CNET - Best Cell Phones, March 2010 - Nexus One General

Unsurprising, but highly amusing.

sweet video

They should redo the video after the EVO 4G was announced.

Why? Can you get one then?


How many moving to EVO, and when does it launch?

I just wanted to know how many of us are moving to the evo and is there an exact date on when that bad boy is coming out? I hate to say goodbye to my hero I never learned how to cook my own rom for it lol
I will certainly be moving, we need more horsepower! The latest I've heard was "Summer 2010" with another person saying possibly late June.. but that's 100% speculation.
yeah we do need more horse power, im gonna miss my hero
My wife is dying to get rid of her palm pre so once the evo comes out I'll be switching to it and she is gladly **** canning her pre for my hero. I love my phone but it's android I love not the hero. Huge screen, fast processor, 720p video etc... No way I can pass that up.
I will be moving on to the EVO when my upgrade comes on August. My wife, like Aridon's wife, will also be tossing her PRE (thank god) to switch to the EVO.
yea my hubby is all about the EVO and he has a blackberry. He was going to breakdown and by the Moment, since I have the Hero, but when he heard about the EVO, thats all he can talk about! I'll probably get one next year. Ive invested waay too much time in my Hero to just chuck it! lol
yes i know what you mean i also invested alot of time in this hero, what pisses me off the most is phones get out dated so fast, right when the hero launches they are already talking about a new phone, then we sign a two year agreement so we cant get another good discount on the new phone, which therefore we must buy full price, its a brilliant marketing scheme, ugh i hate sprint
eBaying the hero and buying an evo.
The rumored release dates are June 6th and June 13th. I am definitely going to be getting it day one. Hopefully Sprint lets you pre-order so it isn't sold out like the Incredible.
I've already started my Evo savings fund. I love my hero, but the Evo brings so much more to the game.
im not going to get the evo. My upgrade wont be in until October of next year and the phone itself looks kinda bulky. I just hope that when the evo comes out the development of the hero doesn't die.
I hope that I am able to stand by my initial "I'll buy it once it has Root" - But I am starting to feel the pressure. damn you all and your peer pressure!!!
Demoyo23 said:
yes i know what you mean i also invested alot of time in this hero, what pisses me off the most is phones get out dated so fast, right when the hero launches they are already talking about a new phone, then we sign a two year agreement so we cant get another good discount on the new phone, which therefore we must buy full price, its a brilliant marketing scheme, ugh i hate sprint
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Actually if you are on a 69.99 or higher individual plan or you are the main line on a 99.99 or higher family plan you get an upgrade every 12 months. You didn't know that?
murdocthc said:
I will be moving on to the EVO when my upgrade comes on August. My wife, like Aridon's wife, will also be tossing her PRE (thank god) to switch to the EVO.
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Wow, I am in the exact same boat, my wife likes the idea of the Pre but hates the battery life, how it just stops getting emails and txts, it struggles to get a good internet connection, etc. She is eligible for an upgrade so I think I will get the EVO for me and give her my Hero.
Aside from Sprint's 4G, the Evo will be outdated immediately when it comes out.
Android 2.2 Froyo will be out. And we know we have to wait up to a year to get it updated.
