[KITCHEN] Basic ROM kitchen for new Eris cooks [PC/Mac] - Droid Eris Android Development

Hi guys,
Lately I have been developing a kitchen to help ordinary people learn how to build their own ROM on HTC-based Android devices. It allows you to do basic things such as rooting a shipped ROM, adding apps2sd, modifying the task killer memory threshold, etc.
Today I added some settings to make it work for the Droid Eris, but I am unable to test it, as I don't have an Eris.
Here is the link to the kitchen:
Please try it out if you can, and let me know if it works
Before flashing any ROM from the kitchen, please make a Nandroid backup first of your existing ROM!
Thank you, and enjoy!

I will cook a rom with your kitchen and test it on my Eris. Thank you for your work.
Will update with results.
kitchen mostly works, the roms build and they flash onto the phone. had a few problems with setting task management, then tried option 14 and 15 with a few errors as well, so i just skipped that and just did a very basic rom build. so the core of the kitchen works and you can build roms, the issues i am having could be with my setup or it could be that DSIXDA was unable to test it before releasing, but for an untested kitchen it is FANTASTIC!

if this works does this mean we can overclock our phones..?

ashertheplague said:
if this works does this mean we can overclock our phones..?
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what from the first two posts made you think this?

because i was reading that with this we can make a rom that doesnt belong on our phone and make it to where it can go on our phone. soo if we get a rom that can be over clocked will that work

Thank you!! Of course I am damned by the leak but I feel a root coming on and this will really come in handy...

ashertheplague said:
because i was reading that with this we can make a rom that doesnt belong on our phone and make it to where it can go on our phone. soo if we get a rom that can be over clocked will that work
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I don't believe you would be able to make a ROM that have the capabilities to OC. With all these current ROMS that have been made by competent cooks, yet none of them OC. But hey, you might be able to and prove me wrong. Which I do hope you can. But I have read from a few forums that OC is not that possible.

We don't have the source for 2.1 for our phone. When we do then OC'ing will be possible. That won't be released until hopefully with or shortly after official 2.1 OTA is released from Verizon.

Probably won't be cooking as much as fiddling with ROMs to suit my own ideals of them, but this seems like it might open the doors to a lot more people.

Just tried porting the DarchDroid ROM:
From the base of this:
eris21official-root.zip: http://www.multiupload.com/YP1BIUOF60
Everything was successful and I got a signed ROM, but it wouldn't boot. Just got stuck on splash. Tried doing logcat too but nothing showed up.

alexhendershott said:
Just tried porting the DarchDroid ROM:
From the base of this:
eris21official-root.zip: http://www.multiupload.com/YP1BIUOF60
Everything was successful and I got a signed ROM, but it wouldn't boot. Just got stuck on splash. Tried doing logcat too but nothing showed up.
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Please make sure you can flash an actual Eris ROM before you start work on porting roms from other devices. Let me know how that works out.

dsixda said:
Please make sure you can flash an actual Eris ROM before you start work on porting roms from other devices. Let me know how that works out.
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I actually tried one of your kitchens yesterday, i'm guessing it didn't have eris support then But this is the problem i had It wouldn't boot It was just stuck on the three android skateboard screen wouldn't even go thru the bootanimation. so I can back up his story on this.

t2noob said:
I actually tried one of your kitchens yesterday, i'm guessing it didn't have eris support then But this is the problem i had It wouldn't boot It was just stuck on the three android skateboard screen wouldn't even go thru the bootanimation. so I can back up his story on this.
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Yesterday there wasn't any Droid Eris support, that's why it wasn't working yesterday. I had to modify the kernel build command a bit for the Eris. Actually, now that I think about it, the code from yesterday should still work, as it correctly figured out the kernel's base address.
I'll dig into it a bit more...

quick quesion, what are the main differences between hero and eris roms?
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

So where Can I get a stock eris rom since you advise against using nandroid backup???

fKngFtd said:
quick quesion, what are the main differences between hero and eris roms?
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
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Basically the kernel's physical base address and the WiFi module. There are a few minor things as well. I did not port an Eris ROM myself when I had the Hero, but this is what people have told me.

