Does Android do some kind of auto-disk-cleaning? - Nexus One General

Last night I was playing with the Alpha build of Firefox for Android and noticed something weird with my disk space.
Before installing the 10mb Fennec package I had 28mb free.
I installed Fennec and then had about 17mb free. I got the low disk space warning, but went on playing with Fennec as that is all I wanted to do.
After I got done, I uninstalled it.
After uninstall I now have 48mb free space. Some how I gained an extra 20mb of free space I didn't have before?
The only logical conclusion I could make was that Android must have performed some kind of temp file cleanup or something when I was running low.
Has anyone ever heard of this before?

as a linux platform it does not need any defragmentation.
I am unsure about if android also erase data when application is uninstalled, but hopefuly it do it so,
cause if you install application back there are no settings and data from before.

It probably cleared some cache when disk space was low.


Low memory with fresh and apps to sd

i have around 100 apps installed and only have around 88 megs free internal. is that normal. and how can i free more. i use the clear cache for root user and it seems to do a little.
pitmanr2003 said:
i have around 100 apps installed and only have around 88 megs free internal. is that normal. and how can i free more. i use the clear cache for root user and it seems to do a little.
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With a fresh clean install I sit at about 140 megs free. Once you factor in the cache that build up and everything it's probably closer to 100. You have 100 apps installed and only lost about 12 megs (thanks to apps2sd). It's normal. Why do you need or want more? Based on that you could install 660 more apps before you ran out of free space.
ok just wandering. making sure its normal. is there a app that can keep programs from auto starting. i downloaded one, but it messed with something important that i cant remember at this time. wouldnt let it run
There's also an app called "TA Utility" on the market that lets you move the cache (browser, market, maps etc.) to the SD card as well.
now im down to like 54mb of memory. thats crazy.

