SMS from contacts list app? - XPERIA X10 General

I'm looking for an app that lets me message directly from the contacts list, i.e have a mail or call icon next to the entry.
Any ideas?

From your phonebook/contacts list long press the desired contact and it will bring up a menu. It gives you the option to send a sms from there.
Sent from my X10i

There's also an app called call dock bar which is a widget that can hold 4 contacts of ur choice with easy access to callin/textin/mailin. There waz another app that allowed more contacts bt i cant remember the name.. i dint like the UI on that one though.
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needmoregigs said:
From your phonebook/contacts list long press the desired contact and it will bring up a menu. It gives you the option to send a sms from there.
Sent from my X10i
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Thats just what I was after, thanks very much!


pop up sms

any way to get a popup screen when u recieve a text? one that you can reply too not the one that the phone comes with....similar to how the andriod phones have?
THanx in advance
firozu said:
any way to get a popup screen when u recieve a text? one that you can reply too not the one that the phone comes with....similar to how the andriod phones have?
THanx in advance
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I don't think there is , but is pushing one notification icon too much work??
Get handcent or compSMS. I use handcent. Worked better for me.
Edit: thought I was in the Desire forum, but I guess it should work anyway?
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i mean its not that big a deal but just like anything else you put on the phone you dont need it but its cool.
Go into the notification settings:
settings-> all settings-> sounds & notifications-> notifications
from there select the event: Messaging: New text message. Check the box "Display message on screen"
Now when you get a text there will be a window that pops up from the bottom of the screen.
Go into the notification settings:
settings-> all settings-> sounds & notifications-> notifications
from there select the event: Messaging: New text message. Check the box "Display message on screen"
Now when you get a text there will be a window that pops up from the bottom of the screen.
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He wanted to be able to reply to it, too. The apps I suggested does that.
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ill probably use chomp i had it on the g1 but i switched to just popup sms cuz i was ok with the factory txt messaging program..wanted to avoid using a whole nother sms program but o well
kimlindo said:
He wanted to be able to reply to it, too. The apps I suggested does that.
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The apps you suggested are for Android and the HD2 is Windows Mobile so its not going to work.
firozu said:
ill probably use chomp i had it on the g1 but i switched to just popup sms cuz i was ok with the factory txt messaging program..wanted to avoid using a whole nother sms program but o well
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Can't use chomp.
crud thought they had a port my bad

Is there any way to "add recipient" in stock messaging app?

Ive downloaded and use Handcent and yes it is nice. The reason I looked for and started using it was because of the lack of add recipient option when composing a new message in the stock app that is included. I feel like Im just missing how to do this in the stock app. Is it possible? It seems like it would be the most basic option but I can't seem to figure out how.
yeahyeahyeah1981 said:
Ive downloaded and use Handcent and yes it is nice. The reason I looked for and started using it was because of the lack of add recipient option when composing a new message in the stock app that is included. I feel like Im just missing how to do this in the stock app. Is it possible? It seems like it would be the most basic option but I can't seem to figure out how.
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Normally,in the stcok app, after you put the name of the recipient, you just have to tap again inside the recipient box to add another one. else if you put phone number instead of a contact in the phonebook, then you just have to put a comma between the two phone number.
You misunderstood. The idea is that I don't want to have to type in their name. I want to be able to choose from my list of contacts in my phonebook.
I think the only options now are separating recipients with commas or FORWARD the message to another recipient after you have sent it out. I prefer the latter since it doesn't create a whole new thread.
lol is no one actually reading the question???
I haven't come across a way to add recipients, I always just type the 1st 2 letters and add them from that, IMO its easier than scrolling through a list of a few hundred people
Open contact list. Long press contact then select send message. It then opens messaging app.
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Seeing as everyone is misunderstanding you're request I will give you the short answer.. No.
You can't select multiple recipients from a list in the stock app, unlike handscent, where you can.
Sent from my x10 using XDA and swype.
Sorry... where in the question does it mention multiple recipients? I think i did answer the question!
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yes its very easy to turn the light on, just go to the camera settings and go to photo light and click on
M3mPh1z said:
yes its very easy to turn the light on, just go to the camera settings and go to photo light and click on
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jajajajaaaaaaaaaaaa, LMAO
HAHAHA!!! Best answer ever!!


