New Touch HD User - advice needed please - Touch HD General

Good evening,
I've just had my Touch HD delivered today, its not brand new, its a used item but is in perfect condition.
Anyway, the previous owner has obviously removed all of his details, pictures etc etc. However there are still a few apps on the device. Tom Tom for example, a screen rotate app and a few others.
Although they are useful, I'd quite like to have a fresh start with it.
The last owner installed a fresh windows 6.5.5 (?) before he sent me it, but I dont really know the difference, I'm a beginner when it comes to windows mobile.
So anyway, is it worth me doing a full reset on the phone? So its a cleans slate? And then updating the operating system (I need to learn about ROM and things etc), and downloading the apps that I'd like?
Things like the home screen, is the clock meant to be white and black? Because mine is like a see through bluey grey colour and I dont think the default theme is installed.
Anyway, any advice will be happily received

anyone got any advice for a new wm user?

Any comments are appreciated

You could hard reset, but then you would no longer have whatever applications he left on there (like TomTom etc). However, it could be that he left TomTom on the SD card, and that you could simply reinstall it. That might also be the case with whatever other apps are on the phone.
The Touch HD original came with Windows Mobile 6.1. The previous owner flashed a newer custom ROM that has WM 6.5 on it. There are different versions (or "builds") of WM 6.5, but in general they look the same and they are better than 6.1.
To "update" the version of windows, would require you to flash (i.e. "install") another ROM on the phone. There are no "windows updates" via internet like on desktop computers.
Hard reseting basically brings the phone back to the fresh ROM installation state (of whatever was the last ROM someone flashed on there). So, you could do that and then you could begin to install whatever apps you want.
After you get the phone the way you like (with apps, contacts etc) you could use a program like Spb Backup to backup the entire phone. That way, if later on it gets a bit sluggish, you can hard reset and do a backup restore so that within a few minutes, you will have all your apps and contacts etc. right back on there. It saves you the time of reinstalling everything. Keep in mind that it is not always recommended (although possible) to restore a backup onto a ROM different from the one used when the backup was created.
If you are curious about what apps to install, I just posted a list of my favorites in another thread. Link here (second post)

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
Firstly, things like tomtom were on the memory card as you said, so they still work.
I've actually done a hard reset on the phone and its come back exactly the same.
So I'm guessing its had another ROM update in the past? I've been searching around for the original ROM and have managed to download one. I just dont know how to install it (done a few searches already).
I guess I'd just like to start fresh with it, and modify it in my way
Thanks again for the reply.

I would not recommend going to an original (stock) ROM. Custom ROMs are a lot better. There are some very talented people here who make changes to original ROMs in order to make them faster and to improve many of the features (as well as include new features).
I bought my HD in Nov 2008, and within a couple of weeks, I flashed a different ROM on it. It has been almost a year and a half, and I could not picture myself ever going back to a stock ROM.
You can see the ROM development section here in XDA dev. or you can visit to look at other options. ROMs from Dutty, Energy, MaryOne, and Miri are among the most popular. They each create different ROMs and each has ROMs with different versions of Windows Mobile and HTC Sense (Manila 2.1 or Sense 2.5). Some have the regular HTC text messaging app, while others have removed it and include the Windows Mobile messaging app (since there have been problems with the HTC app becoming extremely slow when you have lots and lots of messages - i.e. for those "text message power users").
To flash a new ROM (takes about 10 minutes), you have two options:
1. Flash from your PC
2. Flash from the SD card in the phone
I have always done it from PC, but flashing from SD card is a safer method. If you flash from your PC, it is very important that, once the flashing starts, you never ever unplug the phone from the PC until it is totally finished and it restarts (or else you will kill your phone permanently). But, just do the SD card method and you'll be on the safe side.
The first thing I would do is to start your phone in bootloader mode (= hold volume down key the whole time and tap the power button; a red-blue-green-white screen will appear) to see what type of SPL you have (original SPL or HardSPL). You probably have HSPL, which would allow you to flash any ROM. If you have original SPL, you will need to either install HSPL to permanently have the ability to flash other ROMs or install USPL to have the ability to flash a ROM in that particular moment only.
Read more about SPL here (great tutorial).
My guess is that since the previous owner installed newer ROMs, then you probably have HSPL and you probably have a version 1.56 ROM installed. If this is the case, you would not need the upgrade steps discussed in that thread. Those are for people with 1.54 ROMs (the older, not so common ROMs). But it is still good to read as it describes installing new ROMs.
Here is a quote from Dutty about quick ROM flashing instructions:
*Flashing Guide
* Copy BLACIMG.NBH into the root dir of your Storage Card.
* Be sure to have at least 30% of charge.
* Turn off your device by using the Power Button.
* Go to Boot loader mode. Push and hold Vol. Down + press Power button.
* After that your device with have a white screen with text " Press to power button for continue upgrade or Press Volume down button for cancel upgrade , select press to power button and it will start upgrade Rom.
* Extract Rom download Folder.
* Be sure to have at least 50% of charge.
* Turn off your device by using the Power Button
* Go to Boot loader mode. Push and hold Vol. Down + press Power button.
* Connect your device to PC
* Run ROMUpdateUtility.exe and follow the screen instructions.
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thanks for another very useful post
Ok I've checked out the device information etc.
If I show you them here would you be able to possibly point out if I'm running a good setup?
Ok on the bootloader screen it reads this..
Blac100 32M
MicroP-Blackstone (LED) v6
When I start the phone up the first screen displays this in the bottom right...
Also after that it shows a screen saying HTC and then Energy underneath.
Is Energy one of the ROM types?
And lastly in the device information it shows this.....
OS Version - 5.2.21901(21901.5.0.92)
Manilla Version - 2.5.20121255
ROM Version - 23.Apr.2010.WWE
ROM Date - 11/20/09
Radio Version -
Protocol Version -
Also when I press Start it shows a new page rather than a drop down programs this a part of an updated ROM?
I hope you dont mind me bombarding you with all this info.
I guess I just need an experts help
Thanks again

