting to be quite thankful for in a weird kind of way. Because it runs down by the early evening, I'm chargin g it every night, so it is always fully charged the next day
Lack of camera automatic flash is a pain.
Call volume is low.
The butons whilst making a call are odd. There are no call and reject hard keys which I find annoying.
I turned TimeScape off straight away as it was a waste.
Everything else is prety perfect for me, even the older Android OS.
Diamond777 said:
No fre GPS support like TOMTOM or similar even do the chip is there.
.... ?
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What did I miss? Since when is Tomtom free? There are enough GPS packages out there:
-etc etc
You choose!
As for your other points:
-Battery will get better, I'm now getting 48 hours out of it. All smartphones suffer from this. I see some users getting amazing results with the battery. Better standby time than any of the competition. Just give it some time to break-in nicely.
-Android 1.6 .. I don't miss anything. If 2.1 was so important to have right away you should have bought the Desire/N1 (but then you wont have the good camera and spectacular design)
-Snapdragon lags, it seems to lag sometimes on the other phones too
-Phone calls work allright for me, maybe bad reception/bad sim?
-Multitouch, same as Android 1.6, you knew it hadn't MT when you bought the device, so why complain? With the 4" screen I don't miss MT, I don't game on the X10.
-Root will come, again you knew this when you bought the phone..
The X10 is the best phone I owned period. However it could give you headaches if it's not the right phone for you. However you should have noticed that when browsing specs/reading reviews/buy the phone...
I get all your points guys and I appreciate the feedback.
Slight correction: With free GPS I meant without using 3G assistance, like Igo08 for example.
But your right, the battery issue should settle in after a few more days and I really hope to adapt myself to the X10 way of doing things.
Obviously when Timescape makes the correct modifications it will kick some serious butt... BUT for now you gotta give it to me that it was presented in a way smoother way then it really is! anyhow thanks for the feedback once again.
I have to Agree with Cinner.....after 1 1/2 weeks with this phone, I still have a hard time putting it down. The battery life could better as 10 hours of life is not enough but the overall feel and UI make up for that shortfall.
The HTC magic I had was on its 3rd replacement before trading for the X10....so far no lock ups or freezing
Diamond777 said:
I get all your points guys and I appreciate the feedback.
Slight correction: With free GPS I meant without using 3G assistance, like Igo08 for example.
But your right, the battery issue should settle in after a few more days and I really hope to adapt myself to the X10 way of doing things.
Obviously when Timescape makes the correct modifications it will kick some serious butt... BUT for now you gotta give it to me that it was presented in a way smoother way then it really is! anyhow thanks for the feedback once again.
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You can use any of the Android compatible GPS applications(Sygic,N_drive,Motonav,Copilot)without 3G assistance(Turn it off)and still get a very fast gps lock.
sammis said:
You can use any of the Android compatible GPS applications(Sygic,N_drive,Motonav,Copilot)without 3G assistance(Turn it off)and still get a very fast gps lock.
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Thanks for the tip, I will look into it
Well, none of them are free.
This is the only thing making me still use my 5800 XM as my main phone and the X10 as media device
issues with xperia x10
I agree with the original post.
I have been experiencing many issues too with xperia x10 and i am very disappointed with this device.
I had an HTC Hero before and when i now switched to xperia x10 it feels like going back in time. The user experience and usability of the interface is far from the HTC Sense UI. You can really feel that HTC has been testing, merging, integrating and polishing many nice widgets to make the user have a good use of the android phone functions.
As some examples, the x10 comes with 3 emails clients by default (e-mail, gmail, moxier mail), but none of them can show all mail accounts integrated in the same. Why so many applications for emails????
I have to switch from one application to the other to see all my emails from various accounts, ex gmail, outlook exchange i need to use moxier mail. It was also not possible to add IMAP with certificate to the standard e-mail client, you have to use another speciifc program (moxier mail) for direct connection to exchange server and synch. The calender had the same issue. The calendar widget only shows google calendar and does not integrate both outlook calendar and google in the same as the HTC Hero. HTC Hero provides a single email clienst which shows all the emails from all accounts, very nice, and so easy to set up, same for calendars.
When i first started the X10 phone it had very little on the start screan, no widgets really, only the timescape, which was empty, and a browser which was empty too. no music player widget. no weather widget by default either. very bad impression. HTc comes with all widgets pre-installed, the music player is really good. Xperia x10 media scape looks really bad in comparison.
Another issue was when i wanted to use TED application to see videos from TED talk, well no video at all, only sound plays back. the application worked perfectly in HTC Hero which had same android 1.6 version...hmmmm.
