FpseCE and the HD2... - HD2 General

i have made the decision to uninstall FpseCE
i love playing my old PSX games on my HD2, after reading the readme and following its instructions to the letter, it worked first time
the app i have no gripe with, yes it could be better but the developers have lives away from their PC's and cant dedicate all their time to satisfying my gaming fix.
On the HD2 with its MAHOOOSIVE screen, portable gaming has been a wonderful experience... Granturismo2, resi evil 2 and 3, tekken etc etc
1/ i am getting nothing done.
2/ the house is falling apart.
3/ the car has been sat on the drive for six months purely because it has a flat tyre.
4/ i keep missing my stops on buses and trains.
5/ i've fallen behind at work.
6/ the dog keeps coming to me with its bowl in its mouth like it wants something...id give it more attention if i could just beat this level!
7/ more importantly i'm single again...so will have to take up the chore of finding another female of our species in which to grow my brood.
on the plus side...
1/ i finally got 100% completion in GT2
erm, thats about it really...
so FpseCE is going, i must find something to feed my gaming fix in the mean time (like nicorette patches for smokers)
any ideas?

Wow, I've never finished GT2 on the PSX.. you got me interested!

its not easy! the licenses and endurance events are impossible without an external controller!
at least, they were for me and my clumsy hands lol
id just got back into resi-evil 2 im thinking i should at least finish that before uninstalling...

Hi there, are u using the supporters version? to enable multi-touch on our beloved HD2s? im considering getting the supporters version as well. though i wont be playing anything too time consuming. maybe metal slug or some fighting games. lol. does the multi-touch work well? do the controls work well? i know on the normal version its really hard to activate the buttons n all. lol

football_fan said:
Hi there, are u using the supporters version? to enable multi-touch on our beloved HD2s? im considering getting the supporters version as well. though i wont be playing anything too time consuming. maybe metal slug or some fighting games. lol. does the multi-touch work well? do the controls work well? i know on the normal version its really hard to activate the buttons n all. lol
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if you have an hd2 it is totally worth donating. its not much to ask for the years of hard work put into this emulator and the features you will have with the supporter version are a must have on HD2.

Yep, I love FpseCE. It's awesome, I basically got the HD2 for it. I find the controls ok, but I think I would struggle with fast paced games.
For Gran Truismo 2, the OP is right, getting gold in all the liscenses with the onscreen buttons would be impossible, but they are suitable for most races.
I play a lot of FF7, 8 and 9 as well, and perfect timing for the controls are not a big deal. This is where it comes into it's own.
I picked up the supporter version straight away, 5eur is nothing for what you are getting. I found a few games dont work, Metal Gear Solid is one, which is a pain but I think the developer is working on getting it up. Theme hospital is another that doesn't work that great.
On a side note, the developer seems to favour the HD2s, a lot of his time seems to be specifically developing for our device as it is so awesome and popular.

BMStalker said:
Yep, I love FpseCE. It's awesome, I basically got the HD2 for it. I find the controls ok, but I think I would struggle with fast paced games.
For Gran Truismo 2, the OP is right, getting gold in all the liscenses with the onscreen buttons would be impossible, but they are suitable for most races.
I play a lot of FF7, 8 and 9 as well, and perfect timing for the controls are not a big deal. This is where it comes into it's own.
I picked up the supporter version straight away, 5eur is nothing for what you are getting. I found a few games dont work, Metal Gear Solid is one, which is a pain but I think the developer is working on getting it up. Theme hospital is another that doesn't work that great.
On a side note, the developer seems to favour the HD2s, a lot of his time seems to be specifically developing for our device as it is so awesome and popular.
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Is there a thread dedicated to FpseCE? I am a bit special when it comes to things like this and would like a littles step by step guide on whats required, ive got as far as installing it .

djchubbs said:
Is there a thread dedicated to FpseCE? I am a bit special when it comes to things like this and would like a littles step by step guide on whats required, ive got as far as installing it .
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It's not too bad to do mate. Any help required, the FPSECE forums will help you out. There is a specific section for the HD2 and it's one of the most active sections of the website. The community is pretty helpful in general.

there is a dedicated thread for HD2 on there forum check it out no link cause im on me phone on the bus, but therw is a guy on that yhread he is awesome answers for any question.

cheers guys, will check it out, am i right in thinking the general concept is similar to mounting an ISO image using something like daemon tools on a PC?

djchubbs said:
cheers guys, will check it out, am i right in thinking the general concept is similar to mounting an ISO image using something like daemon tools on a PC?
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Yeah kindof, except it runs an emulator to actually read the data. The developer provides another tool called pocket ISO I think. This compresses the ISO's obtained from PSX disks to a smaller size and actually increases performance. Not sure of the math behind it, maybe stores the data in a way that FpseCE can access it better. Either way, smaller ISO files and more FPS. I am by no means an expert but if you get stuck, you could fire me a quick PM and I'll see what I can do.
Essentially you install the free version, install the supporter version, download the "HD2 pack" available from the forum under the HD2 section of the forum (sorry, no link, the site is banned at my work)
Pop the ISOs on you're memory card, and fire it up. Easy as that really, that's all I had to do.

BMStalker said:
Yeah kindof, except it runs an emulator to actually read the data. The developer provides another tool called pocket ISO I think. This compresses the ISO's obtained from PSX disks to a smaller size and actually increases performance. Not sure of the math behind it, maybe stores the data in a way that FpseCE can access it better. Either way, smaller ISO files and more FPS. I am by no means an expert but if you get stuck, you could fire me a quick PM and I'll see what I can do.
Essentially you install the free version, install the supporter version, download the "HD2 pack" available from the forum under the HD2 section of the forum (sorry, no link, the site is banned at my work)
Pop the ISOs on you're memory card, and fire it up. Easy as that really, that's all I had to do.
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thanks a lot, seems pretty much how i thought, i'll give it a go later when im home from work.


