I looked around the web, and I could not find any info on email storage for Android.
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on where email storage is for IMAP email accounts. Also if it is possible to move it to the Apps2SD partition or to the FAT32 partition (/sdcard)
Thanks in advance.
by definition, IMAP stores email on the server.
ZeroXtreme said:
I looked around the web, and I could not find any info on email storage for Android.
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on where email storage is for IMAP email accounts. Also if it is possible to move it to the Apps2SD partition or to the FAT32 partition (/sdcard)
Thanks in advance.
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Some email clients will save to the SD card, ie TouchDown, the built in ones that come with Android use ROM to store the email cache they have polled from the server that does the actual storage.
Google just bought out Remail, its a company that makes an app by the same name that stores email locally on your phone. there is a video going around that shows the app storing thousands of emails on the iphone and it only takes up like 150mb, i guess by compression. Anyway im guessing this feature will make its way into android at some point.
Red MacGregor said:
by definition, IMAP stores email on the server.
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I know it does, but there are such settings in some email clients that can "download for offline viewing"
My inquiry is more of where does it store the cache or database on the device? I can see the storage space getting lower the more emails I flag to load. I am asking because I want to move it to my ext partition and just make a symbolic link to point to it.
@pjcforpres: Thank you, but TouchDown is for exchange, and I use hosted IMAP email servers.
@mikesm1234: Thank you also for the suggestion, I will also try Remail when it becomes available.
I guess I will try these clients and see which one works the best for me.
Thanks again, your input is greatly appreciated.
i think it should remain in the server..... why need it on your sd?
lolobabes said:
i think it should remain in the server..... why need it on your sd?
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As I mentioned before, for offline access. I like being able to access my data without dependencies on connectivity.
I respect your decision on how you keep your data, that's the way you are comfortable, but I guess to each his own....
You can usually use an exchange email client to poll IMAP email... I am on my andrews so searching not an option, but there should be settings on the internet if you do a Google search for the provider, ie yahoo or gmail, plus exchange email settings.
pjcforpres said:
You can usually use an exchange email client to poll IMAP email... I am on my andrews so searching not an option, but there should be settings on the internet if you do a Google search for the provider, ie yahoo or gmail, plus exchange email settings.
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Ok will give it a try, thanks.
ZeroXtreme said:
As I mentioned before, for offline access. I like being able to access my data without dependencies on connectivity.
I respect your decision on how you keep your data, that's the way you are comfortable, but I guess to each his own....
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well i was just asking.....
ZeroXtreme said:
As I mentioned before, for offline access. I like being able to access my data without dependencies on connectivity.
I respect your decision on how you keep your data, that's the way you are comfortable, but I guess to each his own....
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well, i was just asking.... (ang hangin dito ah)
lolobabes said:
well, i was just asking.... (ang hangin dito ah)
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No disrespect intended.
No more free accounts, refer to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=305612 for updated information if you want an account. Thanks.
DeniaL said:
I run an exchange server and I am welcoming pocketpc users that are in need of an exchange account to activesync with. This service also offers Direct Push for those of you that have have this on your PocketPC. As well as the ability to sync all of your contacts, calander events, and task wirelessly onto your Outlook desktop instantly.
Anyone that still needs a Exchange account, I can provide one for them. I will be providing up to 50 or so accounts for free, donations will be and are always appreciated. My constraint right now is how much hard drive space I have. If I can get enough donations for a bigger hard drive I would be able to give out many many more accounts. Also, my service will include Exchange over HTTPS as well if you want to use the server with Outlook on whatever computer you want to. I can provide these settings for people that want the service. Just PM me with the e-mail address you want. Domain is @getztek.com .
So if you like the service and feel that you can contribute, please send paypal payments to [email protected]. If you think you can donate in other ways, please send me an email!
Please submit the information in this format:
First Name:
Last Name or Initial:
E-Mail address requested:
Also, please give me at least 24 hours to set this up as it is a free service and I do have a job/life. Thanks!
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I will be happy to use your service, but I have two questions...
Does your service support sending email using another email adress (so that the receiver sees my primary email instead of the email with your domain)?
Does it require vpn to reach exchange server via desktop outlook?
I will be the most happiest person to use the Direct push service if get one.
Thanks in advance
tjmvdz said:
I will be happy to use your service, but I have two questions...
Does your service support sending email using another email adress (so that the receiver sees my primary email instead of the email with your domain)?
Does it require vpn to reach exchange server via desktop outlook?