Another issue is the battery as well, i feel really as the battery is comsumed very fast, it lasted only 7h.
The screen and design cannot be changed either, or i havenät figured out how, it seems as you can change only the background picture of the desktop, but not the overall theme of the phone, incl sounds and colors of windows.
The white text on fading blue background color is very difficult to read, especially on the bottom of the device...so only the 2/3 upper part is readable when in menus/settings. I also have been missing the trackball.
In htc hero (and all other htc sense phones like htc desire) you can customise the phone screens and themes much more and the overall design is consistent in all places.
I also find no use of mediascape or timescape. Mediascape is a bit rudimental compared with other media player. Timescape is really unusable, since you can´t read the text over the images in the backgroud, and the smaller one have so small text as well.
Positive things? .. let me think hard ... yes 3: the sligthly large screen, the 8m camera, the accessories.
In xperia x10 you can feel that the SonyEricsson team was not really ready when they shipped this phone. I really hope that the 2.1 upgrade coming will also bring some better integration, consistency and GUI improvements as HTC does. Onother solution would be to get the htc sense rom on the x10.
This thread should be retitled to "So few issues with x10". The post preceding mine is downright laughable, not enough widgets! Are you serious? That's your niggle? This easily SE's most ready for primetime phone EVER.
no one is perfect. and this applies to cell phones. if you don't like it. sell it to someone else who will appreciate it more.
and btw. i am enjoying my new X10 VERY MUCH.
its nice that you point out some of the negative issues about the phone but dont make it sound like SE made the phone just for you and you are not satisfy with it.
email your pts to SE and hope they will improve base on your opinion
Completed my 15th day with X10. First few days I was worried about battery but all that got better as I know I was using my phone a lot more than I normally do the first few days as I am trying to customize and play with the phone. Now, it easily lasts me like any other phone I had recently (Nexus One, iPhone 3GS, X1, etc).
I feel it's the best phone I ever owned even though I have a long wishlist but mainly the ability to create playlists and also to be able to add a track to the listening queue and smart dialer. There are free apps for smart dialer but I love the look of X10 dialer so I end up going back to it even though I miss the smart dial feature.
I don't see any lag with TimeScape or MediaScape. All I notice is if I open TimeScape after several hours and I have several new updates on Twitter and Facebook, it takes time only because it is trying to download data to update the tiles. If I am on WiFi, even these downloads happen quite fast.
The only main mod I did is change the keyboard to Swype.
Yes The X10 have problems, some people can live and still love it, others just can't stand it. Nothing is perfect, if you can't live with it, just part with it really.
I love my X10 with all its quirks, just to be a little bit patient till the Pros root the device and start cooking. SE won't do any updates until they release Android 2.1, lucky if we get that by september.
i dont know what you talking about. i know some have batteri iddue but i think domthing is erong with the batteri or phone since i dont have anny problem. the only bug/ issue the phone has is bluetoth that will be fixt in a patch. yes it can take 5 - 10 sec load timescape but its not lagy at al at my phone. send your phone back for repair and it will be fixt
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
noblackthunder said:
i dont know what you talking about. i know some have batteri iddue but i think domthing is erong with the batteri or phone since i dont have anny problem. the only bug/ issue the phone has is bluetoth that will be fixt in a patch. yes it can take 5 - 10 sec load timescape but its not lagy at al at my phone. send your phone back for repair and it will be fixt
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
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I think you have demonstrated another 'out of the box' issue with the X10 in your post there ! The shoddy default keyboard included on the X10 I have updated to the HTC keyboard and that is workng fine now, though I still find the IPOD keyboard easier to use....

Considering dumping my HD2... bad idea?

I picked up my HD2 almost a week ago, and while at first I was quite pleased, I'm already sick of WM 6.5's buggyness. I did some tweaks to try and improve performance, but without success. I'm still forced to restart my device a few times a day, still getting poor reception, and pretty lame battery life to boot. I'm fairly certain this is mostly due to WM, as the HD2's specs are top notch, and similar handsets running Android are highly acclaimed. To make matters worse, its not likely I'll ever see Android or even WP7 on this device anytime soon, if at all.
So, I now find myself ready to return my HD2 for the MyTouch Slide on Wednesday. Even though it's a pretty large step down in the hardware department, reviews have stated that it's surprisingly responsive. Is there any reason I should stick with the HD2, other than the slight possibility of Android or WP7 and the l33tn3ss of it? I really want to like this phone, but I can't stand all the issues I'm having with WM 6.5. I'm currently running the latest stock ROM, with CHT and minimal apps installed, fwiw.
