Rogers Canada Cab for GPRS & MMS - Networking

I created this Cab originally for myself and I have had some requests for it so here it is. If there are any issues please direct them here and I will look into them.
If people are interested I will soon include a cab with the MMS at default 600k, let me know.
Before Installing cab make sure that you delete your old settings first!
New Cab for VPN users, settings from mangopudding. I don't use these settings, just made the changes from the settings provided.

Grabbed it, thanks!

nice job lurch i will send people to this file next time I am asked. I will check it out to see which server addy u are using.. apparantly there is a different one these days, with the new vision stuff out

y2whisper said:
nice job lurch i will send people to this file next time I am asked. I will check it out to see which server addy u are using.. apparantly there is a different one these days, with the new vision stuff out
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The new vision stuff isn't on here, the guy that was doing the testing for that for me went on vacation for a month so I haven't been able to finish that off.
I will keep looking into though.
If you have the base settings or anybody else pm me with them, I will get it done sooner that way.

hi lurch how yu doing. i installed the cab and had already manually entered the settings. my problem is recieving ppicture messaging. i can send but not able to recieve any at all. i'm using the softbank x01ht. do u know a solution that could fix this

Mr-R said:
hi lurch how yu doing. i installed the cab and had already manually entered the settings. my problem is recieving ppicture messaging. i can send but not able to recieve any at all. i'm using the softbank x01ht. do u know a solution that could fix this
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Have you manually gone in to look at the settings?
If you have let me know what the differences are from what you entered manually, It is possible that the MMS settings didn't completly override the old settings.

ok do forgive for the little naivety that will be displayed...i check in connections and everything is supposedly set up correctly according to the stettings you had written before you made the cab...i also setup the server when i'm gettin ready to send a mms message...just so you know i'm using the new black shadow rom with radio 1.43 is there somewhere else i'm suppose to make changes...when i go to manage existing connections, do i have to setup anything under proxy settings

Mr-R said:
ok do forgive for the little naivety that will be displayed...i check in connections and everything is supposedly set up correctly according to the stettings you had written before you made the cab...i also setup the server when i'm gettin ready to send a mms message...just so you know i'm using the new black shadow rom with radio 1.43 is there somewhere else i'm suppose to make changes...when i go to manage existing connections, do i have to setup anything under proxy settings
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No leave the proxy settings alone.
Go to messages, SMS/MMS (forgot you had Shadow running), options, click on MMS, and then the servers tab at the bottom, you should only see one thing there highlighted "Rogers MMS"
If you don't let me know. Or if there is 2 different ones there tell me what they are.

Lurch3559 said:
No leave the proxy settings alone.
Go to messages, SMS/MMS (forgot you had Shadow running), options, click on MMS, and then the servers tab at the bottom, you should only see one thing there highlighted "Rogers MMS"
If you don't let me know. Or if there is 2 different ones there tell me what they are.
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i'm only seeing one that says mms rogers....i'm guessin thats from your cab. i erased the one i had entered

ok this is what i'm going to do...i'm going to reset my phone...hard reset and then start from scratch...i didnt add nothing else so i odn't mind...then maybe you can walk me through it then if possible

ok phone has been resetted and ready to start from scratch

Mr-R said:
i'm only seeing one that says mms rogers....i'm guessin thats from your cab. i erased the one i had entered
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Here's a long shot but have you went to send and receive.
Doesn't make any sense?
I had to try myself on the 17745 build, I sent a message to myself and I received no problem.
Is the problem on the other sending end, send one to yourself, make sure that you put in the number like this 9995554444, no prefix and you have to have the area code in there which in my example is "999".
Sorry that I am writing all this out but there are people out there that don't know this and I am making sure that I am being very clear.

Hard reset works to.
I guess you don't want to waste time.
I am at work, but the PC is on, I usually get the messages fast so I will get you through this.
Once you are up and running install the cab file, no need to hard reset, then send yourself a MMS, look at my previous post. tell me if you get it, you will probably get a screen saying that a download is there, click download anyway.

