Canadian Help with T9193 - HD2 General

Need to know from my fellow Canucks (winnipeg) if this phone is worth $800. I'm on Rogers and would like to know the pros and cons you've all experienced. Been reading LOTS. But just wondering if Rogers or Telus customers have the sms problems(lag, freezing, ect.) or any other annoying bug. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

As far as I know, Telus and Bell customers won't be able to use the HD2 in central Canada due to the fact their 3G+ networks aren't yet present there -- only in the east and the west.
As a Telus customer owning a T9193 and living in the west, I can say that the phone is superlative. I've had some niggles since getting the phone in January, but these were mostly minor. The two biggest ones were:
- Rotation not working (fixed, it was because the flashlight app (which doesn't support landscape) was running in the background)
- Phone dialer keypad sometimes disappearing (setting phone app to rotate, rotating and then unrotating fixes this)
- Outlook Mobile sometimes freezes when sending SMSes, have to open Task Manager and kill it (since flashing latest EnergyROM I haven't experienced this)
Currently I have the phone in what I would consider the perfect configuration. I'm running the latest EnergyROM (which is absolutely stellar...I love the fact that default HTC messaging is removed and that the Outlook Mobile-based replacement has MMS support) and I can honestly say that I have no's rock solid -- finally 100% happy with my phone.
As for networks, I can confirm the phone working on all 3. I've used my supervisor's Roger's SIM to test Roger's, used my roommate's Bell SIM to test Bell, and my own SIM and extensive use to test Telus.
Like I said, in central Canada I don't think the HD2 (being solely GSM and UMTS) will work on Bell or Telus (since they're just CDMA there), but other than that all 3 should be a solid choice, although personally I recommend Roger's -- they have better coverage in my area (I lose Telus signal in the data center where I work, but Roger's coverage with my supervisor's SIM in my phone remains strong).

Thanks Spike. Much appreciated.

Spike15 said:
As far as I know, Telus and Bell customers won't be able to use the HD2 in central Canada due to the fact their 3G+ networks aren't yet present there -- only in the east and the west.
As a Telus customer owning a T9193 and living in the west, I can say that the phone is superlative. I've had some niggles since getting the phone in January, but these were mostly minor. The two biggest ones were:
- Rotation not working (fixed, it was because the flashlight app (which doesn't support landscape) was running in the background)
- Phone dialer keypad sometimes disappearing (setting phone app to rotate, rotating and then unrotating fixes this)
- Outlook Mobile sometimes freezes when sending SMSes, have to open Task Manager and kill it (since flashing latest EnergyROM I haven't experienced this)
Currently I have the phone in what I would consider the perfect configuration. I'm running the latest EnergyROM (which is absolutely stellar...I love the fact that default HTC messaging is removed and that the Outlook Mobile-based replacement has MMS support) and I can honestly say that I have no's rock solid -- finally 100% happy with my phone.
As for networks, I can confirm the phone working on all 3. I've used my supervisor's Roger's SIM to test Roger's, used my roommate's Bell SIM to test Bell, and my own SIM and extensive use to test Telus.
Like I said, in central Canada I don't think the HD2 (being solely GSM and UMTS) will work on Bell or Telus (since they're just CDMA there), but other than that all 3 should be a solid choice, although personally I recommend Roger's -- they have better coverage in my area (I lose Telus signal in the data center where I work, but Roger's coverage with my supervisor's SIM in my phone remains strong).
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Can't believe HTC too so damn long to rollout in NA.
Now Bell and Telus won't get it, because MS decided that they will comeout with WM7 early.
Anyway...I really want to get the T9193. The only this I am worried about is custom ROM availability.
When you flashed withe the EnergyROM, where did you get the specific Bel custizatoins so it would work correctly?
Or do you not need to run any customizations after flashing?

It'll auto-configure on first boot.
BTW, the dialpad issue has been fixed for at least two months now - there's a dll or a cab floating around somewhere

mazzarin said:
BTW, the dialpad issue has been fixed for at least two months now - there's a dll or a cab floating around somewhere
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Could you link it or at least point me in the right direction?
I made a thread dedicated to the problem a while back, and no one seemed to want to respond...
Would really appreciate it...


