my sms widget is nearly finish - Android Software Development

you can see on attachement my widget, but I need a little more help to finish...
I test it on my Nexus One and it worked nicely as on the emulator.
My problem is after deleting or receiving new sms.
the sms database don't seem to update untill I close my widget.
I think that is du to the fact the database isn't close until I use the widget.
So can I "close and reopen" my widget without the user see it? Or does it exist a solution to close more than the cursor after taking the message I need?
If I have to use SQLiteDatabaseHelper How do I open sms database by this way?
You also can post comment on my work if want.
my widget work on android 1.6 to 2.1
- show sms received
- button to open conversation and reply
- button to delete
- button to send a new sms
- button to navigate in sms/inbox
bug to fix:
- refresh after change in sms database
feature to come if bug fix:
- animation beetwin sms
- mark read unread sms
thank's for reading me (excuse my frenchy English..!)

Nice work, I would like to test it. And if needed and supported, I could make a translation to greek. PM me if it's possible.

if you're looking for translators I can do the Italian and German part

Thank's for your answer, I may ask you later, but before I have to correct my last bug. Because even if my widget seems to be nice, we always recieve and delete messages, and that make this bug embarrassing...
I've find so many thing's to buid this that I'm convince I will find how correct it... But a little help will really advance my project wich is building a pack of widget....

Very cool widget!
Not a programmer sorry, but I can help translate to Danish

When it will be finish, I really have to make a multilingual version!!

I would recommend posting this in and tag it with android. They are pretty fast answering.
I haven't made any widgets but maybe you should try and check the Notepad Tutorial ( ), specially the fillData() method. It works for refreshing the listview.

I allready post on android's forum like stackoverflow and they don't wan't answer me. One beg me to stop my work because a new version of android coold change the method of storing sms and my program will break and it coold maked something like "polluted code?"
But my point of view is that I have a nice Nexus One and I want widget which can do more than what we can find on the market...
Thank you for your post, I will check the site you gave me...

Reading the documentation the minimum refresh update time is 30 min. for widgets. So maybe that's why your widget is not updating.
It seems that you will need to set an alarm if you want faster updates. Here there is some discussion about that:

I think that the probleme do not come from refreshing my widget but it come from the refresh of the mmssms database.
So I have decided to change my way to acces to this database and want use the path "data/data/...../mmssms.db". When I want to acces to the dataBase by this way, it failed to open the database.
Why changing th way to open thi database and not use "content://sms"?
Because by this android seems to managed the file mmssms.db and open it for you to manage your cursor, that's why we don't use DBadapter... but the fact is android do not close the Database until your program is close (I think) and do not update the database because the file is probably in mode "alone read"... So I wante to managed open and close by myself to be sure if I am wrong or right.

the mmssms.db fil isn't openable for security reason's. So I try to understand why content provider do not refresh until I close the widget but I have no answer. I am searching for other's solution too but I have not enough information to ending my widget so I hesitate to fall down developpement of my widget...