CaptainJager said:
So where Can I get a stock eris rom since you advise against using nandroid backup???
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you can get the rom in the very first post of this section. im surprised you missed it.
dsixda, when i tried to follow your setup guide for your kitchen, i noticed that you didnt have any links for x64 based linux setups. i tried to find the java bin and jre install files but linux is new to me and i dont think i grabbed the right ones. would you be able to point me to the right links for those on ubuntu 9.10 x64?

Have you tried obtaining the Java package with the sudo command? Unfortunately I have not tried the 64 bit method, nor have I been asked about it before. If you find a way please let us know.
If you guys are still having problems with the cooked ROM not booting, then I'll ask some of the experienced Eris cooks around here for help.
ECLIPS3 said:
you can get the rom in the very first post of this section. im surprised you missed it.
dsixda, when i tried to follow your setup guide for your kitchen, i noticed that you didnt have any links for x64 based linux setups. i tried to find the java bin and jre install files but linux is new to me and i dont think i grabbed the right ones. would you be able to point me to the right links for those on ubuntu 9.10 x64?
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dsixda said:
Have you tried obtaining the Java package with the sudo command? Unfortunately I have not tried the 64 bit method, nor have I been asked about it before. If you find a way please let us know.
If you guys are still having problems with the cooked ROM not booting, then I'll ask some of the experienced Eris cooks around here for help.
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I will try cooking a new ROM right now. No porting or anything, just a cooked ROM from the original 2.1 root with some apps removed so I know it is different.
Updating in a few...

I'm working on a ROM right now using your kitchen. I just recently came across your kitchen while searching the forums. I am using version v0.38 and I'm assuming eris support is on v0.39, correct? Should I just extract the the files into the same directory that I have been using for v0.38?
I'll let you know when I sign and try to flash if it works. Thanks for taking the time to do this.


Things to do after rooting?

My first android phone, finally rooted, installed MoDaCo's rom...now what?
get the clear theme lol
am trying to put it on mine its not working tho
Fadakar said:
My first android phone, finally rooted, installed MoDaCo's rom...now what?
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Enjoy your phone? play around with it, check out themes...use it with a laptop to get internet on the bus...call/text someone?
Fadakar said:
My first android phone, finally rooted, installed MoDaCo's rom...now what?
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You also need to wait. Before you know it we are going to have roms flowing out our ears. I am working as hard as I can to learn how to make kickass roms so hopefully I can release something good soon
Actually, after doing all the above, I was kinda looking for other things to do I am loving the tethering though. Thought there would be a place for apps that are not in the market.
im having the same problem. i dont know what to do with my phone while waiting for everyne makes awesome custom roms. im just waiting to figure out how to get it fully optimized with everything thats already ready for it
ix3u said:
im having the same problem. i dont know what to do with my phone while waiting for everyne makes awesome custom roms. im just waiting to figure out how to get it fully optimized with everything thats already ready for it
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Get a development environment setup and write some apps! Download the GSM Kernel and learn how to compile and tune it (use Teknologic's changelog as a guide perhaps) and prepare for the eventual release of the CDMA Kernel (or even the 2.0 Kernel...what? I can dream!)! It's fun to prepare for such things and test!
Thanks Much!
chuckhriczko said:
You also need to wait. Before you know it we are going to have roms flowing out our ears. I am working as hard as I can to learn how to make kickass roms so hopefully I can release something good soon
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Chuckhriczko, please keep up your 'good' work!
I used your instructions for rooting my hero, a little confusing but helped me to better understand linux procedures.
Lets try to get Google maps with nav on the hero. They got it working in the Dream forum with some directions. Let me get my backup ready......
Where can i find more themes? I did the clear one and its ok, but not much to it. Also what is so special about modaco rom other than u can save apps to sd
go try out droid explorer and desktop sms...you can get desktop sms stand alone, or it comes as part of droid explorer...both took about 5 seconds to get working and work perfectly.
This is the thread I started about it
chuckhriczko said:
You also need to wait. Before you know it we are going to have roms flowing out our ears. I am working as hard as I can to learn how to make kickass roms so hopefully I can release something good soon
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i have also rooted my phone and added the cyanogen mod 6 to it and i dont have the market anymore and i cannot flash my clockwork mod also i do not know how to add any roms can anyone please help (htc evo 2.2)
slayter202 said:
i have also rooted my phone and added the cyanogen mod 6 to it and i dont have the market anymore and i cannot flash my clockwork mod also i do not know how to add any roms can anyone please help (htc evo 2.2)
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if you don't have the market, you probably forgot to/need to re-flash the google apps zip.
aside from that...you should be hanging out here -> Evo Forum
Start by looking at the [noob guide] and these FAQs.
Any other problems/questions search around in the Evo Q&A or General sub-topics and you should find what you need
Fadakar said:
My first android phone, finally rooted, installed MoDaCo's rom...now what?
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What now? you should ..idk same with me. Maybe just hope for android to come out with a youtube app that works. (it can't be easy to make one tho)
I have the BlueAnt S4 and it cannot voice dial, says it needs Andriod 2.2 . Looks like the Hero will not get that from Sprint/Google, so will a rooted phone with 2.2 be able to make blutooth voice dial ? Thanks, Ted O.
Yeah a rooted 2.2 should work just fine with ur headset. I don't see why your headset isn't working fine now to be honest.
sent from my hero aosp2.2 cause aospcm7 2.3 was not as fast or stable for me.
noskoviak said:
Yeah a rooted 2.2 should work just fine with ur headset. I don't see why your headset isn't working fine now to be honest.
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BlueAnt states that, for the S4, andriod 2.2 is required to do voice dialing.

