Interactive Animated Widgets...will google ever implement it you think? - Nexus One General

Android would be about 100% more amazing if it included interactive widgets like Sense and other home replacements you think Google will ever make that standard on stock android?

i hope so. but, depending, some already interactive. basically the whole point of a widget

AbsoluteDesignz said:
Android would be about 100% more amazing if it included interactive widgets like Sense and other home replacements you think Google will ever make that standard on stock android?
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Just get Sense. You'll be happy you did

Paul22000 said:
Just get Sense. You'll be happy you did
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I'd second that, but until BT can work on it, I'll have to pass sadly.
Heck, BT needs to work properly on stock Android 2.1 first, IMHO (But I shall refrain from derailing the thread ).

Nah I use sense periodically...but for some reason I'm not really feeling it anymore...I like stock android. I wish Launcher 2 modified would work with the Sense widgets, that'd make my life.

AbsoluteDesignz said:
Nah I use sense periodically...but for some reason I'm not really feeling it anymore...I like stock android. I wish Launcher 2 modified would work with the Sense widgets, that'd make my life.
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+1 ... that would make my day


AOSP 1.6: Who needs Sense?

So at first when I switched to the AOSP 1.6 ROM I was a little bummed that my beautiful phone was now...ugly. But! After a while I found little things, here and there, that slowly but surely began to make 1.6 better and better:
This is using a combination of metamorph (and various themes), Home++ and the HTC_IME keyboard (ported over from 1.5)
If you're on the fence between 1.6 and 1.5, let this be your nudge! I think my phone looks better now than it did even with Sense and it's a heck of a lot faster too!
I'm just really excited about this that's all. Anyone else manage to get 1.6 lookin' good?
Though I'm happy to hear that you've successfully switched -- I'd like to say that the majority of the people here probably didn't switch yet, because of few reasons (so far that I know of). Apparently 1.6 seems to not allow some people to use SMS and/or Bluetooth? If this has been fixed, then great -- I'd like to try it out. Otherwise, I don't know that I want to spend 10 minutes switching real quick, just to test SMS. I don't use bluetooth, so that wouldn't be a problem for me, though Home++ looks sweet!!. How have things gone for you?
if i could get 7 homescreens on 1.6 i'd jump in a heartbeat because of metamorph.
Ya I almost droped back down to 1.5 because I didn't have Sense, but now I'm using GDE and the better keyboard app. Hey how did you get the bootscreen changed on it?
If you want more info on Home++, here is their official page: link.
I love home++
There's a sweeter home beta to spruce it up to, but I would rather have eclair sense. It just looks so smooth, hard to beat. I was at my it dept today andran onto q fellow xda'er with a nexus. I'm jealous. Sucks that most of the sickest phones are on gsm, and cdma comes behind 6mo to never. Here I sit with Sprint though. Love the speed and data plan. Dangit.
justinisyoung said:
if i could get 7 homescreens on 1.6 i'd jump in a heartbeat because of metamorph.
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There is a metamorph 2.0 extension pack that has an extended home app that allows you up to 10 home screens. It also allows landscape homescreen which is pretty cool.
