Ignoring photos from photos tab? - HD2 General

Sorry, I'm sure this was answered somewhere, I just cant seem to find it or figure it out...
I added folders to my ignore list (HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored), which successfully removed the unwanted pictures from the Albums aplication, but they're still apearing in the Photos & Videos tab. Can anyone tell me if there's a seperate entry to controll the tab?
Oh, and I named the entries "Camera1" and "Camera2" if that matters.
Again, I apologize for asking a seamingly common question, but I got no help from my searches.

That's weird... I assume you remembered to soft-reset after setting the ignored folders. The only thing I can think of would be trying to re-set your favourite album to "All"

Yep, I soft-reset.
Here's a bit more info... I installed the "HP iPrint Photo" app and it created some Thumbs folders in the locations of my photos. Those are the ones I'm trying to exclude... "\My Documents\My Pictures\_Thumb144X116" and "\Storage Card\DCIM\100Media\_Thumb144X116".
The one from the storage card is being excluded but not the one in My Docs.

How do i install hp iprint 2.0 app. Can't find it in Marketplace. Is there a cab.I have a HTC HD2. Hope someone can help.
Kind regards


Accidentally deleted camera templates

Oops, I'm a dumb ass. Thinking that I would NEVER use the silly picture frame templates on my MDA, I deleted them in the hope of recovering some storage space. Bad idea.
The problem is that when I cycle through the different modes in the camera app, one of them is looking for those templates, which freaks the camera out.
Could one of you be so kind as to either:
a) Tell me which files I need to put back (I think they're in a sub-folder of My Documents)
b) Make a ZIP file with them so I can restore them?
- Justin
Yes find attached
place them in my documents\templates
Have you deleted word & excel templates as well if so will post those
That did it!
Thanks, Mark! You're my new personal hero.
Cheers - Justin

[REF] HTC Album - how to hide folders from

not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
because i'd like to know if this is possible
i figured if windows and program files are hidden from the list,
there has to be a way to hide other unwanted folders
I don't think there is a way on the HD without something like resco explorer but, on your PC change the folder or file attribute to hidden before transferring to your HD.
bumping the solution
Thanks, this is great tip
tagging this so I can find it after each reflash
If you just want to keep photos out of TF3D album (so it will still appear in albums if ytou launch HTC Album but not in the TF3D tab) and it's easier: http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=1789
yopu just pick a folder as your favorite.
Sir.B said:
not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
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Hi Sir B, i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor that i can use to hide an album as you described, its exactly what i need to do so home and work are kept seperate.
any help would be really apreciated
cr51spy said:
...i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor...
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best thing i can recommend is to continue reading these forums,
you'll pickup many interesting new things and technics
many fine Registry Editors outthere
i personally use dotFred Task Manager it has a very good Registry Editor built-in
easy to use and powerful application
Hi, great tip by the way. Managed to hide the images coming from gAlarm. Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
Excellent tip mate, surprised you haven't had many other responses!!
You are the Man!!!
I have been looking for away to do this for ages.
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
AndyCr15 said:
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
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after you populate it the way you like export the Registry KEY
import after flash,
convert to XML or CAB and install
these topics are covered better elsewhere in this forum,
search for "UC or user customization" or SASHIMI
AndyCr15 said:
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
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no, that i haven't seen
kieboy said:
Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
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I am interested in that also. I have my phone record my calls as .mp3, and they show up as music in music player!
Excellent tips! Thanks a lot for sharing. Have been searching around for this solution. Some photos really cannot be seen by others, especially my kids. (U know what I mean?)
Wicked post!
This is a wicked post...
Been looking for how to do this for ages!
oh wow thanks hated seeing all those folders
This is a great info man, thanks.
tip tip
Thanks for sharing it.

Titanium -> change pictures tab location

Hi there,
Quick question, probably a stupid one (I've tried searching for the answer here, but couldn't find one, probably because it's to simple to mention)
But hey, I'm gonna ask it anyway!
With Titanium on Windows mobile 6.5, how do you change the location of the pictures in the Pictures tab of titanium.
It automaticallly looks in device\my documents\my pictures
but I have everything in Internal storage\my documents\my pictures
I've tried setting the album as favorite, I've tried advanced configuration tool
Nothing seems to work, any suggestions?

Is there a way to choose what albums to show in Photo Album?

