Wifi internet sharing from android without having to be root? - XPERIA X10 General

use the X10 as a modem with wifi without having to be Root, any application to browse the Internet from the PC connected wirelessly to Android?

You can try this: http://www.kevinandamanda.com/whatsnew/beginners-guide-to-tetherbot-photo-tutorial
I have not try it me self.

Get easytether lite on the market, It's free, doesn't go through a proxy, and allows https sites. I've been using it since I got my phone, works great and is very fast to connect.
Edit: Sorry didn't realize you said wirelessly, as far as I know you have to be root for that to work.
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[Q] Android phones can't use reverse tethering?

I'm used to surf and download to my windows phone through bluetooth using the internet on my computer. I't can't be done with my new android phone?
I dont see why Android would want to waste their time with such inferior methods. 3G is faster than bluetooth. But WiFi is the option to choose.
I need this feature too.
I think the OP wants his laptop as the access point....not his phone (tethering). This can be done with WinMo phones. It is useful in places where there is no free WiFi....like in my workplace we only use LAN with our laptops. Whenever I connect my Desire to my laptop via USB or BT, I hope I could then update weather and download and install apps on my HTC Desire using my laptop's internet connection.
The only way to do it without some root bluetooth hacking would be broadcasting wifi from your laptop. Mac OS has this built-in in the sharing preference pane, Windows can do it but there are a few more steps. Nothing hard.
Thierry Parent has put up a working solution here ...
Worked great for me !
Im running sense 3.0 3d ..its got options to do that once u plug in a USB cable
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dinoalbert said:
I need this feature too.
I think the OP wants his laptop as the access point....not his phone (tethering). This can be done with WinMo phones. It is useful in places where there is no free WiFi....like in my workplace we only use LAN with our laptops. Whenever I connect my Desire to my laptop via USB or BT, I hope I could then update weather and download and install apps on my HTC Desire using my laptop's internet connection.
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dude..yes may be you are right..in somecases its needed...there are many threads on the same issue..dude...try using "mhotspot"...effortless...no need to install it...
i agree with mhotspot
Droid Wireless Tethering
Google a program called gingersnap. it works. It gives super user rights. Be carefull your data usage will be high. Make sure you have unlimited data. you will also need to download a wifi tether program

[Q] tether to ps3

OK, I know this is floating around a few places but it doesn't solve the issue without connectify which is a W7 program only. I've rooted, tethered, and would just like to update my newly ps3 software... i'm not concerned about multilayer games through my 3G connection... that can wait till i move this summer for internet..
so... can anybody tell me an XP program and can change the ad hoc to something my PS3 can recognize? I downloaded a virtual router and i have an Ethernet cable...
any help would be very grateful...
The PS3 requires Infrastructure mode (as opposed to AdHoc mode) therefore this is your only option:
If you have an XP (or most other OSes) machine within range of the PS3, you could plug the PS3 into the computer via Ethernet, and then connect the computer to the phone via the normal ad-hoc wireless tether, and use Internet Connection Sharing in Windows to share the WiFi connection with the Ethernet.
If you don't have an extra computer handy, the Verizon HotSpot app is currently the only other option, as it runs in Infrastructure mode (somebody should investigate how it triggers that... would be nice to have Wireless Tether/etc support it).
Download pda net off the market.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
thanks for the info guys... i tried a few routes... first off was the PDA net paid version... with not luck.
so then i tried just using my tether in combo with a Ethernet connection and viola... i was updating my ps3. i did have some issues with connection, i'd lose it every ten minutes or so and then it became very unstable so some tweaking would be in order. most likely it's from the Ethernet cable i found in the basement from when i moved in???
I did send an email to the developer of Wireless Tether for rooted fellows and while he does have an option for some phones to connect by infrastructure, the fascinate is "Maybe yes... in the next release" so hopefully we can do this wirelessly in the future in a clean free app.
My xbox 360 finds it. Wireless tether app in market. I play live everyday through my phone
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hbc.ciccone said:
My xbox 360 finds it. Wireless tether app in market. I play live everyday through my phone
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Hmmm... well that makes me wonder...
I would assume that means the 360 can connect via ad hoc... didn't see that one coming...
are there any particular setting on your tether app or anywhere else on your phone that would differ from stock startup?
like i say, the developer noted that the app wouldn't be able to do this wirelessly right now...
I was using barnacle, and read a review on this app where someone commented they used it for halo multiplayer. I dropped what I was doing and tried it, work first try. Maybe its t he xbox, barnacle would not connect to the xbox
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The 360 supports Ad Hoc mode, while the PS3 (for some asinine reason) doesn't (PDA Net would also be useless, since it requires an app running on the machine, IIRC).
I definitely would be quite happy at getting Infrastructure mode in one of the tethering apps, since the Intel wireless in my laptop has absolutely horrible support for Ad Hoc mode (it couldn't even connect before I updated to the latest version... now it just drops it regularly).
I agree... as mentioned above i emailed the dev with tether for root and it sounds like he's working on an infrastructure option for the fas. It already works does on other numerous devices. If i see anything change ya'll be the first to know.