I will get the links from another thread and post them back here in a minute.
Here is the link to the Metamorph 2.0 stock theme :
And the Add on that will give you the 10 screens as well as some other extras:
The best part is that it looks and acts like a stock AOSP 1.6/2.0 rom without any of the wierd behaviors of the other home replacements.
Thanks to Gregalous for the Links !
this is the exact set up I was going to do. the only thing that was stopping me was the constant syncing gmail, cal and stuff on aosp 1.6. Is that still an issue?
I do. If I were to switch to 1.6 I would end up building my own custom version and frankly I've spent enough time with my 1.5 rom.
justinisyoung said:
if i could get 7 homescreens on 1.6 i'd jump in a heartbeat because of metamorph.
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menzo44 said:
this is the exact set up I was going to do. the only thing that was stopping me was the constant syncing gmail, cal and stuff on aosp 1.6. Is that still an issue?
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AOSP 1.6 never had constant syncing issue.
so i tried this with home++ and i gotta say, it was really awesome. but i STILL ended up going back to 1.5 sense because i missed htc's widgets too much. three of my homescreens are all htc sense widgets... i just can't live without em!
johndoehizzle said: too lol
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You can! If you dont want to use a new home app then you can get AdvancedLauncher.apk (available in many metamorph themes) allows you to change the number of home screens among other things
justinisyoung said:
so i tried this with home++ and i gotta say, it was really awesome. but i STILL ended up going back to 1.5 sense because i missed htc's widgets too much. three of my homescreens are all htc sense widgets... i just can't live without em!
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Same thing happened to me. Also syncing contacts with facebook and posting from "HTC Sense" made me feel special.
gu1dry said:
AOSP 1.6 never had constant syncing issue.
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well I'm not sure what I was thinking of. I guess maybe aosp 2.01? I don't know but I am sure glad you cleared it up for me! I have spent all morning getting it all hooked up and this is exactly what I was wanting. The 1.6 market is reason enough for me! it is light years better than 1.5 market.
I have quiet's 1.6 with gbhil's Googlebits, superuser, and quiet's headset fix. Everything works besides BT, don't care personally.
I have quiet's 1.6 with gbhil's Googlebits, superuser, and quiet's headset fix. Everything works besides BT, don't care personally.
My browser double posted, sorry.
I didnt even think about not having facebook sync until you mentioned it, and I was going to try this out tonight lol.
Is it real bad without it? I have a little hatred in me for contacts without pictures, thats the main thing I guess, dont really use the whole updates and all that tab as it runs kinda slow when I can just use an app. Is there anyway to pull pictures down without Sense?
Also, I hope no one minds me asking this here but I just want to make sure im going to do this right if I do.
Im currently running fresh 1.1 with Modoco's custom kernel and 2.1 icons and want to try out AOSP 1.6
So I should:
1. Create a backup
2. Wipe my phone (will this remove root access forcing me to reroot?)
3. Flash AOSP 1.6
4. Can I load in Modocos custom kernel?
5. Get metamorph etc going blah blah
Any help is appreciated thanks.

