Tell me if im wrong JASJAM - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

G'day, I've ordered a new Imate Jasjam hasnt arrived yet but i'm preparing myself for the rom update.. so i'm supposed to do:
1: hard-spl v7 which is ver 2:10 to phone first
2: official ata win 6 striped rom update
3 then the rom of my choice which Ive chosen MrDSL Manilla2d 21728 3g 2d
i plan not to touch the radio upgrades at all as i may not have a problem with them.. not sure yet though.. id rather leave them be..
thing is i'm not cluey about hard and soft resets between each step or even if my choices are compatible or stable with the phone as Ive only been reading about all this stuff for a few hours and i do plan n doing more reading.. am at least on the right track here? thanks a lot and muchly appreciated.

I think you should read the wiki first :
and then read further more : esp. the upgrade guide :
And then read around the forum, you'll gain more knowledge than you could possibly imagine
All the best!


ROM - the fastest one

Hi there - I would love to know which ROM is the best and the fastest for the TYTN - there are so many but which one is the best ?
Pls give me your opnions !
My opinion is that you will need a flame-proof suit.
Each ROM is different, try them and choose what you prefer. The official release ROMS are apparently quite good. I personaly use Black Majik, and will update to Black Satin when it is available.
best rom
yes I tried several rom and the best one is black majik because it very fast and stable
if you want it send me your email
my actual ROM dates are:
Schap`s 3.30
Do I have to change the CID an the RADIO version in order to install the Black Majik ?
Is there any description of the process for a layman ?
peter7 said:
Do I have to change the CID an the RADIO version in order to install the Black Majik ?
Is there any description of the process for a layman ?
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instead of being lazy, why don't you read. JFC.
crazyC said:
My opinion is that you will need a flame-proof suit.
Each ROM is different, try them and choose what you prefer. The official release ROMS are apparently quite good. I personaly use Black Majik, and will update to Black Satin when it is available.
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edit: hmm weird says it isnt available.. but im certain i downloaded black satin already as thats what ive been using as a test rom in core pro... weird.. let me go check.
Do you like Coke Zero or Pepsi Max?
I'm running Black Majik at the moment but really like Schap's ROMS.
Looking forward to his new one being released.
If you haven't loaded a cooked ROM before make sure you read the instructions on this forum.
Easier to spend some time reading now compared to spending time later trying to fix.
sambartle said:
edit: hmm weird says it isnt available.. but im certain i downloaded black satin already as thats what ive been using as a test rom in core pro... weird.. let me go check.
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Yer the ROM was pulled because of issues, JJ aint been able to get it fixed yet as he has stuf to do IRL (see the thread in 4wm).
afaik some people havent reported issues but others have.
peter7 said:
Do I have to change the CID an the RADIO version in order to install the Black Majik ?
Is there any description of the process for a layman ?
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peter7 said:
Do I have to change the CID an the RADIO version in order to install the Black Majik ?
Is there any description of the process for a layman ?
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Read read read.. . However, to answer some questions and hopefully help.
Try looking over my experience here: I describe, with lots of relevant links, of my very successful experience with moving from WM5 to WM6 and Black MAJIK and the (then) latest radio version of 1.43.
No you do not need to change CID or radio to change OS ROM (ROM is in 3 variants: Radio, Extended and OS) Some upgrade ROMs can comprise any single, any mix or all ROMs combined - you'll need to read up on this on the actual ROM post links. The Hermes Wiki is the starting point but my experience will certainly help)