Games on the HD2

A key feature that I'm hoping the HD2 does well is emulation. Running morphgear on my Touch HD worked alright. You couldn't really get audio to sync or work right and framerate wasn't that great either. Now with the HD2 you got multitouch support and better hardware, so it should be an awesome experience. Has anybody tried running any emulation apps on the HD2 yet?
Also the TG01 plays PSX games flawlessly check out these links:
Anybody test this out on the HD2?
I dream of being able to play PSP games on the HD2
FpSECE should run like a charm on this monster (also without any bluetooth gamepad due the enourmous screen size). I think there are going to be alot of capacitive-scree-like-games for windows mobile now also. Pfff can.t wait to get my hands on this baby )
snowblindd said:
FpSECE should run like a charm on this monster (also without any bluetooth gamepad due the enourmous screen size). I think there are going to be alot of capacitive-scree-like-games for windows mobile now also. Pfff can.t wait to get my hands on this baby )
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If you think that most of developers are going to make capacitive-like-games for windows mobile when only one device support it instead of putting their efforts on games for the iphone and android, you are going crazy.
^^ Second that! Don't keep your hopes up for any Multitouch based games for atleast another year.
Windows Mobile 7 might change that. But till then, its no use dreaming
I remember when xtract (or whatever it was called was released), this was such a fantastic game and showed what could be possible on the WM platform.
sadly, the popularity of the iphone means that most developers are working on apps for that phone instead. The main reason behind this is that every developer knows almost exactly what he will have to work with on an iphone. With WM there are too many variations of screen resolution to consider, memory restrictions etc
in addition, the relatively high cost of apps on WM (compared to the thousands of 0.59p for iphone)means that they don't sell quite so many and the demand isn't there.
it's sad, but this is perhaps the reason that WM is dying as a platform.
I saw an article the other day that said that itunes had hit the 100,000 mark for apps. I think that's an increase of about 25,000 apps in a single year. WM cannot even get close to that figure..
Well, out of those 100,000 apps 99,900 are useless fart apps and such, not the kind of games we are talking about here. App Store allows you to sell whatever you want and since there's no return policy you can have people paying for your app, no matter if it is good or not.
This is not to say there are no great games for the iPhone of course! Yet the mere number of apps there isn't really an indicator of quality.
you're right ( I question your accuracy though )
but the point is, that people are spending time creating 'useless' apps for the iphone....very few people are creating anything for WM
twisted-pixel said:
it's sad, but this is perhaps the reason that WM is dying as a platform.
I saw an article the other day that said that itunes had hit the 100,000 mark for apps. I think that's an increase of about 25,000 apps in a single year. WM cannot even get close to that figure..
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I think we do need to make some difference between a big number, and quality programs... How many programs are not just total useless "fart" and other idiotic crap programs.
Its easy to claim that they have 100.000 programs, when most are close to useless.
You forgot to post a more recent one. This one showes the touchscreen in action on the TG01, with the overlay:
Its actually kinda playable just using a Single Touch Resistive screen.
A quick look at the forum of the FpseCE emulator shows that people are interested in the HD2.
People here question if its useful for developers to create games for a single platform. But, the specs for WM7 are know. They know that every device in the future will have at minimum, the same specs as the HTC HD2, to be compatible with the WM7 OS. So, for many developers the HTC HD2 will probable be a nice development / testing platform for the future.
Also, when looking at the PSX emulator, that now on a Snapdragon can play about every PSX game... This is a game library of? How many hundred games? Including hits like FF7, etc ...
What about the N64 emulator that they are porting for the openPandora project, on a TI OMAP 3430? When the source is released and recompiled for WM, you can expect to also that game library...
This is what im really excited about, FpSECE on the HD2 will be amazing, it just needs either multitouch support or we need a controller we can use with the HD2.
twisted-pixel said:
but the point is, that people are spending time creating 'useless' apps for the iphone....very few people are creating anything for WM
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Well, why wouldn't they spend time? If you put a fart app in App Store, chances are, somebody will pay for it by mistake, and won't be able to claim money back.
loomx said:
This is what im really excited about, FpSECE on the HD2 will be amazing, it just needs either multitouch support or we need a controller we can use with the HD2.
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In fpsece 0.1 there are overlays so no need for a controller(and it supports multitouch if I recall correctly).
Meh, regarding an entertainment perspective, I never really understood why games should be on phones. Sure the usual, patience or bubble breaker is nice, but if you really want to play games, I suggest getting an xbox360 or ps3, it's what I use mine for anyway.
KrewCial said:
Meh, regarding an entertainment perspective, I never really understood why games should be on phones. Sure the usual, patience or bubble breaker is nice, but if you really want to play games, I suggest getting an xbox360 or ps3, it's what I use mine for anyway.
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You don't travel much, do you?
PSP then?
KrewCial said:
PSP then?
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Carrying around two devices is just too inconvenient.
Could the HD2 even handle PSP Game's graphics??
Toss3 said:
Carrying around two devices is just too inconvenient.
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Meh, when I travel, I don't mind carrying another device with me. Playing games on your phone only drains the battery even more, leaving less juice to make business calls.
KrewCial said:
Meh, when I travel, I don't mind carrying another device with me.
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That's a bit like arguing that there's no point in putting a camera into a phone because, when you travel, you don't mind taking a camera with you. That may be true as far as it goes; but having a camera in your phone becomes useful in situations where you didn't know in advance that you were going to need a camera and then suddenly realise that you do - conveniently, you just happen to have one with you because it's built into a device that you automatically carry with you at all times. The same applies to gaming on a phone: it's useful in situations where you didn't know in advance that you were going to want a gaming device.
You also have to ask: even if you are willing to pack a separate portable console, are you willing to pack a portable games console, a phone, an MP3 player, a mobile web browsing device, a mobile email terminal, a dedicated satnav device, and a portable video player? That's quite a lot to fit in your trouser pockets. There's a lot to be said for combining multiple devices into the same box.
Shasarak said:
are you willing to pack a portable games console, a phone, an MP3 player, a mobile web browsing device, a mobile email terminal, a dedicated satnav device, and a portable video player? That's quite a lot to fit in your trouser pockets.
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You forgot to mention all the chargers too
It's not like chargers take that much space... it's just one small bag. Besides, nowadays there are these universal extensions and what not if I'm correct if you really mind taking multiple chargers with you. Furthermore, if you have one device which you use for everything, you're gonna need to charge it more often, while this is not the case when using multiple devices, just to make clear that having an all-in-one device is not as heavenly as it might seem (or you're gonna have to take ALL those multiple batteries with you ).
Also, comparing taking a picture and gaming with and on a phone is not entirely just, because when one wants to game, he/she has to sit down and put time into gaming, while taking a snapshot is almost instant. What I'm trying to say is that when someone is playing a full blown 3D game (which is what is actually discussed here instead of patience, minesweeper or whatever), that person wants to put in time to focus on the game. In this case it's much better to use a dedicated device and not some emulator on a phone to play ps1 games while draining your battery life. And yes, if someone wants to take beautiful high resolution pictures, that person will take a quality camera with him/her.
Eventually it all comes down to preference I guess...