Where would I go about diagnosing connection issues? MDA+TMO

Not to give away too much specific information, but I've got a new TMO MDA and the building I am in actually has TMO repeaters. Other TMO phones get perfect reception, and I can even put this new sim into my old unlocked HTC Typhoon and get perfect reception, yet my new TMO MDA won't get any signal.
I'm attempting to scour the registry to find some bit of info or a bit to flip or something of that sort to diagnose the issue. Our TMO rep apparently has RF engineers working on the issue, but if I can fix it sooner than they can I'd be happy.
So, basically, only these new MDAs (other new MDA owners are experiencing the same issue, as well as SDA owners) fail to authenticate to the repeaters in this building. I doubt the repeaters have a list of phones that allow authentication, since the Typhoon was never released by TMO and that can authenticate fine. So I'm thinking there is some bit on the MDAs that is sticking to one band frequency or another, or something to that effect.
Any idea where I could look for info, whether it be a web source or maybe a registry key I could tweak or something of the sort? I got the engineer mode to work (after another registry tweak to turn it on), and it isn't showing any information since the phone isn't connecting to any tower/repeater.
when you go to select networks to use, does the phone give you a list of possible cell networks?
Sorry if i sound obvious....but:
1. Have you compared the Roms on the phones? Maybe the new phone has a different rom which is causing the problem.
2. Have you tried the phone anywhere else outside your building...
3. The engineering mode will still work even without a SIM installed, so if your getting blank information then I think you have an old Rom
Hope this helps
Answers to questions in the thread:
1. If I go to select my networks manually, and it searches for networks, all it finds is the Cingular network, which I can not connect to. It won't find the TMO network at all. But I know it exists because other TMO phones work fine with full reception, and even my old Typhoon works with my new TMO sim in it.
2. The roms on all the MDAs shipped from TMO USA and GSM rom 01.09.10.
3. Phone works entirely fine outside of the building. The building is shielded, but there are repeaters in the building for current TMO users. I know they work since other TMO phones other than the new MDA and SDAs work fine.
4. As for engineering mode... interestingly enough, now that I do have reception (I'm at home right now), I also get blanks. I thought that because I didn't get any reception, I wasn't getting anything from the engineering mode. But interestingly enough, I still don't even though I have reception.
Methinks I do need just the GSM rom. Someone mentioned it in another thread in the Wizard Upgrade forum. Where might I get just that ROM, maybe I'll give it a shot and see if it fixes before doing a full ROM upgrade (which I'd like to do for performance reasons, but I haven't gotten a definitive answer whether I can revert back to bone stone TMO roms with extended roms and everything yet).
I woould suggest getting hold of one of the phones that works, back up the registry, and restore it to the phone that doesn't work. That would tell you if its a registry setting, or a phone/rom problem
britman said:
I woould suggest getting hold of one of the phones that works, back up the registry, and restore it to the phone that doesn't work. That would tell you if its a registry setting, or a phone/rom problem
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Well, there are no phones that work.
The phones that do work are your run of the mill non-smartphone phones, not a WM5 phone.
Actually, that's not true since my Typhoon is running Windows Mobile 5, but it is entirely different than the MDA.
Only all the stock MDAs shipped from TMO are failing to authenticate to these repeaters. Makes me think that updated the radio rom would help, or something on the repeaters is blocking just these two phones (the Wizard and the Tornado).
Try updating the wizard with one of these roms:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/
Well, I updated the radio rom to 01.12.10...
And still wont connect to these repeaters. The phone seemed snappier to connect when I stepped outside of the building, though. So there is a plus. However, there has to be some reason the repeaters in this building are not allowing my phone to auth.

