N1 wont send pxt(MMS) - Nexus One General

Got my N1 Rooted with CyanogenMod-5 ROM installed and using chompsms and it just wont send or recieve MMS.
Any Ideas?
the crrier apn is all set right.

have you tried sending with the stock message app...or another app besides Chomp? Cause maybe it's Chompsms that's not functioning. Should try to rule that out first.

I was gonna say the apn but you say its all set right, maybe recheck the password, mine was not in there but all my apn settings were correct. If not try like the other poster said or if your like me.. hmm doesn't work I'll relflash the rom most of the time and it fixes my problems.


Rogers Canada Cab for GPRS & MMS

I created this Cab originally for myself and I have had some requests for it so here it is. If there are any issues please direct them here and I will look into them.
If people are interested I will soon include a cab with the MMS at default 600k, let me know.
Before Installing cab make sure that you delete your old settings first!
New Cab for VPN users, settings from mangopudding. I don't use these settings, just made the changes from the settings provided.
Grabbed it, thanks!
nice job lurch i will send people to this file next time I am asked. I will check it out to see which server addy u are using.. apparantly there is a different one these days, with the new vision stuff out
y2whisper said:
nice job lurch i will send people to this file next time I am asked. I will check it out to see which server addy u are using.. apparantly there is a different one these days, with the new vision stuff out
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The new vision stuff isn't on here, the guy that was doing the testing for that for me went on vacation for a month so I haven't been able to finish that off.
I will keep looking into though.
If you have the base settings or anybody else pm me with them, I will get it done sooner that way.
hi lurch how yu doing. i installed the cab and had already manually entered the settings. my problem is recieving ppicture messaging. i can send but not able to recieve any at all. i'm using the softbank x01ht. do u know a solution that could fix this
Mr-R said:
hi lurch how yu doing. i installed the cab and had already manually entered the settings. my problem is recieving ppicture messaging. i can send but not able to recieve any at all. i'm using the softbank x01ht. do u know a solution that could fix this
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Have you manually gone in to look at the settings?
If you have let me know what the differences are from what you entered manually, It is possible that the MMS settings didn't completly override the old settings.
ok do forgive for the little naivety that will be displayed...i check in connections and everything is supposedly set up correctly according to the stettings you had written before you made the cab...i also setup the server when i'm gettin ready to send a mms message...just so you know i'm using the new black shadow rom with radio 1.43 is there somewhere else i'm suppose to make changes...when i go to manage existing connections, do i have to setup anything under proxy settings
Mr-R said:
ok do forgive for the little naivety that will be displayed...i check in connections and everything is supposedly set up correctly according to the stettings you had written before you made the cab...i also setup the server when i'm gettin ready to send a mms message...just so you know i'm using the new black shadow rom with radio 1.43 is there somewhere else i'm suppose to make changes...when i go to manage existing connections, do i have to setup anything under proxy settings
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No leave the proxy settings alone.
Go to messages, SMS/MMS (forgot you had Shadow running), options, click on MMS, and then the servers tab at the bottom, you should only see one thing there highlighted "Rogers MMS"
If you don't let me know. Or if there is 2 different ones there tell me what they are.
Lurch3559 said:
No leave the proxy settings alone.
Go to messages, SMS/MMS (forgot you had Shadow running), options, click on MMS, and then the servers tab at the bottom, you should only see one thing there highlighted "Rogers MMS"
If you don't let me know. Or if there is 2 different ones there tell me what they are.
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i'm only seeing one that says mms rogers....i'm guessin thats from your cab. i erased the one i had entered
ok this is what i'm going to do...i'm going to reset my phone...hard reset and then start from scratch...i didnt add nothing else so i odn't mind...then maybe you can walk me through it then if possible
ok phone has been resetted and ready to start from scratch
Mr-R said:
i'm only seeing one that says mms rogers....i'm guessin thats from your cab. i erased the one i had entered
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Here's a long shot but have you went to send and receive.
Doesn't make any sense?
I had to try myself on the 17745 build, I sent a message to myself and I received no problem.
Is the problem on the other sending end, send one to yourself, make sure that you put in the number like this 9995554444, no prefix and you have to have the area code in there which in my example is "999".
Sorry that I am writing all this out but there are people out there that don't know this and I am making sure that I am being very clear.
Hard reset works to.
I guess you don't want to waste time.
I am at work, but the PC is on, I usually get the messages fast so I will get you through this.
Once you are up and running install the cab file, no need to hard reset, then send yourself a MMS, look at my previous post. tell me if you get it, you will probably get a screen saying that a download is there, click download anyway.
Lurch3559 said:
Here's a long shot but have you went to send and receive.
Doesn't make any sense?
I had to try myself on the 17745 build, I sent a message to myself and I received no problem.
Is the problem on the other sending end, send one to yourself, make sure that you put in the number like this 9995554444, no prefix and you have to have the area code in there which in my example is "999".
Sorry that I am writing all this out but there are people out there that don't know this and I am making sure that I am being very clear.
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no worries i understand what you mean...
ok i ran your cab and sent a message to myself...the message was sent but not recieve as usual..the problem is send and recieve is not highlighted either...
i'm in toronto so i added my 416xxxoooo
Mr-R said:
no worries i understand what you mean...
ok i ran your cab and sent a message to myself...the message was sent but not recieve as usual..the problem is send and recieve is not highlighted either...
i'm in toronto so i added my 416xxxoooo
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Where did you get the other settings that you were using?
also there was a time before i did so much flashing that i was able to recieve the messages after playing with it for a while...i feel like i'm missing something but can't remember what i did back then.
Lurch3559 said:
Where did you get the other settings that you were using?
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i was using the one you wrote before you created the cab...i only notice the cab today
Mr-R said:
i was using the one you wrote before you created the cab...i only notice the cab today
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The settings are absolutly identical.
Question did you have any issues before you changed ROM's.
Lurch3559 said:
The settings are absolutly identical.
Question did you have any issues before you changed ROM's.
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if i'm not mistaken i was able to send it on the wm5 but think the problem occurred when flashed to wm6...i've only been using black roms so far, there was one time when send/recieve was highlighted but i use to get error synchronizing back then asi notice some people did also but now its just not highlighted at all...other than that no problems
Mr-R said:
if i'm not mistaken i was able to send it on the wm5 but think the problem occurred when flashed to wm6...i've only been using black roms so far, there was one time when send/recieve was highlighted but i use to get error synchronizing back then asi notice some people did also but now its just not highlighted at all...other than that no problems
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Right now all that I can suggest is to try and manually install the MMS, go to the settings and delete the MMS Rogers that is there and make a new one, you shouldn't have to change the connection settings, and see if send and receive will highlight.

