Is there any solution to simply disconnect connection data after weather update?
read tip 33 here and also this and this and this and this
Use this app..
Stanley Kubrick said:
Is there any solution to simply disconnect connection data after weather update?
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ok silly question: why would u wanna do that? If it's for battery duration u'd rtaher keep the 3g connection always on...
To reduce the effects of Radiation absorption, Thermal effects and other Health hazards and at last but not least battery backup...
So what sollution did you use?
For the moment i use Manila Dial-up Enabler/Disabler v0.6 but i have no real issues with auto disconnect specifically after weather update.
There Are No Silly Questions, Only Silly Answers...
Stanley Kubrick said:
For the moment i use Manila Dial-up Enabler/Disabler v0.6 but i have no real issues with auto disconnect specifically after weather update.
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links ?
Manila Dial-up Enabler/Disabler v0.6
The link is ...//
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Autodisconnect data HD2....
"Data connection will NOT auto disconnect if you have any HTC Sense auto download enabled such as Weather, Twitter, Stocks, Facebook or Time Sync."
Is there any guy who find a solution to this...
i emailled HTC support over this and they sent me a data tool app but all that seems to do is switch my connections on and off, i have sent another message to them so i`ll let you know the outcome
sharpey said:
i emailled HTC support over this and they sent me a data tool app but all that seems to do is switch my connections on and off, i have sent another message to them so i`ll let you know the outcome
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Can you share this htc data tool app?
Thank you.
pm me your email and i`ll send it over.
only a really small exe file that runs on the phone and just seems to enable/disable your data connections
sharpey said:
pm me your email and i`ll send it over.
only a really small exe file that runs on the phone and just seems to enable/disable your data connections
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I have sent a PM with my mail...Thank YOu
The idea is: Radio consumes not unsignificant battery power, especially when you're travelling. Sometimes you dont have to be available for calls...
LongRunner turns off the radio part and keep that for defined time interval. Then it automatically sync all POP/IMAP accounts, the On interval should be long enough to even receive SMS.
(Tested on smartphone platform only, however it should work on PPC's too)
What do you think of this idea? Can it save any battery power? Can this be useful for anyone? Should I work on this or delete the project?
thank you!
(Does that answer your questions? )
btw, the mail check thingy isn't necessary for everyone.. i suggest having the option to check mail and not make it the only option.
I'm currently not home to try and test this (Happy Thanksgiving everyone) but this is a great idea! I cannot wait to test this and please do continue development!
really great idea ! keep develop this project
i think it's a good idea too... i'll test it next week...
Any plans to support FlexMail sync? If you need, I can get the command FM uses to sync.
when i click start nothing happens.
Will the phone wake up automatically when someone is calling ?
chihliouma said:
Will the phone wake up automatically when someone is calling ?
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If the purpose of the app is to disable the radio, hence incoming calls, then I would imagine No - it won't ring.
This is a cool Idea!
great idea as i would defenenetly use for sms.... but it is not working on my kaiser.
Will watch for updates
Whats the difference between setting to "flight mode" when no need to be avail.?
this one is automatic and will check your mail after a specific time interval...
so that you don't need to remember to put your phone on flight mode and then back.
joel2009 said:
great idea as i would defenenetly use for sms.... but it is not working on my kaiser.
Will watch for updates
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i believe that wont happen, since sms uses radio.
this is for emails only.
correct me if im wrong OP!
It's not for emails only. SMS's and calls are the same thing. when you turn your radio back on you'll receive your messages. Emails have to be checked manually as they don't depend on the network, that's why he added the option to check emails when the radio's turned back on.
I clicked on start and nothing happened.
I have a Sprint Touch Diamond.
Make it a little a clear:
When radio off - How will incoming calls be received ?
SMS may be recd as and when I put my radio active.
parthabhatta said:
Make it a little a clear:
When radio off - How will incoming calls be received ?
SMS may be recd as and when I put my radio active.
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you won't get incomming calls. all this does is allow you to set intervals for the radio to be turned on so that you can download your emails and sms.
i think this is what the app does
1 it disables the radio to save your battery(will disable both messages and calls)
2 it will enable the radio for a short period and check for messages
3 after the checking is done it will turn off radio again
My Tilt runs 40 hours on a charge with Flexmail running with online IMAP on 2 folders and periodically syncing 4 others. With Flexmail off, I imagine it would run well over 100 hours.
Doesn't seem like battery life is a big deal to me.. If your battery is running over 3-4%/hr, it's because of a lot of calls and or data and I don't see this program helping much in that direction.
Does anyone knows if there is an application that will autoupdate all the tabs when connected to the internet? (that is WiFi or activesync).
I know about the autoupdate feature on each tabm but you still have to scroll into the tab for it to update, what i really mean is an application that will automatically update weather, mail and stocks tabs without scrolling on it.
I am also looking for an answer to this question. Did you managed to find out how to do this?
Same question was this resolved elswhere?
same queston was asked elsewhere - in Applications, I think. But no sign of an answer yet.
As far as I'm aware there is no such application. Would be advantageous if such an app existed. Hopefully I am mistaken and someone can enlighten us with this.