Droid has been rooted!

I know. This is the hero forum. But if anyone has a droid or knows someone with one maybe we can get a dump?
Forgot to, post the link
awesome! i'd expect you goons to have vanilla 2.0 ready for the mass sprint crowd by tomorrow right? lol isn't a dump all we'd need? pardon for my ignorance but what changes would be made to be compatible to the cdma hero?
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
flipzmode said:
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
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I could use those apk's to build a "fuller" AOSP... that is assuming data can be made to work.
Thats what I'm hoping for. So please everyone who has access to a droif, root it and get a dump for us. Please
I was excited for droid users to find out it had been rooted. Now I am really excited because I didn't even think of the benefits it would bring to us!
flipzmode said:
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
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Request made @ AllDroid
WhiteWidows said:
Request made @ AllDroid
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Sweet. Post back here if they provide it please. I can only watch so many forums. heh.
So let me get this straight, a full dump from the Droid will help us get 2.0? If so AWESOME! I have a friend who has one, I'm sure he'll be rooting tonight I can get a dump tomorrow if you don't get one sooner.
NCX001 said:
So let me get this straight, a full dump from the Droid will help us get 2.0? If so AWESOME! I have a friend who has one, I'm sure he'll be rooting tonight I can get a dump tomorrow if you don't get one sooner.
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It's more of a theory than anything. But if we can get their rom booting on our phone then we have a much better chance of getting things working rather than the gsm version we've been hacking up to try and work.
If anyone has access to a rooted droid then let me know. Although it will be much better once they have access to nandroid because pulling these files while the phone is booted up doesn't always work.
flipzmode said:
It's more of a theory than anything. But if we can get their rom booting on our phone then we have a much better chance of getting things working rather than the gsm version we've been hacking up to try and work.
If anyone has access to a rooted droid then let me know. Although it will be much better once they have access to nandroid because pulling these files while the phone is booted up doesn't always work.
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I don't think that's true.. our kernel/drivers are way different than theirs.. we will be about the exact same point that we are now, and there are full rips out of the droid now on alldroid.org
nelson8403 said:
I don't think that's true.. our kernel/drivers are way different than theirs.. we will be about the exact same point that we are now, and there are full rips out of the droid now on alldroid.org
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I agree but it's a lot easier to make a trackball work, to make leds work, and to make wifi work rather than trying to make it work on a radio that it wasn't designed for.
The image that the guy posted on alldroid is corrupted. It won't unyaffs. And based on the file size I would say it's just a system dump anyways.
Thanks to whitewidow I was able to get my hands on the boot.img by copying it off of /dev/mtd. The build went smoothly however it reboots instantly after the HTC logo. It is never recognized by the debugger. So this is either caused by corruption from how we obtained the boot.img, or the architecture / processor are just too different to work on ours at all. I am not the type that can build kernels from scratch though so maybe someone out there better than me will get it soon.
flipzmode said:
I agree but it's a lot easier to make a trackball work, to make leds work, and to make wifi work rather than trying to make it work on a radio that it wasn't designed for.
The image that the guy posted on alldroid is corrupted. It won't unyaffs. And based on the file size I would say it's just a system dump anyways.
Thanks to whitewidow I was able to get my hands on the boot.img by copying it off of /dev/mtd. The build went smoothly however it reboots instantly after the HTC logo. It is never recognized by the debugger. So this is either caused by corruption from how we obtained the boot.img, or the architecture / processor are just too different to work on ours at all. I am not the type that can build kernels from scratch though so maybe someone out there better than me will get it soon.
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I'm pretty sure stuff compiled for the OMAP arch. Droid is not going to work in our Qualcomm arch. Heroes. I tried using "chat-ril" executable from Droid on my Hero and that doesn't work at all. OMAP and MSM have their own kernel trees as well, so their kernel probably won't boot on the Hero.
It's OMAP alright.
You wont get any of the normal binaries to run.
You can however grab some apks from it.
There is a dump out already btw, has been for almost a month now.
There has been a system dump yes but we are talking about a full dump including the boot.img file.
Boot image contains nothing useful for our purposes.
If you absolutely have to have the boot image someone posted it over on alldroid.org.
is it possible to get the new lockscreen from newly updated droid as verizon has spreaded 2.01 update for droid? cheers

[Q] Still confused about Android, really don't know what to do?!?!

