New Sprint Radio - Droid Eris Android Development

I flashed this to my Eris and it seems to have faster data speeds and better reception.

i definitely wouldn't go flashing any 'ole radio just because its available for other phones. proceed at your own risk everyone...his boost could easily be coincidence. youre not gonna get that much change.

gohamstergo said:
i definitely wouldn't go flashing any 'ole radio just because its available for other phones. proceed at your own risk everyone...his boost could easily be coincidence. youre not gonna get that much change.
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As long as its CDMA its good.

This radio works fine on the Eris. Still, use caution when flashing it and if your phone explodes don't spam the dev forum asking for help.
No more not being able to make/receive calls as of yet. Also it seems my wifi tether works now but may have been the new ivan rom that came out.

I recommend against flashing non-Eris specific radios.
Do it at your own risk.

sickbox said:
This radio works fine on the Eris. Still, use caution when flashing it and if your phone explodes don't spam the dev forum asking for help.
No more not being able to make/receive calls as of yet. Also it seems my wifi tether works now but may have been the new ivan rom that came out.
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It COULD brick your phone... I told myself I would never flash radio images when I gained root. I'm fine with roms and themes thank you very much.

kyrumo71 said:
As long as its CDMA its good.
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Yeah, that's not true dude. Flashing an incorrect radio update CAN completely brick your phone. Flashing a radio update updates your SPL. If the SPL isn't compatible with your phone/kernel, it could very well completely ruin your phone beyond recoverable.
You're lucky, but for future reference, it's a really bad idea to go flashing any ol' radio update except one that's been tested and working with your phone and kernel.

gohamstergo said:
i definitely wouldn't go flashing any 'ole radio
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GrdLock said:
it's a really bad idea to go flashing any ol' radio
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so awesome

This is why I felt comfortable with flashing the radio...
The ONLY reason I flashed this radio is due to the fact that others did this with no bad side effects (so far). Also, toastcfh has tested other heroc radios on an Eris with no bad side effects (so far) as well as done some good research for us by flashing the radios and seems to be quite knowledgeable when it comes to them.
I'm not authorizing that you should go flashing "any 'ol radio" but heroc and desirec radios seem to be created with the intention of being used on Sprint and Verizon according to research by toastcfh.
toastcfh said:
now for the question about why some radios say heroc instead of eris...
the heroc radio are just that... heroc radios from sprint. its a cdma radio so it works the same as verizon radio. dont believe me?! do a strings | grep on all the radios and u will see they are all using both sprint and verizon logins and such. also as right now im running the latest radio which is the heroc one. everything works fine and its the one ive had best results with on both my Sprint Hero and my wifes Verizon Eris. although others may find better results with other versions.
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Just make sure you know that just because it worked for someone else doesn't mean you won't find that underlying control signal some day.

sprint uses sim cards right? the reason im askin is cuz for the hell of it i tried this radio and kept gettin no sim card messege lol i just did a restore . my stupid quesion is , the radio went back to the way it was right? im not gettin the error any more so i guess that answers my question , or could it have did other damage ? thanx for any help

tazzpatriot said:
sprint uses sim cards right? the reason im askin is cuz for the hell of it i tried this radio and kept gettin no sim card messege lol i just did a restore . my stupid quesion is , the radio went back to the way it was right? im not gettin the error any more so i guess that answers my question , or could it have did other damage ? thanx for any help
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No, only GSM carriers use SIM cards. Sprint is CDMA.

then thats wierd , i kept seeing that messege , i use the nexus lock and when it woke from sleep the error was there until i unlocked it

tazzpatriot said:
then thats wierd , i kept seeing that messege , i use the nexus lock and when it woke from sleep the error was there until i unlocked it
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I believe that was/is a bug with the nexus lock mod. I remember when lwp mod first came out I tried it and noticed the sim card message. I have not gone back to that since so I can't be 100% sure.

well whatever it was it went away after i did a restore so alls good

Is anyone experiencing any issues with this one, I have flashed this radio and my 3G signal is not as good as it used to be.
I have 2 Eris' one stock (baseband and one rooted with The stock gets 4 3G bars with -70dBm while the rooted Eris gets 2 or less bars with -52 dBm.
From what I'm seeing, 3G speed is also suffering on the Eris with the newer baseband. Can anyone make sense of this?