Hopefully there is a solution.
in every "updateable" tab (mail, stocks and weather) there is option of "download Data automatically" and you can set the frequency of updates (except in weather where you can set it to download weather data automatically but can't set the frequency.)
WARNING: such automatic update can burn a hole in your pocket by using huge bandwidth if you are using GPRS / 3G with limited data allotment.
ash3012 said:
Hopefully there is a solution.
in every "updateable" tab (mail, stocks and weather) there is option of "download Data automatically" and you can set the frequency of updates (except in weather where you can set it to download weather data automatically but can't set the frequency.)
WARNING: such automatic update can burn a hole in your pocket by using huge bandwidth if you are using GPRS / 3G with limited data allotment.
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Right so my thinking was, that it should be possible to tweak hack those settings to do the following:
1 update automatically when it detects a connection
2 or/and at fix intervalls
3 take away the annoying "do you want to update now"
warning everytime you go to those screens when you enable the auto update function.
I have no knowledge of such things was hoping someone who has would take up the challenge .
Thanks in advance
I'm in the same way...I'm searching for a program that will update all TF3D programs when connected on 3G network...
I've not find anything...
Have you solved this problem?
luca.321 said:
I'm in the same way...I'm searching for a program that will update all TF3D programs when connected on 3G network...
I've not find anything...
Have you solved this problem?
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No, there´s no solution for this request yet.
On the iPhone there's a single button that enables you to disable all data connections when roaming (traveling international)
How do you do that on the HD2, without having to disable individually all application automatic data updates (like weather, for each email account, etc.)
Just with a singel keypress prevent all data connections?
MoDaCo NoData works for me perfectly. Not a single click solution, but working.
Yeah great app
jrvenge said:
Yeah great app
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But no longer available - can someone post a valid link?
I use NoDataInRoaming and I'm feeling good.
It works in different way from MoDaCo. You don't press nothing. The app works automagically.
I've been searching around for abit and couldn't find answers, so please share if you have the answers
1. This feature, does it always update automatically? Or we can set it to do that only on Wifi, not on 3G? If so, How can I configure this?
2. Occasionally, the notification bar show "Market updates available" - is it the same thing? If not, How can I disable market do the upgrade check in background?
gurluver said:
I've been searching around for abit and couldn't find answers, so please share if you have the answers
1. This feature, does it always update automatically? Or we can set it to do that only on Wifi, not on 3G? If so, How can I configure this?
2. Occasionally, the notification bar show "Market updates available" - is it the same thing? If not, How can I disable market do the upgrade check in background?
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1. When you install and application, and then click it again in the market, there will be an option to "Allow automatic updates"... you'll also see this option when Market detects an update is available.
2. Not the same thing... if it was automatically updating in the background, it would disappear from the notification bar... I'm pretty sure if you press Menu->Settings in market, there is an option to check for updates only while on Wifi.
About point 1... don't think I was very clear... I mean if I select the automatic update option, does that mean it will automatically update in background, regardless im on Wifi or 3G? Or it could be configure?
some one have an answer pls?
I would really like the auto update, but i don't have unlimited 3G package here in Vietnam (its really expensive for unlimited)
please someone know the answer pls
gurluver said:
please someone know the answer pls
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Don't worry you can configure that through market application...there is a tick box in every application were you can untick this and then you can update application when you want to
don't let it update automatically, i had it this morning; battery at 80% and noticed that it was downloading at gprs and 3g speeds(I bet it took him a few hours updating)
haven't had anything like that before, just since i'm on a different rom =/
Sadly I don't think you can control updates for the market online when on Wifi. If roaming data is very expensive for you I would suggest disabling it and only enable as and when you require it (hold down the power button and push "Data Network Mode" to activate/deactivate it)
thanks guys!
i have mine set to update automatically, as i have a 6GB data plan
so i'm not worry about the data usage
and it is AWESOME! everytime a new update is available it updates on its own
finally no more clicking update and clicking to confirm
Off topic but how much is data and phone calls in Vietnam? I'm interested in Vinafone
$3 = 300MB/month
call is about $0.05-$0.07/min
-> these are in country rates, not roaming.
Before I used to be able to send mms without a data plan and now I cant. What can I do to fix this? I cant even send it to myself. I dont have a data plan, never really did but was always able to send my mms/pix. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Btw Im running Bionix 1.3.1 if makes any difference (twiz edition)
Do you have packet data turned off? That is what was blocking it for me. Also try to send tje mms with a 3rd party messaging app.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
jamesd86 said:
Do you have packet data turned off? That is what was blocking it for me. Also try to send tje mms with a 3rd party messaging app.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
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No but I was able to figure it out anyways Thanks!!
aamir123 said:
No but I was able to figure it out anyways Thanks!!
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The way forums work is that if you find the solution to your question, you post it in case anyone in the future ever has the same problem/question.
ColorNapkin said:
The way forums work is that if you find the solution to your question, you post it in case anyone in the future ever has the same problem/question.
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sorry Ive been so busy with work I havent been able to update. (I work weekends)
What I did was put in test settings from 2nd post in this thread:
What she says is perfect. And to turn data off while keeping mms on use data toggle widget from market. The mms wont download but you will be notified.
Its not perfect but its great!