Would like to use Handcent messages for a while but get two notifications each time i receive a message, i have un-ticked all the boxes in settings but still getting two notifications each time. I am missing something here or is this normal ?
Please cancel.......problem sorted
It may be useful to some if you describe the actions you took to sort your problem.
Probably changed a setting in tje Messages app
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Solution is to open original messaging app, goto settings then untick notifactions if anybody needs the solution...
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[Q] Notifications with text of SMS

With Sense and CM10.1 on the Evo 3D, I could read texts or at least see who texts were from without going into the messaging app. With Touchwiz on the S4, the dropdown notification just says that there's a new message. Since expandable notifications are a big part of JB, why doesn't the messaging app use them? Is there any way I can change this behavior without rooting or installing another ROM yet?
Download another messaging app such as handcent or go sms?
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smke said:
With Sense and CM10.1 on the Evo 3D, I could read texts or at least see who texts were from without going into the messaging app. With Touchwiz on the S4, the dropdown notification just says that there's a new message. Since expandable notifications are a big part of JB, why doesn't the messaging app use them? Is there any way I can change this behavior without rooting or installing another ROM yet?
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1. Go to the messaging app.
2. In the main part of the app (not inside individual thread) tap settings button.
3. Scroll down and look for the "Preview Message" and check that option.
4. Multiple messages can be previewed by sliding down with two fingers on the message notfication.
5. Hit thanks if this helped
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
nemesis93 said:
1. Go to the messaging app.
2. In the main part of the app (not inside individual thread) tap settings button.
3. Scroll down and look for the "Preview Message" and check that option.
4. Multiple messages can be previewed by sliding down with two fingers on the message notfication.
5. Hit thanks if this helped
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
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It's a feature some people use because they don't want their messages being shown the second they get them for privacy in case anyone is looking at their phone. Be sure to peek around in the settings.
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Contacts and dialer names

Hey guys, quick question!
My contacts are showing up in the contacts bit but when I get phonecalls and messages I just see numbers. Even though I have the contacts saved. Any ideas what it may be?
I'm on X note 5.1 and have lots of xposed settings installed, non of which modify the dialer or contact storage.
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Happens man with most of us
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Do you have call display as part of your cell package? I believe you need that service activated in order for you to see incoming contact info.
If you do have that service, maybe call display is turned off in your options?
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
I think I know the problem ur having, so I'm gonna attempt to help. This happened to me and for the life of me couldn't figure out the solution. But then after a few minutes I got it. What u wanna do is open up ur contacts then hit the menu button and choose "contacts to display". Once that page pops up pick the one that says "device". Now back out to ur contacts again, then pick a contact and insert whatever may be missing. For me it was all the pictures. So I had to apply all my pictures over again. I think this is what is going on with ur contacts. Once ur done adding pictures go to ur messages or ask someone to call and u should now see all their info including pics. I hope I was able to help u. If I was all the way off base, sorry for post.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A
Ragnarkov said:
Do you have call display as part of your cell package? I believe you need that service activated in order for you to see incoming contact info.
If you do have that service, maybe call display is turned off in your options?
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
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That's not standard in the USA? -EDIT Just seen original poster is in the UK - Caller ID is standard here if you have their number stored.
lilmama2879 said:
I think I know the problem ur having, so I'm gonna attempt to help. This happened to me and for the life of me couldn't figure out the solution. But then after a few minutes I got it. What u wanna do is open up ur contacts then hit the menu button and choose "contacts to display". Once that page pops up pick the one that says "device". Now back out to ur contacts again, then pick a contact and insert whatever may be missing. For me it was all the pictures. So I had to apply all my pictures over again. I think this is what is going on with ur contacts. Once ur done adding pictures go to ur messages or ask someone to call and u should now see all their info including pics. I hope I was able to help u. If I was all the way off base, sorry for post.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A
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Was what I was gonna suggest also, and it's the most logical one I can think of regarding the subject.
radicalisto said:
That's not standard in the USA? -EDIT Just seen original poster is in the UK - Caller ID is standard here if you have their number stored.
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Ahh, see, depending on what package you have here, it's an extra feature you need to pay for, so thought it might be something to consider. I have no idea how cell packages are structured outside my local carriers.
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