[Q] Internet connection VIA USB... No service

Hey Android world,
I want to connect my MT4G through my works internet connection via USB.
I work at a nuclear plant with a lot of metal inside resulting in no service. I would like to have a fully functional phone via my works internet connection. Our computer systems at the plant do not have wireless cards and it is impossible to create an ADHOC network. Also, additional software is not allowed to be installed on the computer due to strict system admin rights.
Is there an app or setting out there that can allow me to preform this function?
Please help.
as far as I know IMHO there currently is no app out there that can help you. But if your local System Admins don't mind a side step in the internet connection at your work I would suggest using a wireless router, preferably one that you can use LAN and Wifi, that way your computer stays connected and YOU stay connected to your life using wifi and wifi calling. bout the best answer I can give you bud. and the router shouldn't require any extra software to be installed on the computer therefor bypassing your strict Comp Admin Rights. Hope this helps ya a bit!
CheckDark said:
Hey Android world,
I want to connect my MT4G through my works internet connection via USB.
I work at a nuclear plant with a lot of metal inside resulting in no service. I would like to have a fully functional phone via my works internet connection. Our computer systems at the plant do not have wireless cards and it is impossible to create an ADHOC network. Also, additional software is not allowed to be installed on the computer due to strict system admin rights.
Is there an app or setting out there that can allow me to preform this function?
Please help.
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Well, if you are rooted and able to flash roms, then I believe there is an option in the desire based rom's made by evil and gr8 that enables you to use the computers internet on the phone via USB. I haven't used the roms in a while, so idk for certain if this will work. Might be worth a shot, tho.
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It's called internet pass-through. I see it as an option on Evil's Virtuous Fusion Rom when I connect to USB, but I can't seem to get it to work. Has anyone found a way to make this work?
Lagar said:
It's called internet pass-through. I see it as an option on Evil's Virtuous Fusion Rom when I connect to USB, but I can't seem to get it to work. Has anyone found a way to make this work?
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I tried the Royal Penache ROM just to try out the Internet Pass-Through option. And yes, it worked awesome. Give it a try.
You have to download HTC sync for the internet passthrough to work... And it does work
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

[Q] Wifi tethering ?

Is there an app working for wifi tethering on x10 ?
Barnacle Wi-Fi Tether - search on google play
the X10 for tethering. Try PdaNet
If you're trying to transfer phone internet to the computer via a usb cable, you could try using PdaNet.
I've been using it for some years now and its worked great! Just a simple run on android and run on pc and your connected.
There is also the built in tethering that some android phones have. Personally, I've never been able to find it in the settings menu so I had to install a shortcut to it.
You can look up "Tethering Shortcut" in the market and use that to access the menu.
If you meant internet on the computer via wifi tethering, you can try Baracle Wifi Tethering.
The application does require root, but if your willing to, I've heard the application works wonders.
Some phones also have the option for making a hotspot with the phone.
If you want to try, you can install that "Tethering Shortcut" I meantion earlier and seeing if it includes a menu for activating the hotspot.
How to tether GT-P3113 as client to a nokia phone?
I´m trying to tether my GT-P3113 whit my Nokia E71.
Can´t made it work using PDANet Tablet, and joikuspot on E71
I have been read a lot of post on many sites without success
I´ll like use tether over WiFi but if I can't I´ll like try over bluetooth
Some one can help me?
I use FoxFi. It tethers over Wi-Fi. You don't need a rooted phone or a specialized plan to use it. It's free in the Play store.
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Use Android device as wi-fi hotspot to share PC internet connection.