No problem. Glad to help.
SPL 1.56.0liNex shows that you do have HSPL and that it is upgraded to install 1.56 ROMs. That's good. It basically makes it easy to quickly flash whatever ROM you want to try out, without having to do any extra steps. So, the instructions on how to flash from memory card (above) should work for you.
Yes, you have an Energy ROM installed. You can continue to use it or you can flash another ROM if you want to try something else.
Your OS version shows you are running WM 6.5 build 21901 There are different builds out there. Some are more buggy than others, but I don't know how much they all differ from each other. The newer ones have the start button and OK button at the bottom of the screen instead of at the top, and the menus look a bit different. These versions are often referred to as WM 6.5.x instead of 6.5
Manila shows you have the latest HTC Sense version 2.5 (build 20121255)
ROM version shows WWE (world wide english) language and the date from about a week ago. I don't know if that is how new the ROM is or if that is the date the ROM was flashed. On my phone, it says "Dutty HD HG R2 WWE" (that's my ROM) but no date, so I don't know what your date means.
ROM date - 11/20/09 This is probably when the ROM was released.
Radio version: I have an older version I believe this can be changed separately from the ROM, but if you are not experiencing any issues with bad connections etc, then don't worry about it. I have never done anything with my radio version, and I have no idea if the ROMs I have installed have ever changed that. I've never had a problem. Sorry, don't know much about the different radio versions.
Start menu opens up a new page..... This is part of WM 6.5 If you don't like it, there is an app out there that can bring back the old drop-down menu, but most people prefer the new version.
I hope that helps.

Yet again, thanks for the help.
I'm starting to understand how this little device works now.
I've decided I want to start from a fresh with the phone and attempt to restore it back to "factory" settings (if possible).
So I assume I'll be need to get hold of an original rom file?
And flash it with that?
I know newer roms are better etc, but I want to set the phone up to my specifications if you know what I mean.
This shouldnt cause any problems should it?
Also do you know where I might be able to download an original rom from?

Sure, if you want to flash a stock ROM, you can try it and see how you like it.
You can find a lot of info about flashing on the XDA Wiki page for the Touch HD. Save it in your favorites because it could come in handy later.
In that page, you will find this link to available stock ROMs in the various languages.