I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
Just put a build on your SD card download an Android boot loader then run it simple as no need to change radio or anything else
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
If your really having trouble with it, then usually all I'd say is READ all of the stickies, all the info you could ever want on the subject and brings you to being in the exellent position of knowing almost everything. If not, take this link and call me in the morning
I do wish i could leave it there, but the OP of that thread has disappeared and isn't supporting the latest developments, but that tells you to download an Android build a ROM and a radio (oh, and a dual boot program). Those are the core components, If you wanna switch builds, you just change your SDcard whenever you do so desire. But you don't get much information on jacking round with the Kernel, this can provide quick upgrades to hardware (such as.... getting the lightsensor working in the future) without changing builds.
that should give you base knowledge of all things XDAndroid (a few posts down on the second link mind you). Hope this helps
JccageX2 said:
I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
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Here is the crash course for you...
* It is the best to learn how to get Android on your phone and test different builds yourself for your taste - so, what makes you happy keep that build I guess.
I have T-Mobile USA HD2 am using FroyoStone Series V1 build and everything works just fine. Auto Killer App puts battery in comparable position with my WinMo and therefore I am using now Android full-time for the past week or so - not a single SOD, freeze, etc. - it simply works just fine.
How to get Android on your HD2? Find compatible build for your UK HD2 version by reading stickies and doing a little bit of homework researching xda forum.
Then once you find the build:
1. Download it... it will be packed into archive most likely (rar, zip, 7z, etc)
2. Froyo builds go usually into one folder "Android" - as packed just copy folder Android into the root of your SD card on your phone.
3. Open it up through File Explorer, start/click CLRCAD.exe - you will see no action and that's fine - this makes sure your sound works fine... then, start/click haret.exe...
4. Leave it to boot - first boot is bit longer but it should boot in less than couple of minutes or something like that (depends on the build).
5. DO WATCH what the lines state - if there is anything like "failed to mount, blah blah" or any other possible failure to load something - come back and start searching for solution on these forums... You should be fine (however, I do not offer any guarantee as any of the build makers).
The rest is pretty easy - run Android, play with it and see if you like it...
Note: To change builds, it is very simple... Just delete Android Folder from SD Card root and you are ready to download and install (copy over) another "Android folder" into the root of the build you have downloaded.
Cheers mate!
Okay, so there isn't need for flashing Radio's etc. then? Literally just running the files?
I can't even download the ROM's, not downloading I'll try again later though.
Most of the rom builders recommend upgrading to the most recent radio. There seem to be fewer issues with SOD, robo voice, etc vs older radios. That said, YMMV so try it out with what you have now. If you have problems try to out newer radios or WinMO roms built to run android. Good luck.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
There is a "defenite guide to android" on the forum. I was just like you but followed those steps exactly and now.I'm running android no problem. Just make sure you read up on everything. Its not gonna be as simple as dragging and dropping but it isn't extremely hard.
Sent from my Nexus One HD2 using XDA App
im just confused on android . what is the best one to get ?. im running energy dinik rom .
and im just not that sure about it yet . dont want to bugger my phone up tryin a android.
.BetaBoy said:
There is a "defenite guide to android" on the forum. I was just like you but followed those steps exactly and now.I'm running android no problem. Just make sure you read up on everything. Its not gonna be as simple as dragging and dropping but it isn't extremely hard.
Sent from my Nexus One HD2 using XDA App
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Okay, has anyone got a link to this guide?
Also, how do I change my Radio, and can it harm my device if I do?
the definitive guide to android is here the radio thread here...this helps as well...
JccageX2 said:
I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
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Making a Gingerbread NAND ROM for HD2