t41n7ed said:
Is anyone experiencing any issues with this one, I have flashed this radio and my 3G signal is not as good as it used to be.
I have 2 Eris' one stock (baseband and one rooted with The stock gets 4 3G bars with -70dBm while the rooted Eris gets 2 or less bars with -52 dBm.
From what I'm seeing, 3G speed is also suffering on the Eris with the newer baseband. Can anyone make sense of this?
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FWIW, -52dBm is much better than -70dBm.

cryppie said:
FWIW, -52dBm is much better than -70dBm.
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yeah that's what doesn't make sense to me. the rooted phone says it has a better signal strength, but I'm only getting 2 3G bars (at most!).
I would like to test it but I am unable to find the original radio image.

metering has changed in more recent radios. aka bars vs signal strength is different.

soooo is this a yes or no go for flashing?

I tried this out, no noticeable difference in signal strength or speed where I am. Flashed it back to the newest ERIS radio...


Radio: or .23, which is better?

From my experience, I have received better battery life, reception and speed with the .23 radio, since upgraded the spl with haykuro's new one, I have been a bit afraid to downgrade the radio on my phone (running Ion as of today, amazing!). I was wondering if I am the only one who experienced this? And yeah, I did search the forums, however, the thread that was previously up could not be continued as it was no longer a valid link (found the google cache of it).
For those that have tried the .23 radio, what build are you using? Also, can the radio affect applications? I know that from my WinMo days it could, and obviously from our experience with the new spl, it can also in here, but what about the .23 radio with 1.5 ROMs?
What are your experiences with the differences in the sapphire (.23) radio and the newer .26I one? If that thread before was locked or removed and that is the reason why the link is no longer valid, I apologize to the mods and you can lock this thread, I just wanted to continue the discussion on this topic, as if we are getting better reception and battery life from a different radio, why take a step back?
I had the radio 23 on my device and the bluetooth in my car doesn't work with the Dream.. I saw the contacts list, I could receive a call, but I was not able to make a call at all... After upgrading to the new radio everithing goes well, and now bluetooth works correctly! so IMHO the new radio is far better than the old one!
Where to download .23 radio? Links on Haykuros site is not working so there might be some trouble with it?
New radio is great if your in a 3g area I think those of us in EDGE can agree it kills battery very fast I have gone back to .23 radio as I get much better battery life in my EDGE are.
I'm looking around and can't find the .23 radio. Do you have a link?
Here ya go uploaded just for you...
NexVision said:
New radio is great if your in a 3g area I think those of us in EDGE can agree it kills battery very fast I have gone back to .23 radio as I get much better battery life in my EDGE are.
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i'm in an EDGE area -- 26I seems to have increased my battery life.
maybe it does different things on different handsets?!
With .23, I was always in 3G but my wifi wont work with .23. With .26, I am always switching back and forth between 3G, edge, and GPRS but wifi works fine. I have both radios on my sd and flash between the two frequently just because I'm not sure which one I like better.
xavier6303 said:
With .23, I was always in 3G but my wifi wont work with .23. With .26, I am always switching back and forth between 3G, edge, and GPRS but wifi works fine. I have both radios on my sd and flash between the two frequently just because I'm not sure which one I like better.
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Agreed. .26 always has me switching all the time and it's pretty annoying. Makes the Market a real pain.
I also like .23 A LOT better since it was significantly faster; unfortunately .26I will be required for Hero and it's required for 6.0r1 so I'm stuck with it
It maybe required for hero but I doubt it. It is not in anyway require for 6.01 as I was using 6.01 and went back to 5.02 and im still using older radio.
Based on what I know about radios from PPC side a radio will never be requirement for rom SPL is a whole nother story and radio maybe required to flash certain SPL. Rom should not require certain radio though.
NexVision said:
It maybe required for hero but I doubt it. It is not in anyway require for 6.01 as I was using 6.01 and went back to 5.02 and im still using older radio.
Based on what I know about radios from PPC side a radio will never be requirement for rom SPL is a whole nother story and radio maybe required to flash certain SPL. Rom should not require certain radio though.
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Interesting, though it makes a lot of sense, I don't know why I always thought the two were inclusive. Wasn't there something about the new SPL bricking non .26I phones?
xavier6303 said:
With .23, I was always in 3G but my wifi wont work with .23. With .26, I am always switching back and forth between 3G, edge, and GPRS but wifi works fine. I have both radios on my sd and flash between the two frequently just because I'm not sure which one I like better.
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i used to live in RI, and the new radio was great. I has 3g all the time. i moved to miami last week, and all day i go from 3g-edge-gprs. i called t mo and they said there's nothing they can do. said:
i used to live in RI, and the new radio was great. I has 3g all the time. i moved to miami last week, and all day i go from 3g-edge-gprs. i called t mo and they said there's nothing they can do.
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Where in Miami? I get 3G 90% of the time all over Miami (Downtown, Coral Gables, Kendall, West Kendall, South Miami). My only EDGE areas are a little zone between Brickel and Little Havana / Coconut Grove.
fdisk81 said:
Where in Miami? I get 3G 90% of the time all over Miami (Downtown, Coral Gables, Kendall, West Kendall, South Miami). My only EDGE areas are a little zone between Brickel and Little Havana / Coconut Grove.
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I'm in Miami and I get 3G, Edge, etc switching all the time as well. Very disappointed in Tmob down here. It's especially bad around Sunset/87th ave area.
Im in Jupiter and I only get edge and wifi..... :/
I am still running original Cupcake. Is it sufficient to use a Goldcard to flash different Radios? Or do I need Root and/or a different SPL?
I have BT issues with original Cupcake Radio .26I, so need a different Radio.

