[TIP update] workaround for loadtime of HTC audio player library - HD2 General

A problem with the HTC audioplayer is that it rebuilds the whole library when you tap the music tab after a soft-reset. With a giant collection of music-files this isn't funny anymore You will have to wait for at least 1 minute until you can select a artist, album or song from the library.
A elegant workaround, although not a direct solution for the problem, is to rebuild the library automatically after a softreset and not to trigger it by the selection of the music tab. This can save a lot of time, because (in most cases) the library will be ready by the time you decide to play some music after a soft reset. For me that's enough...
(Still this will not help you very much when you immediatelyafter a soft-reset want to select something from the music library)
Now, to trigger the rebuilding of the library at start-up all one has to do is to place a shortcut to the AudioManager_eng.exe in the startup folder in the windows directory. You can do this yourself or you can use the cab that is attached to this post.
added a cab that triggers a music library rebuild when the storage card is inserted (or what's the same, when you unplug the device from a "disk drive" connection with the pc)
If the cab doesn't work. Just unzip the attached zip file to the folder "2577" on your storage card. (If the folder isn't there you have to create it yourself)

Nice one - goes some way to avoiding that delay when you first want to use the music player.

Thanks mate. will gie it a try.
I dont really have that many songs bt i still hate the wait!

rumz82 said:
Thanks mate. will gie it a try.
I dont really have that many songs bt i still hate the wait!
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Nah, the worst is when you accidentally tap the music.
It just freezes. Freaking agrovating!

Updated the first post with a little cab that rebuilds the music lib when a storage card is inserted.
Really great workaround. I love it. I would give this thread 5 stars if I could

I will check it out,
and give it 5 stars if it works indeed

mmmalas said:
I will check it out,
and give it 5 stars if it works indeed
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lol I don't care. It's a five star workaround for myself.
Hope you enjoy it too.

Thx a lot!
The shortcut method works great

It does indeed work on the stock 1.61 ROM, cheers!

Cracking tip that, thanks a lot.

Thanks! it works..Great ! love u man

mccmjoon76 said:
Thanks! it works..Great ! love u man
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Love you too!

appelflap, could you make .cab file, which will reset changes to default, please?
First indexation wasn't succesful, so i want to reset this settings =(
(audioplayer indexate all 800 songs, but only 6 albums and 6 songers)

zahvatnik said:
appelflap, could you make .cab file, which will reset changes to default, please?
First indexation wasn't succesful, so i want to reset this settings =(
(audioplayer indexate all 800 songs, but only 6 albums and 6 songers)
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Hi, uninstalling the cab files will remove the files that were installed.
(if you want to be sure, you can do it manually by deleting the shortcut to audiomanager_eng.exe in the windows/startup directory and/or deleting the files mortscript.exe autorun.exe and autorun.mscr from the directory 2577 on your storage card)
To force a fresh indexing of your music files, try to delete the AudioManager_Eng.vol file in the directory Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng
it's a hidden file so you need to instruct file explorer to display hidden files.
BTW as a side note, your problem hasn't anything to do with the automatic indexing at startup. It's a general problem that sometimes occur with the music player. If it occurs use the above method...

Oh, i've forgotten about uninstalling
Thank you!

here is the final solution

I'he intalled a new artemis Rom and the MP3 sens is not working properly, I can see every title but can't read more than 10 sec anx I have restricted access to artist liste