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No it doesn't support sending e-mail using another e-mail address but I can setup an e-mail forward so that everything that comes in to your exchange e-mail box gets forwarded to your other e-mail account as well as staying in your exchange account.
It does not require VPN to use Outlook on your desktop.
You just have to setup Outlook to connect to the Exchange server using HTTPS. There is a guide here showing what you have to do to setup Outlook properly...
This is obviously for a different domain but the configuration is the same.
tux_tux said:
I will be the most happiest person to use the Direct push service if get one.
Thanks in advance
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Send me a PM with the info as asked in the topic.
Now I am able to sync all my stuff.
How to setup Direct push on wm5 for getztek
1. Download the root cert and copy to \My Documents\filename.cer
2. Start -> File Explorer -> \My Documents (execute filename.cer)
3. Start -> Setting -> System -> Certificates [root tab] and check for the same.
4. Do a soft reset.
5. Start -> Programs -> ActiveSync -> Menu Configure Server
a. Server address: mail.getztek.com
b. Tick on ssl connection
c. Username: name
d. Password: *******
e. Domain: getztek.com
f. Next -> Finish
g. Sync & Njoy
Thanks for Denial activating my account and helping me configuring the same.
no problem tux...enjoy the account.
Don't you need to own a CAL for each user? The CAL's are around 40 dollars a person.
bumpity bump
Arn't you the guy that asked if i could help setup your exchange server?
austindkelly said:
Arn't you the guy that asked if i could help setup your exchange server?
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I don't think so. I had asked for help setting up SSL on the server...but that's about all.
what version of exchange are u running
grinny11 said:
what version of exchange are u running
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Exchange 2003
Bumping the post because of alias's
DeniaL, may I ask what kind of Junk filter setup you use? In particular, does it add a Spam tag to the subject line and can filtering be turned off or otherwise adjusted by the end user? I currently heavily pre-screen my email before forwarding it into my not very good Hosted Exchange account (third one I am on...alas!)
I made a fairly lengthy post re some of the header issues coming out of Exchange accounts which trigger false postives. Won't repeat it all here, but my thoughts can be found at:
I would be happy to donate, I don't need "free". Just want something a bit cooler and better than the hosted services I have used so far!
I do understand that you are developing this out right now and it is subject to available funds. But if possible, can you give me a rough ball park on the amount of storage you can offer? A PM would be fine if you prefer not to post that estimate here. Many thanks.
This is Exchange 2003 with the messaging service pack 2, right?
flamingcrumb said:
DeniaL, may I ask what kind of Junk filter setup you use? In particular, does it add a Spam tag to the subject line and can filtering be turned off or otherwise adjusted by the end user? I currently heavily pre-screen my email before forwarding it into my not very good Hosted Exchange account (third one I am on...alas!)
I made a fairly lengthy post re some of the header issues coming out of Exchange accounts which trigger false postives. Won't repeat it all here, but my thoughts can be found at:
I would be happy to donate, I don't need "free". Just want something a bit cooler and better than the hosted services I have used so far!
I do understand that you are developing this out right now and it is subject to available funds. But if possible, can you give me a rough ball park on the amount of storage you can offer? A PM would be fine if you prefer not to post that estimate here. Many thanks.
This is Exchange 2003 with the messaging service pack 2, right?
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I am using Trend Micro's Antivirus/Antispam suite. I'm blanking on the exact name right now but it works very well. It doesn't add the "spam" tag, it just creates a folder in your outlook called "Spam." It moves any suspect e-mail into that folder. I rarely have an issue with false positives. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. How much storage would you need? If you could give me a ballpark, i'll just let you know if that if do-able or not.
Sounds good. But can the end user elect to turn off filtering to the Spam folder within the OWA Options/Rules if desired?
Also, have you seen the problem of legit mail sent from a Pocket PC through Exchange being falsely flagged as Junk when it arrives (unless the other person also uses Exchange)? This is a known and documented issue, but has not been addressed by any Exchange service I have used to date. It is an issue with the headers looking like forged Outlook Spam, plus it having the appearance of bulk mail, even though it's not.
Because of this I only use Exchange to receive forwarded mail for Direct Push. Never to send. I hope that can change some day!
Storage-wise I currently have a commercially hosted Exchange acount with 1GB. I only use part of it, but it does leaves room to archive and grow. So, 500MB to a 1GB would be ideal.
flamingcrumb said:
Sounds good. But can the end user elect to turn off filtering to the Spam folder within the OWA Options/Rules if desired?