HD2 phones missing calls and hanging up mid-call

Hi all,
I work in a company who have just dished out over 100 HD2 phones to their staff... we're on call and are having some problems with the handsets missing calls and dropping calls mid-call, and I just want to know if we're alone in this, or if it's a common problem, or better, if anyone knows of a solution!
We use Orange (UK) as our carrier, the phones are NOT orange branded....
When we get a missed call, we can be in an area with good coverage (3G or otherwise, it doesn't seem to matter). The person calling us gets a ringing tone as normal, but the phone doesn't seem to do anything (ie, no indication that it's getting a call coming in). Once the caller has given up (or been directed to answerphone) we do seem to get a message telling us that we've had a missed call, but this is a text message, not a windows mobile message, and can be upto 4 hours later!
We've also had situations where an HD2 has rung and we've picked it up after one ring to be informed that the caller was about to hang up as it'd been ringing at their end for over a minute!
The other issue we have is with the phones dropping calls mid-call both when taking or making a call... The phone handset shows good signal even when it drops the call... At first we thought it was people touching the hangup button on the screen with their cheek, but I've now witnessed the phones do this when held away from the caller's face and even when it's been on speaker phone waaaaayyyyy away from anything that could touch the screen or buttons...
Oh, and we're running software version 1.66.405.2 on all of the phones, and it appears that the problems are occurring on many (if not all) of the phones... They're all running BsB Tweaks and have all been setup in exactly the same way...
Anybody got any ideas? They seem to be a lovely device for everything else, it just seems that the actual telephone side seems a bit flakey...
lol... every problem you just described was happening to our company when we were using the Orange network in the UK.
We left Orange exactly one year ago after almost going legal with them due to their extremely shoddy service plus underhand and downright illegal activities with our account.
To cut a long story short...
When we took out our contract we bought every line as sim only and Orange gave us a hardware fund to buy our handsets as and when we needed them.
Turns out though... every time we bought an offline handset they were putting it through as an upgrade! This obviously increased the length of contract for the each connection in every purchase. The very definition of an upgrade in Orange's own terms of service (at that time, they may have changed it now) did NOT include buying a handset for a SIM only connection.
On top of this we had the exact same network/service problems you describe with ALL of our handsets (including the non winmo ones), plus many other other issues with their network/service.... missed calls not actually ringing the device.... text messages delivered late and voicemail notifications sometimes up to 6 days late. Dont even get me started on the dropped calls.
When it came down to the month we were supposed to be out of contract Orange told us that we were still in contract and we owed them £70,000 plus the full price of all of our handsets if we wanted to leave!!!!
Well... we told them they were talking rubbish and after a lengthy process going back and fourth with their legal department they eventually admitted defeat. They didnt have a leg to stand on really so Orange didnt get a penny and we kept all of our hardware.
Apologies for the lengthy post there i was trying to keep it short and keep my post in context. What i am trying to say is...
In my opinion your issues are more than likely down to the Orange network then anything else... but they will REFUSE to admit a problem. They also will not support your handset if you didnt buy it directly from them.
ian.hennam said:
Hi all,
I work in a company who have just dished out over 100 HD2 phones to their staff... we're on call and are having some problems with the handsets missing calls and dropping calls mid-call, and I just want to know if we're alone in this, or if it's a common problem, or better, if anyone knows of a solution!
We use Orange (UK) as our carrier, the phones are NOT orange branded....
When we get a missed call, we can be in an area with good coverage (3G or otherwise, it doesn't seem to matter). The person calling us gets a ringing tone as normal, but the phone doesn't seem to do anything (ie, no indication that it's getting a call coming in). Once the caller has given up (or been directed to answerphone) we do seem to get a message telling us that we've had a missed call, but this is a text message, not a windows mobile message, and can be upto 4 hours later!
We've also had situations where an HD2 has rung and we've picked it up after one ring to be informed that the caller was about to hang up as it'd been ringing at their end for over a minute!
The other issue we have is with the phones dropping calls mid-call both when taking or making a call... The phone handset shows good signal even when it drops the call... At first we thought it was people touching the hangup button on the screen with their cheek, but I've now witnessed the phones do this when held away from the caller's face and even when it's been on speaker phone waaaaayyyyy away from anything that could touch the screen or buttons...
Oh, and we're running software version 1.66.405.2 on all of the phones, and it appears that the problems are occurring on many (if not all) of the phones... They're all running BsB Tweaks and have all been setup in exactly the same way...
Anybody got any ideas? They seem to be a lovely device for everything else, it just seems that the actual telephone side seems a bit flakey...