MMS not being received by another

I sent a picture message many times to my friend and she never received it. I tried it on hanscent, chompsms, and the original messaging app and she hasnt received it. I'm on tmobile by the way. Is there a problem going on right now with the mms department?
I'm having an issue receiving MMS on my N1 on Vodafone in Ireland. I won't receive them at all even thought I have entered all the correct settings!!
bigg_daddy said:
I sent a picture message many times to my friend and she never received it. I tried it on hanscent, chompsms, and the original messaging app and she hasnt received it. I'm on tmobile by the way. Is there a problem going on right now with the mms department?
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Is the phone rooted? Do you have a custom rom installed, if so flash the rom again.
jerrycycle said:
Is the phone rooted? Do you have a custom rom installed, if so flash the rom again.
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yes it is rooted to cyanogens i flashed it about 3 times.
i had to change certain settings to be able to send mms to iphones....
I've had issues sending mms on my unrooted n1.
I think it has something to do with the photo size (despite being compressed for mms) if i send a regular picture (always on highest resolution) the report stays on pending until failure. however if i use something like ezimba and reduce the file by say 30% it's received almost immediately...
not sure if this is the cause or not, but that's the work around i've found to get it to work...
DMaverick50 said:
i had to change certain settings to be able to send mms to iphones....
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what settings? i'm having trouble sending pictures to iphones (3gs) too.
Picture size must be under 300k (this includes the text message).
There is a setting under handcent that lets you specify the maximum size. By default it is 500k.
Change that setting and it may work better for you.

[Q] Evo on Boost How To Enable True MMS??

