Hey im using a little loop whole to use free tmobile internet via proxy i got the internet to work, but only IE works! i cant get online with any other program such has AIM, myweather app, or anything else, only IE goes online...anyone have this issue? or how to fix it? its driving me crazy!
could be they are blocking the ports used for such services
i dunno?...Live search is the other only program tht works online too...
i believe that it use port80 like browsers too
It uses port 8080, Using IM+ and setting the AIM port to 110 will allow you to connect, but remember it's only a few ports that are open and other programs might not have a setting to change ports for it to work with the Tzones proxy.
You can't (as yet) use 1 connection setting on the T-Mobile network using the T-Zones proxy workaround. I have been (tediously) using 2 connections.
(for internet)
T-Zones proxy
(for mail)
T-Mobile Data
**no proxy settings**
I've been searching for a way to set up one connection to use which would automatically bypass and use a second connection if connectivity couldn't be established. No one seems to have an answer for this, but i'd love it if someone could figure it out!
I'm waiting as well...
I aked the same question and still waiting
This happened after I flashed the latest TMO ROM, prior to that I had one connection for all my internet apps. Now my weather,and email don't need a proxy but PIE and Live search do what has changed?
Just upgrade to newest TMO ROM for a Universal, prior to that was using stock ROM and was able to get email and surf with one connection with this new ROM I have 2 connections 1.for email and 1.for internet. but now if I get a link in an email I have to disconnect the first connection; connect with the second connection just to look at the link? Is it possible to have it like I did before and have one connection for all internet activities? Without downgrading.
This new ROM has "push mail" don't know if that makes a difference?
I have no idea what configuration you actually have, but there is no reason you need separate connections on any ROM.
Its hard to tell without knowing the exact settings but try this:
Go in to Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Network selection
You will see two drop-down lists, select 'My ISP' in both of them.
This should get both your email and explorer to use the same connection.
ok, I'm using TMO pay-as-you-go with the cheap plan, it seems after I updated my ROM I had to create 2 connections 1. using a proxy server(PIE) and the other without a proxy server(email). Without the proxy server I can't use PIE and with the proxy server no emails; what i'm looking for is the happy median.
Device: 02 XDA UNI
ROM: latest TMO ROM
RADIO: 1.17
Thanks for the reply.
I'm trying to figure out this same problem. I'm running a tmobile WING with pdaviet's ROM ver WWE Radio version 02.83.90 and have to use dual connections to access email and web. I'm using the T-Zones proxy for my internet connection.
T-Zones access point
proxy server
T-Mobile Data access point
no proxy settings
It seems far fetched to think there may be a way to have one connection try to establish and bypass to the secondary if there's no connect. Maybe i'm just missing something here. Let me know if you have any ideas.
I put together these cabs for T-mobile data plans. I have the $5.99 plan so I haven't tested the other ones, but people have told me they work.
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
All the cabs set up connections so that GPRS is not used unless no other connections (WIFI or Activesync) are available.
MMS (for ArcSoft MMS but it probably works for other versions) sets size limit to 600k and will not resize pictures (I think T-mobile limits MMS data to 300k).
Cool, members are always looking for tmob setup cab's!
So, gprs is part of the 29.99 plan cab?
29.99 =
39.99 =
I think they must've changed prices...
Which one do I use if I have the unlimited data for $20/month?
tweker said:
Which one do I use if I have the unlimited data for $20/month? Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm now on that $20 plan and have been using the internet2 connection...
This was the ONLY way I could get the 5.99 t-zones plan to work on my windows mobile 6.1 tilt. Great work man!
Close, but....
joemanb said:
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, it half works. Before using your CAB, I couldn't get Opera Mobile 8.65 to connect at all through the proxy on my HTC Touch Cruise. Now, I can make normal connections in Opera through the proxy, but still can't get HTTPS to connect. No problems connecting with wifi.
UPDATE 10/29/07: I had occasion to revisit these cabs when my friendly neighborhood IT group screwed up my network connections with some automated script they forced down my phone. After running again, things were all fixed. I also had no problems with HTTPS and Opera.
I think t-mobile blocks the port on the $5.99 plan. HTTPS uses port 443. You could try some different ports and if you find one that works, let me know and I'll update the CAB.
The settings for Tmo's proxy are:
Secure WAP
and this is what my system shows. The Tmo proxy is unauthenticated, so I tried to test against it using my laptop and wifi. Manually setting the FF3 HTTP proxy to, and leaving all the other proxy options blank, I had no trouble bringing up HTTPS pages.
maybe it has something to do with the access point (
joemanb said:
maybe it has something to do with the access point (
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's not really an access point. It's a conventional proxy which serves to restrict most anything but web or mail access, but otherwise doesn't restrict traffic.
MDA T-Mobile software questions
joemanb said:
I put together these cabs for T-mobile data plans. I have the $5.99 plan so I haven't tested the other ones, but people have told me they work.
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
All the cabs set up connections so that GPRS is not used unless no other connections (WIFI or Activesync) are available.
MMS (for ArcSoft MMS but it probably works for other versions) sets size limit to 600k and will not resize pictures (I think T-mobile limits MMS data to 300k).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Would someone kindly explain what the above cabs are for? I don't want to make any assumptions, but do the cabs provise software to make an unlocked HTC Wizard work as if its a T-Mobile device at the various rate plans - assuming your sim has that plan?
Is the $5.99 the prepaid plan?
I just bought used MDA and am using my prepaid SIM. Having trouble with tzones working - though admittedly it doesn't do much.
