Android Developer Phone 1 - G1 General

Would it be stupid to pick one of these up right now? I am really unhappy with the current phone choices on the market. Everything is an iPhone clone. I just want something basic I can check maps/review sites/google directions. I also enjoy modding hardware and software and I know how much of a toy the G1 is to a lot of people in regards to playing with different roms.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Huge waste of money?

Perfectly nice phone. EXTREMELY versatile.
It has also come down in price since it was originally launched -- originally $399 US, now its down to $329.
If you aren't worried about your phone having the absolute fastest CPU or the most RAM, and like playing with it, then this is a GREAT phone to have.
And despite all the chicken little's out there, it has a LOT of life left in it. Android 2.1 (eclaire) runs fine on it (some people might say its dead slow, but that is only the case when using software GL -- the new builds with hardware GL drivers are ***almost*** ready....). Rumor has it that it will even get an OFFICIAL 2.1 upgrade at some point.

lbcoder said:
Perfectly nice phone. EXTREMELY versatile.
It has also come down in price since it was originally launched -- originally $399 US, now its down to $329.
If you aren't worried about your phone having the absolute fastest CPU or the most RAM, and like playing with it, then this is a GREAT phone to have.
And despite all the chicken little's out there, it has a LOT of life left in it. Android 2.1 (eclaire) runs fine on it (some people might say its dead slow, but that is only the case when using software GL -- the new builds with hardware GL drivers are ***almost*** ready....). Rumor has it that it will even get an OFFICIAL 2.1 upgrade at some point.
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Thank you, this is exactly the kind of post I was looking for. Question: did most of the developers drop this for N1?

A good phone, yes, but as always, you start longing for the latest greatest hardware out there. No matter, the physical kbd of HTC Dream/ADP1 makes it well worth its money. I'd never get an Android phone with just on screen kbd. Never.
As a developer, having first gen hardware to test stuff on makes sure you don't create things that only the 2nd (or 3rd gen) hardware runs properly. I still love my ADP1. And probably will for at least a year more.

ZilverZurfarn said:
As a developer, having first gen hardware to test stuff on makes sure you don't create things that only the 2nd (or 3rd gen) hardware runs properly. I still love my ADP1. And probably will for at least a year more.
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As long as there are potential customers with first gen devices out there, there will always be a purpose to have an ADP1 or something similar around for development.
As for just consumer usage, i'd say just find a G1 on fleabay or CL. It will run much less and with the proper hackery can function just as well as ADP1.

jashsu said:
As long as there are potential customers with first gen devices out there, there will always be a purpose to have an ADP1 or something similar around for development.
As for just consumer usage, i'd say just find a G1 on fleabay or CL. It will run much less and with the proper hackery can function just as well as ADP1.
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The only side effects of that are the potential to get something that is broken or rogers...
And not to mention the cool battery cover graphics

Just picked it up. Now I just need to find a class 6 which is turning out ot be a bit harder than I thought, suggestions?

HellOfABlackHat said:
Just picked it up. Now I just need to find a class 6 which is turning out ot be a bit harder than I thought, suggestions?
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G2 Concept Phone
I personally think it will look a lot better like this. Basically just removed some of the unused space between keys.
G2?!? My G1 has not even came in yet. Don't tell me they're already going to a new model so early in the game.
I did it on Photoshop to show what I'd like to see as the G2.
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donutman said:
G2?!? My G1 has not even came in yet. Don't tell me they're already going to a new model so early in the game.
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It's a photoshop and it's also very doubtful a new phone would come that quick from T-Mobile. The only scenario I can think of is a Blackstone-based (or like) phone coming out as a G1-HD, but even something like that would be months and months away. Plus, a Blackstone-based phone wouldn't work until they get the onscreen keyboard implemented in Q1 2009 (I think that was the roadmaps goal). The OS would be a lot more mature and such a device could easily compete with the iPhone (or a new version of it).
You don't want to scuttle your own product.
*Plus, what he's suggesting would equal battery suicide
No imagination. Just photoshopping an imperceptively larger screen onto the exact same body is barely an improvement at all. You wouldn't even notice the difference while using it. What it really needs is a redesign from the ground up. Instead of starting from the G1 and tweaking things, start from scratch and design a phone that is best suited for Android.
The G1 is a prototype. It was developed by Google and HTC as a testing platform for Google's engineers to test on. T-Mobile picked it up as-is because it was the only way to get an Android phone out the door before Christmas. The G2 will likely look significantly different from the G1 because it will be built from the ground up as an end-consumer device.