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Yes, I can disable this.
Also, have you seen the problem of legit mail sent from a Pocket PC through Exchange being falsely flagged as Junk when it arrives (unless the other person also uses Exchange)?
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No I have not heard of this issue. I send people e-mail ALL the time EVERY day and have never had e-mail incorrectly flagged as spam. I'm not denying that it is indeed an issue, but I have not experienced it.
Storage-wise I currently have a commercially hosted Exchange acount with 1GB. I only use part of it, but it does leaves room to archive and grow. So, 500MB to a 1GB would be ideal.
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That's not a problem.
Thanks! Sounds like it is a sys admin thing (not a user OWA setting). Correct?
Got a quick question I am going to PM you. Hope that is OK.
Many thanks to DeniaL for helping me pinpoint/confirm a weird interaction between Exchange and another mailserver I use. (This was a generalized thing and not specific to DeniaL's server).
Just wanted to drop in a quick plug for DeniaL, saying this is a nice person who knows the tech stuff and seems very straight up.
This is a very kind offer for some free Exchange accounts. Jump on it while the offer stands ...and though DeniaL does not require it, please, please do make a donation for your account. It's not only basic decency, it might even mean the service can be sustained and/or expanded.
Personally, I can afford (and really need) a commericial account with a formal support channel. Plus I don't want to be taking a slot from someone else who may really need a free service.
But, Hey Denial. if you do ever choose to offer a commerical hosted Exchange service, please let me know! I would be happy to pay for your expertise!
So I work for a Company and we use email pretty regularly to communicate.
I am a store manager and the company is really **** about letting us set up to recieve emails to our phones. We use Microsoft outlook and it is an intranet bassed email service (I cant email my store or other stores from an outside email, it has to be from a store location). I have tried to creat a rule to have them forwarded but they dont forward.
I figured this is were some of the greatest and able bodies are, anybody have a solution? I'm just trying to get the stores email forwarded to my gmail account so I dont miss stuff on my days off. Anybody have any ideas??
Hope this is the correct forum for this
Well if your using outlook at your store, why don't you create a new account in your pocket outlook with your account info. You can find all of it in your settings, then set it to recieve at certain times only.
There is an option to forward an email to an account once recieved. I'm using Outlook '07 so my setup may be a bit different but most outlook versions should have the same options. If you still can't find the rule setup for it just let me know.
mrmikemcguire said:
So I work for a Company and we use email pretty regularly to communicate.
I am a store manager and the company is really **** about letting us set up to recieve emails to our phones. We use Microsoft outlook and it is an intranet bassed email service (I cant email my store or other stores from an outside email, it has to be from a store location). I have tried to creat a rule to have them forwarded but they dont forward.
I figured this is were some of the greatest and able bodies are, anybody have a solution? I'm just trying to get the stores email forwarded to my gmail account so I dont miss stuff on my days off. Anybody have any ideas??
Hope this is the correct forum for this
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Well, there are a few things that come to mind.....
I am a District Manager for a restaurant chain so my first response is to say enjoy our time off
Second, I will probably sound like a jerk but there are reasons that companies limit email access to the physical location of a business, it is much more secure.
Knowing all of that, I personally forward all of my work mail to gmail and use the IMAP access so I do not have to remember if I have checked it or not. I generally get between 30-60 emails a day.
Your email may not be able to be forwarded due to how it is set up. I worked at a place where we did that and the email server we used would not allow an email from the units to be sent to any other domain other than our internal one.
My last thought it that if you are unable to find the email server settings on your own and set your email program on your phone up then you probably should not be messing with it. They are pretty easy to find but you do open your work network up to potential infection of malware or a virus. I know I would get pissed if one of my managers did something like that and caused us to have issues. Beware that they can and do track which IP addresses connect to the email server though.
Thanks guys,
I appreciate the help. I have put a rule in outlook to forward them to my gmail but it doesnt work.
Believe me, i understand the reason for limiting the location to the stores for email access. I do know that its definately possible because a couple area managers and my DM have it to their phone. I'm honestly not trying to deceitful, and I do enjoy my time off, but I have issues where i dont get important emails so i just wanted to forward them..
I didnt think about setting it up in the phone, i'm going to look into that. Where would i find the settings at in outlook? I know that I using it through my INTRANET and i use outlook through web access, so there isnt a "tools" tab that i can go into to get settings.
I'm going to play around with it.
Thanks again
Well.. some thoughts about the access...
If you you use web access then you know the server address already.