And snapdragon?? Oh please! We are getting 2 dual core 1 ghz processors with significantly better graphics with the Tegra 2. Heck, even Apple will release their weControlPhone 4th Generation with their A4 chip, which is nearly a Tegra 2, supposedly with dual core 700mhz-1ghz depending on who you believe and a much better gpu too, although half the capabilities of the Tegra 2.
My next phone will have to be Tegra 2 or better.
It's sad, but Sprint dropped the ball yet again on getting their good phones out quick enough. If Evo is released like last week, then *maybe* the Evo will be any good. But June??? It's a piece of outdated crap aside from the 4G, which I do not get in my neighborhood.
dazabale said:
Actually if you are on a 69.99 or higher individual plan or you are the main line on a 99.99 or higher family plan you get an upgrade every 12 months. You didn't know that?
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doesnt apply to me, i left tmobile to get the hero because i wanted it so bad and i was let down by the end product, it could have been way better, i mean with the design and all, and the dust under the screen etc, sprint rushed this phone to compete because at the time they had no android phones, see what happens when you rush. and i got my contract when the hero launched, so my year is next year, by the time a have an upgrade there will be phones chips in our brains...............and evo will be obsolete for me.
The rumors I have heard about the Evo launch all center around the dates of June 6th or June 13th as the most likely possible launch dates.
Not entirely speculation, but def not written in stone.
CHANG3D said:
Aside from Sprint's 4G, the Evo will be outdated immediately when it comes out.
Android 2.2 Froyo will be out. And we know we have to wait up to a year to get it updated.
And snapdragon?? Oh please! We are getting 2 dual core 1 ghz processors with significantly better graphics with the Tegra 2. Heck, even Apple will release their weControlPhone 4th Generation with their A4 chip, which is nearly a Tegra 2, supposedly with dual core 700mhz-1ghz depending on who you believe and a much better gpu too, although half the capabilities of the Tegra 2.
My next phone will have to be Tegra 2 or better.
It's sad, but Sprint dropped the ball yet again on getting their good phones out quick enough. If Evo is released like last week, then *maybe* the Evo will be any good. But June??? It's a piece of outdated crap aside from the 4G, which I do not get in my neighborhood.
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Dude really now... Name one phone with Tegra 2 coming out this summer for anybody, with 2 cameras, 4G, 8MP camera with dual LED & acts as a WiFi hotspot for up to 8 Devices with HDMI capability?
Not seeing anything getting outdated on the EVO. Plus this is XDA-devs, who here waits for updates anymore?
bthessel said:
Wow, I am in the exact same boat, my wife likes the idea of the Pre but hates the battery life, how it just stops getting emails and txts, it struggles to get a good internet connection, etc. She is eligible for an upgrade so I think I will get the EVO for me and give her my Hero.
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Be careful doing this, if the phone isn't activated on the line it was purchased for, you usually don't get the MIR if bought through Sprint.
Just a warning.
I'm getting the Evo really excited. I hate the random lags I sometimes get on the Hero, and the blasting speed of the Evo will take care of that for sure.
What's weird is I upgraded my phone to the Hero in February, but for some reason on it still says I'm eligible for a complete phone upgrade..? (I guess they never incorporated my purchase as a phone upgrade... sweeeet)