phone in low internal memory

OK guys..pardon my stupidity..i have read up on similar thread with similar situation but the thing is i do not know what is the best way to do it..i install the cleartemp but it's not working...i deleted my IE/Opera cache but i am still running on low memory..i wonder what is the best and simplest way to do it?other then hard reset thou...this phone is new to me and it's running on low memory apps are install in my SD so i guess that wasn't an issue..SO! how do i free my phone memory?basically i use my phone to surf net..using IE..other then that would be youtube..need help!
yohliying said:
OK guys..pardon my stupidity..i have read up on similar thread with similar situation but the thing is i do not know what is the best way to do it..i install the cleartemp but it's not working...i deleted my IE/Opera cache but i am still running on low memory..i wonder what is the best and simplest way to do it?other then hard reset thou...this phone is new to me and it's running on low memory apps are install in my SD so i guess that wasn't an issue..SO! how do i free my phone memory?basically i use my phone to surf net..using IE..other then that would be youtube..need help!
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how 'low' is 'low memory'?
rp-x1 said:
how 'low' is 'low memory'?
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And which memory because you are talking about installing apps when that has nothing directly to do with operating memory.
Installing on mem card doesn't "save" anything in this regard.
I'm also low on Storage-mem on the phone - even though I install programs on the memorycard whenever possible (and of course put my pictures, music and videos on the mem-card as well!).
I have 177mb free Program-memory on the phone but only 9.3mb storage-mem.
This makes programs such as the YouTube-app very unhappy as it seems to only be able to cache to internal storage-memory :-(
On older versions of WM you could change how the phone used it's internal memory with a slider in settings.
The phone also seemed to adjust this automatically as it became necessary.
Now however it seems that this possibility is gone (both manual and automatic adjustment).
I hope it is only my ignorance speaking so here's hoping that someone has a solution to this problem (fingers crossed)
trondkk said:
I'm also low on Storage-mem on the phone - even though I install programs on the memorycard whenever possible (and of course put my pictures, music and videos on the mem-card as well!).
I have 177mb free Program-memory on the phone but only 9.3mb storage-mem.
This makes programs such as the YouTube-app very unhappy as it seems to only be able to cache to internal storage-memory :-(
On older versions of WM you could change how the phone used it's internal memory with a slider in settings.
The phone also seemed to adjust this automatically as it became necessary.
Now however it seems that this possibility is gone (both manual and automatic adjustment).
I hope it is only my ignorance speaking so here's hoping that someone has a solution to this problem (fingers crossed)
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If you have used up storage mem then that's it but what have you installed to use it.
Mine shows 152Mb storage and 252Mb program memory free. 27 apps installed and everything running fine.
Do you install a lot of application from the Marketplace? If so, this defaults to install on internal memory
I have exactly the same issue, and it's very frustrating. Pretty crazy really as I can't use the phone for anything that uses device storage. No youtube, no media busy web pages and some apps refuse to run smoothly, or at all.
Like you, I'm always having to delete Opera & IE's cache files just to keep the phone functioning! I've also deleted all my Co-Pilot files on the card and the device - this helped a little and gave me another 5 or 6 MB of device space.
With all cache's cleared and around 30 programs installed (all on the card) I now only have 7.8MB of free device storage, which disappears within a few minutes when using Opera.
Out of the 336MB of program storage I have filled 153MB with 182MB free - I wish I could control how much memory is allocated to the program memory and device memory.
Very strange...I have any large applications like games, copliot etc installed on my SD card, only small apps on my internal memory...
Total storage: 200.15MB
Used storage: 119.99MB
Free storage: 80.16MB
Total program: 336.93MB
Used program: 170.54MB
Free profram: 166.89MB
i have a 16 meg Ram Disk (see the 'ram disk' thread ) and my system temp folders and caches, plus opera cache have been moved to it. Opera now runs really fast, and the cache is no longer taking up the storage memory, plus when you soft reset it clears out the cache too.
chronicle said:
I have exactly the same issue, and it's very frustrating. Pretty crazy really as I can't use the phone for anything that uses device storage. No youtube, no media busy web pages and some apps refuse to run smoothly, or at all.
Like you, I'm always having to delete Opera & IE's cache files just to keep the phone functioning! I've also deleted all my Co-Pilot files on the card and the device - this helped a little and gave me another 5 or 6 MB of device space.
With all cache's cleared and around 30 programs installed (all on the card) I now only have 7.8MB of free device storage, which disappears within a few minutes when using Opera.
Out of the 336MB of program storage I have filled 153MB with 182MB free - I wish I could control how much memory is allocated to the program memory and device memory.
