After I picked up the MDA I noticed that occasionally, while attempting an EDGE connection, the radio would appear to reset. Signal bars would disappear and the dots under the antenna would appear. The data connection would never take place and as far as I could tell the radio reset. This occurred several times in the course of a day. So did a hard reset on the phone which I hadn't done since picking it up. Now the symptom appears to have changed. Instead of it appearing to reset, it appears to "stick". Indicated signal strength never changes, the data connection is never actually made and eventually I turn the radio off and back on again via flight mode. Again, this only seems to happen while attempting a data connection, either EDGE or GPRS.
I've written Tmo support but I'm curious if this has happened to anyone else or if it may be a problem with my specific phone. And never having had a problem like this before, should I take the phone back to the store and ask for a replacement or do I need to hear that from Tmo?
I have a Cingular 8125 on TMO network and have the basically the same problem. GPRS/EDGE would occasionally stop working. Once it begins to "hang", I would notice the radio icon lose the bars and the dots would appear. However, It would reset on its own after a minute or two. This happens a number of times a day. Annoying the crap outta me.
The MDA ships with an older version of the radio rom. Maybe it would help if you updated it.
kamskii said:
I have a Cingular 8125 on TMO network and have the basically the same problem. GPRS/EDGE would occasionally stop working. Once it begins to "hang", I would notice the radio icon lose the bars and the dots would appear. However, It would reset on its own after a minute or two. This happens a number of times a day. Annoying the crap outta me.
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yeah, that's the one. I'll see what Tmo has to say, I'm sure as hell not flashing a phone that's days old and well within the warranty period. In the off chance it's software, I did another hard reset and prevented it from installing the extrom stuff.
update: Customer support asked me to try another SIM, which I did. When that didn't help, they told me to bring it back and they'd give me another one. Hopefully that'll be the end of it.
have the same problem. I just "loose" the signal and it searches, searches .... and again. SR or flight mode on/off usually helps. but its really getting annoying. I have feeling it is in places where there is a weak signal (but just opinio, not a proven fact). Sometimes happens, sometimes not at all. Dont know what to do about it.
I've noticed the same with the Cingular 8125 on Cingular's network. The radio version is 1.09.11. I am wondering if the later radio version would make a difference?
exchguy said:
I've noticed the same with the Cingular 8125 on Cingular's network. The radio version is 1.09.11. I am wondering if the later radio version would make a difference?
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I upgraded the Radio rom on my 8125 to 1.13.10. I *think* it helped, but to be honest, it still happens. I also now, as a habit, turn off GPRS by pressing the red button for 5 seconds. This seems to help a bit too.
It's really a crapshoot. There are times when I can stay connected to GPRS for hours and hours, while other days i would get kicked within minutes. When the rom is officially released, I will load that in hopes of fixing this problem.
I've had this same problem for months no matter device I use. At first I thought it was because I was using non T-mobile branded phones, but since using devices like the T809 as a modem and the MDA I get the same problem, edge/gprs would connect and stop working/hang after while. Most likely its a network issue, and this didn't start happening to me until T-mobile released edge data service. I'm actually a sales rep for tmo and haven't heard anything from tech support.
I've not had it happen with 1.12.10 (I think) - NOT the 1.13 version, but the one before it. Flashed it the other day - perfect since. The stock T-Mo radio ROM did it once in a while, usually in a poor signal area.
Old Problem
This happened on my Treo 600 on T-Mobile. The problem seems to be city-specific, so it happened in Pasadena frequently but not in DC.
hi, i just got the tmobile MDA and everything works perfect, i dont seem to have the problem of the GPRS, the only problem i have is that the sound of the phone is too low. any suggestions?
P.S. whats the website to download updates and softwares for it?
Genesis3 said:
I've not had it happen with 1.12.10 (I think) - NOT the 1.13 version, but the one before it. Flashed it the other day - perfect since. The stock T-Mo radio ROM did it once in a while, usually in a poor signal area.
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Yep, that was my experience exactly, I haven't had a problem even once since flashing 1.12. Thought about trying 1.13 but didn't want to push my luck. The phone seems to be 100% now.
