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apparently if you call HTC enough times the headphones do come into stock magically.


Phone won't properly switch from vibrate to sound

at&t 8525 owner, here.
So, I've had this issue for a little while now after I flashed Shadow TE ROM. But it's continued since then... so here's the issue:
I go into work and turn the phone onto vibrate. After I leave work, I switch back to sound on (ring & vibrate). Even though the icon shows the sound is back on, it's not. It only vibrates. It acts as if the speaker is still asleep.
So for awhile I'd have to reset my phone every day to get it working again until I realized I can go into sound settings / notifications and I find that the phone's jumped back to the default ringtone and more than that, I have to literally push PLAY to test the sound in order for the speaker to "wake up" if you will. Then the phone's fine until the next day.
Ok so back to present:
I got fed up and thought it was Shadow TE. So I flashed CRC's v9.2 ROM. Still had the same speaker issue! I was advised to flash a shipped rom.... which I did.... and flashed CRC's v11. Issue still remains.
I've searched the board and could only find one other person make mention of this a couple years ago and no one ever addressed it. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd appreciate it greatly.
Same problem here with a custom Titan ROM. Installed the same software as every other ROM that I've used so the problem must be in the ROM somewhere.
nonegiven said:
Same problem here with a custom Titan ROM. Installed the same software as every other ROM that I've used so the problem must be in the ROM somewhere.
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Could be... but why does no one else seem to have this issue? Wouldn't there be tons of people replying here?
I did find that instead of switching it to vibe when I arrive at work, I switch it to silent... and SOMETIMES when I go back to Sound it works ok for a few hours but then it goes back to silent without warning so I miss calls and texts a lot. Might as well force the sound back on through Notifications Menu anyway. I'm SO getting away from Windows Mobile ASAP.
As soon as the Blackberry Bold is released here in the US, I'm buying it.... unless something about it disappoints me, in which case I'll settle for the iPhone 3G. The Bold can't come soon enough.
Who would like to claim this Hermes when I'm through with it? What are you willing to pay?
Try making sure that your ringers are in the windows\rings folder. Saw it somewhere else and it seems to be working.
nonegiven said:
Try making sure that your ringers are in the windows\rings folder. Saw it somewhere else and it seems to be working.
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Hmm... I tried putting them in, like, 4 places... but none of them seemed to be that location. I'm doing it now and I'll test tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.... i hope it works.
cozbaldwin said:
Hmm... I tried putting them in, like, 4 places... but none of them seemed to be that location. I'm doing it now and I'll test tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.... i hope it works.
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Sorry to report that this didn't help.
C'mon AT&T... release the Bold.... let's get this thing released already...
cozbaldwin said:
Sorry to report that this didn't help.
C'mon AT&T... release the Bold.... let's get this thing released already...
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Don't know what to tell you then. Make sure you're not running any 3rd party software.