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Wow thats so confusing!
Just tell us
Storage memory (where the apps are installed)
Program memory (where the apps and OS run)
You should have plenty of mem to install ail your apps and run them without a problem.
Try installing them all to phone because you have enough mem
pa49 said:
Wow thats so confusing!
Just tell us
Storage memory (where the apps are installed)
Program memory (where the apps and OS run)
You should have plenty of mem to install ail your apps and run them without a problem.
Try installing them all to phone because you have enough mem
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I have since day 1 installed all my programs to the memory card apart from a couple of programs and hotfixes which I though would be smarter if I installed to the device - but these are tiny. I have also set my marketplace to default to the memory card and removed all co-pilot files and set all podcasts to the microSD too.
Total Storage: 200.27
Used Storage: 191.48
Free Storage: 8.79 (whohooo, that's much bigger than normal!)
Total Program: 336.93
Used Program: 143.89
Free Program: 192.93
SD Card: Over 2GB's free
I really have no idea what's using all my internal storage.
Yep - that's about the same for me.
Only a few apps are installed directly on the phone (the ones that install without letting the user decide where they want them) so what's hogging my phone-storage is beyond me...
But I really don't need close to 200 mb of program-memory, is there really no way to use some of this memory for storage - as was possible with earlier versions of WM?
Have you tried importing to PC, such as pictures and other things, using Windows Mobile Centre?
chronicle said:
I have since day 1 installed all my programs to the memory card apart from a couple of programs and hotfixes which I though would be smarter if I installed to the device - but these are tiny. I have also set my marketplace to default to the memory card and removed all co-pilot files and set all podcasts to the microSD too.
Total Storage: 200.27
Used Storage: 191.48
Free Storage: 8.79 (whohooo, that's much bigger than normal!)
Total Program: 336.93
Used Program: 143.89
Free Program: 192.93
SD Card: Over 2GB's free
I really have no idea what's using all my internal storage.
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Yes but why? Storage mem is there for, well, storage. So why not use it?
pa49 said:
Yes but why? Storage mem is there for, well, storage. So why not use it?
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I can't help but think that you've missed the point - when the storage memory is full the phone ceases to function properly!
It uses this area of storage for the cache files for the browser and for applications such as you tube. When I start the youtube app, if it opens at all, it will say 'Critically low on system memory...etc' and shut down after playing a few seconds. If I have many tabs open in opera the same memory problem occurs.
The 'Device Storage' partition is full (with what I don't know) whilst the 'Device Program' partition is almost empty. We have no control over what sizes those partitions are. Maybe i've got it all wrong but either way it's really limiting the usefulness of the phone.
trondkk said:
But I really don't need close to 200 mb of program-memory, is there really no way to use some of this memory for storage - as was possible with earlier versions of WM?
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yes there is. as I mentioned in post 9, I use a ram disk for my temp files and cache. lives in program memory but shows up as a (fast) memory card.
search for the ram disk thread.
also, as regards figuring out what is taking up all the space, use a file manager (don't forget to unhide all files) and search for everything over....say....1 meg.
chronicle said:
I can't help but think that you've missed the point - when the storage memory is full the phone ceases to function properly!
It uses this area of storage for the cache files for the browser and for applications such as you tube. When I start the youtube app, if it opens at all, it will say 'Critically low on system memory...etc' and shut down after playing a few seconds. If I have many tabs open in opera the same memory problem occurs.
The 'Device Storage' partition is full (with what I don't know) whilst the 'Device Program' partition is almost empty. We have no control over what sizes those partitions are. Maybe i've got it all wrong but either way it's really limiting the usefulness of the phone.
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No I haven't missed the point, I just don't get the problem and I'm trying to figure out why not?
And that would help you. Something is causing certain phones to behave this way. I use youtube and opera and never have to clear out anything.
I currently have 36 apps showing on my start menu screen and memory is showing as Storage 152.13 Mb free and program 313.80 Mb free.
I run Titanium (not manilla UI) and I have LeoLite ROM installed.
Something in that setup is causing the phone to respond differently!
Duplicate post
u can do these things
1. instal darkcab catcher----on this website...moves all the programs to external storage
2. moves ur htc album cache and opera cache to external storage
hash1234 said:
u can do these things
1. instal darkcab catcher----on this website...moves all the programs to external storage
2. moves ur htc album cache and opera cache to external storage
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I might be a little bit stupid, but on what website can I find darkcab catcher?