Lurch3559 said:
Here's a long shot but have you went to send and receive.
Doesn't make any sense?
I had to try myself on the 17745 build, I sent a message to myself and I received no problem.
Is the problem on the other sending end, send one to yourself, make sure that you put in the number like this 9995554444, no prefix and you have to have the area code in there which in my example is "999".
Sorry that I am writing all this out but there are people out there that don't know this and I am making sure that I am being very clear.
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no worries i understand what you mean...
ok i ran your cab and sent a message to myself...the message was sent but not recieve as usual..the problem is send and recieve is not highlighted either...
i'm in toronto so i added my 416xxxoooo

Mr-R said:
no worries i understand what you mean...
ok i ran your cab and sent a message to myself...the message was sent but not recieve as usual..the problem is send and recieve is not highlighted either...
i'm in toronto so i added my 416xxxoooo
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Where did you get the other settings that you were using?

also there was a time before i did so much flashing that i was able to recieve the messages after playing with it for a while...i feel like i'm missing something but can't remember what i did back then.

Lurch3559 said:
Where did you get the other settings that you were using?
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i was using the one you wrote before you created the cab...i only notice the cab today

Mr-R said:
i was using the one you wrote before you created the cab...i only notice the cab today
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The settings are absolutly identical.
Question did you have any issues before you changed ROM's.

Lurch3559 said:
The settings are absolutly identical.
Question did you have any issues before you changed ROM's.
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if i'm not mistaken i was able to send it on the wm5 but think the problem occurred when flashed to wm6...i've only been using black roms so far, there was one time when send/recieve was highlighted but i use to get error synchronizing back then asi notice some people did also but now its just not highlighted at all...other than that no problems

Mr-R said:
if i'm not mistaken i was able to send it on the wm5 but think the problem occurred when flashed to wm6...i've only been using black roms so far, there was one time when send/recieve was highlighted but i use to get error synchronizing back then asi notice some people did also but now its just not highlighted at all...other than that no problems
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Right now all that I can suggest is to try and manually install the MMS, go to the settings and delete the MMS Rogers that is there and make a new one, you shouldn't have to change the connection settings, and see if send and receive will highlight.


Trouble Viewing MMS Pictures Received

I am trying to take advantage of sending & receiving on my MDAII.
When I receive a picture, I get the alert message. But when I try to view or download, I don't see the picture anywhere on the screen or in the viewer.
When I try to send a picture I click on send via MMS and the hourglass continues to churn and it never seems to get sent.
If I put the SIM in another picture phone, the feature works fine.
Thanks for your help.
you have the wrong settings in the setup for your mda. Trawl through the news groups and youll find them
Chimera101 said:
you have the wrong settings in the setup for your mda. Trawl through the news groups and youll find them
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Thanks but any chance you could steer me the right direction with a link?
if you look in the networking section of this group i have posted the UK vodafone MMS settings and were to put them. All you need to do is replace them with your operators settings but put them in as i have instructed. Just keep trying you'll get there in the end.
Chimera101 said:
if you look in the networking section of this group i have posted the UK vodafone MMS settings and were to put them. All you need to do is replace them with your operators settings but put them in as i have instructed. Just keep trying you'll get there in the end.
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Thanks for your reply. But I am on T-Mobile USA. I don't think those settings would work.
GPRS is working fine for me. Just the MMS pictures.
If you don't think that is correct, let me know, but I'd hate to risk losing the settings I already have and potentially lose GRPS.

Can't recieve Multimedia messages on my wizard

Every time i get a multimedia messages it always says something about memory and not being able to obtain it.... how can i change this so i can see the attachments and pictures on my WM5 device????
Symbian_Black said:
Every time i get a multimedia messages it always says something about memory and not being able to obtain it.... how can i change this so i can see the attachments and pictures on my WM5 device????
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Symbian_Black said:
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Um, no disrespect intrended, but how on God's green earth are we supposed to have any clue since you provided absolutely no information about your phone, ROM, service provider, applications installed, whether you can send MMS, etc etc etc.?
Give more, get more. Get it?
demontefixo said:
Um, no disrespect intrended, but how on God's green earth are we supposed to have any clue since you provided absolutely no information about your phone, ROM, service provider, applications installed, whether you can send MMS, etc etc etc.?
Give more, get more. Get it?
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i'm on cingular i havn't tried sending and I get the mms but the pictures wont download
I'm assuming this is a stock Cingular ROM them (as you still haven't mentioned that). So IPL/SPL read 2.25 when you reset your phone and its starting up? If thats the case, then you may do better calling Cingular and asking them directly as they can step you through things right over the phone.
If you want us to help, then you have to tell us more as we can't see your device or guess at what is happening. Why won't the pictures download? Do you get an error, or some message? What does the phone do? What exactly do you see and what are you tapping and what happens?
This happened to me after i upgraded my rom to ANY WM6 rom.
I could not get any MMS messages to work in or out.
I had to revert back to Tmobiles stock wm5 rom cause i need my MMS messaging.
Custom ROMs (for the most part) do not setup GPRS or MMS. Have you run the GPRS and MMS cabs to setup this function for Cingular? Here are the two I run after I upgrade. As Dr. P has said, store these on your SD card so that you always have them with you. This can save you, if you have to do a hard reset and you aren't around your computer.

