Just purchased a developers edition - G1 General

I wasnt really looking for a developers edition phone, I have no knowledge of how to develop programs. I got a great deal on the phone, at least I think i did($180) and its in mint condition.
But my question is, what are the areas that I should stay away from? like programs or functions in the phone that might mess something up.
Im sorry if this has been coverd, i tried to search.

The only thing that you can not recovery from is a mismatched radio and spl, the rest is always recoverable.

The phone is basically the exact same as the G1, only you have root by default. There really isn't anything you can do to mess it up. Stay away from the terminal emulator unless you know what you're doing, but other than that, enjoy Android!

Thanks guys, good to know!

You got a very good deal on your G1, mine cost me $220

Macmee said:
You got a very good deal on your G1, mine cost me $220
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i thought I got a good deal, Its in great condition, unlocked and rooted, running cyanogenMod. Saves me the hassle of doing all that.

Alright guys, been doing some searching and looking around for some info. I'm on At&t, and I dont have a data plan, yet I use MMS quite a bit. I plan on turning off data, will I still be able to send MMS? I found some stuff on it, but I really dont understand it.
I am normally around a wifi location for most of the day, but when Im not im wondering if any of the apps or programs will bypass the data off function?
Thanks guys.

yeah, mms/sms is separate from data

yeah good deal, i got mine new for $240.

SmokeyJBluntz said:
yeah, mms/sms is separate from data
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This depends entirely on the carrier. A lot of carriers will charge you $0.20 for the SMS, PLUS the data usage for the MMS. I can't promise AT&T will give you free MMS.

Gary13579 said:
This depends entirely on the carrier. A lot of carriers will charge you $0.20 for the SMS, PLUS the data usage for the MMS. I can't promise AT&T will give you free MMS.
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I have unlimited text and picture messages(mms). But Afaik mms requires data access.
I just got the phone bout 10 min ago, so im playing with it ATM. really happy with the condition of it, cant find any scratches yet.
Its running an older cyanogenMod, Im thinking about upgrading to the newest one, but I've got alot of reading to do before I attempt it.

Ok im sorry if this has been coverd, I cant seem to find what Im looking for through a search, And Im a NooB.
Im gonna upgrade to the newest CyanogenMod. It says to put the latest one in the root of my SD card, Am I supposed to extract the files before I put them in there, or does android have an extracting program.
Nevermind, Guess i can just figure this one out on my own, if it doesnt work one way, then it'll probaly work the other way.

alright guys, Android phones are freaking awesome!!
But I cant figure out the ringtones, Seems I only have one ringtone on my phone, is there a max length/size that ringones can be, and can they be played from SD card?
Figured it out. Sorry, Im used to motorola's.

Figured id make a post from my phone. Gotta say I'm very impressed with android!

quick question. I dont have a data plan. Just checked my at&t acount and I've use a lil bit of data. I would rather not use any at all, and just use my wifi. Are there certain apps/programs that will use data, instead of wifi?
also when i set up my phone, i got a gmail accnt. does this play a role in anything?

Got it figured out, well I cheated. Edited the APN for the wap.cingular. works like a charm.
and Im really suprised as to how many apps that say they require network access, they really dont.


Can't stand all the problems on the N1!

