.Net compact framework 3.5 version conflict - HD2 General

Hi all,
Firstly I come here to look for help because I spent many time reading many posts in here and over the net about my problem, but I was unable to find a definitive solution.
Here is what it deals with (sorry for my English writing, I'm a native French writer).
I own a Leo w/ WM [NO]6.0[/NO] 6.5 (T8585) and Manila 2.5.
I installed the mod Cookie HomeTab, firstly 1.6.1 then 1.7.
I found that if 1.6.1 was nice, 1.7 was much better but... it also drains my battery very quick.
I wrote again the whole post about the newest version and found a small advice to install .Net F. 3.5. I followed the link and downloaded the CAB.
When I tried to install it, I got an error : "A newer version is already installed".
In fact, it seems that the 2.0 is already installed in ROM.
I tried to tune the registry, putting a "1" dword on 3.x entry, and a "0" dword on "2.x" entry, but it did not work.
Nevermind, 3.5 is not installed, I still have 2.x and Cookie HomeTad and CHT Editor already working nice with it.
But now, CHT Editor won't launch, making a .Net error: "a newer version of NF is required"...
The little system utility cgacutil in Windows mobile directory tells me I still have the 2.x version of .net installed. As it was when everything worked nice.
But the reality is that it does not :-/
Microsoft did not answered to my mail and I'm very sad to be unable to use CHT Editor to tune Cookie HomeTab. And overall, I would want to definitively repair my .Net installation even if I'm stucked w/ 2.0.
What do you think of it and do you have some advices for me, please ?

Here is some additionnal information, maybe you need it to understand my problem better ?
- System version: 5.2.21864 (21864.5.0.81)
- Manila version: 2.5.19202525.0
- ROM version: 1.43.406.2 (70124) FRE
- ROM date: 10/28/09
- Radio version:
- Protocole version:
- OS version: Windows Mobile 6.5 Professionnal (hu ? I thought I had 6.0 !)
Regards, Helloser

Hmmm, I noticed that I did not upgrade my ROM to 1.66 as I thought I did...
I will do this firstly and return to you to see if my problem was maybe solved by this way.
Hope, hope, hope

Well let's hope that your ROM flash will solve your problem, first of all. But, if it doesn't then this may help...
A user was complaining that the editor would not run for him, using .Net 3.7. This had been built in to the ROM that he flashed, and it would not let him install .Net 3.5. So, he installed 3.5 to his storage card and then manually copied the files to his device memory. Then, using the .Net Configuration tool he set CHTEditor (and CHTRestart) to use .Net 3.5 and it now works.
Now whilst this is a different issue, the resolution may help you, so give it a try...

Yoohoo ! The ROM upgrade did it nicely: 3.5 compact .Net framework got installed like a charm, directly into main ROM, overwriting 2.x already default installed version w/o any error.
I got plain usage of Co0kie HomeTab and CHTEditor, w/o it is too hard to tune up every registry entry for CHT...

helloser said:
Yoohoo ! The ROM upgrade did it nicely: 3.5 compact .Net framework got installed like a charm, directly into main ROM, overwriting 2.x already default installed version w/o any error.
I got plain usage of Co0kie HomeTab and CHTEditor, w/o it is too hard to tune up every registry entry for CHT...
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Make sure you enable 3.5.9 rather than version 2.x.xxx in the regitry by doing the below...
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETCompactFramework. Change the DWORD data of entry 2.x.xxx from 1 to 0. Next Change the DWORD data of entry 3.5.xxx from 0 to 1 and then reset. This disables 2.0 and enables 3.5.
(Courtesy of Tboy2000)

Oh my G..., even w/ a successful installation of NCF 3.5, the registry kept on using 2.x !
I could invert both values. I'm not sure it is really less greedy on battery usage though...

Hi all, I stumbled across this after updating to Vodafone's new ROM (can't say I really enjoy their new splash though) :-(
I did the registry tweak to ensure .net 3.5 is used, but how do I check ? How will I know? Is there something that specifically needs 3.5 to work?

@ Armes
I did the registry tweak to ensure .net 3.5 is used, but how do I check ? How will I know?
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Hi, very simple: find the "cgacutil.exe" Windows utility in %Win% directory tree on your device, and run it: it will popup a small dialog noticing what is the version of .Net that is currently handled.

Experimenting Co0kie HomeTab v1.37 after Compact .Net upgrade to v3.5:
Finally, I can say that the battery drained much slower than previously. Nicely done !

Armes said:
I did the registry tweak to ensure .net 3.5 is used, but how do I check ? How will I know? Is there something that specifically needs 3.5 to work?
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Basically, that registry tweak is how the device determines what version of .Net to use. Running \windows\cgacutil.exe will only tell you what version(s) you have installed, so the registry key is the best way to know for sure.
It may be overkill, but the CHTEditor for Co0kie's Home Tab will only run under .Net 3.5, so you could install that, but you need Co0kie's Home Tab installed for it to work anyway. I'm obviously gonna recommend installing it to check though, aren't I