Are there any other mms hacks than the one over at ppcgeeks?

I was wondering if there were any other mms hacks that work on the mogul other than the widely known one at ppcgeeks, cause it only works when it wants to and I would like to try a different one.
Lately there have been server issues where it just doesn't want to send any picturemails... heh, seems like Sprint is try to crack down on it
yea, and that sucks cause I tend to send alot of pics to other peoples cell phones that dont have email on their phones, or dont know how to use it.
well I figured something out!, I turned off my data conection and turned on my wifi(thanks to my wireless antenna) and triend sending again and it went off without a hitch! Damn Sprint!
Hmm, I don't even have MMS in my Mogul Inbox apps, only Text Message, Outlook, and my email account. How do you guys send MMS then?
IN my Cingular 8525, I have MMS in the Inbox apps.
lanwarrior said:
Hmm, I don't even have MMS in my Mogul Inbox apps, only Text Message, Outlook, and my email account. How do you guys send MMS then?
IN my Cingular 8525, I have MMS in the Inbox apps.
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there is an app/hack to send mms
i think is the ppcgeek thread
keishou said:
Lately there have been server issues where it just doesn't want to send any picturemails... heh, seems like Sprint is try to crack down on it
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I found a workaround/fix that has it working.
Change you DNS from Sprint's to Open DNS.
see :
Then it should work every time.
here use this thread, it works.
mms works fine for me, had to softboot twice but always had to softboot twice with wisebar on my 6700, out of curiosity why would sprint want to prevent you from sending picmail when you are paying for power vision? "seems like Sprint is try to crack down on it"
defaultdotxbe said:
there is an app/hack to send mms
i think is the ppcgeek thread
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Not sure if it's just me, but with that program you have to already know the person's number to enter it in? Is there a way to pull up the address book and select a number?
phatstud said:
Not sure if it's just me, but with that program you have to already know the person's number to enter it in? Is there a way to pull up the address book and select a number?
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You can click/tap the "To:" link.
Wow...can't believe that I missed that!!! Thanks a bunch!
What about Alltel's ROM... they offer picture/video mail on their 6800s... can anyone extract the cabs out of it??
I don't know about anyone else, but the MMS app seemed to really slow down my phone... sometimes the messaging application would freeze up entirely when it was installed!
So, I found that at least for Sprint users, you can send an email to <phone number>, and it will show up as an MMS message on that user's phone!
This is a much more robust way to send pic mms, and my phone is much happier now without the MMS app.
Dishe said:
I don't know about anyone else, but the MMS app seemed to really slow down my phone... sometimes the messaging application would freeze up entirely when it was installed!
So, I found that at least for Sprint users, you can send an email to <phone number>, and it will show up as an MMS message on that user's phone!
This is a much more robust way to send pic mms, and my phone is much happier now without the MMS app.
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The whole point of this app is so you dont have to type in the email address
jae18708 said:
The whole point of this app is so you dont have to type in the email address
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what if we use teleflip? will they send picture messages?
keishou said:
What about Alltel's ROM... they offer picture/video mail on their 6800s... can anyone extract the cabs out of it??
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they are not cabs to extract, it is not installed from the extended_rom but instead part of the ROM.
if someone else knows what files and regs are needed i could extract them and build a cab. i had considered trying to track them down and/or pulling out files/regs used in the mms cab from ppcgeeks. i could try this but i have a feeling the mms builtin to alltels has stuff all over that would be hard to track down.
it is arcsoft mms though just looks like a diff version. installing the ppcgeeks arcsoft mms cab on alltel does not produce working mms and this is part of my feeling that this version is layed out quite differently.
Dishe said:
I don't know about anyone else, but the MMS app seemed to really slow down my phone... sometimes the messaging application would freeze up entirely when it was installed!
So, I found that at least for Sprint users, you can send an email to <phone number>, and it will show up as an MMS message on that user's phone!
This is a much more robust way to send pic mms, and my phone is much happier now without the MMS app.
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This is the exact same thing I experienced with the mms cab from arcsoft. My phone was sluggish and whenever I tried to go into my text message shortcut it would take up to a minute to load up.
I'll go without for now too, until we can find a way around this.
This is the OLD WAY
I use the old MMS Cab file from Verizon 6700. It's very simple to make it work. First install the Cab , then the cab text menu. after the soft reset, just go into the Arcsoft files registry and change the Enableserveredit ot 1 , default is 0. Once that is done, go to the MMS config and change to sprintpcs and the address also to sprintpcs. then thats it. This is just a brieft description if anyone wants to try it.
If anyone want me to attached the file and go step by step, just post the reply here and i'll get to it. Reason is because i don't know if everyone knows about it or not, so i won't waste time posting the files.
You will have an MMS in Messaging, YOU can send it from there, but when you received MMS pix/video it is received in the Text Message account. Basically this MMS account enable you to send MMS pix/video and receiveds then in your Text Messaging account. When receiving MMS, it will send you a link to the pix/video directly. I know on the Alltel, it takes you to the sprint messaging website and you have to log in to see pix/video. The setup above as i described, takes you directly to the pix/video and do not need to log in.
FYI:....send MMS using phone numbers not e-mail addy
Right now after doing the resolution hack, my MMS won't send out, giving me an error that says my image size of 16k or whatever is over the 0k limit? I can change my resolution to the lowest setting and it's still giving me the same error.

