Superuser issue with Fresh 2.0d ROM - Hero CDMA General

Was working and after flashing the new image for Sprint from Flipz it stopped working..
what do i have to do to fix it? can someone guide me please

What is it doing / not doing? It works fine. What steps did you take when you flashed it? What rom did you come from?

Make sure USB Debugging is checked in Settings>Applications >Development

Hey flipz....
I'm on your latest ROM Fresh 2.0d and flashed the new image over it..
Superuser doesn't pop up the allow/deny option whenever i try to run an app that uses it..

MOD's delete this thread please ..thanks!

Just flashed from the first RegawMOD to Fresh 2.0d on my wife's and had to check it i didn't have to on mine but I've flashed so many times I can't even remember what it was before flashing Fresh. Always wiping before flashing as well.

I was having problems with all my apps that require SU permissions since I installed Fresh 2.0d. I realized that usb debugging was not enabled, but after enabling i was still having problems when the SU window would pop up totally black and just hang there.
What worked for me was enabling usb debugging then going into settings>applications>manage applications, then selecting the Superuser app and clearing the data. Now the Superuser allow/deny window pops up like normal when opening those apps which require permissions.

I have a question that some of you might be able to answer. It got buried in the dc2.05 thread. It's regarding the Superuser Permissions app/utility.
I get allow/deny prompts for various tasks, so the actual function works fine. I'm wondering about the management when I open the Superuser Permissions app. It looks like I can clear a set permission by tapping on the rule. However, it always looks like I only have one rule, which is listed at the top. If I tap on it to clear it, another rule will be displayed. It's as if all my rules are overlapping on the top row.
If I want to clear a single rule, there's a chance I need to clear multiple rules to get to it. Is that how things are supposed to work? I'm guessing all the rules should be displayed in a list; but being new to all this, I could be wrong. Are fresh users seeing this behavior?

e30user said:
I have a question that some of you might be able to answer. It got buried in the dc2.05 thread. It's regarding the Superuser Permissions app/utility.
I get allow/deny prompts for various tasks, so the actual function works fine. I'm wondering about the management when I open the Superuser Permissions app. It looks like I can clear a set permission by tapping on the rule. However, it always looks like I only have one rule, which is listed at the top. If I tap on it to clear it, another rule will be displayed. It's as if all my rules are overlapping on the top row.
If I want to clear a single rule, there's a chance I need to clear multiple rules to get to it. Is that how things are supposed to work? I'm guessing all the rules should be displayed in a list; but being new to all this, I could be wrong. Are fresh users seeing this behavior?
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Same function for me, just shows one rule at the top. Its been like this on fresh 1.0 and 2.0. Looks like you can only clear one at a time, or all at once in the "manage applications" setting as I described above.


SU/Root gone on ADP1 running JFv1.50 ADP1.5? [Solved?]