Nice work


SlideActions: Assign actions to sliding events of Windows Mobile phones

I bought my Touch Dual sliding phone for the express purpose of using the sliding open and closed as the physical interface for answering/unlocking then hanging up/locking my phone. But to my surprise the Touch Dual cannot hang-up and/or lock on slide close (although it does answer/unlock on slide open).
So I've written an application to do the job.
The latest version now includes friendly configuration and integration with third party applications such as S2U2.
SlideActions and notes (this is a link to my server, so it always has the latest version).
Open source
Because I don't have the time and I've been asked for new features, and there's been volunteered help I've provided access to SlideAction's SVN repository.
I almost didn't because I never bothered to comment code I didn't expect others to see, but, well, I'm not so precious.
Here's the repository's URL:: Accessible both by web browser and SVN client such as TortoiseSVN.
Anyone wanting to contribute can create a branch (such as and I'll merge working features into the main branch.
Its great,
how can i make cab-file tu youse on my touch dual ?
Regards Nick
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
Cab File
ariandax said:
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
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Goto the link in the first post, CAB file is now available.
ferrex said:
I'll have a look into what it takes to make an installing CAB file...
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And it wasn't hard at all. Go to the link in the first post to find the CAB file.
I should mention - although this CAB file does put a startup shortcut in place (so the application will start with the phone in future) it doesn't currently start the application to begin with - you'll have to either start it yourself (llook for the application in your Program folder) the first time or restart your phone for it to happen automatically.
Nice work Ferrex..!
Keep up them please ..
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
I'll test it later.
really great job Mate.
great job! will test it tonight!
alexnalexn said:
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
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I haven't tried to make it configureable in any way yet (Update:It is now). So far I've just been happy to figure out how to make it do what I need on my phone.
Ideally it ought be configureable but I don't think I'm going to have the time to do that with a busy work schedule for a while.
I find working on this stuff immensely time consuming because I'm on the wrong side of a big learning curve right now - and at times frustrating (I'm stunned at how much the VSS Deployment Project methodolgy sucks).
Thanks for this, simply fantastic. Was silently hoping that htc would release a rom upgrade that closed the action screen when the keypad slides back down. Looks like you've beaten the big H to it.
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
nomc2 said:
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
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That's deliberate (if you have unread messages) - I haven't accentuated the feature but the app checks if there's any unread SMS messages when you open the slide and if so opens the SMS app.
It's one of the things which ought be configureable but I haven't had time to write configuration options yet. For the moment I'm writing the application to suite my needs - and I prefer to go straight to unread txts if I haven't noticed them yet when I open my phone.
If it's doing it when you haven't unread messages it's a bug - but not with this app because that's a mistake it pretty much can't make itself, however another app interacting with SMS might not be updating the notifications correctly and thus throw my app off. I could make HTCDTExtend more robust by taking a more direct route to SMS info but I'm not going to because using WM6 notifications is the correct way to do it. Hopefully your experience is as designed and not some bug.
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've made the application read settings from the registry so it can be configured. In time I'll put a graphical interface on it but for now...
By default the application Hangs Up and Locks on slide close, and on slide open, if there are any unread SMS messages opens the SMS application.
But you can change that if you wish by editing (you'll have to begin by creating them, they aren't created by the application currently [Update:These keys are created by the application now]) these registry settings:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:HangUp
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:Lock
0 = Off, 1 = On for each setting.
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
Update:HTCDTExtend has been supplanted by SlideActions. Go to the first post for a link to it's home page.
thanks ferrex for insights in registry and for the cab, it works very well now thanks.
ferrex said:
I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
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Great work no locking right now? But the unread sms work again right?
thanks a lot, ferrex! it is a GREAT app!
meanwhile, really doubt why HTC is so stupid to miss the slide-close-to-hangup functionality that is available on every slide-out phone.