Is it possible to send MMS on the Sprint Touch?

I have been trying to get my Touch to send and receive MMS but I can't get it to work. I have tried every hack and regedit on PPCgeeks but have had no luck. Does anyone here know of a way to get MMS working on the Touch?
Thanks in advance guys.
PS, here is a list of all of the software I have installed on my Touch. Maybe it will help someone know what is causing my problem here:
HTC Streaming Media
HTC Action Screen
PocketCM Keyboard 0.12
Happy Tapping Keyboard
thisguyinoc CubeConfig
OZ Instant Messaging
Resco Keyboard Pro
Resco Explorer
Resco Registry Add-in
WM6 Palm Threaded SMS
Schaps Advanced Configuration Tool
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Home Customizer
HTC Home Plugin Kaizer 6 Tab
Hope that helps and I hope someone here can help me.
Using the built in SMS app and also trying Palm threaded SMS, I am not able to send or receive MMS at all unless it has been sent to my yahoo account and automatically downloads the attachments. Anybody have any idea how to bypass this?
I have tried this hack here:
But with no luck.
Does noone here care enough about MMS to try to get it working on our Touch's?
Not one reply...
dharvey4651 said:
Does noone here care enough about MMS to try to get it working on our Touch's?
Not one reply...
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Try this
michd43 said:
Try this
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I already tried that but with no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though. I have it downloaded 2 times on my computer for 2 different versions, the new one and the old one.
Unfortunately neither of them worked for me. I think for now I can live without MMS but I think this is a valid topic for discussion and something that needs to be remedied more effectively. A custom ROM with ArcSoft MMS would probably do it. I used to have a T-Mobile MDA-AKA-HTC Wizard and I would flash custom ROMs every so often and all of them had working MMS built right into ROM.
I would like to have MMS because my fiance has MMS on her Sprint Upstage and being able to send and receive MMS from her would be nice.
I think it is a project that should be looked at a little more.
did your wizard allow you to send mms from text before?
i use email to phone email to send pics and such from the touch..
sand_man said:
did your wizard allow you to send mms from text before?
i use email to phone email to send pics and such from the touch..
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Yes my Wizard had Arcsoft composer with MMS and SMS together in one application but separated and it did allow me to send MMS without having to use e-mail at all.
I did manage to get my Touch sending MMS without using e-mail though. I just performed a hard-reset and then installed the MMS quick fix from PPCGeeks and it works now but MMS won't go directly to the phone they're being sent to, they have to download the MMS to their phone through a link in their SMS.
I think that if someone can cook a ROM with ArcSoft Composer the same way it was cooked into the Wizard ROM I was using, we would have no problems with MMS. I just don't have any knowledge of building ROMs and I have tried to learn before but I just can't seem to pick it up.
imlookin into this palm being able to send mms...
sand_man said:
imlookin into this palm being able to send mms...
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I think you mis-understood me. I have Palm Threaded SMS installed on my Touch as well as ArcSoft so I have my threaded SMS but it uses a different app for MMS.
dharvey4651 said:
I already tried that but with no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though. I have it downloaded 2 times on my computer for 2 different versions, the new one and the old one.
Unfortunately neither of them worked for me. I think for now I can live without MMS but I think this is a valid topic for discussion and something that needs to be remedied more effectively. A custom ROM with ArcSoft MMS would probably do it. I used to have a T-Mobile MDA-AKA-HTC Wizard and I would flash custom ROMs every so often and all of them had working MMS built right into ROM.
I would like to have MMS because my fiance has MMS on her Sprint Upstage and being able to send and receive MMS from her would be nice.
I think it is a project that should be looked at a little more.
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hey, i know this doesnt sound like the best method to solve your issue... when i first got my touch (sprint) i tried the arcsoft from ppcgeeks and i kept getting an error. wouldnt send. problems connetions or sumthin. i dd a hard rest, went back to original unboxed settings (no apps what so ever) and i installed arcsoft... did a soft reset, still had a problem, waited about an hour, and boom it worked... idk what it did but i installed everything else that i had and it still works perfectly... good luck!