WM6.1 Pro TESTs + 20931 kitchen - Updated 21.11.2008

Here are my other beta works, still have no time to finish them all
20931 kitchen - this is my attempt to port the 20931 chinese build to WWE since i crapped over the nk.exe I used helmis one for the port - this is the reason that the rom uses more ram than sun_dream's one, also touch scrolling is not working, IE6 is included but in order to make it work you need to install this cab, Flash Lite 3.1 is included, removed office, SQM, Transcriber, Windows Live, Welcome Center, IPSECVPN, and some more stuff which IMO is unneeded ... the rom so far is stable but IE6 and Flash lite work far worst than in let say 20753 for example .... try it on your own risk - it is unfinished port so you can encounter unpredicted bugs with it. You can change the kitchen the way you want but please include my nickname in the credits when you publish a roms made with it
Mirror - thanks to Kraven
19915 rom - UC capable (included cabs) - password blueangel
20226 rom - my latest WM7 looks inside (includes Word and Excell in rom) - uses the old method for extrom (included cabs) - no password protection
Megaupload Mirror 20226 - thanks to kraven
20273 rom - the same as above (no cabs included for the extrom but you can use the ones from my previous rom) - no password for the archhive - in this rom i have slightly modified a lot of oem resources with a lightweight version in order to make this rom usable even without extrom
Megaupload Mirror 20273 - thanks to kraven
Megaupload EXTROM Mirror - thanks to kraven
for my latest roms i have removed SQM, and customer experience sh** in order to lighten a lil the rom and protect personal information to be sent to microsoft
I keep it clean as i can
Rom version: 6.11.00
Rom Date: 06.04.2008
Page Pool: 32 MB
Core: 5.2.19209
Build: 19209.1.0.2
AKU: 1.02
OEM Software updated:
Sim Manager 6.41
STK_Service.dll 4.74
STK_UIPPC.exe 4.60
USSD_Dll.dll 4.22
Comm Manager 2.08
Changes from the my 19199 rom:
Updated OEM software to the latest publically available versions
Fixed bugs from my previous rom
You can use the extrom of my previous rom or cook your own
This rom is a test version, because this is the first time that i use 32 mb page pool in rom, if you are satisfied of the speed of this rom i will leave it that way for final version (it is pretty much final by now)
RUU_BA_xplode_WWE_6.11.00 - Rapidshare.com
RUU_BA_xplode_WWE_6.11.00 - Rapidshare.com
RUU_BA_xplode_WWE_6.11.00 - Megaupload.com
RUU_BA_xplode_WWE_6.11.00 - Dlacalle.es - thanks to kraven
I want to thanks to all of the donators, Especially to MDAIIIUser for the donated LCD and all the help and support in the years of rom cooking
I want to thank to mamaich (still use hes tools in rom building for BA), bepe (BuildOS is hes work - a brilliant one), in random order, tom_codon(pushing me into a right direction), mun_rus, Tuatara (constant help and support), helmi_c, itsme (brilliant perl scripts which were used for dumping all the goodies from newer roms), cmonex (a lot of help and support in reallocating and nk.exe editing) and a lot more people involved ... I appreciate your help
Lets keep Blueangel alive
WMV playing slowdown - disable ATI bitmap caching will solve this (you can do it in TCPMP options - this is the easyest way i will make a cab for it later)
Hi, what is the meaning of the pagepool? I see lot of values but I don't understand how useful it is.
Is the WLanFix from the previous version added to this one or I have to use that fix?
Thanks a lot for your work, I'm flashing now
all the fixes are included into the rom so none of them are needed after flashing this one
Downloading ........ >> 14/4 Installed & working great
Thanks xplode .... like ur wm6 so much >> 14/4 Like it .... my first WM6.1
Well, the best Wm6.1 rom I've tried. Wifi works fine even with my WPA-PSK TKIP conection. Bluetooth and irda works fine (with version 209 from pdaviet I had some problems with BT)
Installed part of your previous extrom and all ok.
It's fast very fast. Great work man, great work.
Maybe someone knows how can I build a spanish rom? I've seen german and italian roms, so I'd like to have a spanish rom.
Once again, GREAT WORK man
wich .NET Version is this ?
is it necessary to enable the speedup patch ?
other download sites
the rapidshare guys are really irritating and keep u waiting for long....could u use some other site
thanks again for the super work, xplode!
would it be possible for you to extract the file explorer from the pdvh rom and place it here? i believe it's more advanced.
All WM6.1 roms by default have .NET CF 2.0 SP2, and i will stick to it for now, stock settings are better
the file explorer is called GSFinder you can find it in the thread of my WM6 rom 1933
thanks, i got it.
@ xplode
Sir, please upload the rom on another mirror
There are no words to describe this incredible work. The ROM works fine.I hope that there are no problems with the phone.
I'm flashing now.
i am uploading it now to megaupload
it´s a great rom, too.
but there is still a media player bug.
playing videos is terrible.
seems to be a buffering problem.
hope this will be fixed in the next rom.
playing mp 3 work perfect now !
can you upload sample video to test this bug ?
sorry, i think i can´t.
because it´s a dvd i convert to .wmv, so i can´t share it, because there is a copy right on it and i don´t want to do something illegal.
the first 5 minutes are very buggy, then everything work perfectly.
have already test it on a wm 2003 ppc, there everything work perfect.
well can you encode other video just for test with the same settings
just search for .wmv file using google and find this page.
there you can download small .wmv videos.
i test to play one of the videos, and there is the bug !
the first 10 seconds the picture doesn´t change, so you just hear the sound.
after 10 seconds everything work correct.
tryed it , disabling bitmap cache for ati imageon solves the problem

Import Manila to hp 614c??