[Q] Internal Space low, Already used Apps2sd [Solved]

So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
I'm running Fresh rom rooted and such
mastermarc said:
So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
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Maybe it's browser cache? Does the contacts storage also include text messages?
I've never used Apps2SD but if it works like the native 2.2 SD storage then it doesn't completely move apps to the SD card. I'm pretty sure that the App itself is stored in the internal storage and only non-essential data is moved to the SD card.
Nope already cleared browser caches.
SMS messages are under 5mb, (already had to fix that issue when having 3000+ messages started killing my sms program)
But whats weird about this whole thing is that it's not like i went on an app installing spree. I installed all these apps long ago and haven't messed with it much, then one day i get the low storage space issue.
try "disk usage" in the market. its free, and it should show you what's using all your free space.
Cool this works, shows:
Applications 310MB
Contacts storage 157.3MB
System data 78MB
Free space 39MB
Guess i'll start digging through it
mastermarc said:
this is only good for your storage card.... Same thing i can do by plugging it into my computer.
I want the same thing but for internal memory
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really? when I use it, it shows storage card and application storage. sorry, thought that's what you were looking for (application storage I mean).
oh cool. glad its working for you.
Award Tour said:
I've never used Apps2SD but if it works like the native 2.2 SD storage then it doesn't completely move apps to the SD card. I'm pretty sure that the App itself is stored in the internal storage and only non-essential data is moved to the SD card.
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This seems to be the case, i've got (303MB-157contact storage=146MB) in "Applications" even though the apps2sd program only shows something like 76mb
57MB under "System Data" Anyone else know if this is reasonable?
Uninstalled a few apps, namely the video messenger add on for yahoo (until it goes down in size or i actually find someone to video chat with)
so i'm up to 66MB free...guess that will be ok for a while.
not sure whats normal regarding system data space, but I'm at 12.2mb, im running cm6.1. just an fyi cause I saw you were in the 50's.
mastermarc said:
So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
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I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd.
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I almost forgot to mention that you must be rooted and have a rom that supports it. I use myn's.
If your evo phone is root, there's an app in the market call install manager , you'll be able to install your app on the SD Card, with no problem.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Sounds like you have a **** load of apps. I have like 20 right now but I have 350 MB of free space. I imagine I would have to have a hundred in order to be that low. However I am rooted and I got rid of most of the Sprint crap.
Sent from my EVO 3G!
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
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I'm having the same issue. How does one move the dalvik to sd?
Swyped from my EVO
To enable dalvik to cache you must flash a rom that has that feature. I don't believe its possible with stock/non superuser (unrooted phone)
Swyped from a galaxy far far away......
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
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Could you explain the part in bold? Anyway here is what i did and what my results were.
So since i have a rooted rom i went ahead and installed this via the instructions here:
Doing this alone brought me up to 81MB (from 39)
Then i followed the instructions for the command line interface of darktremors a2sd here
I opened up terminal and typed in:
-Moves Dalvik cache files to the ext2/ext3/ext4 partition on your secure digital card. Creates Dalvik Cache to SD flag.
It immediately restarted and now it shows i'm up to 174MB available space
I booted back into the terminal and ran
/system/bin/a2sd check
I found an X next to one of the things about apps, so i ran the repair.
/system/bin/a2sd repair
It forced closed 2 apps and then restarted itself
At this point it went down to 130MB on reboot
Went back into a2sd and ran check again, the [X] on the apps part is now a [!]
So i ran
/system/bin/a2sd reinstall
Waited for that to do its thing, force closed something or other and then rebooted itself
Upon reboot i'm back up to 173MB free, rerunning a2sd check shows no [X]'s so that all looks good.
Everything seems to be working as of now with a good amount of free space so that's where i'm at.
If you move apps with widgets to the sd with apps to sd, the widgets won't load. You gotta leave those on the phone.
Are you using just the native froyo "move to sd" kind of functionality or are you using the DarkTremor's Apps2sd root functionality?
It sounds like you're just moving the apps that have that support moving to sd card, with the other method ANY app can be installed to your sd card.
mastermarc said:
Could you explain the part in bold? Anyway here is what i did and what my results were.
So since i have a rooted rom i went ahead and installed this via the instructions here:
Doing this alone brought me up to 81MB (from 39)
Then i followed the instructions for the command line interface of darktremors a2sd here
I opened up terminal and typed in:
-Moves Dalvik cache files to the ext2/ext3/ext4 partition on your secure digital card. Creates Dalvik Cache to SD flag.
It immediately restarted and now it shows i'm up to 174MB available space
I booted back into the terminal and ran
/system/bin/a2sd check
I found an X next to one of the things about apps, so i ran the repair.
/system/bin/a2sd repair
It forced closed 2 apps and then restarted itself
At this point it went down to 130MB on reboot
Went back into a2sd and ran check again, the [X] on the apps part is now a [!]
So i ran
/system/bin/a2sd reinstall
Waited for that to do its thing, force closed something or other and then rebooted itself
Upon reboot i'm back up to 173MB free, rerunning a2sd check shows no [X]'s so that all looks good.
Everything seems to be working as of now with a good amount of free space so that's where i'm at.
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That's good. What I mean about the bold part is that anything you install will automatically go to the sd. If you create a widget or shortcut, upon reboot it probably won't show unless you do a hot boot. To avoid that, just go to settings, applications and move the app to phone and it should work fine.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
lloydcabraham said:
That's good. What I mean about the bold part is that anything you install will automatically go to the sd. If you create a widget or shortcut, upon reboot it probably won't show unless you do a hot boot. To avoid that, just go to settings, applications and move the app to phone and it should work fine.
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Ah sounds good, i can manage that when i run into the issue.
What have you done to your contacts to make them so huge? Custom high res pictures for everyone? 10,000 contacts? I have a decent amount of contacts with some customizations and it takes up <10mb. You're definitely losing a lot of space there...
Not really sure, i probably don't have more than 200 or so contacts, could have something to do with all the facebook pictures being synced in or something.

