Question about facebook contact integration - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Sup y'all,
So I really enjoy having all my facebook contacts' profile pictures/birthdays sync with the contacts on my phone, but the problem I am having is that I have to go into each of my phone contacts and tell it which of my facebook friends to sync with. That kind of sucks, especially since I keep flashing my phone in order to try out new roms. Is it possible to have facebook automatically match up my phone contacts and facebook friends so I don't have to do it all manually? And if not, is it possible to somehow backup all the linked profiles so I don't have to redo it every time I flash a new rom? Lemme know thanks.

Every time I update my ROM.. during the first Facebook login, I'm given the option to sync ALL contacts that it matches with my Facebook Contacts..
(has to be pretty close on the name for it to match).
Try going to the ME contact entry, then sliding over to the Events tab (2nd from right, i believe), then make sure it's logged into facebook.
At the top, you might have a "Link Contacts" or something (going off of memory here). from that screen, it will show you the list of contacts that it has matched.
If you have names in your address book such as "Mom" .. that's not going to automatically match with Jane Doe on Facebook. Gonna have to update your local Contact name to Jane Doe, or the auto-match won't work.
Mine automatically matches about 20-30 of my contacts every time I re-ROM and login to facebook.

ah sick man thanks

I have a question regarding this every time i flash a new rom i do not get this option, i have to manually go in and link everyone to facebook. When i click my contact card I don't even get the option to look at history or status updates on the sliders... I'm logged in on both the sense tab and the facebook in the internet file in the start menu but have never been prompted to sync contacts. I am using Energy rom dec. 13th 29005. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem was bored figured i'd ask as it gets tiring manually liking all contacts. any response is appreciated.

nitegmoney said:
I have a question regarding this every time i flash a new rom i do not get this option, i have to manually go in and link everyone to facebook. When i click my contact card I don't even get the option to look at history or status updates on the sliders... I'm logged in on both the sense tab and the facebook in the internet file in the start menu but have never been prompted to sync contacts. I am using Energy rom dec. 13th 29005. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem was bored figured i'd ask as it gets tiring manually liking all contacts. any response is appreciated.
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Match the contact name with the facebook name and it will automatically match it when you sign into facebook. That easy!!

Possible to backup with Titanium?

Here is an idea.. You have to match them all up one or another once.. then SYNC your phone with your computer using Active Sync/Windows Mobile Device Center... It then SAVES all your facebook contacts in with your other contacts so when you hard reset or update your rom, when you sync it up, your contacts are all back (including their facebook contact info)... I hope that helps


No full Gmail sync??

*** edit - title is supposed to say No Full Gmail Contacts Sync **
Ok it's taken me a while to notice this as i've had the phone plenty long enough now, but it was only yesterday I needed to add a contact and found that if I select the option to add to Google Contacts it doesn't actually save them. I've tried multiple times and NOTHING. The phone is able to sync DOWN fine but seemingly cannot sync up. Sadly it seems Samsungs incompetent software tweekers have struck again.
Can anyone else verify if this is the case with all Galaxy S firmware at the moment?
So frustrating; really starting to wish Samsung would just have made this phone a STOCK phone like HTC.did with things like the Magic.
Not the case for me. I have flashed and reflashed a hundred times and when I add a contact, it stays and comes back after a flash through google sync.
Darkstriker said:
Not the case for me. I have flashed and reflashed a hundred times and when I add a contact, it stays and comes back after a flash through google sync.
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What particular firmware are you running? It tells me the contact has saved but then when I look through my phonebook the contact isn't there. Try adding one now to your Google account and report back.if you don't mind.
Darkstriker, can you log into your google account to see if all your contacts are listed there? Is it possible that contacts are synced, but they don't necessarily need to show up under the google account?
They aren't showing up on my phone book or online in my Google contacts, even though it says they're saved.
It could be that im running a custom rom, cant remember the name of it but its the main one that isn't SAMSET!
The main one that isn't samset... gotta love that statement.
Anyways: I may be a problem with your customROM. I am using JM2. I just added one and it shows up in contacts on phone and I'm guessing it will take some time to show up in gmail.
Darkstriker said:
The main one that isn't samset... gotta love that statement
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Im sorry I'm VERY hung over!