Nexus One. We're being phased out, and quickly.

NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete. I agree with this theory in the fact that we aren't getting any love/support anymore. Granted, i know that Froyo is on the way, but i feel as though our hardware could have been better from the get-go, and that now (starting to become the long run since launch) it will be the death of this phone on a large basis. I feel as though Google has left us behind with some major issues, and has crippled the Nexus One name, purely because they seem like they don't want to deal with it anymore. Support is limited at that, and updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users. Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly. We have a small selections of stable roms and thats about it. Nothing super fantastic (granted CyanogenMod and Modaco's ROMS are great, but not legendary), nothing special. I feel like there was more support for the (i hate to bring it in) iPhone in terms of the community and the modding experience.
Simply, I absolutely LOVE my Nexus One, but i feel like it is not getting the support it deserves, and i DO NOT want this beautiful piece of technology to be obsolete by september. i hope you guys are with me on this, because i think we all know that this phone could easily be something BETTER than what it is now. and it SHOULD be able to compete with any phone within a year from now because it's Google's baby. GOOGLE: GIVE US MORE for our phones and for our money. Because, even though i feel like this is the best phone i've ever had, 1) i feel like it'll be obsolete in a few months and 2) im starting to feel like i wasted my money.
long live nexus
+1 .......
The Nexus one will be the standard by which all android phones are measured for at-least another year.
Keeping everything pure AOSP is a huge plus IMO.
Official updates are slow, but code is being committed to the repository regularly and makes it on to the custom ROMS very quickly.
There is no phone out there with better features and community support than the one you have
There is no other phone on so we are still the only child.
Google is trying to catch up the rest of the android world to 2.1
VZ cut them off it seems from the N1 and instead VZ gets another great Android handset.
Froyo has some much needed upgrades and will help (in theory) android solidify itself by stabilizing the platform for devs.
JIT/Flash/Market /Open GL / market upgrades are on there way if you believe the rumors.
What is it you feel is being phased out ?
Only about 500k users have an N1. Thats a miniscule amount.
Even with that we have two great devs putting out some very stable ROMS. Unlike the past N1 came with so many damn features out of box that we didnt need ROMs and Apps to add the 101 missing features.
Listen I am still up in Googles rectum about alot of features that need to be fixed/enhanced on Android. We all knew N1 was the first of the snapdragons. The others are storming in blasting taking attention away from us...but theyre all on the same team....they all bleed green =-)
Sure Id love to be slapping on Sense widgets , Moto Blur social network apps , etc...but thats up to us as a community to do it (if ever technically possible).
Anyways feel good about your purchase. You still have the best available phone on the market and will until the EVO/Iphone4G drop. And even then..youd still be top 3 at worst.
There isn't much development because there isn't much to do. The Nexus has the latest firmware and top specs. Of announced phones only the Evo and Galaxy S have significantly better specs everything else is just a SLIGHTLY upgraded Nexus. No porting apps or firmwares are needed. The only thing to really do is optimize what we have (cyanogen is doing that) and port sense UI (Paul is doing that). I'm happy with my Nexus .....for now hehe
zach I can understand the complaints about some of the nagging issues the phone has had (3G, purple tint etc.) but two things we have to realize: A majority of the users don't experience these problems, and in no way is our phone going to be obsolete anytime soon.
Here is a post I made regarding the Incredible screen, I think it's relevant here:
jasrups said:
Here's my take:
Would I like to have this screen in my Nexus? Yea it would have been a nice feature. Do I need this screen? No, not in the slightest.. Not yet anyways. The only apps that would require a screen like that are games, and I don't play the type of games on my phone that would require axis-crossing multitouch. I know some people do, and I can respect that but I don't, hence why I don't care about this right now.
Frankly, if you're playing those kinds of games anyways, just get an iPhone (and I'm not saying that in a bad way). iPhone is unmatched when it comes to gameplay and plus you can get them all for free if you jailbreak. Yea The Incredible has a capable screen, but do you know long it's going to take Android to catch up to Apple when it comes to game quality?? Android just got games like Racing Thunder 2 and Homerun Battle 3D while you can play Street Fighter 4 and freaking Grand Theft Auto on the iPhone! It's no competition.. if you want to game, you don't have the right phone.
By the time Android actually starts developing games and apps that can take advantage of the axis crossing MT, The Incredible will be "obsolete" (as some of you like to put it) so no need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch
With most things I normally have a realist perspective and am usually the first to 'hate' on something when its deserved, but alot of you guys are just a bunch of downers. The Incredible is a great phone as is the Nexus, everyone should just appreciate what they have! If you keep chasing the newest technology (no matter how impractical it is) you will never be satisfied!
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There will always be new technology coming out faster than we can keep up with, the important thing is to not prematurely write one product off as soon as a newer one becomes available. People will be saying the same thing about the Incredible/4G Evo etc in a few months from now. That's just the ways things are. If you have that mentality you will want a new phone every few months regardless of how good it is.