Which ROM (incl. Launcher) are you using?

Since there are three main roms (like i think) i would like to know, which one you are using including launcher.
stock + home++
The custom ROMS are so tempting. Gets better every day so I'm waiting.
Desire with Sense. Was getting bored of the stock look and home replacements.
CM + Home++
stock, stock for me.. Just waiting patiently for the perfect one for my needs!!
i still donĀ“t know, if i should stay with cm or switch to the desire rom. hmm
I don't stay on anyone long enough to say...
As I type, I am on my custom cooked Modaco Desire a10, before that it was Manup's Desire, before that it was CM, and by the end of today I will be on my custom cooked Modaco stock.
If you are wondering what is the best, for me it is a combo.
Stock (but with .32 Kernal), OpenHome/GDE More often OpenHome
thanks for the input.
i think i will stay with CM and stock launcher
The Spirit said:
thanks for the input.
i think i will stay with CM and stock launcher
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lol, why base your choice on other people's opinions? Make up your own mind...
Try out others like Sense and see what YOU like.
And I'm willing to bet that a lot of those people who voted stock haven't tried Sense
optimized CM, auto rotating homescreen launcher, black bar, HTC_IME with transparent patch.
This made my phone friggin sweet.
Voted CM + Stock Launcher, but today I updated to NexTheme's Launcher. I just wish the whole NexTheme would go with Cyan to replace all of the Green. So sick of Green, Green, and more freakin' Green!
I barely prefer stock at this point but the only sense I've tried was on g1 which was painful. But I used it enough to know that I prefer stock regardless of speed although I'd appreciate a better stock music app and better Widgets, when google decided to be largely hands off regarding widgets and just include unimpressive but effective ones, I think (hope ) they anticipated much better contributions by devs on that front. But perhaps in time either 3rd parties will offer impressive music/settings/messaging widgets....or else maybe google will give in an upgrade the stock ones. If the Widgets dont change my vote probably will....
Paul22000 said:
lol, why base your choice on other people's opinions? Make up your own mind...
Try out others like Sense and see what YOU like.
And I'm willing to bet that a lot of those people who voted stock haven't tried Sense
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I've tried Sense. It's just a gimicky UI to me.
Carloswithac said:
I've tried Sense. It's just a gimicky UI to me.
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Honestly, I don't exact see how it is possible to prefer the default Vanilla Android over Sense, I can't exactly see what is more beneficial about Vanilla.
Everything is laid out better, everything is more glossy, everything is just so nice in Sense, and everything just integrates and flows so smoothly - while Vanilla is just plain. What is it that makes people prefer Vanilla more? If you want the eye-candy launcher, just switch to it. If you want the glossy 3D Gallery, install it.
Seriously, what makes things better? I KNOW that there will be someone who can easily tell me, and I'm kinda ready to hear their thoughts ^.~ but I believe most of it will be personal preference.. I would think..
i really do not like the laucher for sense at all. i also just do not like the look or feel of sense at all. i love the clock/weather so i got weather widget donate. i love the keyboard so i got HTC_IME. So the stock UI gives you more options and more control.
plus i prefer the stock launcher. I dont mind hitting the home button then going to dailer one. its much better then having that big ugly bar at the bottom.
Eclair~ said:
Honestly, I don't exact see how it is possible to prefer the default Vanilla Android over Sense, I can't exactly see what is more beneficial about Vanilla.
Everything is laid out better, everything is more glossy, everything is just so nice in Sense, and everything just integrates and flows so smoothly - while Vanilla is just plain. What is it that makes people prefer Vanilla more? If you want the eye-candy launcher, just switch to it. If you want the glossy 3D Gallery, install it.
Seriously, what makes things better? I KNOW that there will be someone who can easily tell me, and I'm kinda ready to hear their thoughts ^.~ but I believe most of it will be personal preference.. I would think..
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Its all in the signature!