[APP]BattMon - Translate to WWE - Need some help from Chinese people

I've seen a screenshot a while back here, and got curious about a battery status application called BattMon from a Chinese developer. After talking with hkpeople by PM, I finally got my hands on it, only to realize it's not in English but in Chinese instead.
I've burnt my eyelids searching for a way to translate the program to WWE, but haven't been successful so far, because I can only find the application on Chinese forums, which is unreadable to me (and also needs registration).
By editing the exe with a resource editor, I've analized the file and I'm thinking it may also have some sort of settings pannel (maybe by executing the exe with some parameter, unknown to me so far).
So, what I need is someone that can provide me with the author's contact (e-mail, msn, yahoo... some kind of messenger, etc), so I can ask for his permission to edit it, and also would need all the program visible texts translated into English.
Tomorrow I'll be posting some screenshots of the things I'd like to translate. I'll also need someone with a device running a Chinese ROM so you can see what to translate (because in my device i can only see squares)
For now, you guys can think about this and tell me what you think, and if you're willing to help.
Well, thanks to devilteki, this is starting to look better, as you can see in the screenshot:
But there's still something bugging me, because as I said before, in the resource editor, I can see some sort of settings panel, which I still don't know how to use or what it's written there. See the screenshot:
Why make the menu, if you're not gonna use it?
I've tried to translate it.
But due to the default language was not tranditional chinese.
some of the meaning there, I could not totally understand, and i'm also not good at English
Please tried and might give me the right sentences or words you think .
just before this thread was created i have tried this but due to chinese i have uninstalled it. the version i had was suplied by holyfox. so if yoy need anything he might be able to help you, drop him a pm.
FInixNOver said:
I've seen a screenshot a while back here, and got curious about a battery status application called BattMon from a Chinese developer. After talking with hkpeople by PM, I finally got my hands on it, only to realize it's not in English but in Chinese instead.
I've burnt my eyelids searching for a way to translate the program to WWE, but haven't been successful so far, because I can only find the application on Chinese forums, which is unreadable to me (and also needs registration).
By editing the exe with a resource editor, I've analized the file and I'm thinking it may also have some sort of settings pannel (maybe by executing the exe with some parameter, unknown to me so far).
So, what I need is someone that can provide me with the author's contact (e-mail, msn, yahoo... some kind of messenger, etc), so I can ask for his permission to edit it, and also would need all the program visible texts translated into English.
Tomorrow I'll be posting some screenshots of the things I'd like to translate. I'll also need someone with a device running a Chinese ROM so you can see what to translate (because in my device i can only see squares)
For now, you guys can think about this and tell me what you think, and if you're willing to help.
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Tranditional Chinese Rom
Need I help?
batmon (the dark knight ) rocks.
but it has one disadvantage:
the battery icon will be hidden / covered by a speech bubble when u receive mail or sms.
First post updated with screenshots.
sumitescp said:
just before this thread was created i have tried this but due to chinese i have uninstalled it. the version i had was suplied by holyfox. so if yoy need anything he might be able to help you, drop him a pm.
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Thanks, I guess I'll try to contact him about this.
tyler08 said:
batmon (the dark knight ) rocks.
but it has one disadvantage:
the battery icon will be hidden / covered by a speech bubble when u receive mail or sms.
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Sure, I'm well aware of that, but since I'm thinking of using this program as a complement of my battery icons, it's not really a problem.
In fact, it will make me realize more quickly that I have pending notifications to check.
Try this
CAPTION "Setting"
FONT 9, "Tahoma"
devilteki said:
Try this
CAPTION "Setting"
FONT 9, "Tahoma"
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This is a no go. It doesn't so nothing.
And I've also found another problem with this nice little program.
We can't use VGA icons (32x32 pixels instead of 16x16 pixels). The program will only display a quarter of the icon. Damn!!!!
I'm aware of another similar application, called GS battery monitor (GSbmon - Green Software battery monitor), which allows the use of 32x32 pixel icons, but it'll not display the battery status from 0% to 100%. It's like the stock battery indicator.
I have what seems to be the source code of the app, but I have no programing skill whatsoever, so, if the author of the program reads this, or anyone is willing to take this project on, it would be awesome!!
Yes, this is a really nice looking app. The icon match the diamond style. Let me know if you need helps in any Chinese translation. (PM me)