[Q] How long do you plan on keeping your EVO in service?

With all the new phones being announced and those that should be announced soon, how long do you guys and gals plan on keeping your EVO in service?
I think the evo is a great phone. I'm going to stick with it for a good while. It does everything I need it to.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
mikel719 said:
I think the evo is a great phone. I'm going to stick with it for a good while. It does everything I need it to.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I agree as well, but I could really use a better display. Love your avatar BTW. hahaha
Till either i brick it, or when it's time to upgrade in a year and a half, lol.
Until june assuming that's when the evo 2 (or next top phone) is coming. I'm giving sprint until ctia (march 21-24) to announce it and it had better be dual core. If not announced by then I'm buying out my contract and getting a vzw lte dual core. I'm tired of not getting 4g here in detroit while vzw lte and tmo hspa+ is active right here right now.
Till June. That's when my upgrade is, no way am I sticking with this beyond that. I really hope Sprint announces a BAD ASS successor, because if they don't then I'm jumping ship to VZW.
when there is a newer sprint phone with 4.3"+ screen with a HTC logo on the front of it and massive dev support behind it
I'll hold out till a month after they release their new flagship phone, only to hopefully get a good price for it.
I remember paying 200 for my hero then a month later it was 100 so
NewZJ said:
[..]and massive dev support behind it
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+1000 I cannot fathom the idea of having a new phone and having to use it STOCK from day 1. lol
HondaCop said:
I agree as well, but I could really use a better display. Love your avatar BTW. hahaha
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I got one of luigi as well.
I'm waiting to see what they are going to announce. I still have no 4g where I'm at so my decision will be based on what they're announcing and how soon they are going to expand 4g service.
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Buff McBigstuff said:
Until june assuming that's when the evo 2 (or next top phone) is coming. I'm giving sprint until ctia (march 21-24) to announce it and it had better be dual core. If not announced by then I'm buying out my contract and getting a vzw lte dual core. I'm tired of not getting 4g here in detroit while vzw lte and tmo hspa+ is active right here right now.
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I hear ya on that. You would think this area would be prime for 4G but instead they give it Grand Rapid?!
I usually drive my phone till it dies except in the case of that crappy Samsung Instinct(got it a week after launch, and ditched it on the Evo's launch day). Before that was the BB 6250, and before that a /\/\ i90, then before that a /\/\otorola brick I can't remember what. Long time Sprint PCS/Nextel customer.
The BB what the longest phone I owned (almost 5 years), and it showed its scar's. Replaced the case like 3 times, display once, and keyboard twice. So I'll be using the Evo for quite sometime provided it doesn't fall apart in the mean time.
NewZJ said:
when there is a newer sprint phone with 4.3"+ screen with a HTC logo on the front of it and massive dev support behind it
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100% in agreement.
in another 1 1/2 years for me, by then LTE should be deployed hopefully or atleast a better solution for voice & data.
Until something better comes out.
I'm on SERO premium, which means I don't get the annual upgrades (but only pay $50/month). I'm prepared to pay full price (or turn to ebay) every other year if needed. I'd say that as soon as something notably better than the Evo (better processor and GPU, better battery life ideally) is out, I'll plop down the $450 or whatever it costs and do it.
I love my rooted EVO with custom rom, but come this Summer, an EVO 2 will be hard to resist not to upgrade too. Dual cores, better screen tech, newest Android OS, better battery life...yeah EVO 2 will be a first day purchase for me.
I absolutely love this phone. I will Upgrade to the next generation EVO how ever long it takes for it to come. But i will never get rid of my EVO. I had a TouchPro and an old 6700 for nostalgia. But i sold them after rooting my EVO. This phone will be my new BACKUP if anything ever comes along to take its place.
Until T-Mobile gets a HSPA+ dual core phone. I love my EVO but the Sprint service in my area is absolutely horrible.
Probably until July 1st. That is when I have a chance to upgrade. Hopefully Sprint will have some good phones to upgrade too. (T7P or 2nd Gen Evo)
Imma wait till the upgrade from evo->? Is as big as from hero->evo. Or Christmas, which ever comes first. The plus side to upgrading at Christmas is: sprint's summer release schedule. By the time I upgrade, the Dev community is up and running. I'm hoping Google releases a dev phone on sprint soon...that would be my dream come true.