Ok, I've had an 8525 unlocked for about 3 months now... Unlocked and used on t-mobile's network...
Until recently, I've had 0 issues with my phone from what I can remember(now running PDAs v20 windows 6.1 rom)
My problem is, during the day, in my room I recieve any and every phone call that comes in, calls never drop or hang up, BUT the call seems to cut out for about 5-15 seconds and then cut back in.. even though it says I have 4 bars.. in my kitchen with 4 bars, I get all my phone calls, but can't hear people (nor can they hear me at all)... I get emails, and browse the web fine.. but can't use google maps app (can't find my location until I leave lol)
I don't know what's up... at night, when I'm in my room, my phone works fine with no cutting out and in during calls, but during the day, that's when it wants to act all crazy... other t-mobile phones work perfectly fine in my room... my old sidekick also worked fine..
when I'm anywhere else in my city, my phone works fine (even with 2 bars)
I know nothing about how cell phones work when communicating with cell towers so any help someone can give me will be very helpful as I do not want to catch an aneurism calling T-Mobile themselves for help (though I doubt they'll help me since I'm using an unlocked ATT phone on their service lol)
Also... sometimes txt messages come and give me a time like it's in another time-zone... usually this happens when I'm out of state roaming on a different network (Immix in central PA for the most part) but now it seems to be popping up even while I'm home in NY...
any ideas?
seems like some kind of interference near your home...could be a carrier tower or even your TV? You could check with tmob if others in the hood are having day issues...
not sure what radio version u have, but u could try flashing a different one...
I've tried numerous radio's but having the same issues... it's some kind of interference in my house I guess.. I just can't figure out what it is... I called up t-mobile and was embarassed when he said "oh u have an ATT phone" lol he told me to switch sim cards with someone else on t-mobile in my home to see what happened... but.. no progress... I unplugged my wifi router to see if that would help but it didn't
I just find it completely odd that my service craps out on me in my room ONLY during the day... and it never did this when I first got the phone.. I'm completely lost... good news is, it only happens in my house...
Could be someone close by has just invested in a piece of equipment that is causing interference.. Might not be just in your place...
yeah, another thing that MIGHT be causing the interference is that they have been doing a lot of road work in my area... that could also be why it happens during the day but not at night... my kitchen is a different story, but different radio's have gave me different reception... with some radio's... it fades out completely and with others it'll fade out for maybe a second or 2
or it could be my neighbor who recently had a stroke, I guess there might be some machines in there.. who knows
I tried the latest radio and it yielded the best results in my kitchen so far but man oh man does it burn battery when I'm on the phone
I'm having the same problem...well as far as the text msgs go so i called tmobile last night and they took me off the network and placed me back on and since then I havent had any problems
Update: I put my GF's att sim card in my phone and went to all my "dead spots"... even when the signal bars were down to almost 0, the quality of the call was still clear and it wouldn't fade in and out during a call... Does anyone know if there's anything T-Mobile can do? Because I tried my moms sim card in my phone (t-mobile) and gave me the same crappy results (calls fading in and out at full 4 bar signal)
I have the Bell Desire Z that I unlocked to use on Fido and many people are complaining to me that whenever they call me, it goes straight to voicemail. It doesn't happen everytime, but its happening like 25% of the time. Anyone else experiencing something similar? Is this a network issue or is it the phone? What can i do to fix it?
Update: A friend of mine also has this phone and is on Bell. He too is experiencing the same issue. Guess it's something with the phone, right?
We (wifey and I) are having the other issue where where we can't even dial out.
It's hit and miss, but sometimes it takes half a dozen tries to get a number to ring.
We just had our SIMs replaced today, and had our profiles reset but the problem continues.
I guess a hardware replacement is the next step, as the wife is fed up at having to dial a number over and over to get through. "What if it's an emergency?"
My phone is unlocked as well and I've used 3 different SIMs in 3 different countries but it only happens here in Canada.
We'll go back to our place of purchase next week and see if a hardware replacement fixes the problem, then will report back here.
I'm using an unlocked Bell Desire Z on Telus and I have had one call that went to voicemail without the phone ever showing that it received the call. And it did not inform me of the voicemail either. Hasn't happened recently but I'm still a little leary.