Phonebook Contacts keep disappearing

Hi guys, this is my first post but ive been lurking here for a while trying to learn more about my phone.
This is a bit long winded so please bare with me..
I bought this phone about a week ago from rogers wireless. It's locked to rogers and i updated the phone with the SE updater to the latest version they have. I bought the phone under my contract and then gave it to my wife (her old phone broke so i thought it would be nice to give her a new one)
She's now using her old simcard in the phone and other than the phonebook contacts keep disappearing, everything else works fine and all the txt msgs are intact.
1) whenever i switch sims from her's back to mine, the phonebook will be cleared.
2) today she told me that the phonebook cleared even though she didnt touch the simcard.
any idea as to why this is happening? she thinks the phone is defective i think its just something software. Im going to try and do a factory reset on the phone and setup the entire phone w/ her sim instead of mine (which is what i originally done) and then update again on SE updates.
Gmail sync
I've had the problem too. It turned out that the synchronization with Gmail was the culprit. The phone saw that a given contact was not in the contact list in Gmail and therefore deleted it from the phone instead of adding it to the Gmail contact list. The same goes for changes to contacts - if I change something on the phone, it disappears when the phone syncs. If I want to keep the changes, I have to make them in the Gmail list. I don't know how to change that behaviour.
- Martin
Martin5000 said:
I've had the problem too. It turned out that the synchronization with Gmail was the culprit. The phone saw that a given contact was not in the contact list in Gmail and therefore deleted it from the phone instead of adding it to the Gmail contact list. The same goes for changes to contacts - if I change something on the phone, it disappears when the phone syncs. If I want to keep the changes, I have to make them in the Gmail list. I don't know how to change that behaviour.
- Martin
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Yeah that's just BS. I didn't sync with Gmail right at the start, so when I finally did it last weekend, I lost all of my 249 contacts. Luckily, I had them backed up on my old sim card, so I restored them, but all the contact pictures, facebook links etc were lost
Gmail sync fail
wow! thanks for solving the mystery Martin!
Any idea how i can either import all those contacts to gmail's contacts (other than manually inserting them.. )
Man it's so friggin annoying to have to restore my contact book every time the damn google sync does a check.
badhobz said:
wow! thanks for solving the mystery Martin!
Any idea how i can either import all those contacts to gmail's contacts (other than manually inserting them.. )
Man it's so friggin annoying to have to restore my contact book every time the damn google sync does a check.
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You could just turn off google sync
well it seems like ive turned off google sync and yet it still has this problem. I figure it might be attributed to her having to log into google accounts??? there is a message on the notification bar sometimes that asks her to log into her google account. Could that be it?
Every time it doesn't detect a password/or has the user logged in, will it purge all the contacts? Is there even a safe way of backing up the contacts on SD card and then transferring that file to my HD so i can reformat the phone for her?

