uma question - Nexus One General

I'm having poor service and wad told image will help but nexus one don't have this option.
Is there way to get this?
Running CyanogenMod

i hope someone figures out how to make this work, my subterranean apt + t-mobiles inability to get their signals through buildings really sucks

stilv said:
I'm having poor service and wad told image will help but nexus one don't have this option.
Is there way to get this?
Running CyanogenMod
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Damn nexus keyboard


Possible to use the Shift on Verizon? Boost?

I've been searching Google and XDA both but can't even find anyone else ASKING about this let alone doing it. I had a Sprint Touch Pro once that I got working on Verizon using instructions I found on XDA.... would I be able to do the same with the Shift? The only keyboard android device we have is the Droid 1/2/3 and I can't stand those phones. The Shift is just about perfect but I'm not leaving Verizon anytime soon....
so, can the Shift be modified to run on Verizon? A coworker said it could be hacked to run on Boost Mobile, would the same principles apply?
From my understanding its near impossible to activate a sprint phone on verizon without knowing someone on the inside.... I could be wrong though. I know Verizon would need to add the ESN to their database.
Sent from my CyanoSpeedy
well, I can say you definitely don't need to "know anyone on the inside". When I activated the Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon, it was just me and the instructions I found on XDA. I don't remember all the steps, I had to use a program via my laptop to change pst settings, and I THINK I had to flash the Verizon ROM? That would probably be the road block to getting the shift onto Verizon getting the ESN into the Verizon system was as simple as activating via *228. I know I didn't have to actually speak with anyone...
Like I said, I could be wrong. Just my .02. Hopefully you can becsuae my shift is 10 times better than my dads droid 2.
Sent from my CyanoSpeedy
*bump* anyone? no one? not something that can be done thru epst?
This is for boost
zenulator said:
This is for boost
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Awesome thank you.

Search button bug

Hey all
I'm not sure is anyone around here has been dealing with the search button self pressing when in 3g mode. Its a fairly common bug for the nexus s. Anyone find a fix for it yet?
Mine does it sporadically but it's pretty annoying.
Sent from my Nexus S
I have never experienced a bug like this.
Its a commonly known problem for the i9020a variant... no fix from google yet
Annoying little bug.....thought they would get a fix out sooner. Interestingly it also seems to be affecting rooted phones as well.
Sent from my Nexus S
It is 3G bug. If you use 2G, this bug will go away.
I know but with a muti media based device like the nexus I would like to run it on 3g....
Not sure I would have chosen the device had I known that there was a 3 g related buG.
Sent from my Nexus S
Have you tried a different ROM?
No..I'm not technical enough to understand how to switch roms. Ill probably measure up the phone and I don't have a backup device.....
Sent from my Nexus S
I am using CM7 with nightly and still get the search bug now and then. I did flash a better and faster modem to use on AT&T and seemed to help a little bit more. Flashed KB3 radio modem.
freeflypig said:
It is 3G bug. If you use 2G, this bug will go away.
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It happened to me while I was on EDGE. It didn't stop until I flashed a ROM, which was about 4 hours.
- adb push iPad2post.apk to /forum/thread
Buellrunner said:
No..I'm not technical enough to understand how to switch roms. Ill probably measure up the phone and I don't have a backup device.....
Sent from my Nexus S
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If you managed to get on here I think you could get a custom ROM install it's worth it man. Just post on the thread about rooting if you have any questions. just read the instructions and do exactly as it says. it's very easy.
It's not a rom you need to flash a radio... Try kb3 it worked like a charm for me
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
If someone havn't this bug, I hope fido can change a new one to me.

