SMS Problem Receveing Time is Different from the Current Time - HD2 General

As the title says, sometimes all of no where my sms that i recieve would be 2 mins behind the time on my time on the phone
idk but today it went back a whole day so every messege would be dated 4/10 when today's date was 4/11 and it drove my crzy and i can't fix it unless i bring my clock date to 4/10 so idk what to do i deleted all my sms to c if that helps but no luck
please help
thanks in advance

I have the exact same problem, my recieved sms times is set back by one hour.
There seems to be two clocks on the device, it also confuses one of my apps. But not my alarm etc.
anyone have a clue?

am still trying to figure it out so far it automaticly fixes the problen but not permanent do idk

Go into settings then to data services and to internet time synch and put check mark in the "get time from internet" That fixed it for me


No sound after hours in standby mode

My Wizard becomes completely silent after 9 hours in standby mode.
I need to reset it to get back sound.
No rings either when someone is calling me.
Does someone know what is going on here ?
Please advise. Thank you.
Did anyone else notice this too on their Wizard ?
Ok the first thing to do is, think to yourself have i put any software on my PDA since this started happening!
Then if so try taking it off and see if that software effects the PDA
I have the same issue. No idea what causes it. I just reset because I'm too lazy to find the solution.
This is a real pain in the neck.
Yes, this is a real problem.
I noticed that many people have this problem, but not many notice it.
They simple use their phone regulary or shut it off in the night,
and so they will not notice it.
I am still looking into it, but I noticed that it happens sometimes not always.
But its a pain in the neck as it needs to be always on.
I also have my GPRS always on for receiving email,
further I use Wisbar and SPB pocket plus.
So in the evening everything is ok, but in the morning I often do not get
any sound (no sound either from incoming calls) and need to reset.
I noticed that this problem happens when for example email is automatically checked during night. If email comes in (and is not read immediately) the phone will start notifying in background.
Notifications are kept and only a program like "check notifications" will delete them manually. But still if you delete them, the phone then needs a reset
to work properly again.
This is not a memory issue, it has to do with the notifications.
I do not know how to solve it.
winny said:
I noticed that this problem happens when for example email is automatically checked during night. If email comes in (and is not read immediately) the phone will start notifying in background.
Notifications are kept and only a program like "check notifications" will delete them manually. But still if you delete them, the phone then needs a reset
to work properly again.
This is not a memory issue, it has to do with the notifications.
I do not know how to solve it.
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I have this problem too. It's been driving me mad for ages and I have reached the point were I'm ready to ditch the phone. It can happen within a few hours of a soft reset, causing me to miss most calls! I hadn't added any new software in the period before the problem started.
Your thoughts that it may be due to receiving email message notifications without clearing them seems feasible. I changed jobs around the time I noticed this problem start. I often get lots of emails while I am unable to respond to the notifications so it seems a likely link. Previously, I always responded to mail promptly and I never noticed a problem.
I'm going to look into this idea by first turning off all notifications for email in the "sounds and notifications" tool in Settings. If this doesn't work, I'll try disabling automatic email checking.
I'll report back with my findings
As promised, an update to my earlier post.
It's been about a week since I tried my "tweak" to try and correct the loss of sound when in standby...
Since I've disabled email notifications my phone has worked continuously without a single problem. I'm still automatically checking for new mail every 10 minutes, I just check the "message" item on the today screen every now and then to see if any mails have arrived rather than have the device notify me. Not ideal but better than not knowing when my phone rings!
If you want to try the workaround, go to settings and open "Sounds and notifications" on the personal tab.
Click on the notifications tab and select "Messaging: New e-mail message" from the drop down "Event" box. Uncheck all of the check boxes so that no notifications occur and you should be alright... unless it happends for some other notifications as well!
Good Luck.

