is there a thread already for these? having trouble finding it if there is
I seem to keep discovering new things about my Nexus One on a regular basis such as holding down the home button loads up recent apps, and on the standby screen i can turn it to silent by sliding right to left etc etc.
Anyone else have any handy hints and tips like this?
heres one
Am i the only person who really misses the "New" button in the bottom left hand corner of old Pocket PC devices i.e. 2003 SE and below?
I know how to remap the calendar button to another program, but is there anything out there that will do what the old "New" button used to do?
It's driving me crazy not to have it anymore!
Cheers to anyone who can help!
Nope. None. Gone. Sorry.
I mourn the New Button's passing daily myself...
I'm really surprised that no-one else seems that bothered about this... Do they know something we don't?
Is there another ap that allows you to start a new Task/Appt/Message etc... with just a couple of clicks?
Hi there, I woke up this morning and ran Yahoo GO 3.0 Beta on my phone, and it did something it actually never did. It ran in Full screen mode, and for once I could see everything that it looked like. No part was cut out of the screen. The taskbar disappeared, and so did the one at the bottom, just plane full screen mode like when you watching a video. But after a while it went back to the normal way it use to be. But it was enjoyable while it lasted
So Please, my Question is; IS there a way to make programs run in full screen mode all the time? A Hack? Program to enable this? It would be highly appreciated if someone helps me shed some light on this.
Thanks in advance
what's yahoo go do?
Couldn't agree more...
I've been trying to find a solution to this problem too, for weeks now. I write a lot and all that screen space being wasted on the command bars in p-word is just silly. I found some toggles that kill the bottom bar on the today screen:
VJtoggletoday (sorry, can't find the download link right now)
But nothing like that that would work for other programs. From what I gather, Wisbar Advance can kill the bottom bar permanently, but I've been trying to learn it for about a week now and hell if I can figure out how to load a theme much less anything "advanced". Not the most intuitive piece of software.
I'm surprised that this is such a rarely brought up issue, especially with qvga devices.
hi, first i want thank damageless for an amazing mod, i'm really diggin it.
second, i have some questions, is there any way to make the phone not end the call when you press the hard key "end button", but rather just to turn the screen off? i finding myself accidentally pressing things with my cheek when i'm on the phone and i would like to be able to turn the screen off while i'm on a call.
also, is there a way to get rid of some apps, like sprint tv and some others without deleting the navigation?
check out "Proximity Sensor" by Tom Reay in the Marketplace. Kicks ass -- uses the light sensor to simulate and proximity sensor and "lock" the screen while you're in call. Just found it today -- works great for me!
GREAT find
Alternate end button fix ->
Remove unwanted apps ->
MOD EDIT - Moved to General discussion as not relevant to development
I'm sure removing the apps is possible because Fresh only comes with NFL. You can add the others as you wish, but they are removed by default.
check the themes section or the search button and all your questions will be answered
search button works wonders on "removing stock apps from htc hero"
Hi, long time casual forum reader having trouble with my galaxy note 3. I've found so much useful information on these forums it's the first place I decided to ask for help at after unable being to find any answer by searching Google or these forums. The problem:
Whenever I hold down my finger on the touchscreen it is not working properly. I am unable to drag and drop icons on the home screen by holding down then dragging them. I am unable to hold down on a link in Chrome and have the option menu appear which allows you to open in new tab. I CAN hold down and scroll the screen up/down.
I do not know what is causing this problem. I have in the past closed out various unknown/system services in the application manager but haven't ever disabled any. I have restarted my phone multiple times leaving it powered off for over a minute before repowering. I am using a tmobile galaxy note 3. That is not rooted. I have the most recent update from tmobile (installed it hoping that it would fix the problem). Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong or how to fix it? I'd be more than happy to provide more information if required.
Correct terminology?
If no one has any ideas for how to solve this problem, does anyone know the correct terminology to use to describe when you press and hold your finger down on the screen then try to drag? I'm thinking part of the problem I'm having with searching for a solution is that I'm using incorrect search terms to describe the problem. I've tried things like press and drag, long hold, drag and drop, and various other similar terms. I'm hoping the correct terminology might yield results related to this issue. Thanks!
I like my new S7 Edge, but I wish the home button wouldn't wake my phone display up when it's in my pocket: I don't want it to wake the phone up under any circumstances, after all there's a nice button on the side to do this . I had a web search, and found a number of suggestions to the effect that it's easy if it's rooted. But NO actual descriptions of how to do it. My phone is rooted and working well on Nougat using this excellent ROM:
I had a search in XDA too, but have still found nothing to suggest how I can do this. Can someone point me in the right direction please!
So no one knows? Somewhat astonishing. There are guides on how to do this on older Galaxies by remapping the keyboard tables but it would appear that the way these work has changed in Nougat. There is no HOME KEY WAKE, or anything like it, in the /system/usr keyboard tables. Key 143 in generic.kl says 'WAKEUP' and I've tried commenting this out, but there is no observable difference in behaviour.
I assume the function has moved elsewhere but I'm surprised that no one on XDA now knows how to mod this!
im looking for that too, cant find a solution.