Moving from the Nexus to the Photon

I like my nexus...but I cant really deal any more with the "wackness" of the phone. Im going to pick up the photon. yea I know its not unlocked, blah blah blah. It is rooted, so thats fine enough at the moment.
Thanks for letting us know..?
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
zikronix said:
I like my nexus...but I cant really deal any more with the "wackness" of the phone. Im going to pick up the photon. yea I know its not unlocked, blah blah blah. It is rooted, so thats fine enough at the moment.
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What do you mean by the "wackness" of this phone? not sure what you could even mean by that lol..
Even after the "radio" update. Signal issues, wifi issues, slow data issues, low volume, just over all the little quirks.
I got to play with the photon, the reception is 1000% better, data speeds better, wifi works 4g is awesome.
If i had radio issues i would have moved too, whats a phone if there are connection issues? Im just glad mine has an awesome radio.
Yes it's tempting to get a photon. I don't like motoblur and how dickish Motorola can be at times.
Cool, thanks for the blog post. Go over to the Photon forums.
Not sure what your objective of this thread is to do. Convince more people to get a Photon? Troll? Etc?
Have fun with the Photon though. In a couple of months, I'll be enjoying Ice Cream Sandwich while you're a milestone behind
zephiK said:
Cool, thanks for the blog post. Go over to the Photon forums.
Not sure what your objective of this thread is to do. Convince more people to get a Photon? Troll? Etc?
Have fun with the Photon though. In a couple of months, I'll be enjoying Ice Cream Sandwich while you're a milestone behind
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Click to collapse troll. Just trying to see what people think.
I think that if you go look at some of the Photon forums you will see that things aren't all peachy over there.
zephiK said:
Cool, thanks for the blog post. Go over to the Photon forums.
Not sure what your objective of this thread is to do. Convince more people to get a Photon? Troll? Etc?
Have fun with the Photon though. In a couple of months, I'll be enjoying Ice Cream Sandwich while you're a milestone behind
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LOL @ milestone, did anyone see the "leak" of ICS?
slopokdave said:
I think that if you go look at some of the Photon forums you will see that things aren't all peachy over there.
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I did but it seems like things are better there than the hardware i have here. This is my 3rd nexus with problems.
have you seen the root method? hopefully a new exploit comes out soon, id hate to have to buy that hd dock just so i could root
shabbypenguin said:
have you seen the root method? hopefully a new exploit comes out soon, id hate to have to buy that hd dock just so i could root
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Some ppl have been rooting at sprints stores using their instore dock. It takes about 3 mins to root.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
read other areas...looks like 99% of people who owne other modles of phones, also complain and want something different...the ns4g is a fast ass phone, need i said PHONE, NOT laptop, pc, video card ect... and some of the problems you read about are caused by user error.. flashing, rooting, wiping.. ect.. and in many cases signal problems are due to location.. think about it.. bob who lives in atlanta downtown gets a steady 5 bars w/ 4G.. vs . tim who lives in UTAH country side gets 1 or 2 bars w/o 4g... make sence?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
I have to admin I have had the Nexus for 3 weeks and even after the root and update and trying every rom/kernel combo I still get 2 bars and poor wifiand Im thinking about switching as well. This is a big disappointment because I cant stand Sense and the only other real option is Photon. But if that phone isn't rootable yet IDK.
You'll come back eventually, watch!
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
kbshowtyme said:
I have to admin I have had the Nexus for 3 weeks and even after the root and update and trying every rom/kernel combo I still get 2 bars and poor wifiand Im thinking about switching as well. This is a big disappointment because I cant stand Sense and the only other real option is Photon. But if that phone isn't rootable yet IDK.
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I've only had my Nexus for a few days, but the signal quality I've been getting with it has been on par with every other phone I've had on Sprint. I think that part of the problem is that the EVO...lies...for lack of a better term, about its signal strength.
I used to flash AOSP ROMs onto my EVOs primarily (both a 4G and Shift), and while on stock Sense showed two or three bars where on an AOSP I got one or none, the real signal strength (dBm/asu) was the same. At work I used to get between -98 to -106 dBm on my EVO, whereas with my Nexus I get a steady -96 (still not great, but better). I see one bar on my indicator, but my EVO would be showing three bars right now.
I could be wrong and other people could be seeing exactly what they're reporting, but so far I have no complaints about the signal strength on my Nexus.
MaxCarnage said:
I've only had my Nexus for a few days, but the signal quality I've been getting with it has been on par with every other phone I've had on Sprint. I think that part of the problem is that the EVO...lies...for lack of a better term, about its signal strength.
I used to flash AOSP ROMs onto my EVOs primarily (both a 4G and Shift), and while on stock Sense showed two or three bars where on an AOSP I got one or none, the real signal strength (dBm/asu) was the same. At work I used to get between -98 to -106 dBm on my EVO, whereas with my Nexus I get a steady -96 (still not great, but better). I see one bar on my indicator, but my EVO would be showing three bars right now.
I could be wrong and other people could be seeing exactly what they're reporting, but so far I have no complaints about the signal strength on my Nexus.
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ding ding ding
winner winner chicken dinner