I have no experience of other ROMs but after LOTS of reading selected Black MAJIK and have not looked back since - see my linked post for comments from others too.
The Black series of OS ROMs are produced by JJ and he is working on a newer ROM called Black SATIN. JJ has a web site with basic 'Black' ROM info ( and the download link. However, this only links to the latest 'Black' OS ROM and the latest version (SATIN) was broken so has been taken off the site. Take a look around for other posted links to his earlier version of Black MAJIK and you should find it if wanted (others are already asking and it's posted there somewhere I am sure - many of use have it on our PCs.
Black SATIN is based upon one of the official OS ROM releases (most other OS ROMs are not) but has been 'cooked' to modify it by adding/removing elements and optimising performance. All of the WM6 ROMs out there will have their fans and although the many posts are VERY long it is worth at least skim reading a few to get the general impression of the qualities of the ROM that you are interested in.
If you do not want to unblock your device (Super CID) to work with any sim card then the process could be:
1. Backup device settings/files and get all the files and config details saved
2. Read the advice then - Install Hard SPL
3. Read the advice then - Install new OS
4. Read the advice then - Install the new radio ROM
5. Rebuild and configure the device
The above process can be done physically in about 1 hour! BUT there is lots of reading to do. I personally spent about 3 days reading and alraedy had lots of knowldege - this is not actually required but such reading will greatly ease your fears of 'bricking' your device and leave you better able to cope should anything go wrong. When you have done it once then the process is very simply and you'll not think much of doing it all again - that's why so many people just tell you to read the posts and especially the wiki because they did for very good reason.
Warning - if you mess up the process by not following the very clear instructions then chances are it will have ben your own fault. But others will be there to help and it is most unlikely that someone on this site has not seen your problem.
Good luck
Thanks for the link - but under "Upgrading to WM6 Black Shadow" I get the answer "not released yet" - so from where do I get the Black Shadow rom file ???
peter7 said:
Thanks for the link - but under "Upgrading to WM6 Black Shadow" I get the answer "not released yet" - so from where do I get the Black Shadow rom file ???
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You must have misread my post. I assume that you mean the link to Black MAJIK - and if so then I wrote:
"However, this only links to the latest 'Black' OS ROM and the latest version (SATIN) was broken so has been taken off the site. Take a look around for other posted links to his earlier version of Black MAJIK and you should find it if wanted (others are already asking and it's posted there somewhere I am sure - many of use have it on our PCs"
Your reply above to Peter7 ... "Read read read..etc" is one of the most succinct, clearly written & easy to understand posts I've read since I've started visiting here. From reading it ... and following the link to wmblacks website, I've found a ROM that I'm willing to try as my first departure from the native WM5 ROM that came with my Dopod 838Pro. My only disappointment is that Black Satin is not yet available.
Oh, well! I guess after I've upgraded once, a second upgrade will be all that much easier.
Regards ... and have a good day!
Evenstar said:
Your reply above to Peter7 ... "Read read read..etc" is one of the most succinct, clearly written & easy to understand posts I've read since I've started visiting here. From reading it ... and following the link to wmblacks website, I've found a ROM that I'm willing to try as my first departure from the native WM5 ROM that came with my Dopod 838Pro. My only disappointment is that Black Satin is not yet available.
Oh, well! I guess after I've upgraded once, a second upgrade will be all that much easier.
Regards ... and have a good day!
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I am glad my post helped. Take a look at the Black Saitin Link again! I think the links to the latest ROMs are available - just. The links are here:

Quite confused !!

Hi everybody
Thanks for your super site though im a beginner as you ll see !
Im a happy owner of a french sfr s 300_htcp3600 since two or three days now
Ive been wondering through the site about the thing for 2 weeks while waiting for delivery and i m getting quite confused:
1Let me tell you about my beast: rom 1.231632 02/08/07
protocole 3262 7020 06H
2 Though i saerched on this very complete site i still dont understand what is rom radio and protocole (!!!)
3 I caught that there are ways of improving the beast by easy but risky ways of tweaking it and that the rom and radio are different things
4 My "problems" are:-- i still got win 98 on my pc so activsinc v 4.2 dont work so i manage through the mini sd card
-- Im not sure i need to upgrade to wm 6
Before tweaking anything im searching the site but still didnt found a clear and precise anwer to these questions
thanks for help

How confusing is it round here?

Sorry, this is not really a serious dig but I feel I should make you all aware (tounge in cheek) how bloody confusing everything is around here.
I spent the last 12 hours searching for all the info required to update an athena that'll be arriving on my door step some time today but I'm still no closer than I was after my first 30 mins searching.
I've found 2 different unlockers but can't find anything about which is required or best. Just loads of posts from people bricking their devices.
I've chosen which ROM I want to go for but it does not include the radio.
I've just found the thread containing radio 1.50 but this wasn't sticky'd or anywhere near the top of the search results.
What order do I do everything in? The ROM thread says radio first but is this before or after unlocking?
I'm sure I'll suss all this out no problem once my device is in hand but why can't everything be done in one hit (unlock, radio & ROM) like every other rom I've used. And a nice set of instructions as you go.
I appreaciate some radio's work better for some and not others but the ROM "recommends" 1.50 so why not include it? Ditto for the unlock.
Please don't take this the wrong way I'm just worried how other people may find it round here. I'm not a novice. I've had just about every HTC device going over the last 6 years, all have been unlocked, flashed with different radios and roms and with each one you'll find all you need to know in one place (usually in a read me.txt of each rom or stickied at the top of the forum) but I don't ever remember being so confused as I am now and if I'm confused then god knows what a newbe would make of it all.
This is the Unlocker you want to use first:
Just backup your data, take some time, fully charge your device, take out the SD Card an follow the instructions:
(Turn off all energy save settings on your computer)
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Athena/Unlocker/
This is the newest version of the Black Touch Rom: Dual 3.0.rar
An here are the Addons (optional): Dual 3.0 ADDONS.rar
Finally update your Radio:
worth mentioning that the radio upgrade hard resets your device so install your addons and stuff after you've done it.
In a nutshell though what he said.
Just check if your device is x7501 or x7500 as there were two unlockers previously.
If I remember correctly this is all explained in first post of unlocker thread. (its a while since I checked)
I agree that things are widely scattered here, but after keeping up on daily posts in the Athena sub-forums for a while it all becomes clear. As mud on some days... (grin).
Thanks mojo, I had those exact files unzipped and ready to go.
Like I said guys, it's not me I'm worried about I wasn't asking for help as such... its those newb's.
Anyway, don't take it the wrong way was just a bit of constructive critisisum.
P.S. Dam postie didn't show after all that
Thanks guys.
This post was the exact thing I was looking for. I'm going to flash my Advantage right now!!!!!!
OK I did it! Was a little touch and go there for a few minutes, but I got it. Damn I was scared for a few minutes, thought I f'ed up a expensive PPC.
Congratulations cib911.
I've literally just got it off the post man, opened the box and started modding
All good so far, unlocked, 1.50 radio and AP Dual ROM.
Just gotta get used to this amazing screen... humm now which dpi is best???
I keep mine on 96 all the time.
I suggest such help should be definitely moved to wiki.
verysmartncool said:
I suggest such help should be definitely moved to wiki.
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As the whole point of a wiki is that anyone can edit and add to it, feel free to go ahead and do just that.
Actually, I also couldn't find the stuff that I need in the wiki. Don't get me wrong guys, I came from the Atom group. Wiki and everything is considerably better. I wish there's something we can do to make it better. Frankly, we are only a few among all PPC users so technically, it should be easier to put some order into things. Thanks!
radio version 1.50 download link to rapidshare is not working
radio version 1.50 download link to rapidshare is not working
some help please? <-- not found
this is from
I'm going to enjoy my newly acquired device as it is for sometime before I upgrade to PK ROM. Otherwise, I have no basis for comparison. Untill now, I've only got wktask and realVGA installed.
Anyway, is there any speed difference between the different version of PK ROM?
I'd need some time to digest all the posts in this forum before making this big decision. Don't want to brick my darling.
Looking at the post earlier posted, I just downloaded and was about to push began, and now I have to figure out do I have the right unlocker for my device. I have the Unlocked x7501 Advantage!
I downloaded the unlocker from the earlier I good?
I was just about to begin!
Let me add to this....I want to keep my same radio from the HTC original ROM....Do I need to do steps 2 and 3 in the unlocking process or can I skip that?
Thanks Dannyboy! I needed this thread!
And thank you mojo2000, that was good order and clarity! I cant wait to flash!
concerning my post about the missing file in rapidshare, it's now up and working.

Noob Question

So I am getting a Hermes from rogers wireless here in canada hopefully tomorrow, So I am wondering what is the first thing I do to it i wanna put on WM6 for sure. So do I install the Hard-SPL first then can I install any WM6 rom and it will up grade it to 6 ?
bump anyone ?
no installing a wm6 rom wont upgrade it to wm6.........OF COURSE IT DOES!!!!
thanks for the reply
epicdean said:
So I am getting a Hermes from rogers wireless here in canada hopefully tomorrow, So I am wondering what is the first thing I do to it i wanna put on WM6 for sure. So do I install the Hard-SPL first then can I install any WM6 rom and it will up grade it to 6 ?
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Yes, by all the phone ghods, install HardSPL before attempting to flash the phone!
IF something goes wrong, your chances to recover the phone successfully increase a very large amount.
But PLEASE before starting to upgrade, read a little bit in the wiki about how to flash the phone, the dangers and what to do to decrease the risk. It will stop the homicidal rage building and being released in a mighty rush after hours of having to read and reread MORE information to try and find the answer to unbricking your Hermes. It would be a shame for you to destroy all you love (your hermes...... and anyone in the immediate vicinty) just because you hadn't read some of the useful knowledge gleaned and refined by the gurus of flashing. Any questions you have are probably answered in th posts but if you've looked, cant find an answer and need help, ask away. Happy upgrading and welcome...
As stated above read the WIKI and MrVanx's Hermes Upgrade Guide before doing anything

Help The Noob!!!!