Ok, I'm loving Gingerbread, but m-deejay has been including Cyanogenmod in his recent builds, which I don't want.
I'm REALLY keen to work on my own Gingerbread build...but need pointers on the steps I need to take.
I want to use a clean custom Nexus One Gingerbread build, such as http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=885784
Then I'll have to replace the Nexus drivers and stuff with the HD2 ones...this is where the problem starts...how do I know which files are needed for HD2 specifically?
And then I need to add/remove apps etc to customise it?
I don't want anyone to hold my hand, just to at least point me in the right direction, as finding this information seems to be very difficult, unlike Windows Mobile cooking, which has lots of good tutorials...even though I'd expect that to be the other way around
I taught myself WM cooking & dev, but this is a whole new ballgame to me....
Appreciate any help I can get...
I'll happily donate a few $ to anyone who can help me get a stock build going...
No one able to shed ANY light? Give me ANY pointers?
Like I said, I'm willing to donate $ if I get help to get a ROM built...
Good pointers!!!
Have you tried with this tutorial?
This is the best step by step guide, and there is everything you need to port/make good working ROM for LEO.
NemanjaLO said:
Have you tried with this tutorial?
This is the best step by step guide, and there is everything you need to port/make good working ROM for LEO.
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Yea I saw that, thanks...only problem is that it's an old build, and it's miui.
Where do I find the latest drivers etc? And how is a NAND build different? How do I package up a NAND ROM?
I was thinking the very same thing but when I started looking into it I got put off by the complexity and the time it would take.
Have you thought about just modding MDj's ROM, stripping it back to bare ginger and replacing the bits we dont want, this might be easier that building one from scratch.
Yea, it's a possibility...but I won't learn as much doing it that way...and I'd rather try to create my own than use someone else's hard work as a base, if you know what I mean.
I have time, and am willing to learn as much as I need to...I just need some pointers...there are plenty Android HD2 chefs now, surely one of them is willing to help out
It's really not that difficult. I didn't really like the CM mod either, so created my own stock rom. I'm now at the point where I got it all working. I don't mind to give you a helping hand if you really are interested.
I'd love to see this too!
SamanthaMarquez said:
It's really not that difficult. I didn't really like the CM mod either, so created my own stock rom. I'm now at the point where I got it all working. I don't mind to give you a helping hand if you really are interested.
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yes I've VERY interested...I'm hoping to get a stock-ish one together with my own little touches...maybe release one if I learn enough about it.
Any help you can give would be much appreciated...
Even to start with, a list of the basics...ie get ROM dump, extract xyz, do this...anything at all...
I just got back from a swim at the beach to relax, intending to come back and try to figure it out on my own with what help I can get from that page linked above...but if you have managed to get one together, thats even better
This might be of some use for windows users (I've successfully tried extracting MDJ's Gingerbread system.img with it).
yea extracting is easy...but I would prefer to use a clean build to start from, rather than m-deejays...trying it using the guide in the link above with the Nexus S dump...having to use some donor files from m-deejays build though...still trying to get my head around it all
Well I gave it a quick try using the above guide, and it gives "NAND Kernel Open Fail".
I used m-deejays kernel, and put all the relevant files into the correct directories before making the system.img, and i put initrd.gz and zimage into boot.img, so I dont know what I did wrong...?
You don't use system.img on nand. You need to create a yaffs.img. Which I've never done before. I've only made builds the sd way, not nand. Maybe all you have to do is rename the .img after you create it. You should jump on irc, room #htc-linux-chat. You would get your answer in like 5 secs;p
NAND ROMs do use system.img, have a look in any NAND ROM, you'll see system.img, boot.img and the flash files.
Yaffs is the filesystem...I created the img files with the "mkyaffs2image" command.
(As per this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=897940)
I've made all of these but get the damn kernel error...it can't be difficult, lots of devs have released ROMS...surely someone is willing to help?
I'd rather not go into irc, as thats the dev channel isnt it? Dont want to be a noob popping in asking hwo to cook Android for the HD2
i think what would be a cracking idea is if someone were to create 3 "standard" kitchens for anyone to download and start modding with.
kitchen 1) desire / desire HD with NO mods
kitchen 2) Froyo / gingerbread with NO mods
kitchen 3) Froyo / gingerbread with Cyanogen included
