*Program Request*: Lost sdCard Notification Program - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

So this is a popular program for the Palm OS: NotifyMe! which basically is a little configurable application that would play a sound and/or vibrate if your SD card ejected.
I know a lot of people who "accidently" shoot their card out when pulling their device from a holster.
If it could have the features of "NotifyMe!" and be WM5 compatible it could be a very popular program.

malatesta said:
So this is a popular program for the Palm OS: NotifyMe! which basically is a little configurable application that would play a sound and/or vibrate if your SD card ejected.
I know a lot of people who "accidently" shoot their card out when pulling their device from a holster.
If it could have the features of "NotifyMe!" and be WM5 compatible it could be a very popular program.
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I saw your request 2 days ago, and I said why not! I checked the GUI of the NotifyMe application for Palm and I decided to make one for PPC.
1) just unrar the file and copy the exe on your ppc (it may be installed on the sd card and launched from there, it works when sd card is removed, but don't select a music file from the sd card, no sound will be played of course):wink:
2) launch the exe. The first time it will install the config control panel applet and launch it.
3) just configure the notif application and start it.
Useful infos:
This program has been tested on my ppc (see signature), on WM2005 ppc emulators and WM2003SE emulators.
There is no builtin sounds as the one for the Palm, but it can play different music type files like midi, wave, mp3 and wma files.
The app has been UPXed, so it is very small.
The notification stops either by pushing on the stop button or by putting the sd card back into its slot.
ps.: feedback appreciated...
Here is the app and some screenshots:

Thanks .Fred!!! :wink:

vivi said:
Thanks .Fred!!! :wink:
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Hey Man,
Still living ?!?! :lol:
It's a long time now! :wink:

Ha Ha Ha..
Yesssss , I am here.
Now I am using Blue Angel.
So I'm here these days.
But still have a look at Buzzdev.
Nice to meet you here.
I've tried it.
It works.
If I choose "Show message and Vibrate and Play sound", it doesn't vibrate and play wav as I choose.
I choose Alarm1.wav which is in ROM.
It only pops up sound and shows message on the today screen, no vibration and no sound.
But if I choose "Show message and Play sound" or "Show message and vibrate",it works fine.
I use BA WM5 AKU3.2 ROM(Helmi 1.3.2)

vivi said:
Ha Ha Ha..
Yesssss , I am here.
Now I am using Blue Angel.
So I'm here these days.
But still have a look at Buzzdev.
Nice to meet you here.
I've tried it.
It works.
If I choose "Show message and Vibrate and Play sound", it doesn't vibrate and play wav as I choose.
I choose Alarm1.wav which is in ROM.
It only pops up sound and shows message on the today screen, no vibration and no sound.
But if I choose "Show message and Play sound" or "Show message and vibrate",it works fine.
I use BA WM5 AKU3.2 ROM(Helmi 1.3.2)
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You're right Vivi, when I make the test, it works, but when it should be done by the app, it doesn't...
Ok I will investigate this!
Ok, it's done, stupid of me! :x
Version 1.1 is available now...
Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks again .Fred.
The new version works completly!!!

dotfred said:
I saw your request 2 days ago, and I said why not! I checked the GUI of the NotifyMe application for Palm and I decided to make one for PPC.
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holy cow! I forgot about this request
Thanks so much, I'm going to install now and pass the word around.

nice program, very nice of you

nice program, very nice of you

btw, just for info purposes:
- How would one remove the entry from the Settings tab to configure the program?
- I don't think this is working as it should on the Treo 700wx, but that is probably due to Palm's modifications of the OS. Basically, it only works when the device is powered on. If the device is in standby it doesn't "wakeup the device".

malatesta said:
btw, just for info purposes:
- How would one remove the entry from the Settings tab to configure the program?
- I don't think this is working as it should on the Treo 700wx, but that is probably due to Palm's modifications of the OS. Basically, it only works when the device is powered on. If the device is in standby it doesn't "wakeup the device".
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- it is possible, but tricky.
The control panel applet shown on the Settings/Personal Tab can be found in /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl. The trick would be to change the extension .cpl by .dll then open the notifyme.exe in an hex editor and replace notifymecpl.cpl by notifymecpl.dll.
To configure the program, you will need then to launch /windows/ctlpnl.exe notifymecpl.dll
I hope it's clear. :roll:
- I don't know how it works on a Treo, but I just use the standard notification api... On my ppc, whenever I pull the SD card out of its slot, the device wakes up... If you want I can try to add this functionality but I'm not sure if it will work. Maybe the program won't receive the notification that the sd card was retrieved.

