It's here at 10:17 am EST i got shipping conf. at 11:36 last night.
How sweet is it?
Awesome! Mine is to be delivered by 3pm!
I got a call this morning and it's on the truck. I'll update this when I have it in my hands. My brother's same time of ordering (3 minutes behind mine) will be delivered tomorrow.
the fedex truck just passed my house without stopping and i stared out my front door at him the entire time. He better be back soon!
I received that call as well.
dills84 said:
the fedex truck just passed my house without stopping and i stared out my front door at him the entire time. He better be back soon!
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I hate it when they do that. It's like they know you are waiting for them!
Omg omg omg omg!!!
Jan 6, 2010 12:17 PM Delivered
This thing is amazing! so flipping fast its not even funny!!
I know I'm not laughing...
Despite ordering mine as soon as google/phone was announced yesterday morning, my phone was not shipped out until this morning at 5am giving me a delivery date of tomorrow. Perhaps the unlocked phones are shipped a day late for some reason?
so lame.
I ordered mine unlocked, at 10:40am its here and its beautiful.
Just Delivered
I ordered at 1pm cst yesterday and got it today at 11amcst. Although I am at work and it was delivered at home...
I guess they tried to deliver mine, but a signature is required. No one was home, dammit
just placed my order... waitin on my confirmation email
cant wait
i will also be gettin mine on the 7th sux man google said u should get it on the 6th if u ordered the phone
blooddragon88 said:
i will also be gettin mine on the 7th sux man google said u should get it on the 6th if u ordered the phone
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did you just place the order as well?
slater87 said:
did you just place the order as well?
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i placed the order at 4:30est time on the 5th
bwilliams1 said:
This thing is amazing! so flipping fast its not even funny!!
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Incredibly fast.. the time from searching for an app to installed is literally seconds. Accelerometer also works much better than my past phones.
blooddragon88 said:
i placed the order at 4:30est time on the 5th
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nice... i probably wont get mine for a few days then, and i got it engraved so thats an extra day on top from what i've read and heard
my engraving "The Lack of Money is the Root of All Evil" -Mark Twain
Mine is out for delivery! yeah!
Anyone got theirs yet? Post here.
Cool, let us know who much they charge you for import tax.
Mine is with courier too...
Reading on how to get wifi tethering working now
Mine arrived this morning at 8.47am. I'm at work though and it was signed for by a family member. I'm not sure if its been taxed/dutied yet. Will post back after 3.30 when I get home.
spr33 said:
Mine arrived this morning at 8.47am. I'm at work though and it was signed for by a family member. I'm not sure if its been taxed/dutied yet. Will post back after 3.30 when I get home.
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Cool. Where abouts in the UK are you?
Mine is out for delivery today as well. I called DHL to check if and when i have to pay VAT/customs duty but was told that DHL will send an invoice in the next two weeks, if that helps
I've not heard anything yet!
I ordered mine minutes before the anouncement ended and the status on my order still hasn't changed. I've emailed them and all I've had are automated replies so I'm not very happy.
got mine. arrived at home half hour ago. I am at work
contractor said:
got mine. arrived at home half hour ago. I am at work
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Did you have to pay taxes or anything at the door ? (or dont you know yet)
How long from order?
spr33 said:
Mine arrived this morning at 8.47am. I'm at work though and it was signed for by a family member. I'm not sure if its been taxed/dutied yet. Will post back after 3.30 when I get home.
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Hi spr33;5298714
When did you order your's?, my order went in yesterday morning at 9.00am no delevery yet?!
Got mine about an hour ago, been playing with it. Coming from htc magic it is just pure joy to use. No longer does it have data connection problems in low signal 3g areas. This really bugged me in my htc magic. Everything else about it has pretty much been discussed.
Not sure whats gonna happen with vat though. Havent been invoiced for it yet.
Still waiting on mine and it was sent yesterday.. Could be snow related I guess
I ordered on 5th and "Not yet shipped".
nabromov said:
I ordered on 5th and "Not yet shipped".