I am about to sell my nexus one and get a g1 again or a cliq, I can't stand my phone losing service so much, not sending text messages, and having to turn on and off just to get my service to work again, I thought this was a "super phone"!?!?
anyone else tired of the N1?
No. I don't have those problems. Maybe you can call tmobile about it and have them do a service test in your area.
are you rooted by any chance? If so, why not flash a new radio?
phiber23 said:
No. I don't have those problems. Maybe you can call tmobile about it and have them do a service test in your area.
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^^^What this guy said.^^^
Nice first post, by the way.
definitly not having those problems
get in touch with tmobile and/or htc
Yes go to a Cliq and get more problems =P
kuchtaa said:
I am about to sell my nexus one and get a g1 again or a cliq, I can't stand my phone losing service so much, not sending text messages, and having to turn on and off just to get my service to work again, I thought this was a "super phone"!?!?
anyone else tired of the N1?
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It is the best phone available right now and most probably, will be for the next 6 months.... the problems u described is service related, so say "I'm going to switch my service provider" instead of "I'm going to switch my phone"
You're the first person who would be switching from N1 to G1 or Cliq .....
Yeah, it's an awful phone, I'll give $250 for it just to end your frustration.
Strange, I'm on a different network, in a different country, and I too suffer from data "freeze".
only way to fix is power cycle or airplane mode and back...
faraz1992 said:
It is the best phone available right now and most probably, will be for the next 6 months.... the problems u described is service related, so say "I'm going to switch my service provider" instead of "I'm going to switch my phone"
You're the first person who would be switching from N1 to G1 or Cliq .....
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This post is everything I wanted to say. Don't downgrade yourself to a lower phone because you are having lousy service provider issues - even though I love T-mobile, it may just not be for you. I do believe though you are trying to be a forum "troll".. (thread starter).
Well the SMS not sending (and having to reboot to fix) seems to be an issue with the OS from what I have been reading.
Meh.. I'm willing to bet that the op either needs to do a factory reset or exchange his phone if it's defective. Obviously his experience is far from typical.
Yeah I haven't had any of these issues, my N1 gets the same signal and speedtest results as my G1. If T-Mob is the problem in your area then a new phone likely wont resolve your problems, if you really think its the phone try a factory reset and see if you still have these issues or if an application you installed is causing them. If you really want to get a new phone go for it, but I think your experience will be less than stellar after using the N1. If you want to sell it let me know how much.
its kinda weird for me, I can receive all the MMS I want but my phone will not send anything MMS, via WIFI or EDGE (ATT). It all worked when I got my phone but since flashing different roms it has been reduced to only getting MMS.. APN's are correct also
any idea's?
Welcome to xda. Most are not having any of your issues (the Nexus Rocks). Where are u located & are u on tmob? stock rom? Provide more specifics & check out their existing threads.
its not that bad. I have a few little issues but I still love it.
trinode said:
Strange, I'm on a different network, in a different country, and I too suffer from data "freeze".
only way to fix is power cycle or airplane mode and back...
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It's the same for me, very annoying.
Will try a new radio, if that doesn't help...I guess the N1is gone
dont forget the ****ty touch screen >/
kuchtaa said:
I am about to sell my nexus one and get a g1 again or a cliq, I can't stand my phone losing service so much, not sending text messages, and having to turn on and off just to get my service to work again, I thought this was a "super phone"!?!?
anyone else tired of the N1?
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I sure as hell was. And you're right, until android is stable and dependable there's little about it that's super.
Keep in mind many of the issues can be fixed with software updates.
Other than the market, data, sms, browser, camera and ram issues, the others are relatively minor though admittedly abundant. I have issues daily but I stopped wanting the next iPhone (or older android version) when I stopped expecting my nexus to be as stable as Windows is on my desktop and laptop. I wanted the nexus to be a little computer which made all the shortcomings really frustrating.
But Google wants a large stake in the mobile operating system industry and the nexus is their chance to shine.
The nexus one has great hardware and its googles baby, it should receive the majority of androids attention.
So if you don't want to root the nexus, which was fun with the old g1 but now id like a phone I don't have to fix my self with weekly or even daily Rom updates (which i completely understand is an awesome and valuable option but I think those who root have very few issues and are largely intolerant of people who want fixes but don't want to root, like me : / ),
I understand that its bizarre that there are so many problems but don't jump ship, when Google finally starts addressing all of the issues you'll be satisfied. Think of this phone as beta, that's what i have learned to do, because it has enormous potential! So give it at least until Google gets an update out which really should be soon.
I don't get it.. I'm not rooted and I don't have any of these issues.. is my phone a factory freak or something?

Remove AT&T apps?