Tips to free up space by deleting cache, .thumbnail, etc. Please contribute more tip

Hmm, really wierd. I just noticed today something unexpected happened. In the app manager under downloaded, it says device memory is 8.1GB free. But under storage it says avail space 6.3GB free. So which is right? I installed like 4 apps today and there's not any that would use anywhere close to 2GB. not sure if some apps screw this up. Any idea what I should do?
Also under storage, misc section it says 1.7GB used but clicking on it doesn't show anything using more than a few hundred kb.
Edit: well, i finally found the culprit. I went to application manager and click on the recent apps I used today. the google drive cache shows 1.6GB. cleared that cache restores the free space in storage to the expected 8GB.
It's crazy about these things. How the hell did google drive cache get to 1.6GB? I justed installed that today and just used it one time to upload a 400MB video file to the cloud.... This really put a bad taste to start out. Think i might just have to uninstall it.. HAd to go into google drive and did a clear cache and set cache to 25 mb.
Also went into \Phone\Android\data\\files\pinned_docs_files_do_not_edit folder. deleted the .thumbnail file that was 400MB and created a dummy file with same name to prevent android from recreating this file. Gallery browsing still works afterward, possibly slower but who fcking care if it would take 5 more secs to load my images if this can prevent massive built up of this file eventually.
Under the misc files section in storage, it still says 500MB. Would be nice to be able to clean out even more. Anyone can share some more tips for cleaning out these kind of garbage comsumming space?

Continually "insufficient storage"

I have a rooted S5 w/ 16GB of internal storage, but I'm rarely able to update/download new apps. I have to scrounge for apps to delete for a half hour just to get it to let me download a new app or update an app. I have moved just about all the apps I can to the SD card (32GB, less than half used).
In the storage screen it says I have used 14.88GB in apps, and <20MB in everything else with "Free space" around 400-500MB. I usually have to get it to mid 500s before it will let me do anything on it. To make matters worse, somehow the apps I uninstall keep reinstalling themselves.
My problem seems to be this big "Applications" thing - which isn't right. I have some large apps, but they keep all their data on the SD card (like podcasts with PocketCasts). On my applications manager, from top down in size - facebook @ 190MB, google play services at 156MB, google app at 134MB... dropping off fairly quickly after that, so no way its 15GB worth.
What am I missing? Do others constantly have this problem? It is getting ridiculous! No reason that I can see that there should be a big bunch of stuff that is counted as used when it isn't.
Some things I've tried:
I heard about something the dumpstate/logcat, I cleared it but nothing got better
I used adb to set the default install location to the external SD card (I forget the exact command), as far as I can tell it is still trying to install in the internal SD card.
Any suggestions or more information needed?
More information thanks to DiskUsage (forgot I can download APKs - which install fine). It shows my internal SD card breakdown as 10796MB overall, 2612MB app data, 7815MB "System data", and 340MB free space (plus some other misc. that makes up the difference). I don't have a great understanding of how this is partitioned, but I'd imagine the ~16GB has 5GB off limits for ROM stuff? Then what is taking up nearly 8GB as "System data"? Is this normal?
Looks like it was creating duplicates in data/app (on a lot of phones I think this is data/app-lib). I used root explorer to purge the duplicates, and now have nearly 3GB free instead of a couple hundred MB!
I have the same problems but I use DiskUsage from the Play Store. Most of the time it's my cache for the download manager has several gigs of wasted space. Clearing cache fixes it for me.
Eodmule said:
I have the same problems but I use DiskUsage from the Play Store. Most of the time it's my cache for the download manager has several gigs of wasted space. Clearing cache fixes it for me.
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I'll check that out the next time I am able to install an app but I should mention I also tap the "cached data" in the storage manager thing (in settings). Usually doesn't work I also use CleanMaster, which seems like it works, some times.
EDIT: Just checked it out, that's awesome! I have been looking for this kind of app, I use WinDirStat on windows that does something similar.
mrzeus7 said:
EDIT: Just checked it out, that's awesome! I have been looking for this kind of app, I use WinDirStat on windows that does something similar.
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I use WinDirStat also. I really like the visual presentation of both.
Here ya go. You can try this.
?If anyone helps, plz give thanks?
G900V ? BL w/TWRP

