I think I may have broken my phone - Hero CDMA General

I'm in a bit of a panic and think I need help.
I bought the HTC Hero from Bestbuy roughly Nov. 2009. And like everyone else love it, but was frustrated with all the bugs and slowness, lag ext. Reading and waiting for 2.1, getting impatient weekly...blah blah blah....but horrified to try to root the phone, because im not the techiest guy in the world, so when I saw that there was a 2.1 leak that I could just click from my computer, I did it like an impatient child.
and have had a major problem ever since. The phone will shut off if its not plugged in. I have to constantly turn it back on and wait for it to reboot.
So I followed "How-To repair your bootloader after using the 2.1 RUU" to the T! With no error messages and got it back to "stock" which still looked like 2.1 to me. I formated the SD card from the phone, did a full wipe in that black/green boot page and flashed Beezy's "option 4",
I believe I did a nanbackup right before the "option 4". But I don't think it matters, since the phone was shutting down before that anyway.
So that's where I am. If I'm messing around with the phone (on a call, web, playing with apps) it will stay on, but as soon as I set it down and the screen goes to sleep, thats it, when I pick it up and hit the menu or power button, it reboots (white screen, HTC logo). Am I F'ed? I do have insurance through sprint, but believe that is void now, since I stated messing around with it.
I swapped Batteries with my wife's phone and it still happend, so it's not a bad battery.
I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong forum. I did a search for "constant rebooting" and couldn't find anything similar to my problem.
Thanks in advance.

If all you see is the white htc screen you probably aren't actually rebooting just rosie is restarting. Probably because the ruu doesn't work too well on its own. I suggest you just take the plunge and root, wipe, and flash fresh 2.0d or damage 2.07.2 ( your choice really, both are excellent roms)
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

Well, first off it doesn't sound like you are rebooting, it sounds like sense might just be restarting.
Also, don't panic. Whatever you have done is fixable
surely someone who is not posting from their phone will be along to help soon, if not I'll be back home and on my pc in a few hours

Just to confirm
Can you go into settings > about phone > software information (1.5 maybe slightly different I can't remember any more) and tell us what Firmware version says? this way we can make sure that you are running the appropriate version to RUU back to 1.5 and reroot.
I am not sure exactly what is still on your phone.
Also have you ever flashed a radio update from flipz?

I agree, that it isn't rebooting, but its the sense crashing and restarting. I would also agree, that your best option would be to root.
Honestly, the guides are laid out as plain as they could be. It isn't that difficult, you just have to check and re-check typed commands, if done manually.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised and find it simpler than you think.
However, ALWAYS make sure to do to the following:
1. nandroid before you do anything.
2. NEVER EVER NEVER EVER touch anything that doesn't say CDMA HERO. (gsm hero radio flashes can literally fry your nice phone into a nice paperweight)
3. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. I'm pretty new to this, but there are a lot of cool helpful people.
4. nandroid again. (copy nandroids to your PC/Mac and keep a whole library of them.) I even have some extra google space that I've been uploading them to incase I'm not at my computer and I need one...lol)
5. Don't get too sucked into it.

Thank you guys for responding, as I was worried I would get flamed for being an idiot for doing what I did.
"I suggest you just take the plunge and root, wipe, and flash fresh 2.0d or damage 2.07.2 ( your choice really, both are excellent roms) "
Isn't "How-To repair your bootloader after using the 2.1 RUU" basically rooting the phone? Because after I follow those instructions, I get the the recovery menu. I just haven't tried Damage roms yes.
Also, "Well, first off it doesn't sound like you are rebooting, it sounds like sense might just be restarting."
Looks like a full boot...
HTC Logo white screen, green text
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Sparkly Sprint thing
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Lock Screen
Loading apps
I should mention that I have been testing things like, Turning off "Screen Timeout" completely, 10 mins, 1 min, 30 seconds...ext. And it still shuts down after a few minutes when the screen is off......HOWEVER, it is random as far as how long it has been sitting.....Sometimes the screen will be black for a minute and when I hit the menu or power it will reboot....sometimes it will sit for 10 mins and will turn on.....very random, but it WILL reboot eventually.
Thanks again, guys

Chaid said:
Looks like a full boot...
HTC Logo white screen, green text
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Sparkly Sprint thing
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Lock Screen
Loading apps
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Do you see the first black HTC screen? I know I've done the HTC quietly brilliant screen, but then it goes right to lock screen and loading apps.
I still don't think it is a full reboot, but I'm not THAT up to speed with most of this stuff.
Also, RUU'ing back to stock, then rooting and installing a 2.1 rom by Damagless or Flips should be your best bet.
RUUing back to stock has some problems in and of itself, but it should go ok.