Hello all. I have an Htc evo on the boost network. Everything works well. The problem is the mms messaging. When I get an incoming mms message it goes to this website for.boost mobile called media mail. I have to log into the site to get my pictures...its really annoying. I just had an Htc hero flashed the same way and it gets true mms messages right to the phone. Is there a way to fix the boost media mail issue so that the mms messages go diregctly to my Evo?
SpellronHD said:
Hello all. I have an Htc evo on the boost network. Everything works well. The problem is the mms messaging. When I get an incoming mms message it goes to this website for.boost mobile called media mail. I have to log into the site to get my pictures...its really annoying. I just had an Htc hero flashed the same way and it gets true mms messages right to the phone. Is there a way to fix the boost media mail issue so that the mms messages go diregctly to my Evo?
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on settings. ##3282#
I have that already set...it still does it. Anyone?
Not to steer off subject but how did you get the evo flashed to boost
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I am guessing I will have to live with this
SpellronHD said:
Hello all. I have an Htc evo on the boost network. Everything works well. The problem is the mms messaging. When I get an incoming mms message it goes to this website for.boost mobile called media mail. I have to log into the site to get my pictures...its really annoying. I just had an Htc hero flashed the same way and it gets true mms messages right to the phone. Is there a way to fix the boost media mail issue so that the mms messages go diregctly to my Evo?
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i have evo on boost and had the same problem. what i did was use root explorer and deleated mms apk and mms odex from system/app, then download go sms from the market, copy that from data/app to system/app and my mms works perfect now. i would suggest downloading android mate from the market, use this to stop and locate the name and where the app is at on your phone before going into root explorer. ps google free root explorer. after placing go sms in your system/ app folder download handcent from market. this is going to be the mms. app that you are going to use to veiw the mms on your phone, turn off all notifications in go sms so that you don't try to open with go sms.
you may need the right apn...i sent them to my friend and it fixed his problems using apn backup/restore
Can you email me your apn because I have calls and sms working but no data or mms please help! Email me at [email protected]
@calvinfla, i did all of u said to do and it doesnt work. still get that 9000 media message from boost. did u do exactly what u said or maybe forgot something? let me know, pls that 9000 message is urrrrrrr.
I believe the MMS server is "mm.myboostmobile.com". The other poster had it as "mm.myboostmobile.sprintpcs.com" I couldn't send or receive until I changed it and it worked right away after I changed the server.
I have changed the server to http://mm.myboostmobile yada yada and still am not able to send MMS. I have received them and data is working, just need the ability to send. Any ideas?
I am on the 1/11/2012 Energy rom with Sense 3.5
That ROM does not have EPST capability. Are you certain you changed the MMS server?
Did you change it on that ROM or did you changed it once and then flashed to that rom? Reason I'm asking is because just because you changed it once doesn't mean it sticks after you flash a few roms or whatever.
If you want to stick with a Sense 3.5 rom and want to send MMS, the only way I've found that would work short of editing code in the Mms.apk (pretty freaking hard and takes some time) is to download GOSMS Pro (free app in the market).
Once you download that app, go to your regular messaging app settings and disable notifications on it. (if not, you'll get double notifications and that gets annoying)
After that, find this setting in GoSMS Pro...
Once you do that, scroll down and put in these settings....reboot and that's it!!
Yep, that's why I asked. It's the only way I know of also on 3.5 Sense Roms. So if you flashed that ROM the MMS server is set for Sprint NOT Boost.
Dean_L said:
Yep, that's why I asked. It's the only way I know of also on 3.5 Sense Roms. So if you flashed that ROM the MMS server is set for Sprint NOT Boost.
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Yeah is been a while since I've been on sense roms BUT last time I was on sense it was a sense 3.5 rom and it was ported over from a GSM phone so it didn't have EPST working. I don't know if that's the case NOW but the way I provided above is a sure bet with ANY rom out there for boost users!
I've heard of people using an old EPST.apk from sense 1.0 or whatever but that's a 50/50.....it never worked for me, hints the reason I'm on AOSP roms now!
Any more tips or whatever for boost...hit me up through PM!!
Dean_L said:
That ROM does not have EPST capability. Are you certain you changed the MMS server?
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Yep, and I realize it gets changed every time I flash a rom
mazdarider23 said:
Did you change it on that ROM or did you changed it once and then flashed to that rom? Reason I'm asking is because just because you changed it once doesn't mean it sticks after you flash a few roms or whatever.
If you want to stick with a Sense 3.5 rom and want to send MMS, the only way I've found that would work short of editing code in the Mms.apk (pretty freaking hard and takes some time) is to download GOSMS Pro (free app in the market).
Once you download that app, go to your regular messaging app settings and disable notifications on it. (if not, you'll get double notifications and that gets annoying)
After that, find this setting in GoSMS Pro...
Once you do that, scroll down and put in these settings....reboot and that's it!!
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I tried this yesterday but can't remember if I put in the port so I'll try again
mazdarider23 said:
Yeah is been a while since I've been on sense roms BUT last time I was on sense it was a sense 3.5 rom and it was ported over from a GSM phone so it didn't have EPST working. I don't know if that's the case NOW but the way I provided above is a sure bet with ANY rom out there for boost users!
I've heard of people using an old EPST.apk from sense 1.0 or whatever but that's a 50/50.....it never worked for me, hints the reason I'm on AOSP roms now!
Any more tips or whatever for boost...hit me up through PM!!
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I am also looking for hints for boost and I have tried out a few other roms but didn't have luck installing CM7 which is the one I wanted to try. Can't remember why it wouldn't install right now though.
---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------
well, so far so good, I guess I have to use go sms for text/mms if I want to use Sense 3.5.
What are some better rom options? I like this one because most of the features work, didn't discover this until recently and HDMI isn't working but that is about it.
maxpower2078 said:
I have changed the server to http://mm.myboostmobile yada yada and still am not able to send MMS. I have received them and data is working, just need the ability to send. Any ideas?
I am on the 1/11/2012 Energy rom with Sense 3.5
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Correct one is http://mm.myboostmobile.com - worked for me great both ways with sense rom and gosmspro on boost mobile.
I have the same issue...
I was running Cyanogen 7 for about 8 months with now issues, everything worked flawlessly, till I flash Stock Rooted Rom 3.30.651.3-deodex-20110712-signed.zip...I just wanted to try something new, you know...well, it didn't go as planned. For some reason my phone got Verizon NAMs files or NV items somehow... or I really didn't pay attention to the ROM...but I have never used Verizon before so that was weird...so I flashed back to 4.54.651.1-deodex-20120104-signed and everything was working just fine after that except battery wasn't that stable...remember I wanted to try something new so I wanted the newest Rooted Stock Rom, so I flashed the 3.30.651.3-deodex-20110712-signed ROM again...everything worked as planned for a day and some, but today I get MSM errors...
"SMS Error
SMS Error: Message to not sent, Saved in Undelivered messages.
Please try again."
I cant get the EPST ##3282# to come up...whats up with that?...so I cant configure MMS URL to http//:mm.myboostmobile.com
Everything else is working just fine though.
This is what I got right now:
Android Ver: 2.3.5
Baseband Ver:
Kernel Ver:
Sftware/Build #: 4.67.651.3
PRI Ver: 2.15.003
prl vER: 61007
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Cant send images