merci beaucoup


*Program Request*: Lost sdCard Notification Program

So this is a popular program for the Palm OS: NotifyMe! which basically is a little configurable application that would play a sound and/or vibrate if your SD card ejected.
I know a lot of people who "accidently" shoot their card out when pulling their device from a holster.
If it could have the features of "NotifyMe!" and be WM5 compatible it could be a very popular program.
malatesta said:
So this is a popular program for the Palm OS: NotifyMe! which basically is a little configurable application that would play a sound and/or vibrate if your SD card ejected.
I know a lot of people who "accidently" shoot their card out when pulling their device from a holster.
If it could have the features of "NotifyMe!" and be WM5 compatible it could be a very popular program.
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I saw your request 2 days ago, and I said why not! I checked the GUI of the NotifyMe application for Palm and I decided to make one for PPC.
1) just unrar the file and copy the exe on your ppc (it may be installed on the sd card and launched from there, it works when sd card is removed, but don't select a music file from the sd card, no sound will be played of course):wink:
2) launch the exe. The first time it will install the config control panel applet and launch it.
3) just configure the notif application and start it.
Useful infos:
This program has been tested on my ppc (see signature), on WM2005 ppc emulators and WM2003SE emulators.
There is no builtin sounds as the one for the Palm, but it can play different music type files like midi, wave, mp3 and wma files.
The app has been UPXed, so it is very small.
The notification stops either by pushing on the stop button or by putting the sd card back into its slot.
ps.: feedback appreciated...
Here is the app and some screenshots:
Thanks .Fred!!! :wink:
vivi said:
Thanks .Fred!!! :wink:
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Hey Man,
Still living ?!?! :lol:
It's a long time now! :wink:
Ha Ha Ha..
Yesssss , I am here.
Now I am using Blue Angel.
So I'm here these days.
But still have a look at Buzzdev.
Nice to meet you here.
I've tried it.
It works.
If I choose "Show message and Vibrate and Play sound", it doesn't vibrate and play wav as I choose.
I choose Alarm1.wav which is in ROM.
It only pops up sound and shows message on the today screen, no vibration and no sound.
But if I choose "Show message and Play sound" or "Show message and vibrate",it works fine.
I use BA WM5 AKU3.2 ROM(Helmi 1.3.2)
vivi said:
Ha Ha Ha..
Yesssss , I am here.
Now I am using Blue Angel.
So I'm here these days.
But still have a look at Buzzdev.
Nice to meet you here.
I've tried it.
It works.
If I choose "Show message and Vibrate and Play sound", it doesn't vibrate and play wav as I choose.
I choose Alarm1.wav which is in ROM.
It only pops up sound and shows message on the today screen, no vibration and no sound.
But if I choose "Show message and Play sound" or "Show message and vibrate",it works fine.
I use BA WM5 AKU3.2 ROM(Helmi 1.3.2)
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You're right Vivi, when I make the test, it works, but when it should be done by the app, it doesn't...
Ok I will investigate this!
Ok, it's done, stupid of me! :x
Version 1.1 is available now...
Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks again .Fred.
The new version works completly!!!
dotfred said:
I saw your request 2 days ago, and I said why not! I checked the GUI of the NotifyMe application for Palm and I decided to make one for PPC.
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holy cow! I forgot about this request
Thanks so much, I'm going to install now and pass the word around.
nice program, very nice of you
nice program, very nice of you
btw, just for info purposes:
- How would one remove the entry from the Settings tab to configure the program?
- I don't think this is working as it should on the Treo 700wx, but that is probably due to Palm's modifications of the OS. Basically, it only works when the device is powered on. If the device is in standby it doesn't "wakeup the device".
malatesta said:
btw, just for info purposes:
- How would one remove the entry from the Settings tab to configure the program?
- I don't think this is working as it should on the Treo 700wx, but that is probably due to Palm's modifications of the OS. Basically, it only works when the device is powered on. If the device is in standby it doesn't "wakeup the device".
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- it is possible, but tricky.
The control panel applet shown on the Settings/Personal Tab can be found in /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl. The trick would be to change the extension .cpl by .dll then open the notifyme.exe in an hex editor and replace notifymecpl.cpl by notifymecpl.dll.
To configure the program, you will need then to launch /windows/ctlpnl.exe notifymecpl.dll
I hope it's clear. :roll:
- I don't know how it works on a Treo, but I just use the standard notification api... On my ppc, whenever I pull the SD card out of its slot, the device wakes up... If you want I can try to add this functionality but I'm not sure if it will work. Maybe the program won't receive the notification that the sd card was retrieved.
Actually, I just meant how to remove the control panel applet (my sentence was a bit garbled!) e.g. if I just wanted to remove the program from my device.
In that case, is it just a matter of deleting /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl ?
As far as the Treo, don't worry about it for now. Palm did lots of trickery (for the better actually) such as changing registry entries so most "tricks" don't work now.
Once the 750v comes out for you GSM users, I'm sure more about how the OS is orientaited and organized will come out. Then it might be easier for us to nail down the problem (I unforutnately don't know enough to be of much help!) :lol:
very sweet, however i just tried out the program and am having a small issue. after i ejected my SD card the alarm worked as it should, i turned it off and reinserted my SD card and now i have a new "Storage Card2" on my device all my programs are on "Storage Card2" instead of my original "Storage Card" can't rename the file either??? anybody with a suggestion would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
1. delete "Storage card"
2. rename "Storage Card2" to "Storage Card" on pdaphone, if it doesnt work, try to activesync with PC and rename it on pc
trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?
i have the same problem few days ago, dont remember actually how i fix it.
1. try to fix it on pdaPhone
2. activesync with pc and fix it on pc
or try total commander..
if u still cant fix it, do a backup of your pdaphone and copy the backup file to your pc, then do a hardreset and try again
bigedmiami said:
trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?
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read here:
malatesta said:
Actually, I just meant how to remove the control panel applet (my sentence was a bit garbled!) e.g. if I just wanted to remove the program from my device.
In that case, is it just a matter of deleting /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl ?
As far as the Treo, don't worry about it for now. Palm did lots of trickery (for the better actually) such as changing registry entries so most "tricks" don't work now.
Once the 750v comes out for you GSM users, I'm sure more about how the OS is orientaited and organized will come out. Then it might be easier for us to nail down the problem (I unforutnately don't know enough to be of much help!) :lol:
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If you just want to remove thr program from the device, just delete the /windows/notifymecpl.cpl and delete the notifyme.exe whereever you put it on the pda.
If you want to clean the registry as well, delete the entries under
bigedmiami said:
trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?
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Try using the memory card reader.