Htc evo 4g+ coming to sprint

I just read an article that said the HTC EVO 4G+ is coming to Sprint. It's has the same specs as the 3d minus the 3d. What do you think should we wait?
I wonder how much cheaper it will be. If it were $50.00 cheaper and I qualified for an upgrade I'd consider it.
james873 said:
I just read an article that said the HTC EVO 4G+ is coming to Sprint. It's has the same specs as the 3d minus the 3d. What do you think should we wait?
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Since this is my first post I can't post a link it was on drippler and I think it came from gsm arena
For the OP, here's the link: GSM Arena
As it happens, I don't see anything regarding a Sprint announcement.
This model of the EVO 4G+ is the South Korean variant and does not support WiMax.
Korea has some other 4G tech.
It IS an official HTC product, but this is not a Sprint phone.
The 4G+ supports what's called WiBro which is actually Wimax. I think its just a different standard, but it could probably become compatible with sprints Wimax with modified software. I'm only speculating as I am in NO WAY knowledgeable of the technology.
Sent from my HTC Evo
Too bad for us here.
Will love to see EVO 4G world phone.
GSM bands for international travel.
No kickstand! I have zero interest in the 3D technology, so if this was a bit cheaper I would certainly think about it. It just seems the hardware is a bit underwhelming when you consider what is coming out later in the year. I never understood why HTC didn't make the EVO its flagship brand and make an incredible iPhone killing EVO 2. Then again, they let Sprint destroy the stock EVO with its **** bloatware, so I guess I am expecting too much.
Rooted EVO and no bloat. With the 3d coming out and the I5 also, you can be sure an EVO 2 is on the way. HTC is also shipping with an open bootloader so you can delete the bloat. Devs will be cooking roms faster then ever. HTC and Sprint listens to what the masses are requesting. I say kuddos to HTC and Sprint, keep up the good work
james873 said:
I just read an article that said the HTC EVO 4G+ is coming to Sprint. It's has the same specs as the 3d minus the 3d. What do you think should we wait?
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Im gonna wait. This is the one I would rather have.
chrisr407 said:
Im gonna wait. This is the one I would rather have.
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Then youll be waiting for a long long time b/c its not coming here. its an overseas device. plain and simple.
looks like Korea is getting the 4g+
4g+ nice!!!
I'd get the 4G+ in a heart beat to upgrade my 4G to, if the real world reviews were positive.
I'm extremely happy with my 4G and it would take a lot for me to give it up. And the 3D technology is something that is not doing it for me, even though the other technology of the 3D is stuff that would sway me. But that 3D stuff is a deal breaker along with that button and switch to operate that gimmick.
Since the 4G+ is going to Korea, I'll wait for the next non 3D HTC device to come to Sprint.
I have a feeling I'm not alone regarding waiting.
And I have a feeling that there are many EVO 4G owners that will not be giving theirs up for the 3D.
Even though the rest of the upgrades on the Evo 3D are what 4G owners would upgrade to, the 3D camera is a turn off for most, and may just be a marketing blunder for Sprint.
To not want the 3D just because of the camera is hard to figure out, but that is called Supply & Demand, and it may be as simple as aesthetics.
In edition, I bet only a fraction of 3D's are sold as compared to the number of 4Gs that gave been sold.
And I will go as far as to say Many more 4G owners would have upgraded to the 4G+ then will to the 3D.
Time will tell.
The thing I don't understand is that I thought that Evo was Sprint's branding, not HTC's. If this is going to Korea, why is it called the Evo?
Granted, all the Evos so far have been HTC, so maybe I'm wrong about who owns the brand. But so far Evo has only been used on Sprint, and I thought it was theirs. Like how Verizon uses Droid.
I was searching on the web, and it appears HTC was getting a trademark for the 'EVO' .name, but I am not exactly sure. Plus I don't know if trademarks are International.
On another note, I would like to know the following regarding the 4G and 3D >>
- how many 4G owners are keeping their 4G and have no interest in buying the 3D?
- how many 4G owners kept their 4G but purchased the 3D?
- how many 4G owners traded in their 4G to get to get the 3D?
- how many Sprint customers never had a 4G and purchased the 3D as their first EVO?
The following questions may be better answered after 30 days >>
- how many 4G owners are glad they kept their 4G and are returning their 3D?
- how many 4G owners are so happy with the 3D that they regret not trading their 4G?
- how many 3D owners wish they kept their 4G and would return their 3D if they did?*
* when customers trade in their 4G to get the additional $150 off the 3D, what happens if they want to return the 3D within the 30 day trial period?
- how many previous 4G owners traded in their 4Gs and are glad they did?
- how many customers are not happy with their 3D, but since they traded in their 4G and cannot get it back, don't admit their dissatisfaction to others?
- how many of the above will admit their dissatisfaction to others?
I just got back from playing with the Evo 3D at a local Sprint store . Its a nice phone but I dont care for the 3D or the dual cameras . Yes Im aware that you can disable the 3D and run the phone like normal . For some reason it just pushes me away , I feel like Im buying something that has a feature on it that I will never use . Mainly due to the fact that I used the phone for maybe 5 mins and the 3D gave me a headache . Needless to say if they launch the EVO 4+ I will be in line to upgrade my EVO 4G in a heartbeat . Till then Im with the other Evo customers and sticking with my original EVO . On a side note I know when I walked in they were all over me about selling me one . Me personally I dont think the EVO 3D is selling as good as they hoped it would . If I wanted to watch something in 3D I wouldnt be doing it on a 4 inch screen I would go home and use a 50 inch flatscreen for that . Just my two cents
Sprint isn't getting it. It's going to Korea
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Never say never.
If Sprint sees the the Evo 3D is not selling nearly as well as expected, they may pull the Evo 4G+ outta their EVO Hat
Biker1 said:
Never say never.
If Sprint sees the the Evo 3D is not selling nearly as well as expected, they may pull the Evo 4G+ outta their EVO Hat
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What is the point of selling this. It's the same damn phone. Just set the camera to 2D and you are done.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

What phone to upgrade to?

