[RESOLVED] Active Sync - Exchange calendar syncing in infinite loop! - HD2 General

Hi All,
I had searched through the internet and thsi forum and could not find similar issues which I have encountered.
Just bought my HD2 and happily set up the exchange sync. Everything synced as per expected except of the calendar. whenever it synced, it goes into an infinit loop (calender entries goes into the 10s of thousands!) and doesn't stop at all.
FYI, I have checked the settings many times and I'm 101% sure that I have only set this thing to sync for calender up to just 2 weeks ago.
Due to this infinite loop, I can't sync my calendar as everytime it active sync fires up, it chews up my CPU usage to 97% and the drains my battery.
Please help guys as i'm getting desperate.

hi guys, any suggestions/advice? Thanks.

I work with Exchange daily, and I've seen calendar sync problems before, but never this exact problem, so the suggestion I'm about to offer is just a best guess.
I would back up my calendar folder to a pst file, and then delete all my calendar items. You can do this by changing the calendar view to "category", doing a select all, and then hitting delete. (warning, this will break any meetings you’ve setup with other people on your exchange server).
Once you've deleted all your calendar items, try syncing again. If it starts looping with an empty calendar, I'm at a loss... All I could think to do would be backup your entire Exchange mailbox to a pst, delete your Exchange account and start over, but that would be a major pita.
If after deleting all your calendar items, the looping goes away, try adding a single entry into your calendar and see if it syncs. Then try importing everything back into Outlook, and see if the looping starts up again. Hopefully it won't. If it does, it's almost certainly a particular item that's causing the problem. You'll need to import sections of your calendar and watch for the looping to start. It will just be a slow painful process of elimination to find the item that is causing the problem. Once you've found the item, try deleting it and recreating it.

jemarti said:
I work with Exchange daily, and I've seen calendar sync problems before, but never this exact problem, so the suggestion I'm about to offer is just a best guess.
I would back up my calendar folder to a pst file, and then delete all my calendar items. You can do this by changing the calendar view to "category", doing a select all, and then hitting delete. (warning, this will break any meetings you’ve setup with other people on your exchange server).
Once you've deleted all your calendar items, try syncing again. If it starts looping with an empty calendar, I'm at a loss... All I could think to do would be backup your entire Exchange mailbox to a pst, delete your Exchange account and start over, but that would be a major pita.
If after deleting all your calendar items, the looping goes away, try adding a single entry into your calendar and see if it syncs. Then try importing everything back into Outlook, and see if the looping starts up again. Hopefully it won't. If it does, it's almost certainly a particular item that's causing the problem. You'll need to import sections of your calendar and watch for the looping to start. It will just be a slow painful process of elimination to find the item that is causing the problem. Once you've found the item, try deleting it and recreating it.
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thanks mate. This is similar to what I had planned for, i.e. since I was only going to sync past 2 weeks' worth of calendar events, I might just archive all events in those previous 2 weeks on outlook (PC) then proceed with active syncing on the HD2. If it works, I would then slowly port the archived events one by one and try to isolate where the problem is. Will be doing this very soon. Stay tuned and thanks for the advice!

All just wanted to say I have resolved this issue.
For some wierd reason, Active sync got stuck (running in infinite loops) at the Exchange calender sync due to some of the past recurring calender events having a 'no end date'.
To resolve this, simply delete all these recurring events bearing 'no end date' and sync again. I did that and it worked!
I have also verified that this problem ONLY happens in the VERY FIRST Calendar sync. Subsequent Exchange Calender sync for recurring events bearing a 'no end date' have no issues syncing.


Birthdays Sync Problem

I've been using I-mate Jamin for more than a year now with few problems in Syncing my Outlook (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes.. )
Recently, the device started slowing down considerably, and failed to sync with Outlook. I did a hard reset & started all over. after many trials & hard resets, the problem kept arising, and I discovered that the problem occurs when I sync the Calendar to the device.
So I decided to sync only the past 6 months of Appointments instead of the whole thing. Turns out this is not the problem. I narrowed down the Problem to Birthdays. When I sync the Birthdays, the problem happens, all other Calendar appointments are OK.
I tried deleting all Birthdays and recreating them one by one (by re-saving the contacts that contain Birthdays) thinking that I have some corrupt ones, but even that didn't solve the problem. The newly created Birthdays still slowed down the device & prevented Sync and i even had to Hard reset the device again..
I can't figure out the problem at all.. these birthdays were on my device for the whole year, I didn't change anything subtle (like new ROM or new Application).. the problem just happened out of the Blue and I can't seem to solve it... I even tried syncing the Birthdays one by one.. the problem seems random, and to prove it, I re-created the birtdays as I said above..
Can anyone help???
I've been facing the exact same problem and have no solutions to it as well. It all started when I start to sync with another laptop though.

Activesync skips calendar and contacts

One day, for some reason, Activesync has been ignoring any new contacts and calendar items that I've added to Outlook. It will sync Notes and Tasks, but not the others.
I uninstalled and reinstalled AS4.5, but that didn't help. I have even gone as far as to reflash with both wm5 and wm6 roms, still no dice.
When it starts to sync for the first time, it will show "Contacts 0/210" then sit there and then just leave a checkmark and advance to the next item "Calendar 0/84", then the same, until it gets to Notes, Tasks and Favorites where it goes 0/20, 1/20, 6/20 and so on until it syncs all those items.
I'm kind of at a loss here. Now I have a reflashed phone with no contacts on it, which sucks. I'm at my wits end, does anyone have any idea why activesync is skipping my contacts?
Also, when I first sync, I get blank entries in Outlook, one for every legit entry. I had 210 blank contacts for 210 legit contacts, 84 blank calendar items for 84 legit ones, and so on.
I ended up "fixing" the problem by installing PocketMirror. Still odd, though.