Anyone got a version of dosbox that works on the hd2?
Audio Oblivion said:
Anyone got a version of dosbox that works on the hd2?
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would be possible, not to hard, but we have to make a control scheme for every game apart.
Commander keen, biomenace and c&c on HD2 would be awesome.
Descent 3 using the G sensor would be awesome - lots more potential with dosbox and its like than with console emulators.
xedahh said:
Descent 3 using the G sensor would be awesome - lots more potential with dosbox and its like than with console emulators.
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problem is still that so few good developers are interested in windows mobile...
It would be super...but there's not a big chance we will have a dev that will work on this.
Cant hurt to ask but i doubt they even wanna reply to this thread.
I use dosbox on my pc to run wolfenstein 3d and quake. If your interested in running wolf3d on your HD2 then check THIS out, I havent got it working yet, (not that Ive tried much) but you might, Im not sure if its designed for wvga devices as I can get it running, but it doesnt fill up the whole screen so i keep cliking the manila soft keys
Sorry, went a little off topic there
borgqueenx said:
would be possible, not to hard, but we have to make a control scheme for every game apart.
Commander keen, biomenace and c&c on HD2 would be awesome.
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This sounds good, when we can expect your fingerfriendly version of DosBox ?
Here a Pocket PC port.
AnnaW said:
This sounds good, when we can expect your fingerfriendly version of DosBox ?
Here a Pocket PC port.
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i'd be happy to make control schemes, but someone with photoshop skills should fill the buttons i will make in MS paint
First we need that port to support multitouch screens and cotrol schemes.
If that port works and is not fake, then it would be a piece of cake for the developer to add this.
I cant code that launguage however, but have enough knowledge if things in coding terms are easy or not.
Wait...can someone try the DOSBox PPC toolbar editor...maby it is for mapping keys to the touchscreen...
But it would still be hard without transparant buttons.
Would be awesome to have a functional dosbox on the HD2. the processor of the device should have enough power to handle all retro games.
if you guys can try commander keen 4 on your HD2 and it works, let me know. i will map the rest of all schemes because im a huge fan of dosbox.
I do think its for the lower part of the screen for touch controls. someone would have to try the port though.
I do have photoshop and fireworks but don't seem to be able to bring any alpha channels into the tool - I have a test RGBA png file attached in case anyone can figure it out.
Probably more to the point - this PPC port of dosbox does not support wvga, not even sure if it supports vga, maybe we're barking up the wrong tree?
xedahh said:
I do have photoshop and fireworks but don't seem to be able to bring any alpha channels into the tool - I have a test RGBA png file attached in case anyone can figure it out.
Probably more to the point - this PPC port of dosbox does not support wvga, not even sure if it supports vga, maybe we're barking up the wrong tree?
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time to contact the creator i guess. lets hope he's still interested.
who is the lead dev for the dosbox port?
are they still developing?
Audio Oblivion said:
who is the lead dev for the dosbox port?
are they still developing?
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Dont know and i dont know. Pressing the "help me" links gives you a mail adress though. Try to use that.
Well I thought I'd post about my success in getting some dos games running on the Leo. Personally, I'm far more interested in running dos games than console games, so I hope others will join in and share their experiences here also so we can get a bit of momentum going.
First impressions were that it was a bit of a mixed bag. There is not a clear winner in term of dos emulation for the Leo in terms of taking advantage of the screen resolution, cpu and achieving broad game compatibility.
Speaking generally, n0p's port has the most attention on XDA as far as I can see, and perhaps rightly so in terms of the kernel, but I think the praise is overdone where the Leo is concerned as it is a very awkward experience using it on the Leo. Even with the 0.73 version, the lack of WVGA support means that we're stuck with big piece of unused screen realestate and a tiny, horrible keyboard overlay at the bottom that is barely usable. PocketDos has a much better UI in that regard, with the option of using your own pim, although it doesn't run the more sophisticated/demanding games as well as DosBox.
Betrayal at Krondor
I got BAK working, albeit slowly, on N0p's port. The speed is reasonable -- much better than the Symbian DoxBox port I was running on
my E71. Audio in particular is much closer to what it should be. It still judders enough to be annoying instead of easy listening, but it's close enough that I wonder whether smaller memory optimisations or tweaks might make it work properly. The lack of WVGA resolution really hurts in combat though, because hitting the right grid square is pretty hard and makes it a bit of a chore to play. At least when adventuring you can use the stick-to-road button to travel easily about Midkemia. Not sure how to right-click consistently either.
I couldn't get BaK to run on Pocket Dos, although I suspect it might work with different memory settings. From what I recall, it needed a healthy EMS allocation to work back in the day.
Jones in the Fast Lane
With Jones, it's the opposite to BaK. It really struggles on N0p's port but absolutely flies on Pocket Dos. It's actually perfect (although I had sound down so can't comment on audio). The ability to resize the screen and change to landscape makes it a wonderful experience.
N0p's port can run Jones but only barely - the cursor is bugged with the touchscreen so that you can't select anything on the right-hand-side of the screen and it's also nowhere near as fast or smooth as on Pocket Dos. Don't know why it struggles so much as it isn't a very demanding game.
Given the lack of a WVGAFix for WM6.5, Pocket UFO won't work on the Leo and we're stuck with running UFO on dos. Here, n0p's port is the best. It's fairly playable although, again, surprising slow. Unfortunately Pocket Dos wouldn't load it properly.
Here's a list of games I intend to try in the near future:
Space Quest series
Police Quest series
Heroes Quest series
Dune 2
As far as I can understand there is no properly working dosbox for Leo.
I wish I can play Commander Keen. That's my favorite dos game. I guess we can only hope that someone will port a proper dosbox version to the Leo.
Any updates or so for Dos games to play on the HD2 yet? I know id love this as well. =)
I have been interested in the HD2, but I've been curious about Dos emulation. I don't own any WP devices at the moment.
I realize this thread is a few years old, but are there any updates since this last post?

