Hard-reset on wm2003 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi there,
I'm having difficulty with a Symbol MC5040 running windows mobile 2003. It's hard-reset procedure will actually make everything worse, it's supposed to uninstall and reinstall some programs, setup some configuration, but some parts will fail and it will configure more than it should... I would like to learn how the hard-reset is done, so i can "master" the process, find out why it's doing this and fix it.
Can anyone point me to the right documentation? My google searches are flooded with the wrong results...

There is Clear storage item in settings.

And what does it do?
I'd like to modify the hard-reset process, how's that going to help?
I really appreciate your reply and I'll look for more information on it, but can you elaborate? Thanks!

Ok I read some, and it seems clearly unclear what it does exactly, compared to the hard-reset. I would think they are the same... but this still doesn't help me.
I know how to do the hard-reset, I'm doing it on a dozen different devices every day, but it helps a bit and also make things worse... something is wrong with it. It needs to be reconfigured.
I've read somewhere the hard-reset will reset everything to factory default and then add the OEM customization... I think this is where I need to look, but I couldn't find much valid info on that...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You're not going to be able to modify the hard reset/cold boot. That's all configured in the rom. You'd need to re-cook and flash the rom to modify how things boot up. I have a 2003 device, but it didn't have a customization step after the welcome screens. All you could really do is skip customization (if it occurs) by soft resetting after going through all the welcome stuff.


windows mobile 2003 software

PLEASE HELP.....................
Hello didgeridooplayer.
First, welcome to the forum!
Second: Please refrain from typing in all uppercase letters, it's considered shouting.
As to your question:
I saw you other post in the Himalaya forum, but I reply to this one because I don't know what causes the camera problem.
I don't think you can solve it by 'reinstalling' the OS. This is not a PC. Windows Mobile is embedded in ROM, and although you can upgrade it (because it's actually flash and not real ROM), to clean up the device hard reset is sufficient.
The OS could not have been damaged by any installed program like it can be on the PC.
Now, I am not sure but there may be a Himalaya ROM on the ftp:
ftp://xda:[email protected]
However, Windows Mobile ROM images are custom tailored to a device. It's not like Win XP where you just get a disk and install it on any PC. It has to be custom made by the OEM for each device.
If you already knew this stuff and my post sounded insulting in any way, I am sorry, I just got an impression from your post that you didn't quite understand the issue.
Windows Mobile n stuff
Hi, Firstly thank you for the reply and secondly sorry for the caps. No you have not offended in any way I am a complete newbie numpty and did not know about the things you mentioned I know my way arround a pc but the ins and outs of PDA's are somewhat of a mistery to me. Anyway the reason my cam did not work was because I did a soft reset before the pda installed all its customisations to get round the password problem and therefore it did not get chance to load its camera software or album etc etc. Anyway I am trying to get the guy who sold it to me on ebay to give me a refund but doesnt look to promising (bloomin Ebay is a pain in the bot) but I will see what I can do.
Thanks again...Tim
Hi didgeridooplayer.
Glad I could help.
If you can't get a refund here are a couple of things you can try:
1) If device was locked by password, hard rest should have cleared it and you shouldn't worry about installing the customization since the password has nothing to do with it (it's just some stuff like cellular provider settings and some extra apps the OEM chose to include). Unless the previous owner changed it.
2) Customization is stored on the 'Extended ROM'. This is part of flash that is normally hidden from the user. However with some registry tweaks it can be unlocked and used like extra storage that will not be deleted during hard reset.
I don't know how to do it for your particular device, but if you look in the WiKi, I think you will find the answer. You can then replace just the contents of the Extended ROM (no need to re-flash the whole device) or just install the camera cab from it. That should solve your problem.
P.S. All installations on the device are done by *.cab files. You can launch them by tapping on the file from file explorer on the device.
Re: Windows Mobile n stuff
didgeridooplayer said:
Hi, Firstly thank you for the reply and secondly sorry for the caps. No you have not offended in any way I am a complete newbie numpty and did not know about the things you mentioned I know my way arround a pc but the ins and outs of PDA's are somewhat of a mistery to me. Anyway the reason my cam did not work was because I did a soft reset before the pda installed all its customisations to get round the password problem and therefore it did not get chance to load its camera software or album etc etc. Anyway I am trying to get the guy who sold it to me on ebay to give me a refund but doesnt look to promising (bloomin Ebay is a pain in the bot) but I will see what I can do.
Thanks again...Tim
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you stoped the proces of customization. in this process device install all aplication from Extended ROM.
Your album and camera, and maybe other aplication are not runnig because they aren't installed.
Just do a HardReset and wait the customization finish.