Hey guys,
So i've been going back and forth trying to decide if I should upgrade now or wait it out until something better comes along. I love my EVO, but just getting the urge to get something new...i have mixed feelings on the 3D and am pretty stoked for the Samsung Within to come out (supposedly in late July). Also I hear more and more rumors about the iphone coming to sprint this fall. Along with apple getting sprint towers to do some serious testing on their network in KS. If those rumors do become fact and I got a phone before they annouce it, i would be kinda of pi$$ed i didnt wait it out for the iphone.
So i guess im just seeing what you guys think - if sprint will get the iphone or not this year? Or if you have an evo 3d or if your waiting on one of the motorla's to come out or the samsung within...
Just hoping to get some discussion on what everyone is waiting on from sprint this year....look forward to reading everyones posts...
EVO 3D? (Maybe, IMHO until they address the bootloader, back off of it.)
iPhone? No. If you want an iOS device wait for a new iPod Touch to tether to any Android phone.
Samsung ___ (I don't trust them), You gotta love the spec sheet on the GSII though.
I'd wait only until September just to see what crops out. If the Nexus Prime comes out, I'd go for that.
Me personally, I'll be going to the EVO 3D just on the strength of the devs that are getting it as well & the fact that I actually like Sense based roms. I'll also be selling my iPod Touch 4 as I'll be buying the new iPod Touch #_? to tether to the EVO 3D.
packattack12 said:
Hey guys,
So i've been going back and forth trying to decide if I should upgrade now or wait it out until something better comes along. I love my EVO, but just getting the urge to get something new...i have mixed feelings on the 3D and am pretty stoked for the Samsung Within to come out (supposedly in late July). Also I hear more and more rumors about the iphone coming to sprint this fall. Along with apple getting sprint towers to do some serious testing on their network in KS. If those rumors do become fact and I got a phone before they annouce it, i would be kinda of pi$$ed i didnt wait it out for the iphone.
So i guess im just seeing what you guys think - if sprint will get the iphone or not this year? Or if you have an evo 3d or if your waiting on one of the motorla's to come out or the samsung within...
Just hoping to get some discussion on what everyone is waiting on from sprint this year....look forward to reading everyones posts...
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Why would you want the iPhone. It's such a piece and android is so much better. I would say get the 3D or wait for the within and get that. At the very least wait for something better to come out. Please do not waste your money on the garbage iPhone.
i'm waiting for news of a SGS2, otherwise the evo3d is cool
drdrewdown said:
i'm waiting for news of a SGS2
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Same here. I was hoping to hear some sort of announcement this week now that HTC's new flagship has already been released. Figured Sprint has agreements with the various manufacturers to stagger announcements so that new releases aren't downplayed by other major announcements.
Nexus prime, this fall.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I got my wife the EVO3D and she absolutely loves it. (She had the EVO 4G before)
Even stock it is screaming fast. Instant response to all the touches. Root does currently seem to be an issue and why I don't use it. Wireless tether is a must for me.
As great as the EVO 3D is I think I might wait till the Holidays and get the last greatest then. I am crossing my fingers that Sprint gets the new Nexus at launch since they have been buddy buddy recently.
If the iPhone 5 comes out for Sprint (I doubt it highly) that is a great choice as well. Not as versatile as Android but it does what it does better than anybody else.
Don't flame me, I am an Android Fan boy, but I know how to show respect to the competitors.
I'd wait it out.
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OK maybe I'm just poor, but are you guys paying or planning on paying full retail? Unless you have a really cool rep letting you upgrade after only one year. Is there some awesome place selling phones for cheap that I haven't heard of? (like a trustworthy seller on eBay?)
For me, I'm still holding out until the real EVO replacement. The 3d is only meh to the original. Don't care enough about 3d and the dual core stuff is still just mediocre. When they slap in dual 1 ghz processors, then were talking. Until then, the original EVO is still way up there on list of bad ass phones.
Sent from my EVO
I'm leaning towards getting a 3D this week. I was going to wait for the SG2 after seeing all the negative initial reviews, but after playing with the 3D, I came away impressed. It's got everything I like about the Evo, with a form factor I like more and the 3D was actually pretty cool to see live. I'm still hoping the SG2 comes out late July as predicted so I can still make a direct comparison before any 30 day return window ends for me.
KrewCial said:
Nexus prime, this fall.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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+1 on this...I tried the Evo 3d yesterday not impressed at all
I think my Evo is working just fine and probably sticking with it. I'm going to wait for the next generation of phones (quad-cores).