spunks3 said:
hey, i know this doesnt sound like the best method to solve your issue... when i first got my touch (sprint) i tried the arcsoft from ppcgeeks and i kept getting an error. wouldnt send. problems connetions or sumthin. i dd a hard rest, went back to original unboxed settings (no apps what so ever) and i installed arcsoft... did a soft reset, still had a problem, waited about an hour, and boom it worked... idk what it did but i installed everything else that i had and it still works perfectly... good luck!
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Thanks for the great idea. It actually worked but to tell you the truth, I had already done this by the time I had read your post. Lol.
dharvey4651 said:
I think you mis-understood me. I have Palm Threaded SMS installed on my Touch as well as ArcSoft so I have my threaded SMS but it uses a different app for MMS.
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YES your correct i did misunderstand considering in your first post and the rest you didnt say you HAD acro installed.. you said your wizard had it..
anyways.. you hard reset and first installed acrosoft and now it works?
Does the palm threaded app work with the touch well.. ? could you please pm me the palm app.. i don't have the wm5 version.
sand_man said:
YES your correct i did misunderstand considering in your first post and the rest you didnt say you HAD acro installed.. you said your wizard had it..
anyways.. you hard reset and first installed acrosoft and now it works?
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Yes I hard reset and then reinstalled the arcsoft MMS app from PPCGeeks and then I was able to send MMS. The recipient I sent them to only received a link to the file I sent that she could download from the internet but I was able to send the image to the sprint server for her to download.
Once I had that installed, I then reinstalled Palm Threaded SMS and my MMS still worked fine.
caretaker22 said:
Does the palm threaded app work with the touch well.. ? could you please pm me the palm app.. i don't have the wm5 version.
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It works reasonably well. There are a few things I would change about it if I knew how. For example: The panel where you see what you are typing is covered by the onscreen keyboard and the the text messages display in a linear fashion with the newest at the bottom, also covered by the onscreen keyboard. Also the installation wipes out the outlook SMS app and the registry is kinda glitchy. It will sometimes not show the notification icon or will not show the counter on the home plugin and sometimes none at all.
If it was up to me and I knew how to modify the code, I would invert the application with the text input panel at the top and newest text messages displaying in a linear fashion from top to bottom. I would also fix the registry so that it is more stable.
Personally, I do not have these skills as I think that it would make a great addition to our Vogues.
You can find a link to the download for the WM6 version under one of my posts in the Vogue Upgrading thread.
For me
Sprint ONLY allows the receiving mms from others VIA a sprint website link...
Its not up to an app, thats just how sprint does it...
Is there any way to get MMS on the Bell Mobility version of the Touch? My plan includes unlimited picture and text messaging and would like to use it with my wife who is using a "regular" phone.
im with bell in canada as well, and have been dying to try out mms, but i just cant seem to get it, i have the unlimited data plan so i dont mind using a "threaded" service, but im kind of a noob at the whole "threaded" thing....but yes, if someone could possibly help me out with installing mms on a bell touch that would b great... i tried a few months ago with arcsoft, and unlocked the registry and added new bell settings, but i dont know why, they just didnt work either because the settings were wrong or something else...any advice/input would be greatly appreciated
i have the arcsoft mms app installed on my touch and it sends the pictures... but no one ever receives them... any ideas?
i had the same thing on my mogul and it worked fine... but now...
I have a working CAB install of Arcsoft that I pulled from the Alltel Touch. It has been confirmed to work on the Sprint Mogul, and the Sprint Touch. You can find it on my site by clicking here.
lennysh said:
I have a working CAB install of Arcsoft that I pulled from the Alltel Touch. It has been confirmed to work on the Sprint Mogul, and the Sprint Touch. You can find it on my site by clicking here.
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Link doesn't work
Edit: NM For some reason my internet wouldn't load that page but it works now. Thanks!