I cant send images to any number any more, this happend after being on Master Rom 1.1.4. Since then I have been on the Axura 2.0.1 rom, and now im on the one in the image below. And I have been un-able to send mms on any rom. Picture of the error I sometimes get below, other times It will just sit there "sending" the picture but it never sends and eventually just fails.
you can't send pics if your on edge
crazyald said:
you can't send pics if your on edge
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Even when I am not on edge it will not send, instead of the error message it just says "sending" for a long time and eventually fails to send saying "Error In server response".
Ok, well unfortunately it is still not working.
I have my APN at the factory settings. (I have tried every tmobile android apn i could find, none of them work)
I have data enabled (I have tried it both ways though)
I have tried it with wifi on and off.
I have tried reflashing my rom.
I have tried changing roms.
I am on the new version of Axura now, 2.0.5. still doesn't work.
I have tried sending while edge was disabled & enabled.
I just dont get why its not working, is there something I am just completely missing or what? I really need to get this working
when I had this problem I manually entered the recipients phone number and then the mms went through. after that it seemed to work ok.
I've been having this issue on and off.
It send fine to another operator, but t-mobile. And after a few tries it might send it to another tmo customer.
WP7 was dumb8ter's idea
I just started getting the error recently. I've also had troubles emailing pictures.
You have to enter the recipients phone number in manually. It has something to do with the 2.2 roms. No matter what 2.2 rom I try I get the same error message and only way I have found to fix it is to do what I just said. Or you can switch back to a 2.1 rom and it will work just fine
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I don't have the issue when using the CM Mms.apk. The 2.2 mms app is buggy as hell.
omar26c said:
when I had this problem I manually entered the recipients phone number and then the mms went through. after that it seemed to work ok.
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rlxurmnd said:
You have to enter the recipients phone number in manually. It has something to do with the 2.2 roms. No matter what 2.2 rom I try I get the same error message and only way I have found to fix it is to do what I just said. Or you can switch back to a 2.1 rom and it will work just fine
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Ah wow that works, alright well I am glad that at least now I know whats causing the problems.
Thanks for everyones help

AT&T MMS issue

I've tried to change my APN's. I've used both the Cingular one that was default, and the AT&T HPSA+ one that was posted on here. At first things were ok, but now Picture messages won't send. My data still works, but it's slow. I used to use Handcent and it was fine, then I went to ChompSMS when Handcent stopped sending mms, and now Chomp doesn't either.
Any help anyone? I've tried searching but I've already used the APN settings I found on the forum.
sixout said:
I've tried to change my APN's. I've used both the Cingular one that was default, and the AT&T HPSA+ one that was posted on here. At first things were ok, but now Picture messages won't send. My data still works, but it's slow. I used to use Handcent and it was fine, then I went to ChompSMS when Handcent stopped sending mms, and now Chomp doesn't either.
Any help anyone? I've tried searching but I've already used the APN settings I found on the forum.
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Apparently it was ChompSMS. I deleted it at MMS messages are now working properly.