Good morning guys. I searched it but I didn't find anything. Is it possible to import Manila (tf3d from HTC diamond) in hp 614c? Thank you
manilla 2d is possible if u have a english rom and it works very well for me.
Can you explain how to do it
Sorry for the stupid question but are you talking about the port of the 2D manila interface, running on HTC 3g? If so, please tell me where in the forum can I download the installation files. Are there any specific issues with the ipaq 614.
You can also try this ROM (WM 6.1):
http://rapidshare.com/files/165082651/614_WM6.1_19971.rar this beta but stable.
password: israpda.com
Manila is in there and works very fast and stable. The same for ROM.
ROM has been cooked by Yevg001 from 4pda:
To flash the firmware:
1. Unzip archive using provided above password
2. Copy flash.dio to SD card (important!!! it must by SD (<2GB) not SDHC card)
3. Turn the device off (push and hold power button)
4. Insert your SD card
5. With the same time push: record, mute and power button
6. After ~1sec release power button then remaining buttons
7. You will get "SDloader"
8. Do not touch anything until iPAQ boot itself (you can observe progress bar)
You have done...
Have you tried this rom? It has manila cooked in right? I have the auto shutdown problem with my ipaq, is it safe if i install teh power update patch by hp before putting this rom? I guess it's only rom, not a radio update so it won't affect it, but i don't want to brick it after all... Thanks
Yes I am using this ROM. It is very fast and stable (it has 12MB pagepool).
Yes Manila is cooked in.
If the power update is a just patch for ROM I believe you can install it just after flash, but if I were you I would rather wait and see if the same problem is in the new ROM - if it is then I will make the patch installation.
Yes it is only Operating System (ROM) update.
Yes I am using this ROM. It is very fast and stable (it has 12MB pagepool).
Yes Manila is cooked in.
If the power update is a just patch for ROM I believe you can install it just after flash, but if I were you I would rather wait and see if the same problem is in the new ROM - if it is then I will make the patch installation.
Yes it is only Operating System update.
Manila to hp 614c italian rom
I have a italian rom and it works
ROM Version
bigu1975 said:
Yes I am using this ROM. It is very fast and stable (it has 12MB pagepool).
Yes Manila is cooked in.
If the power update is a just patch for ROM I believe you can install it just after flash, but if I were you I would rather wait and see if the same problem is in the new ROM - if it is then I will make the patch installation.
Yes it is only Operating System update.
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Which ROM are you useing? I am using HP IPAQ 614c CE English OS 5.2.20757 (Build 20757.1.4.0) OS 5.2.20757 (Build 20757.1.4.0) v 1.5 (yevg001) Having a hard time with BT
Formally this is WM6.1 v1.6. I described it in post #5 (above).
re: bigu1975
Hi there. I installed this rom : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446243 ,but it doesn't have manila cooked in. I will be flashing it again with the rom posted in the site. I noticed that some of the netcf programs won't work - they exit and report error. I'm satisfied with the overall performance of the wm 6.1 rom - it has all the hp goodies and even the camera works better i also notice far better booting times and file system read/write speeds. I do have active sync problems - the device doesn't always connect. So finally my question : Do you have any particular problems like those described by me with the version of the rom you are using.
axlastro said:
Do you have any particular problems like those described by me with the version of the rom you are using.
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In general I don't have any problems related to programs. Mentioned ROM is clean, stable and it is very fast. It includes the same as HP ROM with new kernel from WM6.1 + Manila and some other useful applications which are tested and they are working fine.
I have noticed only one minor problem related to toggle WiFi using TouchFlo. It can be simple solved by the following method:
ActiveSync - I noticed similar problems on WM6.1 on different devices. I think it is caused by ActiveSync itself. IMHO the problem is when you connect your device with ActiveSync already running. Then described problem appears. When ActiveSync is not running then it is fine. I hope I solved this problem by adding (in ActiveSync) dummy server and by setting the Sync time to manual. This already described, on this forum, solution protect ActiveSync against automatically start and also helps on syncing issue.
I have used many ROMs for 614C and I think Yevg001's ROM are simply the best. This one is the fastest one I tested. After few days of testing I recommend this one
I have few bugs.
When I add MyFaves widget touchflo would not start and
Internet widget is not working for me?
Anyone has the same problem?
Rajnus said:
I have few bugs.
When I add MyFaves widget touchflo would not start and
Internet widget is not working for me?
Anyone has the same problem?
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MyFaves it is TouchFlo problem. I don't use it
Internet widget doesn't work because there is no Opera browser in this ROM. I think when you install Opera it start to work. On this Manila version the Internet browser link is hardcoded to Opera. As I know in the newest Manila version it is possible to change the link to different browser. At this moment the newest Manila works only on HTC devices - we can't install it on our HP.