Hey all. I have searched but I was unable to find a thread pertaining this issue.
Phone: Android Dev Phone 1
Running: JFv1.50 ADP1.5
What has happened is that today SU/Root seemingly stopped working. I discovered it when I bought Kosh's Screenshot app and started it up. The app requires SU permission, and therefore the "SU Request" window popped up. But it's blank. A blank black screen which eventually will run low on memory and then force close.
I then tried to open the Superuser Permission app, same result. Opened Task Manager for Root Users, same deal. Opened the Terminal Emulator and typed "su", which actually worked! I still had SU privs there. Closed the TE and decided to reboot the phone, and now I don't have SU privs in TE anymore. Everything that's non root related is still working fine.
Does anyone have an idea what's happening here? I suspect that maybe the Market Enabler app or the AdsFree apps could have something to do with it, because they're the only root related apps I have installed the last few weeks, before this problem occurred.
I'm sure a wipe would fix this glitch, but I'd prefer not to do that unless it's necessary. Plus, it would be nice to know what's causing this, so I can avoid it in the future.
Same thing has happened to me. It worked fine for Term Emu, task manager, and ad block. But I tried using an OC app and when super user popped up blank. All my previous apps still work but any new root apps I install do not work. Not sure why though and the only way I found to fix it is to wipe. Do you have your apps on the sd card? I'm using the old method haven't gotten around to trying the new method. Not sure if that is the issue or not, the old version of super user never gave me any issues.
I did a wipe, and it sorted the problem out, for some root apps. Now I'm back to the same crap again though, the SU Request window pops up but it's all black and eventually it force closes.
According JF's blog he included "a much better Superuser app, courtesy of zinx" in the 1.50 release. It's obviously what's causeing our problems, I never had an issue with the old one, but I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to go back to 1.1 or Haykuro's builds. I guess I'm stuck with a semi-crippled JFv1.50 ADP1.5 until someone with more brains than me finds and posts a proper solution.
Yeah Ive been noticing the same thing. Also the superuser list GUI is horrible. I liked how in the last one you can choose what programs you'd want to remove su access from.
andonnguyen said:
Yeah Ive been noticing the same thing. Also the superuser list GUI is horrible. I liked how in the last one you can choose what programs you'd want to remove su access from.
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Exactly. I'm not sure what he means by "a much better Superuser app", because for a layman like myself it seems a lot worse than the old one
This is just going from bad to worse. Now I discovered I have no positioning via wifi/3G anymore. I have to start the GPS and go outside and wait for a signal to get a lock on my position, which sucks. What the hell is going on? If not even a wipe is enough I guess I'm looking at a complete reinstall, but if all this has happened once it can/will happen again. I would much prefer to find the cause of all this crap.
Ok, so I found the cause for the Assisted GPS issue at least. My Micro SD card needed repairs. I put it in a SD card adapter and plugged it in to my laptop and let Vista repair the file system (apparently there were close to 100 errors on the damn thing) and now it seems to be working again.
Edit: This might actually have fixed my issues with the superuser permissions too. Knock on wood. I'll have to get back to you on this.
I'm having this Exact issue
I am having this exact same issue on dudes build. I have tried everything from scanning to formatting the SD i have flashed back and forth from Jf1.42 to jf1.50 and then to all different dude builds and i have no clue what to do next.
I do a wipe every time i flash and the only way to get any su access is to have jf1.42 or haykuro build. Anyone Else having an issue? I have been working on this for 3 days straight now...
For me it was an SD card issue. If you have a spare card, try that instead, or if you can borrow a card from a friend, just to see if it resolves your problems.
I realize that you have repaired/formatted your SD card, but it could be something wrong with it that screws things up. Worth a try, right?
Absolutely I'm looking for one right now thanks for the quick response. I'll let you know if it works. I have a 2gb sandisk in there now, so i still have my 1gb and my girlfriends 1gb too. Her phone has no su problems at all.
I also ran across the same problem reported here, only a wipe solved it. I believe it had something to do with the Market Enabler (non-signed) app, which was the only one I installed that first showed me the dreadful empty SU screen...
Fixed It
My Problem has been fixed by formatting the sd card with the phone itself.
I copied off all my info, unmounted it from the computer, unmounted it from the phone, this gave the option to format the sd card.
Once that was done i copied all my data back and when i installed programs from my sd i have not had a single su problem since.
I was having all these same problems in JF's 1.5 build, and none of the wiping/formatting SD/trying a different SD card combinations did the trick. Then, I went into JF's blog post where he released 1.5, and someone posted there that enabling USB debugging would fix the issue. I did this, and what do you know, now my superuser permissions app works again in everything, even in unsigned apps! Maybe this is why a wipe fixed it for some people, and not for others?
n17ikh said:
Then, I went into JF's blog post where he released 1.5, and someone posted there that enabling USB debugging would fix the issue. I did this, and what do you know, now my superuser permissions app works again in everything, even in unsigned apps! Maybe this is why a wipe fixed it for some people, and not for others?
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Not to Jesus resurrect this thread, but I had the same issue and same fix as n17ikh here on the ION build. Enabled USB debugging and su/superuser permissions started working Too bad I have to disable USB debugging in order for my car stereo to mount my G1 as a USB device, but at least I have a solution
Hope this helps anyone else who may stumble upon this.