Hi there, the Aria will be my first phone that does more than make calls so please excuse my noobish questions, there will be more to come.
I've read and watched all the reviews out there and my first concern is the preinstalled ATT apps that will cost me money if I accidentally use them. Is there any way of removing them yet?
(I'm locked in to ATT because of Family Plan)
alphajake said:
Hi there, the Aria will be my first phone that does more than make calls so please excuse my noobish questions, there will be more to come.
I've read and watched all the reviews out there and my first concern is the preinstalled ATT apps that will cost me money if I accidentally use them. Is there any way of removing them yet?
(I'm locked in to ATT because of Family Plan)
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I can't speak for this particular phone but in all of my old AT&T phones, even if you leave the preinstalled junk on there, it's not necessarily easy to "accidentally" use them; they usually have confirmation screens and/or warning screens telling you that it will cost money to use them.
alphajake said:
Hi there, the Aria will be my first phone that does more than make calls so please excuse my noobish questions, there will be more to come.
I've read and watched all the reviews out there and my first concern is the preinstalled ATT apps that will cost me money if I accidentally use them. Is there any way of removing them yet?
(I'm locked in to ATT because of Family Plan)
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Annoying, isn't it? Welcome to the magical crapware filled world of ATT branded smartphones, where folks are so generous that you get 5 map programs pre-installed instead of just one.
modest_mandroid said:
Annoying, isn't it? Welcome to the magical crapware filled world of ATT branded smartphones, where folks are so generous that you get 5 map programs pre-installed instead of just one.
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And all 5 cost you money and they removed the stock one that gave you the same functionality for free.
f'n AT&T. I miss Cingular...
McHale said:
And all 5 cost you money and they removed the stock one that gave you the same functionality for free.
f'n AT&T. I miss Cingular...
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Google maps is in market. If that's missing, you should be able to get it there.
attn1 said:
Google maps is in market. If that's missing, you should be able to get it there.
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woops... forgot the </sarcasm>
McHale said:
woops... forgot the </sarcasm>
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Let's just hope this will be as easy to get root for as other HTC phones have been recently.
It's very similar to the Legend. I wonder what SPL versions/Radios are in the Aria compared to the Legend and I wonder if a parallel dev path can be followed for root and custom recovery.
All I really want to know is the hot spots app to make it compatible with att hotspots, cause if so, post rooting you can remove all the other junk, but I would love to get ahold of that apk from a dump for my n1.
attn1 said:
Let's just hope this will be as easy to get root for as other HTC phones have been recently.
It's very similar to the Legend. I wonder what SPL versions/Radios are in the Aria compared to the Legend and I wonder if a parallel dev path can be followed for root and custom recovery.
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I'm hopeful we will have root within the next couple days. It's like a competition for devs now when a new android drops they rush to root it lol
good news is google maps is there with all functionality, used the gps today worked great!!!!
a few questions
Wrong place to post. Sorry...
Im a first time google maps user and I think the program is brilliantly presented. Used it a few times now to just drive around and i its quicker than my Garmin Nuvi
I used the Maps program yesterday, I assume it is the Google one, there wasn't any talk of charging. It worked absolutely great! I don't like unasked for crapware on my phone, so I am looking forward to learning how to clean it up.
I absolutely love this phone! Every once in a while it seems to freeze for a second or two, but it has been very responsive so far.
yah i was wondering also about removing the bloatware
i did have a tilt and it was very easy to remove the bloatware right out of the box without hooking it up to a pc, with a restore then soft reset before all the extra stuff was reinstalled
alphajake said:
Hi there, the Aria will be my first phone that does more than make calls so please excuse my noobish questions, there will be more to come.
I've read and watched all the reviews out there and my first concern is the preinstalled ATT apps that will cost me money if I accidentally use them. Is there any way of removing them yet?
(I'm locked in to ATT because of Family Plan)
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If you don't want Data coverage (as I did) call AT&T, & request that they shut it off... I did it early in my HD2's life, so she only got me hit with a $1.85~ in service charges.
not sure
I was told you have to have the data plan with any PDA phone, they put it on a used blackberry we got my daughter just to texted. and they said we had to keep it. Have they changed their minds with the multiple data plans available.
robonoob said:
good news is google maps is there with all functionality, used the gps today worked great!!!!
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sweet!!! that's great
Hey I'm not a promoter or paid to tell people to, but use an app called advanced task killer. It's on the market under free apps. When you are afraid something is running, go to it and click it. Depending on where it is it will either kill everything or ask you what to kill with everything selected. I have a small data plan so I have to use it to save money.
Task Killers actually increase battery usage and can cause other problems with apps and the OS. You're better off turning off auto-sync and background data if you're worried about apps using data.