Chaid said:
Looks like a full boot...
HTC Logo white screen, green text
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Sparkly Sprint thing
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Lock Screen
Loading apps
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Regardless, this is fixable.
As Kcarpenter asked, post your system info if you can get to it.
What is your:
Software Number

Firmware: 2.1 -update1
Kernel: 2.6.29-d30020a8
[email protected] #1
Build: 2.20.651.1 CL157175 test-keys
Software Number: 2.20.651.1
PRI: 2.10_003
PRL: 60664

Chaid said:
Looks like a full boot...
HTC Logo white screen, green text
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Sparkly Sprint thing
HTC Quietly Brilliant
Lock Screen
Loading apps
Thanks again, guys
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Sounds like you are using a 2.1 rom not the stock 1.5
I would try using this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=608434 to correct your issues it will take you back to stock 1.56.651.2 that come with the phone
Oh and if you get any errors this will help too http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=654119

Guys, since he used the 2.1 RUU, isn't he only able to use the 2.1 RUU now? Not the 1.5?

I too am experiencing this.
Factory reset my phone and then flashed from 1.6 to 2.1. I have tried two different 2.1 roms (the sprint leak one and Freshrom) and both of them are causing spontaneous reboots of my phone. I never experienced reboots when on 1.6.
Software information:
2.1 fresh
Kernel is 2.6.29-d30020a8
build is fresh rom 2.0d
Software number is 2.20.651.1
PRI is flipz_01
PRL is 60660
any suggestions from anyone?

mrinehart93 said:
Guys, since he used the 2.1 RUU, isn't he only able to use the 2.1 RUU now? Not the 1.5?
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I believe you are correct, although I have yet to use any RUU
OP, you really should just root the thing flash a rom and succumb to the new obsession you don't even know you have yet
Personally, I'm a fan of RegawMODv2.1, it's lean and stable.

I think that even though you have run 2.1 RUU we can take you back to a bone stock 2.1
When I get home tonight I will try to link to all of the appropriate guides to get you there.
Once we have you back at a stock 1.5 I think we can all say "ROOT IT!" but I would feel more comfortable knowing that you came from the begining in the right order of things.
And get you on a solid stable Rom. I have recently started having issues with my damage rom and all of the aps2sd stuff that has been going on. Not sure what I am going to move to next. But that's besides the point, and none of it is Damageless's fault.

Ok, Kcarpenter, I'll be waiting LOL. I have been f'ing with this thing for a few days now, reading different forums and searching and searching. I finally broke down and posted here, because I'm at a loss. So I REALLY appreciate you guys taking the time to help me. Plugging the phone into my work truck laptop and running to the house to plug it in is wearing me down...

You just need to get over the fear of f*ing up your phone and root it. I'm not sure where the treads are on everything you need, but it's pretty straight forward.
If you had rooted while still running 1.5 you probably would not be in this mess. And Flipz has Fresh Kitchen which makes it even easier to Root and put a recovery console on.

"If you had rooted while still running 1.5 you probably would not be in this mess." You are absolutely correct, &RoidRage. I got excited when I saw the word "Official" 2.1, and jumped the gun.

Chaid said:
"If you had rooted while still running 1.5 you probably would not be in this mess." You are absolutely correct, &RoidRage. I got excited when I saw the word "Official" 2.1, and jumped the gun.
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That probably created lots of people to get excited.. Anyway, here is what I got
Okay first I looked here
Which directed me to
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6013606#post6013606<--------This is the one you really want.
If you get it to work then you can flash a custom rom. But make sure you download it and put it on the sdcard before doing anything else.
I know it says it is for the 110 error, but people have used it to get back to 1.5 from 2.1

Thanks, man. I'll give it a shot......I have nothing to loose at this point, so I'm over my fear of F'ing up the phone.

I would read everything first, I didn't have the time look it all over.
Editamn predictive text said wetting instead of everything.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk


I think my Dream is toasted... OR My experience with the "blue light"