[REF] HTC Album - how to hide folders from

not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
because i'd like to know if this is possible
i figured if windows and program files are hidden from the list,
there has to be a way to hide other unwanted folders
I don't think there is a way on the HD without something like resco explorer but, on your PC change the folder or file attribute to hidden before transferring to your HD.
bumping the solution
Thanks, this is great tip
tagging this so I can find it after each reflash
If you just want to keep photos out of TF3D album (so it will still appear in albums if ytou launch HTC Album but not in the TF3D tab) and it's easier: http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=1789
yopu just pick a folder as your favorite.
Sir.B said:
not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
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Hi Sir B, i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor that i can use to hide an album as you described, its exactly what i need to do so home and work are kept seperate.
any help would be really apreciated
cr51spy said:
...i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor...
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best thing i can recommend is to continue reading these forums,
you'll pickup many interesting new things and technics
many fine Registry Editors outthere
i personally use dotFred Task Manager it has a very good Registry Editor built-in
easy to use and powerful application
Hi, great tip by the way. Managed to hide the images coming from gAlarm. Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
Excellent tip mate, surprised you haven't had many other responses!!
You are the Man!!!
I have been looking for away to do this for ages.
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
AndyCr15 said:
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
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after you populate it the way you like export the Registry KEY
import after flash,
convert to XML or CAB and install
these topics are covered better elsewhere in this forum,
search for "UC or user customization" or SASHIMI
AndyCr15 said:
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
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no, that i haven't seen
kieboy said:
Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
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I am interested in that also. I have my phone record my calls as .mp3, and they show up as music in music player!
Excellent tips! Thanks a lot for sharing. Have been searching around for this solution. Some photos really cannot be seen by others, especially my kids. (U know what I mean?)
Wicked post!
This is a wicked post...
Been looking for how to do this for ages!
oh wow thanks hated seeing all those folders
This is a great info man, thanks.
tip tip
Thanks for sharing it.