[Q] Buying a used Nexus One

Hi everyone,
I am about to buy a used Nexus One. I tried looking for a new one but they are nowhere to be found. I need the one that has the 850/1900 3G bands. I know the Nexus One is an old phone, but I like the size of it and it's still a powerful device. I have a few questions. I checked out a couple of used Nexus One and both of them had issues with the back return key and the home key. The guy that I'm going to meet next week assured me that everything is working fine on his device. He had it for 1.5 yr and took care of it. I have read the issues with the power button. What else should I test the unit for? Also, how can I tell that I am buying the right Nexus One for Rogers Wireless in Canada? I read somewhere that on the back battery door if it says "PB99110" this is the 850/1900. Is that correct?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
I'm assuming Rogers uses a GSM network, and if so you would already be a Rogers customer correct? You could put your sim card into the phone, boot it up and verify that you are receiving 3G and that the phone calls out correctly and receives calls correctly.
Also, you can go to Settings> About Phone> Status and see information on the phone and network. You might find some of the information you're looking for there. If you're looking specifically for 3G you would see something related to UMTS or HSPA.
Hope you figure it out, good luck.
Yes Rogers is a GSM provider. Rogers has the same bands as AT&T. So I'm assuming as long as I see 3G data on the device, it does have the correct 3G bands. Is there anything else I need to look or check for on the Google One before buying?
Wirelessgirl said:
Yes Rogers is a GSM provider. Rogers has the same bands as AT&T. So I'm assuming as long as I see 3G data on the device, it does have the correct 3G bands. Is there anything else I need to look or check for on the Google One before buying?
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I would turn it off and on making sure you don't see anything odd on the boot up and check the volume buttons. If he's selling the desk dock with it drop it in the dock and make sure it charges. Also check all of the soft buttons at the bottom of the phone. They're touch sensitive and you don't want to get home and realize the home button doesn't work at all.
Besides that I don't know what else to look for. Maybe try opening web pages, a you tube video, check for audio, etc. You might also want to double check which version of Android it's running so you know if it's stock or if it's a modified ROM.
Also, I have a AT&T Nexus One so I looked for the number you listed. I pulled off the battery door and behind the battery in the top left corner was PB99110 which you mentioned in your first post. It should be written in gray lettering on the black portion below the barcodes. Looks like if you see those numbers you should be good to go on Rogers.
"sola fide" thanks for your help. Good advice on turning the phone off and on. It does come with a charging dock but we're nowhere near a location that has a power supply so I can't test that out. I will do my usual checks when I buy a used phone, test the browser, music player to make sure the speakers are working fine, make a test call, etc. Now that I know there are issues with the power button ad soft keys, I'll test those out more. He said he never modded the phone so I'm assuming if I see 2.1 Eclair on the device, it's the stock rom.
Thanks for confirming PB99110 is the correct model for Rogers & AT&T.
Modding =/= Updating. It could be running froyo or gingerbread
Wirelessgirl said:
He said he never modded the phone so I'm assuming if I see 2.1 Eclair on the device, it's the stock rom.
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The N1 got over the air updates up to Android 2.3.6 and I believe it is version GRK39. If you are running that, it should be the latest officially supported version.
bassmadrigal said:
The N1 got over the air updates up to Android 2.3.6 and I believe it is version GRK39. If you are running that, it should be the latest officially supported version.
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Thanks for confirming that. I did end up getting the N1 and it is running 2.3.6. I want to root it to CyanogenMod but I don't feel comfortable doing it by myself. I'll wait when my brother pops by and get him to help me out. I never rooted an Android before so that's why.
Wirelessgirl said:
Thanks for confirming that. I did end up getting the N1 and it is running 2.3.6. I want to root it to CyanogenMod but I don't feel comfortable doing it by myself. I'll wait when my brother pops by and get him to help me out. I never rooted an Android before so that's why.