I can't stand Apple but have you guys read this article?
I looked at the 3D live and it was nice, but I'm not excited enough to drop a pile of cash for it. I spoke to a Sprint Rep on the phone and she seemed to think that I could get the $75 Premier discount plus the $150 recycle discount for turning in my EVO 4G and that would get me the 3D for free. But after doing more research, it seems like she was just confused.
As far as I can tell, I'd need to buy the phone outright for $450-550 and I'd be able to discount $225 from that. Leaving me another $225+ out of pocket.
The other option would be canceling my contract and paying something just under $200 for early cancellation. Then signing a new 2 year contract and getting the 3D for $180. But that still leaves me paying ~$155 out of pocket.
Is this math generally correct? Or is there another way to upgrade the EVO 4G to the EVO 3D for lower out of pocket costs?
As for which phone I'd upgrade to if I was willing to spend $200-300+, I'm very excited about the SGII but I'm a bit worried about the lack of recent news about possible Sprint coverage on it. I'm also very interested in the Nexus Prime, but by the time it is due out I was expecting to start seeing quad core phones coming out.
Additionally, now after seeing the recent network speed tests and how Sprint is so terrible and my recent problems with extremely slow 3G speeds, I'm seriously considering a switch to Verizon when I upgrade. Plus the fact that I'm seeing Verizon's 4G network expand so much faster than Sprint's (which after a full year is still not available in my area) and the fact that Sprint may be switching over to LTE.
That looks like an HTC or Motorola to me, not an Apple.
I must admit, it looks sexy.
m4rk0358 said:
I can't stand Apple but have you guys read this article?
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yeah i did, just checked it out actually before coming over to XDA...can you tell im working hard over here. I can't tell if I like that form factor or not. I HATED the iphone 4 form factor when it first came out and thought it was the ugliest thing in the world then, but now I love it. If it does look like that I guess I'd have to hold it and see how it is.
What do you guys think - think it wil be a totally revamped iphone coming out this fall or just some minor upgrades, like being compatable with Sprint's network?
The SGSII looks sick as hell and i might have to snatch that up - really hoping the iphone comes to sprint tho - without the outrageous prices!
Thanks for all the comments so far!
Splaktar said:
I looked at the 3D live and it was nice, but I'm not excited enough to drop a pile of cash for it. I spoke to a Sprint Rep on the phone and she seemed to think that I could get the $75 Premier discount plus the $150 recycle discount for turning in my EVO 4G and that would get me the 3D for free. But after doing more research, it seems like she was just confused.
As far as I can tell, I'd need to buy the phone outright for $450-550 and I'd be able to discount $225 from that. Leaving me another $225+ out of pocket.
The other option would be canceling my contract and paying something just under $200 for early cancellation. Then signing a new 2 year contract and getting the 3D for $180. But that still leaves me paying ~$155 out of pocket.
Is this math generally correct? Or is there another way to upgrade the EVO 4G to the EVO 3D for lower out of pocket costs?
As for which phone I'd upgrade to if I was willing to spend $200-300+, I'm very excited about the SGII but I'm a bit worried about the lack of recent news about possible Sprint coverage on it. I'm also very interested in the Nexus Prime, but by the time it is due out I was expecting to start seeing quad core phones coming out.
Additionally, now after seeing the recent network speed tests and how Sprint is so terrible and my recent problems with extremely slow 3G speeds, I'm seriously considering a switch to Verizon when I upgrade. Plus the fact that I'm seeing Verizon's 4G network expand so much faster than Sprint's (which after a full year is still not available in my area) and the fact that Sprint may be switching over to LTE.
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IMHO you have to remember, if you keep worrying about the "next best thing" there will be something better to follow, right behind it. I'd wait two months tops, just to see what else will become available.
$155 - $225 for the EVO 3D isn't bad, its generally what you'd normally pay for an average upgrade.
BTW you can't mention switching to Verizon if you're looking to manage money, I don't think you'll be too excited paying more "out of pocket" per month than you have to.
dcfella said:
I'm leaning towards getting a 3D this week. I was going to wait for the SG2 after seeing all the negative initial reviews, but after playing with the 3D, I came away impressed. It's got everything I like about the Evo, with a form factor I like more and the 3D was actually pretty cool to see live. I'm still hoping the SG2 comes out late July as predicted so I can still make a direct comparison before any 30 day return window ends for me.
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Can you post a link to the negative reviews? I've seen nothing but raving reviews on this phone. It's nice to have a balanced opinion.
How is the SGS2 different then the EVO 3D, aren't they the same or similar specs?