Recently my phone started acting a little unusual. For instance, composed email weren't being sent out while syncing and a wipe and reflash seemed to fix it at first. This problem continued to get worse and at the same time, I started getting SD card ejected notifications seemingly without reason. Now it's to the point that my phone is completely unusable/useless. IF it boots all the way up, it will lock and then just go black. I have to remove the battery for some time to get it to turn on again. This includes loading the SPL and the Recovery interface. The ONLY way my fone will act semi-normal is if I remove the SIM card and boot it. Then eventually it will again just shut-off. I have reverted back to an older SPL with no luck (was using Haykuro's latest one until now). I have loaded multiple radio's with no luck (after reverting the SPL of course). I have tried multiple ROM builds, JF's, Cyanogens and Haykuro with no luck. This really sux. 4 month old fone and seems the radio might be fried. VERY disappointed in the quality. I hope I can get some help and warranty the phone. I am thankful I unlocked my old Blackjack and am able to use it for now. Just though I would share my tale of woe. I am not sure exactly what caused this. Maybe too much flashing? Not sure, but be aware; I feel like maybe I played too much with my phone. That last part REALLY sux cause I love my fone. I LOVE that I can play with it and install all of the great ROMs and themes. Anyway, best of luck to all you Dream owners. I hope I dont have to buy another one (cant afford it )
My fone is not bricked it just seems unstable in every way. Sad day 4 me
Before I made this post, I turned on the blue LED (holding trackball and power) and just let my phone sit there. Didn't really have a good reason to do so other than 'why not?'. Anyway, shortly after making this post, I couldn't just leave it alone so I picked up my phone again (I really do love it that much lol). While holding it and just thinking about my less and desirable situation, I noticed the back of the fone was warm like it is when you've been using it for some time. I couldn't help but think that the blue light was indicating that "something" was going on in the background so I just began pushing the buttons on the front and no specific way just randomly and all the sudden my fone rebooted. Sorry I can't say how long it was in "blue light" mode.
Now everything I had experienced and read concerning the "blue light" indicated the only way to get it out of this mode is to 1) remove the battery or 2) let the battery just die on its own. So you can imagine my surprise when the fone just rebooted. It booted up (no SIM inserted) and seem to be fine, but as I mentioned before, this had happened only to lock up and reboot itself. I just began using it as much as I could to see if it would fail again and it seemed to keep going fine so I thought "why not insert the sim again?" So...
With SIM inserted, the fone booted up fine. Again I began to put it through its paces and everything is good so far. Makes call (too late to have someone test call me), browses, downloads market, basically everything with no lockups and no reboots leaving all keys unresponsive. Damn I was happy! But not too much just yet. I'll let it keep going for sometime to make sure it's good, but I can't help but to think that putting my fone into "blue light" mode somehow "fixed" my fone fo lack of a better word. I am perplexed but pleased. Will update later after some decent testing time has gone by. I remain hopeful and regret my earlier comments regarding the fone's quality. I hope I remain regretful of this lol.
Interesting. Can you tell what EXACTLY was on the SDCARD when this happened?
When this problem first happened on my phone I had folders containing my AppManager backups, ringtones, NES ROMS, camera pix and video files. It's the SD card I always have in there. I don't use apps2sd. I thought maybe there some problem with this card so I tried 2 other SDs I have with the same results; instability. I even tried a clean build with no SD card (as well as with and without SIM); all with the same results. I tried every possibly combination as a form of troubleshooting.
When I put it into blue light mode, the SD card that was installed contained DCIM (pix), appmanager, mp3s, video files, 2 different radios in .zip form (radio 1.22 and the sappire radio; neither with the name update.zip), .footprints folder, ime folder and that's about it. Did u have something in mind?
BTW, I wish I could edit the name of my thread to show there's an update...
The Blue LED has some other purpose and is simply not a "lock". That just seems silly and useless, especially since you'll find if you put it into this 'mode' it will drain your battery fairly quickly for a 'lock' mode (like 12 hours).
There's more than a 'lock' going on here...
I agree. It's doing something in the background other than just being a type of "lock". I'm don't want to claim that it fixed my phone because I have no idea what it's doing when that little blue lights is on. I am saying that it seems a little more than coincidental that my fubared fone (my feeling at the time) began to "magically" work after putting it into this mode and its subsequent reboot. I am really glad I did.
No amount of: fastboot erase "partition name", data wipes, radio/spl/rom flashing helped my fone. I was going to try and get warranty today, but now I don't need to. Back running ION and happy as h3ll! Maybe this will help someone else with a fone that refuses to function correct. Maybe it won't, but I definitely wanted to share my experience with it.
BTW, I was running Cyanogens 3.4 JF mod at the time this began. I understand some other people have had some similar issues as seen here:
These problems are very similar to what I was having, but mine seem irrecoverable even after flashing EVERYTHING. Just food for thought...
I wonder if it found one of those radios and did something with it?
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
hamshu said:
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
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This is why I stay on Google Ion. It's clean, stable and fast. All these "optimized" builds seem plauged by bugs and quirks.
lbcoder said:
I wonder if it found one of those radios and did something with it?
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Interesting thought. But it would have to have parsed the file and made a determination on its own as to whether or not it was a valid radio. Neither were named update.zip at the time. Also, I had already downgraded the radio to one of the versions that existed in file name radio_1.22.zip that was on the SD. That allowed me to downgrade the SPL without bricking because at the time I was running Haykuro's newest SPL (which I have since reflashed to my now functioning fone).
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
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Actually I described pretty much the problem quoted below that is in the thread that I referenced earlier:
tearsphere said:
Can someone please help me..
I installed Cyanogen 3.4 when it got released a few days ago and it was running smoothly.. I think he is a genious. Just today my phone shut off on its own and I had to take the battery out and put it back in to get it to come back on.
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So I guess it could be open to interpretation. I think Cyanogen does amazing work. I have great respect for him and all his efforts that have given us more functionality with our Dream fones. As I said, it's food for thought. I'm not drawing any conclusions as they would be based on conjecture.
I am intrigued by the blue light mode. I really wish we knew exactly what purpose it serves.

