Wifi with Hidden SSID - XPERIA X10 General

Has anyone been able to connect to their network, when they use a Hidden SSID? I just keep getting a 'Not in range, remembered' line under the network name.

Yes, my University network with Hidden SSIDs works like a charm!

my network has hidden ssid too and works fine


Connecting to hidden wifi network

Would like to know is there any way to connect to wifi hidden network?
All of my devices (ie. Laptop, PSP, Windows Mobile PDA) are able to connect to the hidden network but the Magic can't. Any idea to do this?
Mine wifi connection is hidden (I didn't broadcast the SSID). If the I enabled the SSID broadcast, then only it can connect.
Do share some experience on this since I can't find any additional settings on the Magic.
settings>wireless controls>wifi settings>add wifi>fill in from there.
My old neighbor hide his wifi and i just typed in the name that used to pop up in the ssid and it worked just fine. I had to do it with every comp and wifi devise in our house.
X-i-phoner said:
settings>wireless controls>wifi settings>add wifi>fill in from there.
My old neighbor hide his wifi and i just typed in the name that used to pop up in the ssid and it worked just fine. I had to do it with every comp and wifi devise in our house.
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Yep it's working. Thanks a lot!
We have to add it manually. Previously what I've done is I've unhide the wifi connection and broadcast the SSID in order for the Magic to see it. From there I've added the network to the Magic. Then I've set the network to hidden mode again. After that, the Magic won't connect to the hidden network. Main point is that it seems to remember whether the network is hidden or not when the network is added into the list.
** Windows Mobile does have an option to determine whether the selected network is a hidden network or not

WiFi with no SSID broadcast

Ok on our home wifi for added security I have disabled SSID broadcasting but have coded the connection parameters for our wifi in all our devices that use wifi. Every device we have can connect at will with SSID broadcasting disabled except for this new HTC Magic Rogers sent me a few days ago
When I go to the Magic's wireless settings page it says the following about our wifi...
"Not in range, remembered"
If I log in to my wireless AP and enable SSID broadcasting the Magic connects right away as you would expect but like I said I disable SSID broadcasting for security reasons and prefer to keep it that way.
Any ideas on a fix other than enabling SSID broadcasting?
Hiding your SSID does not provide any additional security, any hacker can find out your SSID in a matter of seconds. Just use WPA2 with a strong key and you will be fine. Two good articles about hiding SSID
I have hidden SSID with WPA2-PSK on #13 channel and have no problem connecting phone to my home net.

WiFi and WPA2-PSK Hidden?

I have a Treo Pro and can't get it to connect to my home WiFi which is using WPA2-PSK and the SSID is Hidden. The issue is with it being hidden because when I go into the linksys settings and make it visible it can connect, but as soon as I make the network name hidden it can't connect.
BTW. My HP iPaq has no issue connecting to it hidden.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
wpa2-AES is a lot better
but unless somebody is really out to get you psk should be secure enough to broadcast ssid
Even if your network isn't broadcasting its SSID wireless scanners can still pick it up. If a person is determined enough to brute force your passkey then they will most certainly be able to use NetStumbler.
Responded here:

Problem with Hidden wifi SSID Router

Using Sense V5
Zimage from Juliy 25.
I have my Wifi router configured with a hidden SSID and with no security.
When I try to setup the conecting I add the SSID name manualy, the new SSID showsup on the list of avaible networks but with poor connection. I try to connect and connect but it does not conect. If I Unhide the SSID them the connection is fine.
Any think I can configure?
Perhaps one of the networks in your neighberhood is running in the same channel?
It might be confusing since hidden networks dont send out their SSID's.
You could try changing the channel (1-11) it's using?
ps. Having a 'hidden' network without any encryption is not very safe, since even hidden networks are plain visible to most network sniffers (just not the windows "View networks" screen)
lostdreamer said:
Perhaps one of the networks in your neighberhood is running in the same channel?
It might be confusing since hidden networks dont send out their SSID's.
You could try changing the channel (1-11) it's using?
ps. Having a 'hidden' network without any encryption is not very safe, since even hidden networks are plain visible to most network sniffers (just not the windows "View networks" screen)
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What I do is to filter the mac address.
Btw WinMO has an option when adding a Hidden SSID to set as "This is a hidden network" does andoid has the same option? I haven't found it
I have a hidden network (Channel not broadcast) with WPA-PSK encryption. I've used both the Desire V5 and Darkstone's Froyo V1, and the wifi works just fine. What I did just adding the channel manually, and the phone will connect itself.
Did you check the channel of your router like what Lostdreamer said?

[Q] Wifi Proble

i cannot find my home wifi network, i can see other but not mine.
the router is baudtec.
If you are hiding your network's SSID try to unhide/show it. WP7 is not capable to detect hidden SSID's and there seems to be no way to manually point to a hidden SSID.
Cheers, Dela

