Automatic Wi-Fi and 3G manager tool - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I'm looking for a program which will ask me, everytime when connection to the internet is needed, which type of connection i want to use. I had before a phone with Symbian system, and I really liked it but i cant find something like that for WM 6.1. Example: I open we browser and enter web adress. Then ppc ask me which type of connection should it use: Wi-Fi or 3G. I choose for example Wi-Fi and network which i want connect to. PPC is connecting, i see the web page which i wanted and then i close web browser - Wi-fi is turned off automaticly. The same with 3G. I believe in your help

I never saw such a tool. However I'm waiting ages for someone to create such a program/service.
For now I would recommend for you to use DialUp Enabler/Disabler or NoData.


Can I access pocket internet explorer on the go?

If I'm in a 3g area can I use the PIE (pocket interntet explorer) on the go? I don't fully understand how the net works on these 3g phones lol. Any help is greatly appreciated.
if the settings are set up
then you can use IE the same way as when
on grps, wifi, usb, bluetooth.......
Basically, Pocket IE (or Opera Mobile, or whatever browser you have on your device) is a dumb client - it can only tell if it has a 'route to host', that is, if it can connect to the URL you input or not. If it can't, the software (OS) takes over and attempts to establish a route to the Internet one way or another, so the browser can resolve the URL (address) and serve up the content for your request.
So, in essense, it's actually the netwokring layer of the OS which does all the clever stuff. Internet Explorer will just use the Internet whichever way it's given to it, so long as it gets it in a way it can understand. And bingo, this is where the long-established, universal standard TCP/IP protocol comes in.

switching between Medianet & MyISP

How do i set up auto switching between Media Net & MyISP?
I want to use CV but it has to connect thru a proxy under Media NEt. Some web site does not work thru a proxy, so i want to switch back to MyISP when browsing.
I wasnt aware you could have this done automatically. Only solution I know of is to manually switch it. Would love to be wrong here.
The easiest way to solve your problem is to use NetFront. NetFront has settings to use a proxy server, so you can still use the MyISP connection and just have NetFront to access CV. You can use PIE for your normal web browsing.
There is no auto-switching available. How often do you use CV? I don't use it a whole lot so when I want to view CV, I just switch connections.
that is what ive been reading through out this forum. I was hoping to avoid an extra peice of software just for CV. Netfront does eat up a lot of memory.

gprs question

hi i had a question is their a program that could connect me to my data plan instead of always having to open up internet exploerer and pull up a web site? thx in advanced
That's the problem of the application you use...
Most applications can connect to GPRS automatically when needed.

problem with vpn, strange behaviour, xperia

Hi there!
I'm using a xperia X1 with the latest firmware version installed which SE released.
I also use spb mobileshell 3.0 ; active sync via exchange(over SSL, not VPN); palringo; Xperiatweak; TaskFacade; G-Alarm; Skype;WM6 Remote Desktop;.net vnc viewer;
My provider is o2 and I live in germany.
I'd like to use a pptp vpn connection to get connection to several services in my network. I already used it with my xda-mini-s and my orbit2, never had serious problems. Sometimes it took a few soft-resets until i got it working... but now...
I set up my connection as I always did,
@preferences->connections->add vpn-server ;
after adding the server i specified a couple of exeptions for my network-> reboot. -done-
But this time it won't connect automatically, it doesn't react when i type in a ip/name which is defined in the exeptions. (usually it is attempting to connect to my vpn server...)
I can navigate to the preferences->connections-> edit vpn-server and connect manually. It establishes a connection successfully and i can use e.g. rdp.
I can't figure out why its not connecting automatically.
I entered the exeptions like I always did.
(e.g. or domaincontroller.domain.local -> a wildcard is added automatically to the entrys -> listed like this:*)
I would be very happy if anybody could help!
Best regards, and have a nice day.
found out something new
Hi there!
It's just a question which Software I use.
For example, I always used rdp over vpn.
So I tested if its opening the tunnel if i try to connect to one of my desktops via remotedesktop, and its not.
(on the "old" phone, rdp was included from stock, on xperia i had to install it)
I tested connecting over a java irc app, which is also not working.
If I use e.g. Opera to connect to a website (e.g. owa) over a local ip, its successfully establishing the connection and i could log in.
I need it to work with, rdp, vnc and irc!
Shouldn't the phone recognize that I try to connect to a url/ip wich is located in my LAN whatever wich software is used?
Have a nice sunday.
Win**** -- Did you ever find a solution/explanation for this?
I used to use a vpn for activesync, and activesync always automatically invoked the vpn I took that for granted...but today I've been using the WM6 Remote Desktop client, and like you, I can't believe that the recognition of url "exceptions" is useless for this app.
BTW, I would have been happy if I could just create a convenient shortcut to start the connection manually, but I've been all up and down the Web, and apparently there's no way to do that, either. mad, indeed.
i have a similar issue, my phone connets and after 20 secs it drops the VPN

Mail via WLAN only?

I really searched hard, but couldn't find any solutions, neither in a german forum.
My TD2 can use the wlan for internet via topaz' integrated opera without a problem. But if it comes to adding mail accounts, I am not able to choose wlan as the connection to download / send mails (yes, all access data are correct, it's only that I can't choose wlan as connection). Due to obvious reasons, I don't want to use the regular networks of my phone provider. I just want to use my free wlan at home to send / receive mails. What to do?
Normally when a data connection is request, if pda has the wifi actived it first try to connect with a wlan. if it don't find an active wlan, then it connect by gprs or 3g.
if you want avoid the connection with gprs/3g it is advisable to disactivate it by the program Modaco Nodata.
Got it now, all worked well. But after I entered a complete mail account that worked, I entered a second mail account that I didn't configur till the end. Now it appears in the touchflo 3d, is not deletable and does also NOT appear in the WM Mail structure. It seems it only appears in the TouchFlo, which showed it again after deactivating/ enabling TouchFlo again. SKTools doesn't find it either. Dunno where to fin it apart from the registry, where can I delete it?

