I plugged in the headphones to try i know he said it didn't work but it actually searches for stations and finds the ones in my area by name. I just don't get any sound, so I think the problem isn't the "radio" I think it has something to do with the sound.
anyone else try this?
it's hit or miss with the stations
You sure you werent using the internet to search for the station directory?
Hi all
Does anyone know of a tweak to allow radio to be played without inserting a wired headset, I often listen to music via bluetooth and would like the option of radio as well, thanks in advance.
By the way, I did search the forum before posting this as I know you guys have certain protocols in place.
try this and see if it works
Change the following registry : HKLM\System\State\Hardware\Headset from 0 to 1
hi, thanks for the reply.
I don't have my headset with me today but after I changed the reg the radio still would not play directly through the phone, what exactly should this reg edit do?
it should make the phone think that a headset is plugged in..havent tested it myself to be honest but it should work..however whether or not you will have a signal from the radio is another story
Dude, ther is no use for this... Even if you would get the device to start the radio without the headset pluged in, there would be no sound since the headset is the antenna...
So it would be like you are watching tv without cable... no reception!
There must be at least something in the mini usb plug. I found that it works at least a little bit when plugging in this thing only and playing the sound over the internal speaker though reception is poor at best.
Good luck!
There is some use to it... although the wire is the antenna the phone will act as an antenna also so you will recieve some signal it just won't be as strong.
Without fully testing there is no way of telling how good the signal would be, surely a phone that can pick up a GPS signal and a mobile signal should be capable of also picking up a radio frequency?
no, its not possible:
ok, I get the message. Thanks for all your help.
OT - I searched "Radio without Headset" accross this forum and had no hits.
I noticed that innocent people get shot down when they don't search before posting a question, how are they supposed to get decent results with a search engine that doesn't work properly. - Great site guys, the people here really know there stuff but perhaps go a little easier on people who search to no avail before posting. You don't have to reply to the post and if you do wouldn't it be best to simply give the answer or direct them to another post, up to you but it doesn't help anyone to just put - SEARCH THE FORUM or RTFM (a new one on me!)
Hope you see the point of this post, I am simply giving my opinion as an outsider who has just purchased a Diamond and I'm just getting into mods and tweaks!
p.s. Loving the GPS cycle computer. Best app by far!
GSM is in a very much higher frequency band, so it uses a very much smaller antenna than you would need for your radio. This is two very different systems. It will not work without an antenna
hi guys, have a strange one here, fm radio worked fine until i flashed p3300 from std htc rom to touch 4.02 full rom. then could not find any stations. so tried a couple of other roms including original but, fm radio still not finding stations?
have been going thruogh the threads all day but not found anything that could help, has anyone come across this problem before?
even stranger??
well got home and at a last ditch attempt plugged in my over head set and would you believe it a radio station . though still would not work with my ipod ones nor skullduggery set.
maybe the cable is a little thicker i am not sure why.
does anyone know of a way to improve reception for the fm radio, or maybe an updated cab file.
what i really would like is a cab for the ''ACTION'' PROGRAM? found on some roms on the bottom left of screen
any pointers !!?
hi, when i use the fm radio it wont pick up and stations when you scan ? if i manually select radio one its there but the receptions awfull. if i pull the headphones out the socket a bit it improves but not enough to use it.
why is it so bad?? ive tried other earphones, all have the same issue ?
andi1977dog said:
hi, when i use the fm radio it wont pick up and stations when you scan ? if i manually select radio one its there but the receptions awfull. if i pull the headphones out the socket a bit it improves but not enough to use it.
why is it so bad?? ive tried other earphones, all have the same issue ?
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correct. search teh threads, well known issue. Try the bsbtweaks 'radio fm de-emphasis' tweak. It helps, but not a lot.