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Having the exact same problem here so it can't be a carrier problem. This issue goes hand in hand with the switching of bands problem reported in another thread. The only solution as of right now seems to be turning off 3G network-capabilities completely until we get a radio that functions as it should. Would you mind contacting HTC? I think that a company threatening to sell their devices due to bad support on their part might make them do something about it. Us regular consumers they just ignore.
Toss3 said:
Having the exact same problem here so it can't be a carrier problem. This issue goes hand in hand with the switching of bands problem reported in another thread. The only solution as of right now seems to be turning off 3G network-capabilities completely until we get a radio that functions as it should. Would you mind contacting HTC? I think that a company threatening to sell their devices due to bad support on their part might make them do something about it. Us regular consumers they just ignore.
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imo... its definately a network issue....Which carrier are you using?
i have HD2's on Vodafone and T-Mobile (both UK) and do not have any of the issues i had previously with Orange (didnt have HD2's at that time though so maybe its just unbranded HD2's on Orange?)
Audio Oblivion said:
imo... its definately a network issue....Which carrier are you using?
i have HD2's on Vodafone and T-Mobile (both UK) and do not have any of the issues i had previously with Orange (didnt have HD2's at that time though so maybe its just unbranded HD2's on Orange?)
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The same carrier I used on my Touch HD and had no problems with(Saunalahti). Going to try the new 2.09 radio and see if that solves my issues.
Toss3 said:
The same carrier I used on my Touch HD and had no problems with(Saunalahti). Going to try the new 2.09 radio and see if that solves my issues.
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Which country?
It would be helpful to actually post some details!
Like i said above... it could be the HD2 on your particular network that has an issue.
I really dont think its a handset problem as if it was literally everyone with an HD2 would be going legal!
Ive been using HD2's since Novemeber 2009 and havent encountered any of the problems described in this thread.
Audio Oblivion said:
Which country?
It would be helpful to actually post some details!
Like i said above... it could be the HD2 on your particular network that has an issue.
I really dont think its a handset problem as if it was literally everyone with and HD2 would be going legal!
Ive been using HD2's since Novemeber 2009 and havent encountered any of the problems described in this thread.
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My HD2 is switching networks and dropping calls whenever it feels like it. Currently using HSDPA only with GSM + UMTS. I'm guessing my problem is more related to the switching of bands than anything else. Why it would loose its connection from one second to the next is beyond me, but this is a known problem.
Toss3 said:
My HD2 is switching networks and dropping calls whenever it feels like it. Currently using HSDPA only with GSM + UMTS. I'm guessing my problem is more related to the switching of bands than anything else. Why it would loose its connection from one second to the next is beyond me, but this is a known problem.
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Thats a slightly different issue to the OP. Your problem does indeed sound like it is down to band switching. There are a few threads on these forums about this as you already know.
Audio Oblivion said:
Thats a slightly different issue to the OP. Your problem does indeed sound like it is down to band switching. There are a few threads on these forums about this as you already know.
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I know, but I think the underlying problem is still the same - I've had plenty of calls dropped even when having full bars. Could be a carrier problem, but due to the amount of people having similar issues I'd say it's a hardware/software problem.
Toss3 said:
I know, but I think the underlying problem is still the same - I've had plenty of calls dropped even when having full bars. Could be a carrier problem, but due to the amount of people having similar issues I'd say it's a hardware/software problem.
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with the band switching issue im unsure... i dont have the problem on any HD2 so i cant possibly comment what the cause could be.
But the OP in this thread has other issues unrelated to to the band switching problem... voicemail notifications delivered late... calls being missed due to phone not even ringing etc... these are NOT related to dropped calls caused by band switching. Im 99.99% sure they are network problems having seen the exact same issues on the exact same network myself.
Audio Oblivion said:
with the band switching issue im unsure... i dont have the problem on any HD2 so i cant possibly comment what the cause could be.
But the OP in this thread has other issues unrelated to to the band switching problem... voicemail notifications delivered late... calls being missed due to phone not even ringing etc... these are NOT related to dropped calls caused by band switching. Im 99.99% sure they are network problems having seen the exact same issues on the exact same network myself.
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You're probably right and as a user of the same network you probably know better than I. Was just trying to be helpful.
Toss3 said:
You're probably right and as a user of the same network you probably know better than I. Was just trying to be helpful.