Removing video trailers from WINDOWS directory

Hi all,
Just a quick question. I have removed the video trailers (Bond trailer, jazz by the city etc) from the My Videos folder however I have discovered there is another copy on my device in the WINDOWS folder. The other thing is that the files are locked and are unable to be deleted.
Anyone got any ideas on how to remove these? I don't like having unnessasary files on my device
Any ideas in regards to this?
they are in rom and can't be deleted
I think you can delete them with an application like Total Commander. You should try.
yes it works - thank you some MB are free now.
Angelusz said:
I think you can delete them with an application like Total Commander. You should try.
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dingolino said:
yes it works - thank you some MB are free now.
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Don't work because this files are in rom and after reboot windows mobile replace it.
You could always try the old trick of creating an empty .txt file and renaming it exactly the same as the video trailers you're trying to delete. Simply toss it in the \Windows dir, overwriting the real video, and then check your space free.
Hopefully that works!
scar45 said:
You could always try the old trick of creating an empty .txt file and renaming it exactly the same as the video trailers you're trying to delete. Simply toss it in the \Windows dir, overwriting the real video, and then check your space free.
Hopefully that works!
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great it really worked and increased program memory. thanks for good trick.
scar45 said:
You could always try the old trick of creating an empty .txt file and renaming it exactly the same as the video trailers you're trying to delete. Simply toss it in the \Windows dir, overwriting the real video, and then check your space free.
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Sweet, will try this during my lunch break. Hopefully it will work after a reboot too.
I would like to get rid of that darn trailer as well, and those pre-installed songs. SE should have put them on the SD card instead, like Nokia does, for easy removal instead of making the reduntant files part of the ROM.
so just making a file and replacing will be ok like bond trailer xperia x1 and replace it with same name yes.
but ive notice that if you sync up your device the videos cants be seen through explore device
are we saying it all has to be done on the device it self or make the replacement file on pc tranfer the sd card then copy and paste it to windows directory

Music on HTC Diamond 2

Hi all,
Long time lurker, first time poster. Firstly, thank you to everyone for such an informative forum, I have learnt a lot from so many of you!
Now, on to my question/problem:
I would like to have my albums (MP3 format) which are stored on my SD card to be available in the Music section of Touch-Flo, but I cannot work out how to do this. I have installed Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3, and modified the default location for audio files, but when I acces the Music section of the Touch-Flo menu, I still only see the two default songs. I can access the file through Windows Media Player no problem, but it would be good, and easier, to access them through Touch-Flo.
Some information on my phone: HTC Diamond 2, standard ROM, WM6.1 (no modifcations).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
spyder4 said:
Hi all,
Long time lurker, first time poster. Firstly, thank you to everyone for such an informative forum, I have learnt a lot from so many of you!
Now, on to my question/problem:
I would like to have my albums (MP3 format) which are stored on my SD card to be available in the Music section of Touch-Flo, but I cannot work out how to do this. I have installed Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3, and modified the default location for audio files, but when I acces the Music section of the Touch-Flo menu, I still only see the two default songs. I can access the file through Windows Media Player no problem, but it would be good, and easier, to access them through Touch-Flo.
Some information on my phone: HTC Diamond 2, standard ROM, WM6.1 (no modifcations).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
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Manila should see all of your songs on your storage card.
Do you have them several folders deep or?
You may try reinserting your SD card and see if it brings the songs in.
Bruce Inman said:
Manila should see all of your songs on your storage card.
Do you have them several folders deep or?
You may try reinserting your SD card and see if it brings the songs in.
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Thanks for the reply.
I have several files on there (as well as rintones in MP3 format), and it still only sees the 2 default songs, even after re-inserting the card.
The directory structure is:
\Storage Card\Music\Album Name\Filename.mp3
\Storage Card\Ringtones\Filename.mp3
Thanks again!
Hi. It should normally appear in the audio section of TF3D. Try to click on "library" and then "playlists" (maybe there is a different expression of it in english, dunno .. I have a language localization of my country) then try to add new playlist and your songs should appear. Hope it helped.
I had this happen when the SD card wasnt being recognised, have you tried another SD card?
How many MP3 files you have? Try to reduce them.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have solved the issue, and thought I would post back here for anyone else having the same problem.
vikicek: unfortunatley, this didn't help. I could access the files through the library, but not through TouchFlo.
mlk: the card is fine, as it works in other devices
rspillo: At the time of testing, there were only 3 mp3 files on the card.
After trying a lot of different things, a hard reset, and a rom upgrade has fixed the problem. I was also unable to Sync with any of my PCs, so I suspect there was something fishy going on inside my standard rom.
Thanks again for all your help! Very much appreciated!
Glad to hear all is now fixed, so gently back to lurking you go!
mlk said:
Glad to hear all is now fixed, so gently back to lurking you go!
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I think I will be a bit more active now - with the foot in the door and such Looking at developing some ROMs in the near future.

Audio Manager Playlists- Where Located??