1st question, do you truly close your programs? Or do they boil and grow in the background? This is likely to be the number cause of your problems.
Also, try using the phone without Sense and see if it gets better for you. Either stick to Titanium or SPB Mobile Shell. I personally use Mobile Shell since I had the phone (played with Sense for 10 minutes and found it impractical for daily use).
Not a single hiccup AT ALL. So.....good luck to you in your decision, but just try my suggestions first.
gilla409 said:
I picked up my HD2 almost a week ago, and while at first I was quite pleased, I'm already sick of WM 6.5's buggyness. I did some tweaks to try and improve performance, but without success. I'm still forced to restart my device a few times a day, still getting poor reception, and pretty lame battery life to boot. I'm fairly certain this is mostly due to WM, as the HD2's specs are top notch, and similar handsets running Android are highly acclaimed. To make matters worse, its not likely I'll ever see Android or even WP7 on this device anytime soon, if at all.
So, I now find myself ready to return my HD2 for the MyTouch Slide on Wednesday. Even though it's a pretty large step down in the hardware department, reviews have stated that it's surprisingly responsive. Is there any reason I should stick with the HD2, other than the slight possibility of Android or WP7 and the l33tn3ss of it? I really want to like this phone, but I can't stand all the issues I'm having with WM 6.5. I'm currently running the latest stock ROM, with CHT and minimal apps installed, fwiw.
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gilla409 said:
I picked up my HD2 almost a week ago, and while at first I was quite pleased, I'm already sick of WM 6.5's buggyness. I did some tweaks to try and improve performance, but without success. I'm still forced to restart my device a few times a day, still getting poor reception, and pretty lame battery life to boot. I'm fairly certain this is mostly due to WM, as the HD2's specs are top notch, and similar handsets running Android are highly acclaimed. To make matters worse, its not likely I'll ever see Android or even WP7 on this device anytime soon, if at all.
So, I now find myself ready to return my HD2 for the MyTouch Slide on Wednesday. Even though it's a pretty large step down in the hardware department, reviews have stated that it's surprisingly responsive. Is there any reason I should stick with the HD2, other than the slight possibility of Android or WP7 and the l33tn3ss of it? I really want to like this phone, but I can't stand all the issues I'm having with WM 6.5. I'm currently running the latest stock ROM, with CHT and minimal apps installed, fwiw.
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I hate reading messages like this.
When I first got my HD2 I was very happy with it. I kept it stock for a few weeks, even though I knew that the crashes could be fixed with a change in ROMs.
I don't know why HTC, T-Mobile and Microsoft would release something that clearly has not been field tested in "normal" conditions the way Apple does (see Gizmodo for details on real-world testing of Apple products prior to release).
The good news is that I am now running a great ROM that hasn't crashed on me in over 2 weeks. Not a single crash. I've never had a phone this stable! (See my sig for links)
The bad news is that I had to install a third-party ROM in order to have a useable phone. $500 is a lot of money and it's ridiculous that we have to turn to these boards to get our babies working correctly.
This is the way I feel:
If you want a phone that works 100% the way you want it out of the box, return your HD2 and keep shopping. The phone is waaay too expensive to keep just because it's the latest thing.
If you want an awesome phone that works the way you want it to and don't mind risking your warranty, I'd suggest flashing HSPL and testing some ROMs out. There are some great ROMs here that are so much faster, cleaner, better-looking and more stable than anything you will find on the shelves at T-Mobile. Just remember to tip your chef if you find a ROM that works perfectly on your rig
Thanks for the suggestions!
I actually do make sure to close all my apps when I'm done with them (even keep Task Manager on the first page.) Even with nothing besides Activesync open, I commonly get an error from Opera that "a critical component is missing."
Another bug that really pisses me off, is that when I'm browsing Opera in landscape mode and lock the screen, the lockscreen appears in landscape, and I cannot open it.
I'm mostly disappointed with the fact that this device has some of the most advanced hardware available, and yet it still lags out of the box. Watching videos of the MyTouch Slide running Expresso, I noticed that it is very fast and responsive, despite having much less horsepower under the hood. I really don't want to be forced to disable all of the eye candy or void the warranty installing custom ROMs just to get this "superphone" to run smoothly. On top of all that, it's still unclear if any better OS will be available on this device, either from the manufacturer or the devs here.
Why can't T-Mobile just release their upcoming "Project Emerald" already?
gilla409 said:
Thanks for the suggestions!