Can we disable sense

now that we have root is there a way to disable Htc sense
Patience! Roms are just around the corner I am sure. I know I am +1 on getting rid of the Sense crap. I hate it!
titos1997 said:
now that we have root is there a way to disable Htc sense
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You can't just disable sense, it IS the UI and for all intents (lol) and purposes, the OS. Vanilla Google Android 2.1 is a different kernel than Android HTC Sense 2.1, so it has to be replaced, lock stock and barrel. Go over and look at the Dream forums, the Sense&Espresso camp is quite different from the Donut, Eclair, Froyo camp. If you've ever used linux, the difference between Gnome distros and KDE distros is a pretty apt (lol) comparison. They can run each others' programs (usually), but they are built up from the kernel differently. So like the other dude said, just wait a sec
gospeed.racer said:
Patience! Roms are just around the corner I am sure. I know I am +1 on getting rid of the Sense crap. I hate it!
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There's some serious work to be done unless we get some test keys. Don't think that customs ROMs will be coming within the next week.
You can start by using a different launcher. I like launcherpro from the market. Its really nice and fast compared to sense. Once you install a new launcher, make sure you set it as your default and then reboot your phone.
You can also remove a lot of sense apps while in recovery. Just be careful what you remove. Some things are needed or your phone will boot loop or you might get a mess if fc's upon rebooting. you might want to try just renaming them first to see if there is any bad side effect before actually removing it. You can also copy the apps you remove to your phone for backup purposes. Be careful 'cuz I am not responsible for you bricking your phone.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
So we basically we should just wait for a fresh 2.1 rom from one of our devs, Ill just sit here and twittle my thumbs in the mean time
If twiddling thumbs (as I am doing) isnt working for you, the other option is to become a developer. No better way to make things happen than to do it yourself! I dont have the time and patients to learn Android right now, it just isnt I wait.
As far as the launcher goes, that isnt the portion of Sense I dont like. The launcher is usable. Its the OSK, the phone screens, etc. I tried the launchers, but it wasn't what I am after. I want a plain Jane Vanilla rom, like my Nexus had.
gospeed.racer said:
If twiddling thumbs (as I am doing) isnt working for you, the other option is to become a developer. No better way to make things happen than to do it yourself! I dont have the time and patients to learn Android right now, it just isnt I wait.
As far as the launcher goes, that isnt the portion of Sense I dont like. The launcher is usable. Its the OSK, the phone screens, etc. I tried the launchers, but it wasn't what I am after. I want a plain Jane Vanilla rom, like my Nexus had.
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I agree with you all I want is simple android 2.1 (or 2.2) without all the verizon crap they feel I need on my phone
Just use AWD or Launcher Pro... you won't see anything sense related using those unless you hunt for it.
if you think this is true, you have never used a vanilla rom. The phone, dialer screen, contact screen, etc are all still Sense (and junk to navigate and use). They are not related to launcher. I have used both Launcher Pro and ADW (not AWD) with the same result.
gospeed.racer said:
if you think this is true, you have never used a vanilla rom. The phone, dialer screen, contact screen, etc are all still Sense (and junk to navigate and use). They are not related to launcher. I have used both Launcher Pro and ADW (not AWD) with the same result.
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I have used both.... and after giving sense a try and not listening to others.... I actually prefer it over vanilla... everything works better imo with better integration.
...and thats fine for you...but not really correct to say that a Launcher will remove the feel of Sense. There is enough room in this world for Coke AND well both Vanilla and Sense roms
Cyanogen based ROMs are the best. Sense sucks ... IMO.
Sent via my rooted Incredible
I "replaced" my SenseUI with ADW, and it works great. I say "replaced" because by installing ADW or Launcher Pro, you're only replacing the UI part of Sense. Sense will still run underneath. Until custom ROMs come (which won't happen until we get an unlocked NAND), that's what we've got.
I am really looking forward to getting Froyo. I came from a Moto Droid where I had just recently installed Froyo, and it was so fast. I actually like the Incredible more because of the better screen and lighter feel with no keyboard, but the Droid was so much faster on Froyo it almost makes me want to go back until they get the Incredible figured out.
I think if you came from WinMo and are used to Sense then you will like it on Android. If not then most will hate it.
Not to clutter this post or change subject
I dont see you you can say the screen on the incredible is better. I have both and I still think the Moto droids screen is better higher res and easier to see in sunlight. again its my opinion.
Dont get me wrong they are very close in resolution but the Moto droid is slightly higher. Inside with no sun on them they are very close I'll give it that.