Facebook sync not working - cal syncs, but not contacts

Since a couple of days I have been unable to sync the contacts with the internal facebook app.
It always says that it is currently experiencing problems and is highly annoying!
Calendar sync works though.
Anyone got the same problem? A solution?
I am running the jp3 firmware, but also reflashing to jm5 produced the same problem.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Mycorrhiza said:
Since a couple of days I have been unable to sync the contacts with the internal facebook app.
It always says that it is currently experiencing problems and is highly annoying!
Calendar sync works though.
Anyone got the same problem? A solution?
I am running the jp3 firmware, but also reflashing to jm5 produced the same problem.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Same problem here. Been like that for a week or so now.
I switched to Phonebook 2.0 from market. Think its better than the stock app and FB sync works.
But hope they fix that FB sync thing soon. It´s getting pretty annoying.
Maybe you should use Phonebook 2.0 to find a defect friend's name. When you link your Gmail contacts to Facebook contacts in Phonebook 2.0, you may find someone who have some strange things. For me, I have some friends who have their last-name 'null' instead of the real one. So, I decide to delete these friends and then I can sync agian.
Found this at androidforums earlier in the week when I was having this problem, and it worked for me. I can't post links, apparently, but to give credit, it's from airmanjerm over there (androidforums dot com slash samsung-captivate slash 127442-link-facebook-friend-photo-contact dot html).
1. Start the CONTACTS app.
2. Click on "Contacts" at the very top.
3. Pick a person in your contacts list who is also in your Facebook friends. Select their name and it opens their entry in your phone's contacts list. For this, we'll select "John Smith." (How original!)
4. Touch the MENU button in the very bottom left of the phone.
5. Select "Link Contact"
6. At the top, select "Get Friends"
7. Select your Facebook account. (If you don't see it, you'll have to be sure your phone is logged into your Facebook account.)
8. Your phone will pull up all your friends from your FB friends list. Although you're technically only trying to link John Smith, go ahead and select all the friends you want to import to your phone altogether. (Or just select all at the top.) This will save you a couple steps later.
9. Click "Save" at the bottom.
10. After a few seconds or a minute's worth of "importing," the phone will go back a screen. Here you will see all your imported Facebook friends that you just imported. Scroll down to "John Smith" and select that Facebook profile to link it to your phonebook entry.
11. An AMAZING feature here is that when the phone imports all your friends from Facebook, it automatically links your phone contacts with their Facebook profile IF they have either the same exact name, or the same phone number or other similar contact info.
12. For those that don't automatically link, repeat steps 1-10, omitting steps 6-9 since you've already imported them from Facebook.
iNap said:
Found this at androidforums earlier in the week when I was having this problem, and it worked for me. I can't post links, apparently, but to give credit, it's from airmanjerm over there (androidforums dot com slash samsung-captivate slash 127442-link-facebook-friend-photo-contact dot html).
1. Start the CONTACTS app.
2. Click on "Contacts" at the very top.
3. Pick a person in your contacts list who is also in your Facebook friends. Select their name and it opens their entry in your phone's contacts list. For this, we'll select "John Smith." (How original!)
4. Touch the MENU button in the very bottom left of the phone.
5. Select "Link Contact"
6. At the top, select "Get Friends"
7. Select your Facebook account. (If you don't see it, you'll have to be sure your phone is logged into your Facebook account.)
8. Your phone will pull up all your friends from your FB friends list. Although you're technically only trying to link John Smith, go ahead and select all the friends you want to import to your phone altogether. (Or just select all at the top.) This will save you a couple steps later.
9. Click "Save" at the bottom.
10. After a few seconds or a minute's worth of "importing," the phone will go back a screen. Here you will see all your imported Facebook friends that you just imported. Scroll down to "John Smith" and select that Facebook profile to link it to your phonebook entry.
11. An AMAZING feature here is that when the phone imports all your friends from Facebook, it automatically links your phone contacts with their Facebook profile IF they have either the same exact name, or the same phone number or other similar contact info.
12. For those that don't automatically link, repeat steps 1-10, omitting steps 6-9 since you've already imported them from Facebook.
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Just tried it.
Can't even do that. When the sync error appears FB is grayed out in get friends.
You can also try syncmypix from the market... With this its possible to link contacts pictures from facebook to your phonebook contacts.
We'll have to wait until facebook fixes this failure.
Greetz, DN
Kolemar said:
Just tried it.
Can't even do that. When the sync error appears FB is grayed out in get friends.
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i have the same issue. can't click on get friends since facebook is greyed out in contacts.
It started working for me.
found this while searching around, well I messed up and linked some stuff wrong, and just removed the facebook account...
Well story is I just got this phone,
added facebook account for the widget that came on phone, no contact sync
later installed facebook from market
then today tried to sync contacts with failure
After I deleted the facebook account, I went to add back and noticed two options for adding facebook accounts, one that says "Intergrated contact accounts" and one under "more accounts" I tried the one under intergrated and it seems to be working without having to do any work arounds...
If anyone is getting gray facebook when doing "get friends" make sure in Settings->Accounts & Sync->Facebook that contact sync is enabled.
maybe this will help
(welcome my first post in the array of Galaxy S forums, been using androind on my old ATT Tilt and finally upgraded)
Joe1981AL said:
If anyone is getting gray facebook when doing "get friends" make sure in Settings->Accounts & Sync->Facebook that contact sync is enabled.
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Wow that did it for me... Thanks for the tip buddy.