Capacitive hell

I recently bought a HD2 and I think I have made a great mistake. I fell for the "capacitive screen" hype and bought this device. I found I cannot click the links on a website without zooming in. I cannot play Warfare Incorporated. I cannot use VNC. This is very annoying, coming from a resistive device. The device is practically useless to me know. I know of two capacitive styluses : the Dagi and the Pogo. Neither of them work properly with VNC and small icons on Opera without zooming in. What can I do ?
alunalub said:
I recently bought a HD2 and I think I have made a great mistake. I fell for the "capacitive screen" hype and bought this device. I found I cannot click the links on a website without zooming in. I cannot play Warfare Incorporated. I cannot use VNC. This is very annoying, coming from a resistive device. The device is practically useless to me know. I know of two capacitive styluses : the Dagi and the Pogo. Neither of them work properly with VNC and small icons on Opera without zooming in. What can I do ?
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Check out point 35
Please try search before posting
romac said:
Check out point 35
Please try search before posting
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Thanks for that but can I use VNC on it ? Warfare Incorporated ? Not even talking about my fav. application on Windows Mobile = Age of Empires Gold Edition that does not work because of WVGA. Can I copy the HTC magnetic capacitive stylus somehow to get a better stylus than the Dagi as HTC do not sell it yet ?
alunalub said:
Thanks for that but can I use VNC on it ? Warfare Incorporated ? Not even talking about my fav. application on Windows Mobile = Age of Empires Gold Edition that does not work because of WVGA. Can I copy the HTC magnetic capacitive stylus somehow to get a better stylus than the Dagi as HTC do not sell it yet ?
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Then I suggest you return the HD2 and go for a TP2 or HD. If these things are important to you, a capacitive screen will not please you.
Unfortunately I cannot return it now. I love the fact that it can play FPSECE perfectly and I love how you don't have to press hard on the display but IMHO the benefits are smaller than the bad things. I should have probably gone with the N900, even if it is really slow and old-tech compared to the HD2. Any other options ?
once bought, either u learn to love it or hate it
lift still goes on
dun whin about it
If not happy, just switch to other phone that is resistive lcd
complaint and complaint are useless, HTC will not change HD2 to resistive lcd if u complaint
It also wont just change to resistive lcd overnite if u complaint hard enough
There is not cannot return now....
u sell it away and get your other phone
just a matter of do you want or not.
Juz 2cent thot, esp when i see ppl whin and whin whereby you always have a choice
alunalub said:
Thanks for that but can I use VNC on it ? Warfare Incorporated ? Not even talking about my fav. application on Windows Mobile = Age of Empires Gold Edition that does not work because of WVGA. Can I copy the HTC magnetic capacitive stylus somehow to get a better stylus than the Dagi as HTC do not sell it yet ?
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I use Mocha VNC on mine and it works well considering the physical size of the screen you are working in comparison to the native resolution of the host PC/server. I used to use on an Xda Orbit II, but the HD2 is a quantum leap above that.
As for the games not being compatible, have you thought about taking your whiny complaints to the software houses who don't write their software to be compatible with the current screen resolutions? Better still, why not get a dedicated games console or dare I say, an iPad?
So the phone/screen sucks because you can't play your stupid games on it? are you stupid?
lude219 said:
So the phone/screen sucks because you can't play your stupid games on it? are you stupid?
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Also, what's the motivation to use VNC over RDP?
lude219 said:
So the phone/screen sucks because you can't play your stupid games on it? are you stupid?
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Yes he is, but I was too polite to point out the bleeding obvious.
alunalub said:
Unfortunately I cannot return it now. I love the fact that it can play FPSECE perfectly and I love how you don't have to press hard on the display but IMHO the benefits are smaller than the bad things. I should have probably gone with the N900, even if it is really slow and old-tech compared to the HD2. Any other options ?