To upgrade Radio or not to?

This weekend I upgraded my CDMA Hero to DamageControl. Let me say.. WOW.. it is great....
there are a few minor issues..
-gallery landscape issues
-vvm... but Google Voice is great!
-no Sprint TV
-upgrade Radio???
I am here to ask.. should I upgrade the Radio?
did some research and I am getting mixed feeling on this. Since in the past, only real way to brick your phone is to mess with the radio... and all the others that have major issues with the new Radio.
I am having cold feet about this!!
I can see that I am low in signal strength. and my standby time/ 50% of the time my phone is looking for coverage. My battery is not as good as it was before my new 2.1 ROM.
It looks like I should get the version
NOT the (02) version. RIGHT?
Any feedback??
Check this out about 2.1 and poor battery life.
Im in for other's opinions on this. I already upgraded the radio but cant seem to be able to update PRL and signal icon has low bars all the time, even if my wife's Hero has all the bars.
zmk76 said:
Check this out about 2.1 and poor battery life.
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Yeah.. I have read that.. and mine was already on CDMA auto PRL.... and 50%
I dont want to be on CDMA only... because.. I think that it will cause lower connectivity.
Dan330 said:
Yeah.. I have read that.. and mine was already on CDMA auto PRL.... and 50%
I dont want to be on CDMA only... because.. I think that it will cause lower connectivity.
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Our phones can only use CDMA so i am pretty sure it will not effect connectivity.... unless i am missing something.
You want it set to CDMA only, otherwise you get problems
i won't upgrade my radio until sprint releases one...too easy to brick your phone.
lgevo said:
Our phones can only use CDMA so i am pretty sure it will not effect connectivity.... unless i am missing something.
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PRL.. is for roaming...
that is what I have read.
I have upgraded the radio. I set mine to CDMA only and I was only able to connect at 1X instead of EV after that. I am not sure what is going on with it.
I installed the radio right after upgrading to fresh 2.0b. My phone has been doing just fine since. I didn't know at the time that it could brick my phone. Glad it didn't. I am happy with the radio.

