Microphone issue N1 - Nexus One General

I have had my nexus for about a month now and a little while back started having problems with the microphone. People on the other end will say I sound like I am in a "tunnel" or "distant". Seems to get worse during long conversations. Sometimes I can hold a 20 minute conversation and not have one problem other times it gets so bad that they cant even hear me.
I have really good reception and 3g at my house. I called T-mobile to see if it could be something with their network and they said probably not since they had only noticed problems in Texas and some other random state (I live in BK,NY) . Called HTC and they were no help at all (said I should try and reboot my phone thats all they could think of). Called google and they said I sounded just fine. As I said before It doesn't happen during every single call, but I have had about 3 different people tell me the same thing...
Anyways, the bootloader is unlocked so I can't send it in to get it replaced or even have it looked at with out paying an arm and a leg.
Anyone Have any ideas? Anyone? Bueler? Bueler?

Ok this is just a random thought as I have had a similar experience, but only when I hold said phone with my shoulder. Are we perhaps doing something to the noise cancelling mic? Would covering it make a difference during a conversation? Something to do with the proximity sensor? i am just thinking out loud.

I dont think its the proximity sensor because I put tape on it keeping the screen off and it was still doing it. as for covering the mic on the other side I don't know. I guess i could cover it for a while and see what happens. I'm going to send it to HTC and see what they say. Hopefully its a hardware issue that they can fix for nothing.


HELLLPP!! Ear Phone Blow out?

This is the weirdest thing/worse thing that can happen to my wing so far....
I was on the phone talking like normal, everything ran fine, everything was perfect. The next phone call I get, I can't hear the other person...I'm yelling HELLO!?!? HELLO?!!...I thought it was their crappy flip phone. However, it was MY PHONE.
So everytime, I had to make a phone call or receive a phone call I have to put the person on speaker phone to hear them.
I did a hard reset and ERASED everything and that still didn't fix my problem.
So, I took a deep breath in and took apart the wing to check if there was a loose connection where the Ear Phone Speaker was connected to the board. Everything looked fine and un-plugged the speaker and used the Dust-Away Can on it and put it back in...and it still didnt work. I took disconnected the speaker again and just threw it against the table cause I got so mad. Connected it again. and Viola! It works again! I was extremely happy until....
Today during school it happened again, I couldn't hear the person, I did hard reset (thinking it was because of all the mods) but it wasn't. Then I took the speaker out again and did the same thing...but still doesn't work.
Any ideas guys? You think the speaker is just blown? I've only had the phone for 3 weeks. Any idea where I can buy a replacement speaker? (if you need a picture of the speaker, let me know and i'll post it)
Thanks for the help!
That happened to me... and it was because I was holding my Wing and a water bottle in the same hand, and apparently, I got some moisture in the speaker... and shortly after, the touchscreen stopped responding.. so I took it back and got a new one.
only thing i can suggest is if you figure out the part number for the speaker (either the HTC part number or the manufacturer part number) then search with that term on google and I am sure you will find atleast a few wholesalers and retailers from Hong Kong that sell that product. Did this on numerous occasions for lcds, antenae, and various parts for random electronics.
Did you try throwing it again?
yeah I did.
I guess the speaker is just blown. I went to a Cell Phone Repair place and they gave me a BlackJack speaker, its the same plugs but a little thicker, so theres a little bulge where the ear handset is.
How much did that cost ya?

speakerphone cracking when in a call

I just got a td2 and straightaway thought that the speakerphone sounded abit crackly. After showing a couple of friends and seeing what they thought they both said the crackling was abit weird but maybe the phone was just like that but im not entirely sure.
Does anyone else have any trouble with there speakerphone? When the volume is completly low it sounds fine, putting it up even abit causes there to be a small crackle when someone speaks (signal is fine and ive tried with a few of my friends).
I've got a 14 day return policy with this company i have gotten my contract from and its been 3 days now and i should be able to get a replacement but i dont want to send it off and them to say this is how its supposed to be. So is this a known cause or is there something that can be fixed or did i just get a bad td2?
I have had it with my Touch 3G, before making a call i blowed in the speaker and it was gone.
My HTC Touch Diamond2 does not have that problem.
i had a very similar problem. the speaker worked fine, but when the voice hit a certain pitch level it would distort slightly, like it was picking up a vibration.
I sent it back and got a replacement, and the new one is fine.
Right thanks to both of u, ive tried the blowing thing already and tried again but no luck.
I think the problem is exactly the same as the u described adamrob69 but I just didn't explain it very well lol, so i've sent them an email and will ring on monday and get it exchanged, how lucky must i be to get sent a faulty one .
dont worry, it seems at the minute theres a 50-50% of getting a duff phone. The build quality is slipping on these phones.
Im still not enitrely happy with the quality of my second one, but whilst everything still works on it im not going to go through the hassle of changing again!
I have same problem but with speaker at side, when phone rings the sound cracks.