I would start off using the url as the pop3 access.
I'm replying from my phone but I will put up a mini guide later.
mrmikemcguire said:
Thanks guys,
I appreciate the help. I have put a rule in outlook to forward them to my gmail but it doesnt work.
Believe me, i understand the reason for limiting the location to the stores for email access. I do know that its definately possible because a couple area managers and my DM have it to their phone. I'm honestly not trying to deceitful, and I do enjoy my time off, but I have issues where i dont get important emails so i just wanted to forward them..
I didnt think about setting it up in the phone, i'm going to look into that. Where would i find the settings at in outlook? I know that I using it through my INTRANET and i use outlook through web access, so there isnt a "tools" tab that i can go into to get settings.
I'm going to play around with it.
Thanks again
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Can you create and send a new email to the Gmail account you are trying to forward these messages to? If you cannot then you must first find out if your network is blocking Gmail or if it is a routing issue. If you can successfully send an email to the Gmail account then the problem is merely in the settings of outlook (insert any email client here).
Almost always the outlook application must remain running for the rules to be honored. Creating and managing rules can be tricky. Make sure there are no stop processing rules entries prior to the forward all email rule you created. Also make sure there is not a stop rule in the forwarding rule or any after it will fail as well.
Ok, you said that you use outlook web access to check your email in your location. I would take a look at the url in the address bar. That will most likely be your access point that you will use later.
If you are on an intranet though you might be out of luck.
For example, one company I worked for had things set up like this:
Intranet with everyone having an ip address of 10.10.10.***.
We had an internal DNS server to resolve our intranet based web site and our email server.
Our email server was
Our internal web server was
Now, for outside access, we had an external IP that was something like
If you only access your email from on the intranet (not INTERNET) then you need to find out the external IP address. You might be able to get it from a higher up but most likely you will be shot down.
Now, for simplicity sake, how about either letting the people at your location check email and call you if something major is going on email wise or just call them a few times each day?
Without the magic numbers (external IP) you won't be able to get access no matter what you try. There is also the remote possibility that the higher ups with access on their phones are using blackberries and the service associated with that or a VPN solution to get on the work intranet.
With out physically looking at the numbers and the set up it would be hard to figure out all of the details so my post is just full of WAG (wild ass guesses).
Just to finish it up, think about this...
Deliberately trying to circumvent your networks protections even accessing email against your companies policies can put you in not only work related trouble but also legal trouble.
Appreciate the help. I figured if the process wasnt to intracate I would set it up. Appears that it's more trouble than what it's worth.
is there a way i can get the hd2 to automatically download my emails when it comes to my phone its annoying having to wait for it to download everytime i want to see an email
All my e-mails a coming over gmail (I have 4 diferent e-mail adress) and I´m using active sync to m.google.com. All e-mails a now filtered (No spam).
Tomen said:
All my e-mails a coming over gmail (I have 4 diferent e-mail adress) and I´m using active sync to m.google.com. All e-mails a now filtered (No spam).
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LOL what?? did you not read what the OP posted? what does your response have to do with anything??
I wish i had something to add... but unfortunately.. i'm also someone who has interest in this question.... anyone?
Yeah I too am interested in knowing this
I too use gmail
It has a push email server option.
It has the facility to import mail & contacts from numerous other accounts.
If your regular account is a gmail (or gmail 'family', ie Sky) account, you can forward mail from it to your gmail push email account.
This way I have a 'one stop shop' single push email account on my HD2 for my numerous email accounts. Can reply from the received account too.
I have set the option to also leave collected mail on the original server.
Have been using it faultlessly for a year.
Setting Up Your Windows Mobile Phone for Google Sync
RalphS said:
I too use gmail
It has a push email server option.
It has the facility to import mail & contacts from numerous other accounts.
If your regular account is a gmail (or gmail 'family', ie Sky) account, you can forward mail from it to your gmail push email account.
This way I have a 'one stop shop' single push email account on my HD2 for my numerous email accounts. Can reply from the received account too.
I have set the option to also leave collected mail on the original server.
Have been using it faultlessly for a year.
Setting Up Your Windows Mobile Phone for Google Sync
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so how does this solve my problem about MY EMAIL DOWNLOADING AUTOMATICALLY
please explain......
im sorry maybey i might be phrasing this wrong. i would like to know how an email MEASAGE can download automatically. without having to keep hitting on get the rest of measage
ariel123 said:
im sorry maybey i might be phrasing this wrong. i would like to know how an email MEASAGE can download automatically. without having to keep hitting on get the rest of measage
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Have read your post many times. I thought I had answered it!