Regarding the selection of ROMS.. Guys, right now we have the top of the line OS on our phones.. 2.1 is the standard, most of the G1/Magic ROMS are trying to replicate what we already have stock. Believe me, once Froyo and Android 3.0 come out the devs will be right on it and we'll get awesome ports. We have great developers who will make sure our phones have the newest software on our devices.
And if worst comes to worst and some of you decide to sell your Nexus this summer, it will have excellent resale value.
Don't worry, This is the phone Google are actively giving to developers. We'll be here for a while to come yet.
I most definetely do not believe the nexus one will be phased out anytime soon, actually i will be ordering one tonight as a matter of fact. yes we may not have the best touch screens or the greatest rom develipment, but that is because we are still number one There are no other builds to even create until phones of this caliber runnng other os are on the scene. And for the touch screen issue, whe the time comes to where we truely need multitouch for games on the market out nexus's WILL be outdated, or there WILL be a fix for this, i mean geez Cyanogen has nearly finished a fully working Eclair for the g1 already, all i see is hope and excitment for the future of this device, the market also needs some serious time to catch up to apples games (please dont get upset with this, its true) The only thing i can see actually outdating our phones are dual processors capable of OVER 1.5 otherwise i dont believe they will be extinct, not even the 1.3 samsung will hurt the nexus i think considering we can be oc'ed to 1.3 anyways i do believe, or at least close
I don't think that we're being phased out, not until another year. Each phone that comes in the market gets compared to Nexus One.
As far as the development is concerned, its very satisfactory. Comparing the development scene between N1 an iPhone, iPhone sold nearly 50x the units of N1 sold. So most app developers have their focus on iPhone as it stands them a better chance of making more money..... But still development on N1 is much better.....
jasrups said:
There will always be new technology coming out faster than we can keep up with, the important thing is to not prematurely write one product off as soon as a newer one becomes available. People will be saying the same thing about the Incredible/4G Evo etc in a few months from now. That's just the ways things are. If you have that mentality you will want a new phone every few months regardless of how good it is.
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I’m beginning to think some people have never bought a phone before, or a computer for that matter.
Did people expect the N1 to the absolute top spec phone forever? Seriously its still amazing compared to most, and measures up nicely in all significant ways to these new phones it keeps getting compared to. Stop trying to bury it before its even close to dead.
There is always something newer coming. No exceptions. There are phones in development now that will top the Evo and Incredible. At some point you have to buy something or you’ll wait forever.
The N1 is Google’s flag ship phone. I bought it for that reason. If Google is developing something cool (like FroYo!) its pretty much guaranteed to come to us first. Its not being phased out. I think there are exciting things to come…
You have got to be kidding. Seriously?
zachthemaster said:
NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete. I agree with this theory
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How does the best Android phone currently on the market obsolete? You must be working from a totally different definition of "obsolete".
zachthemaster said:
in the fact that we aren't getting any love/support anymore.
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THAT must be why Google is giving Nexus Ones out to so many developers! Because they don't love it anymore and want to get rid of it!
zachthemaster said:
Granted, i know that Froyo is on the way, but i feel as though our hardware could have been better from the get-go, and that now (starting to become the long run since launch) it will be the death of this phone on a large basis.
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As if Froyo isn't a major undertaking.
In what way could the hardware have been better, without delaying the release of the phone?
zachthemaster said:
I feel as though Google has left us behind with some major issues, and has crippled the Nexus One name, purely because they seem like they don't want to deal with it anymore. Support is limited at that
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Are we talking about the same phone? In what way is it crippled?
Google has upped its support, hired more support personnel, and continues to present the N1 as its flagship phone. How does that equate to "they don't want to deal with it anymore"?
zachthemaster said:
and updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users.
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How long has the N1 been out? Just how often did you expect an update? I think your expectations might be wildly unrealistic.
And "even for non-root users"!?! WTF does that mean? If anything, non-root users have far fewer updates -- rooted users are getting the updates from CM as soon as Google commits them to the source repository, whereas "even" implies that you expect non-root users to receive more updates, which is completely backwards.
zachthemaster said:
Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly. We have a small selections of stable roms and thats about it. Nothing super fantastic (granted CyanogenMod and Modaco's ROMS are great, but not legendary), nothing special.
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If you don't think CM is "super fantasic" then I invite you to go back to the stock N1 rom. Installing CM for the first time is like getting a whole new phone.
zachthemaster said:
I feel like there was more support for the (i hate to bring it in) iPhone in terms of the community and the modding experience.
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Somebody call the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance.
I don't buy it. I don't like the multitouch sensor they used for the phone, and I think the scrolling could be smoother, but what do you really expect from Google? Short of them sending out free hardware upgrades, what are you really looking for to not feel phased out?