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Maybe he has both problems? shoddy network service AND the band switching issue?
who knows as he hasnt posted back?!
What's interesting though is that we've previously had HTC Touch Diamond 2s, Touch Pros, iPhones (although only a couple) and standard Nokia boggo handsets with the same provider (Orange UK) with no problems.... It's only the HD2s that seem to be affected by these problems...
I'm not sure if it's a band switching issue... is this where it drops from 3G to GSM (or the HDthingy half way between!)? I have noticed the phone drop from full 3G to the H symbol at times for no apparent reason...
ian.hennam said:
What's interesting though is that we've previously had HTC Touch Diamond 2s, Touch Pros, iPhones (although only a couple) and standard Nokia boggo handsets with the same provider (Orange UK) with no problems.... It's only the HD2s that seem to be affected by these problems...
I'm not sure if it's a band switching issue... is this where it drops from 3G to GSM (or the HDthingy half way between!)? I have noticed the phone drop from full 3G to the H symbol at times for no apparent reason...
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er... you do know that H is faster then 3G right?
Its goes like this: HSPA>3G>GPRS>No data/only GSM
I assumed that you knew this if you were supposed to be supporting mobiles for your company.
If you have only 1 bar of HSDPA/HSUPA it is still faster then 4 bars of 3G.
Also... i sort of got at this in a previous post but the Orange network does not like it if you use handsets on their network that are not bought directly from Orange themselves. Your story is oh so familiar to me.
What i would suggest you try with one or two handsets is flashing them with an official Orange ROM for HD2. This firmware must be floating about somewhere as i do believe Orange have the HD2 on their books.
I don't support the phones, I just set 'em up and give 'em out... I'm a broadcast engineer who supports IT and Radio broadcast studios, not mobile telephones... as I said in my original post, I am on call with an HD2, which is a company phone and is dropping/missing calls... I just came on here to see if it's a known problem with HD2s, and if there's a solution, or if it's likely to be something with the network (Orange) which we may be able to jump up and down about and get them to resolve...
I had remembered it the wrong way around with HSPA and 3G, so thank you for clearing that up for me...
Is the band switching issue when it swaps between each then?
nobody else got any ideas?
*tumbleweed passes....*
I'm having similar issues on AT&T in the US. My callers get a fast busy after my phone rings a couple of times. It does not forward to voicemail. I have to force the phone to GSM then call the person back. UNACCEPTABLE.
Sometimes they get "all circuits are busy" message too.
Did you ever geta solution? My 3 year old x7500 is a better phone than this HD2 is at this point.
They probably won't tell you what equipment they have in your area (due to security reasons) but if they have Motorola based cellsites, then you're going to get these issues as the radio equipment struggles to pass from GSM to 3G and back again.
You are not alone........
I don't think this problem is necessarily restricted to Orange; my company had the same problem when rolling out un-branded Touch Pro devices to our users....and we're on the O2 network in the UK.
Our users experienced exactly the same symptoms - calls dropping, unable to answer calls before the other end hung up, etc...
It wasn't until we installed a ROM update from HTC on all the handsets that the, lessened...they got better but were still present at a much lower level than before.
I think that one poster has already suggested trying a different radio (i.e. the bit that actually handles the calls/band switching etc.), which is separate to the software (version in your case). There may be an HTC ROM update on their site - these usually include software and radio updates in one. You can find your current radio version by going to Settings | About Phone | Software Information - it's listed as "Radio Version" (and the latest is somewhere around - taken from a T-Mobile US HD2 I think).
When networks brand the HTC handsets, they also test the various radio ROM's on their networks, before loading a (suitably bloated) software ROM and known-working radio ROM onto the devices before shipping. This, in most cases, is something you can try loading on your unbranded devices - not so here, since Orange never released the HD2 in the UK (ok, don't shoot me - they did release it in very small quantities on their business tariff before pulling it due to "issues found in testing"), so they sure as **** didn't release an updated ROM for the device.
Your best bet, if you can't find an HTC ROM update later than 1.66 (which I don't think there is...yet), is to get involved with this forum in the Leo section. Learn about flashing a new HSPL and then try some other radio ROMs to see if any of them solve your particular problem. You'll have to devote a day to reading/learning before you get down and dirty with a handset....unless you have a few of these £500quid beasties you don't mind turning into paperweights!! Only trouble with this route is, once you've found a radio that works on Orange (and doesn't rinse your battery in two hours!), you're gonna have to repeat the HSPL/radio update process on 100 handsets, then re-install/re-configure each and every one.
Not a very inviting prospect (we "only" had 45 handsets to do!), but the end justifies the means. The HD2 is a marvellous handset - I know, I've got one (on T-Mobile UK ) and I wouldn't be without it.
Keep posting any questions/thoughts.....we'll be here to offer our "useful insights" and "helpful suggestions" as long as you can take it!!!
Good luck!!!