Phone keep restarting by itself ??

Ok so my hero keep turning off by itself. This is not the first time it happen, it'll be on then it will just turn off by itself. Even worse sometimes the led light will be flashing for a new message and when I press the menu button to unlock it, it restart automatically. It mostly restarts itself when the screen is dark and i always press menu to bring up the light or to unlock it. Is this mean my phone is now defective ? I mean this happened before on some other 2.1 ROM too so idk what it is. Can someone tell me how to fix this????? I've tried almost all 2.1 Roms Aloysius, DC 2.07.2, Trevs Damage, ZenHero , RegawMod (themed) and Fresh 2d. the only rom that didnt restart my phone was the Fresh 2d with the very first audio fix by Avalaunchmods but i already erased that out of my computer.
Hmmm, not much to go on. I had experienced a similar issue back on early ROMs, but it was so infrequent I never really cared.
Try a Nandroid Backup and then flash to a 1.5 ROM and see if it continues, if so then yes the phone may be defective.
Also try different 2.1 ROMs here, and let us know if anything changes.
Dude, seriously do you need to have such a big font? Its not necessary....
i didn't catch that, what did you say?
lol mr big font
this happened to me last night, i wasnt even touching the phone and this happened, but its been the only time and ive been using 2.1 roms for a while now...i think this even happened once or twice when i was on stock...
coming from windows mobile, im used to things like this.
This happens on my sisters stock phone frequently I don't really care to look at it though.
Big fonts aren't nice. Stop using them
Try a different ROM. You may even want to revert to stock for awhile, if it keeps rebooting you should return the phone for a non-defective handset.
LOL @ RTessi
danknee said:
Try a different ROM. You may even want to revert to stock for awhile, if it keeps rebooting you should return the phone for a non-defective handset.
LOL @ RTessi
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My sis's is on stock, and she has the problem
Funny thing is my phone is the only one without problems, and it's the only one that's rooted.
i don't know what we're yelling about loud noises
i got it fixed now, i think, i've had Fresh 2.0d for a few days and this problem is gone. oh and sorry for the big font lol i did this post in class on my phone and i didnt preview or look at what font i was using

Why does my phone shutoff?