(Fix) Audio loss soon

by request ill make an update.zip for audio loss for eris users.
im leaving for nashville tonight so i wont be doing any work this weekend.
so i need responses on this thread on what roms DO NOT cause audio loss.
please discuss and come to an agreement on the best rom for me to pull the kernel.
mods please do not move this as i will be updating soon with fix.
What is the fix for? I know on my phone sometimes I can't hear anything when making a call.
I run my own Rom and kernel on my phone so can you just supply the fixed files or tell what they are and I will pull from the zip
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what audio loss?, I've tried every rom and havn't had this problem yet.. are you talking about the dreaded audio bug? I am famililar with that as im on a refurb now from that. pre root tho.
If you mean that ringtones go silent with no warning then ZenEXP-Eris Espresso ~Rev7~ does have the issue, EE 3.0 does not so far.
I had that problem big time with Ivan's Official but with JCase's Plain Jane I havent had the problem at all.
I have that issue with the cyanogen roms and ic3rom. But as far as I've noticed the zenEXP and damageR roms do not have this issue. At least for me anyway.
I'd really like to run cyanogenELB, but the loss of audio is a deal breaker.
Renocat said:
If you mean that ringtones go silent with no warning then ZenEXP-Eris Espresso ~Rev7~ does have the issue, EE 3.0 does not so far.
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I'm experiencing audio loss, as far as loss of ringtone, on EE 3.0 for the last 2 days. Totally silent for every call coming in. I have rebooted, gone to a backup, not sure whats going on.
LiverpoolsNo9 said:
I'm experiencing audio loss, as far as loss of ringtone, on EE 3.0 for the last 2 days. Totally silent for every call coming in. I have rebooted, gone to a backup, not sure whats going on.
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When i have had the issue before, going into to settings and resetting the rigntone worked. It would be set on default ringtone, not what I had assigned. I put it back to what i wanted and it would ring again. same thing with notifications
Can't Wait
I am using Ivans official and have had this problem a couple of times. When I place a call I hear nothing. The call goes thru on the other end but on mine its like the speaker just refuses to work. I have been wiping dalvik to temp fix the problem. Very annoying. Can't wait for the fix. Thanks in advance.
Using the rooted version of leak3 and also have the same problem with loss of audio. Reboot only way to resolve it.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Having the audio loss (go to make a call every once in a while and the phone is silent and I have to reboot) on Evil Eris 2.0.1. Also, the alarm sometimes does not go off.
Avalaunchmods said:
by request ill make an update.zip for audio loss for eris users.
im leaving for nashville tonight so i wont be doing any work this weekend.
so i need responses on this thread on what roms DO NOT cause audio loss.
please discuss and come to an agreement on the best rom for me to pull the kernel.
mods please do not move this as i will be updating soon with fix.
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I know you say DO NOT CAUSE AUDIO LOSS, but it seems like a lot of people are letting you know about their audio loss.
Sorry, but I figure I will add to this since others are speaking about Evil Eris.
For me, I get the silent bug (meaning all audio stops working: email notification, text, volume, music, ringtone selector, alarm tone--<when SB happens and I am trying to select a ringtone or alarm tone I get a FC for HTC sound something another>>--)
I have had this with EE 2.0, 2.0.1, and 3.0. My wife however is still on 2.0.1 and has never had the silent bug issue.
Also, for me, I do not get the shutter sound in camera, meaning when you take a picture it makes that camera sound noise. This happens without the silent bug, just don't get sound.
On AF http://androidforums.com/htc-droid-eris/99973-found-what-causes-silence-lag.html this may or may not help you.
This seems to happen to me about every 24-26 hours.
And most importantly, THANK YOU for looking into this and trying to fix it!!!!!!!
edit: I wanted to clear up, I love Evil Eris! I mean no disrespect to this fantastic ROM or to Frame!!!
cabbie12 said:
I am using Ivans official and have had this problem a couple of times. When I place a call I hear nothing. The call goes thru on the other end but on mine its like the speaker just refuses to work. I have been wiping dalvik to temp fix the problem. Very annoying. Can't wait for the fix. Thanks in advance.
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I'm have the same problem using Ivans official. Not sure but i think the problem starts when I'm using data and then receive a call. When I answer I hear nothing and when I try to call back I hear nothing. I just reboot to fix.
Just wanted to give an update.
I flashed Sushi last night http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701544 and am still having the silent bug making me a strong believer that I have a hardware issue.
Somewhere I read someone is thinking it has to do with the proxy sensor. Today I had silence twice, that's 2 times in just a few hours, this has never happened before. Also, each time today happened within an hour of using the camera (and I still have no shutter sound with this ROM).
I failed to mention last night that I am on an old Radio
I am sorry if I sound like a post whore but I just want to give accurate observations.
Seems that every time I use the camera or open the camera to browse pics it seems to somehow trigger this problem. The only time I've ever had this problem was after using the camera.
cabbie12 said:
Seems that every time I use the camera or open the camera to browse pics it seems to somehow trigger this problem. The only time I've ever had this problem was after using the camera.
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Yes, I am now thinking it has something to do with the camera. I just got the silent bug again, 3rd time today, this was after I used the camera this evening to test and see if the silent bug would happen. This time it took 90 minutes when before it seemed to happen within an hour.
I had identified the bug a while back, but no one took any interest.
I'm glad to see that more people are becoming aware of it. Hope someone finds a fix soon. The only ROM that I'm aware of that isn't having this issue is the original 1.5.
just asking
im not sure what this trouble everyone is having but im not having any problems besides mms needing the fix but other wize no other issues sound included
Well I assure you this issue is very real and very annoying. I wish I were lucky enough to not have to deal with it, but thats not the case. Can't wait till I don't have to deal with it anymore.
cabbie12 said:
Well I assure you this issue is very real and very annoying. I wish I were lucky enough to not have to deal with it, but thats not the case. Can't wait till I don't have to deal with it anymore.
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im not sayin it aint happening just didnt know it was a wide spread thing thats all

[Q] Ear speaker not working directly after root!