P.s. Is this the right thread i am posting i dont this is a wrong thread and if i am not supposed to post here then i am sorry for my noobness.....
well, dought a diamond few days back....its a used piece that has no i have been thinking of modding it with new rom and s/w.....well basically i am a noob in upgrading roms...but i have seen my friend do it a couple of times,felt its a no sweat process....and i wanna try my hand at it....
well basically i need a good rom....(i know i should have searched the forum for roms....but i need your valuable Wisdom in choosing the right rom cause if i choose a wrong one i might mess things up.....and no i am not Lazy)
well...i want a good rom....plz suggest me a few...i will now mention what i need in my patient
i need
Windows Mobile OS Rom(preferably The Latest 6.1 cause its the stable one around....i dont know about 6.5 is it any good..?)
can i have the cube application in the would look cool to use it...
Mobile Office,Pdf Reader,yahoo messenger,a nice all in one media player..(like vlc on pc plays everything i throw at it...i just love it..)
i would also like to have the Htc Touch Viva Blue Theme.....i dont Know what its called but i saw it on my friend phone and it was pleasent...
Hey, u know that your phone can brick, right?
You really should read a lot about flashing before doing it.
Start >here<
After that proceed here
If you read everything carefully and want to flash a new ROM be shure to
do it step by step as it's suggested.
And I guess you have read it quite often, but you have to find your own ROM.
Try some and then decide which to use. It's most satisfying^^
And yes, 6.1 is more stable than 6.5 for now so you should take a 6.1 ROM.
But have a look at these two ROMs. I have tryed them both besides many other and I used the A.Z.T.O.R. series for a long time -> very stable and really fast! Will use it again when X3 will be released I don't know if they fit all of your personal needs, but especially for some special theme or so on you should search the Thread you posted this request
udK Syrius
Good luck!
PS.: Please use a topic that contains some more information next time
oh dang i could only get to the first sentence because i have cdma
Thanks for the reply marcel .....i know that i am risking it...but hey...better to die than live a coward all my life ....i want to go thru this...
and okay nxt time i will name the thread more appealingly....
I would recommend two options. You can use Cloudy 1.1 with and without Manila. I have tried both. The WITH Manila has the TF3D with it which is very nice. However, my preference is WITHOUT Manila and then add SPB Mobile Shell 3.0. This is more user friendly.
Both options are very fast and with lots of free ram (more than 50Mb)...
I am not sure if these work with CDMA - please check first.
By the way, I think there is so much great help on these sites (and PPC Geeks) that you will always find a way to get your phone looking and feeling the way you like.
Good luck!
Sorry i forgot to mention..the Diamond i right now have was flashed right now its having a custom rom by diamond project team....well i am looking for a move basic rom.....which is almost or most likely official rom...
if you want a official rom you can visit and download the latest official rom that have been released. whether or not you can use the custom spl without doing any harm i have no idea about since i do not know anything about roms and flashing i just know that HTC has official roms on their site
I think u can download ROMs from HTC if u own an original-HTC device, right?
I wasn't able to download their ROMs because I bought my Diamond from a German reseller
-> Same phone, nearly the same look but an unsupported IMEI (?)
And again I can propose an A.Z.T.O.R. ROM^^
Alpha Zero Tweaked Official Roms = A.Z.T.O.R.
And as your phone was flashed before you should have no probs flashing a new ROM^^ So try some and then choose
The Whole Story!!!
Actually The Diamond i Right now have was bought off the gray was actually a orange network locked the phone is right now unlocked,gray market product....
Okie....i will take a look at AZTOR..
Well i decided to go with this hardspl.... but i cannot seem to understand which radio file to choose....and Roms are Relatively not a big problem...i will try AZTOR OR Duttys..plz gimme a latest stable Radio file...
operator ver : Diamondproject Team
Rom Ver : 1.93.921.2 WWE
Rom date : 14/08/08
Radio Version : 1.20.olinex
Protocol Ver : 52.26a.25.09U
some one just gimme good files.....itseems i cannot listen to radio..??!!even set to the frequency i just hear blur sound nothing else....i tried the Hard Spl signed one 1.40...and nothing actually changed....just my phone got hard reset....
so plz...plz...some one Help...
Well as you can see ,itseems i have a 2008 Rom.....i am looking for a 2009 rom...u know..more newer/latest..
okay..i am getting a hang of it.....but still a long way to go...
well..i have found the Rom that my phone currently has...and its link is...
i noticed that my radio is not working.....????
i want to use a more latest Rom & would like to listen to radio on my phone... Any help would be appericated...and if nothing else works...imma gonna PM the TOM_CODON Mod who made the rom...
Guys Finally..i manged to flash the whole phone...i.e Hardspl,radio & Rom ...
i am happy with the new os..but noticed that radio is not working...??!!i have created a new thread for help on radio.....check it out at