PDAVIET ROM WM 6.5 CE OS 5.2.21820 Build 21820.5.0.40

This is not mine ROM, this is ROM from Mr. TranMinhMan, i only post info and link
ROM Informations:
- CE OS 5.2.21820 Build 21820.5.0.40 PV T2M.
- .NET Compact Framework 3.7.8345.0
- AdobeFlash
- Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3.0.0 by Julien Schapman
- CHome Editor v1.6 Beta by showaco
- dotFred Task Manager
- HTC Album
- HTC Booster
- HTC Camera 5.0.4
- HTC Comm Manager
- HTC Iolite PhoneCanvas
- HTC Random Access
- HTC Sim Manager v6.60
- HTC TaskManager
- htcAddicts cleanRAM v1_5_5
- PIM Backup v2.8.0.0 by FdcSoft
- PocketNotepad v4.0.10
- Pocket RAR v3.80 by Alexander Roshal
- PocketScreen v1.3 by JJM. Roseboom
- Synchro Time v0.95 by Dennis Grachov
- Total Commander CE v2.51 by Christian Ghisler
- psShutXP (mod)
- Windows Media Player 10.3 Build 21820 (mod)
- Bootscreen (mod)
- Some small games.
The suggestion Radio: 1.59.X.X
Up ROM Guides:
- Your Polaris must be HardSPL before up ROM.
- This ROM just has Operating System only, no Radio.
- Download and extract with the password below. Connecting Polaris with PC through USB.
- Running file ROMUpdateUtility.exe and following step by step on the windows => Polaris run BootLoader state and loading 100% => Polaris auto reset and you have new ROM.
Thread on PDAVIET can be found here: http://www.pdaviet.net/showthread.php?t=60010
Download link: http://www.4shared.com/account/file...IET_ROM_WM65__Core_21820__by_TranMinhMan.html
Password: TranMinhMan
thank you...
thanks!!!!! downloading right now!!!!!
Hi, Petulinek.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful ROM with us.
This is the first time I am flashing my ROM to 6.5 and I have chosen your ROM based on your reputation and recommendations from others. I am a little worried at first but I must say that the result has been better that I expected so far.
Just one question though, I uses the built-in locking mechanism to lock my phone. Also, I runs Mapking 2007 navigation software on my mobile phone. However, I find that, unlike WM 6.1, even though when Mapking is logged on and running, the locking mechansim still kicks in, rendering the need to unlock it. Is there a way to work around this and still have the locking function active?
This rom works on this release very well. After install more then 60mb Ram is available. I think 3d driver is also included. All is working smooth and well.
I flashed this ROM and so far so good... It's fast and stable. I love it. I installed Opera 9.7 and it's work very well. Thank's for this ROM.
BTW... can somebody give me a link for MANILA2D in CAB version ??? (Working version.. )
Greatest Work.
Stable,Fast and without Bug.
Many Many Thanks.
calator40 said:
I flashed this ROM and so far so good... It's fast and stable. I love it. I installed Opera 9.7 and it's work very well. Thank's for this ROM.
BTW... can somebody give me a link for MANILA2D in CAB version ??? (Working version.. )
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Manila 2D link:
Thank you very much for M2D link ...
Biotouch.exe problem and Touchpad Input
I just upgraded my XDA Orbit 2 / HTC Polaris 200 to the HTC POLARIS - PDAVIET ROM WM6.5 (Core 21820) by TranMinhMan.
2 questions, because I think the hardware is really at its limits here
1. when I try to slide up what used to be TouchFLO, I get an error message "Biotouch.exe" could not be opened and please try to reinstall.
CAN I / MUST I fix this?
2. somehow it just gives me 4 options for input and the keyboard is too tiny on my screen. Is there no way to use the Touchpad (called in German "Touch Tastenfeld" and is basically the keys set up like on a mobile phone?
This would be a reason to reinstall the official WM 6.1 Pro because I cannot type anything on the go this way.
chaotixxda said:
1. when I try to slide up what used to be TouchFLO, I get an error message "Biotouch.exe" could not be opened and please try to reinstall.
CAN I / MUST I fix this?
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In settings - system - Advanced Settings disable in HTC TouchFLO :
Scrolling, Cube, Sound...
Then press Done, reboot and system will be little faster without error message about Biotouch.exe
chaotixxda said:
2. somehow it just gives me 4 options for input and the keyboard is too tiny on my screen. Is there no way to use the Touchpad (called in German "Touch Tastenfeld" and is basically the keys set up like on a mobile phone?
This would be a reason to reinstall the official WM 6.1 Pro because I cannot type anything on the go this way.
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Install EzInput ver 1.X because 2.X is in development...search and you find it...on my polaris (orbit 2) it go 100 percent...
touch in german "Tastenfeld"
look at this post....:
thanks for this Stable ROM.
How can I change the right soft key to 'Comm Manager' from 'set' in the today screen?
[email protected] said:
Install EzInput ver 1.X because 2.X is in development...search and you find it...on my polaris (orbit 2) it go 100 percent...
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EzInput 2.0 is developed and works fantastic :
battlestartaurus said:
"Just one question though, I uses the built-in locking mechanism to lock my phone. Also, I runs Mapking 2007 navigation software on my mobile phone. However, I find that, unlike WM 6.1, even though when Mapking is logged on and running, the locking mechansim still kicks in, rendering the need to unlock it. Is there a way to work around this and still have the locking function active?
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can anyone help with this issue, please?
I installed EzInput 2.0 It's a very nice keyboard and work fine. But I have a question... How can I input new words in dictionary in XT9 mod ?? Can somebody help me???
Petulinek said:
EzInput 2.0 is developed and works fantastic :
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Your link goes to (W)VGA version.
No QVGA there.
[Edit]Here is QVGA
Thank you for this rom
No thumbnails or screenshots?