Rooted my Hero and it doesn't matter which custom Rom I've tried(Fresh, Damage, others) my phone will shut off most of the time it goes into sleep. I don't know its off until I go to wake it up by hitting the end button. When I restore back to the stock Rom(still rooted) it works fine. I do a wipe and a Dalvick wipe prior to flashing. I'd like to get this figured out so I can use one of the nice Roms. Thanks.
If you're running A2SD and you have the Dalvisk on a slow sd card you phone can reboot or shut off. Try moving it off of the SD
patkin said:
Rooted my Hero and it doesn't matter which custom Rom I've tried(Fresh, Damage, others) my phone will shut off most of the time it goes into sleep. I don't know its off until I go to wake it up by hitting the end button. When I restore back to the stock Rom(still rooted) it works fine. I do a wipe and a Dalvick wipe prior to flashing. I'd like to get this figured out so I can use one of the nice Roms. Thanks.
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WOW! You are the first person that has had the same problem I have...I was never able to resolve the issue. I used that bastard 2.1 test leak.......read my posts and what I went through.
My phone works fine now with gumbo 1.5, but I cant use any 2.1 roms or the problem comes back......
kyouko said:
If you're running A2SD and you have the Dalvisk on a slow sd card you phone can reboot or shut off. Try moving it off of the SD
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I am not positive what A2SD is. I have a new 8MB SD card that came today. If I pop that in what will happen. Should it be partitioned? Thanks.
Chaid said:
WOW! You are the first person that has had the same problem I have...I was never able to resolve the issue. I used that bastard 2.1 test leak.......read my posts and what I went through.
My phone works fine now with gumbo 1.5, but I cant use any 2.1 roms or the problem comes back......
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Thank God I thought I was the only one. I searched but didn't see your thread. Weird problem.
Same problem here too since the new leaked 2.1 test ruu from damaged. The only 2.1 Rom that works for my needs without rebooting every 3rd or 4th time I wake it using the end call/power button is Damagedtrev 2.01, the updated 2.05 Rom in his thread just makes my phone reboot as described above. I don't have a link to his thread, but it would be interesting to see if it worked on your phone too. Other's have claimed a battery shorting might be causing this issue, but I'm not buying that. I've looked at /proc/lastkmsg for clues, but nothing obvious there. I hope the official Sprint update doesn't have this bug or sprint will be giving me a new phone. /end rant
I can't seem to find Damagedtrev 2.01
So I can't test it.
Here's the link to the thread.
I cannot post links, because of some restrictions,but here is the last part of the url.
here's the link for the full rom
Oops cannot post link to rom on 4shared, look in the bottom of the first post in the thread for a link to the full rom of DamagedTrev_v201
Please let us know if the rebooting stops for you. Maybe one of the devs could find where the problem is. Pretty please!! I could post any info needed.
Ok, downloading......stay tuned.
I really hope this 2.1 ROM works.....I'm kinda sick of 1.5.
P.S. I'm reading that there is a battery issue....do you have that?
kyouko said:
If you're running A2SD and you have the Dalvisk on a slow sd card you phone can reboot or shut off. Try moving it off of the SD
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Hey good news. I put the new SD card in after backing up the other one, partitioned it and copied the files and folders back on then flashed ALOYSIUS and so far so good. I have woken it up about 10 times in a row. Looking good.
I had tried that perticular Rom before with no success.
Interesting.....I'm using the 2 gig sd card that came with the phone....I wonder if that is my problem?
Well it started again. This was right after setting my Gmail and POP3 mail accounts. It shut off on the first sleep after this. Hmmmmm.
I'm re-flashing now and not setting up the mail accounts. Will report back later.
Please let us know if the rebooting stops for you. Maybe one of the devs could find where the problem is. Pretty please!! I could post any info needed.
Well, my friend. You were correct! full rom of DamagedTrev_v201 works on our phones for some strange reason. And updating his ROM caused the re-booting to start again. So whatever was changed from 2.0.1 to 2.0.5 is causing our particular problem. I'm not a dev by any means and don't know much about his stuff, but this is encouraging. Perhaps someone can figure out what it is?
I did notice that ALL the other 2.1 ROM's I have used that cause my phone to re-boot from sleep mode, is that when I hit the menu or power button to turn it on, the lights turn on, then reboot phone. With DamagedTrev_v201 that doesn't happen. The screen just pops up to unlock it.....don't know if that helps, it's just something I noticed.
Heres to crossing our fingers that someone can fix this!
P.S. I wiped and went back to Gumbo 1.5c as that 2.1 ROM was way to slow for me and I couldn't get bluetooth to work and audio would cut in and out.
i would like to know if its a full reboot or just a soft like where it hes to the sprint or boot animation
kwajr said:
i would like to know if its a full reboot or just a soft like where it hes to the sprint or boot animation
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It's a full reboot. The phone actually turns off when it goes into sleep. You don't know it's off until you hit the button to wake it up and the phone boots up.
Now for the good news. After re-flashing and not setting up the email accounts it was still shutting downconfused so I started looking elsewhere so I opened up what I thought was a likely culprit in Autokiller and none of the presets where selected so I picked Moderate and haven't had a shutdown since which has been over an hour. Fingers are crossed. I'll report back later.
That's it I've wasted way too much time on this. Phone works great on the stock ROM. They must have planted some devious anti-flash widget in this phone. I'll leave it rooted for now.
patkin, dude, I felt the same...I gave up on 2.1.
download, wipe then flash Gumbo-1.5c-BARE-signed.zip after it reboots, download and flash Gumbo-Sense-signed.zip.
You flash Gumbo-Sense-signed.zip over the Gumbo-1.5. No need to wipe or anything, it just adds to the ROM. Fast as hell and works PERFECT.
Give it a shot....I think you will like it......let me know =)
Gumbo thred so you can read up if you like. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=630221
Chaid said:
Please let us know if the rebooting stops for you. Maybe one of the devs could find where the problem is. Pretty please!! I could post any info needed.
Well, my friend. You were correct! full rom of DamagedTrev_v201 works on our phones for some strange reason. And updating his ROM caused the re-booting to start again. So whatever was changed from 2.0.1 to 2.0.5 is causing our particular problem. I'm not a dev by any means and don't know much about his stuff, but this is encouraging. Perhaps someone can figure out what it is?
I did notice that ALL the other 2.1 ROM's I have used that cause my phone to re-boot from sleep mode, is that when I hit the menu or power button to turn it on, the lights turn on, then reboot phone. With DamagedTrev_v201 that doesn't happen. The screen just pops up to unlock it.....don't know if that helps, it's just something I noticed.
Heres to crossing our fingers that someone can fix this!
P.S. I wiped and went back to Gumbo 1.5c as that 2.1 ROM was way to slow for me and I couldn't get bluetooth to work and audio would cut in and out.
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Glad to see your rebooting issue was fixed with this rom even though you went back to gumbo 1.5. In my mind, this just confirms that it is not a battery issue. I never use bluetooth and have never experienced any audio loss with this rom, but apparently even people on the same hardware and firmware versions have different problems.
kwajr said:
i would like to know if its a full reboot or just a soft like where it hes to the sprint or boot animation
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Full Reboot here too.
patkin said:
That's it I've wasted way too much time on this. Phone works great on the stock ROM. They must have planted some devious anti-flash widget in this phone. I'll leave it rooted for now.
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Yeah, got my phone beginning of march 2010 and I also think there is something in the 2.1 test ruu or hardware that is keeping the phone from functioning properly with an altered 2.1 rom.
Just wanted to let people know what happened to resolve this. I went back to 1.5 then when 2.1 official came out last week I said what the heck if I can't enjoy a rooted custom 2.1 I'll try the official and guess what. Same problem as the other 2.1's.........phone shuts off randomly! Except this time they are replacing it with a new phone. Yeaaah! I'm probably going Evo now though since I found out I can get a new phone. Anyone need a new Hero?
I'm having the same problem.. One question. Does DarchDroid automatically move dalvik-cache to the sd