ROM upgrade help

I wanted to install one of the ROMs from But before doing so I have some questions:
1. If I choose to build ROM as an installer.exe, is installing it to my device as simple as running the .exe file? (of course with the device connected thru Activesync)
2. Is my present ROM (see specs below) supported?
3. If Murphy comes to visit and I screw up, will my phone be completely unusable or can I just reinstall old ROM, do hard reset and everything will be back to how it was?
My specs:
OS: Pocket PC ver 3.0.12039
ROM:3.20.06 ENG( 07/30/03) (O2 Asia I think since I bought it here in the Philippines)
Radio: 4.21.00.
1 as far as i know yes havent don it to my own device yet though
2 a rom dont have to support a rom since it'll overwrite it
3 of cause merphy can also show his ugly face
but if all fails a sd flash reader writer can save many a tears
also if your phone is working ok then i would not mess with the
radio stack and beware because some roms include the radio stack
and if you try to update your radio stack to a US (900/1900) and you network is 900/1800 you could be in for a world of pain
ROM upgrade step by step
OK I'm really dying to give it a go but I'm just a overly cautious bloke. So I'm gonna outline what I interpreted (after reading lots of posts I think I'm getting it but not sure) to be the way do the upgrade. Please correct me if i'm wrong:
Equipment I have:
1. My notebook (Windows XP, Activesynch 3.7)
2. O2 XDAI
3. Cradle and USB connection.
Steps that I think I should take:
1. Place XDA on cradle and make sure it's connected with PC.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
3. Go to, check mark on all appropriate options, then (since I have to Unix box and dont know Unix at all) just go for the easy option of cooking the .exe install file.
4. Assuming, the .exe is downloaded to my PC. This time I just run it. I expect this to be just like installing PPC apps. If not, throw a tomato on my face
5. Assuming everything worked and Murphy's in the Arctic freezing his A**e off, then all I do now is hard reset.
6. I have a new ROM and I'm singing happy-happy-joy-joy.
To the wonderful people at xda-developers, am I in the right direction or am I as lost as Bill and Ted? If I'm lost, is there a step-by-step guide for non-unix programmers? (Sorry, there was a sticky but I thought it was for people with Unix boxes)
Once again, thanks for all your help and your patience.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
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well i can think of one thing to backup and thats your current rom
so if you dont like the new rom you are getting you have the option to go back
of cause if the rom you have now is downloadble from a place you know like your isp then maybe it dont matter
Thanks for the reply. That's a good point. Question: When you back up old ROM, is it just the ROM that gets backed up or is it the whole content of the device, like how you do in PCs?
Also, since no one, besides you, has made any comments regarding the steps that I outlined, is it safe to say that they are the correct steps?
When you backup your ROM, no stuff that you customised will be in the backup - the backed up ROM will be the same as when you received it from your retail shop, or if you upgraded, it will be the upgraded ROM without any of your stuff. Do a backup and store it on your hard disk.
DON'T use the .exe cooked ROM, use a .nb1 or .nbf, and use XDA Tools from this site to do the upgrade. It's very easy that way, and less dangerous. Don't upgrade your radio stack unless you know exactly what you're doing, or your phone supplier has made an update available just for you.
If you use a T-Mobile ROM above version 4.00.05 it blocks the XDA-Tools from updating the ROM. At that point you need to use XDARIT (from this site) to low-level write the ROM image you have onto your SD card using an SD card reader which shows the card as another drive on your computer. Once you do that you need to boot into the boot-loader (press the reset button while holding the power button) and follow the prompts to restore from an SD card. If you're unlucky and are running bootloader 5.17 (or above I think) you need to write the bootloader diagnostics patch (wallaby patch from this site) onto your SD card first before doing the boot into the bootloader thing. You can then remove the SD card, write the O/S ROM onto it with XDRIT, and put it back into your phone while it's still sitting on in diagnostics mode. Then you can restore from the SD.
It sounds complicated, but it's easy, as long as you have an SD card reader, and as long as you don't mess with trying to update the bootloader or do an unknown radio update. There's lots of info in these forums if you get stuck.
I made a thread that summarised all the steps using the new tools and ROM's at this address : It's for Asian/European users, but if you are in the US the instructions are the same, except instead of using European 900/1800 radio you use 900/1900.