[Q] D1 *.apk's running on Fascinate

I don't know about other people on the forum, but the one thing (and I do mean one) that I hate about the fascinate is the horrible facebook syncing that it has. By default, you seem to have to manually set up each individual person for facebook sync by 'linking' the profiles. I hate it, and I miss the D1 where it automatically did everything for you. That's the one thing I miss (minus FroYo).
My question, and I'm going to experiment tonight, is if you replace system files with D1 apk's, can it work since most android applications do not seem to be resolution dependant (coded with %'s instead of 400px's, for example if that makes sense)?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm currently running a deodexed heavily modified AOSP Magic 0.2 rom of my own creation, but essentially the AOSP Magic rom.
DanManners said:
I don't know about other people on the forum, but the one thing (and I do mean one) that I hate about the fascinate is the horrible facebook syncing that it has. By default, you seem to have to manually set up each individual person for facebook sync by 'linking' the profiles. I hate it, and I miss the D1 where it automatically did everything for you. That's the one thing I miss (minus FroYo).
My question, and I'm going to experiment tonight, is if you replace system files with D1 apk's, can it work since most android applications do not seem to be resolution dependant (coded with %'s instead of 400px's, for example if that makes sense)?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm currently running a deodexed heavily modified AOSP Magic 0.2 rom of my own creation, but essentially the AOSP Magic rom.
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Mine automatically does it...
The only one I had to manually sync was "Mom" to her real name.
phoenx06 said:
Mine automatically does it...
The only one I had to manually sync was "Mom" to her real name.
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I have never had it sync automatically. I have always either had 'Facebook Sync Error' or it says it's doing it any never does.
Also, just an update. No. It doesn't work. I don't have any way to get to contacts now, even though I switched back to the original files...Fantastic. LOL
EDIT: Does anyone have the ContactsProvider.apk? Deleted it and have no backup now haha
OP, I'm assuming you're talking about DI01?
Heres a deodexed version from D101
Mine syncs thm automatically if I click the get friends option and go select everyone in my phone book. I also hate that I have to do this. Stock android and htc sense handled this WAY better.
You have to be patient with the syncing with Facebook on this phone.
I too noticed my Facebook wasn't sync'ing, so this is what I did.
Delete the Facebook App
Erase the Stock Facebook Syncing
Re-download and install Facebook App and sign in.
Go back into Accounts & Sync and use the stock Facebook Icon (It's darker and more round)
Fill out your information, hit sync, set it and forget it. Just let it sit and think and do its thing forever, the screen will more than likely timeout, but thats ok, go make a sandwich, then come back and check it.
I've done this twice now and it's sync'd up. You might have to manually fix some contacts, but that's probably always the case.
It does mess up every once in awhile and can't re-sync, just go back into accounts and sync, uncheck the boxes, recheck them and let it sit again.
mackeydesigns said:
You have to be patient with the syncing with Facebook on this phone.
I too noticed my Facebook wasn't sync'ing, so this is what I did.
Delete the Facebook App
Erase the Stock Facebook Syncing
Re-download and install Facebook App and sign in.
Go back into Accounts & Sync and use the stock Facebook Icon (It's darker and more round)
Fill out your information, hit sync, set it and forget it. Just let it sit and think and do its thing forever, the screen will more than likely timeout, but thats ok, go make a sandwich, then come back and check it.
I've done this twice now and it's sync'd up. You might have to manually fix some contacts, but that's probably always the case.
It does mess up every once in awhile and can't re-sync, just go back into accounts and sync, uncheck the boxes, recheck them and let it sit again.
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Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but what do you mean delete the stock Facebook sync? The 'AccountAndSyncSettings.apk' in /system/app?
Yeah, I'm also confused. After installing the Facebook for Android app, I see the alternative facebook account in Accounts & Sync but no matter how many times I tap on it, I cannot select it.
heres why..
the contacts that you have on your
phone might have diffrent names than
your contacts on facebook.
what you do is have your contacts
name exactly how it is on facebook
same spelling etc..
then it should automatically sync
on your phone.
i never had a problem with
syncing my contacts/facebook
Dan, were you able to get the Droid's contacts apk working?
What about adding the Facebook App's account instead of the built in one? I still cannot get that to work. If I remove the facebook app, it also disappears. I install the facebook app, go to accounts & sync, click the lower facebook account, and it takes me to the facebook app's login, but gives me no option to sync pictures to my contacts as it would on the original Droid.
In the interim, I've discovered SyncMyPix which will pull facebook pics for your google contacts and attach them. It also will sync the pics to your google account so in gmail, you'll see their facebook picture. SyncMyPix can be set to update daily, weekly, or monthly to keep the pictures up to date. It's not as good as the Droid's version, but it works for now.