Root Access, Can't Uninstall Bloatware

So I'm rooted on my Evo and as far as I can tell I've flashed the stock rom that should allow me to uninstall the bloatware, however, I dont see any uninstall options for that crap like facebook.
Anything I'm doing wrong?
I followed this guide to root and flash. I've tested my root using the "Terminal Emulator" and typing "su" and it returned a "#"
Thanks XDA, I love most of you
You know you need to uninstall from your computer using adb
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
I've installed Android Debug Bridge but I was under the impression that rooting my phone would allow me to do things on my phone, such as install and uninstall what I want.
Could you explain the process more or send me to a link that does?
If you want to do it in android you either need console program or a file manager. Root explorer us the best one and easiest. Looks just like a typical explorer, tap the rw/ro button for read only or read write and delete away.
You have to have completed the second part of unlocking nand. Otherwise your only option is using a computer and adb in recovery.
They dont make this easy do they? I would have figured Android to be very open for things like this, I'm starting to feel like I have to "jailbreak" again, only this time it's to remove crap.
This seems like so much work to get rid of facebook and sprint tv.
It took me 10 minutes total including the file downloads. Its a one time thing and there is a learning curve with any new platform.
Aridon, is there a free explorer you'd recommend? I dont mind buying software, just want to make sure I'm not mistaken before I buy something that is worthless to me.
You get a trial on any purchased software in android. After its installed if you go backto market and pull it up again there will be a refund option. So no risk. I think its for 24 hours.
As for a free one I'm not sure when I first started messing around with android I bought it because people said it was the best. I don't have any regrets.
Just remember to tap the top button for rw. Long press brings up options. Menu had an option for multiple file select and other goodies. its very powerful.
Aridon, thanks for everything, just 1 more question. I bought it, and the program is slick. I went to /system/app and deleted facebook, is that all I need to do?
Cause I still see it in the menu
I may have done a bad thing, my phone just reset itself.... I need a trainer to be with me at all times.
So after that restart, the files I thought I deleted are back.
Yes just go into system/app, make sure it says rw up top which means read write access, then select the file, general an .apk and .odex and delete. Not all files have both and some roms don't have any .odex files.
I'll be up for another 30 min or so and I'll keep an eye on this thread in case you have any questions.
Ok that means the second part where you unlocked nand wasn't done correctly. Make sure you go slow, download the files again because they are different and watch for errors.
The only hiccup I had was when I copied the new recovery and other files to my sd and tried to adb push it gave me some kind of can't find file error. I had to reboot and it was fine. It send after the boot I could go back in and adb the files it must have been some kind if a refresh error on the sd while in recovery.
Edit. I'm responding on my evo and in bed so excuse errors.
Go to sleep, I'll resume this thread tomorrow if I'm still having trouble. You Sir, are a life saver. This is why XDA is THE FORUM for anything mobile.
Good night then.
I know it can be a bit of a pain to do this but I promise you it will be worth it. Things have only just started and the custom roms are already awesome. Once we get the source code things are going to be insane over here.
Got it! Everything is working well. However, now my voice mail says it can not download messages.... Rebooted and it's all good.
Facebook and Twitter Free! Also, no more Sprint crap.
Life is good, again.
Another terminal substitute is Android Commander, out is naturally a file explorer that allows transfer and deletion off whatever you want. This program runs in your pc.
As Was mentioned above, root explorer is the easiest way.
Aridon said:
If you want to do it in android you either need console program or a file manager. Root explorer us the best one and easiest. Looks just like a typical explorer, tap the rw/ro button for read only or read write and delete away.
You have to have completed the second part of unlocking nand. Otherwise your only option is using a computer and adb in recovery.
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So with Android - one simply deletes the application rather than un-installing it? That doesn't cause problems with the system thinking the application still exists somewhere?
DrawnToScale said:
So with Android - one simply deletes the application rather than un-installing it? That doesn't cause problems with the system thinking the application still exists somewhere?
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It depends on where it is installed. /system/apps do not allow you to just uninstall you have to delete it. One this is done its gone. Obviously if you delete phone.apk you are going to have issues or if you delete a process that is running you may get a force close but for the most part unless you delete an app like people or dialer you are fine. After the single force close everything works properly.
Some custom roms moved programs to /data/app which allows them to be removed the other way. force close [(ACTUALLY) FIXED 04/29/2011]