Actually, I just meant how to remove the control panel applet (my sentence was a bit garbled!) e.g. if I just wanted to remove the program from my device.
In that case, is it just a matter of deleting /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl ?
As far as the Treo, don't worry about it for now. Palm did lots of trickery (for the better actually) such as changing registry entries so most "tricks" don't work now.
Once the 750v comes out for you GSM users, I'm sure more about how the OS is orientaited and organized will come out. Then it might be easier for us to nail down the problem (I unforutnately don't know enough to be of much help!) :lol:

very sweet, however i just tried out the program and am having a small issue. after i ejected my SD card the alarm worked as it should, i turned it off and reinserted my SD card and now i have a new "Storage Card2" on my device all my programs are on "Storage Card2" instead of my original "Storage Card" can't rename the file either??? anybody with a suggestion would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance

1. delete "Storage card"
2. rename "Storage Card2" to "Storage Card" on pdaphone, if it doesnt work, try to activesync with PC and rename it on pc

trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?

i have the same problem few days ago, dont remember actually how i fix it.
1. try to fix it on pdaPhone
2. activesync with pc and fix it on pc
or try total commander..
if u still cant fix it, do a backup of your pdaphone and copy the backup file to your pc, then do a hardreset and try again

bigedmiami said:
trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?
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read here:

malatesta said:
Actually, I just meant how to remove the control panel applet (my sentence was a bit garbled!) e.g. if I just wanted to remove the program from my device.
In that case, is it just a matter of deleting /windows/NotifyMeCpl.cpl ?
As far as the Treo, don't worry about it for now. Palm did lots of trickery (for the better actually) such as changing registry entries so most "tricks" don't work now.
Once the 750v comes out for you GSM users, I'm sure more about how the OS is orientaited and organized will come out. Then it might be easier for us to nail down the problem (I unforutnately don't know enough to be of much help!) :lol:
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If you just want to remove thr program from the device, just delete the /windows/notifymecpl.cpl and delete the notifyme.exe whereever you put it on the pda.
If you want to clean the registry as well, delete the entries under

bigedmiami said:
trying... trying...trying,,,
i cannot delete the folder it has the temp internet files and i get an error trying to delete it. same with rename???? all my programs are on the storage card so now nothing works URGHHHHH!!!!
any other suggestions?
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Try using the memory card reader.


