Anyone else having an issue when you save a contact, that it doesn't show up in your contacts right away? Mine actually don't show up until I save them in my gmail account from my computer. Is this a setting that I have wrong? Anyone else notice this or have this issue?
You probably have the "my contacts" group turned off.
Where do I check to make site that it is checked correct? I'm looking on my phone and don't see anywhere to make sure that its correct. I also tried logging into my gmail account and I don't see anything there either...thanks for the quick response..
I recently got my HTC HD2 and I tried to add all of my contacts from my old phone and sync them to facebook to get contact photos. While some of the people worked fine and I got the photos and the birthdays, for some I got no information at all.
This is annoying because it is mainly those that I would like to add to my favourites that do not recieve their profile picture or birthday or any information.
I've searched this forum for a similar problem but could only come up with problems with earlier builds. This seems to be a problem for some people running the palm pre as well.
Interestingly if I use the facebook app I also cannot get the profile pictures for these people either.
Is it a privacy settings thing, or am I doing something wrong?
This is the same on my HD2 and my HTC Hero as well.. maybe facebook need to fix something?
Anyone else having this problem?
Yes I had this problem.
Think it is more of a problem with facebook mobile to be honest.
I had this, but then found a solution (for me anyway).
Go into all people then select your contact. Then select Edit Contact. Then press where the profile picture should be. A 'Set Contact Photo' option should pop up. Next to the Facebook profile it should have a downloading icon. Once that was done i selected Facebook Profile and all was working.
Hope this helps
ahh you sniped this comment in just before i posted kanesw
yea that works for me too.
I've tried that, when i click on the download button the option just stays greyed out. (the facebook profile option) I can see it trying to find the data but it doesn't work.
I've the same problem with some contacts, you can link it to the fackbook contact but it just won't download any info about them. Works fine for most facebook contacts.
kanesw said:
I had this, but then found a solution (for me anyway).
Go into all people then select your contact. Then select Edit Contact. Then press where the profile picture should be. A 'Set Contact Photo' option should pop up. Next to the Facebook profile it should have a downloading icon. Once that was done i selected Facebook Profile and all was working.
Hope this helps
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I've tried this but the facebook profile option is greyed out after i click the download button. I can see it trying to get the photo but it doesn't manage it.
You dont have to click the download icon, just leave it for a minute or so and see if it downloads it
I've found the above usually helps and if it doesnt I deleted the contact and remade it and linked it and then it worked.
I've tried everything and I still can't get some of them to work. I also can't get their albums to work or their birthdays, and they don't have a profile picture when using the facebook app either. Must be a problem there somehow.
I've noticed when I go to link a contact to a facebook profile the friend is missing. I have 400+ friends and it only shows me as having 235 friends when it goes to find the contact. I'm not sure if this is something to do with users having privacy settings on facebook and not showing up or what. However I too have several contacts with no link to facebook as they are not listed as facebook contacts thru the HTC facebook link app.
There is a privacy setting in facebook that allows users to stop other apps using their details. I guess its that as i have friends i know are on facebook but dont show up.
Definitely a privacy setting in some cases. I have a couple of friends whose profile pictures never show and I know from talking to them that they're all using the 'don't use my picture in external applications' option.
that sucks man, i have the same problem here. I guess the only way is to convince them to turn that privacy setting off, i absolutely LOVE the fact that our HD2 can grab the info from their facebook pages, it looks so cool
Settings > Privacy Settings > Applications > Settings...
They need to tick Profile picture there and tick anything else you want access to via the HD2.
Also is there any way to actually save the contact pics into outlook. It seems that the pics only stays on he phone and the outlook is not updated after syncing.
Yes, if you use the facebook pictures application in spb mobile shell instead of sense, then the facebook picture is saved to outlook as well! Dont know why this does not work in sense, it definately should!!
in HTC Albums I can only see a facebook album from one of my friends which works really good, but that's the only one.. also the intergated updates/events don't seem to work.. thumbnails and birthdays work fine..
I can't even see my own pictures.. while I'm almost sure I've tried every facebook privacy/sharing and aplication setting I could find..
any tips are much appriciated..
yet they cannot be found. I only see my Google contacts listed
Trust me, I don't want them there. I wanna start over, copy to the sim, import to the phone, (I did some clean up of the contacts0
But the app contacts 2 sim says there are 300 phone contacs, besides
the speed dial feature works and the individual ringtone feature works, both of which need contacts to be on the phone
So, they MUST be somewhere. Can someone tell me where they may be
I'd be most grateful
Did you try going to Display Options at the Contact screen and playing around with the options there? Like, turn off Google contacts and leave the others on and see what happens.
Thanks Inat.
I have opened them all up
Google Contacts
I am gonna believe maybe they are NOT There
Take off the Buddy speed dial Widget
Make all group ringtones I have set up to default
I took off the SIM card app, took it off, then will reinstall it again. Copy to Sim (good free app)
Anyone who has more ideas and can keep helping is most appreciated
is that app pretty good for that
Lastly, I heard from a guy at Nexus support, he mostly tries to find free apps for everything. YOu should never pay because 99% of the time there will be some for free. Do you agree. I am not saying he is against donations, for those who count on those, but I think he is clearly against clicking BUY for the first app he sees
go to main settings > accounts and sync > tap on your gmail account > uncheck sync contacts
Hello, trying to help a friend who purchased an unlocked Vibrant, but is using his At&t sim card in the phone. He also believes the phone may be rooted.
