No Notifications When Listening to Music? - Nexus One General

I'm on Cyanogen (latest version)... I'm listening to music on the phone and whenever I get a SMS, I don't hear any notifications or any pauses in the music or anything...
Is that normal?

Try posting in the Cyanagon Mod thread. Might get some more responses there

I think this has occasionally happened to me on a stock N1.

Legaleye3000 said:
I'm on Cyanogen (latest version)... I'm listening to music on the phone and whenever I get a SMS, I don't hear any notifications or any pauses in the music or anything...
Is that normal?
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As cymru said wrote earlier this belongs in the ROM thread. I am closing this thread.


How to stop Spotify pausing when receiving a notification?

Hi all,
Anyone happen to know how to stop Spotify from stopping playback for a second when a notification comes in from another app with Android 4.2?
That's a feature but some apps lower the volume for a second then raise it again while others pause.
shotta35 said:
That's a feature but some apps lower the volume for a second then raise it again while others pause.
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So is there no way around it?
daveshorty said:
So is there no way around it?
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Probably an obvious solution, but you can always kill notification sounds and just have it vibrate as an alert. Spotify shouldn't pause.
I have also always been annoyed by this. The apps playing the notification sound are the ones that determine if the music is paused or not right? I know that Chomp SMS has an option to NOT play notifications when playing music. So apps know when music is playing and can avoid the interruption.
I haven't seen other apps with that option, at least not the others I commonly use. So what I do is I have notifications disabled for most of my apps, but I like to know when I get a Gmail message, and Gmail will always pause my music (unless I set the phone to vibrate) which I don't like.
The main problem is when I stream music to my little Belkin audio gateway at home. If I set it on vibrate/silent, I can't hear the phone ring because the ringtone does not play through the A2DP music profile. I don't always have the phone with me because my range is limited (can't wait for a miracast affordable streaming audio solution).
I would love the music volume to be lowered while the notification plays, and then restore volume when it's over. Is there a ROM that does this? I know I used some ROMs on my EVO that did it, but don't know if there's a Nexus 4 ROM that will do the same.
I did set up a task with Automateit to set the phone to vibrate when Spotify is open. I think it will only do that when music is playing and not if the app is running in the background, but when downloading a playlist, it will do the same. Tasker probably has a better trigger so that it does this when music is playing, but I didn't want to pay the $7 for it today.
Shush! is another option if you know how long you will be listening to music, you can tell Shush to turn your ringer back on after an hour, but it's still not perfect.
how come in google music and amazon player it doesn't stop (whatsapp) but in spotify it does?
ajpettit said:
how come in google music and amazon player it doesn't stop (whatsapp) but in spotify it does?
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Just the way the app was developed.
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zephiK said:
Just the way the app was developed.
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which spotify or whatsapp im wondering whos going to get my strongly worded email?
I know on some ROMs, like paranoid, you can revoke specific privileges and permissions for each app. Could we remove Spotify's ability to know the phones notification state?
ajpettit said:
which spotify or whatsapp im wondering whos going to get my strongly worded email?
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Stop Notifications sounds during music playback?????

Any ideas on how to stop notifications abd text message sounds while playing music?
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
Only thing I can think of is turning down the notification volume. When you use the volume keys, push the gear icon and turn down notifications volume.
oscarthegrouch said:
Only thing I can think of is turning down the notification volume. When you use the volume keys, push the gear icon and turn down notifications volume.
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Thought there maybe another way. Thanks
Another annoying issue
Where can I put ringtones and notifications so they are not picked up by my music player? Didn't have this problem until the MF9 update. I dont see a way to delete the folder out of the music player settings.
shaun0207 said:
Where can I put ringtones and notifications so they are not picked up by my music player? Didn't have this problem until the MF9 update. I dont see a way to delete the folder out of the music player settings.
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I would like to know the same thing
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
shaun0207 said:
Where can I put ringtones and notifications so they are not picked up by my music player? Didn't have this problem until the MF9 update. I dont see a way to delete the folder out of the music player settings.
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i keep all my music seperate from my media storage and this is not an issue ( using apollo ) and ive never had this. the stock music player however doesnt care as long as its in a playable format it is going to pick it up. my advice : seperate your music from your ringtones,noticication sounds, and get a music player thats decent. should fix your problem.
xxaddictedxx said:
i keep all my music seperate from my media storage and this is not an issue ( using apollo ) and ive never had this. the stock music player however doesnt care as long as its in a playable format it is going to pick it up. my advice : seperate your music from your ringtones,noticication sounds, and get a music player thats decent. should fix your problem.
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yeah the musics is stored separately from my ringtones and notifications, but maybe I do need a new media player
shaun0207 said:
yeah the musics is stored separately from my ringtones and notifications, but maybe I do need a new media player
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its worth a shot.....worst thing that could happen is it does the same thing and your right back where you started. but in my experience with apollo ive never had this issue.
xxaddictedxx said:
its worth a shot.....worst thing that could happen is it does the same thing and your right back where you started. but in my experience with apollo ive never had this issue.
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I can't remember if it works for music files but, creating a file and naming it ".nomedia" is supposed to stop Android from indexing that folder.
As for no notifications during music playback, just put your phone in airplane mode... Unless you are streaming music then it won't work.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4
I also want to know how to do this. it's very annoying when you listening to music, especially in the car and then a notification comes in and the notification sound take over the music. If only there was a setting or an app for it. Having to remember to turn down notification vol during music playback and then turning back up after you are done playing music can be a hassle.