Missing Bluetooth icon after using PIToday

Hi guys,
I've been playing with PIToday for a couple of days now but I noticed one thing: My bluetooth icon on the Today screen disappeard after using PIToday. The only way to get it back for me is unchecking PIToday and soft reset. This is a bummer!
I've been checking some sites for solutions but could only find the solution mentioned above and one solutions for a 3870. This was putting a shortcut to the bluetooth icon in the startup folder. In the case of a MDA II, there is no such shortcut possible. I checked the registry and Windows directory but the is no .exe file which will start the bluetooth icon. Only .dll. But I don't know where to point it to. :?:
Any other suggestions? Because I would like to buy PIToday but I still want to access my bluetooth from the Today screen.
Even though I am a huge fan of Pocket Informant, i experienced a lot of issues with the PI today plug in and stopped using it. It may be incompatability with other software I also have installed but as well as the missing BT icon it also caused instability (lock ups) and the occassional auto soft reset.
In regard to the missing BT icon though PI today is not the only culprit. Users of Pocket Breeze from SBSH Mobile software have reported the same issue. Only way to restore it is unselect the today plug in and soft reset.
Hi Ednap,
Somebody suggested a sort of sulution for me: Using Zenphone. In Zenphone there is an option to turn bluetooth on and off in a profile. And it seems to work!
It is not the solutions but a least it is workable.
some kind of solution
get the tool "No Plugins today" (h**p://www.ictinus.com/NoPluginsToday/)
install it (of coz)
insert into your registry a new string like this
HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\init\LaunchXX where XX is the highest number of the Launch under INIT (I use "Launch90")
enter as the stringvalue the path to the tool e.g. "\Storage\NoToday\NoPluginsToday.exe" or whereever you have installed the tool
insert a link under \Windows\startup or \windows\autostart (depends of the language) and point it again to this tool. Rename the Link in such way, that it will run last (eg. "XXXNoToday")
ok, thats all, reset your device, and enjoy your Bluetooth icon
It is not a failure by any of the Today-Plugins, which make the icon vanish, it's just a timeout of the btdll, caused by Plugins, which need too much time to initialize itself, so the icon just nor appear.
What does this thing?
after reset it removes the todayscreens, the bluetooth icon appears, and after that the notoday-tool switches the plugins on again.
you need some more time (3-4 secs) after the reset, but, who cares, you got the icon back
Nice work, IvkovicD!
I'll give it a try and I'll post this solution also at the PIToday forum. I'm sure this solutions is a great help for Deje the maker of the program.
B.t.w I tried SnoopSoft Dash Today Advanced today to see if I like it. It is not bad. A bit slow but guess what happens?
My headset profile is now gone! First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
To create a shortcut to Bluetooth copy the following into a shortcut file (text file with lnk extension i.e. Bluetooth.lnk):
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
and copy it across to your PPC
My headset profile is now gone!
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Might it be that your profile is just gone from the Today screen? Check Settings>Personal Tab>Today>Items Tab and see if Profile is checked.
Hi Mark,
No. The headset profile was not there anymore in the list. I contacted Chris Scott, who makes DashToday and the only solution he had for now, was to uninstall the program.
Not realy a good option in my opinion.... Especialy because I just bought the program because there is no trial avaliable.
For your other solution:
I want to make sure that I realy understand. You want me to make a textfile and name it i.e Bluetooth.lnk. In this file there should be the line:
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
Just want to make sure.
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
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Copy it to the Start Menu folder. It won't bring back your bluetooth icon back but you will be able to access the settings from the start menu.
I give it a try later.
wouterk said:
First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
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I know this effect. I've have this "vanishing", too, if I install too much today- plug ins. Just grab your favourite registryeditor and delete some build-in today-registry entries for today items, e.g. original-task, or some of the other build in ones. If you need it (I don't believe that , make a backup, but really, do you need them?)
reset your device, the missing plugs should appear again...
Sometimes, the OS just do not display some today-plugins, if there are too much entries into registry, even, if you do not activate them...maybe at MS nobody thought that someone needs more then 5 todayplugs at once...
just joking
Hi Dejan,
Sounds like an interesting solution. Want to give it a try but I can't find the path to the right regkeys. :?: Do you know were those keys are to be found?
Hi Dejan,
I found the reg keys. (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today) and deleted the Task, Calendar and Owner Info keys. Then I did a soft reset but my Bluetooth icon didn't reappear.
Too bad.
Did it work for you?

Message sounds?