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It is actually pretty simple to get up and running (the hardest being getting the Android SDK set up on your computer). You can check out the instructions yourself here...
I would recommend following the Amon_RA steps, as it is a little less confusing.
bassmadrigal said:
It is actually pretty simple to get up and running (the hardest being getting the Android SDK set up on your computer). You can check out the instructions yourself here...
I would recommend following the Amon_RA steps, as it is a little less confusing.
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Thanks for the link and the advice. I still feel more comfortable with my brother's help. Once it's done, then I might feel more confident in rooting my HTC Amaze, if there are roms for that phone. I haven't looked into that yet.
I'm having problems Installing a Custom Recovery Image. Could someone please help me?
Please omit my previous post. I successfully rooted my phone to CM7! This is the first time I ever rooted a phone. Loving it so far!!!
You should try the MIUI rom, I have the latest one and its great in every aspect, otherwise, if you like a more 'clean' look try the Oxygen rom.
ertoalb said:
You should try the MIUI rom, I have the latest one and its great in every aspect, otherwise, if you like a more 'clean' look try the Oxygen rom.
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Is MIUI better than CM7?
Wirelessgirl said:
Is MIUI better than CM7?
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Miui is like having a iPhone with Widgets of android. Its little simpler. But since you been using android, u will like cm7. Its faster and smoother with more options. Cm has all the goodies. U will enjoy it more. If not stock I will not use any other rom then CyanogenMod.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Try it I used for a long time CM, now I'm in love with MIUI, Maybe i switch back on a CM6 build to test the 720p recording..
sl8125 said:
Miui is like having a iPhone with Widgets of android. Its little simpler. But since you been using android, u will like cm7. Its faster and smoother with more options. Cm has all the goodies. U will enjoy it more. If not stock I will not use any other rom then CyanogenMod.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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If Miui is like having an iPhone with widgets of Anrdoid then I'm not gonna like that. I have the iPhone4 (which is up for sale, lol) and I find it boring. So far I'm really liking CM7. One thing I did notice after I rooted the phone is my speakers distorts sometimes when I play music. Is this a known issue?
Wirelessgirl said:
If Miui is like having an iPhone with widgets of Anrdoid then I'm not gonna like that. I have the iPhone4 (which is up for sale, lol) and I find it boring. So far I'm really liking CM7. One thing I did notice after I rooted the phone is my speakers distorts sometimes when I play music. Is this a known issue?
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I don't play alot of music on my speaker. I use the headphones. I am not real picky with sound and stuff. As long as it works. But distortion is not good though. You will love CM7 and more to come.
Oh yeah I also had iPhone4s. I buy iPhones so I can sell it and profit from it. I have a reserve for my next tech gadget. LOL.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
sl8125 said:
I don't play alot of music on my speaker. I use the headphones. I am not real picky with sound and stuff. As long as it works. But distortion is not good though. You will love CM7 and more to come.
Oh yeah I also had iPhone4s. I buy iPhones so I can sell it and profit from it. I have a reserve for my next tech gadget. LOL.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I think it was me who caused the distortion. I was messing around with the phone equalizers and enabled bass boost and also had the equalizer set on bass booster. I just changed a few settings and it sounds better. I'm hoping it was my mess up and not the speakers. I really like CM7 and I'm sure I'll come to love it.
And what is your next tech gadget?
I think I got hosed. When I was asking the seller if everything was working fine on the N1 he assured me everything is working perfectly fine, even the soft keys. I tested out the phone thoroughly before buying. Everything seemed to me working fine when I was testing it out. But you can't really tell if a certain function will continue to work as I continue to use the phone. Now I'm having problems with the back soft key. I have to hit it a few times before it responds. I tried hitting it harder or at different angles and it doesn't make a difference. Any suggestions? Am I screwed?