I actually do make sure to close all my apps when I'm done with them (even keep Task Manager on the first page.) Even with nothing besides Activesync open, I commonly get an error from Opera that "a critical component is missing."
Another bug that really pisses me off, is that when I'm browsing Opera in landscape mode and lock the screen, the lockscreen appears in landscape, and I cannot open it.
I'm mostly disappointed with the fact that this device has some of the most advanced hardware available, and yet it still lags out of the box. Watching videos of the MyTouch Slide running Expresso, I noticed that it is very fast and responsive, despite having much less horsepower under the hood. I really don't want to be forced to disable all of the eye candy or void the warranty installing custom ROMs just to get this "superphone" to run smoothly. On top of all that, it's still unclear if any better OS will be available on this device, either from the manufacturer or the devs here.
Why can't T-Mobile just release their upcoming "Project Emerald" already?
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Have you upgraded to opera 10 yet? because I don't get any problems with it. I don't care for the pinch and zoom feature, so that was not a problem for me to upgrade to it. Also the UI is better looking to me and feels more like a desktop.
try opera mini 5. much faster than opera 10 or even opera 9 that comes preinstalled with the phone.
on top of that, why downgrade to the slide? have you tried flashing a custom rom to the hd2?
i know the slide may seem more responsive but please don't judge it by watching 5 minute video. i bet that phone would experience some kind of lag after a week of use. Espresso Sense UI on that slide also hogs a bunch of memory as our own Sense UI for the HD2.
But if you're still thinking of ditching the HD2 for another T-Mobile compatible phone, I'd get the Nexus one instead. It has the same snapdragon processor not to mention it does not have SENSE to slow it down at all. Completely stock android OS.
I really don't understand this "buggyness" that people have with WM6.5 I dont have any issues with WM6.5 the only issues i notice is the HTC sense messaging lag, and the lag that the HTC Peep app creates every time it updates. I had to turn off auto updating on HTC Peep cause that got so annoying.
Some 3rd party apps are particularly bad, I think the worst i have loaded right now is the Win Mobile Foursquare app from Touchality, bloated buggy POS but its the only option on WinMO at the moment
Basically all the issues with WinMo are 3rd party programs which are likely going to cause trouble on any platform, except for the one that doesn't allow real multitasking.
1. all devices come with bugs and problems
2. all snapdragon drains your battery like crazy same with the Evo.What do you expect from a 4.3 inch screen
3. In my case their times an app its the reason for my phone crashing example motweets it slow the crap out of my hd2 it took 10 minutes to remove. putting flash on opera also a few time it crash my browser.
4. for most issues theirs solutions. my advice its to call t-mobile and tell them your phone its crashing alot and tell them you want a replacement and see if that works out for you. if it doesnt sell it if your unhappy.
Thanks again for all the replies, I definitely appreciate the input. It's nice that people are actually discussing the issues instead of simply bashing one phone and praising another.
I installed Opera 10 immediately after getting my HD2, which is the version that keeps crashing/freezing my device. I will try installing Opera Mini 5 and see how that fares, fingers crossed!
I'm also going to flash a custom ROM to my device, and see if that makes things run smoother. Right now I'm thinking the LIA ROM, I just hope it performs as good as it looks.
The reason I'm kinda pressed to make a decision, is because I'm still within my buyer's remorse period, and can return my HD2 if I'm unhappy with it. The next best thing would be the MyTouch Slide, or the Nexus 1 (which is quite a bit more expensive, and I would have to wait for it to ship.) This really doesn't leave me with much in the way of options, at least for now, which is making this decision much harder. If I do end up returning my HD2, I might just use my old RAZR for a bit, and check out "Project Emerald" in the near future. I'm really hoping more info on this gets leaked before my BR period is up.
I felt the same as you after a week or two into it. Crashes, freezes, hiccups, etc...
After installing the latest T-MO ROM Update, along with a few tweaks like Dutty's Task mgr and Cookie's Home Tab editor, CleanRam, too. No lockups for over a week.
I was super close to selling this and getting an N1. But now it's smoothing out for me.
I just got the phone today and have already had a few issues. I know part of it is just do to the fact that I'm not used to it. I hope I can work out some of these bugs. I agree that we shouldn't have to go through these lengths just to get a phone that "just works", but after all the research I did it seems like in the end it will be worth it to have a phone that doesn't have the limits that certain other phones do. I will however be playing with a mytouch slide demo unit when I can just to see how it goes. Initial reviews seem surprisingly good.
ryan562 said:
But if you're still thinking of ditching the HD2 for another T-Mobile compatible phone, I'd get the Nexus one instead. It has the same snapdragon processor not to mention it does not have SENSE to slow it down at all. Completely stock android OS.