[ROM][WWE][14-4-10]Lost in Asia V1.6 23557 2.10 Sense Smooth+Fast_ExtendirV2**Online*

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Custom graphics provided by Whiskeybro
Pictures may not represent actual build
Welcome to the​
ROM Series
สูญหาย ใน เอเชีย​
First I would like to Thank a few people who have helped me.
And stuck in there for me when I asked so many Noob questions.
jerpelea: who posted his kitchen and inspired me to start cooking, and has helped me a lot.
XannyTech: Thank you for your friendship, and working together to better our cause.
Miri: Thanks for all your help and patience my friend, You are a great inspiration to me.
Bepe: for your great Kitchen tools. And HSPL for LEO
Ervius: For your Wonderful Visual Kitchen for Bepe's Tools
Da_G: Thanks for you sharing your kitchens
Kwbr: for your help and Blackstone cooking class. One of the most knowledgeable cooks on xda and a good inspiration to others
Olinex, Cotulla: for his HSPL. without this what would we do
NGRZ28: For some tweaks from your kitchen. Thanks
NeoS2007: For your continued graphics support and help.
Sparkienl: For you providing the updates for the Ervius Visual Kitchen for our Blackstone.
OndraSter For you Visual Kitchen. A Great Easy to use Kitchen.
Djcedric, Whiskeybro, Dinik: For your great graphics
And many other great cooks and friends here.
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First Let me say, Everyone has different taste. This is why we have so many different ROM's to choose from. Most all of the ROM's here are good and I find it just comes done to personal preference. Some people like black others don't, some like ROM's ready to go out of the box, others don't and want to configure themselves etc etc. I'm going to try to have 2 versions. Regular which will have a lot of things removed and can be installed through Preset Installer (Faster). And one preloaded ready to go after flash.
This ROM is made with some changes from the stock ROM. It uses the Latest MS builds and a few customizations. With some of my personal start menu organization. I like a clean start Menu. I have made some tweaks for speed and stability. I find that our HD2 is already plenty fast for any user so there is no need to cut up and gut out our ROM's to gain some small amount of unnoticeable improvement. I also like to give users the choice in how they like to configure there ROM which is why I use Preset Installer. There will be Many programs you can install from Preset Installer instead of having them built in. For some people it makes device more suitable if trying to use Chinese input to not include the WWE Keyboard, but have it available to others. The other reason is when using Extendir, every program that is installed after flash gains from the Extendir performance. I have added a few apps, and a few removed. You can load them from cabs found here on XDA or Through Preset Installer. Or let me know and I can provide it for you.
** Before you FLASH this ROM-YOU MUST HAVE HSPL 1.42 or SSPL** Please we owe it to Donate to DarkForces Team HardSPL by bepe and Cotulla. Without our HSPL were would you be?
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NEW Rom Online​
Which ROM is right for me?
Preloaded Version: Comes with most all software and apps and is ready to go after flash.
Preload is also a Full version of HTC Sense With all Languages included.
Preload also is good for users who wish to apply themes and or add and remove manila mods etc.
Regular Version: Rom is a light base ROM that can be customized to anyone needs through Preset Installer. This ROM is also faster because all the apps loaded after flash benefit from the Extendir performance increase.
Many of the stock and custom apps have been removed for installation through Preset Installer.
Manila is less than half the size of the ship ROM. More than 3000 files are removed from the windows folder with this version.
Manila is cfc compressed, and all Lang files except WWE are removed.
Manila mods are uninstallable, if you uninstall a manila mod you will have to reinstall manila again from Preset Installer. (Not a big deal only 2 min)
CHS\WWE Version: No longer supported here see my Blog Private section to make a Request.
This version is cooked specially for users who want a WWE ROM with CHS reading and input support. All the inputs work including Fuzzy Logic, and Handwriting in full screen, Pinyin etc. This ROM Also has a World Wide Wince.nls with All 5 regions of Chinese
CHT\WWE Version: No longer supported here see my Blog Private section to make a Request.
This version is cooked specially for users who want a WWE ROM with CHT reading and input support. It has all the Fonts and Inputs from Official Taiwan CHT ROM. Included are ZhuYin, PinYin, CangJie, Stroke, Full screen Handwriting etc. I have tested all of them and they seem to work but as I'm not able to read or type Chinese I'm not sure. The handwriting seems to work when I make strokes it suggest characters etc. This ROM Also has a World Wide Wince.nls with All 5 regions of Chinese.​
========================================NEW Version 1.6 Preload WWE CFC HT Sense 2.10========================================​
Lost In Asia Std V 1.6 23557 Preload with 2.10 HTC Sense 2.5 Full Language CFC
Make sure you Flash Radio before flashing this ROM, or you will have a device stuck at HTC screen
Lost In Asia Std V1.6 23557 Preload WWE
​MD5 Checksum: 3DA9B2BC2544D8494A2CE3FC9F33D93C
​========================================NEW Version 1.6 Regular WWE CFC HT Sense 2.10========================================​
Lost In Asia Std V 1.6 23557 Regular with 2.10 HTC Sense 2.5 WWE Only CFC.
Make sure you Flash Radio before flashing this ROM, or you will have a device stuck at HTC screen
Lost In Asia Std V 1.6 23557 Regular WWE
​MD5 Checksum: 6525DAC4FCE08BA4351063D35014F1F7​=============================================================================================================================​
How to install?:
Copy the Extendir folder found in download to the root of your storage card. Flash the ROM as usual, Soft Reset, then go to Applications folder in Start Menu and select Preset Installer. When Preset Installer comes up you can click next and install the programs or utilities you want by checking the boxes for each program. You can Also choose from one of the Preset Configuration Like Full Install, Minimal Install etc. Then Click next and then install. NOTE: A box with a bold check will install automatically to Device, if it has a faded check this means you will be prompted for install location. This is needed for programs that require user intervention like FingerKeyboard etc. Don't let device go to sleep during install!!. Device will reboot after installation. You can remove any of the programs as needed from the Remove programs in System. I have made some new .cab files with shortcuts to my Start Menu folders structure. So if you try to use these cabs on another ROM it likely will not work. Read the install instructions inside the Extendir folder. WARNING do not copy or redistribute any of the cabs found in my Extendir Folder. I name them with LIA to distinguish them as being modified for my ROM. Some of these apps are proprietary and can cause trouble if posted somewhere else.​
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Preset Installer is a Visual UC Interface which allows you to add your Cabs and customizations after Flash. See this Thread for More Info:
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Known Bugs:
Regular Version Only Screen Refresh after soft reset: If you see HTC Sense Loading after soft reset just tap the screen and see if it comes up.
First let me say I do all this work as a hobby. I'm in no way looking for a income stream from my work. And you are in no way required to make any donations. However it makes me feel good and that my work is appreciated for the many hours spent working and flashing to make ROM's for the community.
**If you like my work click: Donatations Here**
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Changelog for V1.6
Version 1.5:
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23554 (23554.5.5.0)
Changed Lockscreen back to original (Dinik's Modified can be found in Preset Installer)
Fixed problem with Garmin Mobile
Updated MyPhone app
Fixed a couple of icons in Settings system
Version 1.4:
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23549 (23549.5.5.0)
Completely updated graphics, New icons, slider, lock screen from Dinik
Improved graphic rendering (you will feel the difference it is smooth as glass now)
Removed HTC eReader tab from manila (Added eReader stand alone app from Indagroove)
Disable Document tab from manila by default (can be enabled from home tab manu)
Removed One Note Mobile and Share Point Mobile (can be installed from cabs in Extendir or in post #3)
Version 1.3:
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23547 (23547.5.5.0)
Change Digital Compass to version with Set Destination
Download: Preload
Version 1.2:
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23544 (23544.5.5.0)
New Rom graphics (thanks to Whiskeybro)
Modified theme bottom bar a little (thanks to djcedric)
Transparent slider (Thanks to boushh)
Disabled HTC Flashlight animation (Thanks to NetRipper)
Upgraded Google Maps to V4
Upgraded to Extendir V2 beta (No cache enabled) but still faster than the 1.6 with cache
Upgraded Co0kiesHomeTab to 1.61
Upgraded Co0kiesHomeTabEditor to 1.61 (In Preset Installer)
Some File system Filter modifications
Fix a error in one of my cab files that was changing my cache settings (performance improved now)
Some more reg optimization and clean up.
Links: Preload
Version 1.0
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23540 (23540.5.5.0)
Updated core build, & drivers to Leo TMOUS 2.10 Ship
Updated all Packages from Leo TMOUS 2.10 Ship
Added Ereader tab back in Manila, Missing from 2.10 version
Updated Facebook App
Added Co0kiesHomeTab 1.5.4 (Co0kiesHomeTabEditor in Preset Installer)Thanks to johncmolyneux
Removed all TMOUS apps and cleaned up all the registry files.
CFC Manila compressed thanks to Chainfire.
Links: Preload Regular
Version 0.8.5
Updated OS to WM CE OS 5.2.23534 (23534.5.5.0)
Updated Opera to 9.7 35810.0
Update for Preload and Regular versions.
Radio Included in ROM
Optimized opera 9 tabs, 1024 viewing width, Pan and zoom frame rates, default zoom slider and more
General Optimizing and registry clean up.
Links: Preload Regular
Version 0.8:
Updated base to 2.07 build
Updated all HTC EXT packages from 2.07 TEST ROM
Htc Sense has new eraeder tab
Footprints now fully working
Landscape fully working (See Instruction inside Extendir folder)
New HTC Flashlight app
Removed all the TMOUS apps as most will not work outside the US
Updated some apps in Extendir Preset Installer
HTC Sense 2.07 CFC Compressed, Full version in Preload and only WWE in Preset Installer
Removed custom clocks due to not compatible with this version of Manila
Updated Opera 9.7 to 35801 build
Changed PagePool to 18
Version 0.7:
Updated to CE OS 5.2.23529 (23529.5.5.0)
Integrated IE from 28205
Added Chainfire Patch back in
Added new CommManager with more options and better graphics
Added Text Messaging App (switch between threaded and non threaded)
Fixed additional Widgets shortcuts
Will add CHS and CHT versions soon
Links: Preload Regular
Version 0.6:
Updated CE OS build to 5.2.24001 (24001.5.5.0)
Changed base to 2.02
576 Mb RAM with Radio
Removed Chainfires Driver Patch
Added latest Graphic Drivers (Generation 2) for AMD/ATI Z430 Mobile Graphics chip
Fix HTC Black theme
Updated Opera to LIA_Opera_Browser_9_7_35741
Added MS Widgets (There are extra copies of Widgets on the Start Menu. Just Delete them manually for now)
Added New Preloaded Version for less experienced users
Added Lost in Asia Wallpapers back
NEW Custom LIA Theme (Thanks to djcerdic, XannyTech)
Removed Chinese Lang pack from Preset Installer to save on space (Only WWE Versions)
Links: Preload Regular
Version 0.5:
SYS & XIP updated to 23518
Updated base to 1.66 with OEM and Drivers from 1.66 & 2.02
HTC Sense 2.02 cfc WWE Only
Added 3G button in Commanager
Pagepool 16
Some editing of XIP for performance (Thanks XannyTech for working with me)
Chainfires HD2 3D Video Patch. (Not included in ROM per request of ChainFire) But The cab will be automatically installed after flash.
Changed PagePool 16mb (I don't recommend changing this)
Removed EZInput WWE from ROM (It can be installed from Preset Installer)
All HTC Hotfixes included to date
Changed wallpapers back to Factory ones
Added CHS\CHT\WWE Version (All 5 Chinese Regions)
Added Opera 9.7 35627 cab to Preset Installer
Some general cleanup of registry
A few more of my tweaks
Chinese Language Packs for Preset Installer. just put in Storage Card\Extendir\Setups\Chinese Lang Packs\
Additional Information
More Information
Since there is already a very good thread with many tweaks and customizations I will keep this ROM more clean and work on things to improve the performance and stability.
For Tweaks and Customizations see thread here.
Anyone having bluetooth carkit troubles see below: I will not add these to the ROM as they are still experimental. They have reported to fix some things but not all.