For People Having Problem With Facebook Contacts Pictures Sync etc [SOLUTION]

This worked for me; let’s hope it works for you...
After a lot of messing around, my contacts appear to be synched with Facebook and are showing Facebook profile pictures and so forth. However, when I receive a text message from one of these contacts, their picture does not show next to the text message.
NOTE: This solution may fix other problems you are having with Facebook sync, what you have just read was my particular problem, so give it a go, might just work for your problem too.
1. Go to Settings -> Accounts and Sync
2. Look under 'Manage Accounts' for any Facebook related accounts. If you see any, click on them, then click on 'Remove Account'. (Do this for all of them if there is more than one.)
3. Go back to the main 'Accounts and Sync' section where you have just been and click on 'Add account'.
4. Under INTEGRATED CONTACT ACCOUNTS (NOT more accounts) click on Facebook.
5. Enter your Facebook username and password as normal and click done.
6. Go back to the main 'Accounts and Sync' menu again, look for the new Facebook account you have just added on there and click on it.
7. Press the menu key on your phone, then click on sync now and wait till any spinning arrow logos you see stop spinning.
8. Go into your contacts and see if any have now linked with Facebook correctly (this will now be working for some people but for the majority it will not be... YET.... if not, continue with step 9.)
9. Click and hold on any of your contacts in your address book.
10. Click on join contact
11. If you see your contact with their Facebook pic next to them, click on them and they will now be successfully joined!.... If you don’t see them, you have two choices...
A) Re-edit their name in your contacts to match exactly how they have their name on Facebook. So if your friend is called 'John Doe' on Facebook but you have him as J Doe or something in your contacts, change it to match Facebook!)
B)After step 10, click on 'Get Friends' and scroll until you see the contact you are trying to join, tick the box next to them, click save, then click on their picture which should now be showing under 'Suggested friends'.
Long winded - Yes
Time consuming - Yes
A soultion - Yes.
Let me know how you get on everyone...
I also do this and this works but the next issue I face is if I use a WIPE rom, how can I restore a back up of my contacts that already has the joined information ?
^^ Good question, same problem I have.
Without being some kind of genius with the SGS, I cant see how this can be done easliy to be honest.
Thing is, if your backed up contacts have the EXACT names as your facebook contacts, then when you load them back into your phone after a wipe install and sync (step 7 in guide) it should join them all up automatically for you.
However, if it does not I'm pretty sure it's due to an issue with the Facebook App because before the latest update they always used to join up automatically but not with everyone now.
I am experiencing the same problem, but with Samsung Galaxy Nexus with ICS 4.0.4.
I tried the steps described on this post, but It didn't work.
(My facebook contacts doesn't show at People App at all)
I also tried re-installing and re-adding my facebook account, but It didn't work.
Please, Does someone have any clue on how to fix it?
thanks in advance,