New Radio and battery life

I updated my radio earlier today to and have PRL 60663. I am seeing a significant increase in battery life. Is anyone else seeing this or is it just my imagination? I'm running the new DamageControl 2.06 ROM.
I am running under the same conditions and have definitely seen better battery life.
I have seen better battery life with this radio too.
Also...I more than doubled my battery life by going into settings>Wireless and Networks>Mobile Network Settings> and UNCHECK "enable always-on mobile..."
Then I went into Settings>Location> Uncheck "Use wireless Networks", and Check "Use GPS".
With these settings and GPS on, I used my phone pretty heavily for 15 hours and had 54% battery life when I went to bed.
The only thing is that with enable always-on mobile unchecked, your phone only updates data when the screen is on, which means that it will only fetch emails/gmails when you turn the screen on. If it's idle, you won't get your gmail, but if the screen is on (for any reason)...then it'll fetch and update all your data. For me it's worth it to get my gmails a little later and more than doubling my battery life.
Hope this helps someone
I have definitely seen an increase in battery life with this new Radio.
I'm new to Radios... Since this new radio seems good, how do I go about flashing it? Is it a zip file like if I were doing a rom?
danman132x said:
I'm new to Radios... Since this new radio seems good, how do I go about flashing it? Is it a zip file like if I were doing a rom?
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How To: Flash a Radio Update Sprint HTC Hero
Download: Radio Baseband for Sprint CDMA Hero
That should be everything you need. Ask away if you have any questions.
flipzmode said:
How To: Flash a Radio Update Sprint HTC Hero
Download: Radio Baseband for Sprint CDMA Hero
That should be everything you need. Ask away if you have any questions.
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Thanks! My baseband is still
Haven't had any battery issues, but an update should be well worth it.
flipzmode said:
How To: Flash a Radio Update Sprint HTC Hero
Download: Radio Baseband for Sprint CDMA Hero
That should be everything you need. Ask away if you have any questions.
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hey flipz figured i would try to catch you wjile your on and before you dissappear like zorro have you found any concrete facts upon the location variable to this radio...i see nothing but positive things about it although i dont see the positive still go back to the eris radio for fresh 2.0b2 and works the best for also in northwest ohio but i figured the radio things had to be like a east coast west coast thing...any insight?
aauussttiinn88 said:
hey flipz figured i would try to catch you wjile your on and before you dissappear like zorro have you found any concrete facts upon the location variable to this radio...i see nothing but positive things about it although i dont see the positive still go back to the eris radio for fresh 2.0b2 and works the best for also in northwest ohio but i figured the radio things had to be like a east coast west coast thing...any insight?
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In theory they are designed to work the same everywhere. Once an update rolls out it will only be one radio, just the same as our 1.5 one was. However without a doubt, some seem to work better for people based on their area and it's always been that way on every phone. Unfortunately there is no concrete way to know which one will work better for people. I suppose it just depends on what hardware they are using in the towers around you. But I'm not a mobile network engineer so I'm honestly not 100% sure.
flipzmode said:
In theory they are designed to work the same everywhere. Once an update rolls out it will only be one radio, just the same as our 1.5 one was. However without a doubt, some seem to work better for people based on their area and it's always been that way on every phone. Unfortunately there is no concrete way to know which one will work better for people. I suppose it just depends on what hardware they are using in the towers around you. But I'm not a mobile network engineer so I'm honestly not 100% sure.
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yea thats what i thought..because even when i ran 1.1 with the stock radio @ work i would never get a 3g sig...when i moved up to that 2.1 eris leak on got that new radio i got a substancially better at signal and greatly improved my battery and i couldnt of been when i saw the new new radio i was like wow can it even get better??? but then it was same as stock radio basically i never got a 3g sig..and i was scared about this first since the radio was i geuss for "verizon" and im now not runing the eris leak but it works great...all my co-workers on verizon always had better service than me...but ever since the eris radio i get just as much service as them btw flipz cant "flippin" wait to get 2.1 support on the kitchen!
aauussttiinn88 said:
i was scared about this first since the radio was i geuss for "verizon"
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Yea, on my touch pro I used to use a telus radio on Sprint because it gave me the best signal and speed. It wasn't the newest version or even made for Sprint, but it's what worked for me in my city!
ive seen a great improvement with this radio on 2.0d. they seem to have tweaked the bars b/c now im at 4-6 whereas previously id be 2-4, though the dbm is right around the same as always at home. i am, however, getting through the day with 50% battery left whereas before i would be 20% or less
Improved Battery and Radio performance in NYC. THANKS
Wait flipz... so you're saying we could use Verizon radios on our phones if we live in an area where Verizon gets excellent signal everywhere, and then our phone (on Sprint) would get signal like a Verizon phone?
Then I went into Settings>Location> Uncheck "Use wireless Networks", and Check "Use GPS".
With these settings and GPS on, I used my phone pretty heavily for 15 hours and had 54% battery life when I went to bed.
i don't know how you can say that you get more battery life with this tweak. In my nexus righ next to the box where you can chek this option, has the following saying: "uses more battery"... is to you to think about.
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
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mrinehart93 said:
Wait flipz... so you're saying we could use Verizon radios on our phones if we live in an area where Verizon gets excellent signal everywhere, and then our phone (on Sprint) would get signal like a Verizon phone?
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It worked for WinMO. I used to use a Telus radio on my diamond. But I'm not sure I'd mess with flashing other vendor's radios on your hero. TECHNICALLY it should work. But I wouldn't want to be the test case.
new radio
i just downloaded this radio to see what all the fuss was about, and in my room it dropped my signal, now it keeps going back and forth to 1x now just over and over, im using the new damage rom, you guys think if i change to the newest flipz maybe it would be different. i know this sounds strange but i do feel like with certain roms i get better signal in my home, cause i tried the previous damage roms and all the previous flipz and for some reason i always get better signal in my home with the flipz roms! im just a confused soul.......
sousafrui said:
Then I went into Settings>Location> Uncheck "Use wireless Networks", and Check "Use GPS".
With these settings and GPS on, I used my phone pretty heavily for 15 hours and had 54% battery life when I went to bed.
i don't know how you can say that you get more battery life with this tweak. In my nexus righ next to the box where you can chek this option, has the following saying: "uses more battery"... is to you to think about.
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
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That's why I'm saying to uncheck it. Cuz the option to have it checked uses more battery. Read it again.
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Would this Radio be compatible with Cyanogen 6.1 froyo extremely blue rom? its 2.2.1 android.
Embargho101 said:
Would this Radio be compatible with Cyanogen 6.1 froyo extremely blue rom? its 2.2.1 android.
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This thread is old. There are newer radios out.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!