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Glad its not just me then!
To answer your questions:
I'm in Stoke-on-Trent
I ordered at around 8pm on Tuesday
I have no idea if I've been charged tax/duty yet.
And yes, I can't wait to get home.
G1, be gone!
I'm in Stoke too!
Ordered mine at 12:02am on the 6th Jan and got the shiping confirmation at 1:46am this morning. It has just left Cincinatti:
1/7/2010 7:36 am Depart Facility Cincinnati Hub, OH
Fingers crossed...
Sort of wishing I'd waited a little longer now as it's coming to Voda UK in Feb...Got the tech red mist...oh dear...
Its here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First impressions: nice feel in hand, lovely screen.
Mine has been shipped, I orders on the 5th as well, iv never delt with vat loike this befor :-| normaly u get cahrged or invoiced at dalivery. Maybe as it's so new and not in the uk yet maybe Thera a "what is it worth" issue ... Maybe :-s
Ordered mine at 6.00pm on the 6th jan credit card got declined tried with another one and now it is stuck saying retry in progress even though they assured me it is all ok.
I think the shipping process is completely random!
tallen3 said:
Glad its not just me then!
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lol Am glade too that its only me who bought on 5th.
went to pick my preordered evo but they told me their systems r not functioning because sprint and bestbuy were activating too many lines at the same time.what a luck huh...... and im working full time this weekend so no chance to drop by bestbuy.jsut my day.F$%@#$KKKKK!!!
dude why dint you get it at radio shack? i woke up at 6 am i got it for 150 because i preordered it with 50$ and got a 20 dolar gift card and 10% on accesories and had no problem at all to activated....
same thing is happening at the shack only the early ppl got it.. i tried to get mine at 9 and they couldnt do it...
yea i should've preordered at the shack but too bad for pissed off that im thinking of to wait for the HTC SCORPION
Same thing here....11 AM appt. BB Maize Rd - are down. 2-2.5 hr wait for activation...started at 9AM. About the time Cali opened. They are going to hold my phone until I can get there after work. Felt retarded leaving work to go get a phone as it was. Oh well.
My Best Buy called in to Sprint and activated over the phone - took about 15 minutes.
magicalan said:
dude why dint you get it at radio shack? i woke up at 6 am i got it for 150 because i preordered it with 50$ and got a 20 dolar gift card and 10% on accesories and had no problem at all to activated....
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i did the EXACT same thing! except me, my dad and my brothers rolled up to the RS expecting to wait, there was NOBODY there.(except employees) in the time it took us to activate 5 lines, not one person came into the store. i'm very disappointed dallas!!
they had to try a couple times with mine but after the system going down for 10min twice in the middle it took almost an hour for me to get everything done. But I also had picked the lowest sales volume store in the area they only had 13 preorders spread through the whole day. They had time to wait on me.
that is a bummer. i was the first to get my preorder at RS. but as soon as the second guy was let it to do his. the system started to slow down. RS uses "snap" for sprint activation and to my understanding so does BB. if thats the case, could be a long day for ppl because when "snap" slows down, it REALLY slows down...
Why not take the phone unactivated and do it on your own time via Sprints site? Are they not allowing that?
No they have to activate in store, part of the deal with sprint.
We ran 7 of our 8 EVO sales fine in SNAP, though it was beginning to take ~5-10 minutes to load each page. Only one customer (of course mine) ran into so many problems that it took 3 hours to complete... I felt so bad
NOTE TO EVERYONE: If you're trying to upgrade a line that has a Data or SMS block on it, CALL SPRINT AND HAVE THEM REMOVE IT FIRST. It's more hassle than it's worth to handle it in store
Yeah took me about an hour. Took the first dude who came in about an hour. System was sloooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....but the phone is beautiful...
Currently having activations issues in Northern CA RS store.. Spent an hour in the store and they are still bogged down.. Hoping to snag the phone at lunch.