B73C, you're fortunate if you get to hardware exchange your unlocked phone at your place of purchase in Canada. I've always been told in no uncertain terms that once a phone is unlocked, you're on your own. But I think that HTC still has to warranty it.
What is your network signal strength my unlocked desire z has poor reception on fido! I'm hoping a new radio rom will fix it. My signal strength is around 100 SBM and below 10 asu
I'm also on Fido with an unlocked Desire Z from Bell, but never experienced any of these issues... sorry to hear that!
My signal strength is -93dBm 10asu with the numbers changing constantly up and down a few digits.
I hope there's a fix for this.
ok11 said:
My signal strength is -93dBm 10asu with the numbers changing constantly up and down a few digits.
I hope there's a fix for this.
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Im hoping there will be a new radio rom out soon that woll fix the poor network strength issue.
I'm new here, so forgive me if this has been answered before. I did a search and couldn't find anything that helped with my issue, but maybe I just missed something.
I have a new HTC Surround, originally locked to Telus, but now unlocked and on the Rogers network.
Everything is working great except that the timestamp for incoming text messages is incorrect, and off by about 5 hours. The minutes in the timestamp is accurate, but the hours is off by 5 hours.
For instance, a message sent by me has a timestamp of 4:22p. The reply to that message comes in with a timestamp of 11:25a.
I've seen that this has been an issue for other HTC phones in the past, as well as possibly a problem with Rogers' network but I can't seem to find a fix. I was previously using a Sony x10 on Rogers (hated the phone) and never had this problem.
I sent a message to HTC customer support, but was hoping somebody here would be able to help me faster.
Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
I had this issue with Bell Vibrant Galaxy S on the Fido as well, and had to use an app called SMS Timefix.
btw Wepeel, who did you use to get the phone unlocked? I'm still trying to find someone to do it for me. I'm in the Toronto GTA area.
Thanks for the input. I don't think there's an app yet for wp7 (at least nothing in the market). I got a response from HTC and they said it was a network problem. However, I've never had this problem on Rogers before. I've only had the Surround for 3 days, and the x10 I had before (for 2 months) never had this problem, and neither did my iphone.
I'm going to contact Rogers tomorrow and see what they have to say about it.
As far as unlocking, I won the phone from Breakfast Television and was given the unlock code directly from Telus. However, depending on where in Toronto you live, you should check out the Pacific Mall (Steeles/Kennedy in Markham) or craigslist.
The Pacific Mall is a great place to go to get anything unlocked, and its usually pretty cheap. There's also an ad on CL right now advertising unlocking for the Surround for $29 (which I find pretty expensive).
Hope that helps.
Same issue, same situation.
I have an unlocked TELUS surround on Rogers, and the timestamps on the TXT messages are -5 hours from the real time.. Obviously the phone is expecting the carrier to timestamp the messages in UTC and the phone is correcting.. there should be an OS tweak for this somewhere.
Oh, and MyNameIsWepeel;
If you think this is fun, wait until you search for something in the maps.. I searched for TELUS in maps hoping to find the local telus dealer and it came up with Telus, Russia. (It's a city apparently). It seems if your phone is configured for Canada (eveything under Region & Locale) the maps search doesn't work correctly. You need to set it up for US to get it to work.
Aoshi_ said:
Oh, and MyNameIsWepeel;
If you think this is fun, wait until you search for something in the maps.. I searched for TELUS in maps hoping to find the local telus dealer and it came up with Telus, Russia. (It's a city apparently). It seems if your phone is configured for Canada (eveything under Region & Locale) the maps search doesn't work correctly. You need to set it up for US to get it to work.
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The problem with that though, is the market will no longer download apps. Or at least it didn't for me. I changed my locale, which did help with searches in maps, but then I couldn't download any apps. I just kept getting error messages. Changing my locale back to Canada fixed it immediately.
I just changed my locale last night to all US, and I was still able to download apps. Albeit I got an error message occasionally, but then I just restarted the download and it all worked. I figured it was server related.
fast1fred said:
I just changed my locale last night to all US, and I was still able to download apps. Albeit I got an error message occasionally, but then I just restarted the download and it all worked. I figured it was server related.