PRL messing with my phone signal

okay im running pancake 1.5 and i have the latest prl version. i noticed my signal is worse now than before and it drops out alot. could there be a fix for this? maybe roll back to a previous prl? im also noticing the phone gets laggy at times, then i loose the evo icon, then it comes back after 30 seconds.... idea's???
Which radio (baseband) are you running?
im running flipz prl and radio
cant vouch for battery
can definatly vouch for signal
flipzmode said:
Which radio (baseband) are you running?
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the stock one for 1.5 i guess, i haven't installed any other ones. im currently flashing your 2.1 you recommend a custom radio?
You can always revert you just have to find someone that has the old PRL file.. If you give me a little bit, I might be able to find that for you on my old service computer.. It crapped out last week so I don't know if I still have it or not..
The PRL lets the phone know how it is supposed to interact with roaming towers, so if the updated PRL removed a tower near you, due to contract or whatever, you are most likely having your issue because of that.. Also, if it adds a tower that previously wasn't in your PRL, you could be polling between the two, back and forth with no solid connection, that would explain the EV drop..
Also, if the output was decreased for whatever reason, you could just be too far away from the tower...
Give me a little while, and I will PM you if I can find a way for you to revert. I am pretty sure you have to have RMS so you might not be able to with my file..
fixxxer2008 said:
the stock one for 1.5 i guess, i haven't installed any other ones. im currently flashing your 2.1 you recommend a custom radio?
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Yea definitely upgrade the radio. They actually aren't custom radios, just ones stripped from newer roms or phones.
Check for the list. The newest one out is which 90% of people have better battery life and signal quality. However depending on where you live and what equipment is used in your area, that isn't always the cost. Most of the people who aren't using 2.42 are using this one
azyouthinkeyeiz said:
You can always revert you just have to find someone that has the old PRL file.. If you give me a little bit, I might be able to find that for you on my old service computer.. It crapped out last week so I don't know if I still have it or not..
The PRL lets the phone know how it is supposed to interact with roaming towers, so if the updated PRL removed a tower near you, due to contract or whatever, you are most likely having your issue because of that.. Also, if it adds a tower that previously wasn't in your PRL, you could be polling between the two, back and forth with no solid connection, that would explain the EV drop..
Also, if the output was decreased for whatever reason, you could just be too far away from the tower...
Give me a little while, and I will PM you if I can find a way for you to revert. I am pretty sure you have to have RMS so you might not be able to with my file..
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wow man you are smart(i mean that in most literal sense possible)
if what he says is true (i dont doubt it is) then id advice switching between the two and experimenting. i know avalaunch posted a solid method of rollback, alltho i believe it concerns a hard reset, and your msl, which is apprently hard to get. good luck, i think the guy i qouted would be more of a help.
flipzmode said:
Yea definitely upgrade the radio. They actually aren't custom radios, just ones stripped from newer roms or phones.
Check for the list. The newest one out is which 90% of people have better battery life and signal quality. However depending on where you live and what equipment is used in your area, that isn't always the cost. Most of the people who aren't using 2.42 are using this one
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can i flash back to stock radio if need be? thanks though, ill give it a go!
Yeah Ill be honest. I think in my area, I got better signal before using the 2.42. I think Im gonna roll back and see how it goes.
fixxxer2008 said:
can i flash back to stock radio if need be? thanks though, ill give it a go!
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Yup there is a link to download/flash the stock one in there too.
fixxxer2008 said:
can i flash back to stock radio if need be? thanks though, ill give it a go!
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ah, see now here i can help. avalaunch also posted the stock radio a long time ago, flashable in recovery, and i can vouch for a sucssful flash and rollback. decided new radio in combo of flipz prl indeed boosted my signal. like i said, no go on the battery but overall worth it in the end.
i do have to say, because i was warned, radio flashing is indeed tricky buisness, do some reading up.
kbizzle said:
Yeah Ill be honest. I think in my area, I got better signal before using the 2.42. I think Im gonna roll back and see how it goes.
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Because, as I have said numerous times before, and no one listens, the service you are getting is dependent on your a)location b)distance from tower c) PRL (for roaming and interconnectivity with other towers)..
The only thing the radio does is manage the signal power input and output of a device..
yeah im going back to the stock radio, the 2.1 radio signal was far worse.
Ive noticed just after the other day my phone roams almost constantly, I have the 60664 PRL and yet it still roams even in my own house. What can I do?