My first post in this incredible forum, I have all ready found so much help here and are most thankful, please keep it up.
Is it possible to make your own message sounds and use them when recieving text messages etc.
If possible at all what format should the file be in (mp3 wav)?
Tried with an mp3 placed in the windows folder it seems it cant find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
skidoo said:
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
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Actually, you are 1/2 right, they need to be wavs, but they go directly into windows, not in the rings folder.
Yep steve is correct the sound file will need to be a .wav and place into the windows folder, ring tones can be mid,wav and so on and they are placed into the rings folder within windows.
Sound file converter???
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
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You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.
Re: Sound file converter???
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.[/quote]
Thanks very much mate, will give it a go and see the results.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
Just downloaded the file.....works a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
Just downloaded the file.....works a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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YW -- (but I'm a GAL -- not a guy)!! LOL!! But, that's ok -- none of my friends can believe how "techy" I am, either. But, I'm the first one they come running to with a problem. Go Figger!!
Cheers all,
You keep refering to ring sounds, I am looking for Sounds for alarms and recieved messages, and alerts in general.
But I will try it now with wav files in stead of mp3.
I'm using Sound Forge 7, but then again I really need it for all my music stuff, so give Audacity a shot.
Update Works fine with alarm and message sounds, thank you all.
Is there any way, hack or otherwise, that will allow you to point your rings/sounds to your SD card? Thought it would be nice to free some space and stop having to move files on and off the card. I change my ring tone with my mood
I've been loking for a hack/program/setting that will do that, but no luck so far.
Unfortunately, all SMS & ring tones must be located in main memory!
But there's a possibility to create a program that will browse a folder of ring tones on SD card & once u select a tone, it will be copied to main memory (and of course erase the old default tone from main memory) & will set this new file as the default ring tone for the phone.
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
Mikebj said:
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
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Thanks a lot Mikebj, it worked like a charm & without soft reset
I just copied all my favourite ring tones to the Storage ROM & it works 100%
Thank youuuuuuuu 8)
Mikebj said:
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
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AGREED !! I've got WM2003SE tried the steps mentioned http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks no use.......it still picks up the default folder from \windows\rings, where as I am pointing it towards \Storage Card\Sound\ not working
ok just double checked.....in sounds and notifications options it goes to \windows\rings folder.....but I have o2 plus installed as well...and in o2 plus sounds and notifications options it points me to \Storage Card\Sound any ideas ?
Happy t worked for you, can't say the same for me.
Well it is getting more and more weird, when I look in my registry it only points to \windows\ not even \windows\rings\, despite this it still manages to pick up ringtones/sounds in the rings directory, and all sound files placed in the root of the SD Card(go figure).
I'm out of ideas right now, but am still looking for a solution and will be back if I find one.
I just used Resco Explorer with the registry editor add-in.
It worked with me without a soft-reset!
What device do you have, Mike?
Maybe some nice sounds
Hello everyone!
It's a little bit off topic, a little bit not
My advice: SD card is not really a good place for sounds, at least in my case. Why? Sometimes it happened that when I got a phone call, instead of my nice ringtone I've heard the standard one. I think it has sth to do with powering up SD card while changing from standby mode. It's just my impression.
Secondly: I'm looking for some nice SMS ringtones, not the funky ones... I'm getting a lot of messages and it's really boring if you hear "Heeeeellooooo! Your message is coooooomingggg!" every now and then. I will appreciate if you could share your ringtone with me

Athena/Ameo Tray Applet...

Hi all. Need some help please. I had recently used the 'hide' TrayApplet program but after uninstalling Spb Shell, decided that I could do with it being back, but don't want large icons on my Today screen again.
above I found the links to each of the icons in the tray and can successfully point them to programs of my choice. Great!!
No! The links now work a treat, but the old icons remain the same (therefore hard to distinguish what does what until you tap it).