[Q] Switching between 3G and H is such an annoyance... Any help?

I've read up on this and understand it is supposed to be normal, but man does it make my phone so much worse. Every single time a page loads it has to switch from 3G to H. My reception seems like it sucks so bad because of this. Sometimes it doesn't switch. I get good bars everywhere I go, but it feels like I have terrible reception.
I've never understood radios and such. I'm rooted with the stock rom. Would this be better if I tried cyanogenmod with a different radio? There has to be a fix for this issue.
If you solve this for me, I'll kiss you through the internet.
I don't think kissing anyone over the internet would make them want to help you any more
Its how the phone works, its supposed to switch to 3G to H. H comes on when data is more active.
What radio are you using?
IPxSynergy said:
I've read up on this and understand it is supposed to be normal, but man does it make my phone so much worse. Every single time a page loads it has to switch from 3G to H. My reception seems like it sucks so bad because of this. Sometimes it doesn't switch. I get good bars everywhere I go, but it feels like I have terrible reception.
I've never understood radios and such. I'm rooted with the stock rom. Would this be better if I tried cyanogenmod with a different radio? There has to be a fix for this issue.
If you solve this for me, I'll kiss you through the internet.
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the bars are for your gsm radio, telephone calls. they dont give you an idea on data speeds. do a speed test to see how good of a data connection you have.
simms22 said:
the bars are for your gsm radio, telephone calls. they dont give you an idea on data speeds. do a speed test to see how good of a data connection you have.
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I knew the bars are for phone calls, but I'm in the city of Chicago and have a hard time believing my data is as bad as it seems. I'll have plenty of times where it shows 3G connection and doesn't switch to H, therefore no data comes through. I've had plenty of times where I didn't believe I wasn't getting data, so I reset my phone and sure enough - data!
I do believe something could be wrong with my specific phone. I might need to try a full reset or flash cyanogenmod. I just didn't want to do that. Especially without checking with you genius's beforehand!
zephiK said:
I don't think kissing anyone over the internet would make them want to help you any more
Its how the phone works, its supposed to switch to 3G to H. H comes on when data is more active.
What radio are you using?
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How can I check radio version?
I'm running 4.2.2. Baseband version M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 Kernel version 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd [email protected] #1
Build number JDQ39
Sorry for the delayed response. It is making me wait 5 minutes between posts, even though I'm not a new user and this is MY post. I haven't posted much, but I'm not new Maybe the mods will see this and lift my restriction
IPxSynergy said:
How can I check radio version?
I'm running 4.2.2. Baseband version M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 Kernel version 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd [email protected] #1
Build number JDQ39
Sorry for the delayed response. It is making me wait 5 minutes between posts, even though I'm not a new user and this is MY post. I haven't posted much, but I'm not new Maybe the mods will see this and lift my restriction
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The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
zephiK said:
The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
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I can do that, but I'll first have to figure out how to do it. For some reason my drivers say they don't work and it won't let me flash clockwork mod. I was going to make another post about it after I figured this out. Do you think radio could be the issue?
Also, I am on Tmobile, but I thought LTE didn't really work since it was ATT band 4 or something and only very specific areas had it?
zephiK said:
The radio is .48.. Baseband is Radio. You can go to and try out other radio to see if you get better reception.
If you're in a TMO 4G LTE area you can try activating LTE to see if you'd like it any more.
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Well, I just found out my APN was the one used when you are on LTE. I changed it to the non LTE version and will test over the next few days. If that was my problem, I'm going to be upset at the Tmobile lady who put in that info.
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
thfreedumb said:
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
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Hmm. Some good points. I'll let you know in a few days. If it works better, then I might just leave it. It is interesting that you are in Chicago and LTE works. Makes me want to try it. I'll see how this goes first.
thfreedumb said:
Please do let us know if it's any better after using the epc APN.
If you flash to the .33 radio, the LTE will turn on and it's very good at holding a data connection. It's just when it's not available and my phone connects to hspa+. I have similar problems as you. My signal indicator works great and its blue but no internet. I'm wondering if i'll need to keep switching apns. I hope not.