Wing issues

Well i have tried almost every single release that ivanmmj has made for this phone, they are so sexy and work well except the issue with the mms, even after installing ArcSoft_MMS_Composer_WWE cab the mms feature doesn't work, sms works fine but not mms.
these are the ones i have tried Ivan.
JustHacked14v3 - LZX Wing Edition.7z
JustHacked14 - Wing.7z
but no luck on the mms thing.
The MMS should work automatically after you use the autoconfig. Arcsoft is already built in. Have you let the autoconfig configure the phone then attempted to recieve MMS without adding anything?
ivanmmj said:
The MMS should work automatically after you use the autoconfig. Arcsoft is already built in. Have you let the autoconfig configure the phone then attempted to recieve MMS without adding anything?
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Yeah i let it set up automatically and it does the cycle and resets, so far txt'ng works but no MMS, im running the 14v7 on it now and still no MMS. I flashed it again and it stays the same everything works except the MMS.
RedStar00 said:
Yeah i let it set up automatically and it does the cycle and resets, so far txt'ng works but no MMS, im running the 14v7 on it now and still no MMS. I flashed it again and it stays the same everything works except the MMS.
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Are you not receiving the actual pictures? Is it not receiving anything at all?
I switched to an older version of mms for 14.7. So far, everyone is telling me that it works fine.
Also, please try to keep talk of ROMs within the ROM threads themselves. I'm very active in that thread. I can't help fix things when I don't see people complain about them. Luckily, I happened to look outside my thread.
ivanmmj said:
Are you not receiving the actual pictures? Is it not receiving anything at all?
I switched to an older version of mms for 14.7. So far, everyone is telling me that it works fine.
Also, please try to keep talk of ROMs within the ROM threads themselves. I'm very active in that thread. I can't help fix things when I don't see people complain about them. Luckily, I happened to look outside my thread.
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Yeah im not receiving any mms, nor can i send one. But everything else is fine.
Ill post in the rom thread from now on.
Anyone know where i can get the battery status cab or app for this?
RedStar00 said:
Anyone know where i can get the battery status cab or app for this?
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What do you mean? Like the bar on the top of JustStable? The white bar going across the top that shows you the battery status.
I still don't know why only you are having problems with the MMS. Where are you located?
never mind about the battery thing, my mistake i reflashed it and it works now. Im in New Jersey.
What works? The MMS?
ivanmmj said:
What works? The MMS?
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no the battery icon, the mms isn't working still, im reflashing it here and there trying out all the roms and using the network wizard that i found in another post and still nothing, i think im getting a few of my friends pissed off lol.
RedStar00 said:
no the battery icon, the mms isn't working still, im reflashing it here and there trying out all the roms and using the network wizard that i found in another post and still nothing, i think im getting a few of my friends pissed off lol.
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So my ROM's build in network wizard isn't working. Another network wizard isn't working. I'm gonna have to put my sim card on my wing and see if I receive anything, either.
Has anything else happened with this lately?
I recently began installing ROMs myself, and yours were the ones I chose.
Since I first installed your micro rom, no MMS >.< No matter what.
Is this the case for everyone running them on the Wing?
I'm going batty.