Hi I have a PC connect via ethernet to the internet, I would like to connect my phone to the computer so I can broadcast my computers internet connection to my iPad for example. Don't want to use mobile data tethering thanks. I can use either a HTC Hero or Samsung GS2. Is this possible at all? any apps that will let me do this?
I'm not sure if it forces mobile data when hotspot is enabled.
If not, I'd connect the phone to the PC using internet pass through with mobile data disabled and hot spot enabled. I'm unsure if it will use your PC's internet when broadcasting though
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Also, I found a similar request here
Its not the greatest help though, but that open garden app still does something I guess
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
You want your computer to be a Wi-Fi router? Try Connectify. You will need a Wi-Fi card to make it work.
Sent from my xt862 using xda app-developers app
I'm also looking for the same kind of thing...but couldnt find any..
The series is like Computer(with internet) >> Phone(Getting internet via "Internet Pass Through") >> Broadcasting that internet using WifiHotspot
Is that possible?
iPriDvI said:
I'm also looking for the same kind of thing...but couldnt find any..
The series is like Computer(with internet) >> Phone(Getting internet via "Internet Pass Through") >> Broadcasting that internet using WifiHotspot
Is that possible?
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If your computer has a Wi-Fi card/builtin, you can use something like Connectify to turn your computer into a hotspot.
When you say wifi card thats the same thing as a wireless card?If yes then I can use my laptop as a hotspot?how do I do that exactly. Thanks
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Greg1964 said:
When you say wifi card thats the same thing as a wireless card?If yes then I can use my laptop as a hotspot?how do I do that exactly. Thanks
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
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Like a PCI card or it's built into all laptops built in the last ten years.
If I had a wireless card..I wouldnt even bother about getting a phone with "Internet Pass Through"
What I am asking is "A Desktop without a wifi card but has a wired internet connection needs to provide internet to a laptop"
What are we having with us? - A Phone with "Internet Pass Through" enabled
A Desktop (With no WIFI card)
A Laptop (With a WIFI card ofcourse)
iPriDvI said:
If I had a wireless card..I wouldnt even bother about getting a phone with "Internet Pass Through"
What I am asking is "A Desktop without a wifi card but has a wired internet connection needs to provide internet to a laptop"
What are we having with us? - A Phone with "Internet Pass Through" enabled
A Desktop (With no WIFI card)
A Laptop (With a WIFI card ofcourse)
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Laptop would work. It has built-in Wi-Fi and probably a 10/100[/1000] ethernet port.
MrObvious said:
Laptop would work. It has built-in Wi-Fi and probably a 10/100[/1000] ethernet port.
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You still don't understand mate...
What I meant to say is
PC is WIRED with broadband connection...It is passed to the phone using Internet Pass Through...
Baddudevsninja said:
Hi I have a PC connect via ethernet to the internet, I would like to connect my phone to the computer so I can broadcast my computers internet connection to my iPad for example. Don't want to use mobile data tethering thanks. I can use either a HTC Hero or Samsung GS2. Is this possible at all? any apps that will let me do this?
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follow this reverse tethering guide (i've tested this one and it's working):
and when it's done... try and activate the wifi hotpot feature of your android phone.
iPriDvI said:
You still don't understand mate...
What I meant to say is
PC is WIRED with broadband connection...It is passed to the phone using Internet Pass Through...
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Oh gotcha. Sounds like you got an answer above but if that doesn't work, hook your phone up to the laptop and use an app like Connectify on that laptop. Sorry I didn't understand.
Try this http://www.connectify.me
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