Text Messaging & Wrong Time

I have an odd issue with my Wizard. All text messages I receive show an hour behind the current time, however everything I send out shows the correct hour. I've adjusted the time zone to other things and then set it back to what it should be, GMT -5, and I'm still having the issue. Any ideas?
I'm not one to bump topics normally but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this. Anyone?
Perhaps the person who sends SMS messages to you has his device set to another timezone, or has summertime set incorrectly?
I noticed my Wizard uses as time "received" the local time of the sender. Kinda odd because that means that a string of SMS messages sent back and forth between 2 users in a different time zone will not be listed in sequence when sorted on time.
I dont know how to change this behavior.
It happens for everyone, regardless of time zone and phone settings. Still searching for an answer...
Maybe it's not the wizard's problem and that of the text message center?
i'm having this same issue on my tmobile wing. anyone ever figure this out? it's not a big deal... just really annoying.

Text message thread issue

Hey guys,
I just recently bought my TD2 just over the weekend...and when receiving text msgs from my friends, there's this 4 hour difference in the time stamp. For example, I'll send a text msg at 10pm, and when I receive a text msg five minutes later, the time stamp will be 6:05pm.
Would anyone know what the issue would be? Cause I'm really stumped by this. I even sent text msgs to myself from my phone carrier's website and it's the same thing, the time stamp is 4 hours behind what it actually is..
Any suggestions or ideas is greatly appreciated. =)
I'm fairly sure the time stamp for incoming text messages is dependent on the time your service provider says it was sent, not the time your phone actually receives it. So if your network provider is based in a city with a different time zone your incoming text messages will be time stamped at the time the message was sent in said time zone, not your own.
I'm not sure if there are any settings to change this as I haven't really looked in to it a great deal. It's just kind of annoying and can make conversation threads kind of pointless.
my network provider is based in the same city as me, so there shouldn't be any discrepancy in terms of time zone.
I'm starting to think it's a WM6.1 bug or something like that. I've tried hard resetting it but it doesn't work. I've also tried putting in a different sim card from a different network provider and the issue is still there. stumped even more...
you could send a notification to HTC. I've been reading these forums for some time now and I haven't encountered anyone with the same problem. Or, then again, I might be mistaken ...
4 hours does seem a bit extreme. Do you have any friends on the same network as you? Can you check the time stamp on a message that you've sent to their phone to see if it shows the correct time?
I only say it's network dependent because I know that when my country has daylight savings time the timestamps for all of my messages get messed up, but when daylight savings time is over it's fine.
It depends on the service provider.
Some service provider use the time the msg is pushed to your phone, while others use the time when the message is sent. So, if your sender is in a different time zone, there may be a time difference.
I've checked with friends that are on the same service provider. The text msgs i send them have the correct time.
I even send myself a text msg to see and it'll be the same thing again. sending it to myself is just as mind boggling cause i receive my own msg right away, and time stamp is 4 hours behind still. -_-;;;
Did u set any "Visiting Time"? I never encountered this since I bought my TD2 last month. Guess it could be related to service provider?
Landice said:
Did u set any "Visiting Time"? I never encountered this since I bought my TD2 last month. Guess it could be related to service provider?
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No, I believe you can only set either Home or Visiting Time...
I flashed my phone with cooked roms hoping that bring it to WM6.5 would fixed the issue, but it hasn't worked...
Is your problem solved yet? I've the same problem and I've done everything nothing works, I guess i've to live with it. Mine shows 40 mins difference which is very annoying.
no luck at all.
I just played around with the time zone settings. i just put the time zone setting to est-1 since it's est -5 where i am. and then i just brought the time back 4 hours and it matched...but aside from that..nope..nothing.