Does anyone know how to or where the registry entries are for the icons in the TrayApplet? e.g when I tap on the web n walk icon, I now get my configured Internet Explorer, but no associated icon.
Any help appreciated.
No one here hot on Reg-editing? Tried looking at the Universal wiki and their Reg hacks, but it most of it seems to be filed using different naming conventions and some alternative methods.
In any event. The above post shows where the links are (in seperate folders)....which can be permanently deleted and will then remove them from the TrayApplet.
Thanks for the info. I am still trying to decide what to do with the tray on my phone.
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
thank you!
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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SWEET!!! Now I can change my mind as often as I wish!!!! YEA BABY!
Thanks for the post bro.
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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No probs neildunne..at least you tried to help.
And someone else has benefitted from your answer.
Is there a simple regedit to enable/disable the trayapp?
Yep there is
Yes you can do it manually.
Go to HKLM\init and create a strin Launch92 and give it the value TrayAp.exe. When you want to remove it delete the key.
Can somebody post the HTCHomeplug plugin so I can use this one instead of the taskbar?
WA3 will solve it.
I'm happy. God is listening.
System Tray Features
* Added the ability to place program icons on the system tray.
On the screenshot above, you'll see icons that don't normally appear on the system tray. WisBar Advance 3 now allows you to place icons on the tray as a "quick launch" bar, similar to iLauncher and several other software packages.
Get it here:
hide tray
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
WA3 still rocking...
Deiota said:
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
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Yes you can in Wisbar Advance 3...still in Beta, but well worth a look IMHO.
Please can you help me doing it with WA3????
What do you mean by "but well worth a look IMHO"...
Best regards,
Deiota said:
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
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I too would like to remove this tray bar at the bottom. I dont like it and cannot find how to remove it on my X7500.
I know how to do it on my universal, but the registry is not the same.
Any light on this would be greatly appreciated
Anyone? I am using WAD right now but I do not appreciate how slow it run in comparison to not using it.
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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Thanks from me for this too.
Although I am curious to know... from the community at large perhaps... the Today screen is evidently made up of a series of components... TSk files for the theme... applet files for additional display options... the HTC plug-in software to modify the HTC HomePlugin etc.
It seems a bit odd to me... given the apparent effort put into theme creation software by quite a few writers... that those same coders stopped where they did... at themes.
It seems like only half of the job... even the admittedly-clever HTC Home Plug-in Customiser goes that far and no further.
I'd expect at least one developer to come up with a more comprehensive product... the modules do exist as separate entities... theme designers... plug ins and customisers... and especially with the advent of WM6 and VGA screens...
I've had two Blue Angels now for a couple of years. It never occurred to me to play with themes. The only modfication of the desktop was from whatever software went in and did so as part of the package... XCPU Scalar and some SPB items for example. I never even bothered to upgrade the Windoze from 2003SE. Everything seemed to work alright, and most software that I try to use on it still does too.
Now we have two Ameos as well... both running different versions of WM6... different ROMs... one of which (the later) is T-Mobile.
And, probably due to the larger screen, I decided to take a look into the desktop.
The T-Mobile flavour did indeed come with this Tray App, and it is only today and on here (naturally) that I have actually found out the designation of the thing.
XCPUScalar knew all about it long before I did, and stuck it's Speed, Reset, and Off buttons in it.
The other Ameo came with what I think may be a vanilla (HTC) version of WM6 and the HTC Home Plug-in... and I only recently learned about that here too... none of this appears in the little manuals T-Mobile inlcude with the Ameo of course.
I wonder now, as I write, if a fairly basic and simple method of getting rid of the Tray App may simply be either removing it from the Windows folder or perhaps renaming it.
Either way, your method works well for me... as does XDA-developers per se... and without whom all HTC customers, whether members here or not, would be a great deal poorer.
Personally, I do wish that I understood a good deal more of the subject matter, especially in the deeper-delving posts... but at least with xda-developers being here... all of you... the possibility exists.
Thank You once again... all of you.