[Q] Switching between 3G and H is such an annoyance... Any help?

I've read up on this and understand it is supposed to be normal, but man does it make my phone so much worse. Every single time a page loads it has to switch from 3G to H. My reception seems like it sucks so bad because of this. Sometimes it doesn't switch. I get good bars everywhere I go, but it feels like I have terrible reception.
I've never understood radios and such. I'm rooted with the stock rom. Would this be better if I tried cyanogenmod with a different radio? There has to be a fix for this issue.
If you solve this for me, I'll kiss you through the internet.
I don't think kissing anyone over the internet would make them want to help you any more
Its how the phone works, its supposed to switch to 3G to H. H comes on when data is more active.
What radio are you using?
IPxSynergy said:
I've read up on this and understand it is supposed to be normal, but man does it make my phone so much worse. Every single time a page loads it has to switch from 3G to H. My reception seems like it sucks so bad because of this. Sometimes it doesn't switch. I get good bars everywhere I go, but it feels like I have terrible reception.
I've never understood radios and such. I'm rooted with the stock rom. Would this be better if I tried cyanogenmod with a different radio? There has to be a fix for this issue.
If you solve this for me, I'll kiss you through the internet.
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the bars are for your gsm radio, telephone calls. they dont give you an idea on data speeds. do a speed test to see how good of a data connection you have.
simms22 said:
the bars are for your gsm radio, telephone calls. they dont give you an idea on data speeds. do a speed test to see how good of a data connection you have.
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I knew the bars are for phone calls, but I'm in the city of Chicago and have a hard time believing my data is as bad as it seems. I'll have plenty of times where it shows 3G connection and doesn't switch to H, therefore no data comes through. I've had plenty of times where I didn't believe I wasn't getting data, so I reset my phone and sure enough - data!
I do believe something could be wrong with my specific phone. I might need to try a full reset or flash cyanogenmod. I just didn't want to do that. Especially without checking with you genius's beforehand!
zephiK said:
I don't think kissing anyone over the internet would make them want to help you any more
Its how the phone works, its supposed to switch to 3G to H. H comes on when data is more active.
What radio are you using?
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How can I check radio version?
I'm running 4.2.2. Baseband version M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 Kernel version 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd [email protected] #1
Build number JDQ39
Sorry for the delayed response. It is making me wait 5 minutes between posts, even though I'm not a new user and this is MY post. I haven't posted much, but I'm not new Maybe the mods will see this and lift my restriction
IPxSynergy said:
How can I check radio version?
I'm running 4.2.2. Baseband version M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 Kernel version 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd [email protected] #1
Build number JDQ39
Sorry for the delayed response. It is making me wait 5 minutes between posts, even though I'm not a new user and this is MY post. I haven't posted much, but I'm not new Maybe the mods will see this and lift my restriction
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The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
zephiK said:
The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
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I can do that, but I'll first have to figure out how to do it. For some reason my drivers say they don't work and it won't let me flash clockwork mod. I was going to make another post about it after I figured this out. Do you think radio could be the issue?
Also, I am on Tmobile, but I thought LTE didn't really work since it was ATT band 4 or something and only very specific areas had it?
zephiK said:
The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
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Well, I just found out my APN was the one used when you are on LTE. I changed it to the non LTE version and will test over the next few days. If that was my problem, I'm going to be upset at the Tmobile lady who put in that info.
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
thfreedumb said:
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
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Hmm. Some good points. I'll let you know in a few days. If it works better, then I might just leave it. It is interesting that you are in Chicago and LTE works. Makes me want to try it. I'll see how this goes first.
thfreedumb said:
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