Adventures in trying to get Phone calls

So, after having the tab for a day and a half, was getting twitchy on making phone calls.
I want that Phone icon on the screen!
So, after rooting (uber easy actually, z4root works a treat), got adbWireless to enable me to connect and got a shell.
Bit of juggling, mounting the /system and pushing in the Phone.apk's.
I've tried a whole bunch of Phone.apk's from anywhere I can find them basically, and still no joy as of yet.
In fact, getting a few errors now in a few places (PhoneInfo and TabletInformation errors).
Makes sense it's not trivial as we'd have seen something already probably.
And don't know if it's the phone.apk or the radio being used that's set to block.
How's everyone else getting on?
Thanks a lot for posting... I am anxious to see if we can do this... a friend of mine thought this would be a simple "install the phone apk" but we found that didn't work on Wednesday.
The only other one I've seen who's trying (publicly maybe?) is jdmadonna who posted his results over in the Tab Themes and Apps forum today that he rooted with z4root, then installed the phone.apk as you did, then the Tab started vibrating every few seconds and showed the message android phone has stopped working. When he rebooted, everything locked up apparently... he said he lost the network provider and baseband and could not bring them back, so he returned the tab. He had been looking for the Euro phone.apk, so I'm not sure if that's what he used here...
Guess it will not be as easy as we had hoped.... hopefully this nut can be cracked somehow.
Adding insult to injury is the Samsung T-Mobile user manual for the Tab which refers to it as a phone throughout! However, the pretty much useless pamphlet that T-Mo provides call it a "device."
Wish someone from Samsung would anonymously step in and help us out. The t-mo salesman I worked with (who was very helpful wrt to possibly using it as a phone) said he'd heard that some folks were/are? threatening a class-action lawsuit against the carriers... obviously a money maker for the lawyers... but I don't care... if it'd make them let us use it as a phone, that'd be fine with me.
Couldn't the carrier block phone access for the device by the IMEI number? Then it wouldn't matter what the user did, the tablet would never be able to make a call.
Here's what guyverunit had to say in this thread at post no. 52:
Someone else reported this too... when you press activate on the Verizon phones at the start, they MAKE CALLS OUT.... this is what he said:
"so knowing that Verizon was selling there version at Best Buy i popped in there today to check it out, see if there plans or anything were better. they had just taken it out of the box and were setting it up. i went to work and on my lunch went back. they had the display set up so i played with it. it was still at the activation screen, i pressed activate and behold it dialed out to do the activation. even had a phone icon in the top bar.
so i talked to the best buy mobile manager there and ask if they had gotten it passed the activation he said no but he would try again. he tried and it dialed out. i said oh so it can make calls, he said yes its just not put into the software to do it for the user end but yes, it can make calls. he also said he gives it two weeks till the DEV community hack it to do just that. LOL"
The t-mo phones do not make phone calls to activate... at least mine didn't... the sales guy activated it by using the bar code and the computer and no "activate screen" came up at all... went straight to browser.
Don't know if that means the phones themselves are different... or if Verizon just kept the Euro phone activation approach...
Maybe the Verizon phones would be the best ones to work with?
xexes said:
The only other one I've seen who's trying (publicly maybe?) is jdmadonna who posted his results over in the Tab Themes and Apps forum today that he rooted with z4root, then installed the phone.apk as you did, then the Tab started vibrating every few seconds and showed the message android phone has stopped working. When he rebooted, everything locked up apparently... he said he lost the network provider and baseband and could not bring them back, so he returned the tab. He had been looking for the Euro phone.apk, so I'm not sure if that's what he used here...
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One of the Phone.apk' did that for me too. The Phone.apk I'm using now has stopped showing me the connection in the top bar, so looks like that's related to that as well, but at least it's not crashing like it was.
I should really reflash back to base (is that possible atm?) and see what's doable.
I'm still holding on for a euro rom that's flashable to enable everything.
Do you think the Euro rom will work with US hardware, or should they be identical?
I was curious about Paten's question re the IMEI no. possibly being blocked and did a little searching...
I found a freelance programmer's site... codepainters blog....
and in the course of saying how to change the IMEI number, he says this at the beginning:
"Anyway, code analysis shows that IMEI/IMSI request goes down through all the telephony layers (see the diagram), eventually getting to the baseband device."
I find this interesting because jdmadonna and you describe the phone.apk causing problems down to the baseband level... as did you...