[Q] New (to me) T8285

I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum, this one seems more appropriate.
First of all, this forum has been very helpful. I almost find that there is too much information available here, boggles the mind.
In any case I have just upgraded to a Touch HD from a Touch Cruise (the first edition). The Touch Cruise was a Great Phone, still is – I was just looking for an upgrade (upgraditis). The model I supposedly obtained (EBay Auction for $161) is the T8285, which is perfect as I am USA bound on the AT&T Network. For all intensive purposes the Phone is working as expected, looks great too!
My first question (I know asked before) is that the phone says it’s a T8282. I realize that any past ROM updates can do this – I do not have a clear history of the device. Looking at the Phone Network selections I have four choices (see below). It does show the UMTS Bands AT&T Operations on, so can I assume that this is an T8285?
• Auto
• GSM(900+1800)+UMTS(900+2100)
• GSM(1900+850)+UMTS(1900+850)
• UMTS(2100+800)
Next: I do not have the Data Plan, nor do I want it. It’s just too pricey and I really do not need it (I have WiFi available at home and work, which appears to be working great). A lot of Forum advice here goes into available Programs to shut off/block the Data from working. Right now I have only two options selected (Turned On) under Connections, the Phone and WiFi. There is a Tab for Data which I left OFF. This seems like a no brainer but as it hasn’t been discussed as an option to the No-Data desires, am I just simply missing something?
I know this is purely taste, but is there a “widely” preferred Screen Saver out there? I have had my Touch Cruise for three years and the Screen is Immaculate due to persistence/diligence on protecting the Screen, but I have noticed that there is differences in quality – LARGE differences! The one I liked the most was the HTC Branded Screen savers. They resisted scratches while not effecting operability. I am now using “Fellowes” Generic savers, which scratch relatively easy.
Of course I have other questions, but I will continue to work them out searching the forums for answers as needed. I know there are people who hate when questions are asked that have been answered before – I did research the above but either found not enough or too much contradicting information.
If you look under the battery, the model number should say BLAC100 or BLAC120. BLAC100=T8282, BLAC120=T8285.
Even if Data Connection is OFF in comm manager, the phone will still connect to the internet as needed. You'll need an app to prevent the data connection from starting, or put an invalid APN in connection settings.
But a large pack of the cheapest screen protectors off ebay and replace them as they get scratched?
Waaaah: It appears I have a T8282, not a T8285 as described in the Ebay Auction. It clearly has the BLAC100 identifier under the battery. However, this may be OK as I never intended to opt for the Data Plan anyway. Other than not being Data accessible for AT&T is there any other differences between the phones - even ever so slight? Like I said I am surfing the WEB via WiFi, making and recieving calls, and accessing the other programs without issue.
I am finding that obtaining a "non-Data-Plan" GPS program for these phones is difficult (obviously my only option now). I like TomTom (had Navigator 6 on my HTC Cruise) but the Nav 6 is not "fully" compatible. The Nav 7 is compatible but does not have available USA Maps. CoPilot Live V8 is out there, but Web reviews leave less-than-desireable reports for the Maps - but the program itself does gets high marks. If TomTom does not give some indication for getting the Maps I will most likely go with CoPilot.
I like the phone and plan on keeping it (I did reply to the EBay seller to see if he can do anything, but do not expect much if any). I see a french site referenced in these forums with a large list of compatible Software but can not current register to his site for the links (others are apparrently having the same issue right now).
If there is any advice/information out there I might find interesting please feel free to feed it back.
There's no difference between them apart from the addition of different 3G bands, the T8282 came out first in Europe and has the European 3G bands, the T8285 is the 'rest of the world' version with more frequences available.
The T8282 will still work on GSM in the US, but you won't get any 3G, which will only be a problem for voice if you're in 3G-only area. Seems it's been flashed with a T8285 ROM which shows the US 3G frequences, but they won't work on an T8282 as the hardware isn't there to support it.
There's quite a few sat-nav programs available, off the top of my head, there's TomTom, iGo, Route 66, Destinator...
That's what I fugured. However now that you mention it - is AT&T (or will they) be going toward a 3G Only coverage phylosophy. If that is (or will be) their intention this phone will eventually be useless. I find it hard to believe that a changeover like that could take place overnight, but it does make business sense (kind-of). Why maintain multiple systems (in this case Bands) when just your top-of-the-line one will do. They also in turn force the populace to keep upgrading phones pleasing the manufacturers. Kind of a Software thing - only supporting the latest product, forcing upgrades.