I've been reading all day and night and haven't found anything in any of the related threads about this, so I finally decided to post my own.
Last night I rooted my evo using unrevoked and shortly thereafter noticed that I had lost audio in the ear speaker.. or whatever it is called. I can still call and hands-free and the loudspeaker still work.
I tried flashing a few different ROMs thinking that it would solve the problem, and it didn't. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
badf1sh said:
I've been reading all day and night and haven't found anything in any of the related threads about this, so I finally decided to post my own.
Last night I rooted my evo using unrevoked and shortly thereafter noticed that I had lost audio in the ear speaker.. or whatever it is called. I can still call and hands-free and the loudspeaker still work.
I tried flashing a few different ROMs thinking that it would solve the problem, and it didn't. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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I'm having the same problem with HTC Wildfire!
maybe try un-rooting then re-rooting my evo was tricky to root at first second time around worked fine. hope this helps
Sounds like you guys need to run the RUU, just make sure you run the one that has an hboot that matches your current one.

I have a bit of a problem

Hello to any and all that might be reading this thread. Before I start off, allow me to say that I have attempted to search for a solution in other threads and I have found nothing. If any of you can find another thread doing so, please let me know
Anyways, my current issue is that during phone calls, I cannot hear the other person calling me. I can repeatedly speak and the person calling will be able to hear me but I am not able to hear them speak. In addition, I am able to make phone calls, but in the process of doing so, there is no dial tone and I cannot hear anything until I put the phone into speaker mode.
I originally thought it was perhaps an ROM issue, so I did the usual power down and battery pull and nothing occurred. I then proceeded to flash over my current ROM with the same zip (there hasn't been an update) and still nothing. If anybody can help me, it would great by appreciated.
I should also note that I am running Virtuous G-Lite 2.0.1 and have attempted to search for an solution in that particular thread before posting here. Thanks in advance!
if a full wipe and a flash of a stable rom won't fix this, then its a hardware faliure. chances are you need a new speaker
so either use headphone jack, speakerphone speaker, or replace the internal one
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium

[Q] HELP! Nexus 4 Original Audio File Needed

Hello everyone...
I ordered a Nexus 4 right before the announce date of the new Nexus 5, and it was straight from Google Play in the US. When I received the phone I had no chance to check it out since it uses the micro sim and I was leaving next day morning to another country.
Reached my final destination, and got me a new sim card "micro", inserted the sim card and as soon as i powered it on, it asked me for an update! The phone came with stock rom 4.3 and it asked for two updates:
4.4 and then it updated it self to 4.4.2 Kitkat
After the phone updated it self, I tried to use it by making a phone call and guess what? No audio, neither from my end or the other end, even the voip applications such as skype, viber or any other calling app..
Found also that my mic doesn't record at all in any of the apps, neither video, or even with a headphone mic!
I have searched the internet for such problem, and it appeared there are 1000's of people complaining about the no call audio issue. Some of my friends recommended me to ask my question here in your forum, since there are a lot of talented people around and here I am..
I checked your forum before posting this thread, and non of the cases applies to me at all. But!! The only thing that I came a cross is this link:
When i did that fix, I was able to hear the ring through the wired earphones during the regular outbound voice calls. And I was able to make voip calls through skype, viber and majictalk. ONLY THROUGH the wired headphones.
And got stock now at that point and I don't know what to do next...
So my question is:
Can any of you guys can help me out by attaching/sending a fully functioning Nexus 4 running 4.4.2 rom >> snd_soc_msm_2x_Fusion3 file??
That would be my last chance before tossing that piece of garbage in the trash.. I want to try the snd_soc_msm_2x_Fusion3 of a normal phone since the one I have changed, for some reason the lines never matched the original thread by big time!
Please let me know if any of you can upload one.
Kind regards and thanks in advance
Kiranov said:
Hello everyone...
I ordered a Nexus 4 right before the announce date of the new Nexus 5, and it was straight from Google Play in the US. When I received the phone I had no chance to check it out since it uses the micro sim and I was leaving next day morning to another country.
Reached my final destination, and got me a new sim card "micro", inserted the sim card and as soon as i powered it on, it asked me for an update! The phone came with stock rom 4.3 and it asked for two updates:
4.4 and then it updated it self to 4.4.2 Kitkat
After the phone updated it self, I tried to use it by making a phone call and guess what? No audio, neither from my end or the other end, even the voip applications such as skype, viber or any other calling app..
Found also that my mic doesn't record at all in any of the apps, neither video, or even with a headphone mic!
I have searched the internet for such problem, and it appeared there are 1000's of people complaining about the no call audio issue. Some of my friends recommended me to ask my question here in your forum, since there are a lot of talented people around and here I am..
I checked your forum before posting this thread, and non of the cases applies to me at all. But!! The only thing that I came a cross is this link:
If that doesn't work out you can try to flash different radios, not sure which one you need though. But it can all be done inside the toolkit
When i did that fix, I was able to hear the ring through the wired earphones during the regular outbound voice calls. And I was able to make voip calls through skype, viber and majictalk. ONLY THROUGH the wired headphones.
And got stock now at that point and I don't know what to do next...
So my question is:
Can any of you guys can help me out by attaching/sending a fully functioning Nexus 4 running 4.4.2 rom >> snd_soc_msm_2x_Fusion3 file??
That would be my last chance before tossing that piece of garbage in the trash.. I want to try the snd_soc_msm_2x_Fusion3 of a normal phone since the one I have changed, for some reason the lines never matched the original thread by big time!
Please let me know if any of you can upload one.
Kind regards and thanks in advance
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My best guess is to unlock the bootloader and install a factory image.
here's a noob friendly toolkit > http://forum.xda-developers.com/nex...olkit-wugs-nexus-root-toolkit-v1-8-0-t2015469
hope it works out:good:
shaggydiamond said:
My best guess is to unlock the bootloader and install a factory image.
here's a noob friendly toolkit > http://forum.xda-developers.com/nex...olkit-wugs-nexus-root-toolkit-v1-8-0-t2015469
hope it works out:good:
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Thank you for the reply.. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.. But I have tried every single solution out there... Till I reached this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexu...radio-t2233319
The voip works now but with only wired headset.. And through the earpiece I was able to hear the other party's ring.. But when he/she answers I can't hear them or they can't hear me..
That means it is not a hardware issue tho "as far as my knowledge"!
Again, I have tried to downgrade, I even reached the 4.2.1 rom, with all the up to the current one 4.4.2, I have tried different radios, ..etc NO LUCK!
I have uploaded my original file tho if that will help
Thank you again
Kiranov said:
Thank you for the reply.. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.. But I have tried every single solution out there... Till I reached this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexu...radio-t2233319
The voip works now but with only wired headset.. And through the earpiece I was able to hear the other party's ring.. But when he/she answers I can't hear them or they can't hear me..
That means it is not a hardware issue tho "as far as my knowledge"!
Again, I have tried to downgrade, I even reached the 4.2.1 rom, with all the up to the current one 4.4.2, I have tried different radios, ..etc NO LUCK!
I have uploaded my original file tho if that will help
Thank you again
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I'm kinda clueless here.. Do you have warranty on it?
I would take it to the store if I were you. But I guess you're pretty far away from the store you bought it from.
My attachment didn't upload! Let me try again..
And regarding the warranty, YES! It has a full year warranty.. About the store.. here is the issue, I left the USA the next I received my phone.. The item was purchased from Google Play directly.. Now they have no issue to return it or do RMA.. The thing is to ship it back and forth will cost me four time the money that I paid for! Its better to toss it away and get me a different phone since the Nexus has a lot of issues even tho with brand new N5
NOTE: The file has been uploaded.