Now, this thread is exactly how it sounds however a little deeper.
Months and months back I read a thread about a way to be able to choose which albums show up in the albums panel under the photo tab on manilla. I am NOT refering to what photos simply show up on the actual photo tab. In order to chose that it's fairly simple
Under photo tab choose Albums (left soft key) then albums again. Once there a list of all the photo albums on the phone and storage card will show up. Scroll to the album you want displayed then select menu then "set album as favorite".
What I want to know is how to make it so only certain albums show up in the album view.... ie Under photo tab choose Albums (left soft key). It's sort of a pain having to scroll past wallpaper albums, thumb nailed albums of facebook contacts, random photos stored on the storage card, icon sets etc tc.
Currently I'm running Version 3.2 Build 2011.2422. I know on the stock rom for ATT I never had this issue. When I was running the stock rom is when I read about someone coming up with a way to show only specific albums but since I didnt need it I sort of discregarded it.
If anyone can help this would be great. I know a lot of others are looking for this too.
This is what I use in my rom...
"favorite_folder"="\\My Documents\\Wallpapers"
From what I can tell, HTC Album seems to scan the FS for all images, and then creates an "Album" for each folder that it finds files within.
By scanning the registry, I found this:
An example from my registry is:
Name: Camera
Data: \My Documents\Templates
All you need to do is add a new Registry item here, name it whatever you want, and set the Data to be the path that you want to ignore.
Then, just restart HTC Sense (Settings -> Today -> Toggle Windows Default, OK, then Toggle back to HTC Sense)
Some of the ones that I've added to ignore are:
Name: FBCache
Data: \temp\fbimagecache
Name: OnlineAlbumTemp
Data: \OnlineAlbumTemp
Name: UAContents
Data: \My Documents\UAContents
Name: Sashimi
Data: \Storage Card\SASHIMI
Name: Programs
Data: \Program Files
Name: AppData
Data: \Application Data
This should drastically clean up your Albums to only be the folders that you "want" the Album to find.
amcq1010 said:
From what I can tell, HTC Album seems to scan the FS for all images, and then creates an "Album" for each folder that it finds files within.
This should drastically clean up your Albums to only be the folders that you "want" the Album to find.
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Are you kidding me!!! 15 posts and you just came up with something THAT usefull!!! Amazing!! I think by my 15th post I was still getting ripped apart for not knowing how to use the search feature in a thread!
Aaron McCarthy said:
Are you kidding me!!! 15 posts and you just came up with something THAT usefull!!! Amazing!! I think by my 15th post I was still getting ripped apart for not knowing how to use the search feature in a thread!
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You act like people are born the day they sign up for XDA Developers.
Thanks for the info, it's definitely something I'll be doing because I just recently had been bugged by this same issue once I decided to start using HTC Album over CorePlayer to watch MP4s.
Thanks for the compliment... I do consider myself newbie. Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute more as time goes by.
SlyMaelstrom said:
You act like people are born the day they sign up for XDA Developers.
Thanks for the info, it's definitely something I'll be doing because I just recently had been bugged by this same issue once I decided to start using HTC Album over CorePlayer to watch MP4s.
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My comment wasn't meant as an insult AT all. I was just impressed as I have been trying to figure this out for a while and I know a few others that have been doing the say. Like I said.. by my 15th post I was no where near coming up with something as productive as that. I apologize if I somehow did insult you Sly
Aaron McCarthy said:
My comment wasn't meant as an insult AT all. I was just impressed as I have been trying to figure this out for a while and I know a few others that have been doing the say. Like I said.. by my 15th post I was no where near coming up with something as productive as that. I apologize if I somehow did insult you Sly
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I didn't take it as an insult. I just thought it was humorous that you associate post count to ability. Really, one of the principle developers of Windows Mobile or HTC devices could sign up for this forum tomorrow and blow our minds with his first post.
I got this file from ppcgeeks.com
Credit goes to the author, I have no idea who it was. I did a search over there but couldnt find it.
I take absolutely zero credit, but it works and hides whatever folders you want from the htc Album.
If anyone knows who the author is please let me know so proper credit can be given.
wow... now my RegistryHAck seems miniscule to a full-fledge application to do this for you.... ...
note to self: start writing WinMo apps by Post 25...
amcq1010 said:
wow... now my RegistryHAck seems miniscule to a full-fledge application to do this for you.... ...
note to self: start writing WinMo apps by Post 25...
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Heh, the app doesn't do anything but put a front-end on what you told us.
It's the investigative work that's worth the credit... the rest is easy.

add photos in "photos & video tab"

Hi folks.
I tried using search, but I didn't find something related to my question: how can I add pre-existent photos to album tab? I mean: I want to see others photos not taken with the camera in album tab...
I have already set the default storage in SD card, and I tried to add a new DCIM sub-folder in the existent one. I am sure that to be recognized, the folder must be "indexed" by the tab... How to?
thx in advance to all.
in the album tab, press albums >>>albums>>>>open your fave folder>>>menu>>>set as favourite>>>ok
thanks a lot for the reply, mate.
Frankly, I never saw this option before...
but now, another question comes up to my mind...the real reason I was not able to see my photo sub.folders is that in album tab there's a maximum number of photos: 99.
Is there a registry tweak to raise up this number like in the max recipients for sms or mms?
thanks as usual...
now I am searching through registry--