they should just be 100% stock but able to build a fully working rom. This way everyone can start to learn, and its always easier with a complete kitchen and just as educational - moreso as you get to see the correct layout for files / directories and all the correct tooling is already in place.
I will add to davids "donation" pot if someone were to make these available, whatever david is willing to donate and i will add another $20 (US) or £15
Whether they be Windows or Linux based kitchen does not matter to me, but i believe that android being open source these resources should be made available
Your right, not thinking clearly from all the jack daniels. You do need yaffs tools to mess around with the system.img though...#htc-linux is the dev channel. #htc-linux-chat is where you go to ask questions. Devs don't even go in that channel. Just chefs fire the most part. That's where everyone goes to learn how to build.
g.lewarne said:
i think what would be a cracking idea is if someone were to create 3 "standard" kitchens for anyone to download and start modding with.
kitchen 1) desire / desire HD with NO mods
kitchen 2) Froyo / gingerbread with NO mods
kitchen 3) Froyo / gingerbread with Cyanogen included
they should just be 100% stock but able to build a fully working rom. This way everyone can start to learn, and its always easier with a complete kitchen and just as educational - moreso as you get to see the correct layout for files / directories and all the correct tooling is already in place.
I will add to davids "donation" pot if someone were to make these available, whatever david is willing to donate and i will add another $20 (US) or £15
Whether they be Windows or Linux based kitchen does not matter to me, but i believe that android being open source these resources should be made available
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Yea, something like that would be handy...but even to start with, I'd just love to know the basic processes needed to get a basic Android build running on the HD2, without having to rely on someone elses current build.
I tried the link above, and it did sort of help understand a little of whats going on...but this stupid kernel error is preventing me from knowing how my test build works/or doesnt work...
I mean I had too use m-deejays gingerbread dump to get some of the driver files etc from...but where does he get them from? Thats the stuff I dont know...
It's obviously not overly difficult as there are so many devs pumping out HD2 ROMs...would just love one of them to share the secrets
Cash - not sure ... depends on how much help I get, but I'm willing to donate along the lines of US$20 or so...
mattfmartin said:
Your right, not thinking clearly from all the jack daniels. You do need yaffs tools to mess around with the system.img though...#htc-linux is the dev channel. #htc-linux-chat is where you go to ask questions. Devs don't even go in that channel. Just chefs fire the most part. That's where everyone goes to learn how to build.
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What server is that chat room on?
the_scotsman said:
NAND ROMs do use system.img, have a look in any NAND ROM, you'll see system.img, boot.img and the flash files.
Yaffs is the filesystem...I created the img files with the "mkyaffs2image" command.
(As per this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=897940)
I've made all of these but get the damn kernel error...it can't be difficult, lots of devs have released ROMS...surely someone is willing to help?
I'd rather not go into irc, as thats the dev channel isnt it? Dont want to be a noob popping in asking hwo to cook Android for the HD2
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Is it possible that the img files need to be created as ext4 rather than yaffs? I know gingerbread runs on the ext4 system (where froyo ran on yaffs2) but I'm not sure how this relates to building the rom.
Nah, don't think so...not accroding to: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=897940
Ive tried a few more times but am still getting the kernel error...so I cant even test if my build works or not as it wont even boot...so very frustrating...
Lets break it down........
Here's a brief intro I did a few days ago read it..
The above goes for any .img used with DAF, they are yaffs2 images.
The sensible option for a clean build would be an existing stock gingerbread rom on a sister device. AdamG just happens to make the cleanest Desire roms around. I've had my eyes on this build for a minute, check it out and see if this what your looking for. Oxygen v2.0-RC6
I've been able to unyaffs disect, reassemble and get some 'customized' roms running. They flash, boot, & work great.....but I lose root permissions. lol
I was acutally doing this with the 1.6 NAND rom of MDJ that came as a single.img
That particular file was just system.img & boot.img yaffs2'd together. After I disected it I was able to unyaffs the 2 images and edit/modify change kernels, etc. etc. The only problem I have run into is the root issue.
I'd be glad to help out any way I can in porting a ROM worthy of our devce
Any serious inquries can be directed to my inbox for private discussion on gtalk .
I'm no dev and am in no way claiming to be. I do have some findings and that's why I'm offering my help. Cheers