Change all 3 Default Keyboard Slider Sounds on the HTC T-Mobile Wing

replace all 3 sounds
Here is a zip file to replace all 3 default sounds on your wing. Just unzip, copy and paste these into the window directory on your phone thru ActiveSync and replace the default sounds.
You can rename all three
0 = change to "Star Trek Door"
1 = change to "Whistle"
2 = change to "Transformers"
Enjoy !!!!!!
hi i tried this and its giving me an error saying make sure u have enough memory or its not overwrite protection or something like? iam not sure wat iam doin wrong can u help please
not sure
I tested these sounds on my phone. Just unzip, copy, then paste them into your windows directory on your wing. It should just ask you if you want to overwrite the ones already there.
If you are having Memory problems maybe you change your Pagepool size to 6.
Memmaid is also a really good program to free up memory or manage your memory.
try this
Try to copy and paste each sound into windows one at a time instead of all 3.
boyet804 said:
hi i tried this and its giving me an error saying make sure u have enough memory or its not overwrite protection or something like? iam not sure wat iam doin wrong can u help please
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if it's an issue of write protection try using a different file explorer like TC to change the permissions of that file. Then rename it so the file names are the same and it should allow you to replace the one in the windows folder with this edited one.
I'm not sure about you guys but I can't stand the sliding sounds... this is the first thing I turn off everytime I do a reset...but hey thats just me
neptune said:
I'm not sure about you guys but I can't stand the sliding sounds... this is the first thing I turn off everytime I do a reset...but hey thats just me
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I concur... I use my phone too much and it would get quite irritating to hear
"teem tum.... toom teem" over and over!!
so i installed the sounds and i get the star trek sound
i looked everywhere to find out where to change or turn off the sounds
im using touch it 2.3 and i swore i fiddled with it before the update
uues said:
so i installed the sounds and i get the star trek sound
i looked everywhere to find out where to change or turn off the sounds
im using touch it 2.3 and i swore i fiddled with it before the update
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There should be a box you uncheck in settings/sliding keyboard.
Found this new one -- made it my third one
This one is really cool. When you open your keyboard you hear a lock and load of a gun. Close it and it fires a gunshot. Its funny.
I've found the way to add the sounds instead of overwrite them. Here the registry changes:
@="Star Trek"
@="Wind Chimes"
0,1 and 2 were the original sounds. I added 3 and 4...
This works on a Herald with Touch IT...
I was successful at tweaking the registry and adding a folder to use the transformer sound but when I add my own wav sound, it does not work. Any info ????
it works fine love the gun one THANKS
Still cant get it
Can someone please give me some more in depth instructions? I cant find the folder to save the sounds to. I dont know how to make it copy to the correct folder when I sync. Any help?
Airman Gimpy said:
Can someone please give me some more in depth instructions? I cant find the folder to save the sounds to. I dont know how to make it copy to the correct folder when I sync. Any help?
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Are you using Windows Vista to Sync Up to your phone?
(Vista hides the windows folder on your phone)
No im using Xp with SP2. I know reading the manual would have prolly helped in all this, but for now Im just concerned with the slider sounds. So if anyone has the time and patience to give me a bit of a dumbed down short walk thru to either sync the wavs for the slider sound, or to copy the files into the phone from SD card that would be great.
Thanks for the reply and any other help I can get.
Airman Gimpy said:
No im using Xp with SP2. I know reading the manual would have prolly helped in all this, but for now Im just concerned with the slider sounds. So if anyone has the time and patience to give me a bit of a dumbed down short walk thru to either sync the wavs for the slider sound, or to copy the files into the phone from SD card that would be great.
Thanks for the reply and any other help I can get.
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Did you download ActiveSync 4.5 from Microsoft?
First, you need to install Activesync to your PC, then sync up your phone to where it says connected.
I have the Wing with Touch 2.3 and I looked everywhere for the sliding keyboard setting. I looked under my settings tab but cant seem to find the setting plz help
handsome22 said:
I have the Wing with Touch 2.3 and I looked everywhere for the sliding keyboard setting. I looked under my settings tab but cant seem to find the setting plz help
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They probably cooked it out of that ROM.
some users don't like the keyboard sounds.
zcink said:
Did you download ActiveSync 4.5 from Microsoft?
First, you need to install Activesync to your PC, then sync up your phone to where it says connected.
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So with this new activesync are there just more options for the sync? Does it open up a sounds, or slider sounds file? I also keep gettin an error msg when try to download it. It is supost to be run on my pc and not the wing correct? Isnt there an easier way to copy the modified sounds from my SD card straight to a folder? And where is the directory....I cant seem to find it.
Airman Gimpy said:
So with this new activesync are there just more options for the sync? Does it open up a sounds, or slider sounds file? I also keep gettin an error msg when try to download it. It is supost to be run on my pc and not the wing correct? Isnt there an easier way to copy the modified sounds from my SD card straight to a folder? And where is the directory....I cant seem to find it.
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Also, I think I may have already had 4.5 on my pc which is where the error msg was coming from. I uninstalled and then reinstalled. Im gonna get into that fat wing user manual and try to learn more about active sync. in the mean time if there is anyway to copy it from my SD to a folder that would be a big help.
Thanks again

MP3 Ringtones in your SDCard!