EDIT: After studying some logs, and struggling with this issue for some time, I am happy to say I have finally figured out why this happens, and how to fix it.
The issue is with the calendar, which is why what is written below would work for a short time, before the problem would resurface. If you navigate into the calendar settings, you will see an option within Calendar View Settings to "Include Weather". What is happening, regardless of whether this is checked, is upon the gps turning on, and in set intervals afterward, the calendar tries to check the weather. When it does not find the proper apk, the message appears.
How To Fix
The files that need to be replaced are WeatherProvider.apk and WeatherProvider.odex (, which I have attached below for convenience. Simply replace these files using the method you prefer (adb, terminal, root file browser), remembering to remount /system as rw, then fix_permissions and reboot.
Alternatively, I made a flashable version (, which you need only flash from recovery and reboot.
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I recently started getting notices that stopped and needed a force close. Though it seemed not to affect anything, it was annoying.
It happens when one removes the sense apps (though I have not narrowed down exactly which ones).
To fix this, go to settings, applications, manage applications, then clear data in Calendar, Calander Provider, and Gmail.
Thank you! It was starting to really annoy me.
EDIT: It's back.
^ Shift Faced
Came back on me too. Cleared delvik as well. I may have to try and track down all the weather app crap I removed to stop it if no one can figure out a better way.
According to Elixer that process is started by ConnectToPCService. Hope that helps. I no longer get but I'm back to stock with all HTC junk intact, just Sprint crap removed.
^ Shift Faced
Check the OP for a real fix to this issue.
How do you "flash" from recovery & reboot
does this work on other htc phones?
i flashed this on a desire hd running leedroid 3.0.2 but i still get the FC
din clear data after flashing
note: i used a no sense script but left myhtc and htclocationservice intact
problem parsing package
i had downloaded the said files but when I tried to install the files,it says problem parsing the to fix this?

[Q] APKs won't sideload via adb or a file manager

So I am trying to load a couple of apks I have and it's been no go. On my Epic I usually just dropbox, open, and install. I tried that and initially got the security message. That is already taken care of via nookcolor tools. So that isn't the issue. My issue is every time I go to install I go to Astro, open the file via the "open app manager," it takes me to the info install page...I click install and it loads into the package installer, excellent...and then it just stalls and the progress bar runs and runs but never progresses. This has happened with every apk I have now tried. I figured I'd just go the little more involved (very little, no need to be that lazy, right) route and adb install. Well carp. All goes well, I adb install blahblah.apk and it starts rolling..."570kb blah..etc pkg /blah/temp/blah"...and just hangs there...never to give me the gratifying "success" message. Again, I have tried this with different apks that I know work and the same results. I restored to stock and rerooted, just in case. Same
I am running stock rooted (manualnooter) at this point, just got the nook day before yesterday (one of the many who jumped at the refurbs). Market apps download fine. I'm a blue dot, if that makes any diff. Likely not but meh.
I have searched and googled and not found the answers...but I know I am missing something elementally simple. My luck I'll look like an idiot and it will be a "did you check to see if you had any gas?" broken down car scenario. I'm okay with that, as long as I'm running again. I'm pretty sure I checked all the out of gas scenarios but I likely missed one or two so... any help is much appreciated. Thanks a ton...
I should know better than trying to write before coffee
Well, My answer is not a "check gas" answer. It's pretty dang weird.