GSM/WCDMA issues Vodafone Australia

Hi, most of my details re an issue are posted in the dev thread in the LeeDrOiD entry, basic issue is that my new DHD has been suffering from 'issues'
I am on Vodafone Australia and at the moment the network service sucks, and I have lodged complaints with them and the TIO as regards this.
My main issue is that calls went straight to voice mail and also lots of dropped calls, I have spent days and just now 7 solid hours trouble shooting, I have used 4 phones, 2 sim cards and have built/cleaned/rebuilt my DHD so many times I do not wish to think about it. After each build I could neither dial out or get calls.
For what it is worth, Vodafone say it is a network glitch, but I have now discovered what 'may' be causing the issue, I will need other non Vodafone peeps to try contact me tomorrow to confirm.
The 'fix' so far is to only enable GSM, it is set to GSM/WCDMA by default, either WCDMA or GSM/WCDMA make the phone fail, selecting GSM WORKS!!!
I have loaded and unloaded so many radios thinking that may be the issue, questioned each application I load as regards its impact and all it is looking like is a bloody setting that for some reason worked and now doesn't.
Let's see how vodafail answer this one...
Might be worth noting for your own testing at some point....
Could be you have poor 3G coverage at your area. The phone will then try to force 3G if it sees a tiny signal. This can cause loss of all connectivity. This happened to me once I was at Perth Airport. I'm with Optus and could not get make any calls or text if i had it on 3G. GSM only worked fine.
Could also be the phone handling changing from 3G to 2G very poorly. Never had this problem in Sydney though.
I agree with the guy above, I live south of you guys with no 3g coverage and for the first few weeks I had it in auto select and it was on 2g all the time. I use leeroids v1.4 with the radio recommended in the first post.
Hi silashack,
I am having exactly the same issue with my Standard UK Desire on Vodafone.
With WCDMA/GSM enabled the phone drops all the bars of service, then it will come back to full service but you cannot make or receive calls/txt messages or use the data connection.
Spent an hour on the phone with 1st level support and got nowhere (no surprises). I have a mate here at work with me, same phone, with VF as well and he is having the same issues as me, and they started at the same time last Thursday.
Do you think it could be a service fault?
Edit: No root here, just standard ROM. Come to think of it, there was a small update here a short while ago....
I am reading in a few places around the globe that these issues are NOT even country isolated, I thought it was just (possibly) Vodafone AU, but I have seen the very same issues mentioned on Vodafone UK and also Orange UK, T-Mobile and a few others, I do not even think it is isolated to the HTC Desire HD.
Would appear there is a global issue and it may be a while before the truth comes out
Well that one's for the tin foil hat brigade to play with...
I would have no issue if the feckin thing dropped to GSM and worked, moving back to WCDMA where available, but to just stop working is just not acceptable in 2011 FFS
silashack said:
I am reading in a few places around the globe that these issues are NOT even country isolated, I thought it was just (possibly) Vodafone AU, but I have seen the very same issues mentioned on Vodafone UK and also Orange UK, T-Mobile and a few others, I do not even think it is isolated to the HTC Desire HD.
Would appear there is a global issue and it may be a while before the truth comes out
Well that one's for the tin foil hat brigade to play with...
I would have no issue if the feckin thing dropped to GSM and worked, moving back to WCDMA where available, but to just stop working is just not acceptable in 2011 FFS
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As you guessed in an earlier post, it's definitely network related. H4tch3t over on one of the .za forums reckons he's solved it, and it's a mission I'm about to embark on as well (because not having my phone running at full capability is annoying as hell).
You can read more at hxxp:// (replace the xx's tt, apparently I'm too new on xda to post external links)
Vodaphone wcdma not working
Yeah I think you guys have nailed it this is nt an issue that can be fixed by the user it's a problem with the networks maybe a satellites gone down or something but one things for sure we will be the last to know
I just got the same issue in Sydney with Vodafone. My DHD worked fine yesterday morning. But afternoon, I can't make/receive any calls.
The mobile signal bar is full. But still.
I changed to GSM only. the phone call works fine.
I would call vodafone to check it.
they give me another reason to change to another operator.
sounds like congestion.