Hello all,
Long time fan first time caller
Can anyone tell me where the playlist you save with the HTC music player on the home screen tabs is located? Is it on storage card or phone itself? What folder / location?
Thanks in advance team.
You can find the playlists in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists.
maximus1111 said:
You can find the playlists in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists.
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Thanks for this thread, I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm having a slight problem though. I've made a custom playlist from some tracks on the phone but the folder you've listed is empty. I checked if maybe it was a hidden file but but there is no playlist in there.I've had to do a few hard resets recently and it's a real bugger having to make a new playlist every time! If anyone can give a definitive answer as to where I can find the custom playlist that would be great, or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance
Solved... kida
Hi and thanks for your reply maximus1111.
I have a solution, but its not idea.
The playlist data is stored in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists
If you look in the playlists folder it appears empty but its there.
If you go into the audiomanager folder there are two files in there. Copy them and go to your storage card. Make a folder- call it what ever you want (eg HTC Playlist) and paste the two files in there.
If you lose your playlists in the device for some reason you can copy the files back from your storage card to the phone and you will have your playlists back.
If you want to delete the playlist in your phone and use the ones in your storage card, soft reset the devic. When it starts up make sure you do not open the HTC Music application (very important or wont work). Using file manager go to audiomanager in the phone and delete the two files. Then paste the ones from your storage card there and it will work.
Less than ideal and a bit of mucking around, but I have confirmed it works with my HTC HD2.
Thanks everyone. This is a great forum.
Slick1974 said:
Hi and thanks for your reply maximus1111.
I have a solution, but its not idea.
The playlist data is stored in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists
If you look in the playlists folder it appears empty but its there.
If you go into the audiomanager folder there are two files in there. Copy them and go to your storage card. Make a folder- call it what ever you want (eg HTC Playlist) and paste the two files in there.
If you lose your playlists in the device for some reason you can copy the files back from your storage card to the phone and you will have your playlists back.
If you want to delete the playlist in your phone and use the ones in your storage card, soft reset the devic. When it starts up make sure you do not open the HTC Music application (very important or wont work). Using file manager go to audiomanager in the phone and delete the two files. Then paste the ones from your storage card there and it will work.
Less than ideal and a bit of mucking around, but I have confirmed it works with my HTC HD2.
Thanks everyone. This is a great forum.
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Thanks for the tip. I've backed up the Audiomanager folder so hopefully, if I need to replace the playlist, it should work. You're sure that the playlist is in that folder though?
gargon01 said:
Thanks for this thread, I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm having a slight problem though. I've made a custom playlist from some tracks on the phone but the folder you've listed is empty. I checked if maybe it was a hidden file but but there is no playlist in there.I've had to do a few hard resets recently and it's a real bugger having to make a new playlist every time! If anyone can give a definitive answer as to where I can find the custom playlist that would be great, or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance
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Strange, on my device i can see all playlists i made.
maximus1111 said:
Strange, on my device i can see all playlists i made.
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Nope, Mines empty. When I go to the music player though, I can select my custom playlist. Weird....
gargon01 said:
Nope, Mines empty. When I go to the music player though, I can select my custom playlist. Weird....
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hi, same here, no playlist in folder. i copied the audiomanager_eng.vol to my pc. when i look at it with a hexeditor, i see the names and path (eg. ZPlay \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\playlists\ZPlay) in the file. also i found all information about the mp3 files i have added to playlists (eg. \Storage Card\Audio\Music\ACDC - Backtracks - 08 - Snake Eye.mp3 Snake Eye). so i think htc stores everything in that file.
i think thats a good example how htc developers are ticking, instead of keeping it simple they make it as complicated as possible... spilling all the data the user have created all over the complete device. if i just want to save my settings i have to run around between a dozend different places on my hd2.
regards mad
I know it sounds a bit wacky, but tried it twice and worked both times when I followed the procedure. As to why it works is above my limited intelligence.
Slick1974 said:
I know it sounds a bit wacky, but tried it twice and worked both times when I followed the procedure. As to why it works is above my limited intelligence.
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Ok thanks,
Hopefully that's another problem solved! If/when I need to do a hard reset, I'll report back here with the results.
Thanks a lot
it could be usefull