Here is the problem, we double checked everything. Google syncs is turned on, all settings are correct. Auto sync of contacts is check marked. Yet, the phone will NOT sync his contacts from google into his vibrant. We also tried adding a new contact in the phone, and saving it to google contacts, which techinically should also now show the contact in the phone also, and it wont show up in the phone, but it does show up when you logg into google on the computer.
Anyone know whats going on? Thank you.
I would try a factory reset, if that doesn't work contact samsung for a warranty exchange. I can't think of anything else to try.
As far as I can tell, this is a real problem.
I posted this in the T-Mobile forum some time ago without resolution.
For whatever reason, contacts in the internal memory or on the sim card, don't sync up to google. Contacts will sync down to the phone. As far as I can tell, there are three kinds of contacts: sim, phone, and google. None of these can mix or cross lines in anyway.
Its f'ed up, but you could take your sim card into the store, use another type of phone to sync from sim to google and then all your contacts would be there. Once they are there you are fine and should then save all contacts to google.
I am not sure why this issue hasn't gotten a lot of attention. Perhaps it is just on a view phones or just on a few networks. Not sure.
Sorry, just re-read your message.
Are you sure your display options are selected correctly? You have the option to show only show contacts with phone numbers, to show any or all of the three types.
That might be your problem. I have never had an issue with contacts in the cloud showing on my phone. Its really the other way around for me.
jonjacobmoon said:
Sorry, just re-read your message.
Are you sure your display options are selected correctly? You have the option to show only show contacts with phone numbers, to show any or all of the three types.
That might be your problem. I have never had an issue with contacts in the cloud showing on my phone. Its really the other way around for me.
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yes, when you go to google contacts through your computer and enter a new contact with a number, it should sync with the phone, but it doesn't
what could be wrong?
also how could he check to see if the phone is rooted or not?
^ download terminal emulator from the market and when you open it simply key "su" (no quotation marks). If you are rooted it will return a "#"... this is the absolute easiest method to determine if the phone is rooted.
Go to contacts and display options... uncheck everything but google and show ALL contacts (the check box above this), not just those with phone numbers.
Can he send an email from gmail and it show up pretty quickly on your gmail account? Has he actually logged into his google account on the phone?
Go to contacts and hit menu.
Hit "Display Options"
Make sure that "only contacts with phones" is not selected (just in case)
Also, make sure that "Google" is selected.
If it still doesn't show, go to the home screen, settings, and accounts and sync. Select your google account. When was the last time the contacts synced? If not recently, then select sync now and see if the number shows.
Hope that helps.
thank you, I will have him try this tonight when I chat with him
s15274n said:
^ download terminal emulator from the market and when you open it simply key "su" (no quotation marks). If you are rooted it will return a "#"... this is the absolute easiest method to determine if the phone is rooted.
Go to contacts and display options... uncheck everything but google and show ALL contacts (the check box above this), not just those with phone numbers.
Can he send an email from gmail and it show up pretty quickly on your gmail account? Has he actually logged into his google account on the phone?
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THANK YOU...thank YOU...THANK you.... it worked!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm having a really bizarre problem with my G2. I can enter and save a new contact in my phone, however, when I try to look for that contact to call/text they do not appear in the list of contacts. It's almost as if I never entered the info at all except if the contact calls/texts me their name will appear then.
Has anyone experienced this same problem and if so how did you correct it? I'll mention I did port all my numbers over to this phone in the T-Mobile store using the hardware device for data transfer (and it seems not all of them made it over).
I had that same issue on my G1. If I added them from the phone - it wouldn't show in my text drop down. They all seem to work now that I switched. Go to Gmail and play with the groups that the contacts are in - see if that helps. Maybe you need to have your phone display all the groups instead of a select few.
I had this problem too. Go into Contacts>Menu>Display Options>Your Google Account and make sure the system group "My Contacts" is checked.
Futant said:
I had this problem too. Go into Contacts>Menu>Display Options>Your Google Account and make sure the system group "My Contacts" is checked.
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I looked and "My Contacts" is selected as well as "Imported Contacts" was already selected. Hmm...well I checked all the other boxes in my Google Account and it has seemed to correct the problem.
I'm having a rather annoying issue with my Gmail account. It's my main account that the phone is setup on.
Sometimes I get emails as they come in, but most of the time, I have to open the app and refresh it to get any new messages. I've tried to redo all the sync settings but nothing seems to have worked.
Any ideas?
droidx2.3.3 said:
I'm having a rather annoying issue with my Gmail account. It's my main account that the phone is setup on.
Sometimes I get emails as they come in, but most of the time, I have to open the app and refresh it to get any new messages. I've tried to redo all the sync settings but nothing seems to have worked.
Any ideas?
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Have you tried going under the phone settings, then under accounts, and making sure that your android sync settings are enabled for all of the options Google gives that you want to sync, instead of just under the Gmail settings? You could maybe even try removing your entire Google account from that same accounts area in the phone settings and then just set it up all over again. That way you are doing your sync settings just like you were setting it up on your phone for the first time. Don't know if any info I give will be of any help or not, but thought it might be worth a try!! Hope you get it all figured out!!
It's one of the many broken things in the latest update from Verizon. Really wish I blocked all updates after the very first 5.1.1 update!!