Does anyone know how to back up saved game data?
I have searched in the forums. Couldnt find an answer.
I play Zenonia, Caligo Chaser, Dungeon Hunter, SNESoid...
I dont know where the save data is though so everytime I change rom I lose it.
On VBN/MATTC/Froyo right now...
For the emulators they usually make a directory in your root. At least vgba does. I copied that and was fine resuming my games.
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Still cant find it.
Zenonia, Caligo Chaser, SNESOID.
I have scoured my root device and storage card directory by directory with HIDDEN and SYSTEM file viewing enabled... I just dont see them...
Yeah, I am pretty lost on them also.
But I seriously need a hex editor for this game.
I would make one, but I just don't want too compile every single item.
Titanium Backup work for me...
I use Titanium Backup to backup my apps and data(game save) on my HD2 android [BUILD] ★ 9.01.2010 ★ HyperDroidv1.1
tibackup can't really do it, I try to transfer saved data game of big business from SGW to SGT but after I restore the data with tibackup, it can't start the game (frezee on first loading), or maybe i did it wrong
yeniedi tall.
the last option said:
Yeah, I am pretty lost on them also.
But I seriously need a hex editor for this game.
I would make one, but I just don't want too compile every single item.
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search for HexEditor from Tuba.
It's free available in the playstore
I have a few issues with my Fascinate so I will be getting a new one tomorrow. So I have NOVA and Asphalt from Gameloft. I am pretty far along in them and I don't wanna lose my saves when I return them. If I save the Gameloft folder from my SD card and put it on the new one, will that restore my games saves when I re-install the games?
Unfortunately no your saved game data won't save over to the new phone. If you root it you can use titanium backup to save the game and data from your downloaded apps, but then you would have to root the new phone to restore the saved data to the restored apps. Unless your already running froyo, but I'm not sure if it would restore the saved data from the apps.
Sorry to dash your hopes.
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jonscapri said:
Unfortunately no your saved game data won't save over to the new phone. If you root it you can use titanium backup to save the game and data from your downloaded apps, but then you would have to root the new phone to restore the saved data to the restored apps. Unless your already running froyo, but I'm not sure if it would restore the saved data from the apps.
Sorry to dash your hopes.
Sent from my Tazz Froyo using XDA App
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Are you sure? I've looked through it and it has the files for the levels I'm on.
GoogleAndroid said:
I have a few issues with my Fascinate so I will be getting a new one tomorrow. So I have NOVA and Asphalt from Gameloft. I am pretty far along in them and I don't wanna lose my saves when I return them. If I save the Gameloft folder from my SD card and put it on the new one, will that restore my games saves when I re-install the games?
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Im not sure about these games but when i played RoboDefense and then got a replacement phone but kept the same SD card, everything was still saved for me.
I like to change build in Android HD2 and I don't mind reinstalling apps in it (I usually restore it with Astro Filemanager tools)
but things like Favorite in motonav, or Angry Birds, paper toss savegame couldn't get restored...
anyone know how to back it up? so I don't have to put new POI in motonav or play again the game?
that could really make my day.. and how I wish there's a Garmin apps for Android..
Go to httx://
Hey... Im playing Dungeon Defenders and i was wondering is it possible to send game data of my character to my tablet and play with it on tab...
If it is, how?
Thank you
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Not sure about this game, but sometimes simply copying the files over to a new device works fine. If the information is saved on the sd card (under Android/data for example) you should be able to copy it to your tablet and have your progress saved.
You could also try making a titanium backup of data, copying the backups to tablet and restoring data there.
Best bet would be to check if the game offers some kind of cloud/internet saving of your progress, that should work for sure.
Use titanium backup to backup the game and data. Then transfer the titanium backup folder to the device you want that game data on. Just restore though titanium and you should be good.
How did you guys restore apps and data along with sms/mms, call history and bookmarks from your previous phone? I am coming from a rooted gs3 and would like to figure this out before I make the leap to the gs5. I have always used and loved titanium backup but know it won't work without root.
rotzy said:
How did you guys restore apps and data along with sms/mms, call history and bookmarks from your previous phone? I am coming from a rooted gs3 and would like to figure this out before I make the leap to the gs5. I have always used and loved titanium backup but know it won't work without root.
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Also migrated from rooted s3, no luck on app data (had to reenter some), apps that sync to cloud (i.e. google apps) restored data fine. Used samsung smart switch app to migrate call logs, sms, bookmarks, etc..see play store, worked well.
Really? Nobody saves and imports their app data when they switch phones or is it so simple to do that no one wants to tell me how to do it!?
rotzy said:
How did you guys restore apps and data along with sms/mms, call history and bookmarks from your previous phone? I am coming from a rooted gs3 and would like to figure this out before I make the leap to the gs5. I have always used and loved titanium backup but know it won't work without root.
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I use SMS Backup+ for SMS/MMS and call log. Apps and data I didn't really bring with, I started over, except for a couple with their own backup and restore functions, like Llama and Nova Launcher.