Thanks in advance for the help.
tried but didnt seem to work on vs 24 rickywatts 6.1
does this still work?? i have a tmobile wing with touch it rom
The only way to find out if it works for YOU is to try it. Please let us know....
great work!!
Works like a charm! I thought they might have shut down the proxy for the 5.99 plan. Is there a MMS cab that I didn't see? Again thanks alot.
Should I delete all my existing proxies?
I have proxy settings in
should I remove them before applying the tmobyjoe CAB?
what is the "new-inet:1159" proxy server in the Kavana ROM? Is that just rubbish or what?
Also, I don't understand why there are so many proxies and connections. Is there something I can read to understand the relative significance of
"work" "TMobile MMS" "Tmobile Data" "WAP Network" "Secure WAP Network" and "The Internet"
and then the various proxies that route to these various networks?
I don't get why it is so complicated and why I need so many networks and proxies and so on.
i can recieve my yahoo emails giving me cannot connect with this settings?
i can recieve my yahoo emails giving me cannot connect with this settings? i had it working but now its not connecting to recive my emails
Hey everyone. I've added the $5.99 service to my account and I've tried both manually entering the settings and I've tried the CAB for the $5.99 service. No joy...
I can't download email and when trying to browse the web at all GPRS connects, the page tries to load and then I get the following error:
"Error: Requested content
'' cannot be accessed.
You do not have access to the site."
What am I doing wrong?
Also, in the GPRS Settings do I want PAP Auth. or CHAP Auth. selected? It's on PAP Auth.
I live in Denver, CO, if it makes any difference.
EDIT: Interestingly enough it's working now... of course something else had to break, I can't connect to the net via USB now. No biggie, never used that anyway.
Hey everyone!
i was just wondering if there is any way to enable wap for applications in x10?
we can only use the main browser through wap...!
we can't use timescape or facebook or ebuddy or marketplace, track id or any other application.
any solution for this?
By WAP you mean GPRS connection right? I'm using it for everything except Youtube when WiFi off
Have you set the GPRS setting? Or just do auto settings under mobile network settings?
I read on an other forum that there were people who had the same problem.
As I like to buy the x10, I'm really curious what might cause this. Unfortunally I haven't got a reaction on my question.
So I you find a solution, can you post it here?
holy_reds said:
By WAP you mean GPRS connection right? I'm using it for everything except Youtube when WiFi off
Have you set the GPRS setting? Or just do auto settings under mobile network settings?
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no, by wap i mean wap. Gprs is a complete different thing. In my country GPRS service cost 25$ for 250mb only.
wap is already unlimited for 5$ only. And i was using wap connection on my iphone (browser, opera mini, push/email, ebuddy, marketplace/itunes).
Now i cant use WAP with any of these applications! only the default browser is enabled. any solution ? :s
GPRS is a connection type, like WCDMA or CSM.
WAP is more like HTML, a data type. The default android browser can't display WAP formatted pages.
Do you mean dial up internet?
Wap is a gprs connection that uses a proxy server with a port: 80 or 8080
it is clear now ?
Shady.ak said:
Now i cant use WAP with any of these applications! only the default browser is enabled. any solution ? :s
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Click to collapse
If you are with Rogers would you mind giving me a hand how to set it up for WAP on the default browser? Just a list of the settings will do. I tried different APN settings from various online sources and the settings from my old W810 but I couldn't even get browsing to work! I tried setting Opera Mini to use HTTP instead and of course nothing works. The unlimited browsing only plan I have is simply a waste at the moment. Thanks!
EDIT: after trying a few things I was able to get the default browser working... but no, the other apps don't work with WAP... not even if I set Opera Mini to use HTTP.
ok, i was having this problem too and i found a way around it.
you have to go to your APNs and edit the APN you are using.
go to the port tag (should be labeled as 80) and erase it making it blank.
save>restart your phone, everything should work fine.
iphonepimp said:
ok, i was having this problem too and i found a way around it.
you have to go to your APNs and edit the APN you are using.
go to the port tag (should be labeled as 80) and erase it making it blank.
save>restart your phone, everything should work fine.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tried this and only the default browser works...
I have experienced the same issues as described above,
if the default browser is working correctly however stand alone apps fail it may be the APN used has restrictions disabling the use of non-browser data traffic, commonly networks will have a minimum of 3 APNs, e.g WAP, MMS, and Internet.
On this basis I would recommend you ask you provider for the details of thier internet APN (commonly used when using your phone as a modem or email account access) and test accordingly.. if everything works this would confirm restrictions are in place, and a requirement to use an unrestricted APN for full functionality.
As noted different APNs may have differnt charging structures, hence the limitations sometimes when using wap apn access.
iphonepimp said:
go to the port tag (should be labeled as 80) and erase it making it blank.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The port for my APN (Japanese version) was left blank by default, but I couldn't access my hosted email and website on the X10. Every other website and email worked fine. When I added 80 as the port, I can now access my hosted email and website without a problem.
I'm happy that this seems to have fixed it, but does anybody know why setting the port to 80 worked for me but gave problems for others?
had simualr problem ... calt my x1 support they said that i need to turn on roaming and then it workt .. this is becouse i use tele2 and they dont have there own network they only rent it from netcom so you need to turn on roaming that can be found in settings >wirreles network>mobile network (can have aother name mobile is in norwegiang .. )try that,
Currently with my HD2, if I want to acccess Vodafone live, I have to change the connection settings to WAP adn then back again if I want to browse normally.
What I want to do is setup each browser to use a seperate gateway.
Standard Internet Gateway for Opera, and WAP for IE. I can't find a way to set this and I figured there could be a reg hack to set this.
Any suggestions.
Thanks in Advance