Contcts from Gmail - Hero, G2 Touch General

I am wondering how to sync contacts from gmail that only phone contacs to come to the phone not the all email contacts also.


Sync gmail groups

Has anyone figured out how to sync gmail contact groups, instead of all contacts. Right now all of my gmail contacts are syncing, instead of only 'My Contacts'.

[Q] Syncing Phone book with Google/ G-Mail

I want to sync my phone book with gmail but when I do att it does is sync my contacts from gmail to my phone but not vice versa, is this even possible?
It is automatic both ways. You just set that under you address book's settings.
I know it can do it automatically but I dont see contacts I had on my phone on my gmail account, also there are duplicates on the phone from contacts that were on gmail and already on the phone

[Q] Keep losing Yahoo Sync

I keep setting the sync for my Yahoo account and get all my contacts into the phone. Then later I go to contacts and there are gone. I tried to save them to the SD card and later when they disappeared, I used the import from SD and they would not come to the phone.
Is there any way to store the Yahoo contacts phone numbers on the phone without syncing?
OK I found the best thing to do is open a gmail account and use the transfer from Yahoo to gmail. Now all my contacts are in gmail and it syncs to the phone with no problems.

problem with contacts sync

i have 4 accounts of gmail,linkedin, and whatsapp.
i'm only syncing one account with contacts and only one group from it, all the other accounts are sync the gmail alone.
when i'm searching an contact i get the result with contact from other account(specific one) the account isn't sync..just when i add the account at the first time it was sync by contacts, after it i make V only for one group that i want but i guess all the contacts..
how can i fix these?
thank you

Outlook for Android not Syncing Contacts to Phone

Hi All,
Both my Nokia 6s' have stopped copying / syncing Contacts from Outlook for Android into the phones Android Contacts App.
Up until a week ago all my Contacts in Outlook were also found / sync'd in Android Contacts but some reason this abruptly stopped. I can see all my Contacts in the Outlook App, but I also see that the Outlook account is not found in Android Contacts and it does not let me add a new (Outlook) account. Also, the "Sync Contacts" slider in Outlook for Android is missing.
I have tried Reset Account, Delete Account, uninstall / re-install App etc. in Outlook (on both devices) but without any luck.
It is strange that this is happening on both devices. Is anyone else having the same issue?
I've never been able to get the Outlook App contacts to sync with Android contacts. However, the way I got around to do fixing this was to add another account to the stock GMAIL app on the phone with the Exchange credentials. For whatever reason, then I can get two-way syncing of contacts between my phone and Outlook. If there is a better way to do this, please post here!
I also sync Outlook contacts by addimg my adding an Exchange Account via Settings-Accounts options, then manually configuring it.