Calendar doesn't sync correctly!!!

I use ADP1.1 and I think since Root Access or maybe even before that (so since the beginning) my google calendar doesn't sync correctly with my G1.
First and most important it only syncs about 30-50% of all events. The rest doesn't show up, even so it's online at google calendar.
And then when I delete a calendar online and import a new one (to update calendar from Entourage/iCal) the G1 shows all the events it syncs twice or three times.
Is there any solution or a reason why that happens? I've asked it before but no answer in another forum. I've read something about two events similar not syncing. But why?
I wanna have my whole calendar from Entourage/iCal on my G1. Is there any way?
zwuncki said:
First and most important it only syncs about 30-50% of all events. The rest doesn't show up, even so it's online at google calendar.
And then when I delete a calendar online and import a new one (to update calendar from Entourage/iCal) the G1 shows all the events it syncs twice or three times.
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This probably isn't the cause, but I found one syncing bug in CalendarProvider so far: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1860 This would happen while attempting to sync some repeating events (with no timezone?) and it kills the whole sync process. You can see if it's affecting you by going to Dev Tools / Exception Browser and looking for the exception I quoted in that bug.
As for multiple copies of events, it's possible the G1 still has the old calendars you've deleted (especially if the sync process is being interrupted). Are the events different colours? Do you see the correct set of calendars in Menu / My Calendars (also from there Menu / Add Calendars)?
I'll check that, thx.
No it's fine online, only one event, but on the G1 there are multiple events.
Just goin out on a limb, but I assume you are manually syncing also to make sure?
I deleted the calendar of the G1 because of duplicates (again, after syncing with a new google calendar, strange). Now syncing is working fine.
I sync it with iCal now (instead of importing an iCal file), but now somehow iCal sync missed two events of about 40 which weren't shown at google's online calendar. Strange, very strange.
Well, at least all google events online now can be found on my G1.
Thx anyway.
This thread will be moved to Dream general.
Has nothing to do with developement.
Thank you.

Calendar not synching?

My HTC calendar widget has stopped working it just shows the "Loading" text and even if you go into the calendar app no events are present. Going to Sync/Accounts and selecting my Google account shows the circular arrow next to "Sync Calendar" - not sure if this means it is trying to sync, but it is there all the time and the arrow is not animated. I don't think this is to do with the Calendar app specifically, since if I use the Google widget nothing shows up there either.
Occasionally, it will work after I reset the phone, but otherwise it is mostly stuck in this state. Any tips on how to diagnose the problem or how to get it working again?
I have the same issue. I found out that when I am also using the Exchange ActiveSync calendar account sync - the calendar's functionality malfunctions more often.
I too have yet to fully understand the root cause for this isseue.
One thing, though, when calendar is stuck in syncing, it consumed a lot of cpu and it blocks other apps from working properly.
I would really appreciate more comments regarding this issue.
Does anything sync and do you ahve the sync service running?
It sometimes works, sometimes not. When it does, UK Holidays, Facebook and my standard Google Calendar syncs, but other calendars on GC do not. They show up on the calendars list fine, but they are not displayed. Actually now looking at it, it seems it may just be loading a cache of previous information, since there's events on the calendar that I've sinced deleted. The sync service I'm pretty sure is running, called Sync and Accounts under OSmonitor? That one's running. Everything else on my phone (Friend Stream, mail, weather) syncs fine, it's just this damned calendar.
I hadn't noticed the Exchange ActiveSync calendar prior to this - it was set to sync even though I don't have anything on it. I have since disabled it and it seems to have improved slightly, but the calendar still shows up calendars list. I've emailed HTC about this, hopefully they'll have some idea of how to fix it.
Ok quick update - HTC emailed me telling me to clear the cache. Having done so (and disabling ActiveSync which I wasn't using anyways) my calendar seems to be working. Anybody with this problem might want to try this and see if it works.
Same as you, I had lot of sync problems with Exchange. It was completely unreliable, until I discovered Laurie's blog !
I installed the Google stock 2.2 email apk (as described in the blog) and after few minutes my calendar was fully synchronized and I receive emails in push. That's great
I am not sure that would solve your issue but it is worth trying it.
(make sure to delete the HTC exchange account).
Hope this helps.

[Q] Exchange Sync on Android...options?

I have managed to set up an Exchange account on my phone to sync my work calendar only.
I have got it working but the problem is that I want it "read only" on the phone so that any items I delete on the phone are not deleted on the server.
I have set it to "keep items on the phone" and also "replace items on phone"
The first time I deleted an item on the phone exchange calendar I found it was also deleted on the server/work calendar (I think it was set to "replace on phone")
But since then no matter what I set it to if I delete something on the phone it seems to sync with the server and then come straight back onto the phone so I can't get rid of it...
In WinMo I could explicitly set how to do the sync but can't seem to do that here - any help please?
Okay maybe a coincidence but just noticed something else.
Anything on the work calendar that had been added (at work) via Outlook - if I delete it from the phone it is also deleted off the calendar.
Anything I add to the work calendar using OWA does this yoyo thing with coming back everytime I try to delete it from the phone....
If your using the exchange it is only being stored/read from the one place.
It doesn't store locally.
I don't know how you can delete from the phone and not the server...
I used to save my outlook calendar as an .ics file and then import it to my google calendar. Now I just use touchdown.
That said... I want my calendar to be exactly the same on my phone as it is on our exchange.
There are some recurring meetings which are useful to keep track of at work but clutter the phone calendar.
I guess I could export but then I would have to keep doing it when new meeting are added.
The different behavior regarding appointment created with outlook and owa is odd but interesting.