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I agree, try the nexus 1 out!! I am half tempted to get it myself!!
I took the plunge and did it. I kept having issues with the HD2's sound switching to the earpiece (including when the phone rings, playing transformers, etc.). Because it was brand new, I took it back to get it exchanged. They said they didn't have any more and I'd have to wait for a replacement, so I said **** it and got the mytouch slide. I'm liking it a lot so far. It's very snappy, zippy, cool UI, good keyboard. I think I'll be happy with my choice. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

After weeks of use: Great!! but can be annoying

Annoying things samsung was lazy about in the release/build of the vibrant's software:
HTC Sense UI makes Samsung's touchwiz Interface seem like a fail sorta.
I'm being sincere and want to know if you guys agree or disagree with the below. I hope Samsung can address these issues with the Froyo release. This can make up for the cheap quality hardware build. I love the phone though. seriously. ok here we go:
1. Switching from edge to 3g takes a lifetime
2. Slight lag in the standard software going from screen to screen (i shouldn't have to use a home replacement like adw or launcher pro for smooth scrolling)
3. The market is horribly slow to load and often says retry-connection error
4. When going into the photo gallery, old pics show first. (annoying because I have many pictures and have to go through them to get to the newest ones)
5. In the feeds and updates widget, someone may load a picture, u click on it and a tiny pic is shown (u can't *like* it or enlarge it) *Facebook action*
6. If you click on a contact, go to the media tab, let it load then click on an album, it takes you to the browser (why not fetch it within the app?)
7. When you reply to a twitter/Facebook/Myspace status update, it automatically refreshes the feed (i don't need another refresh if i didn't request it by pressing the refresh button) it should take you back to the feed
8. ACCOUNTS AND SYNC have been horrid. They work when it wants to. Always receive an error more often than not. facebook/twitter/myspace
9. Battery take 2 lifetimes to charge
I don't agree with the Sense UI making Touchwiz3 look like a fail, there are issues that it has within itself that others dislike. However, please be aware that Samsung is quite new to the game and is still developing.
The only problem I have in common with yours is the market issue which is pretty irritable.
None of those bug me.... sgs ftw
Wow dude,
maybe you got a defective device?
mine works great
ElahC said:
I don't agree with the Sense UI making Touchwiz3 look like a fail, there are issues that it has within itself that others dislike. However, please be aware that Samsung is quite new to the game and is still developing.
The only problem I have in common with yours is the market issue which is pretty irritable.
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yeah i understand, that's why i am just giving my outlook on it. Hopefully it doesn't seem like im attacking Samsung... I like their interface... it's just clearly missing a few things. I'm anxious for some upgrades
stepinmyworld said:
Annoying things samsung was lazy about in the release/build of the vibrant's software:
HTC Sense UI makes Samsung's touchwiz Interface seem like a fail sorta.
I'm being sincere and want to know if you guys agree or disagree with the below. I hope Samsung can address these issues with the Froyo release. This can make up for the cheap quality hardware build. I love the phone though. seriously. ok here we go:
1. Switching from edge to 3g takes a lifetime
2. Slight lag in the standard software going from screen to screen (i shouldn't have to use a home replacement like adw or launcher pro for smooth scrolling)
3. The market is horribly slow to load and often says retry-connection error
4. When going into the photo gallery, old pics show first. (annoying because I have many pictures and have to go through them to get to the newest ones)
5. In the feeds and updates widget, someone may load a picture, u click on it and a tiny pic is shown (u can't *like* it or enlarge it) *Facebook action*
6. If you click on a contact, go to the media tab, let it load then click on an album, it takes you to the browser (why not fetch it within the app?)
7. When you reply to a twitter/Facebook/Myspace status update, it automatically refreshes the feed (i don't need another refresh if i didn't request it by pressing the refresh button) it should take you back to the feed
8. ACCOUNTS AND SYNC have been horrid. They work when it wants to. Always receive an error more often than not. facebook/twitter/myspace
9. Battery take 2 lifetimes to charge
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1. Doesn't for me, and this is the first I'm hearing of that. Perhaps you are in an area with poor reception or have a defective device.
2. I have no lag at all. Are you running any intensive widgets? Live wallpapers? A million things running in the background?
3. Again, that's a sign of being in a poor reception area which isn't the phone's fault. If you haven't already, I would try activating and swapping out the SIM card out for a new one if you are using an older one from a previous phone. That has solved some people's problems.