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I'll have to check it out again, maybe it was just server problems. I'll admit I wasn't very patient with it.
On an unrelated topic, how are you guys finding the reception on the phone? I've noticed I'm getting slightly poorer reception in some areas that my x10 got great reception.
Well I'm not the best person to ask about reception... I'm coming from an iphone.
My major beef with this phone is the battery life; it's simply unacceptable. I always end up coming home with 20% or less... Either an aftermarket upgrade will need to show up to save the day or I'll be forced to switch phones.
Ive had similar battery problems, but it charges so fast it hasnt been an issue. I throw it on the car charger for 20 minutes and im good for the rest of the day. But back on topic.. i have a similar issue with text messages, except my time stamps are about 30-45 seconds slower which sometimes causes my device to send texts before one is received. its not a huge deal though, but still kind of odd.
Prior to this phone, I had an iPhone 3G, 3GS, Nexus One, and Samsung Galaxy S - all with the same carrier.
This phone has the best reception so far. On my home from work today I tested it out. There's always an area my bars go to zero and my calls drop. With this phone it was the first time I never dropped the call completely. In fact, the signal was completely strong. I'm happily surprised by this.
Well, I finally found out what was causing my reception problems. This phone, or mine anyway, has a very serious deathgrip issue. Any time I would hold the phone at the bottom (where the antenna is) or with both hands, I would lose at least 2-3 bars. A lot of the time I would completely lose signal. As soon as I moved my hand up to the top, right back to full bars.
And since you need to hold the phone at the bottom to text and talk, it pretty much made the phone useless to me.
So I sold my Surround (for $500) and I'm going to get something else.
Seems nobody talks about the call problems anymore. My guess is people given upp. Well the good news from Sweden Samsung is that they are aware of the problem! They have keept denying it or saying tbay cant replicate the problem. Finaly it seems like they are actually trying to get there hands dirty. Maybe because its on all new Samsung mobiles.
Now i was having a idea about the source of the problem, but to get some peace of mind on it, all can post if it works, or not. Hopefully we can at least get to the source of the problem.
Now here is my take on the issues, my way of counting out factors:
Here in Sweden, only 1 carrier have Edge on there network. And its the only company reporting call/connection issues. (calls get randomly muted, robot calls, phone keeps changing network, slow internet etc)
Samsung have a new codec on there phones, trying to achive a new, better, call quality. So my belives is that audio codec have trouble using Edge, and that could at least be a start to find the root of evil (but with a great original idea)
So, do you have the mute call issue? Yes/No
Do your carrier have Edge? Yes/No
Plz answer and lets see if we have a more direct approach to complain/call in issues to Samsung all around the world, remember. The more that reports/complain to the company, bigger chance they speed up time to fix it ... although Samsung isnt fast to come around :/
Well post away, does it work on Edge or not?
Yes I have this problem and my operator has EDGE. And I'm battling to get another phone in this price range (probably the HTC desire HD), becasue my service can't fix this and the operator has no clue to what could be wrong. I recomend you ditch the omnia to.
Remember to not but Samsung s2 or any, same prob.:-(. Been thinking the same as you but im gona stick to it cuz my phone is carrier free etc, and my current contract ends in 3-4 months or so, so im on to a new carrier. Sad but thru. Samsung should have addressed this issue fast, now there paying the price on other newer models.
Thnx for the reply, 1 answer and still on right track :-D
given up is the correct word...
next phone won't be samsung either way =) just to bother them!
Can you relate to edge problem to?
Seems there is no Omnia 7 uers left =(
Yes I have the mute call issue, but as far as I can tell, my Carrier does not use EDGE.
When the mute call occurs I see the phone rapidly trying to change networks, and ultimately if it settles on G there are no more mutes in that call. If it goes back to 3G it happens again. During that time the phone loses the signal completely, then jumps back to full once the switch is complete.
Darn, that could mean the end of my theory. Make sure your 100% sure.