Extra Chinese Language keyboards and fonts removed from Preset Installer to save space. A4, PlumSIP, Samsung Handwriting, i8000 HK, Download Here
One Note Mobile 2010 for LIA ROM's Only
SharePoint Mobile 2010 for LIA ROM's Only
Progams and Features Added
Additional Programs and Utilities added:
With Preset Installer you can easily Install the things you want in 3 easy steps
With Preset Installer you can install all of the Following. You can also choose a preset configuration. Full Manila Install is near to Stock.
Full Manila Install CHS(21889) (***)
Full Manila Install CHS(23518) (***)
Full Manila Install(21889) (**)
Full Manila Install(24001) (**)
Minimal Manila Install marked with (*)
Full Manila Install marked with (**)
Chinese Lang Keyboard Packs
LIA IME_CHS_Pinyin_Keyboard_2_1_1920
LIA IME_CHS_Keyboard_2_1_1920_repacked (no fonts)
LIA_Chinese_Support_A4 (***)
LIA_PlumSIP_Pro_WVGA_V6.1.0010 (***)
LIA_Samsung_Hand_Write (***)
RobRedbeard-Chinese-for-LIA-Fonts (***)
EzInput WWE Keyboard
LIA_IME_Engine_Western_TEST_2_1_19222310_00 (*) (**)
LIA_IME_EzInput_Western_TEST_2_1_19222911_00 (*) (**)
Manila Install
Manila Please be Patient install time 3 min (*) (**)
SetManilaTodayToActive (*) (**)
Manila Mods (Uninstallable)
grzegorz10 A1 SC+HQB4all+16Shortcuts (**)
My Packages
LIA Adobe Reader 2_5_1_0 (**) (***)
LIA_Apps_Reset_PIMBackup_RotateScreen_Regedit_etc (*) (**) (***)
LIA_BCR_WWE_1_0_f090914b_02 (**) (***)
LIA_Bing_4_6_9179_1 (**) (***)
LIA_BsB_Tweaks_1.6 (**) (***)
LIA_FormatSD_1_15_0_3 (**) (***)
LIA_GoogleMaps3.3.1 (**) (***)
LIA_GPS_Copilot_1_0_0_457 (**) (***)
LIA_MP3_Trimmer_1_2_19194032_0 (**) (***)
LIA_MS_Facebook_1_0_07_1 (**) (***)
LIA_Myphone-1.5.2410-wm (**) (***)
LIA_NaviPanel_1_5_19222811_00 (**) (***)
LIA_Opera_Browser_9_7_35741 (**) (***))
LIA_RSSHub_2_1_1_1_1107_01 (**) (***))
X2 TaskManager WM 6.5.0 LEO-stock (**) (***)
X2 Taskmanager WM 6.5.5 - v2 (**) (***)
xdaShutdown 1.01 - WVGA
Test Benchmark Apps
New ROM uploading
New ROM online. Rapidshare mirror coming soon
Looks very interesting Bob !!!
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you do not install any manilla options (I use mobile shell) will the system behave any different (speed, loss of function) than just not selecting manilla as a today plugin?
Hotfix necessary?
Hi Bob,
From what I gathered, the 1.66 asian rom update supercede all the previous htc hotfix, so in this case, it is necessary for it to be built into the rom? I may be wrong, but I had been on the 1.66 since the official launch and I noticed that all the previous bugs like pink camera, sms stuck in outbox, etc... have all been fixed.
this pre-installer function is probably one of the most useful things I have EVER seen on xda developers, period.
bjrmd said:
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you do not install any manilla options (I use mobile shell) will the system behave any different (speed, loss of function) than just not selecting manilla as a today plugin?
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Yes if you Don't want Manila just Don't install it. A trial of SPB Shell is included in Preset Installer.
Leechoonhwee said:
Hi Bob,
From what I gathered, the 1.66 asian rom update supercede all the previous htc hotfix, so in this case, it is necessary for it to be built into the rom? I may be wrong, but I had been on the 1.66 since the official launch and I noticed that all the previous bugs like pink camera, sms stuck in outbox, etc... have all been fixed.
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Most of the Hotfix are not necessary on this version as they are already included in the 1.66 build. Any that are not I will include.
[email protected] said:
this pre-installer function is probably one of the most useful things I have EVER seen on xda developers, period.
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Thanks, yes I really like it.
I'm downloading your rom...
Gonna install it tomorrow...
Just one question :
With preinstaller, ther is already some cab in it ? And can i put some cab too ?
thanks a lot
EDIT: i'm tired...Read the post 1 completely...
Is preinstaller easy to use ?
EDIT 2: any radio advised ?
sonydesouza said:
I'm downloading your rom...
Gonna install it tomorrow...
Just one question :
With preinstaller, ther is already some cab in it ? And can i put some cab too ?
thanks a lot
EDIT: i'm tired...Read the post 1 completely...
Is preinstaller easy to use ?
EDIT 2: any radio advised ?
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Yes there are already all the cabs listed in the 4th post. You can also add your own and make new or change category.
Yes it is easy to use.
I have not found much difference in Radios. I'm using the one from 1.66 2.06 something I think and works good for me.
Also I'm looking for someone to test exchange server, as I have no way to test it.
Ok !
Thanks for your quick response !
Gonna flash it tomorrow and i will give you a feedback...
Seems really interesting and very original !!!
Very impatient to flash this release !
See ya !
Hi Bob. Thanks for your efforts.
Is there any chance that you can add support for Traditional Chinese (CHT), rather than just Simplified Chinese (CHS)?
rlydiard said:
Hi Bob. Thanks for your efforts.
Is there any chance that you can add support for Traditional Chinese (CHT), rather than just Simplified Chinese (CHS)?
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The support is there just have to install RobRedbeards Chinese font cab. And find a keyboard for CHT. I forgot which one Rob uses maybe you could look him up and PM him. User Name RobRedBeard
bobsbbq said:
The support is there just have to install RobRedbeards Chinese font cab. And find a keyboard for CHT. I forgot which one Rob uses maybe you could look him up and PM him. User Name RobRedBeard
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Thanks for the useful information.
It might be helpful to others if you include this information on the first page of the thread, as I know there are quite a few others looking for traditional Chinese support.
rlydiard said:
Thanks for the useful information.
It might be helpful to others if you include this information on the first page of the thread, as I know there are quite a few others looking for traditional Chinese support.
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I will try to get more information from my blackstone thread and maybe talk to him. If I get something that sure works I will post it. But I have to be sure it is tested and works first.