4. There should be a setting to sort by date. If there isn't, *shrug*. There are other good picture viewing apps in the market. I find the Gallery app to be very helpful in sharing pictures though.
5. Facebook makes an official app. Same goes for Twitter and Myspace. Some specific social networking actions, such as "liking" can't be done with the widget or in the contacts menu. I find the widget is good for a quick updating of statuses or tweeting.
6. If it gets you to the same point, then? The browser is speedy enough on this phone that you shouldn't need to worry about using it as opposed to the built-in apps that take you there.
7. Again, there are tons of other software in the market to use if you wish to not use the ones provided.
8. This is the social networks fault, not the phones. Facebook sync in particular works when it wants to for me. But it's Facebook's fault. Something awry with their server connections. Twitter always syncs for me.
9. Mine takes 4-5 hours from dry to charge fully. That's the downfall of having a bigger battery, you get more usage out of it but it takes longer to charge. Make sure you are using the wall charger and not a USB port on your computer (USB charging any device takes a lifetime as USB ports don't draw a lot of power anyway). If possible, turn the device off as it charges. It will charge much quicker this way. Perhaps leave the device off overnight and charge it up?
These seem like general smartphone complaints and really not much to do with the Vibrant specifically. Most of these phones have the same general minor annoyances or glitches. Sense is OK, nothing special. It's all personal taste but after using Sense for a month and then TouchWiz for 2 weeks, I much prefer TW. The Launcher and the Samsung specific apps really integrate services, social features, and Android very nicely. If you don't like the Launcher you can always use the other two big ones in the market, they work just as well. You can also use any messaging app you wish.
The hardware feels light for a reason. The heavier the device is, the harder it falls when you drop it. If you've seen all of the quality tests of people dropping the phone, trying to scratch it, etc, you would see that the build quality is amazing. The metal-looking plastic on the rim will take the most damage. Screen is scratch-resistant, not scratch-proof.
stepinmyworld said:
Annoying things samsung was lazy about in the release/build of the vibrant's software:
HTC Sense UI makes Samsung's touchwiz Interface seem like a fail sorta.
I'm being sincere and want to know if you guys agree or disagree with the below. I hope Samsung can address these issues with the Froyo release. This can make up for the cheap quality hardware build. I love the phone though. seriously. ok here we go:
1. Switching from edge to 3g takes a lifetime
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I think this is a network issue, not Samsung's fault.
3. The market is horribly slow to load and often says retry-connection error
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Once again, a network issue.
4. When going into the photo gallery, old pics show first. (annoying because I have many pictures and have to go through them to get to the newest ones)
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This I agree with.
6. If you click on a contact, go to the media tab, let it load then click on an album, it takes you to the browser (why not fetch it within the app?)
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I don't understand what this means. Could you elaborate?
Ive had 3 vibrants already.. returned two for different issues.
thanks for your reply: I have been a smart phone user for a long time and im pretty intuitive when it comes to devices and their flaws.. I mention these issues because they trully exist. I have ran into many people from different sites whom experience the same things.. i just wanted to converse with the xda family about it. You advised that i use alternate applications via the market to fulfill my desires but that's not what I want to do or feel that needs to be done. Just like the iphone, don't tell me i have to get a rubber case to enjoy the phone because of bad reception/antenna build. The perks within the widgets could be added and indirectly im asking for some extra features in which would be attainable by Samsung. if you don't speak on it, things wont ever get done because people try to make this phone seem as if its flawless and it's not.. it's ok to admit to certain issues and not sugar coat them lol. The phone has treated me very well though besides the few annoyances just like everyone has their own preferences ya know?
Originally Posted by stepinmyworld
Annoying things samsung was lazy about in the release/build of the vibrant's software:
HTC Sense UI makes Samsung's touchwiz Interface seem like a fail sorta.
I'm being sincere and want to know if you guys agree or disagree with the below. I hope Samsung can address these issues with the Froyo release. This can make up for the cheap quality hardware build. I love the phone though. seriously. ok here we go:
1. Switching from edge to 3g takes a lifetime
you said:[B said:
I think this is a network issue, not Samsung's fault.[/B]
my response:this is samsungs fault.. no other phone has done this.. i've had about 20 phones. I have the mytouch slide and it doesn't take more than about 10 seconds to change.. the vibrant takes about 20 to 30 seconds
3. The market is horribly slow to load and often says retry-connection error
you said: Once again, a network issue.
My response: why ddidn't my nexus one or mytouch slide do this often? it's a samsung issue
4. When going into the photo gallery, old pics show first. (annoying because I have many pictures and have to go through them to get to the newest ones)
This I agree with.