From EVO 4G to which phone? E3D? EVO Design? Wait for EVO 4G II?

Which phone will most likely get more development ROMs? I am thinking of upgrading my phone but not sure if I should go to the E3D or the Design or wait for an official EVO 4G II. What do you guys think? Also, The E3D and the Design both have 5mp cameras but the EVO had 8mp. Did they swap the optics for those or is HTC going lower res?
obscurehaven said:
Which phone will most likely get more development ROMs? I am thinking of upgrading my phone but not sure if I should go to the E3D or the Design or wait for an official EVO 4G II. What do you guys think? Also, The E3D and the Design both have 5mp cameras but the EVO had 8mp. Did they swap the optics for those or is HTC going lower res?
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Well the design doesn't even have a forum so that tells you something. You could either go with the 3D or wait for the next superphone
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They tuned down from 8MP because that is just HUGE and they also had to add in a second camera under the top one so they can do their crappy 3d effect.. so basicly a cheap effect for a lower mp
I would wait. the galaxy nexus will come to sprint in a few months. Also I heard a rumor that Verizon will offer unlimited plans this summer for a short while. if this is true and its close in price to sprint it would make more since to jump ship.
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flight01 said:
I would wait. the galaxy nexus will come to sprint in a few months. Also I heard a rumor that Verizon will offer unlimited plans this summer for a short while. if this is true and its close in price to sprint it would make more since to jump ship.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I doubt I'll ever jump ship from Sprint since I still have their SERO plan, $50 for an EVO, can't beat that.
Personally, I am waiting unitl the first LTE phones come out. I was tempted by the EVO 3D this summer and the SG2 this fall but I decided just to hold off. Nothing available now has the same kind of development support as the Evo. So nothing available now is a big enough upgrade hardware wise to justify giving up all the ROM options for a slightly better phone that I will want to replace again in 12 months. Evo will be the first phone in 4 years that I stuck with for the whole contract.
makisupa79 said:
Personally, I am waiting unitl the first LTE phones come out. I was tempted by the EVO 3D this summer and the SG2 this fall but I decided just to hold off. Nothing available now has the same kind of development support as the Evo. So nothing available now is a big enough upgrade hardware wise to justify giving up all the ROM options for a slightly better phone that I will want to replace again in 12 months. Evo will be the first phone in 4 years that I stuck with for the whole contract.
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I think the first LTE phone for sprint might be available sometime mid 2013 since they (Sprint) has experiencing delays in establishing their LTE lines.
Hopefullly LTE isnt as ****ty as 4g...Got an EVO when they first came out & never got to use 4G lol
Pivo187 said:
Hopefullly LTE isnt as ****ty as 4g...Got an EVO when they first came out & never got to use 4G lol
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LTE = 4G
If Verizon offers well priced (with my work discount) unlimited plan over the summer, my wife and I are out of here. I've also hear they'll have a family plan coming out. I'm tired of these BS speeds and coverage.
If speeds increase enough in my area, I'll likely wait until the first LTE superphone.
---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------
obscurehaven said:
I think the first LTE phone for sprint might be available sometime mid 2013 since they (Sprint) has experiencing delays in establishing their LTE lines.
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it's my understanding they are still releasing phones next year as they are already implimenting the equipment for LTE but their final completion date for the whole network was pushed out.
I would wait for the EVO LTE. It probably doesn't exist.
I am more interested in this Verizon unlimited data rumor u are hearing about. Where did u hear it from? cause if big red does that they will likely steal me back
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detcup4evr said:
I would wait for the EVO LTE. It probably doesn't exist.
I am more interested in this Verizon unlimited data rumor u are hearing about. Where did u hear it from? cause if big red does that they will likely steal me back
Sent from my Synergized Evo with aggressive Freedom using the XDA app
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One article
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If I were upgrade right now I'd get the Galaxy SII, if not I'd wait for something else to come out
Well whoever makes a ROM for any EVO, he/she would probably make one for the 3D or EVO II
I'm waiting to hear about a release date for the Nexus Prime on Sprint...
I second that for the Nexus Prime (Galaxy Nexus). By the time my current contract expires, Sprint's 4G LTE should be up and running. Then again, there will probably be better phones out by then.
LAR0311 said:
I second that for the Nexus Prime (Galaxy Nexus). By the time my current contract expires, Sprint's 4G LTE should be up and running. Then again, there will probably be better phones out by then.
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Yeah...I'm eligible for an upgrade in March, so I'm sure by then the Prime will be out on Sprint, and maybe even something better..
After getting my E4G, I'm definitely an EVO fanboy. I don't think the 3D is all that great, but if I had to choose between it and a design I would go for the 3D. The 3D has a decent community considering its short life span so far. Personally I would just wait at least 6 months until next June when Sprint will hopefully release the next EVO, but unless it supports both WiMax and LTE I would wait until there is an LTE EVO if I was going to stay with Sprint. Otherwise I would probably look at Verizon, they have several good HTC phones and should be getting quad core phones early next year.