[Q] Focus on Europe Orange, which FW is better?

I have a Focus from ATT, unlocked and upgraded to Mango. I really have slow 3g matter what hack I use, no clue why...on initial NoDo it was faster...
Is there a generic WP7Rom for Samsung?
Is running Rogers ROM more friendly to the European carriers?
htc9420 said:
I have a Focus from ATT, unlocked and upgraded to Mango. I really have slow 3g matter what hack I use, no clue why...on initial NoDo it was faster...
Is there a generic WP7Rom for Samsung?
Is running Rogers ROM more friendly to the European carriers?
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While Rogers Rom is the cleanest and most close to the "stock" Focus rom, if you have an AT&T I suggest you stick with that. Both behave the same with EU carriers, I've tested both.
If your phone is originally on AT&T, you should know that all updates are released by the original phone carrier. Zune passes the phone's IMEI to MS servers, which according to their database, it's on AT&T. Even if you flash Rogers rom, your updates will still come from AT&T.
As for speed, they're exactly the same. Customization is different and as I said, Rogers is cleanest. If you don't care about unlock, you should probably stick with Rogers.
3g speed
I read and read, all hacks done...still 16-18ko/sec...less than EDGE.
I asked the initial question because everything seems out of pace with the ATT rom, GPS data and so on... on NoDO it was behaving great, maybe I should stick to it
htc9420 said:
I read and read, all hacks done...still 16-18ko/sec...less than EDGE.
I asked the initial question because everything seems out of pace with the ATT rom, GPS data and so on... on NoDO it was behaving great, maybe I should stick to it
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What you can do, is go to Diagnosis, and make note of the settings in Mango (I suggest a camera for this). Then go back to NoDo (restore) and compare those. Tedious, but if there's a difference that's where you'll find it.
It seems that the WP7 doesn't get well with data connections
Results with T-Mobile in Hannover (No H+ signal):
The same SIM card:
Samsung Galaxy s2 7Mb/S download 1.9 upload-
Samsung Focus Rogers: 0.014 M down 0.01 up
HTC HD7: 1.42 down 0.01 up
Went to O2 store, tried OMNIA7 demo with my sim card---slooowwww
Is the 3G sign supposed to change into something if it gets 3G+?
htc9420 said:
Is the 3G sign supposed to change into something if it gets 3G+?
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Not by default. You'd need to edit registry for it to show 3G+ or install Advanced config. and tick a box there.
As per 3G speed, I also have an AT&T Focus and, although it shows 3G+ most of the time, it certainly is slow. I thought it is caused by 3G range frequencies with AT&T not being the same as with Russian providers. But since you report Omnia is behaving the same way I don't know what to think.
Edit. I also suspect Internet Sharing effecting my 3G connection. I think 3G speed was better before I've enabled Internet Sharing.
I really don't know what to say about this issue, it is quite strange.
In the first day I got the Focus, I popped the SIM card inside to take it for a drive ( before rolling back to 7004 to hack it and then Nodo) it behave OK with the internet speed ( I noticed bing and IE were fast). I flashed the 7004 ATT rom and updated to Mango. Then I noticed that it crawls when getting apps from Market place. I tried too install Angry Birds(20 mega) and there were 1% increments every 20 seconds or so. I got puzzled and double checked the web and XDA for is slow as a snail compared to my other phones no mater what I did. I know that this could be subjective also, but really? .01megs/sec?
I am thinking of flashing only the radio from an Omnia7, someone reported that he flashed the whole ROM and it was OK except some buttons were upside down.
Anyway, 2100 3g+ should be the same everywhere... I think that the protocols ( like handshaking,wtc) inside the radio differ among carriers overseas...
Samsung should post a generic ROM for this device....