The Nexus One is a great phone, at least for me. Even with the multitouch issues, I'm able to pull off running jumps when I play Super Mario World and the like. And that issue is allegedly being worked on with 2.2. If they flat out said the Nexus One wasn't getting 2.2 then you could make the claim of the Nexus One being phased out.
As far as network issues go, I have zero problems with my AT&T Nexus One and 3G. I live in the DC Metro area, for what it's worth. Most problems I've heard from people are all on T-Mobile. Who's to say the problem isn't on T-Mobile's side instead of Google's? Everyone blames AT&T's network for the iPhone's network issues, but it's pretty clear that the radio in the iPhone is garbage.
We live in a time where there are 1ghz processors in handheld devices. Technology is advancing so fast. It's always going to hurt when your $500+ dollar device isn't the best around anymore, but do you really want forward progress to slow down so you feel like you have the best phone longer?
I think you're being overly paranoid, if you ask me. So long as you love the phone, what do you care?
danguyf said:
You have got to be kidding. Seriously?
How does the best Android phone currently on the market obsolete? You must be working from a totally different definition of "obsolete".
THAT must be why Google is giving Nexus Ones out to so many developers! Because they don't love it anymore and want to get rid of it!
As if Froyo isn't a major undertaking.
In what way could the hardware have been better, without delaying the release of the phone?
Are we talking about the same phone? In what way is it crippled?
Google has upped its support, hired more support personnel, and continues to present the N1 as its flagship phone. How does that equate to "they don't want to deal with it anymore"?
How long has the N1 been out? Just how often did you expect an update? I think your expectations might be wildly unrealistic.
And "even for non-root users"!?! WTF does that mean? If anything, non-root users have far fewer updates -- rooted users are getting the updates from CM as soon as Google commits them to the source repository, whereas "even" implies that you expect non-root users to receive more updates, which is completely backwards.
If you don't think CM is "super fantasic" then I invite you to go back to the stock N1 rom. Installing CM for the first time is like getting a whole new phone.
Somebody call the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance.
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I didn't wanna quote the whole thing (sorry everyone) but this is the post of the year IMO!!!! Every counter argument you made is perfect.....This thread is BOGUS!!!!!!
You can't compare the modding/dev community of the N1 to the iPhone anyways.
The iphone has FAR more units out there, and the Apple cult is still buying. The iPhone also has more that is needed as far as mods to make it a nice OS.
The iPhone also runs native binaries, so there seem to be a lot more standard systems written for it, or so I was told in my Q&A thread. The iPhone has full apt packaging system, full set of GNU tools, full OpenSSH suite, etc.
The iPhone also has a lot more core teams of dedicated modders, while Android seems to have 1-2, at least for the N1. This is, again, I think due to the fact that the iPhone needs more mods to make it a good OS.
Without boobs, this thread is a waste of time.
Not even boobs can rescue the OP's post.
martin0285 said:
I didn't wanna quote the whole thing (sorry everyone) but this is the post of the year IMO!!!! Every counter argument you made is perfect.....This thread is BOGUS!!!!!!
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attn1 said:
Without boobs, this thread is a waste of time.
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I agree wholeheartedly with both of you.
zachthemaster said:
NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete.
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Can you link these posts?
How is the N1 becoming obsolete? What are your reasons? I have yet to see any indication of this.
updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users.
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What kind of crap is this? Yes, the N1 has received 1 update. Which is 1 more than MANY other Android phones in YEARS.
Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly.
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Here's the Android source code:
Get to work!
GOOGLE: GIVE US MORE for our phones and for our money
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Give more WHAT?
Enjoy the wave for as long as it lasts... which will be a long time
Tech wise phones go obsolete much faster than a PC ever would for the simple fact that you are in a closed environment. You can't upgrade the RAM, graphics or CPU on one of these things so shelf life is in terms of months not years. But that's not to say that support will go away for the N1 any time soon. OP is just acknowledging/exhibiting the mid-life crisis that the N1 is in currently. It's still the flagship product and a benchmark for every phone slated to be released this year. Next year may be different--hell I'm sure it will be--but for now, we're good and there's enough power that it'll still be viable 2 years from now. If you need a current tangible example, just look at how many G1's there are out there and how long that phone has been out.
I came from the dismally dysfunctional land of the Epix from Samsung where between them and AT&T, they couldn't figure out who was suppose to be doing the obligatory reach-around. With the N1 there are no more worries about the carrier holding up the updates for a fix to a major problem introduced by another fix almost a year prior for an infantile notification issue., there are no more issues with contractual obilgations to corporate partnerships (Yahoo) with draconian imposed restrictions to enforce it(backflip) and mostly there's no more waiting for the mfg to finally update their license to a newer version OS if they even bother going that route to begin with. Open architecture, open software and an infinite amount of potential for old and new phones is why I'm here and I'm sure a bunch of others are too.
So to anyone else reading this and especially to Sprint customers that are waiting for the N1, catch the wave however you want(N1, Evo, etc) but enjoy it for what it is--a long great ride and loads of fun--cowabunga!
Did somebody say boobs? Er, was I supposed to get something else out of this?