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Well, I did my commute this morning and there really was no change. It could be a combination of poor data reception areas and slow switching. I'd like to try to flash a new radio, but I don't know how. I can start a new thread about this, but I'll at least mention my problem here. I installed the Nexus 4 Toolkit and went through all the steps to make sure the drivers were installed correctly and such. I did this a long time ago when I rooted the phone. But something is wrong and it doesn't let me flash clockworkmod. It tells me to go through the steps again, which I have tried.
Is there a way to flash a new radio without clockwordmod?
IPxSynergy said:
Hmm. Some good points. I'll let you know in a few days. If it works better, then I might just leave it. It is interesting that you are in Chicago and LTE works. Makes me want to try it. I'll see how this goes first.
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I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
g0rge said:
I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
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Lte is amazing in Chicago but not as strong in Chicagoland. However, hspa+ is garbage in Chicago but better in Chicago land.
As for cwm, I prefer twrp. You can just download goo manager from the app store and it will install twrp for you. As far as I know you need to use a custom Rom that supports the older radios or else your calling might mess up. I use aokp.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
thfreedumb said:
Lte is amazing in Chicago but not as strong in Chicagoland. However, hspa+ is garbage in Chicago but better in Chicago land.
As for cwm, I prefer twrp. You can just download goo manager from the app store and it will install twrp for you. As far as I know you need to use a custom Rom that supports the older radios or else your calling might mess up. I use aokp.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Well, I tried to use goo manager to install aokp. It seemed like it would work, but nothing happened when I flashed it. It reset and seemed like it was installing something, then I rebooted with no change. Strange.
g0rge said:
I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
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Just wanted to let you know... I flashed Cyanogenmod and the 33 radio. Everything is so much better. Connection is quicker when switching, but also the 4G is fast! I should have done this a while ago. Been testing for 2 days. I'm in the city, so not sure about the burbs.
IPxSynergy said:
Just wanted to let you know... I flashed Cyanogenmod and the 33 radio. Everything is so much better. Connection is quicker when switching, but also the 4G is fast! I should have done this a while ago. Been testing for 2 days. I'm in the city, so not sure about the burbs.
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Click to collapse you might find this thread interesting, might throw this on this morning before work and give it a shot...
g0rge said: you might find this thread interesting, might throw this on this morning before work and give it a shot...
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I actually tried that a few weeks ago, before I knew what I was doing. I wasn't able to flash it because I didn't have a custom recovery. I'm glad I went to CyanogenMod though. It seems to be faster and there are little things that make it better than stock.
IPxSynergy said:
I actually tried that a few weeks ago, before I knew what I was doing. I wasn't able to flash it because I didn't have a custom recovery. I'm glad I went to CyanogenMod though. It seems to be faster and there are little things that make it better than stock.
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Yeah I was running paranoid android for awhile, currently running stock for the 4.3 update, contemplating cm 10.2 when that gets solid or PA again once they get everything sorted out from the 4.3 hijinks.
g0rge said:
Yeah I was running paranoid android for awhile, currently running stock for the 4.3 update, contemplating cm 10.2 when that gets solid or PA again once they get everything sorted out from the 4.3 hijinks.
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I didn't think it would be worth it to switch, but it is. Stock is great, but CM is better. I haven't used paranoid android.
IPxSynergy said:
I didn't think it would be worth it to switch, but it is. Stock is great, but CM is better. I haven't used panandroid
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Yeah CM has a lot of nice additions, Paranoid is pretty slick...been a fan of that one on multiple devices. It's built around swapping ui you can set your phone to act like a phablet or tablet per gmail look like it does on your tablet on your phone. Let's you drop out the soft keys and replace them with a pop up slide wheel/etc and has a lot of the AOSP and CM features like the quick notification toggles etc.