touch it 3.6beta - bug/fix

please use this post - only ifg you have the bug + fix, so that itje can use it very easy on next rom !
1.) creating a CONTACT after dialing.
after dialing new number: then you can create to this new number a contact.
but then you won't see the text it self, because i think it is black on black background .... so you have to do it as blind
2.) dailer: switch between the contacts - no number is showing.
if you go to the dialer seraching for a contact, then you find one of them and then you can change the kind of phone with left/right , then normally you should see the phone number in big letters from contact, but YOU DON'T SEE THE NUMBER
3.) on connection manager - WIFi on/off button.
1.+2.) use attached cab file - and install this, then it works
+ additional i had include black dialer skin files - copy to \windows
3.) on connection manager - WIFi on/off button.
-> after first activation-> look in to the comm manager -> then it works hole the time. sorry, i'm not sure which regkey had to be set, that it works from beginning.
cu camel
EDIT: Sorry, for my form - normally i would send it to the cooker, and he can do the rest in new version ...
if someone will bring it in a correct form - thanks - then a mod should delete this thread
are this bugs confirmed by other users or are only you experiencing this ones ? Would be better if you check that !
And please, summarize bug and corresponding fix / workaround to one paragraph. (Look to other ROM bug threads how they have been styled)
Its ok..somewhat
I have allready adressed the "bugs/issues/glitches" with the graphics in dialer and on other apps.
And as I have said, I will try to have them all fixed, but im working with a fixlist, and I am trying to follow the list step by step. But as I also have mentioned many times, is that when I fix some "bug" then a new one surface.
I cant fix everything, I know only so mutch, and are still learning as I do this.
I am gonna try make a rom that work for most, but stuff like I dont like this or that..really guys....I must admit I dont care.
just an example, nobody needs to feel I step on their feelings:
When ppl comes and say a rom is useless because it has iContact (or w/e) then they really gotta stop and start using that rasin that floats around in the vacum inside their heads
(I mean no offence to thread starter. I do not mind ppl trying to help out to find sollutions to issues. I have asked for it many times that if you find a issue, and if you perhaps find the sollution. Then I appreciate it if its posted, with the source of the fix. It really saves me time.
SO..basicly...I dont mind this thread, as long as it can be kept clean from reports of issues reported 30 times before...but hey, I know..wishful thinking
I have a very busy week, so I cant be so mutch active in the threads. But that dont mean I dont read it. I read every single post you guys make, and I do try to take it all serious, but...

SPB Mobile Shell 3.0 - Modifications/Hacks (dedicated thread)