Now, with so little going on, i thought people would love a poll to klick on =P
As far as I could find out, My carrier had a test rollout of EDGE in one city, but didn't continue with it. So, no, no EDGE atleast not in the areas I go to.
I'm in Austria, Provider is A1 and it uses EDGE
Fixed my problem by locking the phone to 3G network
Downside is that I have no signal in an area where 3G coverage is poor...
(so I've to switch back to automatic mode sometimes)...
man, this sucks really bad...
Given up describes it best, so many critical bugs (not only the call issue), never ever Samsung again, its a brick with a great screen. How come early reviews didnt report any of these flaws...
I locked the Phone to 3G and still experience silence during calls and creepy modem sounds. Phone tries to switch 3g on and off and eventually loses signal altogether. Last time I could not end the call after it went silent, windows just froze saying "ending call.....".
Usually doesnt happen in areas with really good coverage like cities, but rural areas make it unusable.
You used Cheveron? I have the call issue bug. Sometimes it happens and sometimes its like there no problem. Its like some days is a bad day and other a good day.
I know for a fact that all carriers in Sweden have no problems exept 1. And since the phone is otherwise the best, im soon changing carrier ... cant wait.
I bought my omnia about 5 months ago from ebay and I face this mute problem since, I was living in Oman when I bought this and now I am living in Indonesia and still facing the same problem even if I used another carrier SIM card.
Actually in my case this problem start only when I received a call and I start can hear the caller voice exactly after 12 seconds of connection and after that call, the mute problem happen for all incoming and outgoing call and I need to restart the phone if I want to make outgoing call without mute problem.
Are you guys having the same symtomp and situation?
fyi all carriers in oman and indonesia has both edge and 3G mode, but locking the phone to 3G didn't solve the problem in my case.
yep pretty much the same, you need to restart it in order to place a call again. That however doesnt guarantee that it wont bug again in a couple of minutes. Its very sensitive to signal strength, hence it happens very irregularly, nevertheless its not an operator issue.
Its maybe more pronounced on some networks since coverage varies.
Locking to edge definitely wont fix it, since it will bug on 3g / 3g+ switching still. It is a Samsung radio issue, its time they finally take credit for their flaws...the hard way.
Some more info from me. My theory is that this is not a Samsung-operator problem but only samsung problem. Because I have also tried my phone with a diferent SIM and i had the same problems, mute/modem calls, a little less but nonetheless. So this I think is totaly a Samsung f*** up. I you can excange your phone for a nother in the price range. The HTC sensation seems good but I know it's android but hey better android then a phone that even can't handle calls. I myself am in talks with my operator to change the Omnia for the sensation because they can not fix the problem. I also got we never heard of this before and then I recorded a video of the phone making the modem sounds (the video is on the forum) and presented it to them and said that they fix this or another phone, and now they I think will never know how to fix it so I will probably get a new phone (the sensation). Cheers.
That its Samsungs fault is there no question about. But i just wanted to se if Edge could be a problem, as it seems to be in Sweden at least. And help folks at, for now, choose a diff carrier that might work better = we are all sleeping soundly. Omnia 7 is the best phone out there atm according to me. But thiss connection/ mute call is really destroying one of the best phones atm. :'(
@voltageMX, lucky you but I think you're going to miss samoled display since Sensation only have SLCD display but at least you'll have a phone that working as a phone.
Too bad I bought my omnia from I can't ask for replacement from the seller.
my only hope is mango update will cure the problem...
When call issue occurs i usally turns phone off, remove battery a short short while and start it up. I have noticed this have a lottery effect, i can go some day without the issue, only to se it return again, but as a temp fix it better then nothing =/
Now is there any others that called Samsung in there country recently? In Sweden we got a radio Firmware you can sending in your phonE!!!
But it seems to do the jobb. Internet have been reported faster also. We had users signing up and talking directly to Samsung to aid them in there search for the problem. And finally we got it. Waiting for my phone to return so ill report back about firmware version etc.
So, anybody recently talked to Samsung?
I'm from Malaysia and I used to have the 2 seconds mute when I was on a 2G network. After that I switch to an operator which only has 3G (domestic roaming for 2G) and I don't face that issue anymore.