How to live with out Sense.. {Making a list and hoping for help}

I for one like Sense, well I am not running a Sense ROM now I do miss a few things. So I wanted to see what people dis like and like about it and well maybe help some of us out. You know, finding way to forget about Sense.
I am running Cyanogenmod 6.0.0 now.
1: Flash {Cant find a work around}
2: Widgets
a: Peep {There is twitter but I like how dark peep is}
b: Friend Stream
c: Calender {Cant find a replacement }
d: Contact {Contact Widget does a great job as a replacement }
3: The ringer getting low when you pick up the phone {Cant find a work around}
Other than that, I cant say I miss Sense all to much, to tell the truth I am really liking adw launcher.
But if you have anything that helps replace what Sense does give you should add a list and if you are just missing something you should ask here, maybe one of us will be able to help you out.
chaos67731 said:
I for one like Sense, well I am not running a Sense ROM now I do miss a few things. So I wanted to see what people dis like and like about it and well maybe help some of us out. You know, finding way to forget about Sense.
I am running Cyanogenmod 6.0.0 now.
1: Flash {Cant find a work around}
2: Widgets
a: Peep {There is twitter but I like how dark peep is}
b: Friend Stream
c: Calender {Cant find a replacement }
d: Contact {Contact Widget does a great job as a replacement }
3: The ringer getting low when you pick up the phone {Cant find a work around}
Other than that, I cant say I miss Sense all to much, to tell the truth I am really liking adw launcher.
But if you have anything that helps replace what Sense does give you should add a list and if you are just missing something you should ask here, maybe one of us will be able to help you out.
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LauncherPro... faster, smoother than ADW and has "Sense" widgets. Right now I believe it's just contacts, he is releasing calender and others (if he hasn't already)
DirtyShroomz said:
LauncherPro... faster, smoother than ADW and has "Sense" widgets. Right now I believe it's just contacts, he is releasing calender and others (if he hasn't already)
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Just to add to your comment, he added bookmarks widgets as well
I like AOSP because it is much faster than Sense regardless of what you do to speed it up. I love the look of sense, but after buying a couple of apps and downloading others I can say that I do not miss Sense.
LauncherPro Plus-He is working on Sense like widgets. I now use this instead of Rosie.
Beautiful Widgets or Fancy Widgets- imitates Weather and clock from Sense. You'll have to find a fancy widget download online as they had a C&D order from HTC.
Extended Controls- Allows more options than the power control widget
CalWidget-Calander Widget on your home screen. I think you can change text and background color with this one.
I'm not a social networking freak so I don't care about those, but I know that they will get friendstream working on aosp. And you can still get all the other apps for aosp.
There is a setting somewhere to change the ringer volume on phone movement. I don't have CM6 flashed anymore, but I know its in the settings somehwere
unCoRrUpTeD said:
I like AOSP because it is much faster than Sense regardless of what you do to speed it up. I love the look of sense, but after buying a couple of apps and downloading others I can say that I do not miss Sense.
LauncherPro Plus-He is working on Sense like widgets. I now use this instead of Rosie.
Beautiful Widgets or Fancy Widgets- imitates Weather and clock from Sense. You'll have to find a fancy widget download online as they had a C&D order from HTC.
Extended Controls- Allows more options than the power control widget
CalWidget-Calander Widget on your home screen. I think you can change text and background color with this one.
I'm not a social networking freak so I don't care about those, but I know that they will get friendstream working on aosp. And you can still get all the other apps for aosp.
There is a setting somewhere to change the ringer volume on phone movement. I don't have CM6 flashed anymore, but I know its in the settings somehwere
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Fyi nfinitefx45 just got jit working on a sense rom. I'm using it on my red dawn as I type. I'm getting between 4.4-4.8 on linpack and that's with all the extra crap I've got on my rom.
The days of saying aosp is faster is at an end. I've got no lag. Running smooth and extremely fast plus have sense and all the Widgets that come with it.
Sense will find a way onto froyo eventually and will be just as fast as aosp
It really does seem that AOSP can be just as great as Sense as far as cosmetics. So the only thing left is flash, is there any way to get flash working on ASOP 2.1 or the 2.2 we have now?
Thank you all for the great input!
Papa Smurf151 said:
Fyi nfinitefx45 just got jit working on a sense rom. I'm using it on my red dawn as I type. I'm getting between 4.4-4.8 on linpack and that's with all the extra crap I've got on my rom.