Clock slow sometimes

Has anyone had problems with the clock, it sometimes seems to be lagging behind. Any solutions?
I have... and no solutions as yet except for soft reset.
The lag ranges between 20-30mins...
However, I've noted that the "problem" sometimes happens after I sync with my Mac. But since it happens only "sometimes", its a real pain to troubleshoot.
Yes, I have the problem too. But after a while, the time will automatically sync-up again. It is just pretty annoying.. Some times I got shocked when I look at the time.. haha..
Yep 20-30 min.
There's couple of noted reasons in other posts
- one, could be the ActiveSync
- again this could be due to system clock sync or outlook-exchange sync
- two, could be the Quick-GPS download, not sure of this though
So far only one solution seems to fix it to some extent, i.e. checking the automatically sync time with network in the Phone-settings, have to wait and see. Anyway, it atleast confirms the problem is with the s/w not the h/w
Thanks for the responses
Started noticing the same problem, sometimes it can be upto 30 minutes behind. Is this a TouchFlo bug displaying the time?
I do have the setting to sync with the phone network set and still doing it.
HTC need to get this fixed
I get this myself too, i think its something to do with outlook, becuase usually when i recieve new mail the clock is corrected
are there any apps for WM6.1 that sync your time to the atomic clock servers?
actually dont worry about it, i was reading some other threads on the clock problem and have downloaded gTimeSync, i'll see how it works out
I got that the other day. My watch said 6:01am, my Topaz said 5:45am....But when I looked at 7:30am, they were both the same. In that time, I had not connected it to anything, but I had turned the phone function on at 7am.

[Q] Wrong time stamp on SMS Messages.

Hi there,
I live in Australia and today daylight savings for us has just started. We were supposed to put the clocks one hour forward and that is exactly what I did. My time is correct everywhere besides incoming sms messages. They are time stamped exactly an hour behind to what the current time is; i.e my old time. This is a huge inconvenience because when I'm having a conversation via sms, I will send a message and it'll be correctly timestamped and then I'll get a message back time stamped an hour behind, so when I'm looking at the sms messages I have to scroll up to read the newest one received.
I am currently on Tom Codons ROM and a I have just installed the "SMS fix" which I knew wouldn't do anything because Tom Codons ROM is based on the newest ROM available. Is there a way to fix this issue?
Any help is appreciated,
The way i understand it, the received SMS time-stamp is taken from the network system. Not from the phone clock. At least, that's how it works in our country.
Of all the phone i used, including HD mini, they always work that way. Except a couple of generations of Sony Ericsson feature phones, which would base the time-stamp from the phone's clock. (But the network's time-stamp still show up in the details of the sms.)
Maybe the network needs to adjust their system.
Hey there,
Thanks for your quick reply we shall see if the network systems clock has been changed in the upcoming days.
You're welcome.
Hey all,
I have encountered a similar problem. If I receive 2 SMS of the same contact and I reply, if that all happens in the same minute (and it does ), HTC's Message-stuff puts the messages in the wrong order.
For example, I got an SMS and then I got another, then I reply, HTC will put them in this order:
My Reply
Instead of
My reply
That's because your phone time does not match the network time. Maybe off by a few minutes. Your sent message is stamped with phone time, logically. And received message is stamped with network time. So if you're engage in a continuous exchange, each sent and received messages differ by only a few seconds or minutes, then this kind of incorrect order happens.
Try to sync your phone time with internet time. This will lessen the chances of wrong order. But you can't totally eliminate it 100%. Unless the conversation exchanges happen very slowly (for example, one or both of your compose text slowly), with several minutes gap between each text.
bart3385 said:
That's because your phone time does not match the network time. Maybe off by a few minutes. Your sent message is stamped with phone time, logically. And received message is stamped with network time. So if you're engage in a continuous exchange, each sent and received messages differ by only a few seconds or minutes, then this kind of incorrect order happens.
Try to sync your phone time with internet time. This will lessen the chances of wrong order. But you can't totally eliminate it 100%. Unless the conversation exchanges happen very slowly (for example, one or both of your compose text slowly), with several minutes gap between each text.
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Thanks for the explanation! I thought it was a bug
You're welcome.
Hey there,
Just wanted to confirm that my problem has been fixed. The network finally decided to change its time, resulting in the received messages to be time-stamped correctly.
Thanks bart for clearing up what was causing it. (I was tempted to hard reset lol...)
alex2g said:
Hey there,
Just wanted to confirm that my problem has been fixed. The network finally decided to change its time, resulting in the received messages to be time-stamped correctly.
Thanks bart for clearing up what was causing it. (I was tempted to hard reset lol...)
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Wow, great! I like how your network respond to customers. Big company responding to individual users. Very good. Total opposite of HTC tech support.