screen problem

hey everybody I'm not sure if i am putting this in the right section, but here goes. I am currently on deployment with the army in Djibouti Africa, but i still use my hero a lot (obviously just over wifi). i have come up with a strange problem regarding the screen when the phone gets warm the screen becomes unresponsive, when i go into hboot it tests out as failed. Am i just hosed and need a new screen or does anyone have any ideas about a fix. again I am in Djibouti Africa and as such repair tools and materials are severely limited. '
thanks in advance.
Might want to add what rom,recovery,kernel and extra mods your running firerats or data2ext. Also if your s-off and if so what method and what radio/baseband and prl are you on. And what service provider are you with. Also what are have your tried to fix the issue and what are you doing when the phone gets warm and the screen becomes unresponsive. Also if you have access to adb or not. This info will help members assist you in solving your issue.
hmm let me see i nandroided between about 10 different rom/ kernal variations yesterday seeing if that was the problem, none of it helped. right now i left it on cyaqnogen 7.0 RC2 with the cyanogen kernal. radio version my recovery is the latest clockwork and as for s off i really dont remember. i have had this phone since it was very first introduced so i cant remember if that is something ive done or not.
it could be overheating maybe i know when im out biking and my screen gets sweat on it itll become unresponsive for a minute or so but after i wipe it down its good.
Are you running an overclock app???

Atrix lagging......what can I do?