The days of saying aosp is faster is at an end. I've got no lag. Running smooth and extremely fast plus have sense and all the Widgets that come with it.
Sense will find a way onto froyo eventually and will be just as fast as aosp
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What about quadrant?
Some will never give up on Sense. I used to hate AOSP. I didn't like the look and missed all the extra's found in Sense.Right now I keep switching between froyo and Sense. If only someone could get all the sense apps working with AOSP.
Flash will never come to the hero because it's not built for it. I love sense, but i've learned to get by in froyo. The main thing I miss is the nice widgets, but there are some nice replacements in the market. I use digiclock widget and the weather channel. For twitter, seesmic is better than anything and it is fast. Launcher pro will let you customize your bottom row just about any way you want and will let you have 7 home screens like sense. If you have your homescreen laid out just how you like it in sense, then it's not that hard to recreate it in AOSP, unless you use a lot of sense Widgets.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
sierpinski13 said:
Flash will never come to the hero because it's not built for it.p
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We've had Flash for quite a while now.
Sense just seems like a waste of memory to me. Everything can be duplicated with Market widgets.
I really wish I knew what people saw in it, I hate it with a passion.
The way I see it is, Sense UI does offer things that other phones dont have and HTC has stayed a head of the game a little by giving us all just a little bit extra (flash)
On top of that, how many themes are out there for AWR or Luncher Pro? Well Sense if at heart a big theme, Things are made to go to gather and its simple and dark.
But anyway, How do we get Flash with out Sense?
chaos67731 said:
The way I see it is, Sense UI does offer things that other phones dont have and HTC has stayed a head of the game a little by giving us all just a little bit extra (flash)
On top of that, how many themes are out there for AWR or Luncher Pro? Well Sense if at heart a big theme, Things are made to go to gather and its simple and dark.
But anyway, How do we get Flash with out Sense?
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Got flash 10.1 also with sense and jit. Hmmm have any other complaints about sense that r untrue. Ill crush them as well.
Papa Smurf151 said:
Got flash 10.1 also with sense and jit. Hmmm have any other complaints about sense that r untrue. Ill crush them as well.
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Could you please explain how to get flash 10.1? I'm using nfinitefx45's stock de-odex.
Hey pappa!
Have you tested the new sensebuild /w jit on quadrant? It is a better benchmark than linpack, if for no other reason than it tests more than floating point calculations.
Papa Smurf151 said:
Got flash 10.1 also with sense and jit. Hmmm have any other complaints about sense that r untrue. Ill crush them as well.
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Maybe you did not understand me? I like Sense and would love for a 2.2 Sense RON to come out. But at the same point I can get a lot of the same things done with out it.
And how about this, My Hero will build me a island and then transform in to a plain and fly me there...... If people ask how I will not say anything.
If you have flash and see people have asked why dont you share with us?
chaos67731 said:
Maybe you did not understand me? I like Sense and would love for a 2.2 Sense RON to come out. But at the same point I can get a lot of the same things done with out it.
And how about this, My Hero will build me a island and then transform in to a plain and fly me there...... If people ask how I will not say anything.
If you have flash and see people have asked why dont you share with us?
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nfinitefx45 got flash to work. dl either of my roms or his zenherofx and pull the flashliteplugin.apk. that has the lib in it to allow to have flash 10.1 to work.
i haven't used sense since the day i bought my hero, i always strip it out of the roms. a waste of space & memory IMO.
tejasrichard said:
Hey pappa!
Have you tested the new sensebuild /w jit on quadrant? It is a better benchmark than linpack, if for no other reason than it tests more than floating point calculations.
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u tell me cause i didnt run it before i had jit on
are you guys gonna pull your ***** out now?
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
As soon as I have time I will try to get a .zip for people to use to get flash running on there 2.2 heros, But I am not a dev by any means so it will take a day or two.
Also, your "Red Dawn Rom Page" link is messed up. It seems you have an extra "http//" after your "http://".
Papa Smurf151 said:
nfinitefx45 got flash to work. dl either of my roms or his zenherofx and pull the flashliteplugin.apk. that has the lib in it to allow to have flash 10.1 to work.
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HEEEELP pick a rom