This may just be the greatest find ever !
Please excuse me if Im the only one who does'nt know.....
Place you MP3 ringtones or music in SDCard/My Documents folder and then select them in Sounds and Notifications! no tweaks, no third party apps!
After yrs I just discovered this!
homer285 said:
This may just be the greatest find ever !
Please excuse me if Im the only one who does'nt know.....
Place you MP3 ringtones or music in SDCard/My Documents folder and then select them in Sounds and Notifications! no tweaks, no third party apps!
After yrs I just discovered this!
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It works...
Wow, thanks for the sharing bro..
Well you are the first for sure... congratulate..
i have been doing this since i upgraded my devices to wm6
lukeap69 said:
i have been doing this since i upgraded my devices to wm6
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So? You not share the information..
Homer is the first one who post this information here..
And for me that's what I call fantastic and I must say thanks for his sharing..
No hurt feeling dude..
Yup, so simple.
On my previous handset (iPAQ 6365), i have to put mp3 ringtone files in Storage Card \Rings then change the string value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ControlPanel \SoundCategories \Rings to \Storage Card\Rings\
On atom it's so easy, just put mp3 files in the ROOT of Memory Card (you don't have to create My Documents folder if you don't want to), and voila! The files are automatically shown in sound setting.
What I do is create folder \My Ringtones and put every mp3 that I what to set to ring tones and works like wonder =)
No third party apps or tweaks needed aswell...
adinda said:
Yup, so simple.
On my previous handset (iPAQ 6365), i have to put mp3 ringtone files in Storage Card \Rings then change the string value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ControlPanel \SoundCategories \Rings to \Storage Card\Rings\
On atom it's so easy, just put mp3 files in the ROOT of Memory Card (you don't have to create My Documents folder if you don't want to), and voila! The files are automatically shown in sound setting.
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kok ga bisa mba kalo langsung????
I have to create My documents folder first, I try just put it on memory card/storage card but it won't work. (btw I am using atom black)
So simple I just used as Homer suggest..
hiro77 said:
kok ga bisa mba kalo langsung????
I have to create My documents folder first, I try just put it on memory card/storage card but it won't work. (btw I am using atom black)
So simple I just used as Homer suggest..
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Are we allowed to use Bahasa here?
I'm using Atom Black too, and put all my ringtones on root.
Maybe it's because mine still use the official WM5 ROM from seeO2
*just had it for a week, haven't tried to flash yet*
hiro77 said:
kok ga bisa mba kalo langsung????
I have to create My documents folder first, I try just put it on memory card/storage card but it won't work. (btw I am using atom black)
So simple I just used as Homer suggest..
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it should work as well. I just put \my Ringtones so that mp3 files for ringtone are not scattered in the storage card and be organized.
Are we allowed to use Bahasa here?
Sometimes maybe but don't say to much..
I'm using Atom Black too, and put all my ringtones on root.
Maybe it's because mine still use the official WM5 ROM from seeO2
*just had it for a week, haven't tried to flash yet*
Welcome to comunity..
brian_2cool4u said:
it should work as well. I just put \my Ringtones so that mp3 files for ringtone are not scattered in the storage card and be organized.
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It works if I create a folder first, but it not work if I put it directly in to storage card.
Anyway thanks for the info dude.
adinda said:
Are we allowed to use Bahasa here?
I'm using Atom Black too, and put all my ringtones on root.
Maybe it's because mine still use the official WM5 ROM from seeO2
*just had it for a week, haven't tried to flash yet*
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well, after a week with WM5. You should try one of the ROM's for WM6 and try the difference =) (sorry OT)
brian_2cool4u said:
well, after a week with WM5. You should try one of the ROM's for WM6 and try the difference =) (sorry OT)
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Well, a week is too soon for me, I'm thinking of a month, hahaha...
Still adjusting myself, cause I'm used to WM2003 on large screen. I even have to install 3rd party keyboard software to cope with unfamiliar (and such small buttons ) keyboard.
Anyway, back to topic, does anyone ever have problem with delayed reaction? On my previous PPC, sometimes the memory card is too slow to load. When that happens, on incoming call instead of custom mp3 ringtone (which I put on memory card), sometimes the ringtone is back to Windows Default
adinda said:
Well, a week is too soon for me, I'm thinking of a month, hahaha...
Still adjusting myself, cause I'm used to WM2003 on large screen. I even have to install 3rd party keyboard software to cope with unfamiliar (and such small buttons ) keyboard.
Anyway, back to topic, does anyone ever have problem with delayed reaction? On my previous PPC, sometimes the memory card is too slow to load. When that happens, on incoming call instead of custom mp3 ringtone (which I put on memory card), sometimes the ringtone is back to Windows Default
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hehehehehe same here.... after using WM2003 for almost 6 months in my xda mini (which is sooo sad no updates for WM5!) I upgraded to atom.... it's impresive! have just used it for a week then upgrade to WM6. I can say it's much better than WM5. (Sorry OT again)
Anyweiz, I would encounter delay(slugish) in opening memory card contents in my mini before when there are too many apps loaded. In Atom (using WM5 1G miniSD) I never encountered that prob same goes now, wherein im using WM6 AKU 0.7a 6PP @ 2Gb mini sd. free storage is only 600MB left, RAM is around 20-25 free.
Regarding change in ringtone, yes I did encountered that when I tried installing 3rd party apps like phone alarm. It messed up all my configuration when I uninstall it. I need to make a hard reset coz tones(ringtone/sms/alarms et. al) where greyed out is unchangeable.