Nexus One: End of Life (what are you gonna do)

I love my nexus one and yes I was tempted by the nexus s but as we all know internally its just another random device out there. My question is when dual cores come out what are you going to do with your Nexus One?
My plan is to keep my Nexus One at home in the box as my back up phone. Ever so often take it out boot it up and flash it to the lastest version of Android it can handle.
Well I think the n1 is far from its end of life. The only disadvantage it will have over the dual cores is ability to run advanced games. Unless google makes major ui changes like how running live wallpapers made the g1 look more like a last gen device, then we are good
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
I don't understand, how much money do people spend on phones in this forum?
I'm hoping to use my Nexus for at least 2 more years. There is absolutely nothing out or coming out soon that seems like a large enough jump for me to justify buying another phone.
Clarkster said:
I don't understand, how much money do people spend on phones in this forum?
I'm hoping to use my Nexus for at least 2 more years. There is absolutely nothing out or coming out soon that seems like a large enough jump for me to justify buying another phone.
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same here...
i'm actually just waiting on purolator to come to my door to give me my nexus one...
if i want to play games, i'll use my xbox... haha.
or i'll get a tablet.
i'm interested in seeing what motorola is going to show us... definitely putting off on buying a tablet until then.
Imperial.mack said:
Well I think the n1 is far from its end of life. The only disadvantage it will have over the dual cores is ability to run advanced games. Unless google makes major ui changes like how running live wallpapers made the g1 look more like a last gen device, then we are good
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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That just might be what Honeycomb is. Speculation but we all pretty much know that it will bring a huge change to how the UI works.
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I plan to keep my Nexus One until early 2012 because frankly, I can't afford to replace my phone every time something faster comes out.
Jep4444 said:
I plan to keep my Nexus One until early 2012 because frankly, I can't afford to replace my phone every time something faster comes out.
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Same. Unless something awesome comes out on a really good contract. I do like the look of that LG Star/2X, and I imagine 'better' manufacturers will come out with their similar spec'd offerings shortly, which is why I have no real interest in the Nexus S.
At that point, the N1 will be sold for whatever I can get for it
Jep4444 said:
I plan to keep my Nexus One until early 2012 because frankly, I can't afford to replace my phone every time something faster comes out.
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See I can afford to replace my phone with the latest and greatest the thing is there isn't anything worth buying. I play games on my computer, not my phone so the Nexus S doesn't benefit me in any way.
I'll dump my N1 when something ground breaking comes out (dual core might be it but would need support for it) or when my N1 feels slow like my sons G1 does compared to my N1.
I'll upgrade to a Nexus S once they're free (or $50) on contract, and a decent car dock is shipping. The N1 car dock leaves a lot to be desired, but I wouldn't be without it.
I bought my wife a NS to replace her broken G1, and frankly I'm amazed at how much I like it over the N1. It's ridiculously fast and the 4" screen is a lot better for my middle-aged eyes. My N1 gets so laggy at times I just want to smash it, and I've never had that happen with the NS.
It baffles me why they can't release accessories like car and desk docks when these phones come out, instead of waiting 3-6 months.
I might give some thought to running an AOSP ROM on a Galaxy S, but with the G1 and N1 I've really preferred the bugs in Google's official releases over the bugs in the other ROMs I've tried. Right now my N1 has FRG83D+root and I'm looking forward to the official 2.3 update.
Bicster_ said:
I bought my wife a NS to replace her broken G1, and frankly I'm amazed at how much I like it over the N1. It's ridiculously fast and the 4" screen is a lot better for my middle-aged eyes. My N1 gets so laggy at times I just want to smash it, and I've never had that happen with the NS.
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The irony is, that NS CPU performance-wise is about equal to N1. Hence it must be the difference between 2.2 and 2.3. Or you have some funny background tasks on your N1.
I dont plan on upgrading until something that's clearly a generation leap comes out. Im used to upgrading every year but haven't found anything worth upgrading to yet
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
futuregerald said:
I dont plan on upgrading until something that's clearly a generation leap comes out. Im used to upgrading every year but haven't found anything worth upgrading to yet
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I had the same problem with my N95
I dont upgrade every time something new comes out my upgrade was there for the g1 when it came out Oct two years ago. My contract went up in Oct of this year currently out of contract. I bought my N1 off of someone from Clist for 320 back in May. I figured since I have the upgrade why not use it and put my N1 in a safe place where it wont get hurt
In the current scenario , there's absolutely no reason to justify an upgrade . Gingerbread based ROMs will appear soon & I am absolutely clear in my mind that even honeycomb can be modified to run smoothly on our N1's albeit some overclocking might be necessary with higher versions of android . But thats not the case with gingerbread & Nexus S is a complete failure from my point of view as a Google Developer / Flagship device.
I am not willing to upgrade for atleast one more year .
Can I have one fact about NS CPU being faster than N1's?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I am eyeing the Motorola Olympus because of build quality and tegra dual core. But I would have gladly bought the Nexus S if it had two mics and AT&T 3g bands. I can't figure out why these GSM phones aren't all pentaband these days. The antenna chips are usually capable but they leave out key parts like certain cheap amplifiers that keep the capability off. It's really annoying.
draugaz said:
The irony is, that NS CPU performance-wise is about equal to N1. Hence it must be the difference between 2.2 and 2.3. Or you have some funny background tasks on your N1.
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the 1ghz hummingbird is similar to the 1ghz snapdragon in the n1, however the GPU is many times faster... for anything that involves graphics, the GPU will help out immensely.
drive2droad said:
In the current scenario , there's absolutely no reason to justify an upgrade . Gingerbread based ROMs will appear soon & I am absolutely clear in my mind that even honeycomb can be modified to run smoothly on our N1's albeit some overclocking might be necessary with higher versions of android.
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N1 performance-wise is still on the very top of the smartphones. Yes, the touch screen digitizer is not perfect and the GPU is not the quickest in the world, but for the OS itself it is pretty much a non issue.
If N1 is not powerful enough to run the honeycomb, then very little of todays phones are (in fact none). Instantly making all of them obsolete.
Of course it is entirely another thing if goog will want to invest into N1 development.
No intentions of upgrading until maybe this time next year. Right now it meets everyone of my needs. Still having fun with it. The flaws most folks point out generally either don't bother me or I don't notice them on a day to day use. The only phone I was torn on getting was a G2 even that was more because I had a G1 and loved that phone. I rode that one into the ground. 4-5 warranty trade outs. Still have it rooted running CM as a protable game system for my 3 year old son.
Every phone that has come out so far has been slightly better. When it is time to retire the N1 it will be for something 1-2 generations better than what's available now.
I've always said my nexus one is worthy of a permanent collection device since It's nicer than most phones. Besides I don't have any backup emergency device so I'm gonna keep it in case of emergency backup device.
Normally I sell my device after 6 months for 50% of what I paid and use that cash for my next device.