Push email is delivered to your device as soon as it arrives in your server's mailbox. AUTOMATICALLY
this thread is quite comical - it seems many of us are interested in this - however people are answering it with either a totally different subject or actually not answering at all.
@RalphS - to be fair, you didn't answer it at all. We all know the email is SUPPOSE to arrive automatically once the Gmail servers or Hotmail servers pick it up, however it is not being pushed to the phone AUTOMATICALLY. You have to set a schedule for it which by default is to check every two hours unless you change it. It is NOT being PUSHED.
This is the point and also the reason "ariel123" posted a very common question most here would like a solution to.
Reading the question would avoid confusion. Clearly you did not understand the question despite "reading it amny times" - bottom line, no, you didn't answer it!
legend17 said:
this thread is quite comical - it seems many of us are interested in this - however people are answering it with either a totally different subject or actually not answering at all.
@RalphS - to be fair, you didn't answer it at all. We all know the email is SUPPOSE to arrive automatically once the Gmail servers or Hotmail servers pick it up, however it is not being pushed to the phone AUTOMATICALLY. You have to set a schedule for it which by default is to check every two hours unless you change it. It is NOT being PUSHED.
This is the point and also the reason "ariel123" posted a very common question most here would like a solution to.
Reading the question would avoid confusion. Clearly you did not understand the question despite "reading it amny times" - bottom line, no, you didn't answer it!
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It would be easier to answer the question if the OP asked it in clear English using correct grammar and spelling. It's a bit difficult to answer something that appears to be written by a child who expects help from mind readers.
The first post certainly did seem to be asking about push email which explains why people have offered gmail as a suggestion. However, the OP's subsequent posts seem to be about downloading entire emails rather than just headers. If this is the case (and it's impossible to be certain given the lack of legible detail in the posts) then do the following if you're using Exchange or EAS:
- Click on Start>Tools>Activesync.
- Click on Menu>Options, select your exchange server and click on Settings.
- Click on Next twice, select Email and then click on Settings.
- Select Entire Message from the Download size limit combo and tick the Include file attachments option.
- Click on OK and then click on Finish.
It has been properly answered - seriously.
Notification of the previous post arrived, of it's own accord, @ 14:15.
I do not have my own mail server. I rely solely on the Gmail exchange server to SEND to me my incoming mail, in their entirety, PUSHED in real time, collected from my numerous accounts, all for free.
In my 1st post I gave the link on how to set up for push email.
jakem said:
It would be easier to answer the question if the OP asked it in clear English using correct grammar and spelling. It's a bit difficult to answer something that appears to be written by a child who expects help from mind readers.
The first post certainly did seem to be asking about push email which explains why people have offered gmail as a suggestion. However, the OP's subsequent posts seem to be about downloading entire emails rather than just headers. If this is the case (and it's impossible to be certain given the lack of legible detail in the posts) then do the following if you're using Exchange or EAS:
- Click on Start>Tools>Activesync.
- Click on Menu>Options, select your exchange server and click on Settings.
- Click on Next twice, select Email and then click on Settings.
- Select Entire Message from the Download size limit combo and tick the Include file attachments option.
- Click on OK and then click on Finish.
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jakem i dont accept your smart comments so for that FUK YOU but thank you for helping me you solved my problem
Have a good a good day
No worries Ariel, I'm glad that I managed to help you sort your problem. I'm also pleased to see that you decided not to break with tradition when misspelling your insult
ProjektFuze said:
LOL what?? did you not read what the OP posted? what does your response have to do with anything??
I wish i had something to add... but unfortunately.. i'm also someone who has interest in this question.... anyone?
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Tomen said:
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Which is the same link I quoted in my first post..........
RalphS said:
Which is the same link I quoted in my first post..........
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sorry, i dont read your link
jakem said:
No worries Ariel, I'm glad that I managed to help you sort your problem. I'm also pleased to see that you decided not to break with tradition when misspelling your insult
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lol thanks
Start -> E-mail -> Menu -> Options -> Tap an account to change settings - > Download size settings -> Message download limit -> Entire message
I am trying to setup my email and it won't let me put a space in the username field? (yes I have a space in my username - dumb work email) Is this a known bug? Anyone know a work around?
can someone just test this and confirm this bug?
I don't belive a space in an email address(just like a web address) is ANSI or ISO capable. This would not be a bug, it would be following the national and international communications standards.