Ever since the Gingerbread update my phone has had a noticable amount of lag. This occurs between screens, apps, button presses and even typing. Sometimes it wont do anything for a couple of seconds and then type the whole word I was trying to type.
I have also noticed a very long boot time when I power it off and back on. Takes several minutes...
My phone is rooted with Gingerblur.
Any ideas of what I can do to fix this?
1)Unlock bootloader
2)Flash a diff non-doodoo ROM, there are plenty of them
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
kisnerct said:
1)Unlock bootloader
2)Flash a diff non-doodoo ROM, there are plenty of them
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Thank you for the response : )
Number 3? Not sure what you mean on that one....
Is this a common problem? Does anybody else recommend to do what was mentioned above?
Exchange before warreny is void
Tenacious--M said:
Thank you for the response : )
Number 3? Not sure what you mean on that one....
Is this a common problem? Does anybody else recommend to do what was mentioned above?
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#3 is did it fix your problem. The answer will be no its not going to. I work for at&t and have sold this phone with the update and it is a reported problem. My suggestion flash the stock gingerbread sbf and exchange with a device support center near you.
[email protected] said:
#3 is did it fix your problem. The answer will be no its not going to. I work for at&t and have sold this phone with the update and it is a reported problem. My suggestion flash the stock gingerbread sbf and exchange with a device support center near you.
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I bought this phone from at&t WITH the update and had 0 problem unlocking rooting flashing etc. I haven't even had a single experience with lag yet. Doodoo Motoblur is the source of the lag.
Sent from my Atrix 4g (MB860) using XDA app.
I hate doodoo
Wtf is WP7
Funny, I just left At&t for work : )
I noticed the Atrix phones coming with the Gingerbread have had a big percentage of glitches out of the box. Ive had a few even reluctant to do a full boot.
I got mine before Ginger with Froyo.
What is recommended? Its a shame as 2.2 worked fantastic! I like the idea of being able to update the software when the patches come out. You guys arent even messing with the Moto 2.3 update then? Just going to custom roms?
Tenacious--M said:
Funny, I just left At&t for work : )
I noticed the Atrix phones coming with the Gingerbread have had a big percentage of glitches out of the box. Ive had a few even reluctant to do a full boot.
I got mine before Ginger with Froyo.
What is recommended? Its a shame as 2.2 worked fantastic! I like the idea of being able to update the software when the patches come out. You guys arent even messing with the Moto 2.3 update then? Just going to custom roms?
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I'll just share my experience with you.
Whenever I get a new phone I'm not quick to root/flash etc. as I like to play around with it to be sure I really want to flash it. Plus, this was my first experience with motoblur so I wanted to give it a shot.
This phone was garbage IMO without a ROM. So much worthless bloat and a LOT of lag problems. The speed of this phone (for it's hardware) was extremely disappointing and I was seriously regretting my purchase. I was coming from a captivate, so to say I was disappointed (which coming from that phone) is huge. Lag between screens, god-awful boot up times, and confusing motoblur had me ready to return this and wait for something else. That being said, decided to give the ROMs a chance. I was coming from the latest software and I don't know if I just got lucky but I had 0 problems rooting, unlocking, and flashing....a lot less problems than I had with my captivate. Went with cm7 and haven't looked back. Aside from a few relatively minor bugs with cm7 (which WILL be fixed), I am now extremely pleases with this phone...I guess the better term would be in love with it. Its blazing fast, good battery life, and just feels smooth all-around.
It really a shame that we have to go through these kind of hoops to unleash the phones potential...so many users that will never know how great of a phone they have.
Sent from my Atrix 4g (MB860) using XDA app.
Make a nandroid
Unlock your bootloader
flash cm7
I PROMISE you won't regret it!!
I've been using Android for a while now & the only competition that cm has is miui (and that isn't even available yet)
Tenacious--M said:
Funny, I just left At&t for work : )
I noticed the Atrix phones coming with the Gingerbread have had a big percentage of glitches out of the box. Ive had a few even reluctant to do a full boot.
I got mine before Ginger with Froyo.
What is recommended? Its a shame as 2.2 worked fantastic! I like the idea of being able to update the software when the patches come out. You guys arent even messing with the Moto 2.3 update then? Just going to custom roms?
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i got my first phone from AT&T and bricked it unfortunately, went back into the AT&T store and explained my situation to the rep and asked how much it would be to replace it, but he gave me a new one free of charge.
after i got my second one, i updated it to GB right away and was satisfied with the phone, the AT&T rep played with it showing me all sorts of things about Android since it's my first Android phone. after about 30 minutes of showing me all sorts of cool things i could do with it, he said he was confident that the phone was bug free so i walked out of the store and updated it right there. i noticed a lag increase with gingerbread that wasn't there in his froyo presentation, which was kind of disappointing. after i got home and rooted my phone though, i was able to tweak things and get the ball rolling, only slight lag on certain transitions and games. (still disappointing with these specs though)
shortly after, i unlocked the bootloader and flashed ninja speed freak, which cleared up almost all my lag problems. i didn't experience any real lag in transitions, but every once in a while i'd get slight lag in games.