Obviously, IANAAD (I am not an Android developer - my programming days are way in the past)... so maybe there are myriad other things that can cause a problem down to the baseband level...
Maybe it's just as simple as unblocking the ISEI no. as Paten suggests...
I'm also hopeful about the Euro flash, but am not brave enough (nor do I know how) to do it!
You guys are using a different SIM from the one you received with your Tab right? (if you got it on a plan). One that you know voice calling works on?
In Australia, the Tab does not have voice disabled, but they force you (for the initial launch) to sign up for a data only plan. The SIM you get on this plan is blocked for voice, but works for 3G and even sending SMSs.
You just might want to make sure that the SIM you have in actually works for voice in case you DO get it working from a software perspective, but it is just the SIM that is stopping the call.
Aye, swapped the sim over from my other phone (though the PAYG sim I got actually did support voice/data apparently, but I didn't want to risk it so took a known working sim)
Radio stuff
Don't know. Could be any of them, or combo of 2 or more even.
It's really crazy. I appreciate they probably want to keep it simple as a tablet device, but they're missing out on revenue. "Want to use voice? that's available for another 10 bucks and/or a different(more expensive) sim"
Keeps it working for people who just want a tab, and gets more cash from people who want to dump their phone.
Think it's telling that ALL the telco's are limiting the voice as if anyone of them broke ranks and offered voice, they'd all have to.
Guess we'll see which Telco chickens out first!
Re the SIM card... the holder mine came in does say data only, but the tmo rep said it could still handle voice.. seemed odd to me... since jyveafk has tried switching it, guess I'll wait to see if a solution turns up... or the tab is going back and I'm not getting a new phone when my contract's out in protest!
I can phone from mine...
TheGrammarFreak said:
I can phone from mine...
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Everyone loves a nice ass...nobody likes a smart ass.
Croak said:
Everyone loves a nice ass...nobody likes a smart ass.
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I'm just saying. Mine came with ability to phone. I bought it unbranded, with no contact if that makes any difference.
Swyped from my Galaxy Tab
I love how he puts in his second post "Swyped from my Galaxy Tab" what a loser! ! !
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
TheGrammarFreak said:
I'm just saying. Mine came with ability to phone. I bought it unbranded, with no contact if that makes any difference.
Swyped from my Galaxy Tab
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If you had followed your own advice (search and engage brain ), you would realize that they are talking about US Tabs, as the phone function has been disabled on these.
Euro Tabs have phone functionality as standard and the Yanks already know this so your post came over as a little sarcastic!
nomorefear said:
I love how he puts in his second post "Swyped from my Galaxy Tab" what a loser! ! !
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
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Cheers dude, it's just what the XDA app appends to my posts.
Also, I'm sorry about getting the "nationality" of the tab wrong. Upon re-reading the thread I can see my error, sorry.
As it appears I'm not welcome here I'll stay in the legend section, bye...
Swyped from my Galaxy Tab
TheGrammarFreak said:
I can phone from mine...
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I'm sure the Americans, with their American Tabs, and questions about their American Tab making phone calls, really appreciate your input so much right now...
Any chance you can adb pull the Phone.apk from your Tab please?
I've been using the Galaxy phone .apk's, not another Tab's Phone that's known to work. Perhaps this is the issue.
Can you pull it and post it please?
(plus, what country/provider are you on?)
alright guys. im gonna take the plundge. i noticed a dead pixel on my tab so its going back to tmobile for a replacement. i thought i would try the euro firmware before returning it. so guys, need your help! which firmware should i flash and whats the procedure for it. links would be helpful.
the firmwares are here, i dunno which one to flash tho.
theres a great chance im gonna brick it, but since its going back, i thought i would try and just make up some excuse if they ask me what happened. help me out so i can help u out!
Thank you! thank you! Thank you!
jeebspawnshop said:
I'm sure the Americans, with their American Tabs, and questions about their American Tab making phone calls, really appreciate your input so much right now...
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Look, I'm sorry ok? I didn't think before posting
Jyveafk said:
Any chance you can adb pull the Phone.apk from your Tab please?
I've been using the Galaxy phone .apk's, not another Tab's Phone that's known to work. Perhaps this is the issue.
Can you pull it and post it please?
(plus, what country/provider are you on?)
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UK, Vodafone. I'll post the apk soon, on the move at the moment

[Q] Anyone still use it?