Porting CyanogenMod to Desire 820s MT6752

I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
What have you done? Device tree something else?
Nope. Just changing libs here and there, according to this guide. I'm still noob in porting roms so I can't do much.
amirarsyad97 said:
I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
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Did you edit the updater script?
Gibz97 said:
Did you edit the updater script?
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Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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If you have an idea for kernel, I'll help you
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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Let's wait for the response then
Would be graet to see CM to release this device's potential. Especially since HTC is taking it's sweet time with 6.0 update and 5.1 was officially skipped.
Anyway if you would need some testers I would gladly help.
Good news! The permission has been granted. I will try my best to port this rom.
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
Dragonfail said:
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
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We don't have 64-bit kernel sources for 820n MSM chipset
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
Gibz97 said:
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
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I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
amirarsyad97 said:
I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
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I will try porting the kernel using the kitkat kernel as base when I find time
Unfortunately, I did not succeed, I could not even get into the bootanimation. Hope someone can help us.
I am now trying to squeeze the Lollipop system partition so that we can liberate some more free space for the internal storage, hope it works
That would be the coolest thing???
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
Gibz97 said:
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
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I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
amirarsyad97 said:
I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
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Use this kernel and build.prop and use the original system (don't replace with stock files) https://mega.nz/#!c4USzSTL!rXmsjMYaxR9ECwNeiMjissLPuFRLBWBUSLIuwiBFwQk
Almost everything works right now except Bluetooth, camera and Sim
Great work keep it up
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 dual sim using XDA-Developers mobile app