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Well, I did my commute this morning and there really was no change. It could be a combination of poor data reception areas and slow switching. I'd like to try to flash a new radio, but I don't know how. I can start a new thread about this, but I'll at least mention my problem here. I installed the Nexus 4 Toolkit and went through all the steps to make sure the drivers were installed correctly and such. I did this a long time ago when I rooted the phone. But something is wrong and it doesn't let me flash clockworkmod. It tells me to go through the steps again, which I have tried.
Is there a way to flash a new radio without clockwordmod?
IPxSynergy said:
Hmm. Some good points. I'll let you know in a few days. If it works better, then I might just leave it. It is interesting that you are in Chicago and LTE works. Makes me want to try it. I'll see how this goes first.
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I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
g0rge said:
I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
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Lte is amazing in Chicago but not as strong in Chicagoland. However, hspa+ is garbage in Chicago but better in Chicago land.
As for cwm, I prefer twrp. You can just download goo manager from the app store and it will install twrp for you. As far as I know you need to use a custom Rom that supports the older radios or else your calling might mess up. I use aokp.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
thfreedumb said:
Lte is amazing in Chicago but not as strong in Chicagoland. However, hspa+ is garbage in Chicago but better in Chicago land.
As for cwm, I prefer twrp. You can just download goo manager from the app store and it will install twrp for you. As far as I know you need to use a custom Rom that supports the older radios or else your calling might mess up. I use aokp.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Well, I tried to use goo manager to install aokp. It seemed like it would work, but nothing happened when I flashed it. It reset and seemed like it was installing something, then I rebooted with no change. Strange.
g0rge said:
I've been tempted to try messing with lte on my nex 4 as in chicagoland...just worried about how good the coverage is and how well the phone would perform outside lte coverage since I drive all over the tri state area and need my phone to be stable for work.
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Just wanted to let you know... I flashed Cyanogenmod and the 33 radio. Everything is so much better. Connection is quicker when switching, but also the 4G is fast! I should have done this a while ago. Been testing for 2 days. I'm in the city, so not sure about the burbs.
IPxSynergy said:
Just wanted to let you know... I flashed Cyanogenmod and the 33 radio. Everything is so much better. Connection is quicker when switching, but also the 4G is fast! I should have done this a while ago. Been testing for 2 days. I'm in the city, so not sure about the burbs.
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Click to collapse you might find this thread interesting, might throw this on this morning before work and give it a shot...
g0rge said: you might find this thread interesting, might throw this on this morning before work and give it a shot...
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I actually tried that a few weeks ago, before I knew what I was doing. I wasn't able to flash it because I didn't have a custom recovery. I'm glad I went to CyanogenMod though. It seems to be faster and there are little things that make it better than stock.
IPxSynergy said:
I actually tried that a few weeks ago, before I knew what I was doing. I wasn't able to flash it because I didn't have a custom recovery. I'm glad I went to CyanogenMod though. It seems to be faster and there are little things that make it better than stock.
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Yeah I was running paranoid android for awhile, currently running stock for the 4.3 update, contemplating cm 10.2 when that gets solid or PA again once they get everything sorted out from the 4.3 hijinks.
g0rge said:
Yeah I was running paranoid android for awhile, currently running stock for the 4.3 update, contemplating cm 10.2 when that gets solid or PA again once they get everything sorted out from the 4.3 hijinks.
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I didn't think it would be worth it to switch, but it is. Stock is great, but CM is better. I haven't used paranoid android.
IPxSynergy said:
I didn't think it would be worth it to switch, but it is. Stock is great, but CM is better. I haven't used panandroid
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Yeah CM has a lot of nice additions, Paranoid is pretty slick...been a fan of that one on multiple devices. It's built around swapping ui you can set your phone to act like a phablet or tablet per gmail look like it does on your tablet on your phone. Let's you drop out the soft keys and replace them with a pop up slide wheel/etc and has a lot of the AOSP and CM features like the quick notification toggles etc.