then CM7 came out, and i installed it, and i'm experiencing 10-15 second boot screen times, compared to multiple minute boot times on stock. no lag with any animation or game i've played so far, great quality videos and extremely satisfied all around. the different without motoblur is extremely noticeable. i can't wait for it to be finished so all our wonderful devs can go back to their own little side projects, and we can see what this phone is really capable of
Flash a newer Rom.
If you like the blur features use homebase.
Cm7 is GREAT! But not If you like blur.
Alien rom was my favorite rom till cm7 tho.
You wont regret flashing eaither of those.
Sent from my CM860
tenacious--m said:
ever since the gingerbread update my phone has had a noticable amount of lag. This occurs between screens, apps, button presses and even typing. Sometimes it wont do anything for a couple of seconds and then type the whole word i was trying to type.
I have also noticed a very long boot time when i power it off and back on. Takes several minutes...
My phone is rooted with gingerblur.
Any ideas of what i can do to fix this?
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cyanogenmod 7!
read op wrong fist post
Cm7 is the answer
I gave thanks to all of you! I very much appreciate the feedback. CM7 is what I have been researching as well and it sounds like the bomb!
However, I am really spinning my wheels here on getting the bootloader unlocked. Getting CM7 on there is not hard at all. Ive done that kind of stuff before on other phones, but Im not getting sucess on the bootloader.
Im running 2.3.4 if that makes any difference and am rooted.
When I attempt to unlock the bootloader I get a message on cmd saying "oem unlock is not implemented"
Can one of you guys/gals gently walk me through unlocking this guy? Maybe Im missing one little thing? I have spend two days researching and trying the different methods and keep coming up against this wall.
Thank you so much in advance! : )
I am on stock GB and experienced a little lag. But after I installed SGS TOUCHSCREEN BOOSTER and bought ADW EX I've never had a problem. When I used Zedge to download wallpapers my Atrix crashed and rebooted. So uninstalled that and I'm good again.
Stock Motorola Atrix 4G
Tenacious--M said:
When I attempt to unlock the bootloader I get a message on cmd saying "oem unlock is not implemented"
Can one of you guys/gals gently walk me through unlocking this guy? Maybe Im missing one little thing? I have spend two days researching and trying the different methods and keep coming up against this wall.
Thank you so much in advance! : )
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It would help if we knew what method you were using to try and unlock .
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Sorry... : )
Ive tried this version. Automatic unlocker
Ive tried the BriefMobile version
And I tried the IHOP Pudding
Ive flashed ROMs on several phones, made nandroid backups etc... I just dont have alot of experience with cmd or bootloader unlocking. I tried over and over and did the instructions to the letter, unless Im missing something. Being new, Im sure im missing something small.
Ok, finally! I got it done and flashed to CM7. WOW! I love it!
I did notice some differences so I will post my experience here. I will highlight the differences I found that worked for my 2.3.4 Rooted Atrix. Maybe it will help other newbs like me : )
By the way, credit to BriefMobile and the2dcour for the original guide
***I marked the differences I noticed when unlocking my 2.3.4 unlocked At&t Gingerbread***
How To: Unlock the Atrix 4G Bootloader
• Backed up /data partition
You will lose all of your /data during this process!
• Unlock SBF file [Mirror]
• RSD Lite 5.3.1 or sbf_flash [Download if Atrix is Froyo]
• Fastboot package [Mirror]
Also found in the Android SDK tools folder
1. If you’re on Gingerbread, skip to step 13. (I was on 2.3.4 Gingerbread and I also had to do all the steps. Dont skip!!!)
2. Power down your Motorola Atrix
3. Take out your microSD card and SIM card for the flashing process
4. While turning the phone on, hold the Volume Up button until it acknowledges RSD
5. Your device will say “Starting RSD protocol support”
6. Run “RSD Lite” on your computer
7. Press the “. . .” button next to the box labeled “Filename”
8. Load up the SBF file
The SBF file is located inside of the .zip file, you must extract it out before loading it into RSD Lite
Use WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the .zip file on your computer
9. Plug your device into your computer
Use the USB ports on the back side of your computer for safety
10. RSD Lite should recognize your device and say “Model: NS Flash Olympus” and “Connected…” (Mine said SE Flash Olympus, not NS)
11. Press the “Start” button
12. Be patient while the phone reboots. It will take a long time. (Phone didn’t reboot. It went to a menu and said “5 seconds to select Fastboot”. You have to use Vol down to move in the menu and the Vol up button to select “Fastboot”)
13. Open and extract the Fastboot package from above
14. Open a command prompt window
On Windows, press Start and type “cmd” then press the enter button
15. Type the following command. Your directory will be the folder where you extracted the Fastboot package.
(Example: cd C:\Users\Kenneth\Desktop\fastboot-package) (I extracted mine to the C:\ drive. Then you don’t have to type so much. Just cd C:\fastboot )
cd your directory here
16. Power down your Atrix device
17. Hold the power button and the downward volume button until you see “Fastboot”
18. Let go of the buttons and press the upward volume button once
19. You will now see “Starting Fastboot protocol support”
20. Plug your device into a USB port in the back slot of your computer
Front slots sometimes do not have enough power to stay connected to the device.
21. Type the following command:
fastboot oem unlock
22. You will now receive a warning along with a unique device ID
23. Type the following commands using your unique device ID in place of the ####:
fastboot oem unlock ####
fastboot reboot
24. Wait for your device to reboot. Congratulations! You now have an unlocked bootloader! (Mine said “unlocked” in upper left hand corner, but didn’t reboot. I pulled the battery and restarted. Been working fantastic ever since!)
Source: the2dcour