There is no such thing as an email address with a space. Try a "_" or a "."
If its a work email you may be used to typing in real names and it fills it using your company contact book. In that case you might see an email address with a space, but it is just the program hiding the real address from you.
It would be a bug if you actually had a space in your email address.
Yes spaces in email don't exist on the internet as far as I know.
Sent via the XDA taptalk app from my EVO
Work e-mail username does not equate to actual e-mail address. Read people.
wildcard said:
can someone just test this and confirm this bug?
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I did try and it wouldn't allow a space when adding an account.
Per RFC3696 Section 3 Checking and Transformation of Names, you do have to escape it but:
"Fred\ Bloggs"@example.com should not be rejected in filtering routines but, should instead be passed to the email system for evaluation by the destination host
That doesn't mean that a vendor will adhere to it, and in this case it looks like they don't.
Good luck.
This is a real problem for the US gov and anybody using Domino Servers. The default user name is first space last. The EVO will let you put a space in for an exchange server in the USER NAME (which is not the same as the email address) but the pop3 or Imap won't. Sprint has verified this to be a problem but some of us are looking for a WORK AROUND and not what others think they know about everything. SO does anybody have any actual useful info on how to get around this till the firmware update?
I went into setup exchange active sync. Went to manual setup and was able to type a space in the user name? Am I missing something? I dont' have an exchange account that has a space in the username to actually finish the setup, but it let me type it in.
Probably a dumb idea, but did you try to type it in a 'normal' text box and copy/paste it???
Exchange will. POP or Imap manual setup won't won't let you put that space in.
ANYBODY out there using Domino I found the temp workaround is to go into the USER on the domino server and add the user name without the space. Also go to the mail file ACL and add the user without the space and no server. This will allow you to use the pop on the Domino server.
Maybe try some of the other email apps on the market? No clue if any of them accept spaces, just throwing out ideas...
bedoig said:
Maybe try some of the other email apps on the market? No clue if any of them accept spaces, just throwing out ideas...
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Long time no see. You jump aboard the Evo train too?
Negrito said:
Long time no see. You jump aboard the Evo train too?
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Ya, picked up one of the Google IO units a couple weeks ago. Loving it so far
buddyrich said:
Exchange will. POP or Imap manual setup won't won't let you put that space in.
ANYBODY out there using Domino I found the temp workaround is to go into the USER on the domino server and add the user name without the space. Also go to the mail file ACL and add the user without the space and no server. This will allow you to use the pop on the Domino server.
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Ya thats the boat I am in. We use Domino (aka Lotus Notes) and the "username" is FirstName (SPACE) LastName. Thats how the server authenticates.
I'll try this and see how it works...
Talk to your IT staff, no one here will know what your username should be.
Bielinsk said:
Talk to your IT staff, no one here will know what your username should be.
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The OP already knows what the username is... that wasn't the question. Reread.
Anyone know if this is just a problem the the HTC email client or if it is a problem with a stock android email client (IE email client on Nexus One or droid, etc.)
Hi all
I'm interested in hacking a Nook Touch because I'd like to be able to use the device for email - not necessarily GMail, I'd rather a generic IMAP client. With the ability to install Android apps I thought maybe there would be a good solution that has a touch screen keyboard and offline mode.
I'm not an Android user, nor do I have a Nook yet, so was hoping to get some opinions on the viability of this.
at45 said:
Hi all
I'm interested in hacking a Nook Touch because I'd like to be able to use the device for email - not necessarily GMail, I'd rather a generic IMAP client. With the ability to install Android apps I thought maybe there would be a good solution that has a touch screen keyboard and offline mode.
I'm not an Android user, nor do I have a Nook yet, so was hoping to get some opinions on the viability of this.
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There are probably a dozen different email clients you could use not including Gmail, you can look around on market.android.com and check out what they offer and such, or perhaps someone else can suggest one. I've heard a lot of people give praise to K-9 so that might work for what you want.
K-9 is the best email client for Android. It's incredibly powerful and 100% free
K-9 Mail is an open-source e-mail client with search, IMAP push email, multi-folder sync, flagging, filing, signatures, bcc-self, PGP, mail on SD & more!
K-9 supports IMAP, POP3 and Exchange 2003/2007 (with WebDAV).
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GabrialDestruir said:
There are probably a dozen different email clients you could use not including Gmail, you can look around on market.android.com and check out what they offer and such, or perhaps someone else can suggest one. I've heard a lot of people give praise to K-9 so that might work for what you want.
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