[Q] Is there life after HD2?

I'm a HD2 user from November 2009 which means it's almost 2 years old.
For a phone that's quit old. Now I'm running Mango on it and I also had many android versions running on it. I really love this device.
Now comes my problem!!
I want to buy a new phone but I want the same phone which can run many OS.
Should I wait until the Eternity or will there be another "über"-Phone (über = German for Gorgeous/great/Master/better then ever/beyond everything else)?
I think you all know what I mean. The HD2 is just great and I want something similar again.
What do you think???
Regards, Martijn
I suggest waiting a few more months (or years?) for the HTC Holiday .. it seems to be the device of its decade
i have my hd2 also since it was released and i think that i will wait until the quadcore chips come to phones. i can live with the hd2 at the moment and i think buying a dualcore device now isn't worth it when quadcores are announced for the mid of next year. maybe i'll buy a cheap used phone inbetween to play with but not a new high end device.
I just bought an HD2. And for the same reason you don't want to leave it.
I want to experience everything I can. You can't do that with any phone.
Lucky me than, im going to buy HD2 tomorrow
There is no real upgrade in my opinion. The only signifcant upgrade I reckon is in battery life, front cam, a slighty better rear cam and perhaps screen quality.
I have had; Desire, Desire HD, Legend and now Nexus S. They are all so similar to HD2 it feels cool for the first day and then you realize there was really no point in upgrading.
Sansung GS II is the biggest upgrade IMO, but then you are stuck on a stock ROM
rauschkugl said:
i have my hd2 also since it was released and i think that i will wait until the quadcore chips come to phones. i can live with the hd2 at the moment and i think buying a dualcore device now isn't worth it when quadcores are announced for the mid of next year. maybe i'll buy a cheap used phone inbetween to play with but not a new high end device.
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If you're going to think like that then might as well wait for the 8 core phones instead of buying a quad core phone.
Well but they are Not manufactured yet. The kal el is done and working. And if you Upgrade and some month later there is such better Hardware available you'll also get angry. The difference between our hd2 and a dual core device is Not that big. At the Moment the hd2 is still pretty up to date. I know very well that waiting for the next good thing to come out would never end when we Talk about smartphones or Computers. There is just no really big fish out at the Moment like the hd2 was in 2009. So i for myself will wait for quadcores and 720p Displays because this will be worth the Upgrade from the hd2.
Unfortunately, I think the HD2 was unique with all the possibilities and hacking and the great developers coming together at one time. I've been watching and waiting for the next great phone, but I think that when the HD2 finally fades away, there won't be another phone with the same abilities because of the lack of developers focused on it. I just don't know what I'll do, I guess I'll actually have to decide on an Android or WP7 phone (but I really really like being able to jump between the two with just a reboot)!
If you can't wait there's been a bit of buzz around the Xiaomi M1 phone - supposedly able to run multiple OS's.
Feel free to shoot me down in flames if I've mis-interpreted the description of it.
Duflet said:
If you can't wait there's been a bit of buzz around the Xiaomi M1 phone - supposedly able to run multiple OS's.
Feel free to shoot me down in flames if I've mis-interpreted the description of it.
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It cannot run multiple OS's, but it is a very awesome looking phone. It is basically an Android modder's dream if the development is there, but only Android. It won't ever run WM or WP
orangekid said:
It cannot run multiple OS's, but it is a very awesome looking phone. It is basically an Android modder's dream if the development is there, but only Android. It won't ever run WM or WP
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true. this could really be a cheap option to get a phone were some great developement could go on. we'll see how good it really will be. this price is pretty cheap for a phone with such hardware. hope it won't be cheap china crap.
but somehow i'm missing the flash and front facing cam.
rauschkugl said:
true. this could really be a cheap option to get a phone were some great developement could go on. we'll see how good it really will be. this price is pretty cheap for a phone with such hardware. hope it won't be cheap china crap.
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It's using a 1.5 ghz snapdragon/adreno with 1GB ram SoC so you know the raw specs are freaking amazing.
What I want to see is how good the screen is and how good the code is. They are making a bad-ass phone with a stock-custom ROM (if that makes sense), it would be like HTC releasing a phone running stock CM7 on it or something.
If there is custom ROM support for this thing like CM7 and stuff I might get it.
i know the phone thanks. but build quality has to be good.
rauschkugl said:
i know the phone thanks. but build quality has to be good.
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yeah hopefully they don't use crap plastic like samsung.
even at the size and weight, with those kind of specs
i will definitely be getting 1 just for the heck of testing and flashing
with CM7, hell yeah definitely my go to phone
That phone looks like the first iPhone.
Anyway I'm very happy with my HD2.
by the way is this just a nice render or nearby future.
(I hope the link works, I'm running a mango version where copy paste doesn't work very good)
martijnloeffen said:
That phone looks like the first iPhone.
Anyway I'm very happy with my HD2.
by the way is this just a nice render or nearby future.
(I hope the link works, I'm running a mango version where copy paste doesn't work very good)
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Lol @ it runs a discontinued OS
Well i think there is not one out there that can replace the HD2. Why change a winner with a posible expencive new one. If your phone will break, it wil only cost you 150-200 Euro to replace.
depends where you live. here i have to pay still 400 euro to get a new one.