Further questions on ROM update
Thanks. It's becoming clearer and clearer. Have more clarifying questions:
1. How do you know whether or not you're including the radio stack with the ROM upgrade at I did not see any options there.
2. At www., nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
3. I dont think I'm using the T-mobile ROM but how do I know if I'm runing bootloader 5.17? Is bootloader 5.17 only for T-Mobile users or all?
Once again, thanks for the help and bearing with a newbie.
2. At www., nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
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it should start to write some text about the progress of making the rom
and when it's finished then it should init a std download dialog
The meter down at the status bar does move, same as when you're loading a webpage, then it says Done. That's about it. Didnt see any other messages or dialogue boxes.
Can anyone confirm if it's up today or has it been down?
PS. Tried to email using the email utility at the website but getting errors there as well.
OK, firstly to answer your question about Yorch's site... well it worked for me in getting all the ROM's I wanted, then when I went back again the download didn't work. I guess it's just on and off, so unless Yorch finishes getting married or someone else makes another kitchen it's a matter of pot luck. You can get away without using the kitchen if you can find another download source for ROM's, whether it be FTP or whatever. Just remember if you get an exe you can usually pull it apart with winzip to get the .nb1 or .nbf out of it.
Now, for Q1 :
An operating system ROM is generally just under 32MB, but when zipped from Yorch it's usually about 14 or 15MB - the operating system ROM will NEVER be smaller than that. I'm not sure about the exact radio stack size but I know it's a lot less than that. Also, doing some homework about the operating system ROM helps. eg. reading about the 4.01.00 ROM tells you that it's not a radio stack upgrade, it's an operating system upgrade - and the filename and the size of the file you receive reflects that.
answered above...
I think the bootloader is just pot-luck depending on when you phone was released. To check your bootloader it will reset your device completely, but I read somewhere that if you turn the radio (phone) off it doesn't hard reset. If you're worried, do a full backup first. But basically when you're ready to look, reset your phone while holding the power button and it will tell you the bootloader version. Don't be too turned off by that, I have read that SD card readers can be picked up very cheap if you look around, and that's all you need to get you out of trouble regardless of the bootloader version.
There's no real risk (but I won't guarantee anything), just make sure your phone is fully charged before mucking about with SD upgrades. Also make sure the radio (phone) is switched off before upgrading... using the bootloader/sd card method you shouldn't need to be concerned. I'm not sure what effect having your phone on and receiving a call while using XDA-Tools can have, but someone did mention it somewhere.
I'm a newbie too, but there's really not much you need to know, just a few caveats.
Yorch's Kitchen has been working OK for me the last couple of days. It takes maybe about 5 mins to "cook" before telling me that the ROM is ready. The 4.00.05 ROM gave me a lot of ActiveSync problems, so I went to the 4.00.16 ROM tonight and it looks like it's behaving better.
My SD reader is a Microtech Zio. It appears as a disk drive in windows, but the newer XDArit can't initialize a connection to write to the SD card. I used the "dangerous" older version of XDArit instead (available on Yorch's site), and it's worked OK for me (so far?).
One thing I wish I had realized before I started playing - going into the bootloader will reset your phone most (some?) (all?) of the time.
While I was flashing the ROM tonight I could see the GSM light flashing - I had the same "hope no one calls" feeling tht others must have had. Note that this was while I was flashing from an SD card in the bootloader - so apparently the process doesn't deactivate the phone while it's ongoing.
Muchas Gracias!
Ebswift, if ur a newbie then ur the god of the newbies. Thanks for all the help and for making me see the light. Much appreciated...
A quick Q:
Is the process for installing an .nbf file the same as that for installing an .nb1 file?
I have cooked a few ROMS to an .nb1 format and installed those OK, but now I have one in .nbf that I'd like to install.
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
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You can do it that way (onto the SD card), or if you're not already using a T-Mobile ROM you can use XDA Tools which is easier. Basically the capabilities are spelled out for you with the available file types in the drop downs when you select a source.