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I think what yu need is a PS-3.. LOL.. not a phone..
I had samsung i900 omnia previously and it has resistive touch after i bought HD2 even with bigger screen (samsung had 3.2inch) i couldn't work with the phone and i had the same problem i can't click on website links and etc.
but now i can do it very easily it is just matter of time trust me then you will love it and you won't work with resistive
P.S now i have problems working with resistive tocuh screen as i try to click things by finger and not nail
prateekgujral said:
I think what yu need is a PS-3.. LOL.. not a phone..
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lol! !
Let's not be that harsh. The OP was just asking for help.
Never played anything more than Teeter on my HD2, so can't be of much help wrt games, except to say that I'm sure you'll have no problems finding an existing HD owner on these forums who would be more than eager to swop with you for your HD2 at no extra cost!
Very funny people. Calling me "*** stupid" when I just asked for your opinions. Way to go !
alunalub said:
Very funny people. Calling me "***stupid" when I just asked for your opinions. Way to go !
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OK, only one person called you stupid so don't assume everybody thinks you as that... Is just not so many people buy a 600 euro phone to play games on it... My advice on your problem is to be a bit patient and you will get use it... like everybody else did... I had no problems when i changed over from my hd, adjusting to the capacitive and i did play a few games as well... Mind you the games you mentioned are not meant to be played (imho) on a non-stylus screen, thus a resistive one.. I am sure soon you can get your hands on yet more games
see... as someone pointed out, You'll more likely get used to it. I was bit worried about lack of precision, but now after almost two months of use I wouldn't swap it for anything else. I don't play games much, but I've donated for fpsece and if I am bored away from home I play Gran Turismo 2 and Final Fantasy VII with full speed and multitouch. also as an owner of pc heroes of might and magic 2 gold I've installed on my card emulated version of it and it just works great. movies are being played without any reencoding (w/o ac3... still waiting for it coreplayer... ) and web browsing with opera is so damn good, that I doubt if firefox on n900 is much better (except for the flash ofcourse).
You made a right decision, just type more on hd2 and get 1.66 rom. things are going to improve for You. trust me.
Well, why not buy a 600 euro phone to play games ? If I just wanted a simple phone I would have bought a cheap-a$$ Nokia for 20 pounds on eBay. I bought it to use it as a PSP, ebook reader, PMP, video player, Internet device etc.
alunalub said:
Well, why not buy a 600 euro phone to play games ? If I just wanted a simple phone I would have bought a cheap-a$$ Nokia for 20 pounds on eBay. I bought it to use it as a PSP, ebook reader, PMP, video player, Internet device etc.
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Alunalub.. no offense intended.. you would notice that a lot of us have been here for long and quite active in helping other members..
May I suggest for you to flash a nice cooked ROM.. (could recommend the Xanytech Evolution) and ofcourse the BSB tweaks to ride off problems like clicking of links etc..
Why dont you take a few mins and point of the problems/concerns you have and i can assure you that we will all try and help you out so that you can enjoy your phone
prateekgujral said:
Alunalub.. no offense intended.. you would notice that a lot of us have been here for long and quite active in helping other members..
May I suggest for you to flash a nice cooked ROM.. (could recommend the Xanytech Evolution) and ofcourse the BSB tweaks to ride off problems like clicking of links etc..
Why dont you take a few mins and point of the problems/concerns you have and i can assure you that we will all try and help you out so that you can enjoy your phone
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Very helpful response, thanks ! I think though that I will sell the HD2 and get a Viliv S5, a full 1.3 GHz x86 CPU that can run full Linux, Winblows etc. and 1 GB RAM for same price as this gimmick. Wish me luck to get a good deal !