[Q] HD2: To buy or not to buy?

So, I'm relatively new to Android and trying to decide which phone to buy. I first joined the scene with the HP touchpad. Now I want a phone and wonder if the HD2 is a good buy.
I like what ive seen so far- esp. dual boot wp7/android
I dont like all the complaints about freezing, overheating, screen issues etc.
I need something that is receiving a lot of developer support.
For the past decade and a half i've been a Nokia/symbian guy. Now I'm getting a bit bored with my N900.
Appreciate your opinions. Price is a major factor- i cant buy a 2011 phone right now. Being a late 2009 phone, the HD2's price has dropped and is right in my range (from what I'm seeing on ebay).
i love my hd2. i would prefer android instead of wm7
joyjoy_nbg said:
i love my hd2. i would prefer android instead of wm7
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agreed. i love this phone too. this phone is monster os.
Worthed every penny..
You won't get any overheating, freezing etc unless there is something wrong with the phone itself or you did something wrong.
The hd2 does have a lot of developer support, it can run latest android builds, wp7 and ICS. Stable for ics should not be too far away.
Obviously this phone will be left behind in terms of speed when more and more dual core phones are coming out.
But if you are looking for something that can run all major types of software well, this is the phone for you.
RoboDroid13 said:
You won't get any overheating, freezing etc unless there is something wrong with the phone itself or you did something wrong.
The hd2 does have a lot of developer support, it can run latest android builds, wp7 and ICS. Stable for ics should not be too far away.
Obviously this phone will be left behind in terms of speed when more and more dual core phones are coming out.
But if you are looking for something that can run all major types of software well, this is the phone for you.
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Yup, thats exactly what im looking for. Ive pretty much decided i'll be getting one... ebay and Craigslist prices are right in my range. But how do I know I won't be buying a defective unit, even if I buy a new one? Just luck I guess?
For ebay: You're just gonna have to take the sellers word, also watch if returns are accepted in case something does turn out to be wrong.
Craigslist: prices should be cheaper here and you can check if there is anything with the phone etc.
So the general consensus is that an hd2 with a touchscreen that freezes can be fixed by changing the digitizer?