Some general questions

Hi guys,
I just ordered my Herald and want to ask some questions before it arrives.
1. What exactly is the advantage of the modified ROMs except for the look?
2. I've often read about some functions not working like MMS, true? (I'm from Germany and using a simyo simcard (E-PLus) )
3. Touch-It / Cube? Just some "Designs" or what is behind that?
4. Touch-Flo, reminds me of the iPhone. But I guess the Herald isn't really capable of it, is it?
5. I'd like to use my pair of 3,5mm earphones and I know I have to get this MiniUSB-->3,5mm Adapter, but I wanted to know if the sound quality has to suffer when using this adapter and does it matter which one I buy (on ebay)?
Well, thanks in advance. I know it sounds a little newbie, but you all started sometime right?
xtc.sanchez said:
Hi guys,
I just ordered my Herald and want to ask some questions before it arrives.
1. What exactly is the advantage of the modified ROMs except for the look?
2. I've often read about some functions not working like MMS, true? (I'm from Germany and using a simyo simcard (E-PLus) )
3. Touch-It / Cube? Just some "Designs" or what is behind that?
4. Touch-Flo, reminds me of the iPhone. But I guess the Herald isn't really capable of it, is it?
5. I'd like to use my pair of 3,5mm earphones and I know I have to get this MiniUSB-->3,5mm Adapter, but I wanted to know if the sound quality has to suffer when using this adapter and does it matter which one I buy (on ebay)?
Well, thanks in advance. I know it sounds a little newbie, but you all started sometime right?
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1. The modified roms run A LOT faster and more efficiently than the stock rom. Plus the roms give you a lot more options, and easier to tweak.
2. Some of the roms when flashed will require a fix (which is easily found) in the forum.
3. Not sure what you are asking
4. Yeah, the wings can run it fine. I actually like the touchflo cube. It makes it easier to use your phone with one hand. Runs smooth though. There are some mods you can download you can install and make the phone look and act identical to the iphone if you want....I don't care for the iphone but to each their own.
5. Well, anytime you use and adapter with an electrical signal, there will be some signal degradation, but I don't think it will be enough for you to notice.
Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot dougstoner,
Touch-It is a rom often mentioned here (right?), I guess it is an example of the modified roms, which, as you say, run a lot faster and smoother.
Is there a tutorial on how to "flash" another ROM and can I backup the one that's on my phone atm, the stock one so to speak? Of course I lose warranty when playing with the rom, but I can put it back to the default initial state can't I?
Well I guess I'll have to read a loooot more here.
EDIT1: As I already said, I do not own a HTC Wing (T-Mobile) but a Herald directly from HTC and a german prepaid card, but that should not affect my decision on what ROM I use right?
xtc.sanchez said:
Thanks a lot dougstoner,
Touch-It is a rom often mentioned here (right?), I guess it is an example of the modified roms, which, as you say, run a lot faster and smoother.
Is there a tutorial on how to "flash" another ROM and can I backup the one that's on my phone atm, the stock one so to speak? Of course I lose warranty when playing with the rom, but I can put it back to the default initial state can't I?
Well I guess I'll have to read a loooot more here.
EDIT1: As I already said, I do not own a HTC Wing (T-Mobile) but a Herald directly from HTC and a german prepaid card, but that should not affect my decision on what ROM I use right?
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Yeah problemo. Touch it is one of the roms here...but there are a LOT of others to pick from. Personally, I've tried just about all of them, and they really all have their pluses and minuses, but I really like the open touch series. Yes, you will see I big difference from the stock rom to the custom roms in here. Plus, you can run this program called batterystatus, and it will allow you to overclock your phone to run even faster. I run mine at 273 Mhz and it's stable.
Yes, there is a tutorial on how to flash. There are a lot of options, but some of the roms require a hard spl. Most of the open touch series do not require this, so that's my recommendation for flashing the first time. Eventually, you will want to hard spl so it's easier to flash, but you have to be careful when you do this, because, you could end up bricking your phone.
Here is the link to reviews of each rom
Here is how to flash Open Touch 3.0
How-To Flash the HERALD-USPL-beta3:
Download and extract both files.
Place the extracted Open Touch v2.5 Biggy.nbh into the Herald-uspl-beta3/RUU folder.
Move the entire Herald-uspl-beta3 folder to the root of the c:\.
Follow the simple readme file.
Break down of how to flash this rom:
Then follow these steps:
II. How do I flash an NBH file?
Step 1. Download Herald-USPL-Beta3.
Step 2. UnZIP the file into a folder on your Desktop. Let's call it "MyFirstROM" for simplicity's sake. Notice that there is a folder called RUU within this folder now. Keep that in mind.
Step 3. Download your NBH file and unZIP or unRAR it into that RUU folder. Make sure that that NBH file ends up in the RUU folder, not within a folder inside the RUU folder.
Step 4. Place your phone into flightmode.
Step 5. Go back to the MyFirstROM folder and then run USPL.exe
Step 6. Follow the directions on the screen. EXACTLY.
* Your screen on your cell phone will go white around the 75% part of the "second step" now.