Okay, so i have a G1 lying around but i never used it. Use to be my moms until she got the iPhone 4
Its 2011, im wondering... does anyone still actually use it? If yes, what do you do and stuff
Good phone.
I use one Nokia with Symbian S60V5 and this wonderful Dream. i have Mod Version: COS-DS-07162011, ANDROID 2.3.4, Still battery drain in 24-36 hours with normal use. On heavy use it resist only 12-14 hours. it is a little slow but still has all that i need.
MasterMRZ said:
Okay, so i have a G1 lying around but i never used it. Use to be my moms until she got the iPhone 4
Its 2011, im wondering... does anyone still actually use it? If yes, what do you do and stuff
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yes there are lots of people that still use a G1, there are plenty of developers out there still working on roms and everything like myself. im guessing if it was your moms that the device is not yet rooted, so that would be your first step...
than you can flash any of the latest roms to your device making it 10x better than stock G1
Good for out of country when unlock
I am currently using my G1 actively. It is a good phone to have when you go on vacation to other country. Especially if you have it unlock already. So you do not have to pay international rates when making a phone call. All you have to do is purchase SIM for that country and use it at the local rates.
I've known people who have had it and need a cheap phone so I have mine coming in the mail hopefully around this upcoming Wednesday. I saw that android development still looks pretty strong so until i scrape up enough money for a newer phone lol, Imma basically be using it for mainly texting(though i heard that calls aren't bad on it), and as a smaller version of my Archos IT 101 16GB
still using it
am it becomes the main one I mess with, as it IS the developer phone one.
I just started using it as an upgrade to the HTC vouge
I wonder why the G1 but not the MT3G was kept as a high-activity device
Its amazing how it people are still using it.
As for a developers phone or/and unlocked phone, dont you guys think the Nexus One is good? I mean, its great and unlocked when bought (well... when i bought it)
I still have it and use it sometimes
Hi - I've been given a G1 and I like it - it's my first smartphone. I would like it to be faster.
I've gone thru the Root G1 instructions Step1. When I got to the "Alt S" bit, the update didn't get applied - it said aborted and also I got an error E: can't open/cache/recovery/command.
I carried on thru the rest until 4) when my backup recovery failed consequently after typing the sdcard... bit, the flash recovery button did not light up.
I've done this twice now and it's been the same each time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for looking.
Ok Guys - used Alt Root Method #1 - worked like a charm. Thanks to Habitat22.
Still going!
I'm still using a G1 too. I get the wants for one of the dozen of new phones out there all the time and then think why? My G1 does all I need. I love the physical keyboard! With the work of some dedicated devs, it is running Gingerbread just fine and I just ported a new theme for it today.
I can say quite happily me and my G1 will be together for a long time yet. Yes there are new sparkly toys out there but my ikkle ole G1 still plays nicely and does everything I want beautifully so why the hell get rid? I really couldn't even imagine owning another phone I love it that much, the greatest hard keyboard any phone will ever see ever amen EVER!
There is a few things about the G1 you cant get in a new phone. The hard keyboard layout, an actual track ball, and a notification LED.
It calls, texts & emails perfectly. So as long as your not going to run some heavy apps, then really it still is the perfect phone.