Odd Bug?

I HATE the way Android handles notifications during music playback, in where it stops the music, plays the alert, resumes music playback.
Most of the time when I listen to music I just put it to vibrate or silent, but I noticed when I put it on vibrate, notification sounds still come through during music! This happened using Spotify and Google Music.
Is this a bug or can I never truly mute notifications during music?
Well I don't have that problem what happens is it fades the music but it doesn't stop playing it...but then again I'm using the stock player so maybe Google music and soptify handles notifications different?
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
The bug is notifications coming through on Silent or Vibrate mode.
Alri sorry didn't read it wright oops haha... But I think that is normal...maybe if someone made a mod or something
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530H ISSUE!!!

Hey there, I've updated to official 5.0.2 lollipop on my device here in Panama (TPA) and I noticed that if I'm listening to music or videos wether through my headphones or speakers, whenever a notification arrives, it interrumps the music audio and it kinda sucks. And when viewing videos, I have to rewatch the part due to notification ringtone overcomes video's audio... Any ideas/help??? :'(
juancapo9999 said:
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What do you mean by screenshot? Screenshot of what exactly?
hectorm24 said:
Hey there, I've updated to official 5.0.2 lollipop on my device here in Panama (TPA) and I noticed that if I'm listening to music or videos wether through my headphones or speakers, whenever a notification arrives, it interrumps the music audio and it kinda sucks. And when viewing videos, I have to rewatch the part due to notification ringtone overcomes video's audio... Any ideas/help??? :'(
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i like to go into the settings for the app and turn off notifications under the uninstall option. wont solve all the problems though. maybe a notification manager app would help.
silentgumm said:
i like to go into the settings for the app and turn off notifications under the uninstall option. wont solve all the problems though. maybe a notification manager app would help.
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I'm having this problem mainly with whatsapp and gmail... I dont think turning whatsapp's notifs off would be a smart move. Any other ideas?
hectorm24 said:
I'm having this problem mainly with whatsapp and gmail... I dont think turning whatsapp's notifs off would be a smart move. Any other ideas?
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i like the new inbox for gmail. theres a lot less notifications. i cant think of a way of keeping whatsapp quiet.
silentgumm said:
i like the new inbox for gmail. theres a lot less notifications. i cant think of a way of keeping whatsapp quiet.
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I'm thinking more of a way to make the music and any notification sound to sound equally, like without the music getting paused for a second. Just the two sounds to play at the same time and hear both the music and the notification sound like in other devices I've had (S3 Neo) but no clues on how to do so.

Sound Stuttering with Incoming Notification

I always get stuttering of my music, podcasts, etc sound with incoming notifications. I expected to find plenty of posts on this but I found none. Am I the only one?
marcmarshall said:
I always get stuttering of my music, podcasts, etc sound with incoming notifications. I expected to find plenty of posts on this but I found none. Am I the only one?
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I get it too so you're not the only one. For me it seems to happen when I'm listening via Bluetooth (e.g. in the car; through earbuds). I've kinda learned to live with it but would be interested in hearing if there is a resolution for it.
SenorValasco said:
I get it too so you're not the only one. For me it seems to happen when I'm listening via Bluetooth (e.g. in the car; through earbuds). I've kinda learned to live with it but would be interested in hearing if there is a resolution for it.
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Do you use viper4android ?
I got the same mainly using Android Auto. I stopped using and now since the update it's gone, and yes I use Viper4Android.
colossus_r said:
Do you use viper4android ?
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I use Poweramp.
Forgot to mention that my 6T is stock; non-rooted.