* ActiveSync will LOOSE its connection.
Step 7. One step 3 on that black window, the RUU flasher will pop up. Just follow the steps.
That's it. Welcome to the flasher's world.
***Yeah, it really doesn't matter if you are using a Herald or Wing really. The only issue you will run into is sometimes the keyboard doesn't get mapped properly, but this is usually the issue for the wing and not the herald.
Oh, and yeah, you can always reflash to the stock rom, so if you have to send it in for warranty work, it will be covered. Welcome to the forum, and if you have any other questions, just private message me.
Thanks again buddy, I owe you something!
You say the hard spl method (as posted below right?) is easier but I could end up with a bricked phone. But what is "the other method" then?
And with a overclocked cpu, how much will that effect my standby time or the time until I need to recharge?
xtc.sanchez said:
Thanks again buddy, I owe you something!
You say the hard spl method (as posted below right?) is easier but I could end up with a bricked phone. But what is "the other method" then?
And with a overclocked cpu, how much will that effect my standby time or the time until I need to recharge?
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No, the method I posted was the USPL method, which is easier to do. I don't think it's even possible to "brick" your phone using the uspl method. Just a note, before you hard spl, do a LOT of reading first. It's really a simple process, but you want to make sure you understand it first.
Oh, with your phone overclocked, you won't notice a difference at power really at all. Your phone will only overclock when the phone is on. When your phone is asleep, it clocks down to the standard speed.
aah , ok so the "hard spl" method is not the "uspl method", when you say "you might want to hard spl your phone, so it's easier to flash", what do you mean by that?
So is this right:
I need Hard SPL to some kind of "unlock" the phone for being able to flash unsigned ROMs?
USPL temporarily cid-unlocks your phone (allows custom roms to be flashed) while HardSPL is more permanent (you'll never brick your phone due to a bad rom flash, and it can be removed)
Ah ok so obviously it seems better to use HardSPL right?
loads better
xtc.sanchez said:
Ah ok so obviously it seems better to use HardSPL right?
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Well, yes and no. In the long run, it's better to Hard spl your phone. A lot of the roms in the forum require hard spl first. If you somehow fail during the hard spl, then you end up with a "brick". I used the uspl method first to flash, and it was a little easier to do, but hard spl'ing insn't complicated either. You just have to make sure of your ipl number is higher than 4. You can check this by holdign down the camera button, and press the soft reset button (use the stylus on the side to press) and continue to hold the camera button until you get to what's called the bootloader screen. It's red, blue, and green. Here are the instructions for hard spl, but MAKE SURE your ipl number is hight FIRST. If it isn't, you will brick your phone.
I case of people who donĀ“t read 200 post and still brick their device - here is the guide that worked for ALL people with:
HTC P4350
XDA Terra
with IPL and higher!!! (that is IMPORTANT)
and then follow this:
For me it was working when:
1. install
2. install
3- install
5. run RUU from Hard-SPLWM6 folder verison 4.70.yang
6. screen will become white - WAIT until it reboots itselfe.
7. done!
check if SPL now is 4.70.yang
Fore sure: I used this
It worked for many others, too.
Quick question:
What are the most recent ROM releases? I'm having a hard time finding what is the most up to date release of certain ROMS and just what are the newest ones in general.
So Open Touch and Touch-IT are the favs?
Minker17 said:
Quick question:
What are the most recent ROM releases? I'm having a hard time finding what is the most up to date release of certain ROMS and just what are the newest ones in general.
So Open Touch and Touch-IT are the favs?
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Well, they are probably the most popular, and the latest Open touch is v 6.0 diamond. But, I have tried every rom on here and they are all good, it's more of a preference really. There will be a new release tomorrow of 6.0 with the windows mobile 7 theme. I think the latest touch it series is the diamond beta I think.... You can check out pureskillzzzz review on each one.
Another question:
I guess all of the ROMs are in english language, is there any possibility to change the language (to german)?
K bootloader says:
IPL 4.17.0002
SPL 4.17.0000
xtc.sanchez said:
K bootloader says:
IPL 4.17.0002
SPL 4.17.0000
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You are good to long as the first number is 4, and not 1. Hard splice first, then you can flash to any rom you wish. When does your phone arrive? You should try out ttrans newest rom open touch v 6.0. I really like it.
Yea but I have to get a SDMicro Card first... Doesnt work without right? Or is there any chance?
EDIT: I got my phone about 2 hrs ago.
you don't need an sd card to hardSPL your phone. You need one to sd-flash, though
xtc.sanchez said:
Yea but I have to get a SDMicro Card first... Doesnt work without right? Or is there any chance?
EDIT: I got my phone about 2 hrs ago.
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No, you don't need one to flash or hard spl, but you will def want to get one soon and install all your programs on it. Good luck flashing!