Nexus one unlocked bootloader, running RA1.8 recovery, already have the 1.9a downloaded to flash but I'm kinda stuck on what to do
I love and currently use K-o-R CM based ROM...
but I wanna get something sense UI based for the htc widgets.. bought beautiful widgets and don't like it as much. its buggy, and just kinda sucky in general - wish I could refund....
Thing is, I dont like sense ui cus i can't add rows/columns to home screen launcher..
Download Launcher Pro, and donate to unlock Pro features - which are Sense-like widgets.
Nothing to do with ROM.
Jack_R1 said:
Download Launcher Pro, and donate to unlock Pro features - which are Sense-like widgets.
Nothing to do with ROM.
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I have launcher Pro Plus....the donate thing
other than friend stream, nothing from sense
Calendar, Messaging, Twitter, Facebook? Or they're not enough "Sense-like"?
In that case, just install a Sense ROM. You can't get both worlds. Sense is closed source, changes in Rosie launcher are way too hard.
Of course, if you don't like it, you could try to reverse engineer the Rosie code and have your way with it.
Jack_R1 said:
Calendar, Messaging, Twitter, Facebook? Or they're not enough "Sense-like"?
In that case, just install a Sense ROM. You can't get both worlds. Sense is closed source, changes in Rosie launcher are way too hard.
Of course, if you don't like it, you could try to reverse engineer the Rosie code and have your way with it.
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lol reverse engineering is something I might do because I want it so bad. Unfortunately I just realized the downfall of my request... reverse engineering is usually not allowed.
Well, I guess I'll try to work the launcher pro widgets since i paid for them... i didn tcheck the calander widget from lpp
Sense for widgets? Seems like you want a weather widget. try beautiful longer in the market but im sure an apk is around.
On another note, try evil's sense Roms.
leyvatron said:
Sense for widgets? Seems like you want a weather widget. try beautiful longer in the market but im sure an apk is around.
On another note, try evil's sense Roms.
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The flip clock isn't even the biggest one, I purchased Weather Widgets donate and it has an H7C skin that looks just the way I want - given it still looks like garbage - its close enough for the look. Functionality wise it isn't even close though.
I would keep on using eViL's Sense ROM but quite frankly its just inferior to the KOR pack I've been using. It so much slower, things crash a lot more for no apparent reason - not really stable, hotspots and camera have been broken for a long time now and he hasn't fixed it
Enomther supposedly had a SENSE ROM but I only found "TheOfficial" Nexus One and flashed it... yeah, NOT a sense ROM. Skinned similar to one, but its not a sense rom - has none of the stuff I've mentioned
Try this fancy widget. Its exactly like the HTC sense weather and clock. HTC made them take it off the market.
XFreeRollerX said:
The flip clock isn't even the biggest one, I purchased Weather Widgets donate and it has an H7C skin that looks just the way I want - given it still looks like garbage - its close enough for the look. Functionality wise it isn't even close though.
I would keep on using eViL's Sense ROM but quite frankly its just inferior to the KOR pack I've been using. It so much slower, things crash a lot more for no apparent reason - not really stable, hotspots and camera have been broken for a long time now and he hasn't fixed it
Enomther supposedly had a SENSE ROM but I only found "TheOfficial" Nexus One and flashed it... yeah, NOT a sense ROM. Skinned similar to one, but its not a sense rom - has none of the stuff I've mentioned
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I don't see how bad evil's sense rom is. If you are talking about his Desire HD port then maybe (I haven't tried it yet). But his normal Desire port is not even remotely close to slow and unstable.
In fact out of all the roms I have flashed for N1, I have yet to find a rom that is really slow and unstable.
ctbear said:
I don't see how bad evil's sense rom is. If you are talking about his Desire HD port then maybe (I haven't tried it yet). But his normal Desire port is not even remotely close to slow and unstable.
In fact out of all the roms I have flashed for N1, I have yet to find a rom that is really slow and unstable.
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Yeah I think it was his Desire HD port, it was labeled as (WIP)?? Assuming that might have something to do with it. If you read the thread tons of ppl whining bout the same problems
Did you try a specific ROM w/ sense that WAS good? Mind direct linking me to the thread so I can try it out?
I went back to KOR.. kinda sad that I don't have the awesome HTC widgets tho, the email one I really liked - Launcher Pro has no replacement for it. I use work email a lot with my job so something as simple as a very nice activesync app goes a long way for me. I get about 100 emails a day...
adambenjamin said:
Try this fancy widget. Its exactly like the HTC sense weather and clock. HTC made them take it off the market.
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I will give it a try, thank you
XFreeRollerX said:
Yeah I think it was his Desire HD port, it was labeled as (WIP)?? Assuming that might have something to do with it. If you read the thread tons of ppl whining bout the same problems
Did you try a specific ROM w/ sense that WAS good? Mind direct linking me to the thread so I can try it out?
I went back to KOR.. kinda sad that I don't have the awesome HTC widgets tho, the email one I really liked - Launcher Pro has no replacement for it. I use work email a lot with my job so something as simple as a very nice activesync app goes a long way for me. I get about 100 emails a day...
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Well...for Sense ROMs I would still suggest evil's...some people seem to have mounting issues during flashing so maybe a previous version
I agree LPP needs a email widget Too bad there's currently no plans on new widgets
ctbear said:
Well...for Sense ROMs I would still suggest evil's...some people seem to have mounting issues during flashing so maybe a previous version
I agree LPP needs a email widget Too bad there's currently no plans on new widgets
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I'll see if I can bug the dev a bit for an email app.. I might nandroid backup my current install and try out one of evil's sense roms again and see if it actually works this time around.. That will have to be later tho, I need to have full access to my phone in the coming week for work
I would recomend going over to the Nexus One Rom Bible thread. just look there for what kind of rom you need