Just Got My Galaxy Note Today

Hello, Guys I just got my GNote International today, I'm fairly well at the rooting and getting things going after I get a push in the right direction. My Current devices are only the Galaxy Note and Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, But in the past Ive done rooting with The original GTab from Viewsonic -First tablet, Nook, Streak 7, ZTE warp, Galaxy Tab 10.1, HP Touchpad, Asus Transformer Prime- Current Tab. I have never rooted a phone before besides the Warp and it was very simple, one click deal, The GNote seems very complex it is a different beast. So I really need some help with This bad boy, If you can help thank you very much.
Here is the Rundown on my Phone. Just got it Today. Sim Will be here tomorrow.
International Ver.
Gingerbread 2.3.6
Kernel N7000XXLA4-CL886827
[email protected]#2
1. I wont get my Straight Talk [email protected] Sim card until tomorrow, I was told to order the att straight talk Sim Card is that right. I had the option of unlocked or ATT and on the message board most responses said get att, so you don't get stuck on EDGE and t-mobile.
2. Should I let it update and root before I get the Sim in it. I'm ready to get started now but like i said I wont get my Sim until tomorrow. Its already asking me to update but I haven't done anything yet because I know update can ruin rooting methods, etc.
3. I live in the US this phone will be fine as working right it was the only white one and I wanted a white one with the home button. I don't think it matters just making sure I didn't jump the gun, and that this will work with straight talk ATT Sim.
On my current version and rom, kernel etc. what would be the easiest root method for me. So I can put CWM and start setting it up to my liking.
If you need anymore info just let me know I haven't put this thing down since I got it. My Asus Prime aint been out all day. It seems like the Phone are way more complicated to root and get set up with Sim Cards. Maybe its just because I'm new to the phones, my Warp was a 4.3 Boost Mobile and I thought that would be all the bigger I would need but I like Samsung products and this is just so much bigger than it sounds like it would be, and the use of a tablet and phone is what made me jump.
My tech knowledge is decent at least 7-8 so I will figure it out. I just don't want to skip important steps. I want to make sure I do everything in order, that's why I asked if I can root and all that before my sim card gets here tomorrow, remember this is my first root on a phone that is unlocked. If anyone can help me make sure I don't do anything out of order, I will appreciate it a lot. Thanks for any help in advance.
It doesnt matter if you root with or without sim card. Probably need to find the apn settings for your chosen carrier.
Best way to answer all your other questions is below. Search is your friend.
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
drvsbsm said:
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
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For APN, download APN backup & restore from market, then backup your current APN, then even if you flash official or custom roms, you can always restore your son if the from doesn't have it
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
drvsbsm said:
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
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You can set your apn first/middle/last, it doesnt matter. Just like your previous devices, your apn is always available in your settings option. You can change it whenever or add one whenever. Root just gives you access to system files and will not effect your apn.
Stop thinking so hard lol. But make sure you read, read, read before installing ics. I would recommend downloading a few stock gb roms and making backup of your current rom before going forward. Its extremely hard to brick a samsung device, but make sure you have something ready before installing.
Root now..the sim card is just your service..you set apn on any new rom.just jump on wifi for data...don't ever update the phone through settings..unless you want to lose root..always install rooted roms so you may wait a day for a rooted version.
Personally Samsung is a different animal then what I'm use to which is HTC.
I have not used Odin for the PC at all..I've only used mobile Odin pro from the market or cmw.
Sent from my GT-N7000
Root now..the sim card is just your service..you set apn on any new rom.just jump on wifi for data...don't ever update the phone through settings..unless you want to lose root..always install rooted roms so you may wait a day for a rooted version.
Personally Samsung is a different animal then what I'm use to which is HTC.
I have not used Odin for the PC at all..I've only used mobile Odin pro from the market or cmw.
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Yeah I know that is true I have only rooted one cell in my life and it was one click job, simple! This seems to be a lot more technical but I will figure it out. I have rooted many tablets though right now I have a Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, ZTE Warp-Phone, Nook Color all rooted. In the past I've rooted plenty other tabs but just one phone and it was with one mouse click, and done.
When you first get into something new its like **** man this is crazy, then after about a week it gets easier. I hope that is the case with this phone. So why not ever do an over the air update? So I need to uncheck this RIGHT NOW So if the original ICS comes out don't do it over the air? Wait and do it another way correct? My phone already did one first boot, it was already check marked to download and install updates in the settings when I turned it on it did an update. I really didn't even have time to see what it was but it was a small minor update I think so. I used the settings for straight talk from here in the thread and I get around 3-5 MB down but have only tried it like 5 times in my basement.