1. Download ES Explorer from the market.
2. Start ES Explorer, hit Menu>Settings. Goto Root Options (NEW) and tick both check boxes. Hit allow when it asks you to.
3. Go back twice, until you see your sd card contents. Find the APK on there and select and hold. Hit copy and then hit the 1st button on the row of buttons (it's an icon of an sd card OR a Home icon) If you see a data folder, go in to it. If not, hit the 1st button again.
3. Once in the data folder, go into the app folder. Pull up the little white tab on the bottom. Tap the APK you wanted to install. It will copy. Once you see the APK's icon in the folder, hit the home button and restart. That should have installed it but it is a slow method. Note that you can Multi-Select APK's by pressing the Multi-select button and pasting them all in the /data/app/ folder.
are you sure you have side loading checked
Settings > applications should be the top box.
fnordsnafu said:
So I am trying to load a couple of apks I have and it's been no go. On my Epic I usually just dropbox, open, and install. I tried that and initially got the security message. That is already taken care of via nookcolor tools. So that isn't the issue.
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I think he already took care of that. And he is on stock, so there is no Applications setting.
ikingblack, thank you, thank you!
Not sure why but by doing this it somehow unsnafued the package installer as well (fingers crossed). I went through your instructions with a known good apk that would not install for anything before. And there it was after the copy, paste reboot etc. Not too much to ask for...still was confused as to the why of the normal package installer method not working. So I decided to give it (package inst) a go with another known working apk (I had just tested it on my epic) that previously wouldn't install, repeatedly, and now it installed just like it should. Scratching my head in wonder. It shouldn't be the reboot, as I have do so many times...the only difference is the install instructions and adding ES (I'm leaving astro behind I think). All I know is it is working and I am a happy camper (tent is in the back yard...) Thanks again! cheers!
Sure. Also, you can select all the APK's using the 2-file icon at the top and tapping the APKs, then press-and hold on one of the APk's and then go to data app, and keep tapping the APK's you wanna copy. And then reboot. Enjoy your Nook!
Thanks for this, it fixed it, but I don't know why.
I suffered this issue on my dell streak.
It was working fine a couple of days ago when I installed GetJar.
Suddenly today for no reason I can determine:
All APK's I tried the install button in the package installer was not grayed out, but it would not respond when pressed.
I've just been setting up my streak again and installing a lot of software. I'm guessing something must of gone wrong.
Someone on another post suggested JuiceDefender may have caused it but I've not installed that recently.
In my case I did:
(1) Installed esFileExplorer
(2) Copied an apk to the folder /data/app/ as described above
(3) restarted the phone
This did not install the app for me.
(4) Tried running the apk file again. Suddenly the Install button is clickable again?! The app then installed just fine.
(5) Tried a different apk (without copying to /data/app/)
Now that will install fine?!
This is really weird. I can't replicate the issue now (which is good!)
but I also can't tell which action fixed it.
As said above it may have been installing esfileexplorer and giving it root access.
It may have been the act of copying the file that reset something.
It wasn't the reboot, at lease not on its own as i'd already tried it.
Regardless, thanks for the info.
If anyone sees this issue again you might want to just try installing esfileexplorer and see if apk's will then install.
This might help us identify which bit of the process is creating the fix.
Just found another suggestion if anyone is interested:
Some suggests using the 'Fix permissions' option of Titanium Backup. I have no way to test this.