In call sound help

Ok so its happened twice today. I was calling someone and it showed it was dialing and connected but i didnt have any sound from the ear speaker or the speaker phone. The 2nd time it happended it apparantly went to voice mail but i didnt hear anything until the voicemail said that i need to leave a longer message. Has anyone else had this problem?
Once connected hold the volume rocker on the side of the phone all the way up, aside from that I have no idea.
yea its wierd i know, i've called my wifes phone 10 times trying to replicate it but cant. but this morning it happened twice within 1 hour. i had to call back and then it seemed to work fine. hopefully its just tmobile being crappy and not my phone.
This is just IMO so there is no fact to what I am going to say. Myself, I think it is a HTC thing. My G1 did that all the time but when I got me a Cliq, I never had that issue again. Now that I have the N1 I have encountered this same problem again. It tends to happen more if you are in an area where is it Edge/GPRS.
predator290 said:
Ok so its happened twice today. I was calling someone and it showed it was dialing and connected but i didnt have any sound from the ear speaker or the speaker phone. The 2nd time it happended it apparantly went to voice mail but i didnt hear anything until the voicemail said that i need to leave a longer message. Has anyone else had this problem?
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I have experienced similar issues....For instance, I called someone today, and I couldn't hear them, it was weird...anyway, I got someones voice mail while calling them and it kept saying it could not hear me to record the message, LOL! I am striking it up to no being familiar enough with the phone or maybe my face hit the hold button or something on the screen, but I found it all strange. It's quite possible there is a bug or something although the touch screen can sometimes be touched by your face or whatever and put the call on hold by accident, etc. etc. Take a look at the on screen options once you make a call, there are many options including a hold button in the upper left hand corner which can easily be touched by your face, ear etc.
this is what the proximity sensor is for. it turns of the screen when it comes near your face.

Rattle from phone (not volume key)

I know there is another short post about this, but wanted to get a quick poll from people about whether this is even a fault. The phone does not appear to be malfunctioning.
I have noticed a rattle in the head of the device (this is not related to the volume button, mine is a bit loose, but it doesn't really bother me). If I shake it perpendicular to the screen, it makes a small rattling sound. If however, I tap it lightly near the back speaker, it makes a large and rather unnerving rattling sound (if you're going to test for this, please hold onto the volume button to rule this out). The issue with this is that when I take a call and the volume is quite high, whatever is loose appears to rattle sometimes, making the unrelated but highly annoying audio distortion problem even worse!
I have managed to get opinions from 2 other users already. One has it, the other doesn't. That makes 2 that have it and 1 that doesn't so far.
Any ideas on what it might be, also appreciated!
Mine does it, i suppose it could be the camera lense =/
I notice the rattle, and have noticed previously a nasty distortion type rattling sound when on a call.....
Mine phone started doing that after using the camera edge to open beer bottles. But only after the 12th bottle....
mine too...
My phone does it too, when i shake the phone it doesnt sound but when i tap the speaker it makes the loose kinda screw soundm it almost sounds like when the lens is focusing it makes a sort of click its almost the same so i would assume it is the lens, after all my phone is working great, only the screen fails to respond sometimes when typing an sms or using the sense keyboard...
i think it is the lens
it is the lens, is has a small magnetic mechanism, similar to a solenoid to move the lens in and out for focusing. If it didnt have a little rattle, your autofocuser is stuck
OK thanks for the replies, looks like pretty much everyone has got it, but curiously, I got a reply from HTC on the matter, concluding that there might be an issue with the handset. Admittedly I asked about the sound distortion too, but they recommended a replacement?!? Sounds like they don't know about this or just blanket recommend a replacement if they're not sure.
I'll probably stick with the unit though, other than those 2 issues, my handset is perfect.
Thanks again for all the responses!
Hmmm I just rang htc about this has mine as developed the fault.. Also reported that my bottom buttons are starting to peel. Not to sure if i should send it off now or not.. Problem is.. It didn't do it before so why is it now? The guy on the phone was hinting towards me maybe dropping the phone I think and said I may incur a charge if they don't believe it is a problem with the phone.. Which I no I shouldn't but find really offending because I treat my phones like a baby and has never been placed on a surface hard in its life (and always placed on top of the htc case) let alone dropped.. But I know there are a lot of people who don't mind spending £500 on a phone and not treating it to well so I guess they have to presume this..
I also think it is coming from the camera area.. I never use the vibrate function so turned that on for a bit to see if that would make any difference and also used the camera for a while to see if it was the auto focus but still the same. If the noise wasn't so obvious I wouldn't send it in for repair but I think this noise is going to do my head in.. (also want the buttons replaces as they are starting to peel)
If they try to put the noise down to misuse I think I will be selling up and moving back to apple.. Shame because I love the HD2.
Just out of interest my phone came from one of the 1st batches from Clove in November.

other end can't hear me, I'm on tmobile

So I've had this issue with several calls. One going to t-mobile, another to Verizon and another to a land line. All three said that I have constant call loss. All they hear is static, and my voice goes in and out. I was in my truck for two of the calls and in a home Depot for another. I can hear the caller on the other end, but they can't hear me. Anyone else have this issue and maybe a fix? Thanks.
Turn off VoLTE and see if it persists
Go to your phone - 3 dot menu top right corner - Call settings - VoLTE slider to off
We're you moving? Maybe slow transfer of towers. And also what other poster said.
Ya I went in and disabled volte, so far it has helped. I'll do some more calls and see if it's a good fix. Thanks.
Update, I turned off volte and I still have the same issue where they can't hear me on the other end.
Bad antennas and or mic. Try sim in another phone before exchange.
@rbiter said:
Bad antennas and or mic. Try sim in another phone before exchange.
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This, you may have a bad unit. I know mine did that issue a couple of times but I was in a bad LTE area and had VoLTE on.
So I found out why my phone calls kept getting really muffled. Apparently the way I hold my phone my pinky would cover the mic... So now I feel dumb, but I didn't think that the mic would get muffled this easily. So if anyone has the same problem watch your finger placed.