Good that I took an appointment for 7.30pm today. Hopefully we should be good by that time.
xtkxhom3r said:
same thing is happening at the shack only the early ppl got it.. i tried to get mine at 9 and they couldnt do it...
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Yeah I went there at 9 but I think I was more dedicated than you. After 3 hours and 2 breaks (walking around the mall for food) I walked out with my baby at 12:30.
Great day.
My girlfriend went and got mine took 30 minutes and this was at 10am eastern time. By the way, this was at Radio Shack
(Now I am a cool kid with the sent from evo at the bottom )
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
I was the first one in my BB and had to port my took over an hour to do everything and the people after me couldnt do anything.
bad thing is i cant make any outgoing calls or send any outgoing txt msgs..i can only receive calls and txts..
they told me it would be a few hours..its been over 4 hours and still wont work
so its half way working i guess..
walked in the store at 8, out the door at 820 with my phone.
of course, i was a new line. only weird thing about mine was porting my number from tmo.
i miss the colors on my nexus one. wish the evo's screen was amoled. but, i do like the size, i have to admit.
timothydonohue said:
walked in the store at 8, out the door at 820 with my phone.
of course, i was a new line. only weird thing about mine was porting my number from tmo.
i miss the colors on my nexus one. wish the evo's screen was amoled. but, i do like the size, i have to admit.
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Dude imagine goig from the nexus to palm pre, and then to evo wow such a difference in the 3
well i have a friend that works for sprint, so lets just say its no a problem to get a new one..well i cracked the screen sunday night, and today the store got in a fresh shipment of evos...
and its on 2.1 so the forced 2.2 is not out yet
nice, gotta love that protection plan..
Anyone else order late on prime day waiting for their order to ship? Its driving me nuts lol...
kornklown69 said:
Anyone else order late on prime day waiting for their order to ship? Its driving me nuts lol...
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Me too bruh. Waiting like a lil kid on Christmas Eve. Got me over here chain Vaping.
mookiexl said:
Me too bruh. Waiting like a lil kid on Christmas Eve. Got me over here chain Vaping.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one.. delivery still says aug 1st-8th here... JUST SHIP ALREADY!! lol
Same, ordered 7/17...says between Aug 1-7 yet not shipped.
Lol. It's like release day all over. At least they don't ship from China any longer. At least I don't think they do.
My credit card got charged last night, and I got a delivery date of Thursday today. It was supposed to be 8/7, I think.
10th to 24th of August is estimated delivery date for me :-/
sarfdawg said:
My credit card got charged last night, and I got a delivery date of Thursday today. It was supposed to be 8/7, I think.
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mine was officially charged today as well, I did the 5 month payment plan, because why not, and have an official day of Saturday for delivery but still hasn't shipped ?
Mine now say's I'll have it Saturday.
shipped today! Will be here tomorrow!!
Supposedly arriving today.
Mine shipped today and is do Friday.
I ordered a black and white... Black came in last week, but white still says 8/1 to 8/8...?
Ordered Black Moon will be here tuesday afternoon. [emoji16]
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Mine arrived yesterday. ADP, rooted, cust kernel kcal set, substrate sai, AOD mod.. Camera mod... Only real thing I miss from my Pixel 2XL is a larger screen. Colors aren't as good as the Amoled.. But overall snappy and runs well.
Anyone get any updates on their white model orders, other than coming in by the 8th?
techlogik said:
Mine arrived yesterday. ADP, rooted, cust kernel kcal set, substrate sai, AOD mod.. Camera mod... Only real thing I miss from my Pixel 2XL is a larger screen. Colors aren't as good as the Amoled.. But overall snappy and runs well.
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same I love my pixel 2 xl but couldn't resist this price, just received the Android pie update on both!
Price dropped back down to $349 on Amazon
Add me to the Essential users...just ordered one from Amazon, price down to $329, should be here next Wednesday.
Had they released it at THIS price, they may have had a better "first run".