Number of multitouch points capped!

the evo (and incredible) use an Atmel mXT224 touchscreen controller that boasts some impressive features, including unlimited multitouch point support.
however on every test i run, my evo is consistently locked at recognizing only two points at any given time. we know for a fact the physical hardware (the mXT224) can support many, many more. am i the first one to notice this?
and on top of that, as reported by another poster, Input Benchmark shows the detection rate is capped at a very low 30Hz.
has htc cut corners yet again? :/
Very interesting find but I have to say in the last 6 months of touchscreen ownership I haven't had the desire to touch the screen in more than 2 spots.
Sincerely curious what kind of scenario would call for more than 2 touch points on a 4.3" screen?
not entirely sure myself lol. but i'd imagine keyboard applications, music applications, etc. obviously atmel saw the need to develop a highly advanced controller chip - and it appears htc was too lazy to make a driver to fully support it.
You might be on to something with the keyboard point.
I was thinking more towards larger devices where you, or maybe more than one person play a game or manipulate pictures simultaneously.
I dunno. This device is so friggin amazing I am a-ok with the few "opportunities for improvement" that have been found so far. But I do think its great everyone is exploring it so thoroughly.
i agree with the question of, why are you going to be using more than two inputs at any given moment. im trying to think of cool applications, but they can all use two inputs instead of >2.
a combination "lock" to unlock the phone, yeah you COULD use 3,4 fingers to "turn" the dial, but you can do it with 1, so why the added work?
If I remember correctly, unlimited points of contact is supported by the chip, but Android is only programmed to recognize up to 2. The sensor supports so many points of contact because the same sensor can be used to power a device up to 10" I believe. So unlimited touch is there for devices with bigger screens who might benefit from more than 2 points of contact.
nenn said:
i agree with the question of, why are you going to be using more than two inputs at any given moment. im trying to think of cool applications, but they can all use two inputs instead of >2.
a combination "lock" to unlock the phone, yeah you COULD use 3,4 fingers to "turn" the dial, but you can do it with 1, so why the added work?
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Actually Android supports up to 3 simultaneous touch points and no more. That will probably change in a future update, but as of now thats how it stands. Its most likely because the coder of the app didn't handle it right.
And this post actually gives me an idea. How epic would it be to have an actual combination lock you turned with 2 fingers & entered a password!
Geniusdog254 said:
How epic would it be to have an actual combination lock you turned with 2 fingers & entered a password!
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That WOULD be cool!
Need for >2 fingers
nenn said:
i agree with the question of, why are you going to be using more than two inputs at any given moment. im trying to think of cool applications, but they can all use two inputs instead of >2.
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How about a piano program, or even a guitar chording program. Most people use more than 2 fingers when playing the piano. Try Sonic Mule's Magic Piano on the iPad to see what's possible with 10 fingers. For a piano duet, with one person on each side of the screen, you'd need to support 20 fingers. For a table-sized display with several people working around it (think MS Surface), you'd need unlimited fingers.
eburnette said:
How about a guitar chording program.
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excellent point!!
Geniusdog254 said:
Actually Android supports up to 3 simultaneous touch points and no more. That will probably change in a future update, but as of now thats how it stands. Its most likely because the coder of the app didn't handle it right.
And this post actually gives me an idea. How epic would it be to have an actual combination lock you turned with 2 fingers & entered a password!
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lol it didnt GIVE you an idea, it WAS the idea.
so far the only answer that ill give credit to is the piano app, the guitar chord app is kinda silly, youre not going to try and play a chord on the phone, you can just select the frets and it can tell you what the chord is. it would be silly to see people "playing" guitar on their phone.
ive started android development so perhaps ill write the combo lock screen myself.
Super Mario world > 2
That being said, I have no problem with my emulator recognizing 3 touch points, although it is a bit sketchy but I think that's just the emu
kaossssoak said:
Super Mario world > 2
That being said, I have no problem with my emulator recognizing 3 touch points, although it is a bit sketchy but I think that's just the emu
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its a phone, not a ***** SNES.
ive noticed people here want 100% control of their device, even if they wont use it, and WILL complain and cry and try to get out of their contract for it.
its sad really.
Lol, what is your problem man? Here I thought we were just discussing what kind of things would require more than 2 buttons. So off the top of my head I mentioned that. I really hope that rude comment was not implicated at me, as I was not *****ing about it, was merely saying that would take more than 2 buttons. Damn.
Take a chill pill. Gotta be all hateful and ****
in Chrono Trigger (old SNES game) I was playing on SNESOID, there is a part of the game where you have to hold down 3 keys at once to open a door. I was about to shoot myself until I found out you can assign all 3 keys to a single physical button
nenn said:
its a phone, not a ***** SNES.
ive noticed people here want 100% control of their device, even if they wont use it, and WILL complain and cry and try to get out of their contract for it.
its sad really.
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sounds like you need an iphone
kaossssoak said:
Lol, what is your problem man? Here I thought we were just discussing what kind of things would require more than 2 buttons. So off the top of my head I mentioned that. I really hope that rude comment was not implicated at me, as I was not *****ing about it, was merely saying that would take more than 2 buttons. Damn.
Take a chill pill. Gotta be all hateful and ****
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perhaps it was a bit harsh, but you have a phone, its not a computer, its not a video game system. yeah sure it has emulators and you CAN run games, but as a whole lets be serious here and the majorty of people will not use more than 2 fingers at a time.
if i want to play games, ill play on my ps3, if i want to play piano, ill play one where i have access to one (which i dont off hand, but i dont play piano)
its a smart phone, not a laptop replacement.
2 player Guitar Hero like games would need at least 4 fingers, and possibly more just so if one player put down 3 fingers it wouldn't screw the other player over.
nenn said:
perhaps it was a bit harsh, but you have a phone, its not a computer, its not a video game system. yeah sure it has emulators and you CAN run games, but as a whole lets be serious here and the majorty of people will not use more than 2 fingers at a time.
if i want to play games, ill play on my ps3, if i want to play piano, ill play one where i have access to one (which i dont off hand, but i dont play piano)
its a smart phone, not a laptop replacement.
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Nothing wrong with exploring new features. If all the devs thought like you android wouldn't be progressing as fast as it has and wouldnt have nearly the amount of cool features as it does now.
nenn said:
perhaps it was a bit harsh, but you have a phone, its not a computer, its not a video game system. yeah sure it has emulators and you CAN run games, but as a whole lets be serious here and the majorty of people will not use more than 2 fingers at a time.
if i want to play games, ill play on my ps3, if i want to play piano, ill play one where i have access to one (which i dont off hand, but i dont play piano)
its a smart phone, not a laptop replacement.
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This kind of thinking is what kills innovation.

After 5 months of ownership, I've put together my Xperia PLAY Review!

Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY 4G Review
"Bringing mobile smartphone gaming out of the touch-screen ghetto has never been better!"
The review's done, but I'm sure some tweaks could be made before it's truly complete.
Tell me what'cha think! Feel free to let me know if there's any extremely crucial things I neglected to mention.
I think you've been overly enthusiastic. You've failed to mention some shortcomings which may be important:
1) The device is meant to play games, but acquiring them is not something necessarily automatic. Gameloft, EA and others have been getting away with redirecting the user to their own stores and complicating the buying experience needlessly. And let's not forget the puny internal memory. The device is meant to play games, and the user is not supposed to go to XDA and find his hacks. Another jack-of-all-trades like the Samsung Galaxy S does have a lot of internal storage.
2) The device is meant to play PSX games (or so says Sony), but more than 6 months after it's out, there are none of those games for Verizon users and there are 6 (six, sechs, seis) games for the international ones. Let's not forget the absence of two shoulder buttons either. That shows that Sony wasn't taking the device seriously as for its retro-gaming experience.
3) The buttons were all designed and placed by a drugged monkey throwing darts at a drawing. The power button, which you actually should be able to access without looking at the device, is etched in, making it hard to find. And to make matters worse, the LED which is supposed to NOTIFY you of things is practically invisible, located there. The volume buttons are hard to press and barely indistinguishable. Did I mention you should be able to locate and distinguish them in the dark too, as you may be actually listening to music on your device?
The Play has the virtue of being a very lovable device: once you actually grab it, it's what you say, the jack-of-all-trades that many of us gamers have been dreaming of since we were little. Plus, the software side is good and it's been improving with time. Once it gets phased out with time we will fondly remember it and probably keep playing games on it because it plays them so flawlessly, and it will probably last us a lot of time because it does everything quite well. However, you need to spend time with it to know its beauties and get over its quirks. None of that is needed with the good old Galaxy S2, with its freaking gorgeous supercolored screen and its huge size and its super-fast everything.
Here is a six-month review which you may have read already, made by the great XperiaBlog team: http://www.xperiablog.net/2011/10/11/xperia-play-six-month-review/ As you can see, they're mostly in agreement with you, but there are other things to consider aside of how well it plays games and how all-around nice it is.
Logseman said:
I think you've been overly enthusiastic. You've failed to mention some shortcomings which may be important:
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I can see how the general point of me being overly enthusiastic could be true because I am enthusiastic about it... but I most certainly did mention the puny 400MB memory (twice, by mistake - making one mention sound totally out of place) as well as the notification light (which I also re-iterated a number of times).
The PSX emulation is a good point, but without PS Suite even being here, I have nothing to judge except that "filler" PlayStation Pocket app that not every R800 version has/can use. I could state the lack of PS Suite, but that's along the same lines as judging an unborn child for not ensuring the future of a family's business.
BTW, the lack of 2 triggers has already been accounted for... I'm sure you've seen the option of putting L2/R2 on the screen that PlayStation Pocket has (very effective IMO) and probably just didn't remember though.
Market division is also a good point - but that's not really something I can blame on the Xperia PLAY. It's EA and Gameloft's decision to fragment the market and that applies to all Android devices that can play their games. If anything, bringing that up would easily turn into a pro instead of a con since Xperia PLAY's Game Launcher congregates all that into one so that getting to the external markets is made just a bit simpler.
Still though, good stuff... I already have some ideas for changes.
Logseman said:
2) The device is meant to play PSX games (or so says Sony), but more than 6 months after it's out, there are none of those games for Verizon users and there are 6 (six, sechs, seis) games for the international ones.
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Just a small correction, in Europe there are 10 (ten, zehn, dez) PSX games available:
Cool Boarder 2
Destruction Derby
Jumping Flash
Syphon Filter
Kula World
Everybody's Golf 2
Jet Rider
Syphon Filter 3
Excellent review! I'm glad you recognized how awesome this phone is, but I feel like the GPS should have been more prominent. I mean, the Xperia Play has the best in-phone GPS I've ever used. I get a lock within seconds.
Once again great job on the review!
Two more quick things it seems, everyone else left off as shortcomings:
1. Finger prints on the screen: I had a Droid 1, wife has a Droid2 and 3 AND my Xperia seems to be the worst when it comes to fingerprints by far. I remember reading some early review a while back that also said the same thing. It seems the glass is missing some coating?
2. The 4 Android buttons do NOT light up!!
I still think this is horrible and can't believe Sony let this one leave the factory like this. AND to top things off, the buttons are placed next too each other. So in the dark NOT only can you not tell what button is which, u can't even see where one button starts and the other ends.
Yes, otherwise the review was very nice and I really need to check out that "hack" to move more apps to the SD card. The 400mb is another ridiculous thing.
PS: My last big dig is this one:
I love my phone as I assume all of you Xperia Play users do. BUT one of my biggest fears is that there is no follow-up.....where dose that leave us? The people that clearly love to be able to play games on our phones with physical buttons. Carrying around our old, deactivated (as a cell phone) WiFi only Xperia Play to use to play games. I really think Sony had something here but definitely fouled it up. From coming out in the US and the world 3 to 6 months later than it should to poor marketing to, still in my opinion, few games. Honestly, I still can not believe how big of a sales disappointment this phone has become. I was really expecting this phone to take off!!! It really had a niche and not just another iPhone wannabee copy. If you disagree I ask you two questions:
1. Have you ever actually seen/ met in person anyone else who has one?
2. Not every Verizon store carried the phone even when it was newer. (This was back in July)
Sad, I know.....
I haven't had a chance to read any of the reviews yet, but did anyone note that the buttons are way too hard to press without activating something on the screen due to the very small gap? I installed an Otterbox Commuter case which puts a ridge around the bottom so now it's almost impossible for me to press a key without also tapping on the screen. It was already difficult enough without the case but you could at least take note and be careful. Now I keep accidentally deleting email and such while I'm DELIBERATELY trying to avoid touching the screen!
I don't know what some of you are complaining about tbh, the only problem with the buttons is why did they bother putting a search button on it? Who actualy uses the search button?
And the fingerprint thing, I don't know if it's all models, but you realise there's a screen protector on it, right?
The only problem I haven't seen mentioned is the auto-rotate is abit to eager for a phone that big. Using it one handed and trying to press something on the left side of the screen often ends with the whole thing rotating when I don't want it to.
shiftylock said:
Excellent review! I'm glad you recognized how awesome this phone is, but I feel like the GPS should have been more prominent. I mean, the Xperia Play has the best in-phone GPS I've ever used. I get a lock within seconds.
Once again great job on the review!
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Thanks! And now that you mention it, the GPS is quite a bit snappier than it is on any other device I've used... then again, only ones I've used are the Xperia X10, my dad's Archos 500GB and my bro's Motorola Atrix.
It's made even a bit better because the original FW's had some serious connection issues. I had WiFi and GPS connection issues all the time, but 2.3.4 seems to just make everything absolutely badass.
The Alpha Gamer said:
The only problem I haven't seen mentioned is the auto-rotate is abit to eager for a phone that big. Using it one handed and trying to press something on the left side of the screen often ends with the whole thing rotating when I don't want it to.
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I notice that a bit too when trying to browse the net in bed. Sounds a bit nitpicky and it definitely isn't a dealbreaker, but just for the sake of my review not being just raw, unstoppable praise, I might find some way to work that in
The Alpha Gamer said:
Who actualy uses the search button?
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I do
It's a bit easier for me when searching the market, it quickly leads you to the "Xperia PLAY Optimized" search results of the market when you're in the Xperia PLAY Game Launcher, and you can tie a long-press function to it (if you're one of the people who care about stuff like voice controlling your phone while driving with Vlingo).
the Xperia play has its flaws, but I personally love the device and it will last me another year before I invest in newer devices.
TheCraig said:
the Xperia play has its flaws, but I personally love the device and it will last me another year before I invest in newer devices.
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At the rate it's getting games, I'm definitely gonna be interested more than a year
I was originally gonna go for raw power, but now that I have this phone in a place where I can measure and compare against my friends that have the Atrix, EVO 3D and Galaxy S2... Xperia PLAY, with it's Adreno-accelerated single-core is running Dead Space and Samurai II: Vengeance just as smoothly as the *top-tier* phones. Sorta makes me wonder what the point of all that power is.
TLRtheory said:
At the rate it's getting games, I'm definitely gonna be interested more than a year
I was originally gonna go for raw power, but now that I have this phone in a place where I can measure and compare against my friends that have the Atrix, EVO 3D and Galaxy S2... Xperia PLAY, with it's Adreno-accelerated single-core is running Dead Space and Samurai II: Vengeance just as smoothly as the *top-tier* phones. Sorta makes me wonder what the point of all that power is.
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Yeah I remember in July/August it had about half the games it has right now, Gameloft are optimizing one of their games at least once a month now, Xperia play is almost a year old and only now its getting good games.
The Alpha Gamer said:
Who actualy uses the search button?
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I use long pressing on the search button to pull up Quickdesk which I really like for multitasking.
You're right that I don't use the search button for anything else, but that's why it's a perfect shortcut key for Quickdesk. I would be sad if there was no search button
Totally read this title as "After 5 MINUTES of ownership..." Hahaha. Oops! Anyway, I think anyone who has an Xplay loves the crap out of it. It's a shame more people aren't picking it up, it's truly the ultimate device, even if just for the emulator/gamepad duo amazingness alone! I love this phone so dang much.
OK, so I've now read your real-world usage reviews and I have to ask: Did neither of you guys notice the complete lack of a timer or notes application?
With no prior Android experience and coming from the perspective as a long-time iOS user who is also very critical of iOS, I considered it a shortcoming of Android to have no base functionality to compare to such basic tasks for a smartphone.
Now, what's with the lack of features that they promote on their website? They once promoted a 3D Panorama image capture function but they killed it for some reason and edited it out of the feature list online. I suspect that this is due to the faulty/erratic motion sensor problems. I noticed last week on the same feature list that they were still promoting a screen capture tool activated by the power button when, even after updating, there was no such function. After mentioning it on their forums, there is now a "To enjoy this feature, you may need to update your phone software." message under it and another feature that isn't there yet even with the most current update: Gesture input function. The Verizon version has that message on an additional feature: The front facing camera with various video chat support.
I also find some of the "optimized" games have TERRIBLE default controls for it. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a good example. Download the demo and just try aiming with the virtual analog sticks and you'll right back to using the infinitely-better touch screen in disgust. Perhaps some mention could be made of it? Shadowgun isn't much better.
Erikwithafro said:
Totally read this title as "After 5 MINUTES of ownership..." Hahaha. Oops! Anyway, I think anyone who has an Xplay loves the crap out of it. It's a shame more people aren't picking it up, it's truly the ultimate device, even if just for the emulator/gamepad duo amazingness alone! I love this phone so dang much.
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That's what tells me that there must be something seriously wrong with mine.
Everything I did would hang, FC, crash, or chug. Even emulators were a problem. I just exchanged it so we'll see how things go.
You see, you have been a victim of AT&T, and of poor marketing. We R800i owners have screenshots, a proper front-facing camera and so on. No 3D panorama, of course, we didn't expect it with our crappy camera.
By the way, the lack of a default timer and notes app (among others which ch are natively offered in iOS) is something paradigmatic. It means that you can download them yourself. If you have seen some Android forums, you may have found many people who are developing ROMs and content which wipes most of the phone's default applications. People don't necessarily value what comes with the phone.
Nice review the play is getting better with all the new games.
SE have also supported their whole XPERIA line extremely well I say they have come from being the worst to the best .
Don't worry anout some of the critics of your review no phone is perfect, this is a very good first attempt at a gaming SmartPhone. Lets hope SE make a sequel.
ministroni said:
I use long pressing on the search button to pull up Quickdesk which I really like for multitasking.
You're right that I don't use the search button for anything else, but that's why it's a perfect shortcut key for Quickdesk. I would be sad if there was no search button
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Hehe, I actually use it for Auto Rotate Switch off app. I find the Xplay to rotate way too often if I tilt it just a little bit. Gets annoying at times.
Oh god I love my play so much. I thought about getting the galaxy nexus!! But no SD card slot no dice I have a 32 gb card won't let it collect dust.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
enerp8 said:
Just a small correction, in Europe there are 10 (ten, zehn, dez) PSX games available:
Cool Boarder 2
Destruction Derby
Jumping Flash
Syphon Filter
Kula World
Everybody's Golf 2
Jet Rider
Syphon Filter 3
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Can anyone confirm that its possible to purchases these if you change the market's region or are will still stuck with it recognizing US hardware revisions?