[Q] Problem with Franco kernel and Superuser

After a long time thinking about it, I finally decided to try to root my Nexus 4 and install the Franco kernel. I wanted to do this mainly to get some control over the audio output of my device.
The amazing Wugfresh Toolkit got me up and running as root. I then used the Cyanogen auto-installer to install Cyanogenmod 11. I was very happy, and went ahead and downloaded the paid version of the Franco Kernel Updater from the Play store.
All good, but then when I went to lauch the Franco Kernel, I got an error saying 'You're root, but Superuser seems to be denying access. Open Superuser, choose 'forget' and come back to the Franco Kernel and you will likely be asked to allow it'.
So I went to Superuser (took me a while to find it because it used to be an icon on my desktop but it seems that it went away after I installed a custom theme, and I found it only at the bottom of the settings list). I couldn't find anything about 'forgetting', but I could see a log that showed 'deny' then 'allow'. So I went back to to the Franco app and voila! It was open and allowed me to look into all the different functions.
Using the video which is up at the Franco Kernel page at the Play store as my guide., I tried to go into 'Kernel Settings' to access those audio controls... and strangely, there were only 4 items there, the vibration control and 3 others. None of the audio control choices were there.
I thought I had to flash the Kernel so I went ahead and did that. After restart, I again got the 'Superuser' access error. I opened Superuser, but this time I could not get it to 'allow' the Franco Kernel. I could see the log with lots of 'Deny' events. I then did something I probably shouldn't have - I clicked the 'trash' icon. Now, it just says 'There are currently no Superuser app policies'.
So I'm at a standstill. I'm not a huge tech guy but I thought I would give this a try because how else will I learn, right?
Can anyone help me figure out
a) How to simply get the Franco Kernel app open again (by configuring Superuser to stop denying it), and
b) Why I can't see those audio controls in Franco Kernel?
Sorry for such a long post
I saw that there was an option to 'Disable' Superuser permissions. So I tried that, but the Franco Kernel error message still popped up.
I went back to Settings to open Superuser and reset it to where it was... and now the Superuser icon has disappeared from the list at the bottom of the Settings page!
It doesn't show up in the list of Apps either (but it never did, even when I was searching for it earlier and found it on the Settings page).
CyanogenMod has their own implementation of superuser. And as such they can put it in settings instead of in an app.
Here is how you re-enable the superuser menu
As for your how to allow root action, see if there is an option in the superuser menu for something like a default action and make sure that it's set to ask for permission.
Sent from my Nexus 4, want to know my current project? Check
SMillerNL said:
Here is how you re-enable the superuser menu
As for your how to allow root action, see if there is an option in the superuser menu for something like a default action and make sure that it's set to ask for permission.
Sent from my Nexus 4, want to know my current project? Check
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Thanks a lot for the response. I was able to tap 7 times and get back to Develope Mode. I then clicked Developer Options and turned it 'on' as instructed. However, in the long list of items on that 'Developer Options' list, I could not find anything that says 'Root Access'.
Can you give me any indication where 'Root Access' can be found?
Thanks again, I will try to Google it in the meantime.
Unfortunately, I just cannot get Superuser to allow the Franco request. I can see the 'deny' event and I have played with everything available to me via Superuser-->Settings, but there's nothing there that says 'Forget', which the error message from Franco tells me to look for, and there's nothing that says 'Permissions' or anything else with which I can allow Franco!
tradernik said:
Unfortunately, I just cannot get Superuser to allow the Franco request. I can see the 'deny' event and I have played with everything available to me via Superuser-->Settings, but there's nothing there that says 'Forget', which the error message from Franco tells me to look for, and there's nothing that says 'Permissions' or anything else with which I can allow Franco!
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When you open the superuser tab of the settings app, you should get a list of all allowed and denied apps. When you then long-press on one of the apps, you get another window where you should be able to deny access (to the apps that are allowed) or vice versa
Moreover, Franco kernel is not officially compatible with cm, so don't expect a bug-free experience even if you get it working.
Sent by carrier pigeon
Isn't Franco recommanded only for AOSP roms ?
laufersteppenwolf said:
When you open the superuser tab of the settings app, you should get a list of all allowed and denied apps. When you then long-press on one of the apps, you get another window where you should be able to deny access (to the apps that are allowed) or vice versa
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Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, when I open SU, the main window is empty and there's a message saying
"There are currently no Superuser App policies".
Trying to open Franco and allowing SU to deny it doesn't populate this window - it just says the same thing. When I click on Settings or Logs in SU, I can see the logs with the denial events. Even long pressing on those doesn't pop up a box which allows me to give Franco access.
Any thoughts?
klvnhng said:
Moreover, Franco kernel is not officially compatible with cm, so don't expect a bug-free experience even if you get it working.
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I see. Okay, I wasn't aware of that.
It looks more and more like I am going to let Wugfresh re-configure my phone. I am assuming that in its current state, I can ask Wigfresh to just re-do the root process. Everything was going great until i installed Cyanogen and then Franco.
As an aside, rooting the phone has solved a problem I was having with my Gmail app. One initial startup each day, I would have to do a restart to get the Gmail app to pull emails in. It was always exactly two starts that were necessary, and it always worked on the second start. The native Andorid app which was handling my Hotmail didn't have that problem.
So rooting has been a positive for me so far.
AndyTimE said:
Isn't Franco recommanded only for AOSP roms ?
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Aha, okay. Well, maybe the thing for me to do is let Wugfresh re-do the root process and then try an AOSP ROM. Of course, the thing about CM is that there was that handy self-installer.
This is a slippery slope, I can see that. I have seen a few good guides here for doing this stuff manually. Maybe the time has come for me to really figure it out...
In fact the phone is definitely a bit unstable now. It's working fine but the screen is flashing at me a lot. The Swiftkey keyboard intermittently disappears when I am writing an email or a text.
I think I'll start over again. If possible, can someone confirm for me that I can just use the Wugfresh toolkit and ask it to do the root process again from the phone's current state, or do I have to do a restore back to factory and then do the root process again from there?