6. If you click on a contact, go to the media tab, let it load then click on an album, it takes you to the browser (why not fetch it within the app?)
u said: I don't understand what this means. Could you elaborate?
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My response: when i say fetch it within the app, i mean for it to load the exta pics right in the same area and allowing me to preview them instead of pushing me to the browser to look at the pics via facebook that way. I hope im clear
ElahC said:
I don't agree with the Sense UI making Touchwiz3 look like a fail, there are issues that it has within itself that others dislike. However, please be aware that Samsung is quite new to the game and is still developing.
The only problem I have in common with yours is the market issue which is pretty irritable.
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Market issue and app lag in general is easy to fix. look up vibrant stalling thread, lag is due to how slow the storage is. By moving app storage to nand, you fix the issue, there are only a few side effects which most of us wont run into anyways.
I've had nexus one and ran desire rom with sense, I've had evo4g with sense, and older android phones with sense. I skipped Samsung phone, whatever it was called on Tmobile, the first Samsung android due to touch wiz. Hated it, was super slow, retarded looking, and buggy. When I heard about the vibrant, I was hesitant as I did not want touch wiz, I hated how it was in the past. Still got the phone, and wow.... I love it! I replaced launcher with adw because I Just like the way it looks more, but everything else is great. I actually prefer touch wiz to sense, it looks more modern, has some neat features.
Although, I do agree with you that it still does have issues, so does sense, specially espresso version of it on the slide. My girl has it, omg, I'd throw that phone out of the window... lol
My biggest issue with touch wiz now is the messaging. It lags, specially if you're texting several people at once. It also refuses to scroll up in the thread sometimes, just bounces back down. Despite it, I still love it, makes an already good looking OS, look better. I do prefer the visuals of touch wiz to sense, personal preference. Sense feels like a a fancy limo to me. Over the top classy visuals, with too much bloat, and overall is rather slow. Touch wiz is like a BMW, looks superb, just enough flare to make it look modern, still runs fast.
The lag in sense is mostly graphical, just feels choppy. My guess is that it is mostly related to devices themselves, as they are not as powerful as the vibrant. Like, oncrhe nexus one, 3d gallery loads just as fast, but animations feel a little choppy, on vibrant it is very smooth. And your issue with gallery, I think it is more android related and not touch wiz. Nexus is full stock and it uses same 3d gallery as the vibrant, it does the same thing when it comes to ordering.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
MMcCraryNJ said:
1. Doesn't for me, and this is the first I'm hearing of that. Perhaps you are in an area with poor reception or have a defective device.
2. I have no lag at all. Are you running any intensive widgets? Live wallpapers? A million things running in the background?
3. Again, that's a sign of being in a poor reception area which isn't the phone's fault. If you haven't already, I would try activating and swapping out the SIM card out for a new one if you are using an older one from a previous phone. That has solved some people's problems.
4. There should be a setting to sort by date. If there isn't, *shrug*. There are other good picture viewing apps in the market. I find the Gallery app to be very helpful in sharing pictures though.
5. Facebook makes an official app. Same goes for Twitter and Myspace. Some specific social networking actions, such as "liking" can't be done with the widget or in the contacts menu. I find the widget is good for a quick updating of statuses or tweeting.
6. If it gets you to the same point, then? The browser is speedy enough on this phone that you shouldn't need to worry about using it as opposed to the built-in apps that take you there.
7. Again, there are tons of other software in the market to use if you wish to not use the ones provided.
8. This is the social networks fault, not the phones. Facebook sync in particular works when it wants to for me. But it's Facebook's fault. Something awry with their server connections. Twitter always syncs for me.
9. Mine takes 4-5 hours from dry to charge fully. That's the downfall of having a bigger battery, you get more usage out of it but it takes longer to charge. Make sure you are using the wall charger and not a USB port on your computer (USB charging any device takes a lifetime as USB ports don't draw a lot of power anyway). If possible, turn the device off as it charges. It will charge much quicker this way. Perhaps leave the device off overnight and charge it up?
These seem like general smartphone complaints and really not much to do with the Vibrant specifically. Most of these phones have the same general minor annoyances or glitches. Sense is OK, nothing special. It's all personal taste but after using Sense for a month and then TouchWiz for 2 weeks, I much prefer TW. The Launcher and the Samsung specific apps really integrate services, social features, and Android very nicely. If you don't like the Launcher you can always use the other two big ones in the market, they work just as well. You can also use any messaging app you wish.