Can't install .cabs, help

I just got my 8525, updated to the latest ROM, loaded all my software and configured it almost complete. I must have deleted something, but I can't think of what. I'm not a newbie, I've had my 6700 for 2 years and flashed ROMS and the like.
Anyway, any atempt to install a .cab results in a failure. It doesn't even ask where to install to, just says "...unsuccessfull". If I look at the "Remove Programs", there is nothing listed.
Like I said, I must have done something, but don't know what. Everything was working fine...maybe I tweeked something in the registry?
Yankee802 said:
I just got my 8525, updated to the latest ROM, loaded all my software and configured it almost complete. I must have deleted something, but I can't think of what. I'm not a newbie, I've had my 6700 for 2 years and flashed ROMS and the like.
Anyway, any atempt to install a .cab results in a failure. It doesn't even ask where to install to, just says "...unsuccessfull". If I look at the "Remove Programs", there is nothing listed.
Like I said, I must have done something, but don't know what. Everything was working fine...maybe I tweeked something in the registry?
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May need more detail here.
I assume you are opening the unextracted .cab file on the device.
Is the .cab a suitable one i.e. for the ARM processor?
Is there sufficient Main memory available for the installation?
Have you tried re-installing a previous .cab file that worked? If a previous one installs as before then it suggest a .cab of the wrong type or it's corrupted.
Welcome on board
No .cab I try works, including ones I have installed successfully before. I am positive that the lack of entries in the "Remove Programs" is related. Everything else seems to be working fine. I haven't done a hard reset yet, and hope to avoid doing it. I'll wait a little while and see if anyone here can help me out before resetting.
Yankee802 said:
No .cab I try works, including ones I have installed successfully before. I am positive that the lack of entries in the "Remove Programs" is related. Everything else seems to be working fine. I haven't done a hard reset yet, and hope to avoid doing it. I'll wait a little while and see if anyone here can help me out before resetting.
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Not good, I see there are quite a few instances of similar occurances being reported (disappearing programmes) and one very similar to your situation. However I could not find one where somebody posted a solution.
So other than the usual things:
Turn off
remove and re-insert battery (perhaps waiting ten minutes before replacing)
remove and re-insert SD card
then it's looking like a hard reset
Unless anyone else has a solution.

How to do I return my device to normal?