Help Please - renamed registry folder & can't change it back!

What a numpty!
I was trying to get HTC Home Weather working thru T-Mobile UK using (without success), so went into the registry using Total Commander to check the Proxy settings.
Unfortunately I got as far as \\\Registry\HKLM and was trying to double click the "Software" folder but instead it went into edit folder name mode and whilst distracted by the wife managed to change the folder name to "n"
Whatever I try, I can't rename it "Software". I've tried creating a new "Software" folder and copying the files across, but a few won't copy:
/Apps/Shared/ "\Windows\mscoree.dll" and
/Apps/Shared/ "\Windows\Intellipad.dll" and
plus some .NET Compact Framework files in /Microsoft/ folder - but I'm guessing these are something the prev user had and wont affect the normal functions / programmes I will use
so... is there any way I can put the files I moved from
\\\Registry\HKLM\Software back, do I need to etc ????
Would appreciate a bit of advice from someone less accident prone!!!!
Its a (recently bought off eBay) , ex T Mob (UK I think) unbranded with HTC home etc. Can't work out how to see what version of HTCHome was on, but guess I've written over it with the now - the icons have changes and have lost today screen battery indicator, but that's a problem for another day!
Not sure what the ROM is, if its an original or cooked (OS ID looks normal to me, WM5?), but ExtROM looks like its been hacked by its name - dferriera WM5SE
G4 Wizard
ipl 2.21.0001
spl 2.21.0lip
gsm (radio?) 02.71.11
os WWE
Well, if it wont change back, you can always hard reset or reflash to a new ROM...and if you do the later, all of the prerequisites have been done for you, you have HardSPL allplied already, and the correct radio ROM version for most of the ROMs, so you can flash away!
Thanks Ashasaur.
As you've probably noted from my profile and foolish behaviour, I'm new to this, does anyone mind just explaining the above comments on the ROM flash for me please?
-all of the prerequisites (?) have been done for you
-you have HardSPL (?) applied already: Is this related to the Server Proxy I've been trying to patch to HTC home for the weather fix?
-and the correct radio ROM version for most of the ROMs: does that mean I need to be careful I pick a ROM to match my radio version somehow?
If I can't find a way to rename the registry file, I'll have to go for a hard reboot, ROM flashing will be my next project once I feel I've done enough reading to understand what I'm doing and what not to do!
In order:
1-Prerequisites)-You have got HardSPL flashed succesfully to your device which leads to;
2-HardSPL)-Since you have a G4 device, in order to flash a non-carrier ROM you have to have HardSPL applied to your device, and you can tell that yours has been done by your IPL and SPL. Your IPL or 2.21.0001 indicates that you have a G4 Wizard, and your SPL or 2.21.Olip means that you have HardSPL applied already, otherwise you would have had to do it in order to be able to flash any ROMs...which leads to;
3-Radio)-What I mean by correct radio for most of the ROMs is that 2.71.11 is regarded as one of the more stable radio ROMs out there, and together with version 2.19.X, they are the preferred versions, though any version will work with any ROM, some work better than others.
Hope that helps!
Yes it does, thanks - especially now it has prompted me to read the wiki on hardSPL.
So maybe flashing a new ROM is not too far away...
Does the ROM contain the Windows operating system, in which case can I upgrade to WM6 / 6.1 (version currently says WM5) on my device, will I find a selection with info on what's in them on the downloads pages? (can't get access right now for some reason)
I just did this today with my Touch Pro, it's alarmingly easy to break your device like this.
I think I have it fixed ... after I made the mistaken renaming, the device had locked up (or grown very slow) so I soft reset it. That rebuilt a large portion of the Software folder. After that, I copied the remaining keys in the renamed folder to clipboard and overwrote whatever was in the new Software folder.
Phone seems to be back to normal, but I'll be on the lookout for anything that didn't quite work. If that's the case I may have to hard reset.
@burnsy, yes, most of the download pages contain what the ROMs have in them, but I would look at my review thread in the Wizard Mobile 6 section...its called ROM Features......such such such, its got a list and ratings of the ROMs that you may find interesting.
Nice one ashasaur, sounds like just what I want. Should keep me off he streets...
Dr G, seems you're getting on a bit better than I am - my device won't let me copy all the files into the new folder. Noticed that I can receive but no longer send email, even after deleting and reinstalling my account, but that could equally have been caused by the htc home proxy files I was playing with!
I feel a hard reset coming on...