[SOLVED]Porting .net 3.5 in to a 21869 build using osKitchen issue

I am currently building a new set of roms. I have been having an issue cooking microsoft .net 3.5 into the roms.
I have created a rom using HTC HD2 leo base rom 1.66. I am using OS 21869 Upped sense to version 2016.
I put in cookies home tab and cht editor and .net 3.5. When I try to run cht editor from the menu on the home screen I get the dependency error. When I then install .net 3.5 manually and reboot the phone cht editor then works.
What is interesting is if I use the exact same setup but change the OS to version 23569 it works perfectly.
Does any body have any ideas?
Net Cf use to be in \SYS\Common packs by default, check if it's there
Pisca said:
Net Cf use to be in \SYS\Common packs by default, check if it's there
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Yes I disabled the .net that was in the sys packages section on oskitchen but it hasn't made a difference. I even put in as the last application but also didn't make a difference.
Use the Net in Common SYS and Net 3.5 imported togheter.
I have tried that but no luck. Programs that need .net doesn't detect it but when you install it manually afterwards it works fine. Also tried it on a 6.5.5 build using the exact kitchen build i was using and worked perfectly
Are you sure it's being included in the rom? Check the dump folder; I say this because once I decided to just stick the NET 3.5 package into my EXT directory, and when I cooked the rom none of the files were included because the package structure was all wrong (it had to be in EXT form, not the sys form). Let's just say that that rom really sucked, lol.
Try with another Com 2 build ( i use 21915 ) ,from 21888 Net3.5 its already included, i use that without any EXT net 3.5 package.
af974 said:
Try with another Com 2 build ( i use 21915 ) ,from 21888 Net3.5 its already included, i use that without any EXT net 3.5 package.
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I am downloading 21915 now from the os builds section, lets hope it works this has been driving me maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!!
I think I have it sorted I am doing a test build now. I looked at the netcf folder in 21869 and it was referencing 2_0 in the file names. I then looked at netcf in the 21915 build and it was referencing 3_5 file names.
I simply deleted the netcf out of 21869 and replaced it with 21915. Running build now and hope it sortes the issue!
Thank you all for your help. The copy of the netcf folder did the trick. It is not registering the new .net 3.5!!!!!