Ok so, recently my blutooth quit workin when I recieve a call. Well, the speaker on the phone works instead of the one on the blutooth. The mic on the blutooth still works though. When I make a call, both the mic and speaker on the blutooth work fine. I tried loadin a different radio version but that didnt work. So I was playin around with it and found that when I recieve a call, if I go to the menu and turn hands free off at the top, then the speaker on the blutooth works. Ive had this blutooth a while and it worked fine before, but Im thinkin I might have changed somethin in the phone without knowing it. Is there anyway I can get the blutooth to work without having to manually turn hands free off? Thanks.
have a read through the "stuck in car kit mode" threads, you could be suffering from that.(that thread is in the regular leo section i think)
samsamuel said:
have a read through the "stuck in car kit mode" threads, you could be suffering from that.(that thread is in the regular leo section i think)
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Ill go take a look now. Thanks!
Ok, my problem is a little different. I dont have the Navipanel pop up, and my display doesnt stick in landscape mode. Also, I should have been more clear in the first post. When the blutooth is connected the sound still comes from the headset speaker, not the speaker phone speaker, or the blutooth speaker.
As soon as I turn hands free off in the in call menu, the problem is solved. How can I make that my default?
ahh gotcha, no clue then, sorry.
Well, thanks anyways lol.
I flashed a few different ROMs on this phone before I decided I liked the stock one best. So , I loaded Ver. 2.13.531.1 and after some digging it seems that this ROM doesnt play well any blutooth devices. Im gunna try another stock ROM and see if I can get it to work.
new-b said:
Well, thanks anyways lol.
I flashed a few different ROMs on this phone before I decided I liked the stock one best. So , I loaded Ver. 2.13.531.1 and after some digging it seems that this ROM doesnt play well any blutooth devices. Im gunna try another stock ROM and see if I can get it to work.
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I use the originial 2.10 stock ROM still, and I have no problems using either my regular BT headset (old plantronics 620), or my newer stereo BT headset (plantronics backbeat 903)
Im hopin thats all the problem is. Im gunna try it after work and see if thats it.
I recall an option, something along the lines of "play system sounds on headset" that might be your issue?
I will need to do some digging around in my phone again to find exactly where the option was though.
ok, found the option - in the Bluetooth manager, go to settings (the gears tab) select advanced, audio, and the option is called "Play system sounds on remote hands-free device"
give that a try and see if it solves your issue.
No dice with system sounds settings. Thanks though.
Startin on loadin another ROM now.
It wasnt the ROM. Im gunna blame it on the headset. Im at least gunna try another one and see if thats it. Hopefully it is.
Well it wasnt the headset. Tried a brand new one, and I still have the exact same problem.
In case anyone is interested, I called HTC to see if they could help me out. They told me I would need to contact my service provider and try to escalate the matter so that my service providers tech department would try to develop a patch to fix the problem.
new-b said:
Well, thanks anyways lol.
I flashed a few different ROMs on this phone before I decided I liked the stock one best. So , I loaded Ver. 2.13.531.1 and after some digging it seems that this ROM doesnt play well any blutooth devices. Im gunna try another stock ROM and see if I can get it to work.
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Really! I'm using Ver. 2.13.531.1 and sony folding BT headphones/headset and, once I paired them, my HD2 and sony headphones/headset adore each other.
Hi everyone.
I have a device (https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32911415845.html?spm=a219c.12010612.8148356.5.2a2aebeaOYrP6U) installed in my car running practically well except for a problem with radar warning applications that I can't hit sort out . I will describe the problem below:
When I listen to the radio, although the warnings of the radar application appear on the screen, the audio corresponding to that warning is not heard at all. However, if I listen to any other audio source, such as from an SD, from bluetooth or even from internet radio (TuneIn or others) the warning sounds of the radars are heard perfectly, and if I put the radio back on already I don't hear any until I turn it off.
I tried to download the radar applications (Radardroid and others) on the device to eliminate that it could be a problem on my mobile but nothing is solved. The same happens from the mobile, whether Android Auto is connected to the car screen or not, even when I want to share music from the mobile and in the music player of the phone I give it to share and if the car is active the Radio does not allow me to send anything.
It is as if the radio had preference over any other incoming sound, and curiously, only the audio of the radio is attenuated with the browser.
I think this behavior is quite strange and I don't know if it is due to a bad installation by the workshop or a device defect.
I don't know if someone has happened to him and if he could solve it.
Thanks in advance