I feel this thread to be redundant. This thread basically do the same thing but with bigger success and some active modders:
As we don't need two of the same threads and I feel I don't have enough time to mod and give in to this myself and not many modders have stepped in. I'm sorry. Consider this thread a good idea but the goal is now in the hands of Zepiii. To hack the hell out of MS 3.0
Good luck Zepiii
don't think anyone has missed the amazing pre release of this sweet ap!
I'm a mod freak and there are somethings i would like to change in this prog.
like the programs "tab" only has 3 rows. i want to make this 4. anyone with a bit of experience possibly from the 2.xx series know where to do it?
the configs are simple ZIP files. Just open the DAT file as a ZIP file or rename it to ZIP.
in order to edit the file you need to put in the password which is:
Maybe we could custom tailor it and post the modded DAT files collected here. Most of the 2.xx series of mods/skins are portable with a little or no modification except renaming of some picture files (same password in 2.xx). the possibilities are endless
Please remove or correct my post if I'm violating/doubleposting something here.
DAT Files content:
qa_layouts.dat - This contains only XML files. 61 to be precise lots of interesting stuff! (tried to change the Iconspacing in programs to 24. didn't get my 4 icons row though )
vp_menu_btn.dat - Built in Icons
va_misc_now.dat - Built in system icons
vpw_bkg_now - portrait
vlw_bkg_now.dat - mostly contact icons landscape
va_weather_64.dat - weather Icons largest with XML file
vp_bkg_now.dat - Menu frame
vl_bkg_now.dat - same but in landscape
va_profile.dat - media player and profile widget icons
adding more pages to lifestyle screen
more buttons in collected start menu
change default sms client (bottom)
Memorysaving (no reghack)
interesting links in similar spirit:
SPB 3.0 today wallpaper
SPB 2.1 skins for inspiration
Great idea. I would also love to see this!!!
Is possible to customise the theme colors that available in mobile shell 3? The existing preferences are to dark(I want a white color scheme). Can we do it by editing a dat file(which?) or a registry hack?
dancer_69 said:
Is possible to customise the theme colors that available in mobile shell 3? The existing preferences are to dark(I want a white color scheme). Can we do it by editing a dat file(which?) or a registry hack?
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Hi Dancer_69,
I don't know yet. I just played around with it last night before bed. I'm just a NB in this who poked around with this great ap after not being pleased with everything and curious on what could be achived so i dont have alla the answers this is a team effort. hopfully someone with the experience or knowhow checks this. In the meantime we have to do it by trial and error. and map it all as we go along
good to know
I have discovered that Topaz enhanced menus works great with SPB MS 3.0 activated (and Manila installed but not activated in the today screen) so so far its a necessary evil to have Manila installed until we know possible witch file or reg settings are needed.
i'll be waiting one this, happy moddings
adding more pages to lifestyle screen
this could be good for some. Found this over at forum posted by turborepu quote:
"add more pages to lifestyle screen.. bg image pan works fine still
hklm/software/spb software house 2/spb mobile shell/widgets/homescreen
change "pagecount" to desired number.. i put 4. soft reset.."
supposedly its tested on 10 pages. the result is that when paned the wallpaper moves less then with three. If wallpaper size changed it will "smartfit" it to be the "correct" size.
haven't tried this myself yet three is plenty for me ATM
to improve finger friendly
please in new mobile shell v3
-imake an Sms menu , v2 uses windows Sms.
-alarm menu finger friendly
- apointments menu .....
V2 uses Windows Sms, alarm, apointmente
not very good needs the stylus...
Please make m.shellv3 completely finger friend with sms like iphone and alarm ....
Many thanks
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
When are you going to stop posting that little list of yours masrterk? Every thread/subforum on xda-developers and spb seems has one of your posts with the exact same thing.
masrterk said:
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
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Hi masrterk,
I personally don't agree. i like to taylor make my GUI and of course the tastes differ. For instants.. i would like to have it pretty barebone and point to the prefered app of choice like resco contactmannager or glarm witch are the best! IMHO annyway
BUT if one could integreate them somehow that would be great if you had that choice.
right now its really easy just to link to those apps from the lifestyle screen.
masrterk said:
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
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You could use this from the legendary vijay555
Remove calendar from professional layout?
Hi guys
i am trying to figure out how to do something that we were able to do in 2.1, but has been left unoptional in 3.0. I would like to get rid of the calendar on the pro screen. All I want to see is my upcoming appointments (if I have any). I don't want the screen cluttered with a pesky grid-style calendar. I am such a nooB at this it is silly, but here I am, messing around with .dat files......
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It would be nice to create a backup/restore tool for the settings/today items/widgets/etc...
When updating the rom this would be VERY useful!
is the pre release official? where's the download?
looks good from the youtube demos
Anyone figure out the password for the DAT files yet? Seems they changed it from the 2.x releases
Great idea. I just took a peek inside today, thanks for the breakdown of what some of the .dats do.
I have a feeling we'll start seeing some custom widgets in no time.
and yes, the release is now official.
619619 said:
It would be nice to create a backup/restore tool for the settings/today items/widgets/etc...
When updating the rom this would be VERY useful!
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There is already one in the SPB Shell settings, click the right softkey in settings and there it is, to the left of the exit button.
I tried it myself today, completely uninstalled mobile shell before I installed the official version, loaded the backup and everything was restored in the new version, included widgets and all
themirthfulswami said:
Anyone figure out the password for the DAT files yet? Seems they changed it from the 2.x releases
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I am getting in fine using b0fm18zq
That said, I am still trying to figure out what I am doing........
wyldthng said:
Hi guys
i am trying to figure out how to do something that we were able to do in 2.1, but has been left unoptional in 3.0. I would like to get rid of the calendar on the pro screen. All I want to see is my upcoming appointments (if I have any). I don't want the screen cluttered with a pesky grid-style calendar. I am such a nooB at this it is silly, but here I am, messing around with .dat files......
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I don't see the grid calendar on my pro screen anymore. On the pro settings page, choose "calendar", then change # of appointments to "as many as possible". After doing this, mine now shows the next two appointments.

how to enlarge edit field when answering sms?

is it possible to enlarge (default for answering) message editing field?(this one that is pink on attached printscreen). best would be if it take whole screen (apart from keyb - like in new sms view)
at first I liked this chat like view but now it makes my life hard as I write a lot and rather need to see what I write, not what was writen :/
I use default rom.
HD Tweak
I'm sure that this has been posted before, and a search would help you find what you need!
However, using a tool like HD Tweak or similar gives you an option to TURN OFF THREADED SMS, this will removed previously written messages, and only show you what you have written/are writing now.
I hope that this is what you mean, and it helps you!
does point 57 here help?
Oh, I'm not allowed to post links