I prepared to restore more data using Koush's Helium, but decided against it so that none of the "issues" from my old phone would follow me to the new one...
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You can use Helium (on the app store) by Clockworkmod to back up the app data on unrooted phones (you need to plug into computer first and download a Helium app on the computer). It can backup app data on rooted phones without any issues. Note that saving the backups to external SD card and then transferring the SD card will not work - I don't think Helium has been updated to work with external SDs in KitKat yet. Therefore, use the cloud save or simply sync between your two devices.
I have run into some issues with game saves - for example, restoring a Plants vs Zombie save ended up causing a force close on the program (while PvZ 2 works fine). A couple other games refuse to back up (oddly enough, I never ran into this issue while my GS3 was on Jelly Bean 4.2, only after I updated to 4.3 and went to backup in prep for a move to the GS5). I also generally have bad luck restoring data to apps that have associated "accounts" - i.e. facebook and linkedin, so I take care to avoid restoring those and just login with my new information.
You can also use ADB on your computer to do a manual backup (Helium actually does this technically, it just spoofs your phone into thinking its still plugged in). Apparently this backup solution is a built in part of Android, just never utilized. Its not easy to use, and cannot selectively backup and restore apps unless you know the specific "" app name. Google "ADB backup android" and you should find some tutorials - there is one on the Nexus forums here on XDA that walks through some of the flags and settings. Be careful to not backup system apps if you do that, you are asking for trouble.
Personally it bugs the crap out of me that there is no app data migration built into Android - yes contacts, calendar, etc can all be stored in the cloud, but why not app data? For all its rhetoric about the cloud and keeping information synced up, its a glaring oversight on Google's part. I think android theoretically restores app data on certain apps (if developers code it the right way) when the initial restore is performed after initially setting up a device, but I have yet to see that work correctly. Plus that initial restore process is full of holes - lots of apps don't re-download. You would think that, in order to sell more phones, at the very least manufacturers would want to make backup/restore as easy as possible. Samsung does have Smart Switch, but it doesn't backup app data and really only restores those items that are likely in the cloud or on SD cards anyway (pictures and contacts).
Even early 2000s blackberries had backup and restore functionality, as did old palm pilots from the 90s.
Thanks Rlin5741.
I've read such contradictory reviews about Helium that I didn't want to try it without hearing from someone here. Are you saying it is possible to plug my rooted GS3 into the computer and backup apps and data with Helium and then restore them onto the new phone OR would I need to plug both phones in and transfer directly?
rotzy said:
Thanks Rlin5741.
I've read such contradictory reviews about Helium that I didn't want to try it without hearing from someone here. Are you saying it is possible to plug my rooted GS3 into the computer and backup apps and data with Helium and then restore them onto the new phone OR would I need to plug both phones in and transfer directly?
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Rooted GS3 can back up to Drive without a PC. New GS5 will need to be connected to a PC to restore.
You don't have to have both at once.
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JohnKuczek said:
Rooted GS3 can back up to Drive without a PC. New GS5 will need to be connected to a PC to restore.
You don't have to have both at once.
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JohnKuczek said:
Rooted GS3 can back up to Drive without a PC. New GS5 will need to be connected to a PC to restore.
You don't have to have both at once.
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I've generally done very selective backups - game saves, etc, and perhaps call logs and SMS/MMS. I generally do not back up system apps (especially if you are moving to a different model phone), any app that has an associated "account" (email, facebook, linkedin) because those apps have deeper integration with the system. If you do not backup system apps, and selectively backup others, if you still run into issues you can clear app data through the app manager; that should clear out any restores.
Since Helium uses Android's built in, hidden backup functionality, it actually refuses to back up certain apps - such as Google Authenticator. I think app developers can flag their apps to prohibit backups for security reasons.
More on Android's built in backup solution ( I DO NOT recommend doing the full backup from your old phone and restoring it on your GS5 - the full backup will hit all apps. At the very least, use the flag to avoid system files.
Rlin5741 said:
I've generaly done very selective backups - game saves, etc, and perhaps call logs and SMS/Mook marks nerally do not back up system apps (especially if you are moving to a different model phone), any app that has an associated "account" (email, facebook, linkedin) because those apps have deeper integration with the system. If you do not backup system apps, and selectively backup others, if you still run into issues you can clear app data through the app manager; that should clear out any restores.
Since Helium uses Android's built in, hidden backup functionality, it actually refuses to back up certain apps - such as Google Authenticator. I think app developers can flag their apps to prohibit backups for security reasons.
More on Android's built in backup solution ( I DO NOT recommend doing the full backup from your old phone and restoring it on your GS5 - the full backup will hit all apps. At the very least, use the flag to avoid system files.
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I definately don't want system apps or anything you can log into. I'm only looking to restore call logs, sms/mms, bookmarks and game data. I'll give helium a try when I'm ready to switch.