I tried installing one theme (transferred files to /windows) and didn't like it then I couldn't get back to my original sprint theme and so I installed another one (cab).
How can I clear all this crap out and just go back to my original factory theme? I shouldn't have messed with this stuff in the first place!
Help would be greatly appreciated!!
hard reset will bring youre phone back to original manilla.
but you will also loose al youre contacts and other apps and tweaks.
That's fine as long as I can get outta this mess!
It won't make me reprogram my phone will it? (i mean program my phone number esn crap?)
how do i do this hard reset?
for Angelko2k8
Look at this link
1) you may tray with tf3d config, there is an item "restore theme" which worked for me. remember to disable tf3d from today first or
2) you may download original black theme and install it. remember to disable tf3d from todat first
hope this help
Reflash in original HTC firm at:
You can use TF3D config or hard reset.
hard reset: Start > Settings > System > clear storage, enter 1234 and it will hard reset your system.
Thanks, I managed to the hard reset via settings control panel.
Someone who is knowledgeable in adding themes and changing TF3D skins should really make a tutorial and have it stickied. It takes way too much time to read and then downloading countless programs that you come to find out you don't even need. It's really a mess. I'm surprised this forum doesn't already have a sticky for that, we have everything else you could ask for.
angelo2k8 said:
Thanks, I managed to the hard reset via settings control panel.
Someone who is knowledgeable in adding themes and changing TF3D skins should really make a tutorial and have it stickied. It takes way too much time to read and then downloading countless programs that you come to find out you don't even need. It's really a mess. I'm surprised this forum doesn't already have a sticky for that, we have everything else you could ask for.
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Its not that hard dude.
All members in the forum went through the testing and failure method.
I myself reseted my device at least 20 times, in the quest for the perfect jewel.
Im guessing you havent flashed ROMS??
Well if you start flashing start getting used to reseting the device very often.
Sergio PC said:
Its not that hard dude.
All members in the forum went through the testing and failure method.
I myself reseted my device at least 20 times, in the quest for the perfect jewel.
Im guessing you havent flashed ROMS??
Well if you start flashing start getting used to reseting the device very often.
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Nah man, haven't flashed my rom yet...I don't even know how to see what rom I have. The funny thing is that I'm not some noob who doesn't know how to do stuff like this, usually I catch onto this stuff easily but with so much info and downloads on this forum it's easy to get confused.
Once I figure out everything hopefully I'll be able to make a thread for others!

How to stop the initial installation

When you do a factory format, it installs the windows mobile, then the phone starts normally and locks for a bit and starts installing the SE programs. Is there a way to halt the automatic initial installation of these programs ? I just want to see whether my phone will be faster and crash less if none of these initial programs were installed on top of win mo. oh yeah, I was hoping to do this without changing the original rom installed. any idea ?
EDIT: found my answer just hit the reset button when it wants to do the installation.
EDIT2: NO, that doesn't work, read post #3. Still looking for a way to do it.
so how is it? any good?
i take it you dont have any pannels and its just a standard win mo device and how is the speed?
I've just tried that method and it doesn't work. I can't believe some people would just post you solutions that they have never tried -_- (I read this solution in another thread and then posted it in my edit).
Anyways, anyone knows of another way to do it ? and have tried it?
do you know HOW the initial setup works? what registry keys or files are used to control the setup? And where are the cab-files located after hard reset? that might offer some possibilities.
a simple soft-reset before the setup launches is not enough, after the reset it is lauched again. After the setup is complete, it is NOT launched again, so there must be some reg-key or file, that is set at the end of the initial setup. if you can set this manualy, it may stop the setup.
another way might be to remove the cabs completely, so they cant be executed.
the only working way I KNOW is to reflash the rom completely. that works
I dont like this way because its kind of risky and there may be problems with the warranty. But i am sure, you have to modify the flash-rom-content anyway to stop the setup. And i like the branding-stuff even less
I don't mind reflashing it, but I don't have the expertise.
I just wish someone would release a clean lite rom and let us install the cabs separately, without any modifications (so no registry tweaks or anything).

Modification problems

I am a total newbie and so have no idea what is spl, hard reset or ROM backup methods. But I tried many new softwarez on my phone and as a result they all screwed up my phone. I tried a new panel manager it totally screwed up the system. I uninstalled it and now I cann't change panels any more, when I press the X button it says Xpanel exe missing. Then I thought I will try spb shell 3.0 I installed it and it screwed up my contacts somehow. I uninstalled it too.
And now my phone sucks!!
I am trying to learn how to BackUp rom before I try someone elses ROM. Even though its is pretty complecated which one should I try? I was thinking of 6.5 but there are so many of them dont even know which one is the right one.
Anyway in the mean time that I learn, I was wondering if somebody knows how I can get my phone Xpanel back at least?
Thanks in advance
Try a hard reset. but backup what's importend.
Thanks alot!! Got it all back! Except for my contacts, they are all gone. Thats ok I will facebook everybody.
Thanks again.