The weird thing is that it thinks I'm in Kansas or something because speedtest.net app says finding the closest server and it finds one in Kansas and says I'm like 30klm away from the server and its the closest one? Anyone know why this is, or WTF is going on? I gave them my correct ZIP when I ordered the ST Sim Card. Most of the time it stays on HSDPA mode but I never see where it says who my carrier is, edit I see it says HOME I guess that's my carrier? so far that Ive noticed. I don't understand the location issue. maybe I should set up my GPS I don't like it on if I don't need it.
How do you avoid from them catching on or saying I'm using too much data, I know to use WiFi whenever possible, that's a given, but what else do you guys do? Don't unlimited mean unlimited? I mean if I bought a straight talk phone and watched you-tube all day can they really say anything, its unlimited right or at least suppose to be. Anyways any tips on keeping straight talk out of my business, and off my @ss would be appreciated. Thanks
Any other tips are welcome I got two cases coming their TPU style cases which I prefer but I might have to put this in a wallet type case also? But I got super slim TPU style cases so it don't get much bigger I don't want to really add more bulk to it its getting hot outside, time for shorts, and that means no jacket pocket, I wear mostly loose fitting jeans/shorts nylon sports type. so I should be alright. Do I need a screen protector I saw one that strengthens it suppose to anyways. Alright enough questions I just don't want to ruin a $650 phone I just got, that's all.
drvsbsm said:
Yeah I know that is true I have only rooted one cell in my life and it was one click job, simple! This seems to be a lot more technical but I will figure it out. I have rooted many tablets though right now I have a Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, ZTE Warp-Phone, Nook Color all rooted. In the past I've rooted plenty other tabs but just one phone and it was with one mouse click, and done.
When you first get into something new its like **** man this is crazy, then after about a week it gets easier. I hope that is the case with this phone. So why not ever do an over the air update? So I need to uncheck this RIGHT NOW So if the original ICS comes out don't do it over the air? Wait and do it another way correct? My phone already did one first boot, it was already check marked to download and install updates in the settings when I turned it on it did an update. I really didn't even have time to see what it was but it was a small minor update I think so. I used the settings for straight talk from here in the thread and I get around 3-5 MB down but have only tried it like 5 times in my basement.
The weird thing is that it thinks I'm in Kansas or something because speedtest.net app says finding the closest server and it finds one in Kansas and says I'm like 30klm away from the server and its the closest one? Anyone know why this is, or WTF is going on? I gave them my correct ZIP when I ordered the ST Sim Card. Most of the time it stays on HSDPA mode but I never see where it says who my carrier is, edit I see it says HOME I guess that's my carrier? so far that Ive noticed. I don't understand the location issue. maybe I should set up my GPS I don't like it on if I don't need it.
How do you avoid from them catching on or saying I'm using too much data, I know to use WiFi whenever possible, that's a given, but what else do you guys do? Don't unlimited mean unlimited? I mean if I bought a straight talk phone and watched you-tube all day can they really say anything, its unlimited right or at least suppose to be. Anyways any tips on keeping straight talk out of my business, and off my @ss would be appreciated. Thanks
Any other tips are welcome I got two cases coming their TPU style cases which I prefer but I might have to put this in a wallet type case also? But I got super slim TPU style cases so it don't get much bigger I don't want to really add more bulk to it its getting hot outside, time for shorts, and that means no jacket pocket, I wear mostly loose fitting jeans/shorts nylon sports type. so I should be alright. Do I need a screen protector I saw one that strengthens it suppose to anyways. Alright enough questions I just don't want to ruin a $650 phone I just got, that's all.
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you never do OTA updates because you will lose root and possibly the exploit that gave you root has been patched so you may be stuck without root..
The latest stuff will always be available very soon after its released so don't worry.
You're on prepaid so it will show Home as your carrier even though you're on AT&T and thats what you're on if you have a AT&T sim.
I would imagine if you use too much data they would throttle you instead of cut you off...that appears to be what at&t likes to do..I am almost always on wifi so its no biggy..
I would consider ICS ROM's advanaced so if this is new I would stick with gingerbread for the time being.
I'm used to ICS on my Transformer prime and I got it on my HP Touchpad, using CWM clearing old data caches and data etc. Then install my new rom so I don't think ICS would be that new to me. Is that what you are referring too. Or something else specific?
The question I have is that wont OTA Rootkeeper work while doing over the air updates, I use it for everything almost?