Request - Complete N00b's Guide to flashing HTC Touch Viva to Win Mo 6.5

Problem: I want to upgrade my HTC Touch Viva to Win Mo 6.5.
Riders: I want to ensure that if required, I can flash the HTC original ROM that the company gave on phone. I have already downloaded original ROM from amarkangda 's thread.
My Status: I had an Asus P320 which I had upgraded to Win Mo 6.5. It involved copying the flash.bin (or whatever it was) to mem card, boot it with some keys pressed (service mode or somethin like that) and it took on from there.
Requirements: I am too confused with SPL and what not since this is my first HTC phone. Can anyone please provide a complete step by step (Bullet Point wise) guide as to what I have to do to upgrade the phone to Windows Mobile 6.5.
I tried the search function but was not able to find anything. If there is something and you know a link to it, please provide it. I will be highly obliged.
do hard reset fast
see the link for flashing (
I Agree
I think that "The N00b's Guide to Flashing Opal" really is needed...
i mean, yes, there are a couple of guides with some information on "how to" but nothing complete and simple enough for noobs... there are a lot of new HTC users that have never flashed a phone before and have no idea how to do it, and even some experienced users on flashing other brands (mi personal experience, i used to flash motorola V3, Z6 and L7i) but get really lost when it comes to flashing HTC.
And after i learned i tried to help other new users but without success (see post 4 and 5 here
A complete guide should be made with all the terminology explained, the most common methods to flash, where to find stock roms, what kind of custom roms are there (ej. Light rom, cooked rom, what winmo ver is it using and pros and cons on all of them, etc.) all the software needed and a step by step guide with FAQ included. it should be community maintained to keep it always up-to-date.
I'll offer my help for anything needed and for Spanish translation.
@ mehulkarate
i'm sorry that this is just a copy and paste (and a bit of editing) from another post that i wrote, but i'll be easier for you:
I had the exact same problem when i first started to flash htc opal... didn't know how to do it, and didn't know what rom to use... maybe someone should create a complete, step by step guide (flashing opal for dummies) and post it as sticky...
ok, here it goes...
0.- if you'll be using a cooked rom (a modified Rom), you'll need to do a hardSPL. check here: (HardSPL is basically the way to remove the drm lock on the phone)
1.- Make sure that you have activesync if you are using windows xp or windows device manager if you are using windows vista and the latest version of .net framework installed on your pc.
2.- unzip the new rom files on a folder somewhere accesible (desktop for example)
3.- connect the device as an activesync conection, make sure the battery is charged 50% or more
4.- just run the RUU installer (Rom Update Utility), sometimes named CustomRUU.
5.- Follow the onscreen instructions.
that's it... no complications, no special drivers, no weird commands or files to copy and paste. so simple. Just one thing: make sure you don't disconect usb during rom update.
so, resumed: Download Rom, Connect activesync, run RUU, done.
About what's the best 6.5 rom: PhamQuang. check for the latest on the rom development section. but different users will recommend different roms, so i'll recommend to try several before sticking to a particular one.
su8044 said:
0.- if you'll be using a cooked rom (a modified Rom), you'll need to do a hardSPL. check here: (HardSPL is basically the way to remove the drm lock on the phone)
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if he isn't going to use a cooked rom (modified rom) what should he be doing flashing???
neways...good of you to help noobies out.
there is an alternate way to do the same: which one is harder or easier is up to you
RUU (Rom Update Utility) via SDCard (your memory card) search for it in the forum.
Thanks Guyz.
So HardSPL has to be done, there is no escaping doing that?
Do I absolutely need to have DotNet on my PC? (I do not particularly like it, it slows down my PC)
Since I have already upgraded the Asus P320 from SD card, that will always be an option for me. Any ideas or links to rom which i can just put in sdcard, boot in service mode(or whatever with that volume down key pressed thingy) and it takes on from there, no hardspl etc? Just like i did for the Asus P320..
Especially if it saves me from going through installing .net on PC.
as far as i know: Yes and Yes... there's no scaping hardSLP because that's the one that'll let you install a modified rom... And .Net is needed because all update utilities will use it (HardSPL and RUU)...
But as Freelancer81 said, there's an alternate way to install a custom RUU through the SD card for the Opal too, i'll let you find that out on your own because i have never used that method nor have any previous experience on similar methods.... maybe you wont need HardSPL and .NET this way.
I'm searching for Volunteers to create the noobs guide to flashing opal... anyone willing to help PM me.
Hmm, so i will search for a ROM that can be installed from the card. May be, just may be, it can be done without the HardSPL thing.
If that fails, I will stick it up and go with process given here.
mohitkumar said:
Hmm, so i will search for a ROM that can be installed from the card. May be, just may be, it can be done without the HardSPL thing.
If that fails, I will stick it up and go with process given here.
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As far as i know you cant install any cooked rom via SD card with out hardspl only official roms can be flashed via SD without hardspl. Bro if you are so afraid about ur warranty then i would suggest u to use default os for more time, or install hardspl u can retain ur warranty by flashing stock spl when needed.

[Q] HD2 - Tends to freeze on TaskManager 'End All Tasks'

I've had the HD2 about 2 weeks, and really like it.
It has frozen about 3-4 times, in all cases when I've tried to end all tasks via taskmanager. Stopping each task separately has never given problems.
Wondered if other people have seen this?
I had this problem with my HD2 a lot when I first got mine. But mine had the 3.10 ROM on it back then. When I upgraded to te 3.14 ROM this issue all but disapered.
Go to Settings>About Phone>Software Information and post back here what ROM version you have. There is more than likely a upgrade that you can get that will help with this problem. There is also a abundance of other options avaliable to you.
I've got the 3.14.405 Stock firmware, so unfortunately it doesn't fix it for me. Thanks for letting me know, it makes it less likely that there's a hardware problem.
By abundance of options, do you mean apart from not using taskmanager?
That won't be such a problem, as long as the hardware isn't faulting.
BetterRed said:
I've got the 3.14.405 Stock firmware, so unfortunately it doesn't fix it for me. Thanks for letting me know, it makes it less likely that there's a hardware problem.
By abundance of options, do you mean apart from not using taskmanager?
That won't be such a problem, as long as the hardware isn't faulting.
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Well you said you have had your HD2 for two weeks so if you bought it from someone and not new, and they did not Hard reset the device. I recomend you Hard reset your HD2. This will remove everything from your HD2 and bring it back to factory settings. So make sure you backup everything like I posted in my last post about changing your ROM.
To Hard Reset just hold the volume up and volume down button down whilr powering on your HD2 and follow the instructions that appear om the screen.
The abundance of options I was talking about is since you have a HTC HD2 you can run multipule OS's on your device. Your options are as follow
Stock Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM
Custom Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM
Stock or Custom Wimdows Mobile 6.5 and Android from SD card
Android from NAND (internal flash memory)
Windows Phone 7 from NAND (internal flash memory)
Windows Phone 7 from NAND and Android from SD card
But I also suggest you use a task manager lile AircSwitcher or MMTask Manager Google Omarket and install it and you can find both of these on there or here on XDA if you do a search in the HD2 Wimdows Mobile 6.5 themes and apps forum. The Omarket is a third party app market that has nothing but free apps in it, worth getting.