The hardware feels light for a reason. The heavier the device is, the harder it falls when you drop it. If you've seen all of the quality tests of people dropping the phone, trying to scratch it, etc, you would see that the build quality is amazing. The metal-looking plastic on the rim will take the most damage. Screen is scratch-resistant, not scratch-proof.
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To number 9 specifically. He's right about charging, I think its mostly done by Samsung to preserve the battery. Nexus one has 1400mah battery, I also threw a 1500mah right before I sold it. I noticed slow charging immediately on the vibrant, nexus one charged way faster. I'm used to it now though, I always leave it on the charger over night anyway. So, the issue is not with higher capacity battery, but Samsung improving the battery life, at least I think.
And op, android is not like apple, very open sourced. It is very easy to customize and there are a ton of replacement apps on the market which could help. Like launchers, very useful and don't even waste memory as default launcher gets disabled if you run an alternate one. Point is, nothing wrong with voicing opinions and hoping that Samsung will fix or improve things. But, That will take ages, and it is a long shot. Why discredit aftermarket apps? They do no harm and could really help You enjoy your phone more.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
stepinmyworld said:
Ive had 3 vibrants already.. returned two for different issues.
thanks for your reply: I have been a smart phone user for a long time and im pretty intuitive when it comes to devices and their flaws.. I mention these issues because they trully exist. I have ran into many people from different sites whom experience the same things.. i just wanted to converse with the xda family about it. You advised that i use alternate applications via the market to fulfill my desires but that's not what I want to do or feel that needs to be done. Just like the iphone, don't tell me i have to get a rubber case to enjoy the phone because of bad reception/antenna build. The perks within the widgets could be added and indirectly im asking for some extra features in which would be attainable by Samsung. if you don't speak on it, things wont ever get done because people try to make this phone seem as if its flawless and it's not.. it's ok to admit to certain issues and not sugar coat them lol. The phone has treated me very well though besides the few annoyances just like everyone has their own preferences ya know?
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Its a shame you are comparing a hardware issue(iphone) with software issue that you are having. The iphone fails because it is hardware and there are pretty much no other options but to fix it with a case however with your phone you can install different apps. You can use other apps than stock, i keep Twitter installed due to the integration with TW however i use Twidroid im sorry Twidroyd for my day to day twitter client. This phone is far from flawless i would relate the lock/power button to the iphones reception problem however with ours there is no case fix. I think it was a poor oversight on Samsung's part to put the button on the side of a rounded housing at that!
stepinmyworld said:
Annoying things samsung was lazy about in the release/build of the vibrant's software:
1. Switching from edge to 3g takes a lifetime
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This is a netowrk parameter setting. By increasing the time between scans your local T-mobile market is increasing your battery life and reducing the paging load on the network. Everytime you ping pong between 2G and 3G you have to do a location area update so the network knows where to find you. EVeryone doing that would overload the system and some calls would not be delivered. Aka, they are probably doing a good thing.
hurrpancakes said:
I think this is a network issue, not Samsung's fault.
Once again, a network issue.
This I agree with.
I don't understand what this means. Could you elaborate?
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Shane_pcs said:
This is a netowrk parameter setting. By increasing the time between scans your local T-mobile market is increasing your battery life and reducing the paging load on the network. Everytime you ping pong between 2G and 3G you have to do a location area update so the network knows where to find you. EVeryone doing that would overload the system and some calls would not be delivered. Aka, they are probably doing a good thing.
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o ok... i just wonder why alll of the other phones i've owned didn't do this.... (take such a long time to switch?)
stepinmyworld said:
o ok... i just wonder why alll of the other phones i've owned didn't do this.... (take such a long time to switch?)
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I can't speak for markets I don't work on, but from time to time corporate changes the recommended settings. There have been a few changes specifically to the 2G and 3G interaction lately. There are also different "release classes" of handsets and they don't always support the newest "features". So sometimes a parameter change only affects certain handsets and not others.
Hi XDA, longtime lurker, first time poster. Love the forum, thanks for taking my post...*laff*
I have had a smartphone back to when they weren't phones (Motorola PageWriter). I remember the bad old days of the Pocket PC phones, how good Blackberries were with email when they hit the market and a charter G1 owner.
I can say without hesitation that the Vibrant is the best smartphone I have ever owned.
My only qualm at this point is the whole phone/google contact thing in the TouchWiz contacts app, I hate that I can't set custom ring tones or use the "groups" function for Google contacts and can't sync the "phone" contacts...I hate that, with a passion.
Seems like Samsung is treating Google contacts like an LDAP server instead of the seamless integration I had with my G1.
Other than that, I really like TouchWiz.

